Teaching literacy in kindergarten: features and techniques. Game "Let's build a pyramid"

Training to literacychildren 6-7 years old

BBC 74, 3

F 24

Farkhutdinova N.A. Preparation for teaching literacy to children 6-7 years old. Guidelines: From the experience of a speech therapist preschool educational institution No. 6 - Lesnoy: IMC UO, 2011 - 55



Section 1. Sound analysis of the word………………............

I. Sound. Tasks ………………………………………….

1. The concepts of “sound” and “word”……………………

2. Orientation in a number of objects………………

3. The position of the sound in the word…………………………

4. Vowel sounds…………………………………

5. Analysis and synthesis of the syllable…………………………

II. Sound analysis and word synthesis. Tasks…………

1. Sound and word. Repetition……………………

2. Algorithm for sound analysis of a word……………

3. Vowel sounds in a word…………………………

4. Hard and soft consonants…………………

5. The sound scheme of the word…………………………..

6. Puzzles…………………………………………

7. Sound analysis of words from 4 and 5 sounds……

8. The level of assimilation of the sound analysis of the word ...

Section 2. Offer.Tasks…………………………

I. Word

1. Words-objects, words-actions, words-signs

2. Word scheme……………………………………

II. Sentence………………………………………

1. The concept of "offer"………………………

2. Scheme of the proposal……………………………

3. Main characteristics of the proposal scheme……………………………………………………………

4. Algorithm for analysis of the proposal………………

5. Drawing up a scheme for the proposal………

6. Consolidation of skills in the analysis of the proposal

7. Prepositions in a sentence……………………

8. A sentence of 4 and 5 words………………

9. Complex sentence scheme………………

Section 3. Division of words into syllables. Tasks ……………

I. Preparation for dividing words into syllables

1. Vowel sounds…………………………………

2. Word……………………………………………

II. Dividing a word into syllables……………………………

1. The basic rule for dividing a word into syllables ......

2. Algorithm for dividing a word into syllables……………

3. Division into syllables of a word of 3 sounds…………

4. Exercises in dividing words into syllables…………

5. Words with a confluence of consonants and closed syllables………………………………………………………

6. Algorithm for syllabic analysis of a word……………




One of the sections of the speech development of children 6-7 years old is "Preparation for literacy." This brochure reveals the system of working with children of preparatory groups of a kindergarten of a general developmental type in this particular section of speech. According to the proposed system, more than 2,000 preschoolers have been prepared for school for 15 years. The catamnesis showed the viability of the system, since the children who studied according to it successfully master reading and writing at school, regardless of what educational program the educational institution is working on. The fundamentally important approach of the system is to prepare preschoolers for successful and competent development of reading and writing at school, without teaching reading and writing in kindergarten. This is achieved through the development of all phonemic processes, the development of the ability to listen to a word, a sentence, which ultimately develops a linguistic instinct and prevents dysgraphia and dyslexia in primary grades.

A kindergarten teacher does not teach reading and writing, but only prepares preschoolers to read and write. The teacher should turn this preparation into an interesting and exciting process, which is achieved only through games and game exercises. There is a lot of bright and colorful game material for teaching literacy on any book counter. But sometimes games turn out to be ineffective only because the teacher uses interesting techniques without a system, not understanding why this or that game is used, what task it solves in preparing for literacy. The proposed brochure provides methodological recommendations for preparing children of the preparatory group for literacy, as well as a system of preparation and a sequence of solving problems to achieve this goal.

The "Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education" are taken as a basis. In preparatory

the group is invited to solve 3 main tasks in preparation for teaching literacy: to teach

- sound analysis and synthesis of words;

- syllabic analysis and synthesis;

- analysis and synthesis of the proposal.

These tasks can be solved in the above sequence, or in a slightly different way:

Sound analysis and synthesis;

Analysis and synthesis of the proposal;

Syllabic analysis and synthesis.

This sequence allows children to confuse complex consonant concepts less: sound - syllable. It also increases the time to digest.<

LESSON 1. Sounds a, o, y, s

The purpose of the lesson.


“Wonderful bag”, plastic letters A, O, U, Y, textbook “Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?” (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "Wonderful bag"

The speech therapist shows the children a bag with letters and offers to find the letters A, O, U, Y by touch.

Main part

The game "Recognize the sound."

a, o, u, u. asks the children to recognize and name them, then find the letters denoting these sounds in the cash register and show them.

Characteristics of sounds

Completion of tasks No. 50 - 52 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

The game "Summer". .

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's play in the summer

Let's swim and swing

Let's jump and ride

Let's run and sunbathe

And collect mushrooms.

Completion of tasks No. 46 - 48 in a textbook.

Summary of the lesson

Generalization of the studied material:

LESSON 2. Sounds m, m, n, n. Letters M, m, H, n

Objectives of the lesson.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Practice distinguishing between hard and soft consonants. Learn to consistently highlight sounds in words based on a conditional graphic scheme .


“Wonderful bag”, plastic letters A, O, U, Y, M, N, textbook “Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?” (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and distributing chips of red and blue color.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "Wonderful bag"

The speech therapist shows the children a bag with letters and invites them to find the letters A, O, U, Y, M, N by touch. Then he asks the children to find these letters in the cash registers of letters, show and name them.

Main part

What groups can letters be divided into A, O, U, S, M, N? (vowels and consonants.)

Name the consonants. (M, N.)

What kind h Wookiees represent these sounds? (Sounds m, m, n, n.)

Completion of tasks No. 54 - 71 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

The speech therapist asks the children to follow these instructions:

Where are we sitting? (On chairs.)

Where are we standing? (On the floor.)

Get on the carpet.

Look to the right.

Look left.

Turn back.

Sit on chairs.

In combinations on a chair, on the floor, on the carpet - on- this is a "small" word - a preposition.

Sound-letter analysis. Completion of tasks No. 79 - 82 in a textbook.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 3. Sound and letter I

Objectives of the lesson.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Fix the distinctive features of vowels.

Exercise in word formation, in the ability to transform the singular form of nouns into the plural form.


Object pictures depicting berries and mushrooms. Demonstration letters A, O, U, Y, M, H, And a textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and distributing chips of red and blue color.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "Echo"

The speech therapist pronounces a chain of syllables, and the children repeat it.

Mi-ni-ni-mi; im-in-in-im; no-mi-ni-mi; mi-no-no-no; mi-mi-mi-ni.

Main part

Sound characteristic

Now you are repeating the syllables.

What sound is repeated in each syllable? (Sound and.)

Completion of tasks No. 102 - 104 in a textbook.


"Split the word with legs." Children must divide the called words into syllables (berries and mushrooms).

We play with words

We divide them into syllables.

The game "One is many"

The speech therapist calls the word in the singular and throws the ball to the child, who must form the plural and throw the ball back (berries and mushrooms).

Acquaintance with the letter I. Game "Signals"

The speech therapist shows pictures (berries and mushrooms) without naming them. Children, having said “to themselves” the name of the picture, must raise the letter And if there is a sound in the title and or wag your finger if there is no such sound.

Sound-letter analysis. Completion of task number 100 in a textbook.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 4. Sounds in, w, p, p

Objectives of the lesson.

Develop phonemic awareness.

To fix the distinctive signs of consonants.

Practice distinguishing between hard and soft consonants. Learn to consistently select sounds in words


Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "Polubukovki"

The speech therapist shows the children tables that show only the upper or only the lower parts of the letters A, O, U, I, Y, M, H, B, P. Children take turns pointing to parts of the letters, determine what these letters are and call them .

Main part

Characteristics of sounds

Name the consonants.

What sounds do the letters V and P represent? (Sounds in, b, p, p..)

When making sounds in, w lips and teeth create a barrier. Sounds in, w

Completion of tasks No. 72 - 76 in a textbook.


"Hide the syllables in your palms." Exhausting the syllabic structure of words:


Li-sich-ka, etc.

Completion of tasks No. 90 - 94 in a textbook.

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds p, p lips are tightly compressed, a stream of air breaks through this barrier with force. Sounds p, p- consonants. They are marked with blue and green chips.

Drawing up a proposal scheme from pictures

- The sentence tells about someone or something, the words in the sentence are written separately; the sentence begins with a capital letter; a period is placed at the end of the sentence.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 5. Sounds s, s

Objectives of the lesson.

With, the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, the hallmarks of consonants.

Practice distinguishing between hard and soft consonants.

Learn how to identify sounds in words.

Learn to agree nouns with adjectives.


Tables that show only the upper or only the lower parts of the letters A, O, U, Y, I, M, H, B, P; textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Guessing a riddle

What sound does the word russula begin with?

From the sound With.

Main part

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds with, with with, with- consonants. They are marked with blue and green chips.

Completion of task number 95 in a textbook.

Sound-letter analysis. Completion of task number 96 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

The game "Autumn". Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem

Autumn has come to visit us

She pleases the children:

Decorated our garden

Gave a leaf fall.

game exercise "Choose a Word"

- What season is it now? (Autumn)

- Is there a sound in this word that we are studying today? What is this sound? (Soft hushing sound.)

- What can you say about autumn? (Leaf, garden...)

- What can you say about autumn? (Foliage…)

- What can you say about autumn? (Sun…)

- What can you say about autumn? (Leaves, gardens...)

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 6. Sounds s, s. Letter C

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound With.

