The peoples of the Soviet Union in the fight against fascism. The peoples of the USSR in the fight against German fascism

Hitler believed, when planning an attack on the USSR, that the multinational Soviet state would fall apart under the blow of his armies "like a house of cards." But this not only did not happen, but, on the contrary, the multinational Soviet people rallied even more in a moment of mortal danger. The defense of the unified state was perceived in the most remote corners of the country as a national task for each of its more than one hundred peoples. Envoys from all the peoples of the USSR fought in the ranks of the Red Army from the first days of the war. Taking into account the increased national consciousness during the war years, dozens of national divisions and brigades were created, in which, along with Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, representatives of the peoples of the Volga region and the North Caucasus, the North and Siberia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, the Baltic states and the Far East fought.

Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, who were the first to take the blow of the Nazi troops, representatives of 30 nationalities fought and died. Friendship and mutual assistance of soldiers of different nationalities was equally manifested in the defense of the common capital of Moscow, the capitals of the union republics of Kyiv, Minsk, Chisinau, Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, the centers of the autonomous republics and regions of the North Caucasus - Maykop, Grozny, Nalchik, Cherkessk, Ordzhonikidze.

The exploits of the Russian heroes A. M. Matrosov, A. K. Pankratov, V. V. Vasilkovsky, who closed the embrasures of enemy bunkers with their breasts, were repeated by the Ukrainian A. E. Shevchenko, the Estonian I. I. Laar, the Moldavian I. I. Soltys, the Jew E. S. Belinsky, Kazakh S. B. Baibagambetov, Belarusian P. V. Kostyuchek, hundreds of fighters of other nationalities. Representatives of 33 nationalities were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for crossing the Dnieper. On the territory of Belarus, partisans and underground fighters of more than 70 nationalities of the USSR fought the enemy, on the territory of Ukraine - more than 60. For courage and heroism, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the war fronts was awarded to 8160 Russians, 2069 Ukrainians, 309 Belarusians, 161 Tatars, 108 Jews, 96 Kazakhs, 90 Georgians, 69 Uzbeks, 61 Mordvins, 44 Chuvashs, etc.

The economy of the Union republics during the war. From the first days of the war, the friendship of the Soviet peoples also manifested itself in the transfer of the country's economy to a military footing. The evacuation of enterprises to the eastern union and autonomous republics led to the displacement of millions of refugees with them. They were placed in local families of Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kirghiz, Azerbaijanis and others, who shared not only shelter, but also food with the evacuated Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Most of the enterprises evacuated to the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia were left there even after the end of the war, significantly strengthening the economic potential of the union republics.

Representatives of all nations and nationalities of the country participated in the All-Union socialist competition, various forms of the movement of innovators in production. The initiators of valuable initiatives in industry during the war years were the Russian Yevdokia Baryshnikova and the Georgian Nukzar Geladze, the Tatar Maksudov and the Ukrainian Chukhnyuk. In agriculture, collective farmers of different nationalities looked up to Angelina, Bersiyev, Brovko, Maltsev, and others.

In all national regions of the country, from the first days of the war, the movement of people of different nationalities to collect money, clothing and footwear, food to help the army, refugees and migrants was expanding. At the expense of the peoples of the country during the war years, 2.5 thousand combat aircraft, several thousand tanks, 8 submarines, 16 military boats were built, thousands of guns and mortars were created. Since 1943, all the peoples of the USSR joined the movement for the creation of a special fund to help the liberated regions. The fighting was still going on, and workers of different nationalities had already begun the restoration of enterprises in the autonomies of the North Caucasus, the central regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

national movements. But the war also revived national movements, mainly in those regions of the country where the harsh policy of the authorities in the pre-war years caused the strongest protest of the local population. Nationalist organizations were also created with the aim of achieving national independence. The largest of these was the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), established in Ukraine in the late 1920s. Similar, but less numerous, organizations also operated in Western Belarus, the Baltic states, the Crimea, and the mountainous regions of Checheno-Ingushetia.

With the beginning of the war, especially as the German troops approached, the activities of these organizations intensified sharply. The creation of armed detachments to fight the Red Army began. In Ukraine, the OUN created its own Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). The Crimean Muslim Committee, the Special Party of Caucasian Brothers (Checheno-Ingushetia), and others waged an armed struggle against the Soviet regime. Cases of attacks by armed nationalist groups on retreating or encircled Red Army units became more frequent.

The Germans tried to put the national movements in the western regions of the USSR under their control in order to facilitate the task of defeating the Red Army. From the captured Soviet soldiers who wished to cooperate with the enemy, the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) was formed under the command of General A. A. Vlasov, as well as battalions and regiments from Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, and some peoples of the North Caucasus. Many of them were led by former generals and officers of the White armies.

However, despite the measures taken, the Germans did not manage to create a sufficiently serious military force from national formations and shake the friendship of the peoples of the USSR.

National Policy. The activation of national movements could not but cause an even greater tightening of the national policy of the country's leadership. Any manifestation of national specifics, and even more so armed opposition, was declared a betrayal. However, not only those who really collaborated with the Germans were accused of treason, but also entirely representatives of one or another people. The most reactionary feature of Stalin's national policy was deportation, that is, the forcible resettlement of entire peoples and the liquidation of a number of national autonomies.

We started, of course, with the Germans. In the summer of 1941, the entire German population of the country (almost 1.5 million people) was declared "saboteurs and spies", subject to deportation to Siberia and Kazakhstan. The autonomy of the Volga Germans was abolished. At the same time, over 50,000 Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians were deported to Siberia.

In October 1943, almost 70,000 Karachays were deported to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and 93,000 Kalmyks to Siberia. Soon 40,000 Balkars were loaded into freight cars and sent to the east. At the same time, the Balkars who fought at the front were exiled to Kazakhstan directly from the army.

Liquidation of Checheno-Ingushetia. On February 23, 1944, the largest operation to deport Chechens and Ingush began. People were invited to rallies dedicated to the Day of the Red Army, after which they put them on their knees and read out the eviction order. They were given 15-20 minutes to take a bundle of food and belongings with them, after which they were driven to the station and loaded into freight cars. In total, 516 thousand Chechens and Ingush were taken to the east. Soon the Chechen-Ingush ASSR itself was abolished. The authorities tried to destroy the very memory of the indigenous inhabitants of these places.

In April-May 1944, more than 194,000 Crimean Tatars were deported from the Crimea to Uzbekistan. Following them, Armenians, Bulgarians, and Greeks were also deported. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Abaza, Avars, Nogais, Laz, Laks, Tavlins, Dargins, Kumyks, Dagestanis were partially affected by the resettlement.

Losses along the way from hunger, cold and disease led to huge casualties. As a result of the deportation, more than 144 thousand people died, including half of the entire Kalmyk people, every second Balkar, every third Karachay. These brutal repressions caused a new surge of national movements in the post-war years.


Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of the war.
When planning an attack on the USSR, Hitler believed that the multinational Soviet power would fall apart under the blow of his armies, "like a house of cards." But this not only did not happen, but, on the contrary, the multinational Soviet people rallied even more in a moment of mortal danger. The defense of the unified state was perceived in the most remote corners of the country as a national task for each of its more than 100 peoples.
Representatives of all peoples fought in the ranks of the Red Army from the first days of the war (KhSR. Taking into account the increased national consciousness during the war years, dozens of national divisions and brigades were created, in which, along with Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, soldiers from among the peoples of the Volga region and the North Caucasus fought, Far North and Siberia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, the Baltic States and the Far East.
Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, who were the first to take the blow of the Nazi troops, representatives of 30 nationalities fought and died. Friendship and mutual assistance of soldiers of various nationalities was equally manifested in the defense of the common capital of Moscow, the capitals of the union republics of Kyiv, Minsk, Chisinau, Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, the centers of autonomous republics and regions - Maykop, Grozny, Nalchik, Cherkessk, Ordzhonikidze. Heroes of different nationalities fought to the death, defending Odessa and Sevastopol, Kyiv and Kharkov, Novorossiysk and Stalingrad, Smolensk and Tula.
The exploits of the Russian heroes A. M. Matrosov, A. K-Pankratov, V. V. Vasilkovsky, who closed the embrasures of enemy bunkers with their chests, were repeated by the Ukrainian A. E. Shevchenko, the Estonian I. I. Laar, the Uzbek T. Erdzhigitov, the Kyrgyz Ch. Tuleberdiev, Moldavian I. I. Soltys, Jew E. S. Belinsky, Kazakh S. B. Bai-bagambetov, Belarusian P. V. Kostyuchek, hundreds of fighters of other nationalities.
Representatives of 33 nationalities were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for crossing the Dnieper.
On the territory of Belarus, partisans and underground fighters of more than 70 nationalities of the USSR fought the enemy, on the territory of Ukraine - more than 60.
For courage and heroism, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the fronts of the war was awarded to 8160 Russians, 2069 Ukrainians, 309 Belarusians, 161 Tatars, 108 Jews, 96 Kazakhs, 90 Georgians, 69 Uzbeks, 61 Mordvins, 44 Chuvashs, 43 Azerbaijanis, 39 Bashkirs, 32 Ossetian, 18 Mari and others.


The peoples of the USSR in the struggle against German fascism

The economy of the Union republics during the war.
From the first days of the war, the friendship of the Soviet peoples also manifested itself in the restructuring of the country's economy on a war footing. The evacuation of enterprises to the eastern union and autonomous republics led to the displacement of millions of refugees with them. They were placed in local families of Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kirghiz, Azerbaijanis, and others, who shared with the evacuated Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians not only shelter, but also food. Most of the enterprises moved to the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia were left in them after the end of the war, significantly strengthening the economic potential of the union republics.
The initiators of important initiatives in industry during the war years were the Russian E. G. Baryshnikova and the Kazakh S. Bekbosynov, the Belarusian D. F. Bosy and the Georgian N. V. Geladze, the Tatar G. B. Maksudov and the Ukrainian E. M. Chukhnyuk. In agriculture, collective farmers of various nationalities looked up to P. N. Angelina, Ch. Bersiyev, M. I. Brovko, D. M. Garmash, P. I. Kovardak, T. S. Maltsev, and others.
In all national regions of the country, from the first days of the war, the movement of people of different nationalities to collect money, clothing and footwear, food to help the army, refugees and migrants was expanding. At the expense of the peoples of the country during the war years, 2.5 thousand combat aircraft, several thousand tanks, 8 submarines, 16 military boats were built, thousands of guns and mortars were created.
Since 1943, all the peoples of the USSR joined the movement for the creation of a special Fund for Assistance to the Liberated Regions. The fighting was still going on, and workers of different nationalities were already rebuilding enterprises in the autonomies of the North Caucasus, the central regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.


