Ktp on the development of speech. Speech and its importance in life

ChapterI. Oral connected speech

Topic 1. Sequential retelling of texts based on questions. Compilation of proposals (full answers to questions.

Topic 2 Consistent retelling of texts with a pronounced causal relationship based on subject pictures and questions.

Topic 3. Consistent retelling of texts from the first (third) person according to graphic (sign) schemes.

Topic 4. Retelling of descriptive texts based on pictures, questions, graphic diagrams.

Topic 5. Consistent retelling of descriptive-narrative texts using reference subject pictures, plot pictures. Drawing up a plan of retelling.

Topic 6. Consistent retelling based on a series of pictures and a sequence of actions using a series of plot pictures, key action words.

Topic 7. Selective retelling. Drawing up a plan of retelling.

Topic 8. Brief summary. Drawing up a plan of retelling.

Topic 9. Creative retelling according to the indicated beginning of the story.

Topic 10. Creative retelling according to the designated end of the story. Making a story plan.

Topic 11. Creative retelling according to the designated middle of the story. Making a story plan.

Topic 12. Oral essay. Compilation of independent coherent statements, narrative stories based on the demonstrated actions and pictures.

Topic 13. Oral essay. Writing a story with questions.

Topic 14. Oral essay. Write a story with questions and pictures.

Topic 15. Oral essay. Compose a story based on words and pictures.

Topic 16. Oral essay. Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures using plan questions.

Topic 17. Oral essay. Drawing up a comparative story of a descriptive nature on the proposed subjects (pictures) using graphic (symbolic) schemes, questions.

Topic 18. Oral essay "Autumn and Spring". Drawing up a comparative story of a descriptive nature using graphic (sign) schemes.

Topic 19. Oral essay. Drawing up a story based on a plot picture using key words.

Topic 20. Oral essay. Drawing up a story based on the materials of current observations with elements of description, using plan questions, key words.

ChapterII. Vocabulary

Topic 1. Definition of the lexical meaning of words. Topic 2 Definition and interpretation of the lexical meaning -: the meaning of the word used in the context.

Topic 3. single and multiple words.

Topic 4. Recognition of a word by interpreting its lexical meaning. Crossword work.

Topic 5. Homonyms.

Topic 6. Etymology of words. Work with the etymological dictionary.

Topic 7. Antonyms. Selection of antonyms for the word.

Topic 8. Finding antonyms in the text.

Topic 9. Synonyms. Selection of synonyms for the word.

Topic 10. Finding synonyms in the text. Justification for choosing a synonym in the text.

Topic 11. The use of synonyms in speech to overcome the unjustified repetition of words.

Topic 12. Direct and figurative meaning of the word.

Topic 13. Figurative words and expressions. Puzzles.

Topic 14. Phraseologisms. Phraseological turns. Winged words and expressions.

Topic 15. Proverbs and sayings.

ChapterIII. Sentence

Topic 1. Differentiation of the concepts "word", "phrase", "sentence". Suggestion signs.

Topics 2-3. Semantic and intonational completeness of narrative, exclamatory, interrogative, motivating sentences.

Topic 4. Compose sentences from words given in the correct grammatical form.

Topic 5. Making sentences from the words given in the initial form. Grammar of sentences.

Topic 6. Compilation of sentences - complete answers to questions on the text.

Topic 7. Compilation of sentences - - short answers to questions on the text.

Topic 8. Making sentences based on the picture using key words. Grammar of sentences.

Topic 9. Drawing up sentences on the picture using key words, schemes. Grammar of sentences.

Topic 10. Making sentences from words. Combining them into a coherent text.

Topic 11. Dividing a continuous text into sentences. Marking the boundaries of sentences in writing.

Topic 12. Development of perception and understanding of complex syntactic constructions. Analytical-syntactic exercises with compound sentences.

Topic 13. Development of perception and understanding of complex syntactic constructions. Analytical-syntactic exercises with complex sentences.

Topic 14. Working with deformed sentences. Grammar construction of sentences with missing words.

Topic 15. Working with deformed sentences. Editing, grammatical design of sentences with repeated words.

Topic 16. Working with deformed sentences. Editing, grammatical design of sentences with broken word order.

Topic 17. Drawing up 4-5 proposals on the materials of observations on this topic. Grammar of sentences. Editing, analysis of compiled texts.

ChapterIV. Text

Topic 1. Isolation of signs of connected text. Theme of the text.

Topic 2 Text. The main idea of ​​the text.

Topic 3. Text. Base words.

Topic 4. Restoring deformed text from a series of pictures.

Topic 5. Compilation of text from individual sentences. Definition of the topic, the main idea of ​​the text.

Topic 6. Drafting a text on these issues. Grammar arrangement. Analysis of compiled texts.

Topics 7-8. Text type. Narrative text. Characteristic features of the text-narrative. Scheme for constructing a narrative text.

Topics 9-10. Description text. Characteristic features of the text-description. Scheme for constructing a description.

Topics 11-12. Text-reasoning. Characteristic features of the text-reasoning. Scheme for constructing a reasoning text.

Topic 13. Drawing up a plan of text with marked parts.

Topic 14. Dividing the text into parts. Working on a plan.

Topics 15-16. Text editing.

Section U. Written Connected Speech


Topic 1. Presentation-narration based on the visual perception of the text on questions for each sentence.

Topic 2 Presentation-narration based on the visual perception of the text according to a ready-made plan, key words.

Topic 3. Editing the text of the presentation.

Topic 4. Narration from memory. Free dictation.

Topic 5. Presentation-narration based on the auditory perception of the text on generalized issues, key words.

Topic 6. Presentation-description based on the visual perception of the text according to a collectively drawn up plan, key words.

Topic 7. Presentation-description from memory.

Topic 8. Presentation-description based on the auditory perception of the text according to a collectively drawn up plan, key words.

Topic 9. Presentation-narration with elements of description based on the visual perception of the text according to the plan, key words.

Topic 10. Presentation-narrative with elements of description from memory. Free dictation.

Topic 11. Presentation-narration with elements of description based on the auditory perception of the text according to a short plan, key words.

Topic 12. Presentation-reasoning based on the auditory perception of the text according to the plan, key words.

Topic 13. Presentation-reasoning from memory. Free dictation.

Topic 14. Presentation with elements of description and reasoning based on visual perception of the text according to the plan, key words.

Topic 15. A summary based on the visual perception of the text according to the plan, key words.

Topic 16. Presentation with a creative task based on the auditory perception of the text according to the plan, key words.

The writing

Topic 1. Essay-narration based on a series of pictures and questions.

Topic 2 Collective essay-narration based on a series of pictures, key words.

Topic 3. Collective essay on the plot picture, plan, key words.

Topic 4. Analysis and editing of compositions.

Topics 5-6. Composition-description of the subject "My favorite toy."

Topic 7. An essay-description based on personal experience and observations “Our dog (cat)”.

Topics 8-9. Composition on the observations "Early Spring". Topic 10. Composition based on the picture I, I. Levitan "Spring. Big water.

Topics 11-12. Composition-reasoning "My favorite pastime."

Topic 13. Letters.

Corrective work for reading disorders

Reading is one of the main and important activities of every student.

Analyzing the reading technique of primary school students, some teachers most often pay attention to the number of words read in 1 minute and reading comprehension during retelling. At the same time, they rarely register the mistakes made, the way they read. This leads to the fact that incorrect reading is automated in children. The mistakes that children make gradually become persistent, and students can no longer cope with this problem on their own. Such children are quickly written down in the category of underachievers. This has a negative impact on the emotional state of students. Gradually, they develop a negative attitude not only to reading, but also to learning in general.

