I will solve the 5th option in the Russian language. K2 - Compliance with punctuation norms

We wish you success!

Option 1

Text 1


L.. sleepy wilderness ... 1 (On) kr..yu h..shchi orphan r..binka. Branches (to) h..mle bent down (under) t..yellow clusters..yago yago (d / t). (On) r .. bink .. important with .. dyat sn .. kettlebells. They dive 2 (c) sleep (g / c) bathe (not) afraid to get sick. Damn..t sn..weights (on) white.. tablecloth.. furrows..ki and next..dy-crosses.

The name of the bird (from) the word "sleep (g / c)". Why is this Sn..weight - the first weight..nickname z..we. (C) x..l..dami and the first ro (b / p) k..m sn (w / w) com.. are sn.. weights. Applied .. birds are melting (on) z .. mo (a / f) ku (c) north.

Gru (d / t) ka (y) sn .. the weight is red, like an apple .. ko. (On) g .. catch a black beret. Wing .. I (s) blue .. m (from) liv. Z..mine is the most beautiful.. birds..ka.



1) Phonetic analysis.




2. Morphemic analysis: dive

3. Morphological analysis.

(On) white (tablecloth) -

The bullfinch is the first herald of winter. _______________________________________________



Bows, rings, start, prettier.

With cold weather and the first timid snow, bullfinches appear. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




    It was Dunno who rescued me from here.

    Dunno and Shpuntik were arguing heatedly.

    Tsvetik teach me how to write poetry.

    Blossom rubbed his forehead thoughtfully.

1) The snow fell for a long time in white crumbs and covered all the windows.

2) The wind will blow the bushes in the garden with snow and rush further.

3) It snowed and in the morning a white blanket hid all traces.


(1) During navigation, seafarers use not only precision instruments made by human hands. (2) Sailors are helped by "forecasters" - the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. (3) For example, scientists have found that the movements of bowhead whales - the largest of all living ones - depend on conditions such as temperature, salinity and transparency of sea water, food supplies and weather conditions. (4) Experienced sailors know many signs of the weather. (5) If whales move slowly, with delays in underwater pastures where they feed on small crustaceans, this means that there will be no storms in the near future. (6) If the whales move quickly and only appear at the surface of the water for a while, a change in the weather - strong winds or storms - should be expected. (7) Often, groups of whales in Antarctica, distant in the ocean for tens of miles from each other, before the storm leave in one direction. (8) It would seem that no signs of a change in the weather are expected: a weak wind is blowing. (9) But whales learn about the approach of a storm by catching infrasounds coming from afar. (10) These sounds arise in areas of a storm that has begun from the friction of air on the crests of waves. (11) The inhabitants of the North noticed that the appearance of walruses in solid ice is the first sign of clean water. (12) Often, ice collapses stop navigation. (13) A sure sign of the imminent retreat of the ice is the appearance of whales in the leads, and walruses on the ice floes. (14) And animals have never let sailors down. (According to A. Golovanov)


№9 What fact, according to the author of the text, indicates that before a storm whales pick up infrasounds that are inaccessible to humans? Write down the answer.


№10 Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 4-6 of the text _____________________________________________________________________________
№11 In sentences 10-12, find the word with the meaning "strong wind, storm at sea, in the ocean." Write out this word. ______________________________________

12 In sentences 8-10, find an antonym for the word "strong" and write it out. _____________________________________________________________________________

Demo version of VLOOKUP 2018 Russian language Grade 5

Work instructions

60 minutes are given to complete the work in the Russian language. The work includes 12 tasks.

Write down the answers to the tasks in the work. If you want to change the answer, then cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar guides, spelling dictionaries, and other reference materials.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Option 2

Text 1

1 Rewrite text 1, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation where necessary.

Zh..la-was a girl..ka Zhenya 1 . Once (by) they sent her (to) a store (for) bagels. Zhenya is (co) communicating (c / s) which bagel (according to) st..r.. us a pharynx. Behind stuck with .. the tank and all the bagels with .. ate. Pos..but hv..tila girl..ka. S.. tank last .. lamb .. ku (before) ate and ob.. rushed 2 Zhenya dog .. to take with .. Baku and got lost. What to do

Vdru (g / k) view ..t she st..rushku 3 . That (on) well ..lela the girl ..ku and (on) d..rilled her a magical color .. current like a r..mashk ... (U) he had seven .. transparent .. nyh l .. pestles of different colors .

Zhenya (by) thanks .. rela st..rushka and (by) wandered gave .. she 4 . And then she yas .. but realized that she (does not) know .. the road to d..my.


2 Complete the language analyzes indicated by the numbers in the text for task 1:

1) Phonetic analysis.




2. Morphemic analysis: rushed

3. Morphological analysis.

( sees an old woman - _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Zhenya thanked the old woman and wandered on. ____________________________



Understood, kilometer, shoe, sorrel.

4 Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

Once they sent her to the store for bagels. _____________________________________________________________________________________
№5 Write a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.
1) Styopa, how did you cross to the other side

2) Styopa replied that they were fishing with an ordinary fishing rod

3) Styopa went fishing with me yesterday, grandfather said quietly

4) According to Styopa, the best bite was in the early morning __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

№6 Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (There are no punctuation marks within the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) Do you also collect postcards with city views?

2) Take the whole series of postcards with views of Suzdal!

3) Olya show me your favorite postcard.

4) Girlfriends gave Olya a special album for the collection. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Write a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not included within the sentences.)
1) A lump of light snow will fall from a spruce branch and crumble into silver dust.

2) There was a thunderstorm with a strong wind and at night the old tree collapsed.

3) Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air and quietly fell to the ground.

4) Heavy caps of snow lie on the sprawling branches of pines and firs.

Read text 2 and complete tasks 8−12.

Text 2

(1) This boy and this bird live on Bering Island. (2) Man and bird did not see

land, except for an island surrounded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. (3) The boy's name is Volodya; he

lives in a wooden house in an island village, goes to school. (4) A large seagull lives on

shore of a large colony of the same seagulls, which all day scream, fight, fly over

by the very surf, they hunt, and in the evening the whole colony gathers for the night.

(5) We walked with Volodya in the evening near the water and scared away the seagulls, they began to buzz

and rose: hundreds of birds with huge wings like those of eagles flew along the shore. (6)But

one gull suddenly separated from the flock. (7) It flies towards us, descends. (8) I recoiled - the bird sat down

on my companion's shoulder. (9) Volodya stopped; the seagull folded its wings and calmly stood

look around, but the boy did not express surprise ...

(10) In the spring, Volodya picked up on the shore an exhausted, wet, unable to fly

chick, warmed, dried and left at home. (11) Gently fed, walked with a foster child to

shore. (12) The seagull grew up and returned to its colony, but something remained in the memory of the free

birds. (13) Sometimes she flies in and sits for a long time on the roof of a log hut, and when Volodya

comes ashore - the seagull recognizes him. (14) If there are few people nearby, the bird will descend

Volodya on the shoulder. (15) Friendship has a great many ways ... (According to V. Peskov)

8. Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

№9. What fact, according to the author of the text, indicates that Volodya knows the seagull that sits on his shoulder? Write down the answer.


№10. Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 5-9 of the text. _____________________________________________________________________________

11. In sentences 6-9, find a word that means "amazement, a strong impression of something." Write out this word. ______________________________________

12 In sentences 10-12, find an antonym for the word "dry" and write it out. _____________________________________________________________________________

VPR 2018 Russian language Grade 5

Work instructions

60 minutes are given to complete the work in the Russian language. The work includes 12 tasks.

Write down the answers to the tasks in the work. If you want to change the answer, then cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar guides, spelling dictionaries, and other reference materials.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Option 3

1 Rewrite text 1, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation where necessary.
Text 1

R..byata (passed through) climbed through (s / s) bushes to the old .. house. Broken windows wrapped in ivy… 1 (B) niche .. sh .. roco spread its wings .. I am bronze 2 bird. (U) she had a very .. long .. neck. Predatory .. key (v / f) is bent down. Sharp ko(g/k)ti clung to the thick .. boughs. (U) birds formidable vi (d / t).

