Our ancestors are aliens from other galaxies. Extraterrestrial civilizations, ufo, search for alien life in the galaxy Cosmos universe aliens from other galaxies

We are starting a new section “Simply about the complex”, within which we will ask experts in various fields the simplest, sometimes even childishly naive questions about everything in the world. And our interlocutors will endure our importunity, intelligibly and naturally talking about complex things. Today we are talking with Belarusian photographer and astronomer Viktor Malyshchits, well known to our readers for a series of articles on space.

Let's start with the most important. Where did the aliens go and why, despite all our efforts, have we still not found them (and they - us)?

In an attempt to detect intelligent life forms, humanity uses radio signals. But we do not know what kind of communication they use. Maybe the aliens do not know about radio waves or have long abandoned them?

There are other questions as well. In what format should the signal be sent? What areas of space? How to increase the likelihood that the signal is understandable? Many signaling events are PR promotions. For example, in 1974, a radio signal was sent from the Arecibo observatory towards the globular star cluster M13. Someone said, they say, there are 100 thousand stars, at least ten will have aliens! They just keep silent that this cluster is 24 thousand light years away. And do not forget that the probable answer needs the same amount.

Part of Arecibo's message

It is better to try to look for some signals yourself than to send them. However, neither one nor the other has yet yielded any results.

- Space is boundless, the Universe is infinite. How did scientists come to this conclusion?

We assume that our world has a certain structure: there are galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters of galaxies, etc. But on a scale of several hundred million light years, our world is homogeneous, and, as far as we can see, nothing changes there. There is no indication that the structure of the universe is trying to cluster closer to any center or edge. Based on these observations, it is concluded that, probably, everything is the same in the future.

The trouble is that no matter what telescopes we build, we cannot see the whole world. The maximum that we can see is those objects that are at a distance of 13.7 billion light years from us (the age at which our Universe is estimated). Light has already reached us from them. But after all, something could happen further, it’s just that the light signal did not have time to reach from there.

Thus, there is a border beyond which we cannot break through. But what is behind it, we can only guess, extrapolating the knowledge that we have.

Why did people stop flying to the moon? Indeed, today there are much more opportunities for this than 50 years ago. Maybe conspiracy theories don't lie?

I don't believe in any conspiracy theories. The answer to the question is quite simple: sending a man to the moon is a very, very expensive project. In the 1960s, there was a different geopolitical situation, the US and the USSR actively participated in the space race. It was necessary to catch up and overtake the rival, people wanted this, they were ready to give up material wealth in order to be the first.

Today the society has become more well-fed. Of course, we can now resume flights to the Moon, we can even fly to Mars. The only question is - how much will it cost taxpayers? We want to have a good job, a comfortable vacation, a brand new iPhone and everything else. Are people ready to give it up?

In addition, today's technology has reached such a level that a person is not needed, it is much cheaper to do without him. A person is a heavy piece of meat, in which only the head and hands work normally, and everything else is an extra load, which, in addition to everything else, needs a bunch of life support systems. A small lunar rover with a bunch of sensors would weigh a lot less, it wouldn't need oxygen or water, and it would be a lot cheaper to launch it to the moon than it would be to launch a human.

What color are planets and nebulae really? In the photographs, they are so beautiful and colorful, but when we look at the night sky or into space through a telescope, we do not see this colorful beauty.

The concept of color is very arbitrary. For a person, this is not so much an absolute value as a relative one. How does the human eye work? It constantly adjusts the white balance. Here we are sitting in the office and we see yellow light bulbs, while the sheet of paper under them looks white, and now everything outside the window is somehow blue. Let's go outside during the day, and everything will seem white there. This is because our eyes are constantly adjusting so that the background light is grayish. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about color during the day, a lot depends on the background lighting. But at night, when there is no background lighting, our eyes set the white balance to a specific value.

Remember that the eye's photoreceptors include cones and rods? It is the latter that are responsible for night vision, and they do not recognize colors in low light. Therefore, in a telescope, we see the nebula as a kind of diffuse, colorless haze. But for the camera there is no difference, low light or strong light, it always captures the color.