A.N. Kornev, speaking of dyslexia, singled out conditions, the main manifestation of which is a persistent selective inability to master the skill of reading, despite a sufficient level of intellectual and speech development for this. The axial violation in this case is the inability to master the syllable and automated reading of whole words, which is often accompanied by insufficient reading comprehension.

Reading is a complex psychophysiological process. Visual, speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers take part in his act. As a complex activity, reading consists of a number of operations:

1) recognition of a letter in its connection with a phoneme;

2) the merging of two letters into a syllable;

3) merging several syllables into a word;

4) integration of several read words into a complete phrase or statement.

According to the theory of N.A. Bertshtein (1947) about the level principle of skills formation, any skill and operations of which it consists, at the initial stage of its formation, are carried out under the control of consciousness. As the skill improves, individual operations are automated and their regulation is carried out in a more reduced form, beyond the control of consciousness. At the end of this process, only the final result remains under the control of consciousness.

Reading is characterized by a combination of the following parameters:

way(letter-by-letter, syllable-by-syllable, mixed -syllable + word or word + syllable, whole words, groups of words);




reading comprehension.

At the beginning of learning to read, the child learns to combine letters into syllables and words, and this process is a complex mental labor (Table 9). At this stage, the student spends a lot of time and effort on the awareness of the actions performed by him, and gradually the skill is automated.

Thus, the process of automating the correct reading skill proceeds differently, depending on the level of speech and intellectual development of the child.

Mastering the technical side of reading, the student consistently moves from one stage to another: from reading elementary units (letters, syllables) to more complex ones (words, phrases).

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"School of Speech Development"

1-4 grade


Teacher: Pashkova Anastasia Stepanovna

2017-2018 academic year


The work program of the optional course "School of Speech Development" for students in grades 1-4 of a general education institution was developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the BEP of the LEO, taking into account the programs included in the BEP and the approximate program of the course "Speech", compiled by teachers of the Penza State University. V.G. Belinsky L.D. Mali, O.S. Aryamova, S.A. Klimova, N.S. Peskova, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Federal State Standards.

    Planned results of mastering the training course

1 class


Sustainable educational and cognitive motivation for learning, interest in studying the course of speech development;

Interest in learning the language.

Regulatory UUD:

Students will learn:

- to determine and form the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

- pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

- learn to express your assumption (version) on the basis of working with a textbook illustration;

- learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher

Cognitive UUD:

Students will learn:

- navigate in the textbook (on the spread, in the table of contents, in the legend);

- find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;

- draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher;

- convert information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail.

Communicative UUD:

Students will learn:

- to formulate your thoughts in oral and written form (at the level of a sentence or a short text);

- listen and understand the speech of others;

- agree with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them;

- learn to work in pairs, in a group; perform various roles (leader performer).

Subject Results:

The ability to determine the lexical meaning of a word;

Ability to identify synonyms, antonyms, homonyms;

The ability to determine the lexical meaning of a polysemantic word;

The ability to understand, comprehend the topic, subordinate to the topic and the intention of its disclosure the collection of material, its selection and arrangement, language means;

Grade 2


Students will have:

Orientation in the moral content and meaning of the actions of both one's own and those around them (at a level corresponding to age);

Awareness of the role of speech in human communication;

Understanding the richness and diversity of language means for expressing thoughts and feelings; attention to the melody of folk sounding speech;

A sense of beauty - to be able to feel the beauty and expressiveness of speech, strive to improve speech;

Interest in learning the language.



Students will learn:

Proofread all types of textual information: factual, subtextual, conceptual;

Build reasoning.


Students will learn:

Build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults;

Own monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Subject Results

is the formation of the following skills:

- listen to a literary text (story, poem)

performed by the teacher, students;

- answer the teacher's questions on the content of the reading;

- retell the text in detail;

- compose an oral story from a picture;

- memorize short poems.

3rd grade

Personal Outcomes:

a) the formation of value orientations in the field of linguistics in the child;

b) fostering a respectful attitude to creativity, both one's own and other people's;

c) development of independence in the search for solutions to various speech problems;

d) the formation of spiritual and aesthetic needs; e) fostering readiness to defend one's opinion; g) development of skills of independent and group work.

Regulatory UUD

Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson.

Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Learn to distinguish the right task from the wrong one.

To learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the activities of the class in the lesson. The basis for the formation of these actions is the observance of the technology for evaluating educational achievements.

Cognitive UUD

Navigate in your system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.

Make a preliminary selection of sources of information: navigate in the textbook (on the spread, in the table of contents, in the dictionary).

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in the lessons.

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class.

Communicative UUD

Be able to convey your position to the interlocutor;

Be able to formulate your thoughts orally and in writing (at the level of one sentence or a short text).

Be able to listen and understand the statements of interlocutors.

Learn to work in a coordinated way in a group: a) learn to plan work in a group; b) learn how to distribute work between project participants; c) understand the overall objective of the project and accurately perform their part of the work; d) be able to perform various roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject Results:

the formation of initial ideas about the role of the Russian language in the life and spiritual and moral development of a person;

4th grade


Students will have:

Orientation in the moral content and meaning of the actions of both one's own and those around them (at a level corresponding to age);

Awareness of the role of speech in human communication;

Understanding the richness and diversity of language means for expressing thoughts and feelings; attention to the melody of folk sounding speech;

Sustainable educational and cognitive motivation for learning, interest in studying the course of speech development.

A sense of beauty - to be able to feel the beauty and expressiveness of speech, strive to improve speech;

Interest in learning the language.


Students will learn at an accessible level:

Adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher;

Make the necessary additions, corrections to your work;

In cooperation with the teacher, set a specific learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown.

Make a plan for solving a learning problem together with the teacher;

In dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria and determine the degree of success of one's own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria.

intellectual development of younger schoolchildren.


Students will learn:

Search for the necessary information to complete training tasks using reference materials;

Model various language units (word, sentence);

Use logical methods of thinking at an accessible level (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization)

Extract essential information from small readable texts.

Proofread all types of textual information: factual, subtextual, conceptual;

Use dictionaries, reference books;

Build reasoning.


Students will learn:

Enter into a dialogue (answer questions, ask questions, clarify incomprehensible);

Negotiate and come to a common decision, working in pairs;

Participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem;

Build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults;

Express your thoughts with age-appropriate completeness and accuracy;

Be tolerant of other opinions, take them into account in joint work.

To formulate their thoughts in oral and written form, taking into account speech situations;

Adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks;

Own monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Subject Results

Have initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national identity;

Pronounce speech sounds in accordance with the norms of the language;

Use explanatory dictionary; practically distinguish between polysemantic words, see synonyms and antonyms in the text, select synonyms and antonyms for these words;

Write a detailed presentation of a narrative text (90-100 words) according to the plan, an essay on the proposed topic with a language task after appropriate preparation;

Read the texts of the textbook, artistic and educational and scientific, master the correct type of reading activity: independently comprehend the text before reading, during reading and after reading. Divide the text into parts, draw up a plan, retell the text according to the plan;

Listen to statements, highlight the topic of the text, key words;

Create coherent oral statements on a grammatical and other topic.

Understand that the language is a phenomenon of national culture and the main means of human communication, awareness of the importance of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the language of interethnic communication;

To form a positive attitude towards the correct oral and written speech as indicators of the general culture and civic position of a person

To master ideas about the norms of the Russian and native literary language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical) and the rules of speech etiquette;

Be able to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication, choose adequate language tools for the successful solution of communication problems;

Master learning activities with language units and be able to use knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems.

