Seven signs that the law of attraction is working for you. Why is life with a toxic partner dangerous? Wrong shade of foundation

Have you ever been told how much you have changed? It's true, we all change, because life does not stand still - we experience something, we grow, we improve.

However, the process of change is not as smooth and comfortable as we would like.

1. You don't mind being alone.

You get the feeling that you are on different levels with other people. That they don't understand you. That's why you choose to be alone. It is better to be alone with yourself than surrounded by a wall of misunderstanding.

You also do not want to be a burden or annoy someone, so you prefer to go through current life situations alone. You can handle everything on your own, and that only makes you stronger.

2. You realize that you are not perfect.

None of us are perfect. Each of us has our own problems, failures and falls. Some people prefer to run and hide from them, but the more you realize and open yourself up, the clearer it becomes that problems simply need to be solved. And absolutely everyone does it, you are no exception.

Also comes the understanding that you are not a superhuman (like other people), which means that you are not able to do absolutely everything, and you can also fail. Therefore, you stop getting angry and blaming yourself.

3. You walk away from people you feel bad for.

It's like clearing out a closet. You clearly realize that it becomes even easier on the soul when you close the doors to toxic people. This is exactly the case when you finally understand that doing this is not selfishness at all, but a necessary condition for your happiness and health.

4. You are not as trusting as you used to be.

The older you get, the more people you meet along the way, the more clearly you understand that not all of them are filled with the best intentions. You have an inner circle of people whom you completely trust, but getting into it is not so easy for the rest.

You are not the same as you were before, and people will have to work hard to gain your trust, but when they do, they realize that it was worth it.

5. Life often seems boring to you.

You constantly wonder if you are moving in the right direction and if everything is fine in your life. You are afraid that you are wasting your time on completely secondary things, so you try to do only what you really love, communicate with those who are truly important.

6. You understand that being sad is okay.

There are good days in your life that fill you with happiness and joy, and bad days that you accept.

After all, this is life. She can't always go according to plan. We sometimes get our hearts broken. And you understand it. But you also truly understand the phrase: “whatever happens, in any case, you either win or learn a lesson.” Therefore, you try to use every experience as a starting point for positive change.

7. You have learned to value your time.

You are very busy, the burden of responsibility that you have to shoulder is more and more. You simply do not have enough even 24 hours a day to complete all the tasks. But you are already beginning to learn how to properly prioritize, pushing aside secondary and unnecessary things. You have a strong desire to succeed in life.

Yes, the path to your real "I" is not easy and often uncomfortable, but it's worth it. It is the most beautiful thing in the world to live the life that is truly yours. But for this, you should push yourself out of your comfort zone with a sharp movement and follow the call of your heart, and not look back at others.

You will need time to understand this. But when you do this, life will change.

According to a concept called the "Law of Attraction", a person himself attracts energy to himself, which he subsequently gives to the world around him. Whatever the thoughts that you constantly spend your energy on, they will in any case affect your life simply because you create them on a subconscious level.

In order to understand even more what the essence of the law of attraction is, pay attention to the following quote:

“What you think about so often will eventually materialize.”

In order to translate something into real life, you need to bring this idea to your mind. Further, these thoughts will acquire the state of visions, and then will be embodied in real actions. To avoid any manifestation of negativity in life, you should not devote your attention to bad thoughts or unworthy people.

In other words, if you try to focus now exclusively on the pleasant moments of life, as well as on what brings you pleasure, you will be able to transfer all this wonderful mood into your future.

Many have learned about the law of attraction through the book and movie The Secret. At the same time, some people were confused by the concept of law. However, there are several signs that you are right in choosing your reality.

There are 7 signs that the Law of Attraction is working for you:

1. You reach your desired goal very quickly.

At the time when you give all your attention only to what really interests you, most of what you want will be realized before you start doing something. In the event that you know how to suppress the pessimistic voice in your head, and switch only to good things, it is safe to say that you have already learned one of the key points of the Law of Attraction.

Once you can focus all your thoughts and manage to keep them exclusively on what you want most in life, you will most likely notice how they begin to materialize very soon.

Everything will start to work out on its own, because it cannot be otherwise. If you stay grateful for what you've been able to do, the Universe is guaranteed to send you even more opportunities.