Do you know what is the most popular color among nebulae? Pink! Nebulae are mostly made up of hydrogen, which glows red, slightly blue, and purple when exposed to nearby stars, resulting in a pink color.

So the cosmos is colored, we just don't see these colors. We can only distinguish the colors of the brightest stars and planets. Everyone, for example, sees that Mars is not green, but orange, Jupiter is yellowish, and Venus is white. When processing images, they try to fit them to these colors. Although there are no strict rules. Often, through telescopes or spacecraft, the planet is photographed in slightly different ranges, and not in standard RGB. Therefore, the colors in the pictures may not always be natural.

Telescope "Hubble"

The Rosette Nebula in the Hubble Palette

In general, with space frames there are two options. According to the first, the objects are trying to show as realistic as possible, they are shot in RGB, the nebulae are pinkish, the stars are of a normal color. As a second example, one can cite such a technique as the “Hubble palette” (the name arose due to the fact that photographs from this particular telescope were first processed in this way). Elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and some others glow only in certain ranges of the spectrum. There are special filters that can show, for example, only hydrogen or only sulfur. You put a filter - only the structure of hydrogen in the nebula is fixed, you put another one - you see only oxygen. For an astronomer, this is important because you can trace the distribution of different chemical elements. But how to show all this to people? Then, purely conditionally, they decide to color hydrogen in green, sulfur in red, and oxygen in blue. It turns out a beautiful and at the same time informative picture, which, however, has little in common with the original.

Why are large asteroids discovered so late? After all, often they learn about them only when they are already as close as possible to the Earth.

Let's see how asteroids are generally detected. The same part of the starry sky is photographed several times. If some "asterisk" moves, then it is an asteroid or something like that. Next, you need to check the bases, calculate the orbit and see if the object will collide with the planet.

The problem is that an asteroid dangerous for the Earth is just a boulder with a diameter of a couple of tens of meters. It is very difficult to see a 20-30-meter block in space. Plus, they're almost black.

I would say that, on the contrary, we should be proud that people learned to detect asteroids so early. Previously, even the most terrible of them were discovered only after they flew by.

- Isn't there a lot of space debris in orbit? How dangerous is he?

A lot of! And the biggest problem is that we can't do anything with it yet. You can only try not to throw anything into space or throw it out so that it burns up in the atmosphere. In low orbits, where there are most satellites, including broken ones, the earth's atmosphere is slightly present and gradually slows down the movement of debris. It eventually falls to Earth and burns up in the atmosphere.

What to do with higher orbits? If the amount of debris reaches a critical value, then an avalanche-like formation of debris will begin. Imagine that some particle collides with a satellite at an incredible speed - it will also scatter into hundreds of blanks that will collide with other particles, etc. As a result, the planet will be surrounded by a cocoon of debris, and space will become unsuitable for research. Fortunately, we are still far from this critical value.

- Where do people get hysteria about the planet Nibiru? Have you, as an experienced astronomer, seen it?

People love to believe in conspiracy theories. This is our psychology, we want to believe in the unreal. No one has really seen this planet, astronomers do not take it seriously.

Why didn't they come up with artificial gravity? She's in all science fiction films!

Physics has not yet been discovered! Theoretically, of course, it is possible to build a huge ring in space that spins at a certain speed. Then, due to the centrifugal force, gravity can be obtained. But all this is more fantasy than reality. So far, it is easier to teach people to work in zero gravity.

Scientists are still trying to answer the question "Are we alone in the universe?" They believe that in the constellation Peacock there is a galaxy NGC 6744, which can be inhabited by aliens. This conclusion was drawn because the parameters galaxies similar to the characteristics of the Milky Way. That is, the conditions for the origin of life in it are optimal.

The search for extraterrestrial life took place based on the vital needs of man. Galaxy NGC 6744 responds best to them. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to study it in detail. The problem is that scientists see it as it was during the time of the dinosaurs. And the distance to it from our planet is 30 million light years! However, it is already known that the cluster is 2 times larger than our galaxy. Otherwise, its characteristics are similar to the Milky Way.

