Dmitry Minaev's collaboration with the magazine is a sincere word. Dmitry dmitrievich minaev selected satirical poems

Famous poet, humorist and translator (1835 1889), son of D.I. Minaev. He was educated in the Noble Regiment. He served for a short time in the Simbirsk State Chamber and in the Zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Minaev's poems began to appear in print from 1857 ... ... Biographical Dictionary

MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich- (1835 89) Russian satirist poet. Employee of democratic journals of the 60s. 19th century (Iskra and others). Topical epigrams, poems, feuilletons, parodies ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Minaev Dmitry Dmitrievich- , Russian poet. Born in the family of a military official, writer. In 1852 he graduated from a military school in St. Petersburg. In 1857 he left the service and took up only literary work. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Minaev, Dmitry Dmitrievich Big biographical encyclopedia

Minaev Dmitry Dmitrievich- (1835 1889), Russian satirist poet. Employee of democratic journals of the 60s. 19th century ("Iskra" and others). Topical epigrams, poems, feuilletons, parodies. * * * MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich (1835 89), Russian satirist poet. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Minaev Dmitry Dmitrievich- Dmitry Dmitrievich Minaev Date of birth: October 21 (November 2), 1835 Place of birth: Simbirsk Date of death: July 10 (22), 1889 Place of death: Simbirsk Citizenship ... Wikipedia

MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich- (183589), Russian poet. Feuilleton review "The Diary of a Dark Man" (186164), satirical. poems, epigrams. Parodies (cycles “Lyric songs with a civil ebb”, “Lyric songs without a civil ebb”, both 1863). Sat. "Rehashes... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

Minaev Dmitry Dmitrievich- (1835 1889) satirist poet, translator. Permanent collaborator of Iskra, Russian Word and Sovremennik. It was also published in Alarm Clock, Gudka, Vremya, etc. In 1861, Dostoevsky instructed Minaev to write a feuilleton for the first issue of Vremya, but was not ... ... Dictionary of literary types

Minaev Dmitry Dmitrievich- (1835 1889) famous poet, native of Simbirsk. He studied in the noble regiment, served in the 50s. in the Simbirsk state chamber and in the Zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. M. wrote poetry while still at school; they began to appear in print from 1857 ...

Minaev, Dmitry Dmitrievich- (1835 1889) famous poet, native of Simbirsk. He studied in the noble regiment, served in the 50s. in the Simbirsk state chamber and in the Zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. M. wrote poetry while still at school; they began to appear in print from 1857 ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Dmitry Dmitrievich Minaev (1835-1889) - Russian poet-satirist, journalist, translator, critic.
Born in the family of an officer, Dmitry Ivanovich Minaev, poet, translator of The Tale of Igor's Campaign. In 1847-1851 he studied in the Noble Regiment (did not complete the course).
In 1852 he passed the exams for the first class rank and served for about three years in the Simbirsk provincial state chamber. In 1855 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as an official of the Ministry of the Interior.
In 1857 he retired and took up only literary work. At the beginning, Minaev was published in minor St. Petersburg magazines and newspapers, speaking with lyrical, and then satirical poems and translations. In 1859 he published a collection of literary parodies Rehashings. Poems of a accusatory poet. He collaborated in democratic magazines, including Sovremennik, Russkoye Slovo, Iskra, where Minaev's talent as a satirical poet unfolded.
In 1862, he edited the satirical magazine Gudok for several months. Adjacent to the Nekrasov school, in his poems he took left-wing radical democratic positions, expressed sympathy for the oppressed village, "denounced" (in relation to the satirical poets of his circle, "accusatory" and "accusatory literature" became almost terminological in the criticism of that time) liberals, bureaucrats , conservative press and censorship; ridiculed and parodied poets-supporters of "pure art" (A. A. Fet, A. N. Maikov, N. F. Shcherbina, V. V. Krestovsky and others). Gained fame as the "king of rhyme", a master of epigrams, parodies, feuilleton in verse and especially puns.
In his literary activity, Minaev did a lot of translation work. He translated J. Byron (Don Juan, Childe Harold, Beppo, Manfred and Cain), Dante (The Divine Comedy), Heine (Germany), A. Mickiewicz (Dzyady "(Polish) Russian.), P. B. Shelley ("Prometheus Unbound"), poems and plays by Hugo, Barbier, Vigny, Moliere, Syrokomlyu, Juvenal and many others. The merit of D. D. Minaev is the acquaintance of the Russian reading public with the works of European literature.
After the Karakozovsky shot, at the end of April 1866, Minaev was arrested for collaborating in magazines “known for their harmful socialist trend, especially Sovremennik” and “Russian Word”, and spent about four months in the Peter and Paul Fortress.
At the end of 1887, D. D. Minaev and his wife arrived in Simbirsk, where on Nizhne-Soldatskaya Street, near the Sviyaga River, they bought a house with outbuildings and a garden. The poet died on July 10 (22), 1889 in Simbirsk, after a serious illness.