Boys .. rounded 3 the house came (to) to .. nuance ... 4 The inside of the roof is covered in wasp nests. Squaw (s / s) gaps in this roof .. s.. not ..t the sky.

Friends .. I h..tel to get out (from) to ..nushn ... Vdru (hot / to) (on) the upper ..th step ..to .. the forest ..nice showed ..st..ruha. How strange Her nose, like bronze .. birds, is (bent) bent down.
The little ones .. chiki (for) m .. were crying and (not) moving.



2 Complete the language analyzes indicated by the numbers in the text for task 1:

1) Phonetic analysis.




2. Morphemic analysis: Bronze

3. Morphological analysis.

(Boys) rounded - _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

The boys circled the house, approached the stables. __________________________________


№3. Place an accent mark on the following words.

Shopping, waiting, leisure, alphabet.

4. Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

Suddenly an old woman appeared at the top of the stairs. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

№5 Write a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.
1) Aunt Polly asked Tom to paint the whole fence

2) According to Tom, it costs him nothing to paint the whole fence

3) Tom happily said that he would be happy to paint the fence

4) Aunt Polly said Tom will paint the fence on Sunday. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

№6 Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (There are no punctuation marks within the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

    Gossip is strange to me!

    The wolf sees: the gossip-fox eats a fish.

    Come, I'll treat you to tea.

    Cockroaches resorted to drink all the glasses. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Write a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not included within the sentences.)


Read text 2 and complete tasks 8−12.

Text 2

(1) You, of course, more than once drew with chalk on the pavement or diligently drew letters on the blackboard. (2) Mel is your old friend. (3) But chalk is suitable not only for writing, but also for making lime, cement, glass and rubber. (4) Chalk is widely used in construction. (5) The toothpaste you use to brush your teeth in the morning and evening is also made from chalk. (6) But you probably don't know how it was formed? (7) If you could look into the distant past at least for a few minutes, you would see a huge ancient sea. (8) As in a giant aquarium, beautiful outlandish algae lived at the bottom of it, mollusks and other smallest animals swam. (9) They died and fell straight to the bottom. (10) So a thick layer of fragments of shells and skeletons of these ancient animals gradually accumulated. (11) They caked, compacted and eventually turned into chalk. (12) Several million years have passed, the sea has receded far. (13) The seabed has risen, layers of chalk are right on the surface of the Earth, and now whole chalk mountains rise in many places on the globe. (14) If the crumbled chalk is carefully examined under a special microscope, then you can see many, many shells and the petrified remains of some smallest creatures. (15) Thus, much of what became known to scientists about the distant, distant past was told by an ordinary stone with which you write - chalk. (According to E. Borisov, I. Pyatnova)

8. Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

№9. What fact, according to the author of the text, indicates that chalk consists of fragments of shells and petrified remains of ancient creatures? Write down the answer.





VPR 2018 Russian language Grade 5

Work instructions

60 minutes are given to complete the work in the Russian language. The work includes 12 tasks.

Write down the answers to the tasks in the work. If you want to change the answer, then cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar guides, spelling dictionaries, and other reference materials.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Option 4

Text 1

1 Rewrite text 1, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation where necessary.

(1) In ... the south, gray ... she shaved her magnificent hairstyle of slender pines. 4 (2) Clear...I 1 take ... ka dismissed ... 2 light braids covered with hoarfrost in ... tvey, bl ... stit (on) with ... nce delicate thin ... birch bark.

(3) The winter dream is deep ... birth, but life goes on under a snowdrift. (4) Try to rake a dream in the forest ... to h ... ml. still green ... round leaves are here ... I am heather 3 .

(7) The powder of ra ... speaks of events in the winter ... forest. (8) A trail of foxes (?) winds (?) In the forest forest ... . ... doves stained the snow. (11) Like an arrow, the body of a marten, a predator, was looking for squirrels.

(12) Reconciliation ... snow flashes and snow sparks go out. (13) The forest is good in winter dress! (Under D. Zuev)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2 Complete the language analyzes indicated by the numbers in the text for task 1:

1) Phonetic analysis.
Clear ... I-




2. Morphemic analysis: disbanded

3. Morphological analysis.

heather leaves - _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyle of slender pines. ___________________


№3 Place an accent mark on the following words.

Flyleaf, drivers, understood, cranes.

4 Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

The winter sleep of nature is deep, but life goes on under a snowdrift. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

№5 Write a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.
1) According to Grandma Kolya, he took care of the apple tree for the whole summer

2) Kolya happily told his mother that there would be a good harvest of apples in the fall

3) Grandmother affectionately said Kolya, I have the first assistant in gardening

4) Grandma, let's bake an apple pie for the guests


№6 Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (There are no punctuation marks within the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) Sit down next to me and listen to my story.

2) Something early autumn came to visit us.

3) I advise you to take a closer look at the autumn forest.

4) Seryozha gave me a bouquet of colorful leaves. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
№7. Write a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not included within the sentences.)Write on what basis you made your choice.
1) Now we will take the sled and go up the hill.

2) The kettle was already boiling on the stove and the guests gathered at the table.

3) The trees froze and sleep in a deep sleep.

4) The snow did not melt for a long time on the slopes of the roofs and at the well.


Read text 2 and complete tasks 8−12.

( 1) You, of course, more than once drew with chalk on the pavement or diligently drew letters on the schoolboard. (2) Mel is your old friend. (3) But chalk is suitable not only for writing, but also for making lime, cement, glass and rubber. (4) Chalk is widely used in construction. (5) The toothpaste you use to brush your teeth in the morning and evening is also made from chalk. (6) But you probably don't know how it was formed? (7) If you could look into the distant past at least for a few minutes, you would see a huge ancient sea. (8) As in a giant aquarium, beautiful outlandish algae lived at the bottom of it, mollusks and other smallest animals swam. (9) They died and fell straight to the bottom. (10) So a thick layer of fragments of shells and skeletons of these ancient animals gradually accumulated. (11) They caked, compacted and eventually turned into chalk. (12) Several million years have passed, the sea has receded far. (13) The seabed has risen, layers of chalk are right on the surface of the Earth, and now whole chalk mountains rise in many places on the globe. (14) If the crumbled chalk is carefully examined under a special microscope, then you can see many, many shells and the petrified remains of some smallest creatures.

(15) Thus, much of what became known to scientists about the far, far

the past, said the ordinary stone with which you write - chalk.

(According to E. Borisov, I. Pyatnova)

8 Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

№9 What fact, according to the author of the text, indicates that chalk consists of fragments of shells and petrified remains of ancient creatures?Write down the answer.


№10 Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 8-11 of the text. _____________________________________________________________________________
№11 In sentences 8-10, find the word that means "not immediately, step by step." Write out this word. ______________________________________

12 In sentences 6-7, find an antonym for the word "future" and write it out. _____________________________________________________________________________

VPR 2018 Russian language Grade 5

Work instructions

60 minutes are given to complete the work in the Russian language. The work includes 12 tasks.

Write down the answers to the tasks in the work. If you want to change the answer, then cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar guides, spelling dictionaries, and other reference materials.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Option 5

Text 1

1 Rewrite text 1, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation where necessary.

How beautiful is the winter .. forest of Eli 1 slapped high .. hats g..lubogo color. Alder put on (on) branches downy vare (w / w) ki 4.

(On) m .. kushk .. tree .. a flock of crossbills. Do they look like .. well .. New Year's .. toys. Bird..ki flutter..t 3 (c) branch .. (on) branch. They drop sh..shki showered with sn..govye sh (b / n) ki. The key (in / f) of the crossbill is bent (in) different sides..ny. With such a beak it is convenient to peel the sh..shki and get s.. exchange.

Klest - good .. vitel .. naya 3 bird. He is (not) afraid of even the most severe colds ... (B) terrible ..ny frosty (s / s) crossbill v..et gn..zdo and conclusion ..t pt..ntsov. K.. a salty bear (d / t) s.. my (c) den .. sucks his paw, and the crossbill p..et and d..tey grows.



2 Complete the language analyzes indicated by the numbers in the text for task 1:

1) Phonetic analysis.