Learn to consistently highlight sounds in two-syllable words based on subject pictures.

Learn to make sentences from pictures, to highlight words from sentences. Get to know the letter C.


Pictures depicting a boy and a girl, leaves; textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the trees and bushes"

The speech therapist asks the children to name the trees and bushes, in the name of which there are sounds with, s. (Aspen, pine, ash, plum, jasmine, lilac)

Main part

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds with, with lips, teeth and tongue form a barrier. Sounds with, with

Completion of task No. 98 - 101 in a textbook.

Getting to know the letter C

Work in notebooks

Writing the letter C.

Physical education minute

The game "Leaves". Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem

We are green leaves

We are from linden and we are from maple,

We were sitting on branches

And then we turned yellow

We set off into the fall

And they came to the autumn garden.

Making proposals from pictures

There are pictures on the board: a boy and a girl are depicted on one, leaves on the other. There is an empty card between the pictures. The speech therapist invites the children to make a sentence using these pictures (each card corresponds to one word, an empty card indicates an action word that contains sounds With or camping). (Children collect leaves.)

Then the children make a conditional graphic diagram

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 7. Sounds s, s. Letter C

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound With.

To learn to consistently highlight sounds in monosyllabic and two-syllable words based on subject pictures.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the vegetables"

The speech therapist asks the children to name vegetables that have the sounds s, ss in their names. (Radish, beets, cabbage, garlic, squash…)

Main part

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds with, with lips, teeth and tongue form a barrier. Sounds with, with- consonants. They are marked with blue and green chips.

Game exercise "What to cook from vegetables"

The speech therapist asks the children to list vegetable dishes that have the sound s in their names. (Salad, juice soup…)

Completion of task number 105 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

mobile game "Harvesting".

We pull out the carrots.

We pick cucumbers and tomatoes.

We cut the cabbage.

We pick apples.

game exercise "Guess the word"

The speech therapist invites children to guess the intended word:

What word did I have in mind, if it denotes the name of the first dish, consists of three sounds, the middle of which at? (Soup.)

Sound-letter analysis the words soup

game exercise "Choose a Word"

What soups can be prepared so that there are sounds in their name With or camping? (Rice, oatmeal, meat…)

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 8. Sounds l, l

Objectives of the lesson.


Learn to consistently select sounds in two-syllable words.


Subject pictures depicting fruits. Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the fruits"

The speech therapist asks the children to name fruits that have sounds in their names. l, l. (Lemon, orange, plum…)

Main part

Characteristics of sounds

What is the sound in all of the above words? (Sound l.)

When making sounds l, l and l, l

Completion of task No. 106 - 107 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

finger game "Compote"

We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits.

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote. (Children hold the palm of their left hand with a ladle, and interfere with the index finger of their right hand.)

Let's treat honest people.

game exercise "Name the fruits"

On the board are pictures depicting fruits (lemon, plum, orange) and a conditional graphic diagram of the word lemon. Children are invited to choose the name of which corresponds to this scheme.

Sound-letter analysis the words lemon.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 9. Sounds l, l. Letter L

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound l .

Learn to consistently highlight sounds in two-syllable words; designate hard and soft consonants in blue and green chips.

To consolidate the skill of making a sentence with a given word, to draw a conditional graphic diagram.


Subject pictures depicting vegetables and fruits. Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise Name vegetables and fruits

The speech therapist asks the children to name vegetables that have a sound in their name. l, fruits that have a sound in their name l.

Main part

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds l, l l, l- consonant voiced sounds. They are marked with blue and green chips.

Completion of task No. 108 - 111 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

Imitation of movements: picking vegetables and fruits.

Introduction to the letter L

game exercise "What does the letter L look like?"

Determination of the place of sounds l, l in words.

Work in notebooks

Writing the letter L.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 10. Sound analysis of disyllabic words

Objectives of the lesson.

Repeat learned letters.

Learn to make common sentences, to highlight words from sentences.

Learn to perform "sound dictation".


Ball, three cards: the first shows a boy and a girl, the second card is blank, the third shows a plate of salad Textbook “Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?” (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Red, blue and green pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

ball game

The speech therapist takes turns tossing the ball to the children and calling out one-syllable words so that it becomes two-syllable.

Words: onion - onion, leaf - leaf, garden - garden, bush - bush, etc.

Main part

Completion of task No. 112 - 113 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

mobile game "Harvesting". The speech therapist gives various tasks, and the children perform the corresponding actions.

We pull out the carrots.

We pick cucumbers and tomatoes.

We cut the cabbage.

We pick apples.

Each action is repeated 2-3 times.

Making proposals

There are three cards on the board: the first shows a boy and a girl, the second card is blank, and the third shows a plate of salad. The speech therapist invites the children to make a sentence from the pictures.

How many words are in this sentence? (Three, according to the number of stripes.)

Who eats salad?

Give the children names. Make up sentences with these names.

What salad? (Delicious.)

Make a sentence with the word delicious.

How many words are in the sentence?

The more words in a sentence, the more we learn from it.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 11. Distinguishing between hard and soft

sounds: l - l, p - p, s - s

Objectives of the lesson.

Repeat learned sounds and letters.

Learn to identify the place of a sound in a word.

Learn to perform sound analysis of two-syllable words.


Ball. Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Red, blue and green pencils. Simple pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

ball game

The speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to the children and pronouncing syllables with a solid consonant sound. Children return the ball by changing the syllable so that the sound becomes soft.

Syllables: al - al, op - op, mustache - mustache, la - la, etc.

Main part

Completion of task No. 114 - 116 in a textbook.

The game "Name vegetables and fruits with a given sound"

Children are invited to list vegetables and fruits that have sounds in their names. l, l

Physical education minute

finger game "Compote"

We will cook compote, (Children hold the palm of their left hand with a ladle, and interfere with the index finger of their right hand.)

You need a lot of fruits.

Let's chop apples (Fingers are bent in turn, starting with the big one.)

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote. (Children hold the palm of their left hand with a ladle, and interfere with the index finger of their right hand.)

Let's treat honest people.

Completion of task No. 117 - 119 in a textbook.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 12. Sounds t, t. Letter T

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound t.

Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, perform sound analysis of words, make sentences and their conditional graphic schemes.


Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat, make no mistake"

Ta - that - that; ta - ta - ta; ta - ta - that; tyu - ti - that; then - that - those.

Main part

game exercise "Name the picture"

Pictures are displayed in two rows on the panel: in the first row - pictures depicting potatoes, parsley, pumpkin, cabbage; in the second row - pictures depicting a grater, a bowler hat, a chopper (for chopping cabbage). The speech therapist asks the children to name the pictures and identify the same consonant sound in their names. ( In the first row - the sound t, in the second - the sound t.)

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds t, t t, t- consonant voiceless sounds. They are marked with blue and green chips.

Completion of task No. 120 - 121 in a textbook.

Introduction to the letter T

Physical education minute

Let's go to the garden children march in place

We'll harvest. ,

We carry carrots "drag"

And we're digging up potatoes. " dig",

We cut a head of cabbage, cut off",

Round, juicy, very tasty, show with hands

Let's pick a little sorrel. "tear"

And let's get back on track. Walking in circles holding hands

Completion of task No. 122 - 123 in a textbook ( drafting proposals ).

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 13. Sound dictation

Objectives of the lesson.


Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise

t, t. Determine their place in the word.

Main part

Completion of task number 124 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

mobile game "Rabbit"

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

The rabbit jumped onto the stump.

He beats the drum loudly

He invites everyone to the warm-up.

Paws up, paws down

Pull up on your toes.

We put our paws on the side,

On toes skok-skok-skok

Completing task number 125 - "Sound dictation" in a textbook .

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 14. Sound analysis of words

Objectives of the lesson.

To learn to correlate the image in the picture with the graphic scheme of the word - with a given number of sounds (four), to perform sound analysis of words.


Subject pictures depicting vegetables and household items. Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils. Simple pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the words with the given sound"

Children are asked to name words that contain sounds. t, t. Determine their place in the word.

Main part

Completion of task number 126 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

mobile game "Cat".

Improvisation of movements: squat down, pat your tummy, stand up, stretch and stroke your stomach with your hands.

The cat sat under a bush,

Cheese ate a piece,

The cat got up, stretched,

Her fur unfurled.

Completion of task number 127 in a textbook ( drafting proposals ).

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 15. Sounds p, p

The purpose of the lesson.

Repeat learned sounds and letters.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound R.


Object pictures depicting pets. Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Red, blue and green pencils. Simple pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "Wonderful bag"

Children take out a letter and come up with a word, with a sound that is indicated by this letter.

Main part

game exercise "Name your pet"

Pictures of domestic animals are displayed on the panel. The speech therapist asks the children to name the animals in the name that sound p (cow, ram, hog).

Sound characteristic

When making a sound R, teeth and tongue form a barrier to exhaled air. Sounds R- consonant voiced sound. It is marked with a blue flag.

Physical education minute

Speech mobile game "Cat and goat".

A mustachioed cat wanders around the garden,

And the horned goat follows the cat.

With a paw, the cat will lipstick its mouth

And the gray-haired goat shakes his beard.

Completion of tasks No. 128, 130 in a textbook.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 16. Sounds p, p, letters P, p

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound R,

Introduce the letters R, R

Continue to learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, make sentences with a given word.


Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat, make no mistake"

The speech therapist pronounces chains of syllables and invites the children to repeat them: pra - pro - pru - pra; kro - kru - kry - kra; fru - fry - fra - fro; bra - bra - bro - bra.

Main part

Completion of task number 131 in a textbook.

Introduction to the letter R

game exercise "What does the letter R look like?"

Physical education minute

mobile game "Pets and their baby". The speech therapist calls the cubs of pets, the children squat; the speech therapist calls pets, the children stand up and put their hands on their belts.

Development of fine motor skills

finger game "Claws".

At the cat's daughter Press the pads of the fingers with the right

claws on paws. hands to the top of the palm.

Don't rush to hide them Press the thumb to the index let the kids watch. Say out loud: "Meow."

Completion of tasks No. 132 - 134 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 17. Sound dictation

The purpose of the lesson.

Continue to learn to consistently highlight sounds in words, draw up diagrams of the sound composition of these words.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Red, blue and green pencils. Simple pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the words with the given sound"

Children are asked to name words that contain sounds. r, r. Determine their place in the word.

Main part

Completion of task number 134 in a textbook.

Physical education minute

Speech mobile game. Improvisation of rhythmic movements: for each line - four movements of the same type.

Teddy bear - top top,

And the hedgehog - clap-clap,

And the wolf cub - click-click,

And the hare - hop-hop,

And the little fox - sniff-sniff,

And the elk - kick- kick,

And the little lynx - jump-jump,

And the squirrel - jump-jump.

Completion of task number 135 - "Sound dictation" in a textbook .

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 18. Sounds g, g, letters G, g

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound G, the ability to perform sound analysis of words with and without support from a ready-made scheme.

Introduce the letters G, g

Continue to learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, make sentences using pictures.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Colored and simple pencils. Ball.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name a word with the opposite meaning"

The speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to the children and calling out the words. Children throw the ball back and say the word with the opposite meaning.

Quiet - Loud

Cheerful - sad

Satisfied - hungry

Rare - dense

Clean - dirty

Rough - smooth

Main part

Completing Quests #136–137 in a textbook

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds r, r teeth and tongue form a barrier to exhaled air. Sounds r, r- consonant voiced sounds. They are marked with blue and green chips.

Acquaintance with the letters G, g

game exercise "What does the letter G look like?"

Physical education minute

mobile game "Wolf". Movement improvisation:

The children were walking in the forest

But here the branches crackled,

Children, children, don't yawn

Wolf behind the tree - run away!

The game "Syllabic Lotto"

Words are written on the board. The speech therapist invites the children to read them and come up with words with them. GA, GU, GO, GI

Completion of task number 138 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 19. Differentiation of sounds g - k

Objectives of the lesson.

g, k, the ability to perform sound analysis of words with and without support from a ready-made scheme, to make sentences with given words.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Colored and simple pencils. Ball. Subject pictures depicting animals of the south and north.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Change the Word"

The speech therapist pronounces the words with the sound k and throws the ball to the children in turn. They replace the sound k with the sound g and throw the ball back.

Kalina - Galina

Bones are guests

Kora - mountain

Main part

Completion of task number 139 in a textbook

Characteristics of sounds

Physical education minute

Speech mobile game "We play with pictures"

We play with pictures

We call them by syllables,

We clap our hands

And we stomp our feet.

Completing Quests #140–141 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 20. Sound sh

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound sh, the ability to perform sound analysis of words consisting of three open syllables based on the scheme.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Colored and simple pencils. Subject pictures depicting animals of the south and north.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Say Your Name Affectionately"

Main part

Completing Quests #142–143 in a textbook

Sound characteristic

When making a sound sh teeth and tongue form a barrier to exhaled air. Sound sh- hard consonant voiceless sound. It is marked with a blue flag.

Physical education minute

Speech mobile game "We play with pictures"

We play with pictures

We call them by syllables,

We clap our hands

And we stomp our feet.

Completing Quests #144–145 in a textbook

The game "Help Collect Words"

Syllables are presented on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to "collect" words according to given schemes.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 21. Sound sh. Letters Sh, sh.

Differentiation of sounds from - sh

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds With, sh, the ability to perform sound analysis of words consisting of open syllables and closed syllables based on the scheme.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Colored and simple pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the animal"

The speech therapist invites children to remember animals in the name of which there is a sound sh. Each child names an animal and sits down in his place.

Main part

Completion of task number 146 in a textbook

Acquaintance with the letters Sh, sh.

game exercise "What does the letter W look like?"

game exercise "Read the syllables"

shu, sho, sha, ush, osh, ash).

Physical education minute

mobile game "Hear the sound and show"

w, s. Hearing the sound sh, children stretch their arms to the sides, bend their elbows up, at the sound With- stretch out half-bent arms in front of them, in the absence of these sounds - squat down.

Completing Quests #147–148 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 22. Repetition of learned sounds and letters

Objectives of the lesson.

To consolidate the ability to perform sound analysis of monosyllabic and two-syllable words, with open syllables without relying on external actions, words with closed syllables.


Cash desks of letters distributing. Demonstration and handout chips are red, blue and green. Colored and simple pencils. Object pictures depicting birds.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "Wonderful bag"

The speech therapist invites children to find the studied letters by touch (letters are displayed on an easel).

Main part

game exercise "Find a Letter"

Each child has 2-3 pictures of birds. Children determine if there are letters on the easel in the name of these pictures, letters find them in the cash registers of letters and put them under the corresponding picture.

game exercise "Read the syllables"

There are letters on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to combine vowels and consonants and read the syllables.

Physical education minute

Speech mobile game "Birds".

The birds flew

Wings flapped,

sat on the trees,

They rested together.

The game "Scattered Word"

From the letters displayed on the board, children, together with a speech therapist, make up words duck, jackdaw, cuckoo, stork.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 23. Sound dictation

Objectives of the lesson.

Continue to learn sequentially, highlight sounds in words, draw up diagrams of the sound composition of these words.


Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the Bird"

The speech therapist invites the children to list the birds. Each child names and sits in his place.

Main part

The game "Collect the Word"

There are pictures of birds on the table. The speech therapist gives the children cards on which the syllables of the following words are written: duck, geese, jackdaw, stork, cuckoo. Children make up words, find the corresponding picture and come up with a sentence with one of the words.

The game "Enchanted Words"

There are pictures of birds on the easel. The speech therapist pronounces the words, adding extra syllables. Children must guess what word the teacher has thought of and pronounce it correctly.

The words: duck(duck), goulis(geese), sparrow(sparrow), homolub(pigeon). Sirikinitsa(tit), Vocorona(crow).

Physical education minute

Speech mobile game "Birds". The speech of a speech therapist is accompanied by movements.

The birds flew

Wings flapped,

sat on the trees,

They rested together.

Completing task number 150 - "Sound dictation" in a textbook .

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 24. Sound dictation

The purpose of the lesson.

Review learned sounds and letters


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Red, blue and green pencils. Simple pencils. Object pictures depicting birds.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the Bird"

The speech therapist invites each child to name the bird and the sound with which the word begins. Each child calls and sits in his place.

Main part

The game "Guess the Sound"

Speech therapist silently pronounces sounds p, l, k, d, c, t, r, w, s and invites the children to name and characterize them (voiced - deaf, hard - soft options).

Completing Quests #151–152 in a textbook

Physical education minute

mobile game "Woodpecker". Coordination of speech with movements (the open palm of one hand depicts a tree, and the index finger of the other hand is a woodpecker's beak. For each line - four finger strikes on the palm):

I knock on wood

Get a worm

Though he hid under the bark, -

It will still be mine.

Making proposals

The speech therapist invites the children to come up with a sentence using subject pictures.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 33. Sound h. Letters H, h.

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound h,


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing and demonstration. Demo and handout chips.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat the syllables"

Cha-choo-chi choo-chi-cha cha-cho-chi

Che-cha-choo chi-che-cha chi-cha-cha

(Sound h)

Main part

Completion of task number 174 in a textbook

Sound characteristic

When the sound is pronounced h, teeth and tongue form a barrier to exhaled air. Sound h

Completion of task number 175 in a textbook

Physical education minute

mobile game

and h, s. Hearing the sound h, children clap their hands.

Introduction to the letters Ch.

game exercise "What does the letter H look like?"

game exercise "Read the syllables"

There are letters on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to combine vowels and consonants and read syllables ( chu, chi, cha, uch, och, ach, ich).

game exercise "Change the Word"

On the easel, the speech therapist lays out the word dacha. Joint reading of the word. Then the speech therapist suggests replacing the first letter of the word, in turn, with the letters k, p, t (rolling, pack, wheelbarrow). Then the second letter o (dot, kidney). Then the first letter n, d, k (night, daughter, bump) and finally the second letter on y (bunch)

Completing Quests #176–177 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 34. Sound h. Letters H, h.

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound h, ability to perform sound analysis of words.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing and demonstration. Demonstration and handout chips, a ball, plot pictures for each child.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Name the Word"

The speech therapist invites each child to name a word with the sound h. Each child calls and sits in his place.

Main part

Completion of task number 178 in a textbook

Sound characteristic

When the sound is pronounced h, teeth and tongue form a barrier to exhaled air. Sound h- soft consonant. It is marked with a green flag.

game exercise "Choose a Word"

H ____________ ______ h ______ ____________ h

"Let's walk the word"

Dividing words into syllables.