It is not possible to send an unmanned mission into the galaxy. The engine of the required power has not yet been invented. However, scientists are actively working to eliminate this shortcoming.

May be, aliens live in the arms of NGC 6744. At the same time, they are located on stable stars, and not on planets. The appearance of aliens may be similar to the human, but this is only a theory. In addition, dinosaurs can live in this galaxy, as well as plants and animals that lived on our planet several million years ago.

Are there other galaxies worth seeing?

US scientists continue to search for alien-inhabited galaxies using infrared radiation. In this way, they found about 50 objects. Their level of radiation in the infrared range is slightly overestimated.

The presented technique was invented back in 1960 by F. Dyson. The physicist proposed to carry out search for aliens by infrared radiation. He explained that if there are aliens in the galaxy, in the medium-wavelength infrared radiation in it will be increased.

Many people listened to the opinion of the physicist. However, the technical capabilities of scientists, until recently, did not allow searching by the proposed method. The WISE telescope made it possible to do this. With its help, after analyzing 100,000 galaxies, 50 galaxies were identified. They have high IR radiation.

Scientists offer to pay attention to the constellation Auriga, from which unusual radio flares. It is located 100 million light years from our planet. Scientists say the flashes could be signals from aliens.

A galaxy is a large formation of stars, gas, dust, which are held together by the force of gravity. These largest compounds in the universe can vary in shape and size. Most of the space objects are part of a particular galaxy. These are stars, planets, satellites, nebulae, black holes and asteroids. Some of the galaxies have a lot of invisible dark energy. Due to the fact that the galaxies are separated by empty outer space, they are figuratively called oases in the cosmic desert.

elliptical galaxy spiral galaxy wrong galaxy
spheroidal component entire galaxy There is Very weak
stellar disk No or weak Main component Main component
Gas and dust disk Not There is There is
spiral branches None or only near the core There is Not
Active cores Meet Meet Not
20% 55% 5%

Our galaxy

Our closest star, the Sun, is one of the billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Looking at the night starry sky, it is hard not to notice a wide band strewn with stars. The ancient Greeks called the cluster of these stars the Galaxy.

If we had the opportunity to look at this star system from the side, we would have noticed an oblate ball, in which there are over 150 billion stars. Our galaxy has dimensions that are hard to imagine in your imagination. A beam of light travels from one side of it to the other for a hundred thousand Earth years! The center of our Galaxy is occupied by the core, from which huge spiral branches filled with stars depart. The distance from the Sun to the nucleus of the Galaxy is 30,000 light years. The solar system is located on the outskirts of the Milky Way.

Stars in the Galaxy, despite the huge accumulation of cosmic bodies, are rare. For example, the distance between the nearest stars is tens of millions of times greater than their diameters. It cannot be said that the stars are scattered randomly in the Universe. Their location depends on the forces of gravity that hold the celestial body in a certain plane. Star systems with their gravitational fields are called galaxies. In addition to stars, the composition of the galaxy includes gas and interstellar dust.

composition of galaxies.

The universe is also made up of many other galaxies. The closest to us are distant at a distance of 150 thousand light years. They can be seen in the sky of the southern hemisphere in the form of small hazy specks. They were first described by a member of the Magellanic expedition around the world of Pigafett. They entered science under the name of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

The closest galaxy to us is the Andromeda Nebula. It has a very large size, so it is visible from the Earth with ordinary binoculars, and in clear weather - even with the naked eye.

The very structure of the galaxy resembles a giant spiral convex in space. On one of the spiral arms, ¾ of the distance from the center, is the solar system. Everything in the galaxy revolves around the central core and obeys the force of its gravity. In 1962, astronomer Edwin Hubble classified galaxies according to their shape. The scientist divided all galaxies into elliptical, spiral, irregular and barred galaxies.

There are billions of galaxies in the part of the Universe available for astronomical research. Collectively, astronomers call them the Metagalaxy.

Galaxies of the Universe

Galaxies are represented by large groupings of stars, gas, dust, held together by gravity. They can vary greatly in shape and size. Most space objects belong to a galaxy. These are black holes, asteroids, stars with satellites and planets, nebulae, neutron satellites.

