The essence of the concept of "readiness for schooling". Lecture "child's readiness for schooling"

The problem of children's readiness for schooling is very relevant. I present to you theoretical and practical materials that will help organize work with parents and children at the stage of preparation for school.



Key Aspects of School Readiness

Preparing children for school is a complex task, covering all spheres of a child's life. Psychological readiness for school is only one aspect of this task. But within this aspect, different approaches stand out:

1. Research aimed at developing in preschool children certain changes and skills necessary for schooling.

2. Studies of neoplasms and changes in the child's psyche.

3. Research into the genesis of individual components of educational activity and the identification of ways of their formation.

4. The study of the child's changes to consciously subordinate his actions to the given one while consistently fulfilling the adult's verbal instructions. This skill is associated with the ability to master the general way of fulfilling the verbal instructions of an adult.

Readiness for school in modern conditions is considered, first of all, as readiness for schooling or learning activities. This approach is substantiated by a view of the problem from the side of the periodization of the child's mental development and the change of leading activities. According to E.E. Kravtsova, the problem of psychological readiness for schooling gets its concretization as the problem of changing the leading types of activity, i.e. this is a transition from role-playing games to educational activities. This approach is relevant and significant, but readiness for learning activities does not fully cover the phenomenon of readiness for school. Readiness for learning at school consists of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation of one's cognitive activity, and the social position of the student. Similar views were developed by A.V. Zaporozhets, noting that the readiness to study at school is an integral system of interrelated qualities of a child's personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical and synthetic activity, the degree of formation of volitional regulation mechanisms.

To date, it is practically universally recognized that readiness for schooling is a multicomponent education that requires complex psychological research.

Traditionally, there are three aspects of school maturity:intellectual, emotional and social.

Intellectual maturity is understood as differentiated perception (including the selection of a figure from the background); concentration of attention; analytical thinking (expressed in the ability to comprehend the main connections between phenomena); the possibility of logical memorization; the ability to reproduce the pattern, as well as the development of fine motor skills and sensorimotor coordination. We can say that intellectual maturity, understood in this way, largely reflects the functional maturation of brain structures.

Emotional maturity is mainly understood as a decrease in impulsive reactions and the ability to perform a task that is not very attractive for a long time.

Social maturity includes the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a school situation.

Based on the selected parameters, tests for determining school maturity are created. There are several parameters of the child's psychological development that most significantly affect the success of schooling. Among them is a certain level of the child's motivational development, including the cognitive and social motives of learning, the sufficient development of voluntary behavior and the intellectuality of the sphere. The motivational plan is recognized as the most important in the psychological readiness of the child for school. We distinguish two groups of motives for teaching:

1. Broad social motives for learning, or motives associated with the child's needs for communication with other people, for their assessment and approval, with the student's desire to take a certain place in the system of social relations available to him.

2. Motives directly related to educational activities, or the cognitive interests of children, the need for intellectual activity and the acquisition of new skills, abilities and knowledge. A school-ready child wants to learn because he wants to know a certain position in the society of people that opens access to the world of adults and because he has a cognitive need that cannot be satisfied at home.

The fusion of these two needs contributes to the emergence of a new attitude of the child to the environment (the internal position of the student). The neoformation "internal position of the student", which occurs at the turn of preschool and primary school age and is a fusion of two needs - cognitive and the need to communicate with adults at a new level, allows the child to be included in the educational process as a subject of activity. This is expressed in the social formation and execution of intentions and goals, or, in other words, in the student's arbitrary behavior.

Weak development of arbitrariness is the main stumbling block of psychological readiness for school (it interferes with the beginning of schooling).

D. B. Elkonin believed that voluntary behavior is born in a role-playing game in a team of children, which allows the child to rise to a higher stage of development, the team corrects the violation in imitation of the intended image, while it is still very difficult for the child to independently exercise such control.

In the works of E.E. Kravtsova, when characterizing the psychological readiness of children for school, the main blow is placed on the role of communication in the development of the child. There are three areas - attitudes towards an adult, towards a peer and towards oneself, the level of development of which determines the degree of readiness for school and in a certain way correlates with the main structural components of educational activity.

As indicators of psychological readiness, it is also necessary to single out the intellectual development of the child. In domestic psychology, when studying the intellectual component of psychological readiness for school, the emphasis is not on the amount of knowledge acquired, although this is also not an unimportant factor, but on the level of development of intellectual processes. The child must be able to single out the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, see similar and different; he must learn to reason, to find the causes of phenomena, to draw conclusions. For successful learning, the child must be able to highlight the subject of his knowledge.

In addition to the above components of psychological readiness for school, we will single out one more - the development of speech. Speech is closely related to intelligence and reflects both the general development of the child and the level of his logical thinking. It is necessary that the child be able to find individual sounds in words, i.e. he must have developed phonemic hearing.

Summing up all that has been said, we list the psychological areas, the level of development of which is used to judge the psychological readiness for school:motivational, arbitrary, intellectual and speech. We will try to consider these areas in more detail.

Intellectual readiness for schooling.

Intellectual readiness for schooling is associated with the development of thought processes. From solving problems that require the establishment of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena with the help of external orienting actions, children move on to solving them in their minds with the help of elementary mental actions using images. In other words, on the basis of the visual-effective form of thinking, a visual-figurative form of thinking begins to take shape. At the same time, children become capable of the first generalizations based on the experience of their first practical objective activity and fixed in the word. A child at this age has to resolve increasingly complex and diverse tasks that require the selection and use of connections and relationships between objects, phenomena, and actions. In playing, drawing, designing, when performing educational and labor tasks, he not only uses learned actions, but constantly modifies them, obtaining new results.