The peoples of the USSR in the struggle against German fascism

National Movements during the War.
The war at the same time caused a revival of national movements, as a rule, in those regions of the country where the policy of the authorities in the pre-war years aroused the strongest protest of the local population. Nationalist organizations were also created with the aim of achieving national independence. The largest of these was the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which had been operating in Ukraine since the late 1920s. Similar, but less numerous, organizations also operated in Western Belarus, the Baltic states, the Crimea, and the mountainous regions of Checheno-Ingushetia.
With the outbreak of war, especially as the German troops approached, the activities of these organizations intensified. The creation of armed detachments to fight the Red Army began. In Ukraine, the OUN created its own Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). The Crimean Muslim Committee, the Special Party of Caucasian Brothers (Checheno-Ingushetia), and others waged an armed struggle against the authorities. Attacks by armed nationalist groups on retreating or surrounded units of the Red Army became more frequent.
The Germans tried to put the national movements in the USSR under their control in order to facilitate the task of defeating the Red Army militarily. From the captured Soviet soldiers who wished to cooperate with the enemy, the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) was formed under the command of General A. A. Vlasov, as well as battalions and regiments from Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, and some peoples of the North Caucasus. Many of them were led by former generals and officers of the White armies.
However, despite the measures taken, the Germans did not manage to create a sufficiently serious military force from national formations and shake the friendship of the peoples of the USSR.


The peoples of the USSR in the struggle against German fascism

National Policy.
The activation of national movements could not but cause an even greater tightening of the policy of the country's leadership. Any manifestation of national specifics, and even more so armed opposition, was declared a betrayal. Often, not only those who really collaborated with the Germans, but all representatives of this people were accused of betrayal.
In this regard, during the war years, the deportation of entire peoples and the liquidation of a number of national autonomies were carried out.
In 941, the entire German population of the country (almost 1.5 million people) was declared "saboteurs and spies", subject to deportation to Siberia and Kazakhstan. The ASSR of the Volga Germans was liquidated. At the same time, more than 50,000 Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians were deported to Siberia.
In October 1943, almost 70,000 Karachays were deported to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and 93,000 Kalmyks to Siberia. Soon, 40,000 Balkars were loaded into freight wagons and sent to the east in just a day. At the same time, 15,000 Balkars who fought on the front were exiled to Kazakhstan straight from the front. Exceptions were not made even for the Heroes of the Soviet Union and the party and state leadership of the autonomous republics and regions. The only difference was that they were taken to the places of exile not in "cars", but in reserved seat or even compartment cars.
On February 23, 1944, a large-scale operation began to deport Chechens and Ingush. People were invited to rallies dedicated to the Day of the Red Army, after which they put them on their knees and read out the eviction order. They were given 15 to 20 minutes to take a bundle of food and belongings with them, after which they were driven to railway stations and loaded into freight cars. In total, 650 thousand Chechens and Ingush were taken to the east. Soon the Chechen-Ingush ASSR itself was abolished.
In April - May 1944, more than 180 thousand Crimean Tatars were taken from the Crimea to Uzbekistan. Following them, Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks were also deported. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Abaza, Avars, Nogais, Laz, Laks, Tavlins, Dargins, Kumyks, Dagestanis were also partially affected by the resettlement.
As a result of the deportation, up to 200 thousand Chechens and Ingush died, half of the entire Kalmyk people, every second Balkar, every third Karachay.
Such an approach of Stalin to national politics not only did not solve the existing problems in interethnic relations, but also inevitably led to the formation in the postwar years of a new wave of national movements.
Thus, Hitler's calculations for the collapse of the allied Soviet state under the blows of the Wehrmacht did not materialize. The moral and political unity of the multinational Soviet people became the most important condition for its victory in the Great Patriotic War.


The Second World War, unleashed by Hitler's Germany, brought innumerable disasters and suffering to humanity.
It claimed the lives of tens of millions of people, hundreds of cities, thousands of villages and settlements were wiped off the face of the Earth. Europe lay in ruins, and the extent of the damage done is incalculable. But fascist Germany, hatching and implementing its plans for world domination, did not take into account the factors that inevitably led it to collapse. Unleashing aggression against the USSR, Hitler's strategists, in particular, counted on the fact that the numerous peoples inhabiting the Soviet Union would not support the central government and thereby provide Germany with an easy victory. However, the enemy miscalculated. And as the experience of the war showed, the peoples of the USSR, regardless of their nationality, their religion, as one stood up to fight the invaders. At the same time, they showed true heroism, miracles of courage and selflessness. The enemy faced unprecedented solidity and solidarity of the peoples of the USSR. This turned out to be the most powerful and decisive weapon that the invaders had to face.
For the peoples of the Soviet Union, who fought in a single formation, Germany was a common enemy, and each of them had their own historical experience in defending the Fatherland


Armenia in the Great Patriotic War

War 1941-1945 was another test for the Armenian people in its centuries-old history.

In 1920, the population of Armenia was only 700 thousand people. By the beginning of the war, it had grown to 1.5 million people. Nevertheless, the republic remained the smallest in the Soviet Union (1.1% of the population of the USSR). And yet, more than 500 thousand people went into the ranks of the Soviet Army from 1941 to 1945. Armenia and Armenians suffered heavy losses in the Great Patriotic War. Every second did not return from the front. The losses of the Soviet Armenians can be compared with the losses of the American army (more than 300 thousand). The losses of the Armenians of the Diaspora are unknown to us. During the first 10-15 years of the post-war period, the demographics of Armenia underwent great changes, the male population sharply decreased. This was especially noticeable in the villages, where mostly old people, women, and children remained.

Armenian soldiers served in many branches of the Red Army: in the infantry, armored forces, aviation, artillery, in the navy, in the border, rear and sanitary units. Among the Armenian soldiers were both ordinary soldiers and commanders of all degrees, up to to commanders of divisions, corps and armies.

At the beginning of the war (from June 1941 to January 1942), military formations were formed in the Soviet Army on a national basis, further strengthening its combat power.
Tens of thousands of Armenian soldiers received awards, orders and medals. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 107 soldiers and officers (including 38 posthumously). Three Orders of Glory, which is equivalent to the title of Hero, were awarded to 27 soldiers.

An interesting fact was captured by history - the military feat of the Armenian village of Chardakhlu. 1250 inhabitants of this village went to the front. 853 of them were awarded orders and medals, 452 died a heroic death on the battlefield. This village gave the Motherland two marshals (Bagramyan, Babadzhanyan), four Heroes of the Soviet Union, and many senior officers. In all likelihood, not only in our former Soviet Union, but also beyond its borders, it is difficult to find such a village, similar to the 16-century Artsakh Chardakhl.
During the war years, about 30 enterprises, 110 shops and workshops were put into operation in Armenia. More than 300 types of products needed for the front were produced in the republic.

The foreign Armenians did not remain aloof from the struggle against fascism. A campaign to assist the Soviet Armed Forces was launched by such organizations as the National Council of American Armenians in the United States, the National Front of Armenians in France, the Armenian National Council of Syria and Lebanon, the Union of Friends of the USSR in Iraq, the Union of Friends of the Armenian culture in Egypt”, “Armenian Front in Romania”, “Cultural Union of Argentine Armenians”, “Armenian Relief Union”, operating in many countries of Latin America, a number of progressive organizations in Cyprus, Jordan, and other countries.


