Soldiers' stories about service with Caucasians. Caucasian dances in the Russian army

Caucasians in the army are the talk of the town since the time of the "Wild Division". The Soviet military leaders could not cope with the hot wayward guys. Only if ten years ago their ethnic self-consciousness did not allow them to wash their socks and wash the floors in the barracks, today their religious feelings do not allow them to shave their beards, in accordance with the charter. The inter-confessional conflict is exacerbated by the fact that the military leadership is not placed in the most convenient position. The Code of Administrative Offenses, in accordance with the new law “on protecting the feelings of believers” adopted by the State Duma, proposes to supplement the Criminal Code with an article “for obstructing the exercise of the right to freedom of conscience and religion” and to fine ordinary citizens for 50 thousand rubles, and officials - for 100 thousand . rub. Read about how the religious principles of military personnel collide with the army charter in the material of the correspondent of "Caucasian Politics".

A beard in the army is purely a tribute to tradition. Alexander the Great was the first to order beards to be shaved in the army - the Persians grabbed his soldiers by the beard, which did not have the best effect on the outcome of the battles. That's how it's been since then.

In the Russian army, only naval officers are allowed to wear a beard - again due to tradition. Probably because they do not have to participate in hand-to-hand fights.

To shave or not to shave, to be or not to be

Sergey Rossomahin, head of the department of the KhMAO military commissariat for the city of Raduzhny, announced the growth of Wahhabi sentiment among conscripts from the North Caucasus. He admitted to having numerous problems with them during his military service. According to Rossomahin, he was instructed not to draft the natives of the North Caucasus and Muscovites into the army.

“Open disobedience to the orders of the commanders, the imposition of national customs that are contrary to the charter, the refusal to be examined in the PND and to undergo a surgeon. The soldiers refuse to shave because they consider themselves true Muslims. In addition to this, the majority of young people (from the Caucasus) are prone to the ideas of Wahhabism,” Sergey Rossomahin, head of the department of the military commissariat of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra for the city of Raduzhny, told the Surgut Tribune newspaper.

The first such statement was made three years ago. The military commissar of the Chelyabinsk region, Nikolai Zakharov, said that he would not "conscript" Caucasians. Such measures are allegedly supposed to reduce ethnic tension in the army created by conscripts from the North Caucasian republics.

However, the innovation led to the fact that the conscription plan for the remaining regions had to be increased. The "first sign" in 2010 was the statement on April 1 of the military commissariat of Dagestan that the spring conscription order for the republic was reduced from 2000-4000 to 400 people To this day there is no accurate and reliable information whether there really is an order from the General Staff, however Indeed, there have been conflicts in the army for a long time, and not only because of appearance. A violation of the regime of military service, according to military regulations, is also a five-fold prayer, which includes a loud call to prayer - adhan, regarded by commanders as giving a voice signal at an inopportune time.

I want to serve, it's sickening to serve

The North Caucasus, in general, and Dagestan, in particular, have always been distinguished by high recruitment into the ranks of the Russian army, and if, for example, in the northern or central regions of Russia, conscripts were “unfastened” for the opportunity to evade service, then the Dagestanis paid just for opportunity to get into it. Particularly zealous even resorted to unconventional methods. Muslim Abdulaev recalls how four years ago, in order to be drafted into the army, he left for the Voronezh region and registered with his uncle. “When I came to the draft board, the military commissar decided that I was crazy. He was so surprised that he began to persuade him not to join the army. For a long time I could not understand what was happening, even sent me to a psychiatrist,” he recalls with a laugh. He got to work in Murmansk, but did not experience cardinal problems there. He, as an employee of the fleet, was not forbidden to wear beards, and on the submarine the very atmosphere of service is different. “Well, I didn’t go too far. I was a Muslim there. I changed cans of stew from rations to buckwheat or something else, my colleagues were even happy. But maybe if I had support, I would also be the right to download, ”says Muslim.