Developing thinking gives children the opportunity to foresee the results of their actions in advance, to plan them. As curiosity and cognitive processes develop, thinking is increasingly used by children to master the world around them, which goes beyond the tasks put forward by their own practical activities.

The child begins to set cognitive tasks for himself, looking for explanations for the observed phenomena. He resorts to a kind of experiments to clarify the issues of interest to him, observes phenomena, reasoning and drawing conclusions.

At preschool age, attention is arbitrary. The turning point in the development of attention is connected with the fact that for the first time children begin to consciously control their attention, directing and holding it on certain objects. For this purpose, the older preschooler uses certain methods that he adopts from adults. Thus, the possibilities of this new form of attention - voluntary attention by the age of 6-7 are already quite large.

Similar age patterns are observed in the process of memory development. A goal can be set for the child to memorize the material. He begins to use techniques aimed at increasing the efficiency of memorization: repetition, semantic and associative linking of material. Thus, by the age of 6-7, the structure of memory undergoes significant changes associated with a significant development of arbitrary forms of memorization and recall.

The study of the features of the intellectual sphere can begin with the study of memory - a mental process that is inextricably linked with thinking. To determine the level of rote memorization, a meaningless set of words is given:year, elephant, sword, soap, salt, noise, hand, floor, spring, son.The child, having listened to this whole series, repeats the words that he remembered. Repeat playback (after additional reading of the same words) and delayed playback, for example, one hour after listening, can be used. A. L. Wenger cites the following indicators of mechanical memory (typical for 6-7 years of age): from the first time, the child perceives at least 5 words out of 10; after 3-4 readings reproduces 9-10 words; after one hour, forgets no more than 2 words reproduced earlier; in the process of sequential memorization of the material, “failures” do not appear when, after one of the readings, the child remembers fewer words than earlier and later (which is usually a sign of overwork).

The level of development of spatial thinking is revealed in different ways. Effective and convenient technique A.L. Wenger "Labyrinth". The child needs to find a way to a certain house among others, wrong paths and dead ends of the labyrinth. Figuratively given instructions help him in this - he will pass by such objects (trees, bushes, flowers, mushrooms). The child must navigate in the labyrinth itself and in the scheme, displaying the sequence of the path, i.e. problem solving.

The most common methods for diagnosing the level of development of verbal-logical thinking are the following:

a) "Explanation of plot pictures": the child is shown a picture and asked to tell what is drawn on it. This technique gives an idea of ​​whether the child understands the meaning of the image correctly, whether he can highlight the main thing or is lost in individual details. It also helps to determine the level of development of his speech.

b) "Sequence of events" - a more complex technique. This is a series of story pictures (from 3 to 6), which depict the stages of some action familiar to the child. He must build the correct row from these drawings and tell how the events developed. A series of pictures can be of varying degrees of complexity in content. The "sequence of events" gives the psychologist the same data as the previous method, but, in addition, the child's understanding of cause-and-effect relationships is revealed here.

Generalization and abstraction, the sequence of inferences and some other aspects of thinking are studied using the method of subject classification. The child makes up groups of cards with inanimate objects and living beings depicted on them. By classifying various objects, he can single out groups according to their functional characteristics and give them generalized names. For example: furniture, clothes. Maybe on an external basis (“everyone is big” or “they are red”), according to situational signs (the wardrobe and the dress are combined into one group, because “the dress hangs in the closet”).

Complex thought processes of analysis and synthesis are studied when children define concepts, interpret proverbs. The well-known method of interpreting proverbs has an interesting variant. In addition to the proverb, the child is given phrases, one of which corresponds in meaning to the proverb, and the second does not correspond to the proverb in meaning, but outwardly resembles it. The child, choosing one of the two phrases, explains why it fits the proverb, but the choice itself clearly shows whether the child is guided by meaningful or external signs, analyzing judgments.

Thus, the intellectual readiness of the child is characterized by the maturation of analytical psychological processes, the mastery of the skills of mental activity.

Personal readiness for schooling.

In order for a child to study successfully, he must strive for a new school life, for “serious” studies, “responsible” assignments. The appearance of such a desire is influenced by the attitude of close adults to learning as an important meaningful activity, much more significant than the game of a preschooler. The attitude of other children also influences, the very opportunity to rise to a new age level in the eyes of the younger ones and equalize in position with the older ones. The desire of the child to occupy a new social position leads to the formation of his inner position. It is personal positioning, which characterizes the personality of the child as a whole, that determines the behavior and activities of the child, and the entire system of his relations to reality, to himself and to the people around him. The schoolchild's way of life as a person engaged in a socially significant and socially valued business in a public place is perceived by the child as an adequate path to adulthood for him - he responds to the motive formed in the game "to become an adult and really carry out its functions."

From the moment the idea of ​​the school acquired the features of the desired way of life in the child's mind, we can say that his inner position received a new content - it became the inner position of the schoolchild. And this means that the child has psychologically moved into a new age period of his development - primary school age.

The internal position of the student can be defined as a system of needs and aspirations of the child associated with the school, i.e. such an attitude towards school, when the child experiences participation in it as his own need (“I want to go to school”).

The presence of the student's inner position is revealed in the fact that the child resolutely renounces the preschool game, individual-direct way of existence and shows a brightly positive attitude towards school educational activities in general, especially to those aspects of it that are directly related to learning.

Such a positive orientation of the child to the school, as to his own educational institution, is the most important prerequisite for his successful entry into the school educational reality, i.e. acceptance by him of the relevant school requirements and full inclusion in the educational process.

The class-lesson system of education presupposes not only a special relationship between the child and the teacher, but also specific relationships with other children. A new form of communication with peers takes shape at the very beginning of schooling.