Crimean Tatars during the Great Patriotic War.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars were drafted into the Red Army. However, their service was short-lived. As soon as the front approached the Crimea, desertion and surrender among them took on a mass character. It became obvious that the Crimean Tatars were waiting for the arrival of the German army and did not want to fight. The Germans, using the current situation, scattered leaflets from airplanes with promises to “finally solve the issue of their independence” - of course, in the form of a protectorate within the German Empire. From among the Tatars who had surrendered in the Ukraine and other fronts, cadres of agents were trained, who were thrown into the Crimea to strengthen anti-Soviet, defeatist and pro-fascist agitation. As a result, units of the Red Army, staffed by Crimean Tatars, turned out to be incapable of combat, and after the Germans entered the territory of the peninsula, the vast majority of their personnel deserted. .A. Serov in the name of L.P. Beria, dated April 22, 1944:
“... All those drafted into the Red Army amounted to 90 thousand people, including 20 thousand Crimean Tatars ... 20 thousand Crimean Tatars deserted in 1941 from the 51st Army during its retreat from the Crimea ...” .
As we can see, the desertion of the Crimean Tatars was almost universal. This is confirmed by the data for individual settlements. So, in the village of Koush, out of 132 drafted into the Red Army in 1941, 120 deserted.
Then began subservience to the invaders.
“From the very first days of their arrival, the Germans, relying on the nationalist Tatars, without openly plundering their property, as they did with the Russian population, tried to ensure a good attitude of the local population,” wrote the head of the 5th partisan district Krasnikov.
Already in October 1941, the Germans began to recruit Crimean Tatars to fight the partisans and form self-defense companies out of them. At first, the creation of self-defense units was unorganized and depended on the initiative of local German commanders.
Many Tatars were used as guides for punitive detachments. Separate Tatar units were sent to the Kerch front and partly to the Sevastopol sector of the front, where they participated in the battles against the Red Army.
Tatar volunteer detachments were the perpetrators of mass executions of Soviet citizens. The duties of the Tatar punitive detachments were to identify Soviet and party activists, suppress the activities of partisans and patriotic elements behind German lines, guard service in prisons and SD camps, prisoner of war camps. Tatar nationalists and occupation authorities involved wide sections of the Tatar population in this work.
And here is an example of official perestroika propaganda:
“Of course, one cannot deny the very fact of cooperation of persons of Crimean Tatar origin with the fascist military command and special services, their direct participation in police and punitive operations, in the fight against partisans and in battles against the Soviet Army. However, even if we proceed from the above figures (about 20 thousand people out of about 200 thousand Crimean Tatar population), then the total number of such fighters will be less than 10%. All this allows us to say that not the bulk, but only a relatively small part of the Crimean Tatars entered into a treacherous alliance with the Nazi occupiers.
And how many Crimean Tatars fought on our side? Immediately discard the fantastic numbers:
“About 50,000 Crimean Tatars were awarded in total, and this number could be much larger if mass awards were not mainly carried out at the final stage of the war - in 1944–1945, when Crimean Tatars were no longer presented for high awards.”
“The stigma of a “traitor” with diabolical art was imposed on the entire nation, although out of 60,000 Crimean Tatars drafted to the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, every second died a heroic death.”
To complete the picture, it remains to be seen how many Crimean Tatars were among the partisans. On June 1, 1943, there were 262 people in the Crimean partisan detachments, of which 145 were Russians, 67 Ukrainians and ... 6 Tatars. As of January 15, 1944, according to the party archive of the Crimean Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, there were 3,733 partisans in Crimea, of which 1,944 were Russians, 348 Ukrainians, and 598 Tatars. Finally, according to a certificate on the party, national and age composition of the Crimean partisans for April 1944, among the partisans were: Russians - 2075, Tatars - 391, Ukrainians - 356, Belarusians - 71, others - 754 people.
After the liberation of Crimea by Soviet troops, the hour of reckoning came:
“State Defense Committee, Stalin I.V.
1. All Tatars must be evicted from the territory of Crimea and settled permanently as special settlers in the regions of the Uzbek SSR. The eviction is to be assigned to the NKVD of the USSR. Oblige the NKVD of the USSR (comrade Beria) to complete the eviction of the Crimean Tatars by June 1, 1944.
2. Establish the following procedure and conditions for eviction:
a) allow special settlers to take with them personal belongings, clothing, household equipment, dishes and food in the amount of up to 500 kilograms per family.
Remaining property, buildings, outbuildings, furniture and household land are taken over by local authorities; all productive and dairy cattle, as well as poultry, are accepted by the People's Commissariat of Meat and Dairy Industry, all agricultural products - by the USSR People's Commissariat of Education, horses and other draft animals - by the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture, breeding stock - by the USSR People's Commissariat of State Farms.
Acceptance of livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products is carried out with the issuance of exchange receipts for each settlement and each farm.
To instruct the NKVD of the USSR, the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the People's Commissariat for Meat and Milk Industry, the People's Commissariat of State Farms and the People's Commissariat of Education of the USSR by July 1 of this year. to submit proposals to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the procedure for the return of livestock, poultry, and agricultural products received from them by exchange receipts to special settlers;
b) to organize the reception of the property, livestock, grain and agricultural products left by the special settlers in the places of eviction, send to the place a commission of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR consisting of: chairman of the commission comrade Gritsenko (deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR) and members of the commission - comrade Krestyaninov (member of the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture USSR), comrade Nadyarnykh (member of the collegium of the NKMiMP), comrade Pustovalov (member of the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Education of the USSR), comrade Kabanov (deputy people's commissar of state farms of the USSR), comrade Gusev (member of the collegium of the USSR NKFin).
To oblige the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR (comrade Benediktov), ​​the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR (comrade Subbotina), the People's Commissariat of Ministers and MPs of the USSR (comrade Smirnov), the People's Commissariat of State Farms of the USSR (comrade Lobanov) to send livestock, grain and agricultural products from special settlers, in agreement with Comrade Gritsenko , in the Crimea, the required number of workers;
c) oblige the NKPS (comrade Kaganovich) to organize the transportation of special settlers from the Crimea to the Uzbek SSR in specially formed echelons according to a schedule drawn up jointly with the NKVD of the USSR. The number of trains, loading stations and destination stations at the request of the NKVD of the USSR.
Payments for transportation shall be made according to the tariff for the transportation of prisoners;
d) The People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR (comrade Miterev) to allocate for each echelon with special settlers, within the time limits agreed with the NKVD of the USSR, one doctor and two nurses with an appropriate supply of medicines and provide medical and sanitary care for special settlers on the way; The People's Commissariat of the USSR (Comrade Lyubimov) to provide all echelons with special settlers daily with hot meals and boiling water.
To organize food for special settlers on the way, allocate food to the People's Commissariat of Trade in the amount according to Appendix No. 1.

3. To oblige the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Uzbekistan, comrade Yusupov, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Uzbek SSR, comrade Abdurakhmanov, and the people's commissar of internal affairs of the Uzbek SSR, comrade Kobulov, until June 1 of this year. to carry out the following measures for the reception and resettlement of special settlers:
a) accept and resettle within the Uzbek SSR 140-160 thousand people of special settlers - Tatars, sent by the NKVD of the USSR from the Crimean ASSR.
Resettlement of special settlers to be carried out in state farm settlements, existing collective farms, subsidiary farms of enterprises and factory settlements for use in agriculture and industry;
b) in the areas of resettlement of special settlers, create commissions consisting of the chairman of the regional executive committee, the secretary of the regional committee and the head of the UNKVD, entrusting these commissions with carrying out all activities related to the reception and accommodation of arriving special settlers;
c) in each area of ​​resettlement of special settlers, organize district troikas consisting of the chairman of the district executive committee, the secretary of the district committee and the head of the RO NKVD, entrusting them with preparing for the accommodation and organizing the reception of arriving special settlers;
d) prepare horse-drawn vehicles for the transportation of special settlers, mobilizing the transport of any enterprises and institutions for this;
e) ensure that incoming special settlers are provided with household plots and assist in the construction of houses with local building materials;
f) organize special commandant's offices of the NKVD in the areas of resettlement of special settlers, attributing their maintenance at the expense of the estimate of the NKVD of the USSR;
g) Central Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the Uzbek SSR by May 20 of this year. submit to the NKVD of the USSR, Comrade Beria, a project for the resettlement of special settlers in regions and districts, indicating the station for unloading echelons.
4. To oblige the Agricultural Bank (comrade Kravtsov) to issue to special settlers sent to the Uzbek SSR, in their places of settlement, a loan for the construction of houses and for household equipment up to 5,000 rubles per family, with an installment plan of up to 7 years.
5. Oblige the People's Commissariat of the USSR (Comrade Subbotin) to allocate flour, cereals and vegetables to the Council of People's Commissars of the Uzbek SSR for distribution to special settlers during June-August of this year. monthly in equal amounts, according to Appendix No. 2.
Issuance of flour, cereals and vegetables to special settlers during June-August this year. to produce free of charge, in payment for the agricultural products and livestock accepted from them in the places of eviction.
6. To oblige NCOs (comrade Khrulyov) to transfer during May-June of this year. to reinforce the vehicles of the NKVD troops stationed by garrisons in the areas of resettlement of special settlers - in the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Kirghiz SSR, "Willis" vehicles - 100 pieces and trucks - 250 pieces that have come out of repair.
7. To oblige Glavneftesnab (comrade Shirokov) to allocate and ship until May 20, 1944 to points at the direction of the NKVD of the USSR 400 tons of gasoline, at the disposal of the Council of People's Commissars of the Uzbek SSR - 200 tons.
The supply of motor gasoline is to be carried out at the expense of a uniform reduction in supplies to all other consumers.
8. To oblige Glavsnabless under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (comrade Lopukhov) at the expense of any resources to supply the NKPS with 75,000 wagon boards of 2.75 m each, with their delivery before May 15 of this year; transportation of NKPS boards to be carried out by one's own means.
9. Narkomfin of the USSR (comrade Zverev) to release the NKVD of the USSR in May of this year. 30 million rubles from the reserve fund of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for special events.
As a result of these activities:
A) the anti-Soviet element of 7833 people was seized.
including spies 998 people.
B) a special contingent of 225,009 people was evicted.
C) 15,990 weapons were seized illegally stored from the population.
including machine guns 716 units.
D) ammunition 5 million pieces.


Belarusians during the Great Patriotic War

Border guards of the 17th Brest, 86th August, 87th Lomzhinsky, 88th Shepetovsky border detachments were the first on the territory of Belarus to fight with the advanced units of the enemy. The garrison of the Brest Fortress stubbornly resisted the enemy for almost a month.
Fierce fighting broke out along the entire front line. In exceptionally difficult conditions, the troops of the 10th and 3rd armies fought in the region of Grodno and Bialystok (now the territory of Poland). In the Minsk region, the defense was held by the 2nd and 4th rifle corps of the 13th army. Here, the superiority of forces was on the side of the Wehrmacht, and on the evening of June 28, German tanks broke into the capital of Belarus.
Exceptionally intense fighting took place on the Dnieper, especially in the Mogilev region, where the defense was held by the formations of the 61st Rifle Corps of the 13th Army under the command of Major General Fyodor Alekseevich Bakunin. The city was defended by the 172nd division of Major General Mikhail Timofeevich Romanov and detachments of the people's militia.

In accordance with the directive of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR and the Central Committee of the CP (b) B of July 6, 1941, more than 200 people's militia units were created in all regions of Belarus, which included over 33 thousand people. People's militia - voluntary military and paramilitary formations that were created to help the active Red Army.
By the beginning of September 1941, the entire territory of the republic was occupied by the Nazi invaders. A tough occupation regime has been established in Belarus.

On the territory of Belarus, the Nazis created more than 260 death camps.
During the war years, more than 2 million 200 thousand civilians and prisoners of war were killed on the territory of Belarus, about 380 thousand people were taken to hard labor in Germany.

The partisan movement in Belarus was international. Along with Belarusians (65.2%), Russians (25%), Ukrainians (3.8%), representatives of other peoples of the Soviet Union took an active part in it. About 4 thousand foreign anti-fascists fought in the ranks of the people's avengers, including 3 thousand Poles, 400 Slovaks and Czechs, 235 Yugoslavs, 70 Hungarians, 60 French, 31 Belgians, 24 Austrians, 16 Dutch, about 100 Germans, representatives of many others European peoples.

One of the most important types of combat activities of the partisans was sabotage on enemy communications. The main flow of enemy military cargo went to the front by railroads, the total operational length of which in Belarus on the eve of the war was 5743 km

For courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, more than 140 thousand Belarusian partisans and underground fighters were awarded orders and medals, 88 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The liberation of Belarus began in the autumn of 1943. As a result of the autumn-winter offensive of 1943-44, 36 regions of Belarus, 36 district and 2 regional centers - Gomel and Mozyr - were completely or partially liberated. From November 1943 to April 1944, 35 partisan brigades and 15 separate detachments (more than 50 thousand people) of the Vitebsk, Mogilev, Gomel and Polesye regions joined the Red Army. More than 45 thousand partisans joined the ranks of the Red Army.

