The windows are not washed and open. Not with different parts of speech

The social structure of society

  1. social mobility
  2. Social conflicts and ways to resolve them

Social structure: concept and definition

Interaction of the main elements of the social sphere

Each social group or individual has unequal access to basic limited resources.

Social stratification is the division of society into strata, the division criteria are:

The basis for the allocation of strata are such indicators that allow you to build a scale of ranks: more-less, better-worse, prestigious-non-prestigious, etc.

social mobility

Social mobility is the movement of individuals and entire groups within a social system.

Types of social mobility

Social lifts are mechanisms that promote upward social mobility.

Types of social elevators

Diversity of social groups

The process of interaction between people

Signs of a social group

  1. interaction between a group of people
  2. regulation of relations by certain rules, expectations of appropriate behavior
  3. awareness of one's belonging to this group and recognition of this by others

Types of social groups

1st classification

(according to the size of the group and the nature of communication)

Large (secondary) Small (primary)
- the number of several dozen people, here a person is perceived primarily as a carrier of certain functions, indirect connections prevail in such a group. Here people act not as individuals, but as carriers of specific job responsibilities. Relations between members of the group are regulated on the basis of official documents - the workers' union, the political party, etc. - the number of 5-7 people, the composition, as a rule, is stable. In a small group, direct personal contacts are established, a person is perceived in the fullness of his individuality, his features. Relationships are governed by group opinion, established assessments. - family, work colleagues, group of friends

2 classification

4.Social conflicts and ways to resolve them

Individuals and social groups occupy different positions in society

This leads to the fact that their interests may be different.

Social conflict is a contradiction between the interests of individual social groups, which is expressed in specific actions on each side.