Few are lucky. Few are also willing to "bend under the system." Previously, Russian military leaders offered mono-ethnic units to resolve such conflicts. However, this, as well as the general refusal to call up natives of the North Caucasian republics, is only an excuse to apply to the Constitutional Court of Russia. An attempt to solve the problem was made by Dagestan parliamentarians. In the light of the new national policy in the army proposed by Shoigu, 11 deputies from Dagestan wrote an appeal to the new Minister of Defense with a request to increase the draft from the republic in 2013 to 35 thousand people! According to their version, this would allow directing the energy of young Dagestanis in a peaceful direction.

Attempts to contact the military commissariat of Dagestan and get their explanations in response to the attacks failed. - All information is only in response to a written request, the answer will also be given in writing, ”but there was no response to the fax sent.

War and Peace

In fact, such conflicts are typical not only for the Russian army. Menachem Stern, 29, an Orthodox rabbi from Crown Heights in Brooklyn, is a military chaplain whose victory over army routine is that, after nearly three years of fighting, he was allowed to serve without shaving off his beard. According to the charter of the American army, the serviceman must also be carefully shaved.

Only the numbers are irrefutable; according to official figures, 153,000 people will be drafted into the Russian army this year. Only 300 conscripts will serve from Chechnya, and 800 from Dagestan. Although every year in these republics up to 10,000 young people register for military service.

There are other official data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, according to them, the number of crimes in the army is growing, and every fourth crime in the army is associated with violence. And often this violence occurs on ethnic grounds. In the first half of 2012, the number of ordinary crimes in the Russian army for the first time exceeded the number of military ones.

Last year, about 16,500 conscripts from the republics of the North Caucasus were called up, and there are complaints that "their distribution among the troops is uneven." How to make it even? "Soldier's mothers" demand to send one conscript from the Caucasus to each unit. Parts in Russia are about 16 thousand times, that is, exactly one at a time is exactly what happens. However, sending Caucasians one by one is also dangerous - what if they offend, also on ethnic grounds?

We have learned to stop conflicts, but not to solve them, and until we learn this, there will never be reconciliation. The main problem remains the same - society itself is not ready to compromise.


In chapter

Against the backdrop of more frequent incidents across the country with a pronounced ethnic coloring, in early July, the military commissariat of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug announced the growth of Wahhabi sentiment among conscripts from the North Caucasus. While acknowledging the existence of numerous problems with conscripts from the region, the military reported that the troops received tacit instructions to limit conscription from certain national republics. "Our Version" understood how acute the national question is in the army.

One of the few decisions for which the army is grateful to the previous Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov is the rejection of conscripts from the North Caucasus. The military department is trying to avoid commenting on the fact of a ban on their service, since the Constitution does not allow officially stopping conscription in any subject of the Federation. However, the de facto conscription campaign in the Caucasus has only been imitated over the past few years: registration of conscripts in the military registration and enlistment offices is carried out, commissions operate, but only a few manage to get into the troops. So, in the fall of last year, for example, only 179 people were called up from the most populous southern republic - Dagestan.

Highlanders openly refused to obey the officers

Meanwhile, in recent years, the problem with the shortage of conscripts has sharply worsened. Today, even in permanent readiness units, the shortfall of soldiers is up to one third. The new leadership of the Ministry of Defense is feverishly looking for ways to remedy the situation. One of the options is the resumption of mass conscription from the republics of the North Caucasus. There really is a huge conscription resource concentrated there. Until 2010, 15-20 thousand people were annually drafted into the army from Dagestan alone. However, the need for the presence of these conscripts in the troops then strongly doubted. Such a strong concentration of Caucasians in the troops led to an incredible aggravation of the criminogenic situation, the army was agitated by a number of hazing incidents. The highlanders openly refused to obey the officers and actually kept entire garrisons at bay.

As Alexander Perendzhiev, an expert of the Association of Military Political Scientists, told Our Version, it is fundamentally wrong to restrict the right to serve in the army of Caucasians, especially in a situation where there is a huge shortage of recruiting resources in the country, and they want to attract even women and foreigners to the service. According to the expert, it is unacceptable to create a precedent when people are not called up on a national basis.

Apparently, the new Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu partly agrees with this. At the end of last year, the leadership of Dagestan reported that they managed to agree with the Ministry of Defense that the number of recruits from the republic would be sharply increased. According to some reports, it was planned to call up about 5 thousand people this spring. The trend towards an increase in the number of Dagestan conscripts in the Russian army is indeed visible, but on a much smaller scale. This year, the republic received a distribution order for 800 people.