The territory of Belarus was finally liberated during one of the largest strategic offensive operations of the Red Army, which took place from June 23 to August 29, 1944 under the code name "Bagration". During the operation, the troops of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts destroyed a large enemy grouping in the Vitebsk region and liberated Vitebsk on June 26, and Orsha on June 27. The troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front carried out the Mogilev operation and captured Mogilev on June 28. The troops of the right wing of the 1st Belorussian Front surrounded and defeated the enemy's Bobruisk grouping and liberated Bobruisk on June 29. The troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts carried out the Minsk operation from June 29 to July 4 and liberated the capital of Belarus, Minsk on July 3, and liquidated Wehrmacht units that fell into the Minsk boiler from July 4 to 11. The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured Baranovichi on July 8, Slonim on July 10, defeated the Lublin and Brest enemy groups, captured the city of Brest by storm on July 28 and completed the liberation of Belarus.

More than 1.3 million Belarusians and natives of Belarus fought in the Red Army on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Military formations during the war were commanded by 217 generals and admirals - Belarusians.


Jews during WWII

Participation in the Red Army:
According to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, during the war with Germany, there were about 501 thousand Jews in the troops, including 167 thousand officers and 334 thousand soldiers, sailors and sergeants. According to the same archive, during the war years, 198,000 Jewish servicemen died in battle, died of wounds and diseases, went missing. According to some reports, approximately 120-180 thousand Jews died at the front and about 80 thousand were killed in prisoner-of-war camps. Of the 300 thousand Jewish soldiers who survived, 180 thousand were wounded, of which more than 70 thousand were seriously wounded. As the historian Pavel Polyan writes, 27% of the Jews went to the front as volunteers, 80% of the Jews of the rank and file and junior commanding staff served in combat units.
Of the 800,000 women who participated in the war, 20,000 were Jewish. 44% of them served in the ground forces, 29% in medicine, 11% in the signal troops, 10% in air defense and 6% in aviation. A high percentage of Jews were among the engineering and command staff of the engineering troops, as well as military doctors. A high percentage of officers, a share in the engineering troops and other technical services, sources explain the relatively higher proportion of higher education among Jews.
In the command of the Red Army, there were 305 Jews with the rank of generals and admirals, 38 of them died in battle. According to the types of troops, the generals were distributed as follows: generals of the combined arms - 92, generals of the engineering and technical service - 34, generals of artillery - 33, generals of aviation - 26, generals of the tank troops - 24, generals of the engineering and aviation service - 18. Jews were 9 army commanders and flotillas, 8 chiefs of staff of fronts, fleets, districts, 12 corps commanders, 64 division commanders of various branches of service, 52 commanders of tank brigades. During the war years, the number of Jewish generals who fought directly at the front amounted to 132 people.
Only 7 Jews rose to the rank of Colonel General: Grigory Stern, Yakov Smushkevich, Vladimir Kolpakchi, Yakov Kreizer, Alexander Tsirlin, Leonty Kotlyar, Lev Mekhlis.
The exploits of soldiers and officers - Jews
A year earlier than Alexander Matrosov, on February 22, 1942, Abram Levin closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest. The day after the ramming of Nikolai Gastello, Isaac Preseisen sent his burning plane into the thick of the enemy troops. Subsequently, this feat was repeated by Isaac Betsis, Isaac Irzhak, Zinovy ​​Levitsky, Isaac Shvartsman, Ilya Katunin and others. Four Jewish pilots made an aerial ramming. The commander of the 164th Infantry Regiment, Naum Peisakhovsky, under heavy enemy fire, led the fighters into an attack on the Reichstag building by personal example and was seriously injured. For this feat, he was presented by Marshal Zhukov to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Jewish POWs:
Special directives from the German command indicated that the Jews taken prisoner were to be exterminated. Often, Jewish prisoners of war were killed on the spot, in other cases they were separated from other prisoners of war and subsequently sent to death camps. Almost all Soviet Jewish prisoners of war died. The main method of extermination of Jewish prisoners of war was mass executions.

In partisans:
The main part of the Jewish partisan movement was in Belarus, to a lesser extent in Ukraine and Lithuania. Most of the Jewish partisans were refugees from the ghetto. The largest partisan detachment, entirely composed of Jews, was created by the Belsky brothers in 1941 after the German invasion of Belarus and the massacres of the Jewish population. The ghetto was fought by the Jewish partisan detachment "Nekama" ("Revenge") under the command of Abba Kovner. The total number of Jewish partisans in Ukraine is about 4,000 people. Approximately 4,000 people fought in 70 purely Jewish partisan detachments on the territory of the USSR. In total, in the partisan detachments on the territory of the USSR, according to various sources, there were from 15 to 49 thousand Jews.


Ukraine in the Great Patriotic War

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War Ukraine met with stubborn resistance of the Soviet troops to the Nazi invaders. It was here that the Southwestern and Southern fronts were formed, which took on the blows of the German Army Group South. Border battles of 1941, such as a tank battle 23-29 June near Dubno, Lutsk, Rovno, played an important role in disrupting the attempts of the Nazi command to march to Kyiv.

Ukraine sent about 2.5 million of its fellow citizens to the ranks of the Soviet Army and Navy.

In the troops of the 1st-4th Ukrainian fronts in combat, mainly infantry units and formations, Ukrainians made up 60-80% and took an active part in the liberation of their homeland from the fascist invaders.

650 destruction battalions were created, in which there were 150 thousand fighters. About 1.3 million people joined the people's militia. Over 2 million took part in the construction of defensive lines.

In difficult conditions from July to October 1941, over 500 large enterprises were evacuated from Ukraine, which continued to operate in different parts of the Soviet Union.

Among the marshals and generals who led the fifteen fronts that operated during the Great Patriotic War, there were many Ukrainians by origin. Among them: front commanders I.R. Apanasenko, M.P. Kirponos, S.K. Timoshenko, A.I. Eremenko, I.D. Chernyakhovsky, R.Ya.Malinovsky, F.Ya.Kostenko, Ya.T. Cherevichenko.

About 2.5 million Ukrainian soldiers were awarded orders and medals, including the title of Hero of the Soviet Union awarded to 2069 people.

Partisan movement in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War.

“The history of wars does not know a single example when the partisan movement would play such a role as it played in the last war. In its size, it represents something completely new in the art of war." These are the words of one of the Nazi generals, who in practice felt the power of partisan strikes. In the occupied territory of Ukraine in 1941-1944, 3992 underground party committees, organizations and groups, 558 underground Komsomol and youth organizations and groups were active, in which more than 103 thousand underground members took part.
In addition, about 1 million 400 thousand citizens of Ukraine took part in other forms of fighting the enemy.

Liberation of Ukraine

After the defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-1943, the liberation of the territory of Ukraine began. December 18, 1942 was the first to be released from. Pivnevka, Melovsky district, Voroshilovgrad region. After the Battle of Kursk in 1943, the mass expulsion of the Nazi invaders from the Left-Bank Ukraine began.

As a result of the broad offensive of the Soviet troops in August-September 1943, Sumy, Chernigov, Poltava, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Dneprodzerzhinsk were liberated. By the end of September, the defeat of the Nazis in the Donbass was completed.
One of the largest and bloodiest battles in the history of the Great Patriotic War was the battle for the Dnieper. In the second half of September 1943, Soviet troops reached the Dnieper at a 750-kilometer line from Loev to Zaporozhye, crossed the river in many places and captured bridgeheads on the right bank.

On March 26, 1944, the Soviet Army reached the border of the USSR and Romania. In April - May 1944, as a result of the successful implementation of the Crimean and Sevastopol offensive operations, Soviet troops cleared the Crimea from the Nazi invaders, in July - August, after the Lvov-Sandomierz operation, almost the entire western part of Ukraine.

The liberation of Ukraine was completed by the East Carpathian operation, which lasted from September 9 to October 28, 1944.


Georgians during the Great Patriotic War.

More than 700 thousand people from Georgia took part in the Second World War of the Soviet peoples, of which more than half died. As you know, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to the sons and daughters of all the peoples of the USSR, including 91 Georgians. About 400 thousand did not return. German troops did not enter the territory of Georgia, although they brutally marched through the North Caucasian region.

Battle for the Caucasus:
It was one of the largest battles of the Second World War, from July 25, 1942 to October 9, 1943. In Russian historiography, she found herself in the shadow of other great battles: for Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad and Berlin.
The plans of the German military command included a quick capture of the Caucasus in order to get into the rear of Russia as soon as possible. In the summer of 1942, the fascist troops reached the foothills of the Main Caucasian Range and tried to break into Abkhazia, but already in the fall they were driven out of there and thrown back behind the Main Caucasian Range. The total losses of the Nazi troops in the battle for the Caucasus amounted to 580 thousand soldiers and officers. It should be noted that most Georgians died here and in the battles for Kerch.

Storming the Reichstag:
On April 29, fierce fighting began in the Reichstag area. The assault on the building itself, which was defended by more than a thousand German soldiers, began on April 30 with the forces of the 171st and 150th rifle divisions. The first assault attempt, made in the morning, was repelled by heavy fire from the defenders. The second assault was launched at 13-30 after a powerful artillery preparation. On April 30, 1945, the all-Union radio, which also broadcast to foreign countries, reported that at 14:25, Soviet soldiers Yegorov and Kantarianad hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. The basis for this was the reports of the commanders of the units that stormed the Reichstag.


Ossetians in the Great Patriotic War

The working people of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, like all Soviet people, showed heroism, selflessness and high labor activity during the war years.
In response to the call of the Central Committee of the Party and the Soviet government to stand up for the defense of the socialist Fatherland, the Ossetian people, the working people of the republic, in the very first days sent thousands of their best sons and daughters to the front. In the forefront of these patriots were communists and Komsomol members.

The sons of North Ossetia fought the enemy as part of almost all types of armed forces and branches of service. They participated in the defense of Moscow and Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Minsk, Kerch, Tula, Brest, the Soviet Arctic, Novorossiysk, the Caucasus and Stalingrad. They showed courage and heroism in offensive battles on the Kursk Bulge, during the crossing of the Dnieper, in battles for the liberation of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic republics, as well as Poland, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria and in the final battle for Berlin, in the partisan movement and underground struggle in the rear of the Nazi invaders and in the European resistance movement.

Every fifth inhabitant of the republic fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

The Motherland highly appreciated the exploits of its citizens, 72 soldiers from North Ossetia were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, two of them I. A. Pliev and Major General I. I. Fesin were awarded this title twice.

In areas of fierce hostilities - near the villages of Gizel, Mairamadag, Rassvet, Nart, Surkh-Digora, Akhsarisar, Toldzgun, Khaznidon and Elkhotovo - the population (boys, girls, old men, old women) brought water, food and provided medical assistance to Soviet soldiers directly at the forefront, repairing bridges, roads, equipment.
During the Great Patriotic War, the working people of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic contributed 170 million rubles from their savings to the National Defense Fund, collected and sent 747,000 sets of various warm clothes and gifts to the front.