The game "Signals"

h h.

The game "Call it sweetly" (with a ball)

Making proposals by pictures and drawing up sentence schemes (sentences of three words, with a subsequent increase to five).

Completion of task number 179 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 35. Sound f. Letters J, J.

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound and, the ability to consistently isolate sounds from words with a confluence of consonants. Learn to divide words into syllables.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing and demonstration. Demonstration and handout chips, pictures depicting transport.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Help Collect Words"

From the letters proposed on the easel, it is proposed to compose words, based on a graphic diagram and a picture ( scooter, taxi)

Main part

Sound characteristic

When the sound is made and, and

Completion of tasks No. 180-181 in a textbook

Fizkultminutka - an outdoor game "Let's walk the word"

Dividing words into syllables.

The game "Signals"

The speech therapist calls the words, and the children raise and show the letter and(fan) if they hear a sound in them and.

Acquaintance with the letters J, J.

game exercise "What does the letter J look like?"

game exercise "Choose a Word"

The speech therapist invites the children to pick up words for the schemes prepared on the easel.

f ___________ ______ f ______

Completion of assignments No. 182-183 in a textbook

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 36. Sound f. Letters J, J.

Objectives of the lesson.

Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound and, the ability to consistently isolate sounds from words with a confluence of consonants, to make sentences. Learn to divide words into syllables.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing and demonstration. Demonstration and handout chips, pictures depicting transport, a ball.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Read the syllables"

From the letters proposed on the easel, it is proposed to combine vowels and consonants and read the syllables ( zha, zhu, zhi, already, already, izh)

Main part

Sound characteristic

What is the same consonant found in all syllables?

When the sound is made and, lips - a "mouthpiece", teeth - drawn together, tongue - a "cup". Sound and- consonant, always a hard sound. It is marked with a blue flag.

What letter represents the sound and?

Completion of task number 184 in a textbook

Fizkultminutka - an outdoor game "Let's walk the word"

(words for transport)

Dividing words into syllables.

The game "Change the Word"

The speech therapist calls the words and throws the ball to the children in turn. They replace the first sound with a sound and and throw the ball back.

Words: oven burn), few ( the sting), concrete ( token), package ( jacket), beam ( bug), onion ( beetle) etc.

The game "Change the Word"

The speech therapist invites the children to complete the phrases: “I knit, you knit b, we we knit»

Words: shear, run, tremble, etc.

Drawing up proposals according to diagrams and pictures.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 37. Differentiation of sounds Sh - Zh


Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds f, sh, ability to perform sound analysis of words. Learn to differentiate sound in syllables and words sh and and. Continue learning to divide words into syllables.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing (fan with letters) and demonstration. Demo chips. Ball.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat, make no mistake"

The speech therapist pronounces chains of syllables and invites children to repeat them:

Ash - osh - ear - osh

Shka - shro - shpu - shty

Ashk - oshk - ishk - ushk

Shash - shush - shish - shosh
Main part

Sound characteristic

Now we are repeating syllables. Syllables are parts of a word.

What is the same consonant repeated in all syllables? (Sound sh)

How to pronounce the sound sh? What letter represents the sound sh? Name the paired sound sh (Sound w) What letter represents the sound and?

How are these sounds similar and how are they different?

Fizkultminutka - an outdoor game "Let's walk the word"

(words for pieces of furniture)

Dividing words into syllables.

The game "Voiced - deaf"

The speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to the children and pronouncing syllables with the sounds w or w. Children return the ball, replacing the sound with a paired sound.

Syllables: sha - zha, jo - sho, already - ash, ush - already, etc.

Completion of task number 185 in a textbook

The game "Guess the word"

On the easel - pictures with the image of a wardrobe, a couch, a bookcase. The speech therapist invites children to guess the hidden words.

Guess what piece of furniture I guessed if in its name:

  • Sound sh heard at the beginning of a word (cupboard).
  • Sound and heard in the middle of a word (shelf).
  • Sound sh stands after the sound (couch).

w - w

sh or and

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 38. Sounds f, f, letters F, f


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound f, the ability to consistently highlight sounds in words, make common sentences.

Introduce the letters f, f.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Demonstration letters. Demo chips in red, blue and green. Colored and simple pencils. Story picture (demo)

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat, make no mistake"

The speech therapist pronounces chains of syllables and invites children to repeat them: Fa - fa - fa

fa - fa - fa

fa - fa - fa


Fya - fa - fa - fa

Main part

Completion of task number 186 in a textbook

Characteristics of sounds

When making sounds f, f lips and teeth form a barrier. Sounds f, f- consonant voiceless sounds ( since the neck does not "tremble"). They are marked with blue and green chips.

Completion of assignments No. 187-188 in a textbook

Acquaintance with the letters F, f

game exercise "What does the letter F look like?"

Fizkultminutka. mobile game Riding a car with imitation of movement, accompanied by words.

Let's go, let's go by car

We press the pedal.

Turn gas on, turn off

We look closely into the distance.

"Wipers" clean off the drops,

Right left. Purity!

Hair ruffled by the wind.

We are drivers anywhere!

game exercise "Read the syllables"

There are letters on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to combine vowels and consonants and read syllables ( ).

Compiling common sentences according to the plot picture (on the questions of a speech therapist) and drawing up a diagram for this proposal.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 39. Sounds f, f, letters F, f


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound f, the ability to consistently identify sounds in words.

Learn to differentiate sounds f and ph. Learn to solve a crossword puzzle.


Demonstration letters. Demo chips in red, blue and green. Object pictures with sounds in their names f and ph, subject pictures depicting a boy and a girl (demonstration). Ball.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Read the syllables"

There are letters on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to combine vowels and consonants and read syllables ( fu, fi, fa, fu, fo, uf, of, af, if, yf).

Main part

The game "Hard - soft"

The speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to the children and pronouncing syllables with a solid sound f. Children return the ball, changing the syllable so that the sound f becomes soft.

Syllables: fa - fya, fo - fe, af - af, uf - uf, etc.

Crossword puzzle

A three-word crossword puzzle is prepared on an easel ( scarf, jacket, wardrobeand exhibited subject pictures with their image), but instead of empty cells, sound schemes of words are composed:

In the course of solving the crossword puzzle, the chips are replaced by letters.

Fizkultminutka. mobile game “What we do, we will not say, but what we do, we will show”.

The game "Pick up pictures"

On the easel are subject pictures depicting a boy and a girl. Speech therapist invites children to come up with names with sounds f, f, and then, leaving one name at a time - one of which with a hard sound f, and the other with soft ph, exposes subject pictures, in the name of which there are sounds f and ph. Children distribute pictures for a boy and a girl (Fome - pictures with the sound f, and Fime - pictures with the sound f)

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 40. Differentiation of sounds V - F, Vb - F


Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds f, in. Learn to differentiate sounds in words V-F, V'-F'. Continue learning to divide words into syllables. To consolidate the ability to make sentences on the proposed words and draw up a conditional graphic diagram.


Demo chips. Demonstration picture material for highlighting sounds V-F, V'-F ’ and dividing words into syllables (pictures depicting food). Subject pictures depicting fairy-tale characters ( ). Demonstration material for reading syllables and making words from syllables. Plot demonstration pictures for making sentences.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Considering the heroes of fairy tales - Fyodor's grandmother, Naf-Naf piglet, Malvina, Ivanushka(subject pictures on an easel). The speech therapist offers to determine in which name a consonant solid voiced sound is heard AT (Naf-naf) etc. about each character (a chip of the corresponding color is placed near each picture)

Main part

(Solving a problem situation - B. Fedora's birthday)

Correlation of food products - pictures, in the name of which there are sounds (see above) with the names of the characters ( Malvina - products with the sound В etc.). Determine the number of syllables in each word.

f/m "Clap, stomp"

V-F, V'-F B, B' and stomp if they hear sounds F, F .

f/m "Living Words"

Reading syllables and making words from two syllables.

Children read the proposed syllables from the first column, make up one word at a time: shu - fur coat, fa - torch, etc.; then they read the syllables from the second column, combine two syllables and read the word, explaining the meaning of the resulting word: would - ki, these are pets, etc.

Compiling an offer

Based on the demonstration picture and the proposed words of the teacher: “ cook, cook, lunch" children make up a sentence and then draw a diagram of the sentence.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 41. Sound analysis of words


Strengthen the ability to perform sound analysis of words. Continue

learn to differentiate sounds in words V-F, V'-F. To consolidate the ability to make sentences on the proposed words and draw up a conditional graphic diagram.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing (fan with letters) and demonstration. Demo chips. Ball. Colour pencils.

Cards to play in "Letter Lotto"

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Guessing a riddle and finding the sound F (Raise the letter F (fan with letters) when you hear the sound F in the names of clothes):

floors in this house

They are called shelves.

My underwear is there

Jackets with t-shirts.

Everything is always in place in the house

Sundress, sweatshirt, scarf.

What is the name of this house?

Guessed? This is ... (wardrobe) (I. Lopukhina)

Main part

Completing task No. 195 in a textbook

f/m "Clap, stomp"

Speech therapist pronounces words that have sounds V-F, V'-F and children clap when they hear sounds B, B' and stomp if they hear sounds F, F .