In other North Caucasian republics, the situation is even worse: about 400 people are called up from Ingushetia, and the last large-scale conscription in Chechnya was carried out more than 20 years ago. Most likely, the military has not yet fully decided on this issue. For comparison, the number of conscripts from neighboring Russian regions is an order of magnitude larger - this year more than 5 thousand people are preparing to be sent to the army from the Krasnodar Territory, more than 2 thousand from the Stavropol Territory.

Jigits rush to the troops

It should be noted that the leadership of the Caucasian republics cares about the opportunity to serve for their conscripts, however, not only and not so much out of patriotic motives. For example, after the actual cessation of conscription in the republic, Dagestan youth began to have problems with employment in law enforcement agencies (where almost every young dzhigit strives so hard to get) and where they are not taken without military experience.

As a result, today there is a unique desire of young people from the Caucasus to get into the army. Over the past few years, there has been a tendency when a bribe of 20-150 thousand rubles is given in Dagestan for conscription. Some conscripts move to other regions and register there in order to be called up at the place of new registration.

In order to break through the additional quota for conscripts, local military commissars promise that they will send only the best to the army, most of whom will have higher education, and also intend to introduce a system of guarantees into the work of military commissions, under which leaders of diasporas will be personally responsible for each soldier .

Meanwhile, the leadership of the North Caucasian republics self-critically admits that their young people are not very suitable for military service: a large part of the hot Caucasian guys are poorly managed. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by modern realities in society: if earlier the elders taught the younger generation in the family that in the army it is necessary to obey the commanders unquestioningly, now the main emphasis in the instructions is the need, first of all, to observe religious canons.

You can't argue with the facts - there are far from isolated cases of open disobedience to the orders of commanders, opposition of national customs to military regulations. True Muslims refuse to participate in chores, dumping hard work on their colleagues. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity: Caucasians refuse to shave their beards, to be examined in a psychoneurological dispensary and examined by a surgeon. All these whims lead to the undermining of discipline, to the aggravation of contradictions and become the cause of conflicts. In addition to this, some have a craving for the dangerous ideas of radical Islamism (Wahhabism).

What affects the hot heads of southerners?

As the commander of one of the military units of the Southern Military District told Our Version, commanders of all levels prefer not to take people from the North Caucasus into their units and, under any pretext, try to get rid of their presence in the units. The officer notes that today, when the term of service on conscription has been reduced to a year, commanders literally do not have time to deal with the worldview of each soldier.

It must be said that in the Soviet army the situation with the Caucasians was not completely cloudless. The main way to fight the community was the uniform distribution of the highlanders in all parts of a large army, their "critical concentration" was not allowed. But the main tool for influencing the hotheads of the south were public associations, such as the Komsomol, and tight control over the mood among the military.

Unfortunately, the optimal levers for ideological and propaganda work in the Russian Armed Forces have not yet been invented. The situation became even more complicated with the collapse of the institution of political workers and was aggravated by the abolition of the guardhouse.


Alexander Perendjiev, Expert of the Association of Military Political Scientists:

- The critical situation that has arisen with representatives of the Caucasus shows the weakness of the military command and control system, especially its educational component. In fact, there are no mechanisms in the Armed Forces that can affect this category of servicemen. It is a shame to admit it, but today the state ideology, the system of military-patriotic education cannot counteract the very ideas of Wahhabism, which are actively spreading among Muslim youth. There is a feeling that in the army they give in to this problem, and do not try to solve it. Perhaps the leadership of the Ministry of Defense does not even know how to do this. I myself commanded a construction company in which 60 people from the North Caucasus served. Of course, managing such personnel was difficult, but possible. In my opinion, recruits from these republics have not changed, they have not become better or worse, but the methods of working with them have been forgotten. For example, Muslims used to be drafted mainly to construction or railway units, where they served without weapons. Officers were purposefully trained to work with problematic national minorities. And today, to work with Caucasians, it is also necessary to select the most trained, strong-willed, knowledgeable national characteristics and better trained officers and sergeants. At the same time, it does not hurt to closely cooperate with Muslim religious organizations - for example, contact was previously established with the Council of Muftis of Russia.