The peoples of the USSR in the fight against German fascism.

Uzbeks during the Great Patriotic War.

On the fronts of the Patriotic War, together with the entire Soviet Army, the sons of the Uzbek people also showed courage and heroism.
Artilleryman Abdusattar Rakhimov fought heroically against the Nazis. With the fire of his gun, he destroyed the manpower and military equipment of the enemy. The courage and courage of Rakhimov, who has traveled a glorious path from Moscow to Berlin, has repeatedly been awarded orders and medals. He was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
A Tashkent girl, a military radio operator, Elena Stempkovskaya, died a heroic death, saving a battalion of the Soviet Army at the cost of her life. Stempkovskaya was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The daughter of the Uzbek people, a student of the Moscow Theater Institute, volunteer sniper Zebahon Ganiyeva fought bravely. She destroyed 28 fascists. For courage and courage, Ganieva was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of War.
The batteries of Heroes of the Soviet Union Batyr Babaev and Salih Umarov were steadily advancing towards the center of Berlin. For the assault on Berlin, Colonel M. Uzakov was awarded the Order of Lenin. Shodi Tajiev, Kurban Abdurakhmanov, Makhamad Ibragimov, Salman Saidov, Makhkam Kurbanov and many others have traveled the victorious path from Moscow and Stalingrad to Berlin. 1706 soldiers of Uzbekistan were awarded the medal "For the Capture of Berlin".

Thousands of patriots turned to the military registration and enlistment offices with a request to send them as volunteers to the front.
Namangan worker Kabir Rakhimov asked to be sent to the front lines. Speaking at a rally at the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute, Professor A. V. Mirtov said: “... I saw my son off to the Red Army. I regret that I am no longer young, but if necessary, then not only our sons, but also we, fathers, will become a breast for our dear Motherland. A group of students from the Tashkent Transport Institute asked to be enlisted as nurses in the Red Army. Collective farmer Asalyae Abdullaeva, speaking at a meeting of women in the Karasu district, Tashkent region, said: “Many women sitting here still remember that terrible time when they were slaves without rights. The German fascists want to bring us back to the past slavery, to the veil, and lawlessness. Never be this! For our conquests, for the Motherland, every Uzbek woman will fight like a man! The people of Uzbekistan took an active part in the restoration of the economy of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus destroyed by the Nazis. In the republics, a fund was created to help the population of Stalingrad, Donbass, Kharkov and other centers.


Russians during the Great Patriotic War

It was necessary to sharply turn the whole life and consciousness of the Soviet people, morally and ideologically organize and mobilize them for a difficult and long
the fight against the fascist invaders. All means of spiritual influence on the masses, agitation and propaganda, political mass work, the press, cinema, radio, literature, art -
were used to explain the goals, nature and characteristics of the war against fascist Germany, to solve military problems in the rear and at the front, to achieve victory over the enemy. Exciting documents have been preserved - suicide notes of some Soviet soldiers. The lines of the notes resurrect before us in all their beauty the appearance of people who are courageous and infinitely devoted to the Motherland. The collective testament of 18 members of the underground organization of the city of Donetsk is permeated with an unshakable faith in the strength and invincibility of the Motherland: “Friends! We are dying for a just cause... Do not lay down your hands, rise up, beat the enemy at every step. Farewell, Russian people." The Russian people spared neither strength nor life in order to bring the hour
victory over the enemy.

In all its grandeur, the legendary feat of the landing
detachment under the command of senior lieutenant K.F. Olshansky. Detachment in
consisting of 55 sailors and 12 Red Army soldiers in March 1944 made a daring
raid on the German garrison in the city of Nikolaev. eighteen fierce
attacks were repelled by Soviet soldiers during the day, destroying four hundred
Nazis and knocking out several tanks. But the paratroopers also suffered huge
losses, their strength was running out. By this time, the Soviet troops,
advancing on Nikolaev bypassing, achieved decisive success. The city was

All 67 participants of the landing, 55 of them posthumously, were awarded the title of Hero
Soviet Union. During the war years, this high title was awarded to 11,525 people, in
including 104 people were awarded two medals "Gold Star" and three -
three. Over seven million people received orders and medals. Hundreds of thousands
Soviet soldiers were awarded several times.

In total, 5300 thousand awards were made with orders of the Soviet Union
people, and medals for exploits and distinction in battles - 7580 thousand people. Among
awarded - about 870 thousand privates, sergeants and foremen who received
Order of Glory, of which more than 46 thousand have two orders each, and over 2200 soldiers
are holders of the Order of Glory of all three degrees. In addition, more than 22
million medals were received by military personnel for the defense, capture and
the liberation of cities, as well as for the victory over Germany and Japan.
A striking example of courage and extraordinary courage is the combat
activities of the scout Hero of the Soviet Union V.A. Molodtsov and his combat
comrades I.N. Petrenko, Yasha Gordienko and others. Settled on assignment
bodies of state security in the catacombs of Odessa, occupied
enemy, and experiencing the greatest difficulties (lack of food, German
the Nazis poisoned them with gas, walled up the entrances to the catacombs, poisoned the water in
wells, etc.), reconnaissance group V.A. Molodtsov for seven
months, she regularly transmitted valuable intelligence data to Moscow about
adversary. V.A. Molodtsov and his comrades-in-arms were captured
by the Gestapo and were sentenced to death. They remained true to their end
Motherland. On the proposal to file a petition for pardon V.A. Well done on behalf of
his comrades said: "We do not ask for pardon from our enemies on our land."

Home front workers.

Throughout the war, advanced workers, collective farmers, engineering and
technical workers and scientists, overcame the greatest difficulties, showing
great stamina, selflessly forged the instruments of victory. “Everything for the front,
everything for victory!”, “In labor as in battle!”, “To work not only for yourself, but also
for the comrades who went to the front!” - under such slogans our people worked
in the rear.

Advanced workers, using innovative labor methods, performed two
and even three or five norms. There were also new heroes of labor, who gave ten
and more norms. The labor affairs of the founder were widely known
movements of the thousanders of the noble milling machine operator of the plant in Nizhny Tagil D.F.
Bosogo, machinist N.A. Lunin, driller of the Baikal mines A.I.
Semivolos and many others.

The struggle for bread was the most important condition for securing victory, and
the Soviet peasantry understood this well. The fight was not going to be easy.
Excellent results were achieved by the advanced tractor brigades of D.M. Garmash,
P.N. Antelina, M.I. Brovko, combine operator A.I. Oskin, cotton grower N.
Tursunkulov. The solution of the problem of machine operators took over
youth, especially girls. Sitting behind the wheel of a tractor and combine, girls and
the young men worked tirelessly, not returning home for weeks.

A huge contribution to the cause of victory over the enemy was brought by the Soviet
intelligentsia. Through selfless and creative work, our scientific and technical
personnel contributed to the rapid creation of new enterprises, introduced into
production of the latest scientific achievements. For example, a scientific institute
headed by Academician E.O. Patan, teaches the Ural tank builders
for the first time in world practice to apply the method of auto-welding of tank armor in
mass production conditions. Designers and engineers worked on
to equip Soviet soldiers with the most advanced technology. Not enough
raw materials, tools. Often had to replace one material with another,
introduce new methods of work, take risks. Beat with an inexhaustible key
creative thought of thousands of innovators-engineers, as well as representatives of other
professions of the multi-million Soviet intelligentsia.

The Soviet people are deeply grateful to the huge army
medical workers who saved the lives of millions of fighters and returned them
on the labor and combat fronts.


Thus, the war with merciless force exposed the bestial appearance
Hitler's army and revealed the failure of the reactionary ideology
fascism. The German and Japanese armies, who fought under the flag of racism,
were armies of marauders and rapists.

At the same time, the war showed the depth, advanced character, spiritual
strength of the Soviet people. In the harsh time of the war, in all its grandeur,
the spiritual power of our people, selflessly devoted to their Motherland, stubborn in
fight for a just cause, tireless in work, ready for any sacrifice and deprivation
in the name of the prosperity of the Fatherland. Eternal memory to those who died in this war, glory
Russian people!


The war demanded from the people the greatest exertion of strength and huge sacrifices on a national scale, revealed the steadfastness and courage of the Soviet man, the ability to sacrifice himself in the name of the freedom and independence of the Motherland. During the war years, heroism became widespread, became the norm for the behavior of Soviet people. Thousands of soldiers and officers immortalized their names in the defense of the Brest Fortress, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Leningrad, Novorossiysk, in the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, in the North Caucasus, the Dnieper, in the foothills of the Carpathians, during the storming of Berlin and in other battles.
For heroic deeds in the Great Patriotic War, more than 11 thousand people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (some of them posthumously), 104 of them twice, three three times (G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin ). During the war years, this title was first awarded to Soviet pilots M.P. Zhukov, S.I. Zdorovtsev and P.T. Kharitonov, who rammed Nazi planes on the outskirts of Leningrad.
In total, over eight thousand heroes were trained in the ground forces in wartime, including 1,800 artillerymen, 1,142 tankers, 650 engineering troops, over 290 signalmen, 93 air defense soldiers, 52 soldiers of the military rear, 44 doctors; in the Air Force - over 2400 people; in the Navy - over 500 people; partisans, underground workers and Soviet intelligence officers - about 400; border guards - over 150 people.

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union are representatives of most of the nations and nationalities of the USSR
Representatives of nations Number of heroes
Russians 8160
Ukrainians 2069
Belarusians 309
Tatars 161
Jews 108
Kazakhs 96
Georgian 90
Armenians 90
Uzbeks 69
mordva 61
Chuvash 44
Azerbaijanis 43
Bashkirs 39
Ossetians 32
Tajiks 14
Turkmens 18
Lithuanians 15
Latvians 13
Kyrgyz 12
Udmurts 10
Karelians 8
Estonians 8
Kalmyks 8
Kabardians 7
Adyghe 6
Abkhazians 5
Buryats 4
Yakuts 3
Moldovans 2
Chechens 1
results 11506
Among the military personnel awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, privates, sergeants, foremen - over 35%, officers - about 60%, generals, admirals, marshals - over 380 people. There are 87 women among the Wartime Heroes of the Soviet Union. The first to receive this title was Z. A. Kosmodemyanskaya (posthumously).
About 35% of the Heroes of the Soviet Union at the time of awarding the title were under the age of 30, 28% - from 30 to 40 years old, 9% - over 40 years old. By the end of the war, 102 people had been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice.
Four Heroes of the Soviet Union: artilleryman A. V. Aleshin, pilot I. G. Drachenko, commander of a rifle platoon P. Kh. Dubinda, artilleryman N. I. Kuznetsov - were also awarded Orders of Glory of all three degrees for military exploits. More than 2,500 people, including 4 women, became full holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees. During the war, over 38 million orders and medals were awarded to the defenders of the Motherland for courage and heroism. The motherland highly appreciated the labor feat of the Soviet people in the rear. During the war years, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to 201 people, about 200 thousand were awarded orders and medals.