2. Morphemic analysis: amazing

3. Morphological analysis.

(birds) flutter - _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Alder put downy mittens on the branches. __________________________________


№3 Place an accent mark on the following words.

Scarves, cottage cheese, started, sorrel.

4 Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

The beak of the crossbill is bent in different directions. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

№5 Write a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.
1) Sing us a lullaby mommy

2) The children asked their mother to sing them a lullaby

3) According to the mother, the children asked her to sing a lullaby

4) Sing us a lullaby, the children asked their mother __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

№6 Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (There are no punctuation marks within the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) And you take and take the medicine to your grandmother.

2) Let the guys visit their grandmother tomorrow!

3) You haven't been visiting your grandmother for a long time.

4) Guys visit grandma and give her the medicine!


7. Write a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not included within the sentences.)
1) The needlewoman thanked the old man for the brooch and again went for water.

2) Sloth wanted the same beautiful brooch and a ring with turquoise.

3) The Needlewoman kneaded the dough for pies and lit the stove in the house.

4) The pies soon reddened and the Needlewoman pulled them out of the oven.


Read text 2 and complete tasks 8−12.

Text 2

(1)Your time is up! (2) Where did these words come from? (3) You won’t immediately guess that they were born in those distant times, when it was water that kept track of time.

(4) Water clock! (5) Once upon a time, a rare city dweller did without such a simple, but

necessary device - a stoppered vessel with a narrow neck in the middle.

(6) The water clock helped, for example, the artisan not to overheat steel or to perform

other work requiring precision from him; such clocks also stood on the tables of the judges.

(7) This glass vessel with water allowed the housewives not to overexpose the cake in the oven. (8)When

all the water passed drop by drop through a narrow tube from the top of the vessel to the bottom, it could be considered that the cake was ready.

(9) I didn’t have to start such a watch, it was impossible to say about them that they “run”

or "lagging behind". (10) The masters of Egypt, Babylon, China made water clocks,

calculated for days and months of work. (11) They could show hours and days of the week.

(12) Few museums in the world have managed to keep these most ancient "time machines" in their own homes.

(13) Water clocks in their homeland, in Ancient Greece, were called clepsydras, from the words

"abduction" and "water". (14) So the very name of this watch reminds people that time

and indeed flows like water, so it must be protected and not wasted.

(According to E.P. Mar)

8 Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

№9 What, according to the author of the text, was a water clock? Write down the answer.


№10 Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 9–11 of the text. _____________________________________________________________________________

11 In 9-10, find the word that means "set in motion." Write out this word. ______________________________________

12 In sentences 10–12, find a synonym for the word “save” and write it out. _____________________________________________________________________________

(All-Russian test work) - these are final tests that are carried out in individual academic subjects in order to assess the level of preparation of schoolchildren, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Work is carried out on any day from 13 to 24 April. To solve tasks in the subject "Russian language" given 60 minutes. The work includes 12 tasks.

On our website you can always find the latest for grades 4,5,6,7 and 11, taken from the official website of FIPI.

The answers are at the end of the demo itself. But, it is worth remembering that this sample is laid out only for informational purposes and for training.

What to do if you can’t solve the CD in the Russian language for grade 5?

You are not confident in your abilities and the successful delivery of the work in the Russian language - order a solution on our website. It is not necessary to write off, you can also order a solution in order to check your answers and the course of the solution with the correct ones. You will be confident that you will pass the VPR, get a good score and continue your studies at school.

How to prepare?

We recommend preparing for the VPR according to the 5th grade in the subject of the Russian language. It contains typical tasks and examples of solutions. The manual contains all the necessary information and, with due diligence, will help to pass the VPR in the Russian language.

Preparation for VPR in the Russian language is certainly important. In addition to training at school and according to Kuznetsov's textbook, you should study at home. It's a good practice to take the 2020 test, try your hand at the demo version of the exam, and evaluate your abilities.

Download GDZ VPR A.Yu. Kuznetsov Russian language grade 5 with answers

You can download and familiarize yourself with the textbook by clicking on the "Download" link in the table. In the table, we tried to present several variants of the GDZ with answers.

VPR 2020. Russian language. Grade 5 Answer options

As an additional preparation option, you can return to the test work for the previous year and solve it, after comparing your answers with those already known.

Option No. Answer
Option 1 Answers 1
Option 2 Answers 2
Option 3 Answers 3
Option 4 Answers 4
Option 5 Answers 5

We wish you success!

Option 1

Text 1

In the (o / a) bottom of a..lot on a tussock..ke (under) a willow, wild .. mallard ducklings hatched.. (V / f) soon after that, the mother led them (to) the lake along the ... I noticed them from afar, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings approached the very m..them n..gam. I took three of them from ..be on the ..spani .., (o / a) steel sixes .. eleven p .. went on.

P.. I kept these black ducklings in my place, and they became (w / f) rather gray.

With the onset of a new century ... we arranged dreams for St.. them to d.. cares from (a / f) all sorts of rubbish g..zdo. Pr .. time passed, the ducklings hatched. We had them for some time ..neighed in the kitchen in a plethora of crumbs ..if they had eggs courted ..whack them. A few days later came .. a very good p.. year and mother took her ch.. little ones to the pond.

(M. Prishvin)

  1. Perform language reviews.

(1) - phonetic analysis: time

(2) - morphemic analysis: noticed

(on) koch..ke (1 sentence)

In the (o / a) bottom of a..lot on a tussock..ke (under) a willow, wild .. mallard ducklings hatched..

Text 2

(According to T. Gorova)

10. Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 1-6 of the text. Write down the answer.

11. In sentences 1-6, find the word with the meaning "Cold, sad, sad, lonely, empty". Write out this word.

12. In sentences 1-6, find an antonym for the word "full" and write it out.

Option 1

Exercise 1

Text 1

(M. Prishvin)


In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Shortly thereafter, their mother led them to the lake along a cow trail. I noticed them from afar, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came up to my very feet. I took three of them for my upbringing, the remaining sixteen went on.

I kept these black ducklings with me, and they soon turned gray.

With the onset of a new spring, we made a nest for our savages from all sorts of rubbish. The time has come, the ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for some time, crumbled eggs for them, looked after them. A few days later the weather was very fine, and the mother took her little black ones to the pond.

Made three or four mistakes

Made five mistakes

More than five mistakes made

No punctuation errors

One mistake made

Made two mistakes

More than two mistakes made


1) the graphic appearance of the word has been changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter is allowed, which does not lead to a spelling or grammatical error);

2) one of the words of the text is missing in the rewritten text or there is one extra word


1) the graphic appearance of the word has been changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter is allowed, which does not lead to a spelling or grammatical error);

2) one of the words of the text is missing in the rewritten text or there is one extra word


Maximum score

Task 2

(1) - phonetic analysis;

(2) - morphemic analysis;

Phonetic analysis - time 1

in - [in] - consonant, voiced, solid

p − [p ,

e - [e] - vowel, stress

m − [m , ] - consonant, voiced, soft

i - [a] / [˄] / [b] - vowel, unstressed

5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables

Morphemic analysis - noticed 2

for- - prefix

Met - root

I- - suffix

null ending

Morphological analysis - (on) a bump 3

(On) a bump

1) (On) a bump - noun, denotes an object: (on what?) on a bump

2) The initial form is a bump; inanimate, nav., female genus, 1 cl., in units hours, in P.p;

In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched.

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, common.

Grammar basis: ducklings (subject), hatched (predicate).

(in the swamp , (on) a hummock, (under) a willow− circumstance; one, wild, mallard - definition.

Grading Guidelines


Parsing done correctly

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Maximum score

Task 3

3. Put an accent in the following words

Monologue, pamper, kilometer, shoe


Monol O g, balls A t, kilom E tr, t U fla

Maximum score

Task 4

4. Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing in the sentence.

The wind blew violently and swirled across the steppe with a whistle.


adv. vb. noun With. pr. noun vb. pr. noun

The wind blew violently and swirled across the steppe with a whistle.

adjective, pronoun (OR personal pronoun), particle.