The community stands apart among people from the Caucasus - "Caucasians" in the terminology of the Soviet army. In our time, they are usually united in the troops by the common name "Dagestanis" or "Dags". It is fundamentally important that people from the Caucasus unite under any conditions and can even organize a rebuff to their grandfathers, as well as the actual and official leaders of the unit. Moreover, Caucasians are united not only within the framework of one unit, but the entire part as a whole. At the same time, in any conditions, they rush to help their own, which is a manifestation of the national mentality (more about it can be found in the chapter "Army in the Caucasus").

With a small number of Caucasians are relatively harmless, at least they do not violate the unity of the team, do not destroy the existing hierarchy of hazing or ustavshchina. Their grandfathers are afraid of them, and keep them at some distance, or include them among the privileged members of the unit. In any case, whether they are among the chosen ones or simply left to their own devices, Caucasians are characterized by excessive and often senseless cruelty towards others. They have only two psychological models of behavior: they either recognize others as higher than themselves in status, or lower; in principle, they do not consider representatives of other nationalities as equals.

When there are too many Caucasians in the unit, the situation gets completely out of control. Caucasians completely subjugate hazing, ceasing to maintain relative neutrality with grandfathers, and deal a serious blow to the hazing by introducing their excessive cruelty into relations in the unit. Needless to say, they completely replace grandfathers in the worst sense of the word and turn the young into personal slaves. And if, under hazing, such slavery is based largely on a voluntary beginning, on the understanding that oppression will pass with a lifetime of service, then when Caucasians dominate, all representatives of other nationalities are doomed to a subordinate position until the very end of their service. Inequality thus takes on particularly striking forms, without the admixture of social justice, when respect comes with service life.

It comes to the point that the officers themselves treat Caucasians with apprehension, shun them and do not take any measures to restore order. There is a strong belief in the army that a Caucasian is capable of any extreme, including simply stabbing an offender with a knife, regardless of his status. Such a belief did not arise from scratch, it is associated with the general "recklessness" in the extreme situation of Caucasians, especially Chechens. They simply blow the roof, and they cease to be guided by reason, completely surrendering to the instincts of a fighter. So Slavic patience is not characteristic of Caucasians in principle, and they turn out to be foreign inclusions in the Slavic army at its core.

The only control over Caucasians can be found only if the unit has a Caucasian grandfather, a contract soldier or an officer who immediately builds the most severe hierarchy among his own. Also, among the Caucasians, a strong de facto leader can stand out, who will also build a rigid hierarchy, only it will be even more difficult to introduce him into the official hierarchy than grandfathers.

Now they say a lot of flattering words about the white movement and officers of the times of the Russian Empire, however, they forget one interesting moment in the social practice of our feudal ancestors: balanced nationalism. The vast majority of the officers of the Russian Empire were of Slavic nationality, the inclusion of Jews among them was an exceptional phenomenon. There were special qualifications in educational institutions on a national basis, moreover, these qualifications were aimed at limiting the penetration of foreigners into Slavic educational institutions, while the Soviet qualification, on the contrary, aimed to put people from national republics in a privileged position.

But another aspect of the imperial national policy is important for us. Indigenous peoples (including the Samoyeds) of the Urals and Siberia, residents of Turkestan, foreigners of the Transcaspian Territory, Muslim peoples of the North Caucasus (paid tax instead of service), residents of Finland (the state itself paid for them a fixed deduction to the treasury of the Russian Empire). Cossacks close to Caucasians in spirit served only in special Cossack troops. And this is not the whole list. Here we can say that, they say, the Russian top leadership did not trust some of the conquered and constantly rebellious Caucasian peoples, but how then to explain the exemption from conscription of a number of foreigners and Samoyeds? It can only be explained by a historically developed clear understanding that people who undermine the combat effectiveness of the Russian army have no place here. Too much at that time depended on the army (see the chapter "Some interesting touches on the organization of the army of the Russian Empire").