Viktor Vasilievich Talalikhin
Born September 18, 1918 in the village. Teplovka, Volsky district, Saratov region. Russian. After graduating from the factory school, he worked at the Moscow meat processing plant, at the same time he studied at the flying club. He graduated from the Borisoglebokoe military aviation school for pilots. He took part in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. He made 47 sorties, shot down 4 Finnish aircraft, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1940).
In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. Made more than 60 sorties. In the summer and autumn of 1941, he fought near Moscow. For military distinctions he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1941) and the Order of Lenin.
In the Great Patriotic position, Talalikhina was deputy squadron commander of the 177th Fighter Aviation Regiment, which was part of the 6th Fighter Aviation Corps, which covered the sky of Moscow. Late in the evening on August 6, 1941, Talalikhin took off on an I-16 fighter to repel another enemy air raid on the capital. At an altitude of about five kilometers above the villages of Dobrynikh and Shcheglyatievo, the pilot noticed the German Heinkel-111 bomber. Victor immediately went to approach the enemy and, having caught the "German" in the scope, opened fire. "Heinkel" Twice skillfully dodged the machine-gun bursts of the Soviet "hawk". Finally, Talalikhin managed to hit the bomber's right engine, but it, gradually descending and returning fire, continued to stubbornly move towards Moscow ...
Bullet Talalikhin wounded in the hand. And the cartridges, as a sin, ran out. “We must ram,” the pilot realized, and, sharply increasing the speed, come what may! - threw his "donkey" on the tail of the "Heinkel" ... Night ramming (the clock was 23.28) was successful. The enemy bomber tumbled helplessly down.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 8, 1941 for ramming an enemy bomber at night. It should be noted that Talalikhin was not the first pilot to use a night ram. As early as October 25, 1937, in the skies of Spain, Soviet Senior Lieutenant Evgeny Stepanov successfully rammed a Savoy-Marchetti-79 bomber on his I-15. But in the Russian sky, it was Talalikhin who made the first night ram.
Soon Talalikhin was appointed squadron commander, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. The glorious pilot participated in many air battles near Moscow, shot down five more enemy aircraft personally and one in a group. He died a heroic death in an unequal battle with Nazi fighters on October 27, 1941. On October 27, Viktor Talalikhin went at the head of a flight of six fighters to cover ground troops in the Podolsk region. Above the village of Kamenka, the link was attacked by six Messerschmites-109. Talalikhin took the fight and shot down one enemy aircraft. Three "Messers" immediately "settled" on him. In an unequal battle, Victor managed to ignite another opponent. But then a shell exploded near his plane ...
Buried V.V. Talalikhin with military honors at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated August 30, 1948, he was forever included in the lists of the first squadron of the fighter aviation regiment, in which he fought the enemy near Moscow.
Streets in Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region and other cities, a sea vessel, GPTU No. 100 in Moscow, and a number of schools were named after Talalikhin. An obelisk was erected on the 43rd kilometer of the Varshavskoye Highway, over which an unprecedented night duel took place. A monument was erected in Podolsk, in Moscow - a bust of the Hero.


Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub
(1920-1991), air marshal (1985), Hero of the Soviet Union (1944 - twice; 1945). During the Great Patriotic War in fighter aviation, the squadron commander, deputy regiment commander, conducted 120 air battles; shot down 62 aircraft.
Three times Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub on La-7 shot down 17 enemy aircraft (including the Me-262 jet fighter) out of 62 shot down by him during the war on La fighters. One of the most memorable battles Kozhedub fought on February 19, 1945 (sometimes the date is February 24).
On this day, he flew out on a free hunt paired with Dmitry Titarenko. On the traverse of the Oder, the pilots noticed an aircraft rapidly approaching from the direction of Frankfurt an der Oder. The plane was flying along the riverbed at an altitude of 3500 m at a speed much greater than the La-7 could develop. It was Me-262. Kozhedub instantly made a decision. The Me-262 pilot relied on the speed qualities of his car and did not control the airspace in the rear hemisphere and below. Kozhedub attacked from below on a head-on course, hoping to hit the jet in the belly. However, Titarenko opened fire before Kozhedub. To the considerable surprise of Kozhedub, the premature firing of the wingman was beneficial.
The German turned to the left, towards Kozhedub, the latter had only to catch the Messerschmitt in the sight and press the trigger. Me-262 turned into a fireball. In the cockpit of the Me 262 was non-commissioned officer Kurt-Lange from 1. / KG (J) -54.
On the evening of April 17, 1945, Kozhedub and Titarenko flew their fourth combat sortie to the Berlin area in a day. Immediately after crossing the front line north of Berlin, the hunters discovered a large group of FW-190s with suspended bombs. Kozhedub began to gain altitude for the attack and reported to the command post about establishing contact with a group of forty Focke-Vulvof with suspended bombs. German pilots clearly saw how a pair of Soviet fighters went into the clouds and did not expect that they would appear again. However, the hunters showed up.
Behind from the top, in the first attack, Kozhedub shot down the leader of the four fokkers that closed the group. The hunters sought to give the enemy the impression of the presence of a significant number of Soviet fighters in the air. Kozhedub threw his La-7 right into the thick of the enemy aircraft, turning Lavochkin left and right, the ace fired cannons in short bursts. The Germans succumbed to the trick - the Focke-Wulfs began to free them from bombs that prevented air combat. However, the Luftwaffe pilots soon established the presence of only two La-7s in the air and, taking advantage of the numerical advantage, took the guards into circulation. One FW-190 managed to get into the tail of the Kozhedub fighter, but Titarenko opened fire before the German pilot - the Focke-Wulf exploded in the air.
By this time, help had arrived - the La-7 group from the 176th regiment, Titarenko and Kozhedub were able to get out of the battle on the last remaining fuel. On the way back, Kozhedub saw a single FW-190, which was still trying to drop bombs on Soviet troops. Ace dived and shot down an enemy plane. It was the last, 62nd, German aircraft shot down by the best Allied fighter pilot.
Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub also distinguished himself in the Battle of Kursk.
Kozhedub's total score does not include at least two aircraft - American R-51 Mustang fighters. In one of the battles in April, Kozhedub tried to drive off German fighters from the American Flying Fortress with cannon fire. US Air Force escort fighters misunderstood the intentions of the La-7 pilot and opened barrage fire from a long distance. Kozhedub, apparently, also mistook the Mustangs for Messers, left the fire with a coup and, in turn, attacked the “enemy”.
He damaged one Mustang (the plane, smoking, left the battlefield and, after flying a little, fell, the pilot jumped out with a parachute), the second R-51 exploded in the air. Only after a successful attack did Kozhedub notice the white stars of the US Air Force on the wings and fuselages of the planes he shot down. After landing, the regiment commander, Colonel Chupikov, advised Kozhedub to keep quiet about the incident and gave him the developed film of the photo-machine gun. The existence of a film with footage of burning Mustangs became known only after the death of the legendary pilot.


Alexey Petrovich Maresyev
Maresyev Aleksey Petrovich fighter pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, Guards Senior Lieutenant.
Born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region, in a working class family. Russian. At the age of three, he was left without a father, who died shortly after returning from the First World War. After graduating from the 8th grade of secondary school, Alexei entered the FZU, where he received the specialty of a locksmith. Then he applied to the Moscow Aviation Institute, but instead of the institute, he went to build Komsomolsk-on-Amur instead of the institute on a Komsomol ticket. There he sawed wood in the taiga, built barracks, and then the first residential quarters. At the same time he studied at the flying club. He was drafted into the Soviet army in 1937. He served in the 12th Aviation Border Detachment. But, according to Maresyev himself, he did not fly, but "wafted his tails" at the planes. He really took to the air already at the Bataysk Military Aviation Pilot School, which he graduated in 1940. He served as a flight instructor.
He made his first sortie on August 23, 1941 in the Krivoy Rog region. Lieutenant Maresyev opened a combat account at the beginning of 1942 - he shot down a Ju-52. By the end of March 1942, he brought the number of downed Nazi aircraft to four. On April 4, in an air battle over the Demyansky bridgehead (Novgorod region), Maresyev's fighter was shot down. He tried to land on the ice of a frozen lake, but released the landing gear early. The plane began to quickly lose altitude and fell into the forest.
Maresyev crawled to his own. He had frostbite on his feet and had to be amputated. However, the pilot decided not to give up. When he got the prostheses, he trained long and hard and got permission to return to duty. He learned to fly again in the 11th reserve aviation brigade in Ivanovo.
In June 1943, Maresyev returned to service. He fought on the Kursk Bulge as part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, was a deputy squadron commander. In August 1943, during one battle, Alexei Maresyev shot down three enemy FW-190 fighters at once.
On August 24, 1943, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Senior Lieutenant Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Later he fought in the Baltic States, became a regiment navigator. In 1944 he joined the CPSU. In total, he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: 4 before being wounded and seven with amputated legs. In June 1944, Major Maresyev of the Guards became an inspector-pilot of the Office of Higher Educational Institutions of the Air Force. The legendary fate of Alexei Petrovich Maresyev is the subject of Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man".
In July 1946, Maresyev was honorably discharged from the Air Force. In 1952 he graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU, in 1956 - postgraduate studies at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, received the title of candidate of historical sciences. In the same year, he became the executive secretary of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans, in 1983 - the first deputy chairman of the committee. In this position, he worked until the last day of his life.
Retired Colonel A.P. Maresyev was awarded two Orders of Lenin, Orders of the October Revolution, Red Banner, Patriotic War 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Orders of Friendship of Peoples, Red Star, Badge of Honor, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd degree, medals, foreign orders. He was an honorary soldier of a military unit, an honorary citizen of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin, Orel. A minor planet in the solar system, a public foundation, and youth patriotic clubs are named after him. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Author of the book "On the Kursk Bulge" (M., 1960).
Even during the war, Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man" was published, the prototype of which was Maresyev (the author changed only one letter in his last name). In 1948, director Alexander Stolper shot a film of the same name based on the book at Mosfilm. Maresyev was even offered to play the main role himself, but he refused and this role was played by a professional actor Pavel Kadochnikov.
He died suddenly on May 18, 2001. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. On May 18, 2001, a gala evening was planned at the Theater of the Russian Army on the occasion of Maresyev's 85th birthday, but an hour before the start, Alexei Petrovich had a heart attack. He was taken to the intensive care unit of a Moscow clinic, where he died without regaining consciousness. The gala evening nevertheless took place, but it began with a moment of silence.