1 class

Speech and its importance in life. Speech technique.

Speech. Oral and written speech. Features of oral speech: voice coloring, loudness, tempo.

The ability to regulate the volume of speech, the pace of speech, use breathing in the process of speech. The ability to expressively read a short text according to the model given by the teacher. Knowledge of several tongue twisters.


Word. The lexical meaning of the word. Dictionary. single and multiple words. The words are "relatives". The words "relatives" and the words "friends" (synonyms). Words-"relatives" and words that are outwardly similar, but different in meaning (homonyms). Words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms).

The ability to single out the words “relatives” among other words, to select the words “relatives” for a given word, to establish the commonality of their meaning on the basis of elementary word-formation analysis. Establish the common spelling of the words "relatives".

The ability to determine the lexical meaning of a word (including on the basis of word-formation analysis). The ability to determine the lexical meaning of a polysemantic word by subject pictures, context.

The ability to highlight synonyms, antonyms in the text, pick up synonyms, antonyms for a given word.

The ability to distinguish “relatives” words from synonyms, homonyms and words with partial graphic or sound similarity.

Sentence. A simple sentence with a dot, question mark and exclamation mark.

The ability to divide a small text into sentences, to establish connections between words in a phrase and sentence. The ability to edit a simple sentence: correct the word order in a sentence, replace poorly chosen words in it, spread the sentence. The ability to compose a simple, common sentence on a teacher’s question, on a topic, according to a picture, according to a diagram, by analogy with data. The ability to read intonation correctly (pronounce a sentence with a period, question marks, exclamation marks).


The concept of the text. Theme of the text.

The ability to distinguish text from individual sentences that are not united by a common theme. Isolation of key words in the text. Heading. Main idea in the text. Highlighting parts of the text, drawing up a plan. Text types. Collective compilation of texts on a given topic, plot pictures, according to a plan, according to key words. Creative addition to the finished text. Restoration of the deformed text.

Culture of communication.

Magic words. Words - expressions of request, gratitude, apology. Words are expressions of greeting, farewell.

The ability to use words - expressions of greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude in one's own speech practice, taking into account the specific situation of communication.

Grade 2

Technique and expressiveness of speech

Oral and written speech. Expressiveness of speech. The ability to adjust the volume and pitch of the voice. Knowledge of phrases.

The ability to collectively mark up text for expressive reading; discuss the timbre, pace of reading, pause, highlight logically stressed words and combinations of words, think over the melody of reading.


Repetition of what was learned in 1st grade. Word. The word matters. Synonyms. Homonyms. Multiple words. Figurative means of language: comparison, personification. Polite words. Acquaintance with dictionaries: explanatory, spelling.

The ability to determine the lexical meaning of a word in a dictionary, context, based on word-formation analysis.

The ability to highlight words in a figurative meaning in the text, compare direct and figurative meanings, determine the basis for the transfer of meaning. The ability to construct a figurative expression (comparison, personification) according to the model, from the words given by the teacher, the ability to use words with a figurative meaning when compiling sentences, texts of a descriptive and narrative nature.

Improving the skills defined by the 1st grade program.

Sentence and phrase.

Sentence. Types of sentences according to the purpose of utterance and intonation.

The ability to establish relationships between words in a phrase and sentence. The ability to edit a simple and complex sentence: correct the order of words or the order of parts, spread parts of a sentence, replace unsuccessfully used words. Ability to intonation correctly read (pronounce) sentences of different types.


Text. Types of texts: reasoning, comparative description, narration.

Ability to edit text in terms of vocabulary and grammar. Repair deformed text.

Theme and main idea of ​​the text. The ability to determine the main idea of ​​the text.

Text plan. Types of plans. Ability to make plans of various types.

Relationship between sentences in the text. The ability to establish the type of connection between sentences in the text, to make chains of links from key words.

The ability to write a creative presentation with language analysis, an essay based on a given beginning and key words, according to observations.

Riddles writing.

Culture of communication.

Magic words: words of greeting, goodbye, apology and so on.

The ability to use polite words, taking into account the speech situation with the necessary intonation, facial expressions.


Polysemantic words, antonyms, synonyms, proverbs, riddles, phraseological units;

be able to:

Recognize types of texts;

Recognize speech styles

Highlight polysemantic words, phraseological units in the text.

Repair deformed text

Make connections between words in phrases and sentences.

Make plans of various kinds.

3rd grade

The general concept of the culture of speech. The main qualities of speech: correctness, accuracy, richness. Expressiveness of speech. Intonation: strength, tempo, timbre, melody of speech. Monologue and dialogue. The ability to independently prepare for expressive reading of the work. Ability to expressively read the text after self-preparation.


The word, its meaning. The words are neutral and emotional and emotionally colored. Acquaintance with the dictionary of synonyms. Figurative and expressive means of language: metaphor, epithet, comparison, personification. The ability to highlight them in the text, determine the meaning and purpose, use when creating text in an artistic style.

Winged words.

The ability to determine the meaning of a stable expression, to use it in a given speech situation.

Scientific words.

The ability to highlight them in the text, explain the meaning with the help of an explanatory dictionary, use scientific style in the text.

Word life. Where do words come from? How do words live? The main sources of replenishment of the dictionary. Familiarization with the elements of word formation. Acquaintance with the origin of some anthroponyms and toponyms.

Outdated words.

The ability to highlight them in the text, determine the meaning, stylistic affiliation.

Sentence and phrase


Ability to edit a simple sentence: correct the order of words and the order of parts, replace unsuccessfully used words, eliminate unnecessary and restore missing words, distribute sentences.


Theme, micro-theme, the main idea of ​​the text. Base words. The structure of the text. Plan, types of plan. Speech styles: colloquial and bookish (artistic and scientific).

Text types. Narration, description, reasoning.

The ability to make a description of objects and phenomena, reasoning in artistic and scientific styles. Ability to compose a narrative with elements of description.

Relationship between sentences in the text. Chain and parallel connections. Means of communication in the chain construction of the text. Means of communication in the text with parallel construction. Species-temporal correlation of verbs, uniformity of syntactic constructions.

Communication culture

Magic words: words of greeting, farewell, requests, thanks, apology.

The ability to discuss, use polite words in a dialogue, taking into account the speech situation.


Polysemantic words, homonyms, homoforms, homophones, phraseological units;

Figurative and expressive means of language: metaphors, comparisons, personification, epithets;

Speech styles: colloquial and bookish;

be able to:

Recognize types of texts;

Establish the connection of sentences in the text;

Recognize speech styles

Highlight polysemantic words, homonyms, homoforms, homophones, phraseological units in the text.

4th grade

A culture of speech.

The main qualities of speech: correctness, accuracy, richness, expressiveness. The ability to improve (correct, edit) your speech, work on the most common grammatical and speech errors.

Monologue and dialogue as a kind of speech. The ability to compose a text - a monologue and a text - a dialogue, correctly format them in writing. Dramatic improvisations.

Expressive reading, intonation. The ability to independently prepare for expressive reading of the work. The ability to improvise. Ability to stage dialogue.


Repetition of what has been learned in grades 1-3. The lexical meaning of the word. Polysemantic words and homonyms. Puns.

The ability to determine the meaning of a polysemantic word and homonyms using an explanatory dictionary; distinguish polysemous words from homonyms.

Direct and figurative meaning of the word. Trails. Comparison, metaphor, personification, epithet - a comparative characteristic. Winged words and expressions. Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.

foreign loans. New words. Stationery.