Most of the universe's galaxies contain vast amounts of invisible dark energy. Since the space between different galaxies is considered empty, they are often called oases in the void of space. For example, a star called the Sun is one of the billions of stars in the "Milky Way" galaxy in our universe. At ¾ of the distance from the center of this spiral is the solar system. In this galaxy, everything is constantly moving around the central core, which obeys its gravity. However, the core also moves along with the galaxy. At the same time, all galaxies move at superspeeds.
Astronomer Edwin Hubble in 1962 carried out a logical classification of the galaxies of the universe, taking into account their shape. Now galaxies are divided into 4 main groups: elliptical, spiral, galaxies with a bar (bar) and irregular.
What is the largest galaxy in our universe?
The largest galaxy in the universe is the super-giant lenticular galaxy in the Abell 2029 cluster.

spiral galaxies

They are galaxies that in their shape resemble a flat spiral disk with a bright center (core). The Milky Way is a typical spiral galaxy. Spiral galaxies are usually called with the letter S, they are divided into 4 subgroups: Sa, So, Sc and Sb. Galaxies belonging to the So group are distinguished by bright nuclei that do not have spiral arms. As for the Sa galaxies, they are distinguished by dense spiral arms tightly wrapped around the central core. The arms of the Sc and Sb galaxies rarely surround the core.

Spiral galaxies in the Messier catalog

barred galaxies

Barred galaxies are similar to spiral galaxies, but still have one difference. In such galaxies, spirals do not start from the core, but from the bridges. About 1/3 of all galaxies fall into this category. They are usually denoted by the letters SB. In turn, they are divided into 3 subgroups Sbc, SBb, SBa. The difference between these three groups is determined by the shape and length of the bridges, from where, in fact, the arms of the spirals begin.

Messier barred spiral galaxies

elliptical galaxies

The shape of galaxies can vary from perfectly round to elongated ovals. Their distinguishing feature is the absence of a central bright core. They are designated by the letter E and are divided into 6 subgroups (by shape). Such forms are designated from E0 to E7. The former are almost round in shape, while the E7 are characterized by an extremely elongated shape.

Elliptical galaxies in the Messier catalog

Irregular galaxies

They do not have any pronounced structure or shape. Irregular galaxies are usually divided into 2 classes: IO and Im. The most common is the Im class of galaxies (it has only a slight hint of structure). In some cases, spiral remnants are traced. IO belongs to a class of galaxies that are chaotic in shape. The Small and Large Magellanic Clouds are a prime example of the Im class.

Messier catalog irregular galaxies

Table of characteristics of the main types of galaxies

elliptical galaxy spiral galaxy wrong galaxy
spheroidal component entire galaxy There is Very weak
stellar disk No or weak Main component Main component
Gas and dust disk Not There is There is
spiral branches None or only near the core There is Not
Active cores Meet Meet No
Percentage of the total number of galaxies 20% 55% 5%

Large portrait of galaxies

Not so long ago, astronomers began working on a collaborative project to determine the location of galaxies throughout the universe. Their task is to get a more detailed picture of the general structure and shape of the universe on a large scale. Unfortunately, the scale of the universe is difficult to estimate for understanding by many people. Take at least our galaxy, consisting of more than a hundred billion stars. There are billions more galaxies in the universe. Distant galaxies have been discovered, but we see their light as it was almost 9 billion years ago (we are separated by such a large distance).

Astronomers became aware that most galaxies belonged to a particular group (it became known as a "cluster"). The Milky Way is part of a cluster, which, in turn, consists of forty known galaxies. As a rule, most of these clusters are part of an even larger grouping, which is called superclusters.

Our cluster is part of a supercluster commonly referred to as the Virgo Cluster. Such a massive cluster consists of more than 2 thousand galaxies. At the same time that astronomers mapped the location of these galaxies, superclusters began to take shape. Large superclusters have gathered around what appear to be gigantic bubbles or voids. What kind of structure this is, no one knows yet. We do not understand what can be inside these voids. By assumption, they can be filled with a certain type of dark matter unknown to scientists, or they can have empty space inside. It will be a long time before we know the nature of such voids.