Possible, but optional indication: numeral, interjection

One mistake made

Made two mistakes

More than two mistakes made

Maximum score

Task 5

5. Write out a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.

  1. You stay near that bank, where the key runs into the river.

2) Gray Sheika thought that the river would still freeze

3) The hare said that the Gray Neck scared him

4) You'll be back in the spring asked Gray Sheika


"Are you coming back in the spring?" asked Gray Sheika.

2) drawing up a sentence scheme: “P?” -a.

Maximum score

Task 6

6. Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (Punctuation marks are not placed inside the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) And tomorrow you come with us to collect spikelets.

2) Why didn't you introduce yourself, son?

3) Seryozha did not see the receptionist.

4) She loaded her gun and fired.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) sentence recognition and punctuation:

Why didn't you introduce yourself, son?

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined, one mistake was made in punctuation

OR Answer is wrong

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Task 7

7. Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed inside the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) The hare jumped across the road and went to the old hole.

2) At the porch, the father put the oars and entered the house.

3) A morning breeze blew and the trees swayed quietly.

4) Shapeless clouds hurriedly set off over the wet field and over the forest.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) sentence recognition and punctuation:

The morning breeze blew, and the trees swayed softly.

The explanation of the choice can be formulated differently

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined and punctuation marks are placed

The sentence is correctly defined, one mistake was made in punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined, two (or more) errors were made in punctuation marks.

OR Answer is wrong

Explanation of the reason for choosing a proposal

Correctly explained the choice of proposal

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Text 2

(1) Autumn has come. (2) Evening comes early, and dark low clouds make the day look like twilight. (3) Bare bushes and trees look lonely. (4) The forest is empty and inanimate. (5) Even the white-trunked birch trees seem somehow gray, the greenery of the fir trees has faded, and the huge oak trees have become like huge monsters, stretching their clumsy bitch paws in all directions. (6) Everything is sleeping and at the same time waiting for something.

(7) Everyone is waiting for the snow. (8) And white flakes often fly to the frozen ground, trying to cover it with a translucent cape, or even a thick blanket. (9) But this garment is short-lived. (10) It will lie for a day or two, and it will melt. (11) But nature did not have long to wait for the day when everything around sparkles, sparkles, the sky becomes higher, the earth more spacious.

(12) Snow will give glades and forest edges its white light, the same for everyone, as if it decides to temporarily reconcile their rivalry in beauty.

(According to T. Gorova)

8. Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.


Main idea of ​​the text:Everyone is waiting for the snow.

Maximum score

Task 9


Bare bushes and trees look lonely. The forest is empty and lifeless.




OR Answer is wrong

Maximum score


VPR-2017. Russian language. Grade 5 Zvereva I.G., Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic

Verification work in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Work instructions

60 minutes are given to complete the test work in the Russian language. The work includes 12 tasks.

Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar guides, spelling dictionaries, and other reference materials.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

We wish you success!

Option 2

  1. Rewrite text 1, opening brackets, inserting, where necessary, missing letters and punctuation marks.

Text 1

Who hasn’t heard about the sign..menit l..s..nom ne (v / f) tse s.. catch-s .. trap? How many kr..gray verses and dogs..n words..people lived about him!

Some pre(d / t) setting ..t with ..lovya like h..des ..noy some kind of fabulous ..noy firebird ... But when h..lovek first saw ..t this "famous ..st” he will not even believe at first. How? Here is this (not) showy bird .. ka and there is a sign .. changed with .. catch? Can't be!

After all, the vi (d / t) of birds .. ki is very modest. This is a (not) big k..richnevatno-brown-s..horny bird..with reddish..nami dark b..big..mi eyes and tall thin but (f / w) kami.

Favorite bird .. which s .. love became not for appearance, but for pr. And for no firebird we (not) exchange h..des..nogo ne (v / f) tsa ours..x ru (ss / s) ki l .. owls!

(According to Yu. Dmitriev)

  1. Perform language reviews.

(1) - phonetic analysis: voice

(2) - morphemic analysis: folded

(3) - morphological analysis:(about) a singer (1 sentence)

(4) - syntactic analysis of the sentence:How many kr..gray verses and dogs..n words..people lived about him!

3. Put an accent in the following words

4. Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing in the sentence.

5. Write out a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.

6. Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (Punctuation marks are not placed inside the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

7. Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed inside the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

Read text 2 and complete tasks 8-12.

Text 2

(According to N. Sladkov)

8. Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

10. Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 8-10 of the text. Write down the answer.

11. In sentences 8-10, find the word with the meaning " Soft, light ". Write out this word.

12. In sentences 8-10, find an antonym for the word "hot" and write it out.

The system of assessment of the test work in the Russian language

Option 2

Exercise 1

  1. Rewrite the text, opening brackets, inserting, where necessary, missing letters and punctuation marks.

Text 1

(According to Yu. Dmitriev)


Who has not heard of the famous forest singer Nightingale Nightingale? How many beautiful poems and songs people wrote about him!

Some imagine the nightingale as a wonderful, some kind of fabulous firebird. But when a person first sees this "celebrity", he will not even believe at first. How? Is this unsightly bird the famous nightingale? Can't be!

After all, the look of the bird is very modest. This is a small brownish-brown-grayish bird with redheads, dark large eyes and high thin legs.

The nightingale became a favorite bird not for its appearance, but for its beautiful voice. And we will not exchange the wonderful singer of our Russian forests for any firebird!

Compliance with spelling rules

There are no spelling errors (or one mistake was made).

When evaluating the performance of the task according to the K1 criterion, only errors made when writing words with missing letters, opening brackets,

restoration of continuous and separate spelling of words

No more than two mistakes made

Made three or four mistakes

Made five mistakes

More than five mistakes made

Compliance with punctuation rules

No punctuation errors

One mistake made

Made two mistakes

More than two mistakes made

Correct spelling of text

The text was rewritten without errors (no missing or extra words, words with a changed graphic appearance, corrections).


No more than three typos and errors of the following nature were made:

1) the graphic appearance of the word has been changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter is allowed, which does not lead to a spelling or grammatical error);

2) one of the words of the text is missing in the rewritten text or there is one extra word

At least four slips and errors were made, but no more than seven slips and errors of the following nature:

1) the graphic appearance of the word has been changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter is allowed, which does not lead to a spelling or grammatical error);

2) one of the words of the text is missing in the rewritten text or there is one extra word


One or two corrections allowed

More than seven typos and errors of the following nature were made:

1) the graphic appearance of the word has been changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter is allowed, which does not lead to a spelling or grammatical error);

2) one of the words of the text is missing in the rewritten text or there is one extra word


Three or more corrections allowed

Maximum score

Task 2

Complete the language analyzes indicated by the numbers in the text for task 1:

(1) - phonetic analysis;

(2) - morphemic analysis;

(3) - morphological analysis;

(4) - syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Language parsing is presented in the answer (the parsing model is free). Keys provide the basic information needed for a correct answer.

g - [g] - consonant, voiced, solid

o - [o] - vowel, stress

l - [l] - consonant, voiced, solid

o - [a] / [˄] / [b] - vowel, unstressed

c - [c] - consonant, deaf, hard

5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables

Morphemic analysis - folded 2

s- - prefix

False - root

I- - suffix

L- - past tense verb suffix

And - ending

Morphological analysis - (about) the singer 3

(Oh) singer

1) (About) the singer - noun, denotes an object: (on whom?) about a singer

2) The initial form is a singer; odush., nav., husband. genus, 2 cl., in unit hours, in P.p;

3) In the sentence is a circumstance.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

How many beautiful poems and songs people wrote about him!

The sentence is declarative, exclamatory, simple, common.

Grammar basis: people (subject), folded (predicate).

Secondary members of the sentence: How many − circumstance; beautiful - definition; poems, songs, about him - an addition.

Grading Guidelines


Performing Phonetic Parsing

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Performing morpheme parsing

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Performing Morphological Parsing

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Performing Sentence Parsing

Parsing done correctly

There was one error during parsing.

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Maximum score

Task 3

3. Put an accent in the following words

Document, prettier, carpenter, digital


Document En nt, red and vee, table Ya r, digital O th

Accurately placed stress in all words

Only three words are correctly stressed

Only one or two words are correctly stressed.