The ability to highlight stylistically colored words in the text; determine the styles of speech, taking into account the lexical features of the text.

Linguistic dictionaries. Ability to use an explanatory dictionary.

Speech etiquette: forms of address.

sentence and phrase.

Sentence. Simple and complex sentence. Comparative offer.

The ability to edit a simple and complex sentence: correct the order of words and the order of parts, replace unsuccessfully used words, extend the sentence ...

The ability to compose a simple compound and complex sentence with a definitive, explanatory, causal, comparative relationship. Ability to read intonation correctly sentences of different types.


Text. Theme, micro-theme, the main idea of ​​the text. Key words and key sentences. Plan. Types of plan (question, quotation, picture, mimic). Speech styles: colloquial, bookish (scientific, journalistic, business), artistic.

The ability to determine the stylistic affiliation of texts, compose a text in a given style.

Types of text: narration, description, reasoning, assessment of reality. Correlation between text type and speech style.

The ability to compose an artistic description of nature with elements of reality assessment, a description of an animal in a scientific and journalistic style, an artistic narrative with elements of description.

Relationship between sentences in the text. Chain and parallel connections. Lexical, thematic, grammatical and intonation means of communication. The ability to determine the means of communication of sentences in the text. Temporal correlation of verbs. Use of the verb tense in a figurative sense. The ability to construct a text according to a given time scheme, to carry out lexical and grammatical editing. The ability to convert a text with parallel construction into a sentence with homogeneous members and vice versa.

Text composition. plot, development of action, climax, denouement.

The ability to determine the elements of composition in a given text, to compose a text of a given compositional structure. The ability to restore a deformed text based on knowledge of composition and means of interphrase communication.


Polysemantic words, homonyms, homoforms, puns;

Figurative and expressive means of language: tropes, metaphors, comparisons, personification, epithets; winged words and expressions;

foreign loans. New words. Stationery.

be able to:

Recognize types of texts;

Establish the connection of sentences in the text;

Recognize an offer with a comparative turnover; make simple, complex and complex sentences.

Determine the stylistic affiliation of texts; determine the means of communication of sentences in the text; convert text with parallel construction into a sentence with homogeneous members and vice versa.

Restore deformed text based on knowledge of composition and means of interphrase communication.

III. Thematic planning

1 class


Topic (subtopic)

Number of hours

Communication culture

Verification work

Grade 2


Topic (subtopic)

Number of hours


Sentence and phrase


Communication culture

3rd grade


Topic (subtopic)

Number of hours

Speech styles

4th grade


Topic (subtopic)

Number of hours

Speech. Technique and expressiveness of speech

1 class


Lesson topic

Hush, louder.

Words words words.

Naughty letters.

Words play hide and seek.

The word and its meaning.

Direct and figurative meaning of the word.

Multiple words.



Thematic groups of words.

Our colored world.

What does it look like

Verification work.

A culture of speech.

Polite words.


We learn to reason.

We argue.

Text types.

Title of the text.

Theme of the text.

Dictionary words.

Base words.

We are building text.

Work with text.

Text plan.

Verification work.

Work on mistakes.

Calendar - thematic planning

Grade 2


Lesson topic

Word - 13 hours.

Word. Meaning of the word.

Multiple words.

Homophones, homoforms




Phraseological units (generalization)

Phraseological units (reinforcement)


Figurative means of language. Comparison.

Figurative means of language.


Sentence and phrase - 3 hours.

Relationship between sentences in the text

Communication between parts of the text

Working with Warped Text

Text - 15 hours

Text. Theme of the text. Title.

Text. Base words.

Text. Base words.

Verification work

Plan. Planning.

Plan types

We plan the text.

Text editing

Text types.


Text - comparative description

Text types. Narration

Text types.


Culture of communication - 3 hours

Composition on the topic "My day off"

Repetition of the past

Material for KVN, quizzes, competitions.

Calendar - thematic planning

3rd grade


Lesson topic

Word - 16 hours.

Multiple words.

Homonyms, homoforms, homophones.




Figurative and expressive means of language. Epithets.

The words are neutral and emotionally colored.

Where do words come from.


What is your name?

Our surnames.


Outdated words.

Composition based on the painting by V.M. Vasnitsov "Bogatyrs".

Verification work.

Text - 10 hours.

Text types.

Themes of texts. Base words.

Connection of sentences in the text.

Chain connection of sentences in the text.

Parallel connection of sentences in the text.

Composition based on the painting by V.E. Makovsky "Date".

Unified time plan of the text.

A single time plan of the text (generalization)

Single time plan of the text (reinforcement)

Speech styles - 8 hours.

Speech styles.

Speech styles (reinforcement)

Culture of communication.

Culture of communication (reinforcement)

Scientific style.

Scientific style (reinforcement)

Check yourself.

Calendar - thematic planning

4th grade


Lesson topic

Word - 9 o'clock

Homonyms, homophones, homoforms, puns.




Comparison, epithets, personification.


Proverbs and sayings. Aphorisms.

Proverb essay.

Analysis of essays by proverbs.

Speech. Technique and expressiveness of speech - 6 hours.

Art style. General concept.

The composition is a landscape sketch.

Dialogue and monologue.

Dramatic improvisations.

Dramatic improvisations.

Text - 7 p.m.

Text composition. The main elements of the composition.

Composition. Working with deformed text.

Creative work.

The essay is a miniature in an artistic style.

Creative work.

Creative work.

Journalistic style.

Newspaper-journalistic style.

Business game "Newspaper layout".

Formal business style.

Abstracts. Abstract.


I'm writing a letter.

Personal diary.

Composition "My favorite poems."

Write a script for a cartoon.

Competition for the best candy name.

Generalization. Verification work.

Monitoring and evaluation of planned results

    Predictive - playing all the operations of the educational action before the start of its actual execution

    Operational - control over the correctness, completeness and sequence of operations that are part of the action;

    Reflexive, control turned to an indicative basis, a plan of action based on an understanding of the principles of its construction;

    Control by result, which is carried out after the implementation of the educational action by comparing the actual results or operations performed with the sample

Final control in the form:


    practical work

    Creative works of students

ICT support for the course.

A short description of the course informatization idea:

Search for information,

Computer collection and analysis of information,

Creating and conducting multimedia presentations,

computer testing,

Design and construction,

Immersion in the language environment,

Development of technical skills,

Creation of information objects as illustrations for read literary texts (drawings, audio and video fragments),

Creation of a text plan with the addition of graphic objects.