Completion of assignments No. 194, 196 in a textbook ( drawing up sentences for the proposed words and drawing up conditional graphic schemes, sound analysis of words with soft consonants)

f/m "Living Words"

The teacher distributes letters to the children, names the word that should turn out, and the children compose it.

The game "Letter Lotto"

Children are offered cards for playing loto. The host (child) takes out letters from a wonderful bag, and the children determine who has a picture whose name begins with the sound of the letter indicated, take the letter and put it on their card, the one who fills the loto card first wins.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 42. Sound dictation


Develop phonemic awareness. Learn to solve puzzles.

Continue learning to divide words into syllables.

To consolidate the ability to perform sound analysis of words with a confluence of consonant sounds ( type : mole, pear, flower bed, crane, book).


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). demonstration letters. Demonstration pictures showing ram,mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson.

Conditional ruler with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 every 15 cm. for every child. Colour pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat, make no mistake"

The speech therapist pronounces chains of syllables and invites children to repeat them: Fa-wah-wah

Fo - fu - wa

You are fo-woo



Main part

The game "Solve the puzzle"

The speech therapist puts on an easel a picture depicting a ram and the letters K, A. Explains the rules for solving the puzzle.

Children guess the secret word (steering wheel).

What is a lamb? ( food product). How do you think you can bake bagels at home? Who can bake them? (mother, grandmother)

The game "Guess who?"

The speech therapist invites children to guess which of the family members performs certain actions (based on subject pictures) (She knits socks for all her grandchildren, bakes pies, sings lullabies - grandmother, leaves for work early in the morning, sits at the computer for a long time, etc. ...)

P / s "Divide into syllables"

In front of the children, on the floor, there is a conditional ruler with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 every 15 cm. Children are invited "jump the syllables"- make a jump on each syllable of the word - start from the number 0 .

(Words - Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson)

f/m "Living Words"

The speech therapist distributes letters to the children, names the word that should turn out, and the children compose it (words with a confluence of consonants, such as mole, pear, flower bed, crane, book)

Completing task No. 197 in a textbook ( performance of sound dictation)

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 43. Sound q, letters C, c


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound c,


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Demonstration letters. Colored and simple pencils. Subject pictures, which depict chicken, chicken, hare, fox, egg, knitting needles, scissors, heron, ring, face

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat the syllables"

Tsa-tsu-tsu tsu-tsu-tsu tsu-tse-tsu

Tse-tsu-tsu tse-tse-tsu tse-tso-tsu

Children are asked to name the sound that occurs in all syllables. (Sound h)

Main part

Completion of tasks No. 198 - 199 in a textbook

Sound characteristic

When the sound is pronounced c, the tongue and teeth form a barrier to the exhaled air. Sound c The consonant is always a hard sound. It is marked with a blue flag.

Physical education minute

mobile game "Catch the sound and clap your hands"

Speech therapist pronounces words with sounds c. Hearing the sound c c.

Completion of task number 200 in a textbook

Acquaintance with the letters C, c

game exercise "What does the letter C look like?"

game exercise

There are letters on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to combine vowels and consonants and read syllables ( tsu, tsy, tsa, tso, uts, ots, ats, ts), and then pick up a word with syllables tsy, tsa, tso, ats(based on pictures - chicken, chicken, hare, fox, egg, knitting needles, scissors, heron, ring, face)

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 44. Differentiation of sounds C - C


Strengthen the ability to consistently select sounds from words. Learn to differentiate sounds in words C - Ch.

To consolidate the ability to perform sound analysis of words and make sentences with a given word.

Improve reading skills in syllables.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Cash desks of letters distributing (fan with letters) and demonstration. Ball.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

The game "The Fourth Extra"

The speech therapist names chains of syllables and invites children to find an extra syllable among them: ah - och - uch - itz; ech - ech - ets - ech; uts - ets - ats - ich; cha - tsu - chi - tse.

Main part

Characteristics of sounds C, H (see pre-classes)

Completion of tasks No. 203, 204 in a textbook

The game "Signals" Sound differentiation exercise c - h.

Children have a fan with letters. The speech therapist pronounces the words, and the children determine whether there is a sound in the word c or h and show the corresponding letter on the fan.

The game "Replace Sound"

The speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to the children and pronouncing syllables with sound c or h. Children replace the sound h(c) sound c (h) and return the ball.

syllables: chach, tsots, chuch, tsuts.

f/m "Who is more attentive"

Speech therapist pronounces words with sounds c and h. If the word has the sound h, the children clap their hands as many times as there are syllables in the word. If the sound q is found in the word, the children do as many squats as there are syllables in the word.

Completion of tasks No. 205, 206 in the textbook - replacing chips in the sound schemes of words with letters and reading the resulting words by syllables.

Summary of the lesson

LESSON 45. Sound u, letters u, u


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound sch, the ability to consistently highlight sounds in words, make sentences with a given word and draw a conditional graphic diagram.

Introduce the letters Щ, Щ.


Notebook-textbook "Sounds of speech, words, sentences - what is it?" (Triger R.D.). Demonstration letters. Colored and simple pencils.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

game exercise "Repeat the syllables"

Scha-shch-shch shu-shch-shcha sho-shch-shch


Children are asked to name the sound that occurs in all syllables. (Sound sh)

Main part

Completion of task number 207 in a textbook

Sound characteristic

When the sound is pronounced sch, the lips are rounded, the teeth are close together, the tip of the tongue rests on the upper “tubercles” (alveoli), the neck “does not tremble”. Sound sch The consonant is always a soft sound. It is marked with a green flag.

Completion of task number 208 in a textbook

Physical education minute

mobile game "Catch the sound and clap your hands"

Speech therapist pronounces words with sounds sch. Hearing the sound sch, children clap their hands, do a squat if they do not hear a sound in words sch.

Acquaintance with the letters Щ, Щ

game exercise "What does the letter W look like?"

game exercise "Read the syllables and choose the word"

There are letters on the easel. The speech therapist invites children to combine vowels and consonants and read syllables ( shu, scha, sho, schi, ss, ss, ss, ss), and, then, pick up a word with the given syllables.

Summary of the lesson

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2 LBC B35 Belova M.P. B35 Plans-summaries of classes on teaching literacy to children 6 7 years old. SPb. : LLC "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD-PRESS ", p. ISBN The book presents materials for organizing literacy classes for children aged 6-7 with normal speech development. Methodological recommendations are given on the organization of speech classes, a thematic plan is presented, the implementation of which helps to prevent errors in reading and writing and improve oral speech, as well as outlines of all classes during the school year. This system of work was tested in the MBDOU "Kindergarten 90" of the Murom district in the 2015/16 academic year. The book is addressed to educators, teachers of additional education, as well as parents interested in the correct speech development of their child. BBK ISBN by M. P. Belova, 2018 PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" LLC, design, 2018

3 EXPLANATORY NOTE In the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers of preschool educational institutions have a common task of improving all educational work in kindergarten and improving the preparation of children for systematic school education. For the first time, preschool education is recognized as a full-fledged link in the entire education system. Comprehensive preparation of children for school is one of the tasks of the kindergarten. The problem of a child's readiness for school has always existed, and its understanding is constantly being refined and concretized. So, if at first the attention of scientists and practitioners was focused on what kind of knowledge and skills need to be formed in preschoolers, now the first place is put forward the question of what conditions need to be created in order to ensure the effective progressive development of the child's qualities of school maturity. . Modern parents want to see their children well prepared for school. But observations of children and conversations with primary school teachers show that the number of children not ready for school has been increasing in recent years. It follows that working with children to teach literacy is one of the most difficult stages of preparation for schooling. As L. S. Vygotsky points out, reading and writing provide the child with the opportunity to "climb to the highest level in the development of speech and other higher mental functions." At preschool age, the child's brain develops intensively. This is the most favorable time for learning, the most sensitive period for the general development of children's speech. Our task is to help boys and girls to adapt to school life as quickly as possible, to prepare for the transition to the next step in their lives. The success of school education to a greater extent depends on the level of preparedness of the child in the preschool years, and therefore the need for such training arose. A feature of this work is the use of elements of various modern methods for preschoolers in order to prevent errors in reading and writing, to develop intellectual and communication skills in children. Specially selected creative games, exercises and tasks allow you to develop optical-spatial representations, expand the vocabulary of children, teach you how to build phrases correctly, express your thoughts, show verbal creativity, in a word, develop the child's literacy. 3

4 The goal is to develop a steady interest among preschoolers in learning their native language as a means of communication and information exchange. The system of classes is developed taking into account the basic principles. The principle of sequence: all tasks are solved by the method of assimilation of the material "From simple to complex", in accordance with the cognitive age capabilities of children. The principle of accessibility lies in the simplicity of presentation and understanding of the material. The principle of visibility implies the presence of a large amount of visual, handouts, the presence of didactic games and manuals. The principle of individualization takes into account the psychological characteristics of preschoolers. The principle of effectiveness ensures that the objectives of the work and the possibilities of achieving them are consistent. Main tasks 1. To introduce children to the concepts of "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence". 2. Introduce the basic properties of the phonemic (sound) structure of the word. 3. Introduce models (schemes) of words and sentences, special symbols for designating sounds. 4. To teach children to name and select words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs of an object. 5. To teach how to compare sounds according to their qualitative characteristics (vowels, hard and soft consonants, voiceless and voiced consonants), to compare words according to their sound composition. 6. Teach the syllabic articulation of words, the selection of syllables from a word, the placement of stress in words, the definition of a stressed syllable. 7. Learn to distinguish words in a sentence by ear, determine their number and sequence, make sentences, including those with a given number of words. 8. To teach children smooth syllabic reading with a gradual transition to reading whole words. 9. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. 10. To form elementary graphic skills. 11. To educate a personality through familiarization with the culture of the native language, familiarization with children's folklore.