OR Stress in all words is incorrect / not placed

Maximum score

Task 4

4. Above each word, write what part of speech it is. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing in the sentence.

On the mounds, arable land was bare with black furrows.


  1. The correct designation of parts of speech in a sentence:

pr. noun vb. adj. noun noun

On the mounds, arable land was bare with black furrows.

2) obligatory indication of parts of speech missing in the sentence:

pronoun (OR personal pronoun), conjunction, particle.

Possible, but optional indication: adverb, numeral, interjection

The absence of an indication of the part of speech above the word in the written sentence is equated to an error

All parts of speech in a sentence are correctly identified

One mistake made

Made two mistakes

More than two mistakes made

Indication of missing parts of speech

All missing parts of speech in the sentence are correctly indicated.

OR All independent parts of speech missing in the sentence from the list of mandatory for indication are correctly indicated, while one service part of speech from the list of mandatory for indication is replaced by part (parts) of speech from the list of optional for indication

One of the independent parts of speech missing in the sentence (from the list of required ones) is not indicated.

OR All independent parts of speech missing in the sentence from the list of mandatory for indication are correctly indicated, while two service parts of speech from the list of mandatory for indication are replaced by parts of speech from the list of optional for indication.

Two independent parts of speech missing in the sentence (from the list of obligatory indications) are not indicated.

Maximum score

Task 5

5. Write out a sentence with direct speech. (No punctuation marks.) Put the necessary punctuation marks. Draw up a proposal.

  1. The girl looked at her mother and answered Valya indifferently.

2) The mother went up to the girl and asked her name

3) Thaiska screamed and rushed to the house

4) Taiska called Valya to watch how they drive cattle to pasture


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) sentence recognition and punctuation:

“The girl looked at her mother and answered indifferently: “Valya.”

2) drawing up a sentence scheme: A: "P".

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined, and the punctuation marks are correctly placed

The sentence is correctly defined, one mistake was made in punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined, two (or more) errors were made in punctuation marks. OR Answer is wrong

Schema proposal

The scheme of the proposal is drawn up correctly

The sentence scheme is correct, it contains one punctuation error.

The scheme of the sentence is correct, it contains two or more punctuation errors. OR Answer is wrong

Maximum score

Task 6

6. Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma / commas. (Punctuation marks are not placed inside the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) And you go and help wash the dishes.

2) Mom, will a lot of gold go into this basket?

3) Ants come out after the winter cold.

4) The garden was filled with noise and laughter.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) sentence recognition and punctuation:

Mom, will there be a lot of gold in this basket?

2) an explanation of the reason for choosing a proposal: this is a proposal with an appeal.

OR Appeal. OR Appeal within a sentence.

The explanation of the choice can be formulated differently

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined and punctuation marks are placed


The sentence is correctly defined, one mistake was made in punctuation


The sentence is correctly defined, two (or more) errors were made in punctuation marks.

OR Answer is wrong


Explanation of the reason for choosing a proposal

Correctly explained the choice of proposal


Wrong answer


Maximum score


Task 7

7. Write out a sentence in which you need to put a comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed inside the sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

1) Sandpipers and lapwings fly over the reeds.

2) It rained all day and all night.

3) The clouds over the sea darkened and it blew cool.

4) Suddenly, with noise and wind, a downpour began.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) sentence recognition and punctuation:

The clouds over the sea darkened, and it blew cool.

2) an explanation of the reason for choosing a sentence, for example: this is a complex sentence.

OR There are two grammatical bases in the sentence.

The explanation of the choice can be formulated differently

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined and punctuation marks are placed


The sentence is correctly defined, one mistake was made in punctuation


The sentence is correctly defined, two (or more) errors were made in punctuation marks.

OR Answer is wrong


Explanation of the reason for choosing a proposal

Correctly explained the choice of proposal


Wrong answer


Maximum score


Read text 2 and do tasks 8- 12.

Text 2

(1) In spring, the steppe is like a green sea. (2) And in the summer, when the white feather grass thickens, the steppe will become a white sea.

(3) Humpbacked waves of mother-of-pearl will roll across the sea, pearl ripples will turn silver. (4) Feathers lean, creep, rustle. (5) And the wind, like a golden eagle, falls on spread wings, whistling wildly and dashingly. (6) And then suddenly the steppe will seem like a bare snowy plain, and as if a snowstorm sweeps over it, curls and spreads.

(7) At sunrise, feather grasses are like moon ripples on water: the steppe trembles, crushes, gleams.

(8) But miraculously wonderful - the steppe at sunset! (9) Iridescent fluffy panicles are spreading towards the setting sun, like pink tongues of cold ghostly fire. (10) And until the sun sinks behind the earth, these icy flashes will rush and sparkle all over the steppe.

(11) Then the moon will rise above the gloomy steppe - just like a bubble of air from the water! - and stacks of feather-grass hay seem to be covered with hoarfrost.

(12) The steppe is good both day and night!

(According to N. Sladkov)

8. Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

Correct Answer Content and Grading Instructions

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Main idea of ​​the text:The steppe is beautiful both during the day and at night!

The main idea of ​​the text can be given in a different wording that is close in meaning.

The main idea is defined correctly, completely; the sentence is constructed correctly, it uses words in their proper meaning


The main idea is defined correctly, but not completely enough; the sentence is constructed correctly, the words are used in it in their proper meaning.

OR The main idea is defined correctly, completely; There are one or two speech defects in the sentence.

OR The main idea is defined correctly, but not completely enough; There is one speech error in the sentence.


The main idea is defined correctly, completely; There are more than two speech defects in the sentence.

OR The main idea is defined correctly, but not completely enough; The sentence contains two or more speech defects.

OR The main idea is not defined / defined incorrectly, regardless of the presence / absence of speech defects in sentence construction and word usage


Maximum score


Task 9

9. What fact, according to the author, indicates that autumn is a dull time? Write down the answer.

Correct Answer Content and Grading Instructions


The answer can be formulated like this:In spring, the steppe is like a green sea. Humpbacked mother-of-pearl waves will roll across the sea, pearl ripples will turn silver.

The answer can be given in a different wording that is close in meaning.

The correct answer is given, the sentence may contain one speech defect or one spelling, or one punctuation, or one grammatical error


The correct answer is given, one speech defect and one spelling, or one punctuation, or one grammatical error can be made in the sentence.


The correct answer is given, one speech defect and two spelling errors can be made in the sentence in the absence of punctuation and grammatical errors.


The correct answer is given, one speech defect and two punctuation errors can be made in the sentence in the absence of spelling and grammatical errors.


The correct answer is given, in the sentence one speech defect and two grammatical errors can be made in the absence of spelling and punctuation errors.

In total, in a sentence containing the correct answer, no more than three errors should be made in total (including only one speech defect)


The correct answer is given, there are more than three errors in the sentence.

A new form of determining the quality of education has been introduced into the school - VPR in the Russian language in the 5th grade. We will share our experience of carrying out this work in April.

Teachers, parents and children are worried. What tasks in the work: simple or complex? Will the students make it? When and how to prepare for the VPR?

All-Russian test work in the 5th grade is held twice - in October and April of the academic year. The first of them is designed for 45 minutes and is similar to a diagnostic test, consisting of five tasks. These tasks are well known to students who have just completed elementary school. We wrote about the characteristics of the work itself, its results and preparation for it in November 2017. Now let's turn to the second work, which is carried out in April.

The April VLOOKUP is much more difficult: the time has been increased to 60 minutes, and there are twice as many tasks in it as in the first, October VLOOKUP.

Since the current academic year has been completed and all the results of the intermediate control have been summed up, it is possible to analyze the implementation of the VPR already taking into account the data that we have.

There are 28 students in our 5th grade, of which they have time in the 3rd quarter for "5" - 9, "4" - 14, "3" - 4. The results of VPR in April: for "5" - 11, "4" - 11 , "3" - 6. Some of the guys wrote better than usual, others even worse than they could.