Galina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
Calendar-thematic planning for speech development in the senior group

Calendar-thematic planning for speech development

Knowledge Day (1st week of September)


1 week - Knowledge Day

1 We are pupils senior group. To give children the opportunity to experience pride in what they now older preschoolers Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 34

2 Reading an English fairy tale "Three pigs" in the processing of S. Mikhalkov. Analysis of phraseological units, proverbs. To teach to understand the emotionally-figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 105

Autumn (2nd -4th week of September)

2 week - Autumn in the garden and vegetable garden

1 Sound culture speeches: differentiation of sounds z - s.

Exercise children in a clear pronunciation of sounds z - s and their differentiation; introduce the shorthand. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 37

2 Memorizing a poem by I. Belousov "Autumn"

3 week - Seasonal changes in nature

1 Teaching storytelling: compiling stories on the topic "Autumn has come". Reading poems about early autumn. Teaching children to tell

(personal experience based on plan. To attach to the perception of poetic works about nature. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 39

2 Reading the story of V. Bianchi "September" Learn to listen carefully to the story. To form the ability to analyze the signs of autumn, to cultivate love for the native nature N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons" With. 56

4 week - Living and inanimate nature

1 Telling about the picture. Writing a descriptive story based on a painting "Hedgehogs" To teach children to compose a story based on a picture, to include in the story a description of the appearance of characters, behavior, feelings; consolidate the formation of nouns with suffixes –onok-, -enok-. V. N. Volchkova, N. E. Stepanova "Summaries of classes in Art. kindergarten group» , With. fifteen

2 E. Charushin's story "Sparrow" Learn to listen carefully, understand the content, express your attitude to the content of the work of O. S. Ushakov, “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 99

October I will grow up healthy (1st - 3rd week of October)

1 week - Me and my body

1 Teaching storytelling: description of dolls. Help children make doll description plan; teach preschoolers, write a description on their own, be guided plan. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 46

2 Lexical exercises. Reading a poem

S. Marshak "Poodle". Activate nouns and adjectives in children's speech; to acquaint with the work of a changeling. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 44

Week 2 - Me and my family

1 Compilation of a story from experience “Grandma has a lot of trouble with us” To teach to compose a short story, to bring up love and respect for grandmothers, to teach children goodness, friendship, respect senior. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons", With. 105

2 Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters" and the story of V. Oseeva "Three sons" Learn to understand the characters' characters, convey their attitude to the characters O. S. Ushakova "Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development" With. 112

Week 3 - Me and my health

1 Conversation "Where is health hiding?" To teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle, to develop an understanding of the importance of health and the need to work on it throughout their lives, to activate the appropriate words in the speech of preschoolers. Abstract is attached

2 Learn to be polite. Memorizing a poem

R. Sefa "Advice".

Continue to exercise children in the ability to be polite. Help memorize R. Sefa's poem "Advice" teach to read it expressively. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 51

National Unity Day (4th week of October - 2nd week of November

4 week - National Unity Day

7 Sound culture speeches: differentiation of sounds s - ts Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds s - ts, teach children to differentiate sounds, distinguish them in words

V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 46

8 Reading a poem by V. Stepanov "What do we call Motherland?" Cultivate love for your country. Abstract attached

1 Telling about the picture. To teach children with the help of handout cards and the basis of the matrix to independently draw up a picture and make up a story based on it. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 54

2 Reading and listening to the anthem of Russia To introduce children to the symbols of Russia - the anthem, to cultivate patriotic feelings N "Complex lessons", With. 361

1 Sound culture speeches: work with sounds w - sh. Exercise children in a clear pronunciation of words with the sounds w and w; develop phonemic awareness; practice discrimination (aurally) familiar sound. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 56

2 Reading a Russian folk tale "Havroshechka" Recall Russian folk tales known to children. Introduce the fairy tale "Havroshechka", to help remember the opening phrase and the ending of the work of V. V. Gerbov “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 55

Hello winter guest! (3rd week of November -1st week of December)

3 week - Seasonal changes

1 Teaching storytelling. Teaching children about creative storytelling as they come up with an ending to a fairy tale "Ayoga". V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 58

2 Memorizing a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Already the sky breathed autumn" Learn to expressively read a poem by heart, expand your understanding of landscape lyrics. O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 145

1 Retelling of the story by V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs". Teach children to consistently and logically retell a literary text, trying build sentences correctly. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 60

2 Reading poems about winter. To acquaint children with poems about winter, to attach to high poetry. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 61

5 week - Animals and birds in winter

"Hares in the winter forest" Learn to compose a story according to the picture according to the proposed plan, include in the story a description of the appearance of the characters and their characteristics. O. S. Ushakova « Development speech of children 5 - 7 years old ", With. 108

2 Reading the story by V. Chaplina "Squirrel" To teach to listen carefully, reason and give adequate explanations to the questions posed by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons",With. 97

1 Comparative description of the fox and the hare. Teach children to retell the story according to plan, teach dialogue N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons",With. 174

2 Russian folk tale "Tails" Learn to comprehend the characters' characters, listen carefully O. S. Ushakov "Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 106

New Year's celebration (2nd -4th week of December)

2 week - New Year

1 Sound culture yards: differentiation of sounds from - sh. To improve the auditory perception of children with the help of exercises to distinguish between sounds from - sh, to determine the position of the sound in the word. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 65

2 Reading a fairy tale

P. Bazhova "Silver Hoof". Introduce children to the fairy tale of P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof". V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 67

1 Conversation based on the fairy tale by P. Bazhov

"Silver Hoof". Hearing a poem

K. Fofanova "Dressed up the Christmas tree ...". Develop the creative imagination of children, to help build statements logically and meaningfully. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 69

2 Memorizing a poem by S. Marshak "The young month is melting". Recall with children the works of S. Marshak. Help memorize and expressively read the poem. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 67

1 Conversation on the topic "I dreamed". Didactic game "Choose a rhyme" To teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements by V. V. Gerbov “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 71

2 Reading the story of S. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus". Introduce children to new art. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 72

Winter (2nd - 5th week of January)

2 week - Winter sports

"Games in Winter" To learn to compose a coherent story about impressions from personal experience, without deviating from a given topic; learn to use prepositions with spatial meaning O. S. Ushakova « Development speech of children 5 - 7 years old ", With. 67

2 N. Nosov's story "On the Hill" Develop the ability to understand the character of the heroes of works of art, to assimilate the sequence plot development, to notice expressive and visual means that help to reveal the content of O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 123

"Winter entertainment» . Teach children to purposefully examine the picture; develop the ability to write a story. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 73

2 Reading poems about winter. Memorizing a poem by I. Surikov "Childhood". Introduce children to the perception of poetic works. Help memorize and expressively read the poem by V. V. Gerbov “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 77

Week 4 - Visiting Zimushki - winters

1 Sound culture speeches: differentiation of sounds h - f. To improve the auditory perception of children with the help of exercises to distinguish between sounds z - zh. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 75

2 Repetition of poems about winter Continue to acquaint with nursery rhymes, poems and riddles. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons", With. 198

1 1000000000000000000 "Winter"(according to the painting by I. I. Shishkin "Winter") To learn, when describing events, to indicate the time of action, using different types of sentences (simple, common and complex, learn to select definitions for given words O. S. Ushakov « Development speech of children 5 - 7 years old ", With. 79

2 Nanai folk tale "Ayoga" To teach to understand and evaluate the character of the protagonist of a fairy tale, to cultivate a negative attitude towards laziness O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 122

Defender of the Fatherland Day (1st - 3rd week of February)

1 week - Defender of the Fatherland Day

1 Conversation on the topic "About friends and friendship". Continue to help children learn the norms of behavior, teach goodwill. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 80

2 Telling a Russian folk tale "Nikita Kozhemyaka" Develop interest in folk art. Cultivate patriotic feelings. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons", With. 209

1 Comic book download "Heroes". The character of the hero of a fairy tale "Nikita Kozhemyaka" Learn to write a story on a given topic develop oral speech. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons", With. 211

2 Memorizing a poem "The best!" O. Chusovitina

Broaden your horizons, cultivate interest in military professions and military service. Help children memorize and expressively read the poem. Abstract is attached.

1 Sound culture speeches: Differentiation of sounds ch - sch. Exercise children in the ability to distinguish sounds similar in articulation by ear. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 83

2 Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa" To form the ability to understand the character of the heroes of the work to establish a connection between what is described with reality O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 124

International Women's Day (4th week of February - 1st week of March)

Week 4 - International Women's Day

1 Learning storytelling by painting “We are for a sweet mommy ....”. Help children in the ability to make up a story from pictures with sequential developing action. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 88

2 Reading poems by E. Blagina

"Let's sit in silence" and A. Barto "Before bedtime". To help children understand how much time and energy takes a mother's housework; indicate the need for assistance to mothers; develop a good attitude towards senior.