2. You do not stop wanting to change and change everything around.

Those things that a person resists continue to attack with even greater force. Any time you intend to build a wall between yourself, an experience, or another person, remember that the situation will only get worse and you will come face to face with your fears and trials.

In order to realize our full potential, we must abandon the usual form of existence, ingrained thoughts and habits. It just so happened that people are used to go with the flow and accept everything that comes their way. And you need to learn to grasp any key to change. Only in this case, you will be able to receive from the universe all the necessary things that will help you continue your growth and learning.

Remember the following quote, it will definitely come in handy: “Only risky people can go so far to find out how far they can go.”

3. You live for today.

It is extremely wrong to devalue the present moment and believe that only the future matters. If you think your life is going to be the best it can be, chances are you've learned to live for today instead of making a lot of plans for the future. You focus on what you have learned and put those lessons into practice.

At any moment, you are able to direct all your thoughts to the present moment, especially when you feel fear or concern for your future.

4. You are not afraid to tell the Universe directly what you desire.

It doesn't matter what you believe in - angels, spirit guides, higher self - you are completely free to express your desires to the Universe and help it make your dreams come true. If something doesn’t work out for you, you turn to the Universe for advice. You know how to feel this higher power, and it is thanks to this that your life path becomes even more understandable for yourself.

5. You are surrounded by a lot of positive energy.

It seems to you that in your heart and soul there is no more room for heaviness and any manifestations of negativity. You no longer care about all those things that previously caused anxiety.

With the advent of a new day, you feel joy, pleasant excitement, as well as readiness for new achievements. You know that at any moment the Universe will be able to come to your rescue, so there is no reason to worry about the future or think about something bad.

6. You are absolutely calm.

It does not matter at all what events may be happening around you at one time or another. You always feel completely calm and connected to the present moment of your life. You do not tend to let things or events upset and disturb you.

You enjoy the knowledge that you have found a balance in life, and now everything has fallen into place. You no longer feel as if you are missing something, and you have a very strong connection with yourself and the Universe.

Finally, you can relate yourself to those people who in any situation say: "Life is beautiful."

7. Only good events surround you.

It goes without saying that life becomes much easier when you get in touch with your higher self and understand why you were born into this world.

You get to meet only good people, and at the right time for this. You visit only those places where you can develop, become healthier and richer in every way. Even though the path you choose is not always easy, you begin to notice that good always triumphs over evil.

Let's admit it. Today we live in a world that is very reified and concentrated on the outside of any issue. And sometimes this superficial philosophy is transferred to personal relationships - when everything in them is built on physical pleasure and aesthetics. To put it simply, you have to deal with guys who are only with you because of how you look. It's not that physical attraction doesn't play any role in a relationship at all, but it should never be the only reason you're together. So, you are smart enough to understand that a man who is attracted only by appearance will leave you as soon as he meets someone more attractive or just gets tired of your face.

And this is the sad reality that you so want to avoid. Everyone wants to be in a relationship with a man who is genuinely interested in her as a person, not just in her looks. As soon as you realize he's one of those superficial personalities, dump him right then and there. Get rid of him. Believe me, it's better not to get attached to this. Relationships must be built on a deep foundation and emotional connections. When it comes down to how you look and what your sex life is like, the relationship just won't stand up to the challenges it faces.

In fact, it's okay to initially be interested in someone because of their visual appeal. But we must make sure that this attraction is supported by something more solid, capable of withstanding many obstacles. Otherwise, the relationship simply will not work. Here are 7 signs he's only with you because of his looks:

1. It seems that you are only together for sex.

It seems like all you do is do "it" in the bedroom. Other than that, nothing else happens in the relationship. You don't have common hobbies and you don't spend time with each other's friends. He won't even just lie on the couch with you watching something on TV. The only intimacy that exists between you is intimate. Just sex. It looks like that's all you can do.

2. He is not interested in deep and meaningful conversations with you from the heart.

He's probably not interested in getting to know you better. He is not interested in your life. He does not want to get involved in your experiences. He only wants your body.

3. All your dates end in the bedroom.

You almost never go on dates, but when it does happen, it always ends in sex. This is the main thing for him.