Famous poet, humorist and translator (1835 1889), son of D.I. Minaev. He was educated in the Noble Regiment. He served for a short time in the Simbirsk State Chamber and in the Zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Minaev's poems began to appear in print from 1857 ... ... Biographical Dictionary

- (1835 89) Russian satirist poet. Employee of democratic journals of the 60s. 19th century (Iskra and others). Topical epigrams, poems, feuilletons, parodies ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Russian poet. Born in the family of a military official, writer. In 1852 he graduated from a military school in St. Petersburg. In 1857 he left the service and took up only literary work. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Big biographical encyclopedia

- (1835 1889), Russian satirist poet. Employee of democratic journals of the 60s. 19th century ("Iskra" and others). Topical epigrams, poems, feuilletons, parodies. * * * MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich (1835 89), Russian satirist poet. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Dmitry Dmitrievich Minaev Date of birth: October 21 (November 2), 1835 Place of birth: Simbirsk Date of death: July 10 (22), 1889 Place of death: Simbirsk Citizenship ... Wikipedia

MINAEV Dmitry Dmitrievich- (183589), Russian poet. Feuilleton review "The Diary of a Dark Man" (186164), satirical. poems, epigrams. Parodies (cycles “Lyric songs with a civil ebb”, “Lyric songs without a civil ebb”, both 1863). Sat. "Rehashes... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

Minaev Dmitry Dmitrievich- (1835 1889) satirist poet, translator. Permanent collaborator of Iskra, Russian Word and Sovremennik. It was also published in Alarm Clock, Gudka, Vremya, etc. In 1861, Dostoevsky instructed Minaev to write a feuilleton for the first issue of Vremya, but was not ... ... Dictionary of literary types

- (1835 1889) famous poet, native of Simbirsk. He studied in the noble regiment, served in the 50s. in the Simbirsk state chamber and in the Zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. M. wrote poetry while still at school; they began to appear in print from 1857 ...

- (1835 1889) famous poet, native of Simbirsk. He studied in the noble regiment, served in the 50s. in the Simbirsk state chamber and in the Zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. M. wrote poetry while still at school; they began to appear in print from 1857 ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

(02.11 (21.10.), 1835, Simbirsk, - 22 (10.07.1889, Simbirsk), poet-satirist, journalist, translator, critic.

Born in the family of an officer. In 1847-1851. studied in the St. Petersburg Noble Regiment (did not complete the course). In 1852 he passed the exams for the first class rank and served for two years in the provincial state chamber. Under the influence of the works of V.G. Belinsky, N.A. Nekrasov, Minaev formed democratic views, he began to engage in literary work, one of the first was his satirical poem (1854), in which he ridiculed the privileged stratum of Simbirsk society. In the summer of 1855 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as an official of the zemstvo department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but already in 1857, with the rank of collegiate registrar, he resigned and devoted himself entirely to literary creativity.

In 1859, a collection of parodies by D.D. Minaeva “Rehashings. Poems of a accusatory poet”, and in 1860 - an essay “V.G. Belinsky” (under the pseudonym “D. Sviyazhsky”). In 1860-1861. Minaev was a regular contributor to Sovremennik, Russkoye Slovo, and Iskra, in which he published sharp political feuilletons. Since January 1862, he edited the magazine “Gudok”, in which he published a revealing poem, depicting in it the Simbirsk Chichikovs, Nozdryovy, Plyushkins, etc.

D.D. Minaev published dozens of books and was known throughout reading Russia as the "king of rhyme", a talented satirist, playwright and translator. At the end of 1887, E.N. came with his wife. Khudykovskaya in . On Nizhne-Soldatskaya Street, not far from the Sviyaga River, Minaev bought a wooden house with outbuildings, a garden and a vegetable garden.

Among the few people with whom D.D. Minaev maintained an acquaintance, were: a writer, a poet, a former revolutionary populist A.S. Buturlin, Doctor of Medicine A.A. Kadian and Democratic doctor I.S. Pokrovsky. Minaev constantly worked and he was willingly published by Petersburg Newspaper, Nedelya and other publications. He often visited Simbirsk and presented her with three volumes of a luxurious edition of A. Dante's Divine Comedy in his translation.