V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 89

1 Stories on the topic “How we congratulated the kindergarten staff on March 8”. To teach children to write detailed and interesting stories on topics from personal experience. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 91

2 Memorizing a poem about mother To give an idea of ​​the importance of a mother for every person, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother, to acquaint with the poems of various poets glorifying mother. Develop memory. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons", With. 262

Folk culture and traditions (2nd - 4th week of March)

2 week - Folk toy

1 Familiarization with the sentence Give an idea of ​​the sequence of words in speech; enter a term "sentence", compose and distribute the proposals of O. S. Ushakov « Speech development of children 5-7 years old» , With. 84

2 Reading stories from G. Snegirev's book "About penguins". Didactic game

"Finish the sentence". To acquaint children with small stories from the life of penguins. Learn how to build complex sentences. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 92

3 week - Decorative and applied arts

1 Conversation with children about the types of arts and crafts. To generalize and systematize children's ideas about folk crafts using the example of making toys and dishes, develop children have the ability to analyze, compare elements of painting.

Abstract attached

2 Reading a fairy tale "Sivka-Burka" Help children remember the content of familiar magical Russian folk tales, introduce them to the fairy tale "Sivka - Burka"(arranged by M. Bulatov) V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 95

4 week - Folklore

1 Sound culture speeches: Differentiation of sounds c - h. Teach children to differentiate sounds c - h; V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 94

2 Small folklore forms. To consolidate knowledge about the genre features of works of small folklore forms (rhymes, songs, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs).To learn to understand the figurative meaning of figurative expressions O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 119

Spring (1st - 3rd week of April)

1 week - Seasonal changes

1 Sound culture speeches: differentiation of sounds l -r.

Exercise children in distinguishing the sounds l -r in words, phrasal speech; learn to hear the sound in a word, determine its position, name words for a given sound.

V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 96

2 Reading poems about spring. Didactic game

"Guess the word". Continue to introduce children to poetry; learn to ask questions and look for the shortest ways to solve a logical problem. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 97

2 week - Pets and birds

1 Compilation of a story based on a picture "Horse with foal" To learn how to compose a descriptive story based on a picture, to form the ability to clearly pronounce tongue twisters at a different pace and with different voice strength O. S. Ushakova « Speech development of children 5-7 years old» , With. 90

2 Reading the story

K. Paustovsky "Cat is a thief".

Introduce children to the story of K. Paustovsky "Cat is a thief". V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 102

3 week - Spring in the forest

1 Retelling "mysterious stories". Continue to teach children to retell. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 101

2 Repetition of program poems. Memorizing a poem by V. Orlov "You tell me, forest river...» .

Help children remember program poems and remember V. Orlov's poem.

V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 100

Victory Day (4th week of April - 1st week of May)

4 week - Victory Day

1 Learning storytelling on the topic "My favorite cartoon" Help children compose a story on topics from the personal experience of V. V. Gerbov “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 99

2 Reading poems and proverbs about war. Continue acquaintance with poems and proverbs about the war, teach them to understand and explain their meaning, cultivate a sense of pride in their people, the army, the desire to defend their country Abstract is attached

1 Teaching storytelling from pictures. To consolidate the ability of children to compose a story from pictures with sequential developing action

V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten”, from 104

2 Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev

"Flower-seven-flower". Introduce children to the tale of V. Kataev. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 103

Summer (2nd - 5th week of May)

2 week - Flowers and plants

1 Retelling of the story by Y. Thais "obedient rain" Learn to retell the text, activate the names of professions and actions in speech. O. S. Ushakova « Speech development of children 5-7 years old» , With. 106

2 Memorizing a poem by S. Yesenin "Bird cherry" Help children remember the poem, teach them to expressively read the poem by heart O. S. Ushakova “Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development", With. 131

3 week - Animals and insects

1 Reading and discussion of poems, situations about insects. Teaching children to speak their mind develop spoken language. B. Fesyukova, O. O. Grigorieva , s183

2 Reading the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Bees on intelligence» Develop interest and desire to listen to the work. L. B. Fesyukova, O. O. Grigorieva "Seasons. Complex classes», s184

Week 4 - Safe Summer

1 Conversation about safety rules Introduce children to the causes of a fire in the forest and their consequences, consolidate the names of professions in speech, develop conversation skills. N. E. Veraksa, T. M. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "Complex lessons", With. 292

2 Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Ship" Develop interest in fiction, learn to coherently tell a fairy tale. O. S. Ushakova « Speech development of children 5-7 years old» , With. 110

Week 5 - Hello Summer!

1 Conversation "Summer has come" Continue to teach children to look at the picture, answer questions in full sentences. Compose a story. L. B. Fesyukova, O. O. Grigorieva "Seasons. Complex classes», With. 182

2 Literary kaleidoscope Find out what works of small folklore forms children know. Introduce a new counter. V. V. Gerbova “Communication. Development speech and communication of children in senior group of kindergarten", With. 103

Sections: Primary School , Correctional Pedagogy

1 class


  • Diagnostics.
  • Speech (oral and written) – general presentation.
  • sentence and word. Speech-sentence-word-syllable.
  • Syllabus, accent. Division of words into syllables, stress, number of syllables.
  • Sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants (hard and soft, deaf and voiced). Isolation of individual sounds in words, stressed syllables, correlation with the scheme. Acquaintance with the letters a, o, i, s, y. Correct matching of sounds and letters.
  • Consonants and vowels sounds and letters, the designation of hardness and softness.
  • Reading syllables-fusions with a focus on the vowel.
  • Composing words from letters and syllables of the split alphabet (after preliminary analysis and without it). Learning to read words, short sentences and texts.
  • Tracing and hatching contours, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and coloring patterns, borders with a continuous movement of the hand.
  • Acquaintance with the inscription of large and small letters, the main types of compounds, the designation of sounds with handwritten letters. Writing letters and their compounds in words, words on a line, sentences (after preliminary analysis, then independently).
  • Copying words and sentences from samples (first from handwritten and then from printed text). Checking with the help of comparison with the sample and syllable-by-syllable spelling reading.
  • A capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, a dot at the end. Capital letter in the names of people and nicknames of animals.
  • Unstressed vowels, combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.
  • Vocabulary expansion. The correct use of words (objects, signs, actions), an explanation of their meaning.
  • Diagnostics.
  • Extension of general concepts.
  • Developing the ability to accurately and grammatically express one's own thoughts through the word.
  • Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, figurative expressions (without terminology).
  • Building a correct retelling of a familiar fairy tale or short story.
  • Drawing up a certain number of sentences or a short story from a picture or a series of pictures.
  • Answers to questions on the read sentences and texts.
  • Drawing with the help of a teacher a word picture using a few read words.
  • Compose a story at its beginning or end.
  • Compilation of stories about simple cases from one's own life, by analogy with what was read, according to the plot proposed by the teacher
  • Exercises for children in coherence, rhythm in writing letters, syllables, words and small sentences.
  • Practical application of the rules about spelling zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu, about the capital letter in the names of people and animal names, about writing sentences.
  • The concept of speech and its significance in life.
  • Drawing up proposals on a specific topic based on a picture, oral short stories based on plot pictures, based on personal observations.
  • Acquaintance with speech ethics. Culture of communication. Greetings and goodbyes.
  • Words with unverifiable spellings: sparrow, cow, Moscow, guys, teacher, student
  • Diagnostics.