Galactic Computing

Edwin Hubble is the founder of galactic research. He is the first to figure out how to calculate the exact distance to a galaxy. In his research, he relied on the method of pulsating stars, which are better known as Cepheids. The scientist was able to notice the relationship between the period that is needed to complete one pulsation of brightness, and the energy that the star releases. The results of his research were a major breakthrough in the field of galactic research. In addition, he found that there is a correlation between the red spectrum emitted by a galaxy and its distance (the Hubble constant).

Nowadays, astronomers can measure the distance and speed of a galaxy by measuring the amount of redshift in the spectrum. It is known that all galaxies of the Universe move from each other. The further the galaxy is from the Earth, the greater its speed of movement.

To visualize this theory, it is enough to imagine yourself driving a car that moves at a speed of 50 km per hour. A car in front of you is driving faster at 50 km per hour, which indicates that the speed of its movement is 100 km per hour. There is another car in front of him, which is moving faster by another 50 km per hour. Even though the speed of all 3 cars will be 50 km/h different, the first car is actually moving away from you 100 km/h faster. Since the red spectrum indicates the speed of the galaxy moving away from us, the following is obtained: the greater the redshift, the faster the galaxy moves and the greater its distance from us.

Now we have new tools to help scientists in their search for new galaxies. Thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists have been able to see what they could only dream of before. The high power of this telescope provides good visibility of even small details in nearby galaxies and allows you to study more distant ones that have not yet been known to anyone. Currently, new space observation tools are under development, and in the near future they will help to gain a deeper understanding of the structure of the universe.

Types of galaxies

  • spiral galaxies. In shape, they resemble a flat spiral disk with a pronounced center, the so-called core. Our Milky Way galaxy belongs to this category. In this section of the portal site you will find many different articles describing the space objects of our Galaxy.
  • Barred galaxies. They resemble spiral ones, only they differ from them in one significant difference. Spirals do not depart from the core, but from the so-called jumpers. This category includes a third of all galaxies in the universe.
  • Elliptical galaxies come in a variety of shapes, from perfectly round to oval-shaped. Compared to spiral ones, they lack a central, pronounced core.
  • Irregular galaxies do not have a characteristic shape or structure. They cannot be attributed to any of the above types. There are far fewer irregular galaxies in the vastness of the Universe.

Astronomers have recently launched a joint project to identify the location of all galaxies in the universe. Scientists hope to get a better picture of its structure on a large scale. The size of the universe is difficult to estimate for human thinking and understanding. Our galaxy alone is a connection of hundreds of billions of stars. And there are billions of such galaxies. We can see the light from the discovered distant galaxies, but do not even mean that we are looking into the past, because the light beam reaches us for tens of billions of years, such a great distance separates us.

Astronomers also associate most galaxies with certain groups called clusters. Our Milky Way belongs to a cluster of 40 explored galaxies. Such clusters are combined into large groupings called superclusters. The cluster with our galaxy is part of the Virgo supercluster. This giant cluster contains over 2,000 galaxies. As scientists began to map the distribution of these galaxies, superclusters took on certain shapes. Most of the galactic superclusters were surrounded by giant voids. No one knows what could be inside these voids: outer space like interplanetary space or a new form of matter. It will take a long time to solve this riddle.

Interaction of galaxies

No less interesting for scientists is the question of the interaction of galaxies as components of space systems. It's no secret that space objects are in constant motion. Galaxies are no exception to this rule. Some of the types of galaxies could cause a collision or merger of two space systems. If you look into how these space objects appear, large-scale changes as a result of their interaction become more understandable. During the collision of two space systems, a huge amount of energy splashes out. The meeting of two galaxies in the vastness of the Universe is an even more probable event than the collision of two stars. The collision of galaxies does not always end in an explosion. A small space system can freely pass by its larger counterpart, changing only slightly its structure.