Personal readiness for school also includes a certain attitude of the child towards himself. Productive educational activity implies an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development of self-consciousness.

The personal readiness of a child for school is usually judged by his behavior in group classes and during a conversation with a psychologist.

There are also specially developed conversation plans that reveal the position of the student (N.I. Gutkina's method), and special experimental techniques. For example, the predominance of a cognitive and play motive in a child is determined by the choice of the activity of listening to a fairy tale or playing with toys. After the child has examined the toys for a minute, they begin to read fairy tales to him, but they stop reading at the most interesting place. The psychologist asks what he wants now - to finish listening to a fairy tale or to play with toys. Obviously, with personal readiness for school, preparatory interest dominates and the child prefers to find out what will happen at the end of the fairy tale. Children who are not motivationally ready for learning, with a weak cognitive need, are more attracted to the game.

Volitional readiness.

Determining the child's personal readiness for school, it is necessary to identify the specifics of the development of an arbitrary sphere. The arbitrariness of the child's behavior is manifested in the fulfillment of the requirements of specific rules set by the teacher when working according to the model. Already at preschool age, the child is faced with the need to overcome the difficulties that arise and to subordinate his actions to the set goal. This leads to the fact that he begins to consciously control himself, controls his internal and external actions, his cognitive processes and behavior in general. This gives reason to believe that the will arises already at preschool age. Of course, volitional actions of preschoolers have their own specifics: they coexist with unintentional actions under the influence of situational feelings and desires. L.S. Vygotsky considered volitional behavior to be social, and he saw the source of the development of the child's will in the relationship of the child with the outside world. At the same time, the leading role in the social conditioning of the will was assigned to his verbal communication with adults. In genetic terms, L.S. Vygotsky considered will as a stage of mastering one's own behavioral processes. First, adults regulate the child's behavior with the help of words, then, assimilating the content of the adults' requirements, he gradually learns to regulate his behavior, thereby making a significant step forward along the path of volitional development. After mastering speech, the word becomes for schoolchildren not only a means of communication, but also a means of organizing behavior.

In modern scientific research, the concept of volitional action is practiced in different aspects. Some psychologists consider the choice of a decision and goal setting to be the initial link, while others limit volitional action to its executive part. A.V. Zaporozhets considers the transformation of known social and, above all, moral requirements into certain moral motives and personality traits that determine her actions to be the most significant for the psychology of will.

One of the central questions of the will is the question of the motivational conditionality of those specific volitional actions and deeds that a person is capable of at different periods of his life.

The question is also raised about the intellectual and moral foundations of the preschooler's volitional regulation. During preschool childhood, the nature of the volitional sphere of the personality becomes more complicated and its share in the general structure of behavior changes, which is manifested in an increasing desire to overcome difficulties. The development of the will at this age is closely related to the change in the motives of behavior, subordination to them.

The appearance of a certain volitional orientation, the promotion of a group of motives that become the most important for the child, leads to the fact that, guided by their behavior by these motives, the child consciously achieves the goal, without succumbing to the distracting influence of the environment. He gradually masters the ability to subordinate his actions to motives that are significantly removed from the goal of the action. In particular, for motives of a social nature, he develops a level of purposefulness typical of a preschooler.

At the same time, despite the fact that volitional actions appear at preschool age, the scope of their application and their place in the child's behavior remain extremely limited. Studies show that only the older preschooler is capable of long-term volitional efforts.

Features of voluntary behavior can be traced not only when observing a child in individual and group classes, but also with the help of special techniques.

From this it follows that the development of arbitrariness for purposeful activity, work according to the model, largely determines the school readiness of the child.

Moral readiness for schooling.

The moral formation of a preschooler is closely connected with a change in the nature of his relationship with adults and the birth in them of moral ideas and feelings on this basis, which L. S. Vygotsky called internal ethical instances.

D. B. Elkonin connects the emergence of ethical instances with a change in the relationship between adults and children. He writes that in preschool children, in contrast to children of early childhood, a new type of relationship develops, which creates a special social situation of development characteristic of this period.

In early childhood, the child's activities are carried out mainly in cooperation with adults: at preschool age, the child becomes able to independently satisfy many of his needs and desires. As a result, his joint activity with adults, as it were, disintegrates, along with which, the direct fusion of his existence with the life and activities of adults and children also weakens.

However, adults continue to be a constant attraction center around which the life of a child is built. This creates in children the need to participate in the lives of adults, to act according to the model. At the same time, they want not only to reproduce the individual actions of an adult, but also to imitate all the complex forms of his activity, his actions, his relationships with other people - in a word, the entire way of life of adults.

In the conditions of everyday behavior and his communication with adults, as well as in the practice of role-playing, a preschool child develops social knowledge of many social norms, but this meaning is not yet fully recognized by the child and is directly soldered to his positive and negative emotional experiences. The first ethical instances are still relatively simple systemic formations, which are the embryos of moral feelings, on the basis of which already quite mature moral feelings and beliefs are formed in the future. Moral instances generate moral motives of behavior in preschoolers, which can be stronger in their impact than many immediate needs, including elementary needs.

The system of subordinate motives begins to control the child's behavior at preschool age and determines his entire development. This position is supplemented by data from subsequent psychological studies. In preschool children, firstly, not just subordination of motives arises, but a relatively stable extra-situational subordination. At the head of the emerging hierarchical system are motives mediated in their structure. In preschoolers, they are mediated by the appeals of the behavior and activities of adults, their relationships, social norms, fixed in the corresponding moral instances.