Grade 2


  • Diagnostics.
  • Sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants, soft and hard consonants. The designation of the softness of consonant sounds with the letters e, e, i, u, i. Distinguishing th and u.
  • Spelling zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, shu, chk, ch.
  • Soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants at the end and in the middle of a word between consonants.
  • A syllable is the division of words into syllables. Transfer of words by syllables. Transfer of words with the letters d, y. (T-shirt, boy).
  • Paired voiced and voiceless consonants. Designate them with letters. Spelling of voiced and deaf consonants at the end of a word (eye-eye, meadow-meadow).
  • stress. Isolation of stressed and unstressed syllables in a word. Spelling of unstressed vowels in words.
  • Double consonants in simple words. Separating soft sign.
  • Alphabet. The name of the letters. The meaning of the alphabet. Using the alphabet when working with the dictionary of the textbook.
  • Words denoting objects and answering the questions who? what? Words denoting signs of objects and answering the questions what? which? which? which? Words denoting the actions of objects and answering the questions what does it do? what have you been doing? what will he do? What did you do? Ability to question words.
  • A capital letter in the names, patronymics and surnames of people, in the nicknames of animals, in the names of cities, villages, rivers.
  • Pretext. Separate spelling with the words of the most common prepositions (in, from, to, on, from, to, from, y).
  • General concept of the root of the word. One-word words. Isolation of roots in cognate (related) words. Observation of the uniform spelling of the roots (feed-feed-feeder, forest-forester-forest).
  • Spelling of deaf and voiced consonants in the roots of words.
  • Diagnostics.
  • Exercises in the formation of the ability to use the dictionary given in the textbook
  • Dividing speech into sentences. Highlighting in a sentence words denoting who or what is being said, what is being said.
  • The main members of a sentence are the subject and the predicate.
  • Connection of words in a sentence (on questions).
  • Observation of the meaning of sentences, the use of a period, question marks, exclamation marks at the end of sentences.
  • Compilation of sentences, writing simple sentences previously analyzed in class.
  • Speech and its importance in life. Observation of the peculiarities of oral and written speech.
  • Text. Isolation of key words in the text. Comparison of the text and individual sentences that are not united by a common theme. Definition of the topic of the text. Highlight parts of text. Title of a short text and its parts.
  • The concept of presentation. Presentation under the guidance of the teacher of the text on questions.
  • Compilation and recording of proposals (on questions, on a plot picture).
  • Collective compilation of a short story (essay) about work, games, studies, hobbies.
  • Sounds and letters. Voiced, deaf, double consonants, stressed and unstressed vowels, their designation with letters.
  • Separating soft sign. Words for things.
  • Words denoting attributes of objects.
  • Words denoting the actions of objects.
  • Text.
  • Diagnostics.

3rd grade


  • Diagnostics.
  • Sounds and letters. Sounds vowels, consonants, their designation with letters. Stress, distinction between stressed and unstressed syllables. Hyphenation. Syllabic and sound-letter analysis of words, its role in the formation of writing without gaps, substitutions, distortions, rearrangements of letters.
  • Soft sign as an indicator of the softness of consonants. Separating soft sign. double consonants.
  • Spelling of unstressed vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants in word roots.
  • Offer, main members of the offer
  • General concept of parts of a word: root, prefix, suffix, ending.
  • Root, single-root words. The ending. Spelling of paired voiced and deaf consonants, unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word. Spelling of unstressed vowels checked and unchecked by stress, at the root of the word.
  • Console. Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes v-, o-, ob-, do-, for-, on-, over-, s-, from-, sub- and in the corresponding prepositions. The ability to distinguish a prefix from a preposition. Dividing sign.
  • Suffix. The ability to select single-root words with prefixes and suffixes. The ability to find a suffix in simple words.
  • General familiarity with the parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, pronoun, preposition.
  • Noun, its meaning, questions. The gender of nouns (masculine, feminine, neuter). Changing nouns by numbers (singular and plural).
  • Changing nouns by cases in the singular (declension), the ability to distinguish cases.
  • A soft sign after hissing at the end of words in feminine nouns and its absence in masculine nouns (rye-knife, night-ball, thing-cloak, mouse-reed).
  • Adjective name, its meaning, questions. Change by gender, numbers, when combined with nouns.
  • Diagnostics.
  • Spelling of the endings -th, -th, -th, -th, -th, -her, -th, -th.
  • The verb, its meaning, questions. Verb change by tenses (present, past, future). Not with verbs.
  • Vocabulary exercises. Selection of single-root words related to different parts of speech. The words are close and opposite in meaning. Choosing the most accurate word to express thought.
  • Phrase. The connection of words in a phrase, in a sentence on questions.
  • Sentences are narrative, interrogative, motivating (by the purpose of the statement), exclamatory by intonation.
  • The main and secondary members of the proposal (without dividing the minor members into types).
  • Exercises in the preparation of sentences with the studied parts of speech and their distribution by secondary members.
  • Text. Dividing the text into logically complete parts, their heading. Drawing up a plot text plan under the guidance of a teacher
  • Presentation of a narrative text according to a ready-made or collectively drawn up plan.
  • Oral and written essays on a series of plot pictures, one picture each, as well as on topics close to students in their life experience.
  • Text and proposal. Sentences are narrative, imperative and interrogative. exclamatory sentences.
  • Word composition.
  • Spelling of voiced, deaf, unpronounceable, double consonants, unstressed vowels in word roots.
  • Separating hard and soft signs.
  • Parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb.
  • Diagnostics.

4th grade


  • Diagnostics.
  • Sentence. The main and secondary members of the sentence. Relationship of words in a sentence. Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence.
  • Sounds, letters, syllable, stress. Sound-letter analysis of words of a more complex syllabic structure.
  • Word composition. Spelling of vowels and consonants in the roots of words. Separating b.
  • Parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, preposition.
  • Noun. Three declensions of nouns. Vocabulary exercises. The choice of nouns, adjectives, verbs that are similar and opposite in meaning when compiling sentences. Choosing the most accurate and vivid word to express thoughts. Elimination of the monotonous use of words in connected speech.
  • Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions in the singular, except for nouns in -my, -y, -y, -iya ..
  • Declension of plural nouns. Exercises in the correct use of prepositions with nouns in various cases
  • Adjective. Declension of adjectives in the singular masculine, feminine and neuter. Declension of plural adjectives.
  • Spelling of unstressed endings of adjectives in the singular and plural, except for adjectives with a basis in hissing, -ts, -y; ending in -ya, -e, -ov, -in.
  1. Pronoun. Pronouns 1,2, and 3rd person singular and plural.
  2. Separate spelling of prepositions with pronouns. The use of pronouns in speech.
  3. Verb. General concept of the indefinite form of the verb.
  4. Changing verbs according to persons and numbers in the present and future tense (conjugation).
  • Diagnostics.
  • Verbs I and II of conjugation. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs given in the textbook on the topic “I and II conjugation of verbs”.
  • Soft sign after hissing verbs in the endings of the 2nd person singular.
  • Changing verbs in the past tense by gender and number.
  • Vocabulary exercises. The choice of nouns, adjectives, verbs that are similar and opposite in meaning when compiling sentences. Choosing the most accurate and vivid word to express thoughts. Elimination of the monotonous use of words in connected speech.
  • Sentence. Proposals with homogeneous members, connected unions and (without enumeration), but, but without unions; intonation when listing, comma when listing.
  • Making sentences with homogeneous members.
  • Text. Theme and main idea of ​​the text. The structure (composition) of the text.
  • Drawing up a plan for presentation and composition (collective and independent). Presentation (detailed, concise) of the text according to a collectively and independently drawn up plan. descriptions and reasoning.
  • Narrative writing based on a picture, episodes of a movie. A short story with elements.
  • Text and proposal.
  • Word composition.
  • Spelling of voiced, deaf, double consonants, unstressed vowels at the root of a word.
  • Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns and adjectives.
  • Spelling of personal endings of verbs.
  • Repetition.
  • Diagnostics.

for the academic year

Compiled by the teacher

Lesson topic.