Thus, formations are formed that are similar in appearance to elongated corridors. Stars and gas zones stand out in their composition, new luminaries often form. There are times when galaxies do not collide, but only lightly touch each other. However, even such an interaction triggers a chain of irreversible processes that lead to huge changes in the structure of both galaxies.

What is the future of our galaxy?

As scientists suggest, it is possible that in the distant future the Milky Way will be able to absorb a tiny satellite system, which is located at a distance of 50 light years from us. Studies show that this satellite has a long life potential, but if it collides with a giant neighbor, it will most likely end its separate existence. Astronomers also predict a collision between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula. Galaxies move towards each other at the speed of light. Before a likely collision, wait about three billion Earth years. However, whether it will actually happen now is hard to argue due to the lack of data on the motion of both space systems.

Description of galaxiesKvant. Space

The portal site will take you to the world of interesting and fascinating space. You will learn the nature of the construction of the Universe, get acquainted with the structure of known large galaxies and their components. By reading articles about our galaxy, some of the phenomena that can be observed in the night sky become more understandable to us.

All galaxies are at a great distance from the Earth. Only three galaxies can be seen with the naked eye: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda Nebula. It is impossible to count all galaxies. Scientists suggest that their number is about 100 billion. The spatial arrangement of galaxies is uneven - one region can contain a huge number of them, in the second there will not be even a single small galaxy at all. Astronomers failed to separate the image of galaxies from individual stars until the early 1990s. At that time, there were about 30 galaxies with individual stars. All of them were assigned to the Local group. In 1990, a majestic event took place in the development of astronomy as a science - the Hubble telescope was launched into Earth's orbit. It is this technique, as well as new ground-based 10-meter telescopes, that made it possible to see a much larger number of resolved galaxies.

Today, the "astronomical minds" of the world are puzzling over the role of dark matter in the construction of galaxies, which manifests itself only in gravitational interaction. For example, in some large galaxies it makes up about 90% of the total mass, while dwarf galaxies may not contain it at all.

Evolution of galaxies

Scientists believe that the emergence of galaxies is a natural stage in the evolution of the Universe, which took place under the influence of gravitational forces. Approximately 14 billion years ago, the formation of protoclusters in the primary matter began. Further, under the influence of various dynamic processes, the separation of galactic groups took place. The abundance of galaxy shapes is explained by the variety of initial conditions in their formation.

It takes about 3 billion years to compress a galaxy. Over a given period of time, the gas cloud turns into a star system. Star formation occurs under the influence of gravitational compression of gas clouds. After reaching a certain temperature and density in the center of the cloud, sufficient for the start of thermonuclear reactions, a new star is formed. Massive stars are formed from thermonuclear chemical elements that are larger than helium in mass. These elements create the primary helium-hydrogen environment. During grandiose explosions of supernovae, elements heavier than iron are formed. It follows from this that the galaxy consists of two generations of stars. The first generation are the oldest stars, consisting of helium, hydrogen and a very small amount of heavy elements. Second-generation stars have a more noticeable admixture of heavy elements, since they are formed from a primordial gas enriched in heavy elements.

In modern astronomy, galaxies as cosmic structures are given a separate place. The types of galaxies, the features of their interaction, similarities and differences are studied in detail, and a forecast of their future is made. This area contains many more incomprehensible things that require further study. Modern science has solved many questions regarding the types of construction of galaxies, but there are also many blank spots associated with the formation of these cosmic systems. The current pace of modernization of research equipment, the development of new methodologies for the study of space bodies give hope for a significant breakthrough in the future. One way or another, galaxies will always be at the center of scientific research. And it is based not only on human curiosity. Having received data on the patterns of development of space systems, we will be able to predict the future of our galaxy called the Milky Way.

The most interesting news, scientific, author's articles about the study of galaxies will be provided to you by the portal site. Here you can find breathtaking videos, high-quality images from satellites and telescopes that do not leave you indifferent. Dive into the world of unknown space with us!

Planetary scientists from the United States have begun a large-scale search for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the Andromeda Nebula, observing flares near its stars, which may be artificially created. This was announced the day before at a meeting of NASA employees dedicated to the discovery of man-made traces of aliens.