5 METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS The structure of the lesson is roughly as follows. 1. Organizational moment (using techniques to enhance the interest of children, as well as articulatory gymnastics). 2. Repetition of what has been learned. 3. Learning new things. 4. Games for the development of auditory attention, memory, the selection of a given sound among other sounds. 5. Physical education (finger gymnastics). 6. Acquaintance with the letter. 7. Memorizing a poem about a letter. 8. Work with the primer. 9. Consolidation of the material covered. 10. The result of the lesson (reflection). Each lesson begins with a question about what sound and letter were passed in the last lesson, the characteristics of the passed sound are updated, the teacher reads a poem about the letter. Each lesson ends with a repetition: the children say what sound they met, name its characteristics. Characteristics of the group: children 6-7 years old, regularly attending kindergartens, in the amount of six people. Mode of classes The total number of classes per year is 65. The duration of each lesson is 30 minutes. The frequency of 2 classes per week. The implementation period is one academic year. Parents often think that it is enough for a child to memorize letters in order to learn to read and write. But in fact, the methodology for teaching literacy to preschoolers is all sorts of ways in the form of games and a variety of exercises. It is important to consistently, starting with the simplest, to acquaint the future student with such concepts as “sound”, “letter”, “word”, “sound analysis of the word”. Mastering the basics of literacy is an important stage in the mental and speech development of children. Learning to read and print, children get acquainted with a rather complex system of graphic symbols of letters denoting speech sounds, divide sentences into words, words into syllables, and syllables into sounds. By acquiring elementary technical reading skills, preschoolers learn to understand the meaning of written words, short sentences. Acquaintance with letters with the help of drawings-symbols, memorization of verses contributes to the formation of an optical-spatial image of letters. 5

6 Learning to read and write is a complex process that takes place in two stages: a preparatory stage, preparation for the sound analysis of a word, and the main stage, the formation of elementary reading skills and initial writing skills. The preparatory stage of training is preparation for the sound analysis of the word. At this stage, the foundations are laid for children to acquire literacy (reading and writing). The purpose of the stage is to prepare children for mastering the sound analysis of words. Tasks of the stage 1. To form in children the actions of intonation, stretching, singing a sound in a word. 2. Teach them to identify the first sound in a word, the presence of a sound in a word, a common sound in a poem. 3. Provide practical familiarity with hard and soft consonants without introducing the appropriate terms. Learn to recognize them by ear. 4. Introduce the terms "sound" and "word". 5. Learn to name words with a given sound. 6. To cultivate speech attention and phonemic hearing. The main stage is the formation of elementary reading skills and initial writing skills. Section 1. "Acquaintance with all the sounds and letters of the Russian language." Section 2. "Development of the sound-letter analysis of the word." Section 3. "Teaching to read." Section 4. "Formation of initial writing skills." Section 1. Acquaintance with all the sounds and letters of the Russian language Tasks 1. To give children an idea of ​​the sounds of the Russian language. 2. Introduce the features of the pronunciation of vowel sounds, hard and soft consonants, with their schematic representation: a blue circle is a hard consonant sound, a green circle is a soft sound, a red circle is a vowel sound. 3. Show children the connection of sound with a letter. 4. To form the skill of reading open and closed syllables. Introduction to the letter 6

7 Examination of each letter: what it looks like, what elements it consists of. Touching a letter (feeling a three-dimensional letter with your hands), laying out a letter from counting sticks, “drawing” a letter in the air. Memorizing poems about each letter, solving riddles, selecting words that begin with a given letter. Writing a letter by reference points, drawing the missing elements of a letter, searching for a given letter among other letters, comparing a letter with other letters, typing a letter with pattern orientation. Section 2. Development of sound-letter analysis of the word Tasks 1. Teach children to distinguish sounds according to their qualitative characteristics: vowel, hard (soft) consonant. 2. Learn to determine the position of sound in a word. 3. Teach to determine the order of sounds in a word. 4. Learn to correctly correlate sounds and letters. The order of the sound-letter analysis of the word: pronunciation of the word with intonational emphasis on each sound (first, second, etc.); naming an isolated sound; sound characteristic (vowel, hard or soft consonant); designation of sound with the corresponding color; designation of sound by a letter; determining the number of syllables. Conducting a sound-letter analysis of a word for preschoolers is a complex process, so it must be formed gradually. First, children learn to distinguish initial stressed vowels, then final consonants, and finally initial consonants. Section 3. Teaching reading Tasks 1. To form in children the skill of smooth syllabic reading with a gradual transition to reading whole words, sentences. 2. Teach children to make pairs of words that differ in one sound (onion polish, house smoke). To teach children to make words from syllables and individual letters, sentences from individual words. 7

8 3. To form the skill of conscious reading of small texts, understanding the meaning of what is read. 4. Introduce the basic norms when reading small texts: pause, logical stress, observe intonation. Section 4. Formation of initial writing skills Tasks 1. Develop the ability to navigate the sheet. 2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. 3. Contribute to the mastery of the writing instrument and some graphic skills. The best means of developing initial writing skills are notebooks with practical tasks that enable the child to act independently (hatch, paint over, connect, draw, etc.). This can be coloring letters in accordance with the sample, an exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands “Trace the letter with your finger”, feeling the three-dimensional letter with your hands with your eyes closed, the exercise “Draw the letter with your finger in the air, write on the table”. Each lesson includes didactic games and exercises.

9 THEMATIC PLAN Main tasks Methods and techniques Lesson 1 Introduce children to the vowel sound [y] and the letter U. Learn to find the place of sound in words, develop phonemic hearing. Learn to match a letter with a graphic image. Introduce the term vowel sound. Develop the muscles of the lips and tongue, train the speech apparatus. To teach children to master the technical side of writing and elementary graphic skills. Raise interest in sounds and letters, the desire to study them Lesson 2 Acquaintance with words, letters, sounds. Laying out the letter U from sticks. Performing exercises for the lips and tongue. Learning a poem about letters. Games for the development of phonemic hearing “Yes no”, “Catch the sound” Introduce children to the vowel sound [a] and the letter A. Learn to find the place of sound in words, develop phonemic hearing. Learn to correlate the sound and the letter, to compare the letter and its graphic image. Name words with the sound [a]. To teach children to master the technical side of writing and elementary graphic skills Lesson 3 “Drawing” letters in the air. Laying out a printed letter from counting sticks. Learning a poem about letters. Didactic game “The sound of the first sound is the last”, attention game “Recognize the sound” Introduce children to the vowel sound [and] and the letter I. Learn to find the place of sound in words, develop phonemic hearing. Continue to learn to correlate the sound and the letter, to compare the letter and its graphic image. Fix the term vowel. When getting acquainted with the characteristics of sound, teach children to rely on tactile, auditory analyzers. Continue to introduce the differences and features of sound and letters. To develop the muscles of the lips and tongue, to train the speech apparatus of children. The games "Hear a familiar letter", "Yes, no", "Name the first sound", exercises for the lips and tongue. Laying out the letter from counting sticks 9

10 Main tasks Methods and techniques Lesson 4 Consolidate knowledge about the sounds [a], [y], [i] and the letters A, U, I. Give the concept of a syllable, explain that a vowel forms a syllable. To teach children to compose and read words from the primer (ay, wa). Fix the term vowel. When getting acquainted with the characteristics of sound, teach children to rely on tactile, auditory analyzers. Develop the muscles of the lips and tongue, train the speech apparatus. To teach children to master elementary graphic skills Lesson 5 To introduce children to the vowel sound [o] and the letter O, to learn to find this sound in words, to develop phonemic hearing. Name words with the sound [o]. To teach children to master the technical side of writing and elementary graphic skills Lesson 6 Introduce children to the vowel sound [e] and the letter E. Fix the term vowel. Continue to introduce the differences and features of sound and letters. Learn to find the place of sound in words, develop phonemic hearing. Arouse children's interest in studying sounds and letters Lesson 7 Introduce children to the consonant sound [n] and the letter P. Introduce the term consonant, repeat the studied vowel sounds. Introduce the printed spelling of the letter P. Strengthen the ability to name words with a given sound. To educate in children an interest in sounds and letters, a desire to study them An attention game "What's gone?" Exercises for the lips and tongue, finger gymnastics. Laying out letters from counting sticks "Drawing" letters in the air. Learning a poem about letters. Didactic games "Listen carefully", "Find the sound" (at the beginning, middle, end) "Drawing" letters in the air. Didactic game "Look at the letters, remember the sounds." Learning a poem about a letter Exercise to find the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end). Didactic games "Clap as many times as you heard sounds", "Who is more?" Laying out letters from counting sticks. Memorizing a poem about the letter 10