Number of hours.


Characteristics of the activities or activities of students.

Methods and techniques of teaching.


School. School assignment. Classes, corridors, hall, dining room, wardrobe.

To know and find classrooms, corridors, a hall, a dining room, a wardrobe at the school on the instructions of the teacher.

Make up a story based on the picture and the teacher's questions.

Conversation, observation.

Enrichment of knowledge and ideas of children about the objects of the immediate environment.

Cool room. Walls, ceiling, floor, door, windows, chalkboard, desks. Maintain order in the classroom. Attendant's duties.

Know and name the parts of the room.

Know the duties of the duty officer, perform them with the help of a teacher.

Conversation, persuasion, explanation.

Development of personal qualities of students, emotional-volitional sphere.

Seasonal changes in nature (excursion). Weather (clear, overcast, precipitation). Weather today, yesterday. Changes in the life of plants and animals.

Nature calendar, pictures.

Watch nature.

Determine the weather.

Formation of elementary ideas and concepts. Expansion of ideas about the world around.

Educational things. Their purpose. Handling them.

Educational things, the game "The fourth extra".

Know and name learning things.

Know their purpose.

Know how to use them.

Conversation, cognitive game.

Toys. Doll, bear, pyramid, car and others.

Group items as directed by the teacher.

Conversation, story.

Enrichment and refinement of the dictionary.

Educational things and toys. Comparison.

Individual handout.

Select and group items by purpose.

To play lotto.

Comparison, conversation.

Master the vocabulary of the native language.

A family. Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters.

Photographs, drawings.

Know and name family members (your family).

Make up a story from a picture.

Conversation, frontal survey.

Seasonal changes in nature (excursion). Plant and animal life. Weather (cooling, leaf fall). Departure of birds.

Nature calendar, illustration.

Watch nature.

Determine the weather.

Fill in the calendar of nature with the help of a teacher.

Observation, conversation, illustration.

Activation of speech activity.

Clothing. Girls' school uniform (dress), boys' uniform (jacket, trousers, shirt).

Paper clothes, the game "The Fourth Extra".

Know and name the clothes and shoes of boys and girls.

group clothes.

Know the purpose of clothing and footwear.

know how to take care of her.

Conversation, cognitive game.

Learn to classify objects by image and display.

Clothing. School uniform of boys and girls. School uniform care (dry brushing, storage).

Conversation, explanation, demonstration.

Development of cognitive interest in the lesson. Activation of attention.

Shoes. Shoes. Shoes, slippers, boots. Shoe care (brushing, rubbing).

Pictures, puzzles.

Explanation, demonstration.

Learn how to build sentences correctly related statement.

Excursion to nature: the beginning of winter. Weather (cold, frost, snow, ice, snowflakes).

Nature calendar, pictures.

Watch nature.

Determine the weather.

Fill in the calendar of nature with the help of a teacher.

Observation, encouragement.

Expansion and enrichment of ideas about the immediate surrounding world.

Vegetables. Tomato, cucumber. Color, shape, size, taste, smell. Comparison of vegetables on these grounds. Eating.

Models, pictures.

Select vegetables from a group of objects.

Compare vegetables by traits.

Conversation, cognitive game.

Classify items with verbal instruction.

Fruit. Apple, pear. Color, shape, size, taste, smell. Comparison of fruits on these grounds. Eating.

Dummies, individual handout.

Select fruits from a group of objects.

Compare fruits by features.

Know the rules of eating.

Conversation, cognitive game.

The development of question-answer, dialogic speech.

Houseplants. Recognition and naming. Care (watering).

Indoor plants, nature calendar, pictures.

Know the parts of the plant and how to care for them.

Conversation, observation, demonstration.

Development of analytical and synthetic activity of students.

Seasonal changes in nature: the height of winter. Weather. Birds in winter, bird feeding. Excursion.

Nature calendar, table

"Winter Birds".

Watch nature.

Determine the weather.

Fill in the calendar of nature with the help of a teacher.

Compare the seasons according to pictures, observations.

Expansion and enrichment of ideas about the immediate surrounding world. Development of a related statement.

Pets. Cat dog. Recognition and naming. Appearance, habits, food. Comparison.

Pictures, drawings, photographs.

Know and name pets.

Compare them.

Conversation, individual survey, encouragement.

Teaching the ability to see, compare, concretize, draw elementary conclusions.

Wild animals. Wolf, fox. Appearance, lifestyle, nutrition. Comparison.

Filmstrip, books about the life of wild animals.

Get to know wild animals.

Determine by appearance.

Make up a story from a picture.

Conversation, demonstration, observation.

Learn to analyze, find similarities and differences, draw simple conclusions and generalizations.

Excursion to nature: the beginning of spring. Spring months. Weather (warming, icicles). Change in the life of plants and animals.

Nature calendar, pictures.

Watch nature.

Determine the weather.

Fill in the calendar of nature with the help of a teacher.

Compare the seasons according to pictures, observations.

Observation, conversation, frontal questioning.

Replenishment and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary. Raising a love for nature.

Birds. Pigeon. Appearance. Where does it live, what does it eat? What is the benefit to the person.

Individual handout, pictures.

Know the name of the birds.

Get to know them.

Know where they live, what they eat, what benefits they bring to people.

Complete the teacher's assignments.

Conversation, observation, encouragement.

Expanding understanding of the world around; attention development.

Birds. Tit. Appearance. Where does it live, what does it eat? What is the benefit to the person.

Demonstration, conversation, observation.

Learn to participate in a conversation, fully answer the questions posed, using the words of this question.

Health protection. Parts of the human body (head, neck, torso, arms, legs). Hand right and left. Leg right and left.

Table, observation diary, drawings.

Know and name the parts of the human body.

show yourself.

Take part in the game.

Conversation, cognitive game.

The development of question-answer, dialogic speech, connected utterance.

Hand care (hand washing).

Know the rules of hand care

use them.

Practical work.

Learn to express your impressions and judgments in verbal form.

Excursion to nature: spring warming. Melting snow, arrival of birds, blooming buds.

Nature calendar, pictures.

Watch nature.

Determine the weather.

Fill in the calendar of nature with the help of a teacher.

Compare the seasons according to pictures, observations.

Observation, conversation, individual survey.

Development of cognitive processes. Enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the objects of the immediate environment.

Repetition of the past. Family, clothes and shoes, vegetables and fruits.

personalized handout,

Compare the seasons according to pictures, observations.

Complete the teacher's assignments.

Make up a story from a picture.

Draw your favorite subject.

Conversation, independent work.

Distribute sentences on questions using the correct forms of familiar words.

Repetition of the past. Seasonal changes in nature. Houseplants.

Nature calendar, pictures.

Conversation, observation, independent work.

Correction of thinking.

Repetition of the past. Domestic and wild animals. Birds.

Filmstrip "Domestic and Wild Animals".

Conversation, demonstration.

Dictionary enrichment. Expansion of ideas about the world around.