4. All the compliments he gives you are about appearance.

He never tells you how smart or witty you are when you have a good joke. He never notices your achievements. He does not see your charm and charisma. He only says that you are sexy or that it is a pleasure to look at you. All of his compliments are based on the visual and the physical.

5. You notice that he stares at other women.

Of course, the only reason you're together is your looks. But you will lose it as soon as someone more beautiful appears on the horizon. His eyes will constantly wander, because he does not have a serious emotional connection with you, which is necessary in order to remain faithful to you.

6. He does not talk about joint plans for the future with you.

He is only interested in whether there will be sex in the future. In the other, he is absolutely indifferent to where your relationship will go. Because, he, rather, will not talk about it.

7. He always gets upset if you don't reciprocate his sexual advances.

For him, only sex and the physical aspects of your relationship are important. He doesn't want to spend time with you. Doesn't want to get to know you better. He only wants to have "sex" with you and that's it. And, if you don’t give him what he wants, he is surprised or angry, because sex is the only thing he needs and what he expects from you. When you don't reciprocate his sexual advances, he no longer sees a point in you in his life.

That's why he gets so upset every time you reject him.

If you are wondering when your life will finally change and your dreams will come true, learn to notice these signs! The Universe sends them to you when it wants to show that the time has come to move to a qualitatively new level of life.

Here are seven signs that the Universe is speaking to you:

1. The end of the old relationship.

Although surviving the end of several relationships in a couple of weeks or months can be difficult and unpleasant, it is also important to pay attention to such a coincidence and understand what it means: this is hardly an accident.

Most of the time, this means that you are going through an internal change where the once-comfortable dynamics no longer fit with your (new) being. Even if you don't consciously reject other people, they can drop out of your life on their own because your vibration has changed.

Sometimes change requires dramatic conflict or bereavement—but in return, it makes room for those who think along the same lines as you, support you, and better align with your higher self.

2. The Universe is giving you signs.

Looking back, many people who have experienced significant changes see that they received an unusually large number of signs from the Universe about the coming changes.

For example, look for multiple occurrences of certain numbers (such as 11:11 or 777), animals or motifs, and repeated encounters with people who can point you in the right direction. Sometimes the signs take the form of premonitions, as if an inner voice is whispering to you that everything is about to change.

3. You sleep differently than usual..

Provided that there is no medical explanation for this, changes in sleep may indicate changes taking place in the heart and head. If you are in for a major rebirth, you may notice that you are more sleepy and have a harder time waking up.

This may be because your brain is struggling to determine what you want from your future, even if you yourself are not aware of this painful thought process! Your sleep will return to normal as the true path becomes clear and you find the energy you need to attract what you desire.

4. You feel out of sorts.

Sometimes you will feel like you are stuck in a place or cannot get out of difficult circumstances (this could be work, school, or a romantic relationship). Sometimes you will just experience a slight sense of dissonance, as if you are slightly out of sync with life, or you are not living your life.

All this means that you are not living an authentic life and are clearly ready for change.

5. Old strategies don't work.

While some signs of change seem almost mystical (like signs from the universe), others are quite practical. For example: Do you feel like your usual ways of behaving, finding inspiration, and solving interpersonal problems don't bring the same results?

If so, then you have outgrown the last stage of your current life and can only move forward if you take steps towards real and lasting change.

6. You feel the need to solve old problems.

When you feel deep down that you are moving from one stage of life to the next, sometimes you start to look back more often. In other words, old grievances, unfinished business and old doubts occupy you again, because you feel a deep need to complete the next “chapter” of your existence neatly and completely.

In reality, it is not always possible to resolve all old problems with actions, but even working through them in writing (or mentally) will help you achieve the satisfaction necessary to move into a new phase.

7. You are more emotional than usual.

Open emotions are a frequent harbinger of change, as well as an essential part of life change in general. You may notice that you began to laugh more, but also cry more often - in general, you give free rein to your feelings more than usual, and everything seems more significant and more important.

Try not to dismiss these emotions or hide them. Rather, accept them and ask yourself how they can help you find your path.

Helpful Hints

Stupidity is one of the most serious vices of our time.

Underestimating the harm caused by stupidity can play a cruel joke. How can you tell if a girl is smart or not?