The emergence of a relatively stable hierarchical structure of motives in a child by the end of preschool age transforms him from a situational being into a being with a certain internal unity and organization, capable of being guided by the social norms of life that are stable to him. This characterizes a new stage of the original, actual personality structure.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can say that school readiness is a complex phenomenon that includes intellectual, personal, volitional readiness. For successful education, the child must meet the requirements for him.


  1. Agafonova I.N. Psychological readiness for school in the context of the problem of adaptation. / "Primary School", 1999, No. 1.
  2. Vygotsky L. S. The history of the development of higher mental functions. / Collected Op. / M., 1983.
  3. Wenger A L. Diagnosis of orientation to the system of requirements in primary school age. / Diagnosis of educational activity and intellectual development of children. / M., 1981.
  4. Kravtsova EE Psychological problems of children's readiness for learning at school. / M., 1991.
  5. Features of the psychological development of children 6 - 7 years of age. / Ed. D. B. Elkonin, A. L. Venger. / M., 1988.
  6. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game. / M., 1978.


The main reasons for the unpreparedness of children for schooling

Psychological readiness for schooling is a multi-complex phenomenon; when children enter school, insufficient formation of any one component of psychological readiness is often revealed. This leads to difficulty or disruption of the child's adaptation at school. Conventionally, psychological readiness can be divided into academic readiness and socio-psychological readiness.

Pupils with a socio-psychological unpreparedness for learning, showing childish spontaneity, answer at the lesson at the same time (without raising their hands and interrupting each other), share their thoughts and feelings with the teacher. They are usually included in the work only when the teacher directly addresses them, and the rest of the time they are distracted, do not follow what is happening in the class, and violate discipline. Having high self-esteem, they are offended by remarks when the teacher or parents express dissatisfaction with their behavior, they complain that the lessons are uninteresting, the school is bad and the teacher is angry.

There are various options for the development of children 6-7 years old with personal characteristics that affect success in schooling.

1. Anxiety.

High anxiety acquires stability with constant dissatisfaction with the child's educational work on the part of the teacher and parents, an abundance of comments and reproaches. Anxiety arises from the fear of doing something bad, wrong. The same result is achieved in a situation where the child studies well, but parents expect more from him and make excessive demands, sometimes not real.

Due to the increase in anxiety and the low self-esteem associated with it, educational achievements are reduced, and failure is fixed. Uncertainty leads to a number of other features - the desire to madly follow the instructions of an adult, to act only according to patterns and patterns, the fear of taking the initiative, the formal assimilation of knowledge and methods of action. Adults, dissatisfied with the low productivity of the child's academic work, focus more and more on these issues in communicating with him, which increases emotional discomfort.

It turns out a vicious circle: the unfavorable personal characteristics of the child are reflected in the quality of his educational activities, the low performance of the activity causes a corresponding reaction from others, and this negative reaction, in turn, enhances the characteristics that have developed in the child.

This vicious cycle can be broken by changing the assessment attitudes of both the parent and the teacher. Close adults, focusing on the smallest achievements of the child, without blaming him for individual shortcomings, reduce the level of his anxiety and thus contribute to the successful completion of educational tasks.

2. Negativistic demonstrativeness.

Demonstrativeness is a personality trait associated with an increased need for success and attention from others. A child with this property behaves in a mannered way. His exaggerated emotional reactions serve as a means to achieve the main goal - to draw attention to himself, to receive approval. If for a child with high anxiety the main problem is the constant disapproval of adults, then for a demonstrative child it is a lack of praise. Negativism extends not only to the norms of school discipline, but also to the educational requirements of the teacher. Without accepting educational tasks, periodically “falling out” of the educational process, the child cannot acquire the necessary knowledge and methods of action, and successfully learn.

The source of demonstrativeness, which is clearly manifested already at preschool age, is usually the lack of attention of adults to children who feel “abandoned”, “unloved” in the family. It happens that the child receives sufficient attention, but it does not satisfy him due to the hypertrophied need for emotional contacts. Excessive demands are made, as a rule, by spoiled children. Children with negative demonstrativeness, violating the rules of behavior, achieve the attention they need. It can even be unkind attention, but it still serves as a reinforcement for demonstrativeness. The child, acting on the principle: "it's better to be scolded than not noticed," reacts perversely to attention and continues to do what he is punished for.

It is desirable for such children to find an opportunity for self-realization. The best place for demonstrativeness is the stage. In addition to participating in matinees, concerts, performances, other types of artistic activity, including fine art, are similar to children. But the most important thing is to remove or at least reduce the reinforcement of unacceptable forms of behavior. The task of adults is to do without notations and edifications, to make comments and punish as emotionally as possible.

3. "Escape from reality"- this is another option for unfavorable development.

It manifests itself when demonstrativeness is combined with anxiety in children. These children also have a strong need for attention to themselves, but they cannot realize it in a sharp theatrical form because of their anxiety. They are inconspicuous, afraid of arousing disapproval, striving to fulfill the requirements of adults. An unsatisfied need for attention leads to an increase in anxiety and even greater passivity, invisibility, which are usually combined with infantility, lack of self-control. Without achieving significant success in learning, such children, just like purely demonstrative ones, “drop out” of the learning process in the classroom. But it looks different; without violating discipline, without interfering with the work of the teacher and classmates, they "hover in the clouds." These kids love to dream. In dreams, various fantasies, the child gets the opportunity to become the main character, to achieve the recognition he lacks. In some cases, fantasy manifests itself in artistic and literary creativity. But always in fantasizing, in detachment from educational work, the desire for success and attention is reflected. This is also the departure from a reality that does not satisfy the child.

When adults encourage the activity of children, the manifestation of the results of their educational activities and the search for ways of creative self-realization, a relatively easy correction of their development is achieved.