To have an idea about the composition of the tasks of the April VLOOKUP, consider its options. We will analyze each task in detail in terms of performance, evaluation criteria and the most common children's mistakes.

Task number 1

Initially, it is proposed to work with a text consisting of 97-98 words. It is necessary to write off the text, opening the brackets, inserting the missing letters and the necessary punctuation marks. The ability to observe spelling and punctuation norms, as well as the ability to correctly write off the text without missing and extra words, without words with a changed graphic appearance, is assessed.

The literacy score is sparing: even with two mistakes, you can get 3 points out of 4 possible, and with 5 mistakes - 1 point. For misspellings, if there are 4-7 of them: for rearranging, replacing or skipping letters, skipping one word or writing an extra word, you can also get 1 point out of 2 possible.

Here's what was suggested text to the first option (deformed text for the student):

Small..ch..ki pr..went to the museum an hour before closing. Ra (s / s) floor .. the living of the halls was known .. but. First, about (d / t) the affairs of the well .. here and the r.. plant world of various crafts. Then they needed the hall of the landowner's life. (Z / s) here is ..t..sya about (b / n) the installation of manor .. houses (4) Elegant furniture..l, upholstered in yellow satin with fairy-tale birds.

Pre (d / t) evening .. beam .. so. T.. thought to.. rtins bl.. stele glass.. pottery (3) dishes.

Genka stayed in the ..ridor, so that in case of .. danger .. news .. warn comrade. At this time, Misha and (s / s) followed the bronze (2) bird. There should be a hole for the key on it. Yes, where is it? Search results (not)d..ut. The secret remains ... a secret. (According to A. Rybakov).

The numbers indicate the types of grammatical analysis familiar to children:

1 - phonetic,

2 - morphemic,

3 - morphological,

4 - syntactic.

Original text proposed for verification:

The boys came to the museum an hour before closing. The location of the halls was known. First, the departments of the animal and plant world, various crafts. Then they needed the hall of the landowner's life. Here is the setting of a manor house. (4) Elegant furniture, upholstered in yellow satin with fabulous birds, high mirrors are the decoration of the hall.

The late afternoon sun pierced the windows through the folds of the curtains. Pictures darkened, glassware (3) gleamed.

Genka remained in the corridor to warn his comrade in case of danger. At this time, Misha examined the bronze (2) bird. It should have a hole for the key. But where is it? The boy feels the bird's head, wings (1). Searches yield no results. The secret remains a secret. (98 words).

When a child performs cheating, he must read the text to himself and reproduce it adequately to the content. But the text is different. There are text traps that are difficult to predict. For example, in the first sentence of the text, the verb PR..SHLI is used. The author chose the word came, and the student deciphered the place where the letter was skipped differently: passed. This is, of course, a typo.

Or another example. The fourth sentence (Then the hall of the landowner's life they needed.) cannot be understood out of context, because it is incomplete. It is necessary to connect it with the two previous ones (The location of the halls was known. First, the departments of the animal and plant world, various crafts.), One of them is also incomplete. A strong student has a problem: is there any punctuation mark needed here or not? It seemed to him that there was a semantic pause, and he singled it out with a dash: Then the hall they needed - the life of the landowner.

It is noteworthy that in the sentence (First, the departments of the animal and plant world, various crafts.) Many students could not recognize homogeneous additions (departments of WHAT? of the world and crafts).

For the second option, they gave a different text:

Os..n p..ra l..stopada. Ra (s / s) l .. tel x .. good wind .. r. The old linden in (s / s) d .. chuckled and seemed to choke out of itself a million z..l..thy leaves ..kov (2) . Applied .. flowing from the north .. wind .. r jerked with all his might. (Not) good .. naughty ozya (b / n) leaves .. I remained on the black branches of re (d / t) coins. So the vet..p played with linden.

Where will it rush now .. the wind ..r Under .. he took to a small ..th cloud ..k .. blew. (four)

And she sprinkled with fine ..m rain around the surroundings ..nosti. Another cloud of (d / t) hv..til vet..r and drove. Suddenly (hot / c) from under these clouds .. a bright (3) beam escaped .. and lit. Wet forests immediately became obscured. Z..l..tye l..stoch..ki covered the ground and the last gr..but I was ours..l pick up..cutters and podosinov..ki. (According to M. Prishvin).

The original text of the second version for verification:

Autumn is the time of leaf fall. A cold wind blew. The old linden sighed and seemed to exhale a million golden leaves from itself (2). The wind that came from the north blew with all its might. The chilled leaves could not resist, and rare coins remained on the black branches. So the wind played with the linden.

Where will the wind go now? He crept up to a small cloud, blew. (4) And she sprinkled a fine rain over the surroundings. Another cloud was picked up by the wind and driven. Suddenly, a bright (3) beam broke out from under these clouds and illuminated the tops of the trees. Wet forests immediately shone with all (1) colors of autumn. Golden leaves covered the ground and the last mushrooms, but I found boletus and boletus. (97 words).

Spelling errors made by students when copying data on text options are associated with the rules:

  • spelling of the root with the alternation of E-I (shone),
  • spelling of prefixes on -z / -s (location),
  • spelling of invariable prefixes (picked up),
  • spelling of double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root (researched),
  • spelling b after hissing (beam, cloud, graceful),
  • spelling b in TSYA-TSYA (should be),
  • spelling of noun endings (in case),
  • spelling of personal endings of verbs (located),
  • spelling NOT with the verb (don't give, couldn't resist),
  • spelling of verb suffixes (feel)
  • spelling of noun suffixes (boletus),
  • spelling of unpronounceable consonants (known to neighborhoods),
  • spelling of imaginary unpronounceable consonants (danger),
  • spelling of unchecked dictionary words (here).

Punctuation errors made by students:

  • extra comma after adverbs (first, then, here, all of a sudden),
  • an extra comma after particles and question words (But where is it? Where will the wind rush now?),
  • an extra comma before a single union AND in a fasting sentence with homogeneous members (The old linden sighed and seemed to exhale a million golden leaves from itself.),
  • the absence of question or exclamation marks at the end of a simple sentence, and sometimes the setting of two characters at once in an interrogative sentence (But where is it ?!),
  • the absence of a comma between homogeneous members (He crept up to a small cloud, blew. First, the departments of the animal and plant world, various crafts.),
  • the absence of a comma between parts of a complex sentence with the union AND (The chilled leaves could not resist, and rare coins remained on the black branches.),
  • the absence of a dash between the subject and the predicate (Autumn is the time of leaf fall.).

Task number 2

For phonetic analysis, the words WINGS and ALL were proposed. The explanations for the test say that “the parsing model is free”, the most important thing is to indicate the characteristics of the sounds and the number of letters, sounds and syllables. That is, it is not necessary to transcribe the word, divide the word into syllables, write the names of letters and indicate pairs for consonant sounds. But without these details, phonetic analysis is not analysis at all! It violates the logic of reasoning about why the written word differs from the spoken word.

We teach children to verbally pronounce the entire analysis, to correctly name letters and sounds, not to confuse them with each other, to explain the discrepancy between the sound and letter composition. Of course, the written analysis is sketchy, but to compress it to a minimum ... And after all, there is a lot of time when the children have done everything, checked it, and it’s impossible to leave the audience before the call, there is no change in these 60 minutes (only single exits are possible if desired).

Here are sample answers that the checking teacher follows and does not pay attention to other errors related to the details already indicated (transcription, pairs, letter names).

wings (1)

k - [k] - consonant, deaf, hard p - [p] - consonant, voiced, hard s - [s] - vowel, stressed

l - [l '] - consonant, voiced, soft

i - [th '] - consonant, voiced, soft, [a] - vowel, unstressed

6 letters, 6 sounds, 2 syllables

in - [f] - consonant, deaf, hard *

c - [c '] - consonant, deaf, soft

e - [e] - vowel, shock

m - [m '] - consonant, voiced, soft

and - [and] - vowel, unstressed

5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables

* possible characteristic: in - [f '] - consonant, deaf, soft

Errors include

  • lack of letters and sounds,
  • lack of syllables
  • incorrect counting of the number of letters and sounds,
  • incorrect counting of the number of syllables,
  • the loss of one of the sounds that denotes an iotized letter in a certain position ([y '] - consonant, voiced, soft),
  • instead of the vowel sounds [a], [e], the letters I, E are indicated,
  • instead of a soft consonant sound [m '], a hard sound [m] is indicated.