Died D.D. Minaev in Simbirsk as a result of a serious illness. Obituaries, articles, memoirs about Minaev were published by almost all major newspapers and magazines in Russia.

A decade later, on June 21, 1899, a monument to the poets father and son Minaev was opened with the money collected by subscription. At the same time Soldatskaya st. has been renamed to . In connection with the construction of the Kuibyshev reservoir, the ashes of the Minaevs and the monument were transferred in 1954 to a new cemetery (now K. Marx Street). The house where D.D. Minaev lived in 1887-1889. immortalized memorial plaque.


Minaev D. D. Collection of poems/ intro. Art., ed. and note. I. Yampolsky. - M.: Soviet writer, 1947. - 490 p. : portrait - (Library of the poet).

Minaev D. D. Poems/ ed., entry. Art. and note. I. Yampolsky. - Kuibyshev: OGIZ, 1947. - 334 p. : portrait

Minaev D. D. Poems/ intro. Art., ed. and note. I. G. Yampolsky. - M.: Soviet writer, 1948. - 423 p. - (Library of the poet. Small series).

Minaev D. D. Favorites: poetry; inscriptions; impromptu; epigrams; poems / comp., author. intro. Art. and note. V. N. Boldyrev. - Saratov: Privolzh. book. publishing house, 1986. - 288 p.

Minaev D. D. Favorites/ comp., prepared. text, intro. st., note. I. Yampolsky. - L .: Fiction, 1986. - 400 p.

About him:

Beisov P. S. Minaev and Simbirsk// Monomakh. - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 44-45.

Geller T. A. Archival documents about the publishing activity of D. D. Minaev// Issues of source studies of Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century. - Kazan, 1983. - S. 61-72.

Dmitry Dmitrievich Minaev: bibliogr. decree. / Region scientific b-ka - Palace of the Book. V. I. Lenin; comp. V. N. Boldyrev, N. I. Nikitina. - Ulyanovsk, 1985. - 26 p.

Kuleshov V. I. Dmitry Dmitrievich Minaev (1835 - 1889)// Kuleshov V. I. Russian democratic literature: 50-60s of the XIX century. - M., 1989. - S. 76-83.

/ ed. kart. V. F. Zunuzin // Gallery of portraits of famous Simbirian-Ulyanovites: [isomaterial]. - Ulyanovsk, 2008. - 26th department. l. in the region

// Masters of the pen of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk: biobibliogr. decree. / UlGTU; comp. Yu. S. Lesnyak. - Ulyanovsk, 2015. - S. 41-43.

// Honorary citizens of the city of Ulyanovsk; Golden book of honor of the city of Ulyanovsk / Ulyan. mountains Thought. - Ulyanovsk, 2008. - S. 36-37: port.

Sapchenko L. S. Ways of creating irony in D. D. Minaev’s poem “Provincial Photography”// Simbirsk text of Russian culture: problems of reconstruction: Sat. materials conf. / UlGU; comp. L. A. Sapchenko. - Ulyanovsk, 2011. - S. 136-141.

Trofimov Zh. A. D. D. Minaev and Simbirsk.- Saratov: Privolzh. book. publishing house, 1989. - 49 p.

Trofimov Zh. A. "Provincial photography" D. D. Minaeva// Trofimov Zh. A. Simbirsk and Simbirians: historical and literary searches. - Ulyanovsk, 1997. - S. 200-212.

Trofimov Zh. A. To the creative portrait of D. D. Minaev// Trofimov Zh. A. Literary Simbirsk: searches, finds, research. - Ulyanovsk, 1999. - S. 269-283.

Dmitry Minaev


people of the highest view,

Do you want books!

Let for the lower class

Writers write.

Why do you need more

All human knowledge?

Today - persecution is glorious,

Tomorrow - a threesome ride

That lunch, where - the main thing

They will treat you with tinctures.

Then you will go to your family,

With the servant - torment ...

It's clear that you're crazy.

Let the clerks crammed

Those articles by scholars

Where are the ideas different?

Very perverted.

We, after drinking champagne,

We ask with surprise:

Is it a matter of nobility

Engage in reading?

Rods are necessary as energetic motives of life. P. Yurkevich Rozog don't be afraid, children! Know - playful scientists These terrible rods Are called life's motive.

Let birches grow, Flexible willow offspring, - You, smiling through tears, Say - these are motives!