Another urgent problem of the socio-psychological readiness of the child is the problem of the formation of qualities in children, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, the teacher. The child comes to school, a class in which children are engaged in a common cause and he needs to have sufficiently flexible ways of establishing relationships with other children, he needs the ability to enter a children's society, act together with others, the ability to retreat and defend himself.

Thus, socio-psychological readiness for learning involves the development in children of the need to communicate with others, the ability to obey the interests and customs of the children's group, the developing ability to cope with the role of a schoolchild in a situation of schooling.

Psychological readiness for school is a holistic education. The lag in the development of one component sooner or later entails a lag or distortion in the development of others. Complex deviations are observed in cases where the initial psychological readiness for schooling can be quite high, but due to some personal characteristics, children experience significant difficulties in learning. The prevailing intellectual unreadiness for learning leads to the failure of learning activities, the inability to understand and fulfill the requirements of the teacher and, consequently, low grades. With intellectual unpreparedness, different options for the development of children are possible. Verbalism is a kind of variant. Verbalism is associated with a high level of speech development, good memory development against the background of insufficient development of perception and thinking. These children develop speech early and intensively. They possess complex grammatical constructions, a rich vocabulary. At the same time, preferring purely verbal communication with adults, children are not sufficiently involved in practical activities, business cooperation with teachers and games with other children.

Verbalism leads to one-sidedness in the development of thinking, the inability to work according to a model, to correlate one's actions with given methods and some other features, which does not allow one to study successfully at school.

Correctional work with these children consists in teaching the types of activities characteristic of preschool age - playing, designing, drawing, i.e. those that correspond to the development of thinking.

The educational readiness also includes a certain level of development of the motivational sphere. Ready for schooling is a child who is attracted to the school not by the external side (attributes of school life - a portfolio, textbooks, notebooks), but by the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, which involves the development of preparatory processes. The future student needs to arbitrarily control his behavior, cognitive activity, which becomes possible with the formed hierarchical system of motives. Thus, the child must have a developed educational motivation.

Motivational immaturity often leads to problems in knowledge, low productivity of educational activities.

The admission of a child to school is associated with the emergence of the most important personal neoplasm - an internal position. This is the motivational center that ensures the child's focus on learning, his emotionally positive attitude towards school, the desire to match the model of a good student. In cases where the student's internal position is not satisfied, he may experience sustained emotional distress: expectation of success at school, a bad attitude towards himself, fear of school, unwillingness to attend it.

Thus, the child has a feeling of anxiety, this is the beginning for the appearance of fear and anxiety. Fears are age-related and neurotic. Age fears are noted in emotional, sensitive children as a reflection of the characteristics of their mental and personal development. They arise under the influence of the following factors: the presence of fears in parents (anxiety in relations with the child, excessive protection from dangers and isolation from communication with peers, a large number of prohibitions and threats from adults). Neurotic fears are characterized by greater emotional intensity and direction, a long course or constancy. The social position of the student, imposing on him a sense of responsibility, duty, obligation, can provoke the fear of "being the wrong one." The child is afraid not to be in time, to be late, to do the wrong thing, to be condemned, punished.

First-graders who, for various reasons, cannot cope with the academic load, eventually fall into a number of underachievers, which, in turn, leads to both neurosis and school fear. Children who have not acquired the necessary experience of communicating with adults and peers before school are not self-confident, they are afraid not to meet the expectations of adults, they experience difficulties in adapting to the school team and fear of the teacher.

You can identify the fears of younger students using the methods of unfinished sentences and drawing fears.

School anxiety is a relatively mild form of manifestation of a child's emotional distress. It is expressed in excitement, increased anxiety in educational situations, in the classroom, the expectation of a bad attitude towards oneself, a negative assessment from teachers and peers. The child feels his own inferiority. However, this, as a rule, does not cause much concern on the part of adults. However, anxiety is one of the harbingers of neurosis, and work to overcome it is work on the psychoprophylaxis of neurosis.

After an adaptation period, usually lasting from one to three months, the situation changes: emotional well-being and self-esteem stabilize. It is after this that children with genuine school anxiety can be identified. You can do this with an anxiety test.

The work of a teacher or psychologist to relieve school anxiety and fears can be carried out directly in the course of training sessions, when separate methods and techniques are used, as well as in a special group. It will have an effect only if the environment in the family and school is gentle and supports the child in a positive attitude towards him from others.

All of the above says that the lack of formation of one component of school readiness leads the child to psychological difficulties and problems in adapting to school.

This makes it necessary to provide psychological assistance at the stage of preparing the child for school in order to eliminate possible deviations.


Psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with insufficient readiness for schooling

The problem of psychological readiness for schooling is extremely relevant. On the one hand, the definition of the goals and content of education and upbringing in preschool institutions depends on the definition of its essence, readiness indicators, ways of its formation, on the other hand, the success of the subsequent development and education of children at school. Many teachers (Gutkina N.I., Kravtsova E.E., etc.) and psychologists associate the successful adaptation of a child in the 1st grade with readiness for schooling.

Adaptation in the 1st grade is a special and difficult period of adaptation in a child's life: he learns a new social role of the student, a new type of activity - educational, the social environment changes - classmates, teachers and the school appear, as a large social group in which the child is included, the way of life changes his life. A child who is not psychologically ready for learning in one or another aspect of school maturity experiences difficulties in adapting to school and may be maladjusted.

School maladjustment is understood as a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the socio-psychological and psychophysical status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult or, in extreme cases, impossible. Violations of mental development leads to certain violations of school adaptation. Intellectual disorders lead to difficulties in mastering educational activities, personal disorders lead to difficulties in communication and interaction with others, neurodynamic features (hyperdynamic syndrome, psychomotor retardation or instability of mental processes) affect behavior, which can disrupt both educational activities and relationships with others.