Thus, in the policy of the Russian Empire, which did not take representatives of a number of Caucasian, Asian and Trans-Ural nationalities into the army, even under conditions of universal military service, there was a sober calculation and a balanced national policy. Now all this is gone, and army personnel officers are forced to proceed from the officially accepted postulate of ideology about the need to create all conditions for the national republics to the detriment of national Russian interests. According to the official position of those in power, we do not have the same people as the Russians with a special mentality. In this regard, the authorities continue the policy of the USSR, which partly led to its defeat in the Cold War.

The increased quota for citizens of Dagestan is, perhaps, all that distinguishes the current spring call for service in the Russian army from the previous ones. The quota was increased six months ago by the decision of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, which he adopted after a conversation with the former president of Dagestan, Magomedsalam Magomedov. The quota was increased not to tens of thousands, as in Soviet times, but only to a modest 734 people. Very soon, young Dagestan conscripts will be distributed among Russian military units. But are they waiting there? Nationalists and mothers of conscripts are afraid of an increase in Caucasians in the Russian army, and the military leadership is in no hurry to solve the problem. OK- inform figured out: what is the role of the army in Russian society, does our country need Caucasian soldiers, and what can be done to avoid the so-called "ethnic hazing" in the ranks of the armed forces?

The best tool for socialization

The economy of Dagestan is the 35th among the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of gross regional product. But the entire economic growth falls on the capital of the republic. The areas closest to Makhachkala are much poorer. There is no work there, there are frequent conflicts around certain land plots.

Considering that Dagestan is one of the most "giving birth" regions, one can understand Magomedov's position. Young people who are “superfluous” for the economy should better go to the army than to the Islamist underground.

In addition, the army in Russia has always been used for socialization.

So, in the Russian Empire, the backbone was registered Cossacks. They practically did not distinguish between life and service. Subdivisions were formed on the basis of villages and settlements. Colleagues knew each other from childhood. But such an army was not suitable for new types of warfare, it did not accept innovations well, fought with old-fashioned methods and did not lend itself to centralized training.

The Soviet army is an army of workers, residents of large cities. A worker from the Putilov factory in Petrograd and a worker from Kazan served in the same units.

The undoubted advantage of this approach is that in the event of separatism, the army does not go over to the side of the rebels. She generally remains loyal to the federal government. The rebels can recruit their own units and train them in their camps. But these will be illegal gangs. Destroy them prescribes international law.

Consolidate or disperse?

But now the army as a mechanism of socialization is starting to fail. This is due to the deepening economic and socio-cultural gap between Russia and the Caucasus.

The main reason should be sought in the bankruptcy of the mountainous regions of the Caucasian republics. Young people from impoverished villages descend to the plain and cause many problems for the local Caucasians. Lacking sufficient horizons and erudition, the highlanders are easily led by the speeches of preachers of aggressive teachings.

Today, a number of experts are proposing a variant in which Caucasians will serve "with their own people" in their own republic. In fact, this is a return to the practice of "wild divisions". A Caucasian serves with Caucasians not far from his native home, being in a special position.

Special conditions for Dagestanis would set a precedent for other regions, including Russians.

However, this practice is dangerous in perspective.

First, it is the destruction of the process of socialization. If suddenly the situation in Dagestan deteriorates sharply, those whom Russia taught to hold weapons in their hands will turn these weapons against her (having previously stolen them from Russian warehouses).

Secondly, special conditions for Dagestanis would set a precedent for other regions, including Russians. Governors will begin to raise the question: "Why should Omsk/Irkutsk/Murmansk citizens serve far away, and not a stone's throw from their home?" It's not that the governors are worried about the conscripts. They just start collecting. thus, political capital and votes to the detriment of the country's defense unity.

Another popular expert opinion is to disperse Caucasians as much as possible among all military units. The conflict will be divided into a series of small scandals and trials in different parts. True, with an increase in the number of Caucasians in parts of these conflicts, there will be more, and they will be more resonant.

Conscripts will be allocated guarantors

The confrontation between the ethnic majority and the ethnic minority in the army is not a purely Russian problem. Many countries have faced it.

The ideal solution: a fully professional army. The contractor can always defend his interests as an employee, in the priority order of legal proceedings. It is clear to the violent daring that dismissal from the ranks of the armed forces means loss of income. And since this is, as a rule, the eldest son and breadwinner, he will not allow himself boorish behavior.