If it happens to you now With weeping to endure punishment Well? and Rossini's motives Wake up sobs at times.

Children! wipe away your tears! You can endure severity: Before you endured the vines, So endure the motives! .. 1861


All people are cattle.

Do not be proud, oh mortal, Rapid development: Mister Blank Made a discovery.

Throw away the works of science, Not believing in anything: The world is herd-like, People are worse than the beast.

Meet everything in the world With a carefree feeling: Mr. Blanc You are compared to an animal.

There is only one question In the following kind: So what kind of Blanca Attribute the breed?


Comedians! laugh all of you, Only let your verse, Like the smile of a young maiden, Be pure and quiet. Be modest as a lamb, Laugh without worries, But from a bitter word, God save you!..

Without ridicule, without needles, It's fun for everyone, Laugh so that it's not prickly Harmless laughter; So that the child in the cradle could smile ... From a different civilian goal God save you! ..

Laugh ... well, at least at nature, She does no harm, At visits, at fashion Laugh, gentlemen; Over the ride in a shaking cart Among the big roads ... From acquaintance with the pandemonium God save you! ..

Sing a song about a harmonious front, About a hypocrite, a dandy, Just don’t touch personalities, Laugh - in general ... And from punishment, from denunciations Along and across From all the latest teachings God save you! ..


Dear friend Shakespeare, you are talented - we do not argue, I have not often met your rivals, But nevertheless, I confess, I look with great grief, What a false path you have chosen.

You're too proud, Shakespeare, friends forgot the advice: You would have all the ancient world, the darkness of ancient chronicles, Where only some Othello and Macbeth, Or a Danish prince who suddenly jumped out of his mind.

Better give us a drama, without any long-range disputes, Draw military life, open the life of the camp, Where our great Suvorov would ride on a horse And move the system with a wave of his hand.

You, instead of Desdemona, Cordelius and Ophelios, Without declaratory stilts and embellishments, Bring Efremov's camellias onto the stage Then, then, Shakespeare, you will be honored with us.

Mikhail Rosenheim

If the people are bad, if the region is falling, Evil has penetrated deep into it, Lightly do not immediately blame the Institutions, its laws. Look carefully, discuss it, and then you may come to the conclusion that a misfortune lurks within the people themselves, that the law is good in itself.

Mikhail Bourbonov

If a peasant comes out of the door of a tavern And the herbalist shakes him, You say, pointing to him, a peasant: "The peasant is drowning in debauchery." And then I'll sweetly pay off the hymns of the booze: "Our journalism is blind: After all, the people themselves have lurked on the booze, The ransoms are not guilty of anything."

Mikhail Rosenheim

If you are angry at the world, as if loving the truth, Then do not touch the order of things in it, But first, my venerable one, correct yourself, Wean people from unrighteousness.

Mikhail Bourbonov

If by calling you are not a poet at all, But you only wear it, Do not be angry with people that your every verse is more terrible for them than the kukelvan himself.

Mikhail Rosenheim

If the liquid is bad, if the wine has turned sour, Then wherever you pour it, Only every vessel will stain it, But it will not, will not become brighter.

Mikhail Burbonev

If you are noble, like a true Russian, Do not blame the police for anything, But do not burn cigarettes along the streets of the Neva And never smoke cigars.

Mikhail Rosenheim

If the alloy is not good, if the metal is bad, Then whatever form you give it, In every form, no matter where you cast it, It will retain its vices.

Mikhail Bourbonov

If you publish a magazine in Russia, Although we have a decent swarm of them, Carry tickets everywhere in the quarters And open a subscription at the booths.

Mikhail Rosenheim

After all, it is not chance alone that rules the world, oh no! And there can be no stagnation in it, And the spirit of the age will give advice in due time, How and what should be changed in it.

Mikhail Bourbonov

If a detractor finds stagnation in life, You don't stand still for a minute, But walk around the room back and forth And ask him: where is the stagnation? (1863)

In a man's own heart and mind there must be an internal police force...

From hobbies, mistakes of the hot age Only "the police in the heart" will save a person; Only then will his ideal survive, If in his soul he opens a permanent quarter. A thought, for example, will go wild in you in earnest. Immediately put it in a moral booth; Does an indecent whim suddenly sink into her head? Let the watchful guardian pacify her hearts; The blood will boil, it will rage in you through the measure With it, do not hesitate, take a police measure, Become a exposer of your own malice and lies And keep your obstinate mind on a string. Know well, Russian people, both elders and children: Only "with the police in the heart" is happiness in the world (1863)