11 EXPECTED RESULTS By the end of the school year, children of senior preschool age have mastered the following knowledge and skills. 1. The ability to listen to the sound of a word, to isolate given sounds from words. 2. The ability to select intonation given sounds in words, to divide words into syllables. 3. The ability to distinguish between sounds: vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, voiced and deaf consonants. 4. The ability to determine the place of a given sound in a word (at the beginning, middle and end). 5. The ability to indicate the place of a sound in a word on a diagram using graphic images of sounds. 6. The ability to correlate sound and letter. 7. The ability to write words, sentences in block letters. 8. The ability to conduct a sound (phonetic) analysis of the word. 9. The ability to read words, sentences, small poetic texts. 10. Knowledge about stress, stressed syllable, stressed vowels. 11. The ability to correctly use the terms sound, syllable, letter, word, sentence. 12. The ability to make a sentence of two, three, four words. 13. The ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently. 22

12 LESSON PLANS Sound [y] and the letter U Tasks Introduce children to the vowel sound [y] and the letter U. Learn to find the place of sound in words, develop phonemic hearing. Learn to match a letter with a graphic image. Introduce the term vowel sound. Develop the muscles of the lips and tongue, train the speech apparatus. To teach children to master the technical side of writing and elementary graphic skills. Raise interest in sounds and letters, the desire to study them. Equipment: small mirrors (for each child), subject pictures (duck, house, poppy, fishing rod, juice, snail, iron), soft cat toy, primers, block letter U. Course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment. Why do humans and animals need ears? What can we hear from them? That's right, we hear different sounds with our ears. People themselves can create sounds, including with their voice. When we speak, we create speech sounds. Sound is what we hear and pronounce. 2. Pronunciation of sounds in front of a mirror. How does a beetle buzz? How does a goose hiss? How does a mosquito sound? 3. Acquaintance with the sound [y]. Look who came to us today? (Cat.) What is the cat? (Ears.) Let's say this word in parts. What sound is heard at the beginning of the word "ears"? Let's all say this sound together: woo. And what's with the cat? (Moustache.) What sound is heard first? Let's say this sound lingering: woo. Let's repeat the two words that we have analyzed. Let's say these words one by one. What sound is heard first? So, guys, what sound did we meet today? Concept: "We pronounce and hear the sound." 25

13 Sound characteristic [y]. When pronouncing the sound [y], the lips are stretched forward in a “tube” (the wind howls), there is no barrier in the mouth, so the sound can be sung. Pronunciation by the choir and individual children. The pronunciation of the sound [y] is quiet and loud to hear how the “wind howls”. 4. Didactic game "Catch the sound." Children clap their hands when they hear the sound [y] from a series of vowels. 5. Physical education. 6. Continued acquaintance with the letter U. We have learned to hear and pronounce the sound [y]. And now we will find the sound [y] in words. Game "No" Pictures on the board: duck, house, poppy, fishing rod, juice, snail, iron. The teacher calls them, and the children say “yes” if the word has a sound [y], and “no” if the word does not have a sound [y]). Only pictures with the sound [y] remain on the board. How are all these words similar? What sound is heard first? Examining the image of the letter U (children say what the letter looks like). Laying out the letter Y from sticks. The concept: "We see the letter, lay it out, write, read." 7. Memorizing a poem by V. Stepanov: 26 At the knots. In any forest you will see the letter U. 8. Working with primers looking at illustrations. 9. The result of the lesson. What sound and letter did we learn today? Name the words that begin with the letter U. Sound [a] and the letter A Tasks Introduce children to the vowel sound [a] and the letter A. Learn to find the place of sound in words, develop phonemic hearing. Learn to correlate the sound and the letter, to compare the letter and its graphic image. Name words with the sound [a]. To teach children to master the technical side of writing and elementary graphic skills.

14 Drawing up a descriptive story on the subject picture "Swallow" Tasks To teach how to compose a descriptive story on the subject picture by negotiating and distributing sentences. To consolidate the pronunciation of whistling and hissing words in a complex sound-syllabic structure, in coherent speech. Practice using diminutive suffixes. Equipment: subject picture "Swallow", a table for reading syllables, notebooks. The course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment. Children remember and name migratory birds. 2. Work based on the poem by A. Pleshcheev "Country Song" and the story by K. Ushinsky "The Brave Swallow". Storytelling. A short conversation aimed at using synonyms and sentences with homogeneous members in the answers. What do we learn about the swallow from these works? (The swallow is a heat-loving bird: swallows are the first to fly to hot countries, and the last to return. Swallows delight us with cheerful chirping.) What kind of bird is a swallow? (Swallow singing, sonorous, songbird.) Say differently: the swallow chirps (the swallow sings, floods), the swallow is brave (brave, courageous, fearless, courageous). How does a swallow relate to a chick? (The swallow takes care of the chick, protects it, brings food, teaches to fly.) 3. Discussion of the appearance of the swallow, conversation. Recollection of the riddle of V. Leonov. Black suit, white shirt. A swift-winged bird flew in from across the sea. Looking at the swallow in the picture. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the swallow's tail (long, sharp, strong), to its wings (long, sharp, strong), asks why they serve the bird. 90

15 CONTENTS Explanatory note Methodological recommendations Thematic plan Expected results Methodological support Literature Plans-summaries of classes Sound [y] and letter U Sound [a] and letter A Sound [and] and letter I Sounds [a] [y] [and] and letters A, U, I Sound [o] and the letter O Sound [e] and the letter E Sound [p] and the letter P Sounds [p] [p "] and the letter P Sound [t] and the letter T Sound [k] and the letter K Sounds [k] [k "] and the letter K Sounds [m] [m "] and the letter M Sounds [l] [l "] and the letter L Sound [l] and the letter L Sounds [x] [x "] and letter X Sounds [k] [x "] and letters K, X Sound [s] and letter Y Sounds [s] [and "] Repetition of what has been learned. Vowel sounds Sound [s] and letter C Sounds [s] and letter C Sounds [n] [n "] and the letter H Sound [z] and the letter Z Sounds [z] [z "] and the letter Z Sound [b] and the letter B Sounds [b] [b "] and the letter B Sounds [d] [d "] and the letter D Sound [g] and the letter G Sounds [g] [g "] and the letter G Sounds [c] [c"] and the letter B Sound [r] and the letter P

16 Sounds [p] [r "] and the letter P Sound [w] and the letter Sh Sound [g] and the letter F Sound [c] and the letter C Sound [h] and the letter H Sound [u] and the letter Щ Sound [j ] and the letter Y Letter Yu Letter I Letter E Letter Yo Soft consonants Sounds [f] [f "] and the letter F Letter b Letter b Retelling of the Russian folk tale “Like a goat and a wolf talked” with inventing an ending Sounds [h], [u ], [s], [t] Drawing up a descriptive story based on the subject painting “Swallow”

17 Maria Pavlovna Belova Lesson plans for teaching literacy to children aged 6 7 Editor-in-chief S. D. Ermolaev Editor N. B. Kondratovskaya Artist O. Yu. Kalashnikova Proofreaders: T. V. Nikiforova, N. I. Grigorieva Designer Yu. B. Kulevich Layout A. V. Shakirov PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" LLC, St. Petersburg, PO Box 45. Tel.: (812) Representation in Moscow: Razum LLC, Moscow, Ivanovskaya st., 34 Tel.: (499) Book by mail service: AROS-SPb LLC, St. Petersburg, PO box 37. Tel. (812) Signed for printing Format / 16. Offset paper. Offset printing. Headset Times. Conv. oven l. 6.0. Circulation (1st factory 1900) copies. Order Printed at ProfPrint LLC, St. Petersburg, Pargolovo settlement, st. Lomonosov, d Tel.: (812)

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Olga Kozlova
Abstract of a literacy lesson for children 6–7 years old (game - journey)

Topic: The game is a journey into the forest.

Goals: To promote the development of phonemic hearing; listening skills and

identify sounds in words, determine their place.

Develop thinking, memory, auditory attention, creativity

imagination, speech.

Cultivate respect for each other, a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: Dolls: dogs, hare, fox, bear; subject


Lesson progress:

1. The psychological mood of children.

The game "Turn around yourself."

R., form a circle and play the game "Turn around yourself."

Be careful.

Turn around yourself, turn into a mosquito. (Imitate the movements of mosquitoes, pronouncing the sound [z ‘]).

Turn around yourself, turn into a fly. (Flies with sound [h]).

Turn around yourself, turn into a beetle. (Beetles with sound [g]).

Turn around yourself, turn into a breeze. (Perform hand swings, pronouncing the sound [w]).

Turn around yourself, return to work.

Did you like the game? And who were we during the transformations? What sounds were made?

2. Introduction to the topic.

Oh, guys, it seems to me that someone is crying? Do you hear?

(A bunny appears - a puppet theater toy)

Bunny, what happened to you? Why are you crying?

Z: - How can I not cry? I lived, I lived in a fairy forest, in my hut,

I lived and did not grieve until trouble caught me. Once a fox came to visit me, she asked to warm herself and look around, and she kicked me out. No matter how I didn’t ask, how I didn’t beg the fox to let me into the hut, but she didn’t even listen. Oh, it's sad, I'm sad.

P: - Don't cry, bunny! Do you need our help?

Z: Thank you guys!

P: - R., let's help the bunny's grief. So let's go on a magical journey. We go to the forest to help the bunny.