"We believe that there are civilizations in the Universe that are no less developed than we are. They are able to manufacture special laser installations, with the help of which they will declare themselves to the inhabitants of the Earth and other brothers in mind. If such a laser functions for a long time, then, most likely, we will find it," said Andrew Stewart, an employee of the University of California (Santa Barbara, USA).

The famous American astronomer Frank Drake more than 50 years ago created a formula by which he calculated the number of civilizations in the Milky Way with which it is likely to make contact. Thus, the specialist tried to understand what are the general chances of meeting aliens.

According to the developed formula, there are quite a lot of extraterrestrial civilizations in the Galaxy. After some time, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi spoke out, noting a very strange moment: the Milky Way is practically "teeming" with civilizations, but at the same time the long-awaited meeting with their representatives did not happen, not even any traces were found. The scientist's arguments are now known as the Fermi Paradox, which has haunted mankind for decades.

During this time, many different versions have been put forward, one of the most popular is the "unique Earth" theory. Its proponents believe that conditions identical to those on Earth are required for the emergence of developed organisms. In fact, a clone of our planet is needed here.

There is also an opinion among scientists that the wanted civilizations disappear too quickly, so they cannot be found. But it cannot be dismissed that the aliens are simply hiding for some reason, and they do it very skillfully.

Andrew Stewart, Philip Lubin and their assistants believe that in order to increase the chances of success, one should look for aliens not only in our galaxy, but in others too. In addition, searches should be carried out not in the radio wave range, but in the optical one, and this is accompanied by a number of reasons. First of all, light flashes, for example, laser ones, emanating from certain luminaries, are much easier to fix and separate from the natural radiations of other space objects. In addition, this property of light signals makes it possible to observe an uncountable number of star systems of other galaxies at once.

The scientific group for observations using the new technique chose the Andromeda Nebula, which is the nearest galaxy in the Milky Way. These two structures have many similarities both in structure and size. This large-scale work uses 30 telescopes, each of which monitors a different part of the galaxy.

Philip Lubin believes that there are more than a trillion planets in the Andromeda Nebula, and it is likely that intelligent beings have appeared in at least one of them, having already reached the level of development to get out into space and start looking for other civilizations.

A very common analogy today is that the Earth is a huge spaceship, life on which is subject to earthly orders and the laws of the Universe. But there is still no established idea about the origin and structure of the universe and the Universe itself.

Many researchers consider the appearance of the Cro-Magnon man on our planet a very strange event. After all, this begs the question - how, when the planet was inhabited by Neanderthals about forty thousand years ago, beautiful tall creatures lived in the caves with them - the progenitors of the Cro-Magnons, who had almost perfect skulls, almost like modern people? In addition, scientists argue that the genetic code of Neanderthals has very few points of contact with the genetic code of modern humans and Cro-Magnons. Thus, a temporary chasm arose in our roots.

Maybe the answers are actually in the ancient chronicles and legends, which speak of heavenly signs and unknown flying creatures?

In historical books you can find repeated confirmation of the existence of UFOs. So, for example, the scientist Plutarch described a flying object as a huge burning cylinder. Such messages later appeared in medieval European chronicles. It is curious that almost all ancient chronicles speak of practically the same phenomena. In the pictorial alphabet of the Sumerians, created in 3300 BC. is the word "gods". In addition, the first syllable of this word resembles a drawing of a flying rocket. What could it be? It is curious that the Sumerians portrayed the gods in the same way as tall people.