In this regard, it seems that in the concept of "readiness for school" it is possible to distinguish two substructures: readiness for educational activities (as a preventive measure for educational maladaptation) and socio-psychological

readiness for school (as a line of prevention of socio-psychological maladaptation to school).

To what extent is the problem of socio-psychological readiness for school relevant and is it stated in primary school?

R.V. Ovcharova indicate that the phenomenon of socio-psychological maladaptation exists in elementary school students and can manifest itself in approximately 37% of cases.

The degree of maladjustment is different: from problematic to conflict and socio-cultural neglect. The manifestations of disadaptation are different - they can be distinguished according to objective and outwardly expressed indicators: sociometric statuses, unwillingness or insecure or aggressive behavior, as well as subjective experiences: dissatisfaction, anxiety and hostility.

In order to prevent and correct the socio-psychological maladjustment of children aged 6-7, developmental work is needed.

Developing work with children who are not ready for school should be carried out even before the start of systematic schooling. But since the diagnosis of psychological readiness for school is actually carried out only 3-4 months before the start of schooling, developmental work is also possible with first-graders.

Such work is successfully carried out in specialdevelopment groups,in which a program that develops the child's psyche is not implemented.

In the development group, special tasks are not set to teach children to read, count, write. But as a task, the mental development of the child to the level of readiness for school is considered.

Development groups are fundamentally different fromtraining groups,in which children train individual mental functions.

For In order for the development team to bring the expected result, scrupulous adherence tomethodological principles,laid at its foundation. These are the principles:

  1. the development of individual mental processes through the restructuring and development of the motivational sphere of the child;
  2. subjective attitude to the child;
  3. developmental work should be based on an individual approach that takes into account the “zone of proximal development” of the child;
  4. classes should be held in a playful way and arouse keen interest among group members;
  5. relations with children should be friendly and friendly; mentoring position and censure for failure are unacceptable;
  6. the child should have the right to make mistakes;
  7. success should be experienced by the guys as a joy; this is facilitated by a positive emotional assessment of any achievement of the student by the leader of the group;
  8. Great attention in the classroom should be given to the development of children's ability to self-assess their work.

The last point requires further clarification. Evaluation is not a mark expressed by one or another point (“one”, “two”, ... “five”), but a verbal detailed analysis of the merits and demerits of the quality of the work performed. At first, the adult himself explains to the child what he did well and what did not work out, and this kind of explanation should be in the most benevolent form, in no case should the student be scolded for mistakes. Then the leader of the group, together with the child, evaluates the result of his work. After some time, the student is invited to independently analyze the quality of their work.

You can invite team members to rate each other's work. This kind of training in self-analysis of the results of one's own work contributes to the development of self-control during the performance of tasks, as well as an adequate perception of the teacher's assessment.

Particular attention should be paid to the behavior of the one who leads the group. First of all, a psychologist or a teacher who conducts classes should infect children with their emotionality. He, as it were, pours his energy into the guys, trying to stir them up and ignite their interest in the proposed tasks. Figuratively, we can say that the leader of the group is an emotional donor for its members. The emotional background on which classes are held is also very important because it contributes to the assimilation of information coming from an adult. The more diverse the behavior of the latter (facial expressions, gestures, intonation of speech, etc.), the easier and faster the information transmitted by him is assimilated, since the background against which some content is presented constantly causes an orienting reaction from listeners. The leader of the group can be compared to an actor who keeps the audience in suspense throughout the performance.

The principles of conducting a development group are the basis that allows you to apply special methods for the development of children. The main technique developed specifically for this group is the development of cognitive motivation and arbitrariness in the learning situation for children of preschool and primary school age (Gutkina N.I., 2000, 2003). This technique is the main one, because it allows you to work even with those children who are not ready for schooling, who are almost not interested in anything, do not want anything, do not have needs in the spiritual sphere. Therefore, the primary task in working withthem to awaken their desire to learn something. It is about awakening such a desire, since every baby is born withthe need for new experiences. But the need for new experiences is a cognitive need, which means that the desire to learn new things is a basic human need that is inherent in every normal person, but can be expressed to varying degrees. And this degree of severity depends on how we saturate this need, since it belongs to the highest non-saturable needs. Cognitive interest can be compared to a fire, which constantly needs new fuel in the form of new impressions, knowledge, and skills to burn. Without this "fuel" the fire of knowledgestarts to smolder and go out. This metaphor applies especially to children, whose cognitive interest is like a weak fire that must be fanned so that it does not go out. And if we inflate it, then a strong, raging flame itself captures the new "fuel". In children who in childhood do not receive the communication they need with parents and other close adults who satisfy and stimulate their cognitive need, the latter dies out in the bud, but it does not die, but remains in an undeveloped form.

The main task of the development group is the formation of cognitive motivation and, on its basis, the development of children as a whole. As a result, the child develops learning motivation.

The main content material used in development groups is educational games, among which there must be the following:

Games that expand the horizons and vocabulary of the child;

Logical games;

Games with rules;

Games that develop phonemic hearing;

Games that develop attention and memory;

Games that develop fine and gross motor skills of the child;

Games for orientation in space.

Due to the fact that many today's preschoolers do not know how to play role-playing games, an adult has to organize these games in a development group and teach children a role-playing game, during which a symbolic function, an internal plan of action, fantasy, etc.

But in addition to all kinds of games, a significant place in the program of the development group should be given to classes in literature, in which children get acquainted with good children's books. In the same classes, the children learn to speak correctly and literary.