Krasnoperov Sergey Leonidovich
Krasnoperov Sergey Leonidovich was born on July 23, 1923 in the village of Pokrovka, Chernushinsky district. In May 1941, he volunteered for the Soviet Army. For a year he studied at the Balashov Aviation School of Pilots. In November 1942, attack pilot Sergei Krasnoperov arrived in the 765th assault aviation regiment, and in January 1943 he was appointed deputy squadron commander of the 502nd assault aviation regiment of the 214th assault air division of the North Caucasian Front. In this regiment in June 1943 he joined the ranks of the party. For military distinctions he was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on February 4, 1944. Killed in action June 24, 1944. "March 14, 1943. Attack pilot Sergei Krasnoperov makes two sorties one after another to attack the port of Temrkzh. Leading six "silts", he set fire to a boat at the pier of the port. In the second flight, an enemy shell hit the engine. A bright flame for a moment, like it seemed to Krasnoperov, the sun eclipsed and immediately disappeared in thick black smoke. Krasnoperov turned off the ignition, turned off the gas and tried to fly the plane to the front line. However, after a few minutes it became clear that it would not be possible to save the plane. And under the wing - a solid swamp. There is only one way out As soon as the burning car touched the marsh bumps with its fuselage, the pilot barely had time to jump out of it and run a little to the side, an explosion rumbled.
A few days later, Krasnoperov was back in the air, and in the combat log of the flight commander of the 502nd assault aviation regiment, junior lieutenant Krasnoperov Sergey Leonidovich, a brief entry appeared: "03/23/43". With two sorties, he destroyed a convoy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bst. Crimean. Destroyed vehicles - 1, created fires - 2 ". On April 4, Krasnoperov stormed manpower and firepower in the area of ​​​​a height of 204.3 meters. On the next flight, he stormed artillery and firing points in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bKrymskaya station. At the same time, he destroyed two tanks, one gun and mortar.
One day, a junior lieutenant received a task for a free flight in pairs. He was leading. Covertly, on a low-level flight, a pair of "silts" penetrated deep into the rear of the enemy. They noticed cars on the road - they attacked them. They discovered a concentration of troops - and suddenly brought down destructive fire on the heads of the Nazis. The Germans unloaded ammunition and weapons from a self-propelled barge. Combat entry - the barge flew into the air. The regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov, wrote about Sergei Krasnoperov: “Such heroic deeds of Comrade Krasnoperov are repeated in every sortie. The pilots of his flight became masters of the assault business. created for himself military glory, enjoys well-deserved military authority among the personnel of the regiment. And indeed. Sergei was only 19 years old, and for his exploits he had already been awarded the Order of the Red Star. He was only 20 years old, and his chest was adorned with the Golden Star of a Hero.
Seventy-four sorties were made by Sergei Krasnoperov during the days of fighting on the Taman Peninsula. As one of the best, he was entrusted 20 times to lead a group of "silts" to attack, and he always carried out a combat mission. He personally destroyed 6 tanks, 70 vehicles, 35 wagons with cargo, 10 guns, 3 mortars, 5 points of anti-aircraft artillery, 7 machine guns, 3 tractors, 5 bunkers, an ammunition depot, sunk a boat, a self-propelled barge, destroyed two crossings across the Kuban


Matrosov Alexander Matveevich
Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich - rifleman of the 2nd battalion of the 91st separate rifle brigade (22nd Army, Kalinin Front), private. Born February 5, 1924 in the city of Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk). Russian. Member of the Komsomol. He lost his parents early. For 5 years he was brought up first in the Ivanovo orphanage (Ulyanovsk region), and then in Melekessky. In 1939, he began working at the Kuibyshev Car Repair Plant, but soon ran away from there. In October 1940, Alexander Matrosov was sentenced to 2 years in prison, which he served in the Ufa labor colony. At the end of the 7th grade, he remained to work in the colony as an assistant teacher. However, now there is another version of the origin of Matrosov. According to her, the real name of the hero is Shakiryan Yunusovich Mukhamedyanov, a native of the village of Kunakbaevo (now in the Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan). The homeless boy allegedly took the surname Matrosov in an orphanage. According to the third version, Matrosov is a native of the village of Novaya Malykla in the Ulyanovsk region.
In the Red Army Matrosov A.M. since September 1942. In October 1942 he entered the Krasnokholmsk Infantry School, but soon most of the cadets were sent to the Kalinin Front. In the army since November 1942. He served in the 2nd Battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade named after Stalin (later it was reorganized into the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment and became part of the 56th Guards Rifle Division). For some time the brigade was in reserve. Then she was transferred near Pskov to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Big Lomovaty Bor. Right from the march, the brigade entered the battle.
On February 27, 1943, the 2nd battalion received the task of attacking a stronghold near the village of Chernushki (Loknyansky district, Pskov region). As soon as our soldiers passed through the forest and reached the edge of the forest, they came under heavy enemy machine gun fire - three enemy machine guns in bunkers covered the approaches to the village. One machine gun was suppressed by an assault group of machine gunners and armor-piercers. The second bunker was destroyed by another group of armor-piercers. But the machine gun from the third bunker continued to shell the entire hollow in front of the village. Efforts to silence him were unsuccessful. Then, in the direction of the bunker, Private A.M. Matrosov crawled. He approached the embrasure from the flank and threw two grenades. The machine gun fell silent. But as soon as the fighters went on the attack, the machine gun came to life again. Then Matrosov got up, rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body. At the cost of his life, he contributed to the combat mission of the unit.
A few days later, the name of Matrosov became known throughout the country. The feat of Matrosov was used by a journalist who happened to be with the unit for a patriotic article. At the same time, the regiment commander learned about the feat from the newspapers. Moreover, the date of the death of the hero was moved to February 23, coinciding the feat with the day of the Soviet Army. Despite the fact that Matrosov was not the first to perform such an act of self-sacrifice, it was his name that was used to glorify the heroism of Soviet soldiers. Subsequently, over 200 people performed the same feat, but it was no longer widely reported. His feat has become a symbol of courage and military prowess, fearlessness and love for the Motherland.
“It is known that Alexander Matrosov was far from the first in the history of the Great Patriotic War who accomplished such a feat. More precisely, he had 44 predecessors (5 in 1941, 31 in 1942 and 8 before February 27, 1943). And the very first to close the enemy machine gun with his body was political instructor Pankratov A.V. Subsequently, many more commanders and soldiers of the Red Army performed a self-sacrificing feat. Until the end of 1943, 38 soldiers followed the example of Matrosov, in 1944 - 87, in the last year of the war - 46. The last in the Great Patriotic War closed the machine gun embrasure with his body, Sergeant Arkhip Manita. It happened in Berlin 17 days before the Victory ...
134 out of 215 heroes who accomplished the "feat of Matrosov" were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Some feats were appreciated only many years after the war. For example, a Red Army soldier of the 679th Infantry Regiment, Abram Levin, who closed the embrasure of the bunker with his body in the battle for the village of Kholmets on February 22, 1942, was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, only in 1967. There are also documented cases when the brave men who performed the "sailor's" feat remained alive. These are Udodov A.A., Rise R.Kh., Mayborsky V.P. and Kondratiev L.V.” (V. Bondarenko "One Hundred Great Feats of Russia", M., "Veche", 2011, p. 283).
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Matveyevich Matrosov was posthumously awarded on June 19, 1943. He was buried in the city of Velikiye Luki. On September 8, 1943, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, the name of Matrosov was assigned to the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment, he himself was forever enrolled (one of the first in the Soviet Army) in the lists of the 1st company of this unit. Monuments to the Hero have been erected in St. Petersburg, Tolyatti, Velikiye Luki, Ulyanovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, and there are at least several hundred streets and squares of Alexander Matrosov in the cities and villages of the former USSR.

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    During the classes

    I. Introduction.

    II. Main stage.

    4.National policy.

    Homework: item 35

    Topic: Peoples of the USSR in the fight against German fascism

    Purpose: to expand the horizons of students.

    Educational: repeat, summarize and consolidate educational material.

    Correction-developing: speech development, enrichment of the active vocabulary, students' thinking; development of communication skills, check the ability of students to work with a map and with additional literature.

    Equipment: computer, presentation, map “General course of the Second World War (1.9.1939 - 2.9.1945),

    Portraits of Soviet military leaders, prominent partisans, leaders of the underground movement, political and government figures; reproductions of paintings.

    During the classes

    I. Introduction.

    II. The main stage (the study of new material).

    III. Summing up the consolidation of the material.

    II. Main stage.

    1. Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of the war.

    2. The economy of the Union republics during the war.

    3. National movements during the war years.

    4.National policy.

    3. Tell us about the attempts of the Nazi leadership to use national movements in the USSR. What are the results of these attempts? Why did they generally fail?

    4. Determine your attitude towards collaborationism during the war years. Can the actions of collaborators be justified by the idea of ​​fighting the Stalinist regime?

    Homework: item 35

    State educational institution

    Tula region

    "May Day Cadet School"


    on the topic: "The peoples of the USSR in the fight against German fascism"

    Golikov Alexander Alexandrovich

    a history teacher

    Grade 9


    Certified teacher (full name):Golikov Alexander Alexandrovich.

    City, district: Tula region, Shchekinsky district, Pervomaisky village.

    Educational institution:GOU TO "May Day Cadet School".

    Subject (or position): story.

    Class: 9 (general education).

    Lesson topic: The peoples of the USSR in the fight against German fascism.

    Lesson type: combined.

    Class characteristic:There are 14 students in the class (all boys). Grade 9 - general education with the study of history at a basic level. All students in the class are able-bodied, but the level of learning, learning and the degree of development of learning skills differ. Three students can be called leaders in the educational process, they have well-formed learning skills, developed analytical thinking, and have a solid knowledge of history. The performance of the other 4 students can be described as above average. One of them has a pronounced interest in the study of history, has solid knowledge, but learning skills are somewhat less developed. The rest of the students in the class show average results. In the classroom, almost all students in the class are active, express their points of view on various controversial issues.