In Egypt in 1945, archaeologists found papyrus manuscripts. One of these manuscripts was entirely devoted to a celestial body called Nibiru by the Sumerians. The papyrus said that Nibiru approaches Earth only once every few thousand years. Also in the manuscript was information on how man first appeared on Earth. According to the manuscript, the inhabitants of Nibiru flew to Earth on their aircraft 450 thousand years ago. Their goal was very prosaic - to find gold and oil, which the inhabitants of this planet really needed. They discovered huge reserves of gold ore in southern Africa. Aliens built deep mines for its extraction. However, the work soon stopped - the mining workers rebelled from overwork on a planet unsuitable for their organisms. The rebellion was suppressed, but in order for it not to happen again, the leaders of the expedition decided to create an earthly intelligent being to work in the mines, since the conditions of this planet would suit him. To this end, the genes of aliens with the help of advanced technologies were connected with the genes of humanoid creatures that already existed on Earth. As a result, an intermediate type arose, which in Egyptian manuscripts was called lulu. Lulu proved to be hardy and quick-witted. This creature became the ancestor of Homo sapiens. Modern anthropologists to this day cannot explain its appearance.

It was the aliens who were the very gods that man revered at all times. They taught Lulu to engage in cattle breeding and farming, use fire, and also instilled in him the concept of morality. But the aliens did not take into account one thing - that the creature they created would quickly improve, develop, and conflicts would arise between them. The aliens did not destroy the intelligent creature that they themselves had created. They aborted the experiment and left Earth. Ufologist Brion Levens put a lot of effort into analyzing the translations of the Sumerian records. He believes that echoes of what happened can also be found in the Bible. In the Bible, the creation of lulu by aliens turned into God's creation of the first man. Introducing Lulu to the knowledge of aliens and their expulsion from the cities of Nibiruans - expulsion from the paradise of Adam and Eve because they ate an apple from the tree of knowledge.

There are many descriptions of aliens, but eyewitness accounts most often mention creatures with pale grayish skin, underdeveloped muscles, a skinny figure, huge eyes, a pear-shaped head and thin long fingers. In the paintings of the artist-ufologist Valentin Korolev, the aliens appear just like that. There is a logical explanation for this, because in order to get to the Earth, the Nibiruans were forced to cross vast expanses of space in zero gravity. A long stay in a weightless state can significantly change the appearance of a person. People who have been in space for a long time should look something like the paintings of the famous Spanish artist El Greco - they will have thin hands, long fingers, and a lean, elongated face. The aliens in the paintings by Valentin Koroleva and the people in the reproductions of El Greco are surprisingly similar. Even the greenish tones of the images match. Due to weightlessness, more significant changes in human physiology also occur - the number of red blood cells decreases, excess water is removed from it, and calcium is removed from the bones, muscles “lose weight”. The extra volume of blood in a state of weightlessness rushes to the head, therefore, the strength of the bones is completely unnecessary, and muscle efforts are minimized. But the surprising thing is that in old age the same physical changes occur with a person. Why is this happening? After 60 years, the protective reactions of adaptation to the external environment in the body weaken. He gradually returns to his original state, which is caused by living in zero gravity for several generations.

There is another amazing feature. Dr. Gennady Seleznev claims that the human body adapts to the conditions of weightlessness very quickly. Literally in a couple of days, the astronauts' digestive system begins to work normally, the vestibular apparatus adapts, excess fluid is removed from the blood. And the reverse process is delayed for weeks. The most incredible thing is that test cosmonaut Sergei Krichevsky claims that almost all people who have been in space, as it were, are connected to incredible, incomprehensible information that transforms consciousness. For example, an astronaut may feel like some kind of supernatural animal - he gets membranes between his fingers, scales appear, blue nails grow, and so on. How can earthlings virtually move to unknown worlds? The astronauts in the process of conversations found out that these worlds sometimes coincided with them.

But not only this happens to a person when he is far from the Earth. For example, in some incredible way, he can receive warnings about the danger that threatens him. Once one of the astronauts suddenly realized that there was a technical danger on board. He examined the place and fixed the damage. If not for this, the entire crew could have died.

Thus, there are many facts that confirm the cosmic origin of intelligent life on our planet. Very fast adaptation of a person to space conditions - but slow to earthly ones, the similarity of the appearance of people with the alleged appearance of aliens, the coincidence of signs of aging, the complete and rapid connection of astronauts to information that permeates outer space and much more.

Based on all these facts, it can be assumed that man came to this planet from outer space and created a new civilization on Earth. However, there are still a lot of questions left. No one can say one hundred percent yet that the human genetic code was partially borrowed from aliens.