The army is a closed institution, unable to solve the problem of hazing.

Another option: public control. The army itself is a closed institution, unable to solve the problem of hazing, neither between soldiers of different years of service in the past, nor between Russian and non-Russian soldiers in the present. Moreover, the Caucasian diasporas willingly go to meet the public. Recall how a year ago Ramzan Kadyrov fired the deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya under President Tamerlan Mingaev after his son threatened StopHam activists to “cut out their entire family”. The head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, has repeatedly stated that he will "careerly" punish the families of those who violate the laws in the Russian part of Russia. After a mass brawl involving Caucasians in the Frunzensky district in February, the diaspora organized an urgent departure of relatives to take the fighters from St. Petersburg.

Recently, as part of the idea of ​​public control of the army, the leadership of Dagestan proposed the creation of an institution of guarantee. At each military registration and enlistment office in the republic, commissions can be formed from clerics, elders, representatives of municipal and regional authorities. Each conscript will have his own personal guarantor, who will play the role of mediator and peacemaker.

Video recorders in the barracks and generic responsibility

There are other possibilities of public control. For example, video recorders in the barracks, on the parade ground and in the corridors of the unit. This is no more expensive than the installation and subsequent dismantling of video cameras at polling stations. Permanent fixation of what is happening will allow you to identify the perpetrators of hazing and discipline the soldiers.

Another promising method is the practice of collective tribal responsibility for the misconduct of a serviceman. As the Caucasians themselves put it politically correct, "responsibility for actions unworthy of a true Muslim." The leaders of the North Caucasus are already using this practice against the unbridled children of officials.

The most obvious solution is the establishment of a hotline under the control of the plenipotentiary for the North Caucasus Federal District with the ability to promptly process incoming applications, including anonymous ones.

It would also not hurt to finally establish a military police, the creation of which was suspended after a corruption scandal involving the team of former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov.

Expert opinions

Marina Ivanova, employee of the Department for Youth Affairs of the ZATO Administration in Severomorsk:

There are a lot of southerners in the Northern Fleet. Every second. And it always has been. Usually they are sent as far from home as possible, so the southern guys go to the Northern Fleet. Sailors-conscripts are all the same. They are equally glued to the girls if they go to the city on leave. Equally skinny. They are equally badly fed. Sleep equally. There are no differences. I don't know about the rest of the army. But, in my opinion, nothing special needs to be done, they are the same people as the Russians. The same boys, cut off from the family and abandoned God knows where against their will.

Andrey Klyuchevsky, military psychologist:

In some parts, lawlessness is going on, and Caucasian officers without pants are thrown out into the street at night. But our officers forgave a lot to Caucasians: if they drink, if they do something wrong. They have their own pens in their heads. Because of this, they unite in groups and try to subdue others, the unorganized majority. However, if one such person is appointed to a leadership position, he will go out of his way, but will make his unit the best in the part. Their tribal honor does not allow them to be worse. You just need to know how to work with them.

Other materials about the army onOK-inform

12/12/2012 /12:35/ This issue is increasingly being discussed on the Internet. It is discussed by politicians, political scientists, experts, analysts, etc. etc. Opinions vary greatly. Some believe that Caucasians, like all citizens of Russia, should be drafted into the army. Others, apparently based on their personal dislike for the Caucasians, are categorically against their service in the ranks of the Russian armed forces.

In a situation where the issue of conscription into the army is acute in the country, the number of draft evaders is growing, the desire to serve in the army of healthy and strong guys, logically, should be welcomed in every possible way, and not discouraged from their desire to serve the Motherland.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia does not have a clear answer to this question either. And the policy of forming the armed forces along ethnic lines borders on discrimination and can have extremely negative consequences for the state.

Give some "state" figures the will, they would not only forbid the Caucasians to join the army, but in general would drive all of them into the ghetto.

There are a lot of so-called patriots of Russia among those.

A considerable part of these “patriots” for the state have villas over the “hillock”, a well-established business and accounts with funds stolen from the people with many zeros in offshore. Of course, they do not need the Russian army to protect them...