The program of literature read to children should be different depending on the degree of their development. Children with a lack of cognitive interest should start reading the simplest fairy tales (such as "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Ryaba the Hen"). Moreover, at the beginning, reading should be very short, no more than 5 minutes, since these children are not used to listening to books, and they are not interested in it. After reading, you need to talk with the guys about what they read, ask them questions about the text. When answering questions, praise children for any attempt to answer.

It is very good to stimulate interest in reading the dramatization of what was read, which is played out by the children immediately after reading a fairy tale or story. This is done in the following way. The leader of the group warns the children that now they will listen to a fairy tale, and then they will put on a small performance based on this fairy tale. After the first reading of the text, the adult asks which of the characters in the fairy tale the guys remember and who wants to be who. Having distributed the roles, they listen to the tale one or two more times, and then, with the help of an adult, they stage it. If someone did not get the role, then he participates in the same staging when it is re-executed. In addition, it is recommended to repeat the same dramatization several times so that children can change roles.

The method of using staging is based on the fact that, having received a role, the child perceives the text with a different motivational setting, which contributes to highlighting and remembering the main meaning of the plot, as well as speech turns that enrich the literary speech of children.

Gradually, the children get used to reading, listen willingly, can answer questions about the text, and even ask themselves to read the books they love.

In the classroom, be sure to devote time to compiling children's stories based on plot pictures. First, for this, you can use pictures that are illustrations for read literary works. Then the guys should make up stories from pictures with a plot unknown to them. In addition, it is necessary to teach children to retell the read text. This is done in the following way. An adult reads a short passage of text to the child and asks to highlight the main idea in it. Then he reads the next passage and again asks to highlight the main idea. After that, the child must connect together the highlighted main ideas. Then reading the text, highlighting and sequential connection of the main thoughts continues until the child retells the entire text.

As children develop cognitive interest and improve their mental development in general, after they start listening to books with pleasure, cope with phonemic hearing games and logic games, you can start learning to read and count. But the basics of reading and counting should also be given in a playful way, and not in the form of lessons.

The suggested developmental groups are best done with children aged 5.5 to 7 years before starting first grade. The development group, functioning in parallel with studies in the first grade, gives an effect only if the actions of the psychologist and the teacher are coordinated. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out. Most often, a child who is not ready for schooling, studying in the first grade, also acquires a negative attitude towards school and towards learning in general, since he constantly experiences failure in the class. In this regard, in a development group that works in parallel with schooling, it is very difficult to solve one of the main tasks for which it is created, namely, to develop a child's learning motivation.

Development groups also have a diagnostic function. After a year of classes, they quite accurately allow you to identify children who need education in a special school or a correctional and developmental class. These will be mentally retarded children and children with severe forms of mental retardation, for whom purposeful developmental work does not give the expected effect. It can be said that development groups make it possible to more accurately determine the contingent of special schools, since the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission sending a child to such schools before the start of training does not exclude errors. After development groups, many problem children will be able to successfully study further in the primary grades of a comprehensive school.


  1. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. / M., 2000.
  1. Zaporozhets A.V. Preparing children for school. Fundamentals of preschool pedagogy / Edited by A.V. Zaporozhets, G.A. Markova. / M., 1980.
  1. Ovcharova R. V. Practical psychology in elementary school. / M., 1999.
  1. Practical Psychology of Education: Textbook. / Ed. I. V. Dubrovina. / St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.


"Your child is going to school"

Speech by Kvasova V.V. at the school-wide parent meeting

Your child is going to first grade, you are happy and proud. And of course you are worried. You think about how his school life will develop in the future. And even if he is well prepared for school (reads, counts, speaks well, writes in block letters), you still have some kind of anxiety. Other parents are worried: “But we still don’t know how to write and read!” Nothing wrong with that. It is more important to determine what qualities your child has for success in school.

To understand how ready your child is for school, you need to know what qualities a child must first of all have in order to succeed in 1st grade. These qualities can be represented as follows:

1. Positive motivation

I want to learn

Parents should make every effort to develop this wonderful quality in their children, because it will become the key to their successful studies in the future. Parents should not forget that during the period of entering school, almost every child is trusting and open to any school undertaking. And this is the most favorable opportunity to form the necessary positive qualities in a child. One of them is the desire to learn. And if before school you tell your, perhaps not very successful experience of teaching at school, or if you scare the child, “If you go to school, they will teach you there!”, then it will be very difficult for the child to enter school life.

2. Student position

I am a student

From the first days at school, support your child's new status. It’s good if in the last days of August or September 1 you arrange a family holiday with entertainment and gifts in honor of a new student.

Remember! Grades are not given in grade 1, and your child goes to school not for an A or a D, not for a candy or an asterisk, but for new knowledge. In every possible way support in the child the desire to learn new things, sincerely daily “What are you interested in? What are you interested in? What did you learn new?

3. Organization of behavior

I know how to behave

To successfully study in the first grade, the child must learn to understand the learning task, that is, the way of activity that the teacher offers. This requires arbitrariness of attention, the ability to plan and control their activities, their behavior. It is difficult for those children who for the first time have to comprehend the meaning of the words “should” and “should not”.

4. Communicative skills

I can communicate

An equally important condition for a child to be prepared for school is the ability to live in a team, to take into account the interests of the people around him. If a child quarrels over trifles, does not know how to correctly assess his behavior, it is difficult for him to get used to school.