Among the errors for which points are not reduced:

  • incorrect name of the letters "L" (el), "K" (ke), "R" (re), "M" (me),
  • incorrectly names the letter “B”, which means the sound [f] / [f ’] *,
  • the absence or incorrect designation of pairs of consonant sounds.

The morphemic analysis of the words bronze | ov | uyu |, leaf | ik | ov | was almost flawless.

Root bronze-, suffix -ov-, ending -th.

Root leaf-, suffix -ik-, ending -ov.

The morphological analysis of the names of adjectives GLASS and BRIGHT differs from our analysis only in that a constant feature is not indicated - a category; among non-permanent features, it is not necessary to indicate a positive degree of comparison and a full form for quality adjectives.

Samples of morphological parsing for verification:

glass (3) (dishes)

  1. glassware (dishes) - an adjective, denotes a sign of an object: dishes (what?) glass;
  2. initial form - glass; in the singular, in the feminine, in the nominative case;

bright (3) (beam)

  1. bright (beam) - adjective, denotes a sign of an object: beam (what?) bright;
  2. initial form - bright; in the singular, in the masculine gender, in the nominative case;

in a sentence is a definition.

Common mistakes include:

  • instead of the singular, the plural form (dishes) is indicated,
  • the adjective is written not with a noun, but with a verb (glass glittered),
  • case form not specified
  • no syntactic role specified.

Errors for which points are not reduced include:

  • indication of the full form and positive degree of the relative adjective,
  • incorrect definition of the category of the word GLASS.

For syntactic analysis, simple sentences of a complicated and uncomplicated structure were given. Points are not reduced if the description does not indicate that the proposal is two-part, complete, complicated or not. The scheme of the sentence and the indication of parts of speech above the members of the sentence are optional.

Samples for checking:

Here is the setting of a manor house. (four)

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, common. Grammatical basis: setting (subject), located (predicate).

Secondary members of the sentence: (located) here - circumstance; (furnishings) at home - addition; (home) manor - definition.

He crept up to a small cloud, blew. (four)

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, common. Grammatical basis: he (subject), picked up, blew (homogeneous predicates). Secondary members of the sentence: (crept up) to the cloud - addition (possibly: circumstance); (cloud) small - definition.

Among the errors are:

  • addition to the cloud is underlined as a definition,
  • Points are not reduced for errors:
  • incorrectly composed sentence scheme with homogeneous predicates,
  • not a simple, but a complex sentence is drawn up,
  • parts of speech not specified
  • schema not drawn up.

All grammatical analyzes are evaluated equally:

Task number 3

Many mistakes were made in the third task, where it was required to put stress on the words:

Bows, more beautiful, call, catalogue.

It is necessary to correctly allocate stressed syllables: bows, more beautiful, call, catalog.

Repeat, carpenter, beets, kilometer.

Correct emphasis: repeat, carpenter, beetroot, kilometer.

Task number 4

The fourth task also caused difficulty. If its first part was understandable and familiar, then the children understood the second sentence in their own way and began to indicate, first of all, adverbs, numerals and interjections. And in the recommendations for assessing the task, it is said that the indication of these parts of speech is optional. Points decreased if the fifth grader did not name the pronoun and the particle.

Task Formulation:

Above each word, write what part of speech it is expressed. Write down which of the parts of speech you know are missing in the sentence.

From the forest fire, the ravines and the edge of the birch grove turned black.

On thin blades of grass and flowers, dew glistens with silver drops.

Checking this task caused disputes among teachers, because it turned out to be difficult to understand the wording for which a child can get up to 5 points. Judge for yourself!

The absence of an indication of the part of speech above the word in the written sentence is equated to an error

All parts of speech in a sentence are correctly identified

One mistake made

Made two mistakes

More than two mistakes made

Indication of missing parts of speech

All missing parts of speech in the sentence are correctly indicated.

OR All parts of speech missing from the list of required parts of speech are correctly indicated

One mistake has been made.

OR One of the parts of speech missing in the sentence (from the list of required ones) is not specified

Two or more errors were made.

OR Two of the parts of speech missing in the sentence (from the list of required ones) are not indicated.

OR Answer is wrong

Maximum score

Task number 5

The test part begins with the fifth task. From the four options, you need to choose the correct answer, write out a sentence and put punctuation marks on your own.

In task 5, sentences with appeals and direct speech are proposed. The words CAPTAIN, GRANDFATHER vary in all ways, either being the subject, or being part of the appeal, or forming part of the author's words (A: "P" or "P" - a.).

Example 5 tasks for option 1:

Example 5 tasks for option 2:

Evaluation criteria:

The sentence is correctly defined, and the punctuation marks are correctly placed

OR Answer is wrong

Schema proposal

The scheme of the proposal is drawn up correctly

The sentence scheme is correct, it contains one punctuation error

The scheme of the sentence is correct, it contains two or more punctuation errors.

OR Answer is wrong

Maximum score

Among the errors found are:

  • the absence of a comma after direct speech before the words of the author (scheme "P", - a.),
  • wrote out a sentence without direct speech,
  • didn't chart
  • made mistakes in the diagram.

Task number 6

In the sixth task, you need to find a sentence where punctuation marks must be placed inside the sentence.

The wording of task 6 for the two options is the same. The second part of the task did not cause difficulties, except that some students were inattentive and forgot about it. The answer must be written in free form, for example: "There is an appeal in the sentence, which is always separated by commas."

Task for option 1:

Task for option 2:

Evaluation criteria:

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined and punctuation marks are placed

The sentence is correctly defined, one mistake was made in punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined, with two or more errors in punctuation.

OR Answer is wrong

Explanation of the reason for choosing a proposal

Correctly explained the choice of proposal

Wrong answer

Maximum score

There were few errors:

  • omission of one of the two paired commas that highlight the appeal in the middle of the sentence (scheme: [= , O,].) *,
  • considered that they highlighted the introductory word with a comma,
  • wrote that the appeal is the word YOU.

* In this case, the students did not recognize the particle LET'S, which is involved in the formation of the imperative mood of the verb and is part of a simple verbal predicate. Someone even considered the word LET'S as an appeal.

Task number 7

The sentences for task 7 contain single and repeated coordinating conjunctions, which serve as a means of communication in simple and complex sentences. The student gives a free explanation of his choice, for example, this: “There are several grammatical foundations, this is a complex sentence, so a comma is put.”

Suggestions for option 1:

Suggestions for option 2:

Evaluation criteria:

Few errors:

  • wrote out a sentence with a single union AND with homogeneous predicates,
  • forgot to explain your choice.

Tasks #8-12

The second part of the test work (from tasks 8 to 12) involves analyzing the text and identifying speech skills: determine the main idea of ​​the text, consisting of 200-220 words, the type of speech, formulate the author's position, find words with the indicated meaning, find antonyms in the text to this word.

Answers to tasks 8 and 9 are evaluated equally - a maximum of 2 points.

Criteria for task 8:

The main idea is defined correctly, completely; the sentence is constructed correctly, it uses words in their proper meaning

The main idea is defined correctly, but not completely enough; the sentence is constructed correctly, the words are used in it in their proper meaning.

OR The main idea is defined correctly, completely; There are one or two speech defects in the sentence.

OR The main idea is defined correctly, but not completely enough; There is one speech error in the sentence.

The main idea is defined correctly, completely; There are more than two speech defects in the sentence.

OR The main idea is defined correctly, but not completely enough; The sentence contains two or more speech defects.

OR The main idea is not defined / defined incorrectly, regardless of the presence / absence of speech defects in sentence construction and word usage

Maximum score

Text for option 1:

(1) Hedgehog is a mysterious childhood friend. (2) Everyone knows him, everyone loves him, everyone found him.

(3) He is famous for his sharp thorns and the fact that he will certainly run away, no matter how he is taken care of. (4) Every young naturalist, nature lover, has ever had a hedgehog.