What kind of “dogs” were no longer broadcasting to Caucasians. Although it has long been obvious to a sane person that the whole of Russia is sick and what we have in the regions is metastases of an all-Russian disease. All Russian society needs to be treated.

And in such a sick society, a priori, there can be no healthy army.

Some "experts" say that the mass conscription of Caucasians will lead to hazing in its worst form - on an ethnic basis. This is despite the fact that humiliating drill, executions and violence against soldiers in the Russian army are its birth disease and Caucasians have nothing to do with it.

All this is said as if in military units, where there are no Caucasians, no hazing and violence.

In general, a strange situation is developing around the conscription of Caucasians into the army. When conscription is limited in the North Caucasian republics or it is suspended in the media, a fuss begins - that, they say, "everyone serves, but these are special." A call for military service begins, heated discussions begin again on the topic of whether they are needed there or not.

Conscripts from the Caucasus are accused of illiteracy, unwillingness to obey the military regulations, that they refuse to perform household work unworthy of men; they are accused of establishing their own rules and even of their lack of concepts of military discipline, honor and duty.

Thus, according to some "experts" and "analysts", an increase in the number of conscripts - Caucasians will undermine the combat effectiveness of the Russian army. Thus, they talk about everything, but not about the real reasons for the lack of order in the army.

By the way, I’ll note that conscripts from the Caucasus have nothing to do with the emergency situation in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ...

Unlike many of their more "literate and advanced" compatriots, Caucasians did not sell their homeland for yachts and imported sausages. And the concepts of duty, honor and manhood in the Caucasus do not require artificial inoculation, they are absorbed here with mother's milk. The army is not demoralized by Caucasians, but by corruption that has permeated the Ministry of Defense, the negligence and carelessness of a certain part of the officer corps, aimed at extracting personal gain, and not at serving the Fatherland. What are the efforts of only officials from the "defense service" or designers from "Yudashkin" worth, through the fault of which the entire army has been freezing for many years ...

The army is a place where a man should learn martial arts, and not polish the headquarters corridors to a shine. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that a soldier for a certain category of senior officials is a free labor force. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that, because of their religious and mental characteristics, Caucasians refuse to clean pigsties or rebuild generals' dachas.

There are no problems with Caucasians where service is properly established. On the contrary, officers give them excellent service records. So the point is not in the Caucasians, but in the army itself.

Problems arise where the soldier is accustomed to be treated as a silent "creature", where the soldiers are left to their own devices and are busy with anything but combat training.

It is not young conscripts who set the rules in military units, they find themselves in an environment where there are already long-established "traditions" that determine the behavior of new arrivals.

Speaking about the mental characteristics of the Caucasians, for some reason they lose sight of the fact that other peoples have their own characteristics, which are not entirely pleasant for the representatives of the Caucasian peoples. If for some, for example, swearing is the norm, then for a Caucasian it is wild and, naturally, a conflict situation develops in such an environment.

And here again the point is not in the Caucasians, but in the inability of some commanders to work with personnel. After all, the whole world knows that Caucasians make excellent warriors. And to say the opposite is to make the world laugh.

There is another important reason for the difficult adaptation of Caucasians not only in the army, but also in the ordinary, civilian environment - this is an off-scale level of xenophobia, or, more precisely, Caucasian phobia in Russian society. In isolated groups, this disease manifests itself especially acutely. In particular, quite a few servicemen, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs participated in the hostilities in the North Caucasus, and this, of course, leaves a certain imprint on their attitude towards conscripts from the North Caucasian republics.

To solve the problems of the Russian army, in particular, the problem of conscripting young people from the republics of the North Caucasus into the army, it is necessary to have in the army a sergeant and command staff appropriate to the time.

A good example of such a setting of service and work with conscripts is the North and South battalions of the Russian Ministry of Defense stationed on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Today, all hope is that the new Minister of Defense, as a person with vast experience in working with people, able to identify problems and quickly solve them, will create the necessary prerequisites for solving the problems of the modern Russian army.

Commissioner for Human Rights in the Czech Republic,

Chairman of the Human Rights Commission

Public Council of the North Caucasus Federal District N.S. Nukhazhiev