Perhaps stupid girls lack intelligence, logic, reason, wit and, above all, common sense. Stupidity can take many forms - while some girls are innately stupid, others resort to being silly as a defense against harsh reality.

Here are 7 obvious signs that you are a very superficial and stupid person:

Signs of stupidity

1. An obsession with being different

When you become obsessed with the idea of ​​always being different, whether it's right or wrong, it's likely that you're going in the wrong direction.

You are weighed down by the thought that you are ordinary, and you think that if you are always different, you will be able to compensate for your inferiority complex.

In a sense, a woman who begins to adopt someone's behavior and imitate someone in order to always be different becomes like a person with a split personality.

In other words, she initiates an illusion in order to convince others of her individuality.

This behavior looks very stupid, because each of us is already unique in itself. So this tactic may work for a while, but not in the long run.

2. You constantly need attention, attention and more attention.

You never had permanent friends and admirers, and now, due to a lack of something in the past, you began to change your behavior in order to draw attention to your person in the present.

You demand attention from everyone, and in most cases you think only of yourself. You want to be the center of attention all the time. You worry if you are not looked at and underestimated.

If they do not pay attention to you, it hurts you, and you try in every way to attract him to your person.

You may even have gotten to the point of scheduling fake phone calls to show others that you're in demand.

If you do something like this, know that such behavior borders on complete stupidity.

3. You tell the same story twenty times.

While your friends are having fun gossiping and constantly changing topics of conversation, you are constantly telling the same thing. The plot of your stories, as a rule, is always similar and predictable.

You are trying to make everyone believe that your life is full of adventure and interesting events. In order to attract attention and have fun, you even start making up stories, taking facts out of thin air.

To impress people, you keep doing it, not realizing that, in this way you look stupid and even pathetic.

4. You try to please everyone and adapt to everyone.

You always accept the tastes and preferences of your friends.

Moreover, you do not just accept them, but adapt to them and indulge them. Your likes and dislikes go hand in hand with what your friends like or dislike.

Their favorite movies automatically become your favorites, and there is hardly any opinion of your friends that you won't agree with.

And when one of them says something, you will certainly agree and use some exclamatory phrases as a reaction to every word they say.

But in this way one gets the impression that you do not have your own opinion. So, you look stupid and a little ridiculous.

5. You have become accustomed to the role of the eternal victim.

No matter what happens in your life, do you always try on the role of a victim? Has this role already become familiar to you, even if there is no special reason for it? Such behavior may indicate the highest stupidity.

You complain to everyone you meet about your problems, even if they are not worth a damn. Even a little strife with a guy is an opportunity to declare a third world war?

You can cry over any little thing, because you like to be pitied. You even resort to emotional blackmail of your friends and loved ones.

Perhaps this is a very effective way to attract the attention of others, however, believe me, such behavior does not paint you, but, on the contrary, exposes you in a very unsightly light.

6. Fashion magazines dictate your style and lifestyle.

Wise quotes from psychologists and seers from sacred books advise us to focus on our inner calling, find ourselves, identify our desires and go towards the chosen goal, and also understand ourselves as a person.

However, instead, you read fashion magazines, follow the blogs of stars on social networks, try to imitate them and live their lives.

It seems to you that everything that celebrities do and wear is right. Therefore, you passionately want to be like them and sit for hours on the Internet in search of what the stars are wearing.

To impress the people around you, you are ready for a lot.

If you live by the laws of fashion magazines and talk in grandiloquent phrases from Instagram, believe me, you are not a particularly smart girl.

7. Persecution and jealousy

Is your jealousy going crazy and are you literally stalking your boyfriend?

Do you check phones, mail, notebooks? Such behavior does not indicate too high intelligence.

Do you harass your rivals or detractors on social media by leaving unnecessary or disgusting comments on their Facebook wall?

Your behavior is simply terrible, it borders not just on recklessness, but already on stupidity. Believe me, all this does not paint you, but on the contrary, it only repels you.

If you recognize yourself in the above seven points, then most likely you urgently need to reconsider your behavior.

After all, if you continue in this spirit, you can come to the conclusion that you will indeed be considered a stupid mediocre person.