(5) It seems that everything is known about this predatory animal. (6) He loves milk, catches mice and frogs, boldly enters into battle with a viper. (7) When alarmed, the hedgehog curls up into a prickly ball, if touched, it puffs menacingly and succumbs with needles. (8) And if you don’t touch it, then he will soon stick his wet nose out of the thorns, sniff at it and put out his eyes. (9) There is no one - a bun will roll. (10) Well, if you take it home and caress it, the hedgehog will soon stop curling up. (11) And his needles will lie in one direction - at least smooth surface, like a kitten. (12) It will become completely homely, a kind of troublesome tramp.

(13) And it turns out that this familiar animal also has a secret.

(14) One forester, an observant and truthful man, told me that the hedgehog seemed to be singing in the spring! (15) Sings for real! (16) Hedgehog singing is somewhat similar to bird singing. (17) I myself have not heard a singing hedgehog, but I have heard stories about this more than once. (18) You should definitely check. (19) Every animal, bird, fish, insect - every living thing on our planet has its own secrets. (20) A person has to unravel these mysteries in order to know the natural world. (According to N. Sladkov). (203 words).

Text for option 2:

(1) Genya Pirapletchikov considered his ridiculous surname offensive. (2) In addition, his nose was always stuffy, he breathed through his mouth - everyone bullied him, teased him. (3) All this made Genya an unhappy person. (4) But one day, grandmother and mother decided to invite the offenders to Genin's birthday.

(5) By four o'clock there was a grandmother's treat on the table, and Genya thought with anguish that enemies would now burst in, noisy and implacable ... (6) He nervously folded the boat from the newspaper. (7) Genya is a great master of paper art, origami art.

(8) The guys came and sedately sat around the table. (9) Mother played the “Turkish March” on the piano, and the boys looked fascinated at her hands fluttering over the keys. (10) The terrible tension disappeared, pride flashed: his mother plays wonderfully, and everyone is delighted with it.

(11) We decided to play forfeits, but no one had them. (12) One boy saw a paper boat and said: “My phantom!” (13) And Genya began to make forfeits for everyone: a boat, a crane, a bread box ... (14) The waiting hand immediately grabbed the finished thing. (15) The boy generously distributed his paper miracles. (16) They thanked him, and he no longer felt either fear or hostility. (17) Genya was no worse than others - moreover, the guys admired his talent. (18) It was as if he saw their faces for the first time, they were completely different - joyful, grateful, benevolent.

(19) The happy boy gave away paper toys and thought how easy it is to have friends and be a friend if you yourself treat people with understanding and kindness. (According to L. Ulitskaya). (221 words).

The main idea is formulated in free form.

In the first text, the main idea is expressed in 19–20 sentences.

But some of the responses were:

  • Hedgehog is a mysterious childhood friend.
  • Even a wild beast can be won over.
  • No matter how hard you try to find out all the secrets of nature, something will still remain unknown.

In the second text, the main idea is also formulated at the end of the text (19th sentence): by their example, the mother and grandmother convinced the boy that it is possible to have friends, you just need to make efforts for this yourself.

The responses could be found in:

  • Genya understood how to treat people, even if they are offenders.
  • Even the most unhappy person can become happy.
  • To be friends with you, you need to be able to be friends yourself.
  • Each person has his own talent.
  • Gene's birthday.
  • Do not ridicule the shortcomings of others. Prosperity is to be admired.
  • You can find a way to any human heart, but not everyone can do it.
  • It is not necessary to judge a person by appearance, he can be talented and pleasant in communication.

Question 9 asked the following questions:

1 option

The answer to the question is formulated in free form. For the first option, it can be like this: "The hedgehog can sing, and his singing is like a bird's" (14-16 sentences).

However, there was this response:

  • The hedgehog has sharp spines and rolls into a ball when threatened.

Option 2

The answer to the question of the second option is in 1-2 sentences of the text: “Genya is unhappy for two reasons. First, a funny and offensive surname. Secondly, nasal congestion made it difficult to breathe, so peers laughed at the boy and teased him.

Someone answered like this:

  • He didn't have any friends.
  • He was constantly bullied, and he did not hope that he would be treated well.
  • He did not know how to be kind to any people.

Criteria for task 9:

The correct answer is given, the sentence may contain one speech defect or one spelling, or one punctuation, or one grammatical error

The correct answer is given, one speech defect and one spelling, or one punctuation, or one grammatical error can be made in the sentence.

The correct answer is given, one speech defect and two spelling errors can be made in the sentence in the absence of punctuation and grammatical errors.

The correct answer is given, one speech defect and two punctuation errors can be made in the sentence in the absence of spelling and grammatical errors.

The correct answer is given, in the sentence one speech defect and two grammatical errors can be made in the absence of spelling and punctuation errors.

In total, in a sentence containing the correct answer, no more than three errors can be made in total (including only one speech defect)

The correct answer is given, there are more than three errors in the sentence. OR Answer is wrong

Maximum score

There were errors in the guys' answers:

  • the absence of a comma in a complex sentence before conjunctions WHAT, HOW, IF,
  • the absence of commas in the introductory combination IN HIS OPINION,
  • writing the word BUDTO with a hyphen.

Several people coped with task 10, correctly determining the type of speech of the proposed fragment of the text - reasoning.

1 option

(13) And it turns out that this familiar animal also has a secret. (14) One forester, an observant and truthful man, told me that the hedgehog seemed to be singing in the spring! (15) Sings for real!

Option 2

(16) They thanked him, and he no longer felt fear or dislike. (17) Genya was no worse than others - moreover, the guys admired his talent.

The main part of the fifth graders considered that the fragment about a hedgehog and a familiar forester belongs to the story. Someone decided that if there are adjectives (observant and truthful), then this is a description. A similar choice was made by students who performed option 2. They, too, were sure that this was a narrative, not a reasoning.

For the correct execution of 10-12 tasks, only 1 point is given.

Task number 11 for option 1:

In sentences 12-14, find the word that means "loving to tell the truth, honest":

(12) It will become completely homely, a kind of troublesome tramp. (13) And it turns out that this familiar animal also has a secret. (14) One forester, an observant and truthful man, told me that the hedgehog seemed to be singing in the spring!

Task number 11 for option 2:

In sentences 6-7, find a word with the meaning "one who has achieved great skill in work, creativity, business":

(6) He nervously folded the boat from the newspaper. (7) Genya is a great master of paper art, origami art.

Almost all the students coped with this task, only some wrote out not one word, but the whole phrase GREAT MASTER, having read the task inattentively.

Task number 12 for option 1:

In sentences 11-13, find an antonym for the word "wild" and write it out:

11) And his needles will lie in one direction - at least smooth surface, like a kitten. (12) It will become completely homely, a kind of troublesome tramp. (13) And it turns out that this familiar animal also has a secret.

Task number 12 for option 2:

In sentences 4-5, find the antonym for the word "quiet" and write it out:

(4) But one day, grandmother and mother decided to invite the offenders to Genin's birthday. (5) By four o'clock, grandmother's treat was on the table, and Genya thought with anguish that enemies would now burst in, noisy and irreconcilable ...

Task 12 was easy for all students to complete.

So, the characterization and description of the test work options in grade 5 is completed. Its results are known. What are the conclusions?

  1. Frequent mistakes of children when writing work are associated with the inability to follow the instructions, that is, follow the parsing pattern (he does exactly as he was taught, and does not relearn on the go!).
  2. Students often forget to reread the assignment and adequately complete the second part of the same assignment (draw up a diagram or explain their choice).
  3. There is no need to scare children, excitement and stress interfere with the most common tasks.
  4. The demo version of the VPR should be known to all participants in the educational process in order to remove anxious expectations about the complexity of tasks, uncertainty.
  5. The usual system of work of a teacher includes all the basic things that are important for conducting a VPR, nothing more needs to be done (coaching and “solving” tests will be harmful and unnecessary!).
  6. VPR is difficult to check, the teacher must have a table where you need to quickly enter points for each student. This information is then dictated to a technician to quickly make a report.