3. Repetition and consolidation of the studied material la.

(bear appears)

M: Who are you? Where are you on your way? (Help the hare.)

It's good that you decided to help the hare and I feel sorry for the hare, but I can't let you through. You must complete my task: guess the letters encrypted in the hieroglyph. Do you agree? (Yes.)

M: I see that you are future students, you already know a lot of letters, you know how to make friends and coped with my task, well done. Bon Voyage!

(Dog appears)

S.: - What, you are friendly! What, you, obedient! Perhaps you, future first graders? (Yes)

S.: - Hurrah! Luck came into my hands. I study at a forest school, and the teacher gave me a homework task: to print syllables from letters. And it's still hard for me to do this. Can you help?

]The game "Compose with log

(nose, legs, knife, laptop, mink, scissors)

MU (fly, music, cartoon, Murka)

SA (saber, boots, sama, samurai, sandals, garden, gardener)

LEE (fox, lemon, Linda)

S.: - Thank you for participating in the games. Goodbye.

(A fox appears.)

L: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all.

Fox, don't be cunning, you better tell me why you kicked the hare out of the hut?

L.: - R., forgive me. And you're a bunny, I'm sorry. In this hut, I wanted to open an animal school, but I did everything wrong, it was unnecessary for me to drive out the hare. Will you forgive me? (Yes.) And I will return Zayushkina's hut. I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth.

Z .: - Fox, you can stay in my hut and teach animals. And I'll build myself a new hut.

L .: - R., maybe you will become my first students in the forest school?

] Fizminutka "Zaich ik"

A gray bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped and galloped away.

L .: Don't be scared, bunny, but better let's do it.

Game exercise "Sounds got lost sya"

A sound model of the word, consisting of three sounds, is hung on the board. On the shelf are subject pictures: whale, bow, smoke, rice, poppy, house. The children need to choose only those pictures that match the pattern. Explain choice:

Green Cr. Syn.

The game "Magazi n".

Fox invites the guys to the grocery store. But she needs to buy only those products in which the sounds [s, s '] are heard.

Pictures on the shelf: Sugar, sausage, cheese, butter, lemon, orange, noodles, apple, sweets, cookies, sprats.

Working with a letter mi.

Model the letter L, O, D on the fingers.

Lay out M, N, I from the stripes.

What does the letter A, B, Z look like?

Pluck out a letter from paper - G, L, R.

4. Debriefing busy and I.

R., today we worked hard, helped the bunny, made friends with the fox, and the fox with the hare, studied at the animal school. It's time to go home to the studio. Goodbye!

(The guys stand up, march and say the following words)

We are all friendly guys

Helped make friends with the animals.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - you need to step into the studio.

5. Reflection "Flowers and butterflies and".

In a clearing (on the floor) 3 flowers grow:

Red rose (interesting, not boring);

Blue cornflower (something is still not clear);

Chamomile (much remained unclear, it was not interesting).

Children turn into fluttering butterflies and take their places in the flower they consider theirs.

Compendium of GCD on teaching literacy for children 6-7 years old

"Journey to Soundland".

Target: generalization of knowledge about sounds, improvement of the skill of sound parsing of a word.

Program content:

1. Improve the ability to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants and characterize sounds;

2. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words;

3. Continue to teach children to divide words into syllables

3. Develop articulation skills, improve the sound culture of children's speech;

4. Develop attention, memory, imagination, verbal and logical thinking;

5. Development of coherent speech

6. Development of phonemic hearing;

7. Development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Organizing time

Dear children, the postman gave me this letter for you. Look who this letter is from! (showing an envelope with a picture of Zvukovychka).

Come to me, let's read what is written in this letter. "Hello guys. When I was visiting you, it was very fun and interesting for me to play sounds and words with you. And now I invite you to visit my country - Soundland. Only now we had a misfortune: the sounds from their houses ran away and do not want to come back. Come, help, please, return everyone to their places, otherwise not a single sound game works like that! Only your knowledge of sounds will be needed.

Well, guys, let's go on a trip, help the sounds? (Yes)

Guess the riddle and you will know what we are going to:

Riddle: “Little houses run along the rails,

boys and girls are being taken to houses ”(Train)

That's right, I'll be your little train, and the first trailer will be the one who first selects 1 sound in the word "train" - do not shout out, but raise your hand.

In order to be friendly on the way and not get confused, we select the last sound in the word train. Well done! We did it together!

In order not to lose time, we will go and train the tongue, repeat the sounds of the train after me (tu-tu, choo-choo, shh).

We have a “sound river” on our way, because it is not fish that swim in it, but words. In order to go around the river, we need to complete the task.

1. "Sound River". To do this, stand on both sides of the river. Who is on the left hand - highlights the first sound in the word (listen to the answers of the children). Whoever stands on my right hand highlights the last sound in the word.

Well done! Correctly identified the sounds, so we can go further. (tu-tu. choo-choo. shh).

We have arrived, here is the country of Soundland (slide). Sit at the tables to get a better view of her.

Oops, got stuck! Look what thorny bushes (slide) do not allow us to enter the country. And you can't see the Zvukovichka. It is necessary to correctly parse the word "bushes" - to highlight the sounds in the word, and they will not be prickly. But in order to properly parse, let's remember what sounds are. Raise your hand and answer with a full sentence (vowels and consonants)

Red squares we designate what sounds? (vowels). How to define a vowel sound? (sung without barriers, stretches.)

Also, what are the sounds? (consonants). What sound do we call a consonant? (not sung, there are barriers).

Consonant sounds, what are they? (hard - pronounced strictly and soft - pronounced affectionately). And here is the Soundman. He heard us.

To quickly get the squares, you need to stretch your fingers!

Get your fingers ready for work

"White Fluff"

Throws white, snow fluff, Gently lower the hands from top to bottom

Covers everything around. We spread our hands in different directions

Down on hats We point to the named things,

Fluff on coats (or alternately bend fingers)

Fluff on the eyebrows

Fluff on the lips.

How ticklish - wow! We tickle ourselves and shake ourselves

Who tickles - fluff! Palms in front of you, blow on them


We parse the word BUSHES.

Let's say the word slowly.

We select the first sound KKKUSTY.

We answer with a raised hand: What is he like? (acc., tv., - denoted by a blue square).

What's the next one? WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL? (ch. - red square).

Select the next sound KUSSSTA. (acc., tv., - denoted by a blue square).

Select the next sound KUSTTTY. (acc., tv., - denoted by a blue square).

What is the last one? BUSHES? (ch. - red square).

How many vowels? Consonants? Total sounds?

Well done! No one pricked, so everything was correctly dismantled.

Exercise "Robots".

Guys, look at the screen. Who is this? Robot. The robot prepared pictures for us. Let's turn into robots and show our ability to divide words into syllables. You have yellow stripes on your tables - each of them represents a syllable. Divide the word from the picture into syllables and lay out as many stripes as there are syllables in the word.

Check with each other. Who found the bugs? (mutual check in pairs). Well done!

We got to the houses of sounds. Sounds are walking around, they are not playing with us.

And now let's have a little rest and again go to travel around the Land of Soundland.

Physical education minute

"Here's a cold winter"(Children wave their hands.)
The wind blows icy
And he lifts up a cloud of snow. (Children make circular movements with their hands)
He is tough and powerful.
Hares hide in the bushes. (Children sit in a deep squat on
Even a cunning fox for a few seconds, then get up)
She crouched and sits
Well, the snow is flying, flying. (Children wave their hands)
But the evil blizzard subsided,
The sun is shining in the sky. (Sipping - arms to the sides)
A fox gallops across the field. (Jumping)
Well, we'll walk a little (Walking)
And we will return to the country of Soundland. (Children sit at tables)

Teacher: So we have gained strength and now we can continue the journey. Next task.


Hello Zimushka-winter! (we bow)
What did you bring as a gift? (we spread our arms to the sides)
Fluffy white snow, (squat, run our hands over imaginary snow)
Hoarfrost silver (get up, raise your hands up)
Skis, sleds and skates, (we imitate the movements of skiers and skaters)
And lights on the tree! (raise hands up, turn the "flashlights")

Fizminutka Winter

We play snowballs in winter, we play. (imitation of making snowballs)
We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk. (we walk, raising our knees high)
And on skis we run, we run. (springy movements in place, wide swings of the arms, arms bent at the elbows)
Skating on ice we slide, we slide. (smooth springy movements of the arm are bent at the elbows)
And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt. (corresponding movements)
We love the winter guest, we love. (spread hands in bow and put on the belt)

Children, let's not forget, we need to rescue the sounds! Soundman says that they are asking us to play hide and seek with them, and then they will run to their houses.

Let's play the game "Where is the sound hidden?" We stand in a circle on the carpet. To whom I throw the ball, he names the place of the desired sound in the word, while others check (at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end).

Duck (y) - moon (a) - compote (l) - watering can (l;) - boat (o) - phone (n) - fish (s)

Well done! Look, they coped with the task and the sounds went into the houses.

Summing up the activities

The soundman thanks you for helping him bring all the sounds back to the houses.

Children, why did the sounds agree to go home? (because we have completed all the tasks).

Yes, you coped with all the tasks and difficulties along the way. For diligence, for your work, you are all given awards - sweet gifts from Zvukovichka - sweets! - And now get up all behind me with a train, let's go to the group!