    Means that provide the educational process in the classroom:

    • textbook Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G., Brandt M.Yu. History of Russia, XX-XXI centuries. Grade 9 M., Education, 2012;
    • Handout;
    • a computer,
    • projector,
    • interactive board,
    • presentation.

    The purpose of the lesson:

    • educational:to form in students an idea of ​​the multinational feat of the Soviet people, to reveal specific examples of self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland, to characterize the phenomenon of collaborationism;
    • educational: continue the formation of patriotism among students;
    • developing to continue the formation of skills in working with historical sources and statistical information.


    1. To reveal what place the national question occupied in Hitler's plans.
    2. Describe the feat of the multinational Soviet people.
    3. Define what collaborationism is and what are its specific manifestations.
    4. Analyze the national policy of the Soviet authorities during the war years.

    Basic concepts:collaborationism, deportation.

    During the classes.

    I. Organizational moment. (2 minutes)

    The purpose of the organizational stage of the lesson:psychologically set up students to study the subject, to make the transition from rest to the beginning of work.

    Tasks of the organizational stage of the lesson:

    1. check attendance;
    2. check the readiness of students for the lesson;
    3. establish psychological contact with the class.

    II. Checking homework. (10 minutes)

    Purpose of checking homework:to establish the correctness and awareness of the completion of homework by all students.

    Homework check tasks:

    1. find out the degree of assimilation of the material given at home;
    2. identify typical shortcomings in knowledge and their causes;
    3. eliminate the detected shortcomings (due to the chosen form of checking homework, this task will be completed until the end only in the next lesson).

    Methods used to check homework:

    1. test work with tasks of different levels of complexity. (Attachment 1)

    III. Transition to the study of new material. (4 minutes)

    The purpose of the transition to the study of new material:motivate students to study a new topic, create a connection between the material studied and the new topic.

    Tasks of the transition to the study of new material:

    1. to attract the attention of students by activating directly motivating motives (to show students that the existing knowledge about the history of the Great Patriotic War is insufficient);
    2. updating knowledge;
    3. setting goals and objectives for students in the classroom.

    Methods used to move on to learning new material:

    1. teacher's story.

    Teacher activity

    Student activities

    Teacher: Guys, over the course of several lessons, we are studying one of the most tragic and at the same time heroic pages in the history of our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War. You already know about the bitter, difficult months of the first year of the war, when the Red Army, under the blows of superior enemy forces, rolled back to the east. You and I saw how in 1942-1943. at the cost of enormous efforts, the Soviet people managed to turn the tide of the war, and in 1944 almost completely liberate their native land.

    The teacher sets the learning goal for the students:However, in our lessons we mainly talked about fronts, armies, major military leaders, practically did not pay attention to ordinary people with their strengths and weaknesses. Today in the lesson we have to look at this innermost side of the Great Patriotic War.So, write down the topic of our lesson:"PEOPLES OF THE USSR IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GERMAN FASCISM". (Slide 1)

    The teacher formulates learning tasks:

    Write down our lesson plan in your notebooks. Its points reflect the tasks that we have to solve today.(Slide 2):

    1. Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of the war.

    2. National movements during the war years.

    3. National policy.

    The students listen to the teacher. Write down the topic and lesson plan in your notebook.

    IV. Learning new material. (23 minutes)

    The purpose of learning new material:to form a holistic view of students that the rallying of the peoples of the USSR in the face of a common enemy has become one of the most important factors in the Great Victory.

    Tasks of studying new material:

    1. lead students to a correct assessment of Hitler's plans for the national disunity of the Soviet people;
    2. prove with specific examples that heroism does not depend on nationality;
    3. reveal the meaning of the concept of "collaborationism";
    4. organize the work of students on the characteristics and evaluation of collaborationism;
    5. characterize the essence of the Soviet national policy during the war years.

    Forms and methods of work used to study new material:

    1. teacher's story
    2. conversation (reporting and heuristic);
    3. work with a historical source;
    4. presentation demonstration;
    5. watching the training video.

    Teacher activity

    Student activities

    Question 1 (10 minutes)

    Teacher: Let's remember with you the composition of the USSR, what kind of state was it?

    Teacher: Good. Before you are the materials we need for today's lesson.

    Please refer to the text applications 2 and answer the question:

    How did Hitler want to use this feature of the Soviet people?

    Teacher: Correct the student's answer. As a result of the joint discussion, conclusion: Hitler hoped that after the first failures of the Red Army, the Soviet Union would begin to disintegrate due to the aggravation of national contradictions.. (Slide 3)

    Teacher: Now you will work with statistical information in applications 3-4 and try to answer the question:

    Was Hitler's prediction justified?

    Teacher: Correct the student's answer.(Slides 3-4)

    Teacher: However, not only this dry statistical information, but also the real exploits of the Soviet people confirm that in the face of a common danger, people rallied:

    1. Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress were representatives of 30 nationalities.(Slide 5)
    2. Among the defenders of the legendary "Pavlov's house" were representatives of 11 nationalities.(Slide 6)
    3. Feats during the war years were performed by people of different nationalities (Ukrainian Mikhail Panikakha, Russian Alexander Matrosov, Tatar Amet-Khan Sultan, Belarusian Marat Kazei).(Slides 7-8)

    Thus, we can conclude that Hitler's plans for the national division of the Soviet people did not materialize.

    Question 2 (12 minutes)

    Teacher: Despite the general rallying of the forces of the entire multinational Soviet people, national movements became more active in the outskirts during the war years, which sought to realize their ambitions through cooperation with the enemy. We have come close to the conceptcollaborationism- knowingly, voluntarily and intentionallycooperation with the enemy, in his interests and to the detriment of his state(under the record). (Slide 9)

    (Slide 10)

    Teacher: Characterizes Bendera.(Slide 12)

    Watch a video about Khatyn.

    Teacher: General A. Vlasov became a symbol of betrayal during the war years. The derivative from his name has become a household name - Vlasovites. General Vlasov was captured in 1942 and agreed to cooperate with the enemy; with the consent of the Nazis, he created the ROA. Talk to applications 5 - 6 and evaluate his performance.

    Teacher: Correct the student's answer.(Slide 13)

    Teacher: Vlasov A. was not the only Soviet general who was captured. History has preserved for us the names of real heroes who behaved differently in similar situations: D.M. Karbyshev, M.G. Efremov, M.F. Lukin.(Slide 14)

    No less interesting is the example of the White Guard emigrant A.I. Denikin, who refused to cooperate with the Nazis.

    Teacher: However, despite the existence of all these movements, the enemy did not manage to create a serious force out of them.

    Question 3 (3 minutes)

    Teacher: Cooperation with the enemy did not go unnoticed. After the liberation of the occupied territories, many people were severely punished - deportations. At various times during the war years were mass deportations of Volga Germans were carried out,Kalmyks , Ingush , Chechens , Karachays , Balkars , Crimean Tatars , Nogais , Meskhetian Turks , Pontic Greeks , Bulgarians , Crimean gypsies , Kurds . (Slides 15-16)

    Teacher: So, it's time to take stock. What conclusions can we draw?(Slide 17)

    Question 1 (10 minutes)

    Students: Multinational.


    Students: Work individually with the document. At the request of the teacher, one student gives an answer, others, if necessary, supplement.

    Question 2 (12 minutes)

    Students: Write notes in notebooks. Draw a diagram.

    Students: Watching the training video.

    Students: Work individually with the document. At the request of the teacher, one student gives an answer, others, if necessary, supplement.

    Question 3 (3 minutes)

    Students: They make notes in notebooks (deportation).

    Students: They offer their options.

    V. Fixing. (4 minutes)

    Purpose of the consolidation stage:to consolidate in students the knowledge and skills that are necessary for independent work on the studied material.

    Consolidation phase tasks:

    1. identify the degree of assimilation of educational material;
    2. summarize the studied material;
    3. to focus students' attention on the main points of the studied material.

    Methods used for pinning:conversation (generalizing and reproducing).

    VI. Homework. (2 minutes)

    The purpose of the stage of informing about homework:inform students about homework, explain the methodology for its implementation and summarize the work.

    Tasks of the stage of informing about homework:

    1. informing students about homework;
    2. homework instruction.


    Annex 2

    From Goering's "Green Folder" (Oldenburg plan)

    "Treatment with the population in certain areas

    1. Baltic countries, Leningrad and Northern regions.

    In the Baltic countries, it is most expedient for the German authorities to rely on the Germans who remained there, as well as on the Lithuanians, Letts and Estonians. Tensions between these national groups and the remaining Russians should be used in the interests of Germany.

    3. South.

    The possible presence of contradictions between Ukrainians and Great Russians must be used in our interests.

    4. Caucasus.

    Good relations should be maintained with the population, especially with the workers in the oil industry. The contradictions between the natives (Georgians, Armenians, Tatars, etc.) and Russians should be used in our interests. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the Georgians and Tatars, in contrast to the Armenians, are friendly towards the Germans.”

    Appendix 3

    Losses of the Red Army

    Nationality of the victims
    military personnel

    Number of casualties
    (thousand people)

    % of total
    irretrievable losses
    (8668400 people)

    Nationality of the victims
    military personnel

    Number of casualties
    (thousand people)

    % of total
    irretrievable losses
    (8668400 people)




























    Peoples of Dagestan




























    Kabardians and Balkars










    Chechens and Ingush















    Czechs, Slovaks















    Other nationalities



















    Annex 5

    Memorandum of Hilger, a former adviser to the German embassy in Moscow, to the German Foreign Minister about a conversation with captured Soviet officers, among whom was A.A. Vlasov (August 1942).

    “I clearly told the Soviet officers that I did not share their convictions. Russia has been a constant threat to Germany for a hundred years, regardless of whether it was under the tsarist or the Bolshevik regime. Germany is not at all interested in the revival of the Russian state on a Great Russian base.

    Appendix 6

    From an article by Vlasov A. “Why did I embark on the path of struggle against Bolshevism?”

    “Calling on all Russian people to rise up to fight against Stalin and his clique, for the construction of a New Russia without Bolsheviks and capitalists, I consider it my duty to explain my actions ... I call him to the path of brotherhood and unity with the peoples of Europe and, first of all, to the path of cooperation and eternal friendship with the Great German people... In this struggle for our future, I openly and honestly take the path of an alliance with Germany. This alliance, equally beneficial to both great nations, will lead us to victory over the dark forces of Bolshevism, will deliver us from the bondage of Anglo-American capital."