  1. Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours.
  2. He asked - give, they are trying to take away - try to defend yourself.
  3. Don't fight - do nothing.
  4. Don't approach anyone yourself.
  5. Call to play - go, do not call - ask, it's not a shame.
  6. Do not play - go, do not call - ask, it's not a shame.
  7. Don't tease, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone twice for anything.
  8. Don't sneak behind your comrades' backs.
  9. Don't be dirty, children don't like dirty, don't be clean either.
  10. Say more often: let's be friends, let's play.
  11. And don't show up! You are not the best, you are not the worst, you are my favorite, go to school, and let it be your joy, and I will wait and think about you.

I hope you noticed that all the positions that we have considered begin with the word"I". It is not you - the parents, but a separate from you - an independently thinking person, with his views and abilities, with his habits and character, should be ready for school according to the following criteria.

Readiness criteria for school:

  1. physical,
  2. moral,
  3. psychological,
  4. mental.

Physical readiness:
According to the sanitary and epidemiological rules "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in educational institutions"
children of the seventh or eighth year of life are admitted to the first grades of schools at the discretion of the parents or on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission on the readiness of the child for learning.

A prerequisite for the admission to school of children of the seventh year of life is that they reach the age of at least six and a half years by September 1. Education of children under six and a half years old by the beginning of the school year is carried out in a kindergarten.

Before school with a child, you must definitely go through a medical commission and listen to its recommendations. If necessary, treat the child. Check your child's vision and hearing before and during school.

Success in education directly depends on the state of health of the child. Every day attending school, the kid gets used to the rhythm of her life, to the daily routine, learns to fulfill the requirements of the teacher. Frequent illnesses knock him out of the usual rhythm of school life, he has to catch up with the class, and this causes many children to lose faith in their strength. And problems with vision or hearing not noticed in time reduce the likelihood of successful learning by 2 times.

Moral readiness:
- the ability to build relationships with the teacher;
- ability to communicate with peers;
- politeness, restraint, obedience.
- attitude towards oneself (lack of low self-esteem).
- You cannot compare your child's achievements with the achievements of other children.
- You can not force the child to work for the "assessment".
- It is necessary to praise your children more often, even for the slightest successes.

Psychological readiness:
- these are the 4 "Selves" that we talked about: -

I want to learn

I am a student

I know how to behave

I can communicate

A certain level of development of thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills, spatial orientation.

Development of school-significant psychological functions:

- development of small muscles of the hand (the hand is well developed, the child confidently owns a pencil, scissors);
- spatial organization, coordination of movements (the ability to correctly determine above - below, forward - backward, left - right);
- coordination in the eye system - hand (the child can correctly transfer the simplest graphic image - a pattern, a figure - visually perceived at a distance (for example, from books) into a notebook);

Development of logical thinking (the ability to find similarities and differences between different objects when comparing, the ability to correctly combine objects into groups according to common essential features);
- development of voluntary attention (the ability to keep attention on the work performed for 15-20 minutes);
- development of arbitrary memory (the ability to mediate memorization: to associate the memorized material with a specific symbol / word - picture or word - situation /).

Thinking readiness:
The most important indicators are the development of thinking and speech.
It is very useful to teach a child to build simple reasoning, conclusions, using the words: “because”; "if, then"; "that's why".
Teach kids how to ask questions. It is very useful. Thinking always starts with a question. You can't make a thought work by just saying "think."
Speech is the basis on which the educational process is built. Proficiency in monologue speech is especially important. For a child, this is a retelling. After reading, ask the child a few questions about the content, ask them to retell.
Pay special attention to orientation in space. Does your child correctly understand and use prepositions and concepts in speech: above, below, on, above, under, below, above, between, in front of, behind, in front of ..., behind of ..., closer, further, left, right, left, right, closest to…, furthest from… etc.

What is important is not the amount of knowledge of the child, but the quality of knowledge:
It is important to teach not to read, but to develop speech.

All parents need to check their son or daughter with a speech therapist in a timely manner. Classes started on time will help the child correct speech defects. Otherwise, under the influence of stuttering, burr, lisp and other speech defects, the child becomes shy, withdrawn. In addition, speech defects make it difficult to master literacy, hinder the formation of the skill of correct writing by ear.

It is important not to teach writing, but to create conditions for the development of fine motor skills of the hand.
For full development, a preschooler needs to communicate with peers, adults, play educational games, listen to reading books, draw, sculpt, fantasize.
The more the child is involved in preparing for school, discussing the future, the more he knows about the school, about the new life, the easier it will be for him personally to get involved in it.

Already now, try very gradually to correlate your baby's daily routine with the schoolchild's daily routine.
In order for the child to be able to hear the teacher, pay attention to how he understands your verbal instructions and requirements, which should be clear, friendly, laconic, calm.
Do not scare your child with future difficulties at school!
Pay special attention to the preparation for the letter:
The child should take the pen correctly and with warm fingers. Start with coloring pages. Then gradually replace the coloring with stenciling and shading. The line should be directed from top to bottom, from right to left, and if it is a curve, then counterclockwise. The distance between the lines of 0.5 cm is the basic principle of our written alphabet. Remember, children get tired from these activities as well as from reading.

If your child is left-handed, individually seek advice from a primary school teacher or a psychologist.

success in preparation for mathematicsdepends on the development and ability to move in three-dimensional space. Therefore, help your child to be fluent in such concepts: "up-down", "right-left", "straight, in a circle, obliquely", "bigger-smaller", "older-younger", "horizontal-vertical", etc. ., combine objects into groups according to one attribute, compare, count within 10 and vice versa, add and subtract within 5.


When preparing for school, you must remain a loving and understanding parent for your child and not take on the role of a teacher!

The child willingly does only what he can do, so he cannot be lazy.
Try not to compare the achievements of the child with your own, or with the achievements of your older brother, or classmates (do not voice this in front of the child, even if they are in his favor!).
Your love and patience will serve as a guarantor of confident progress in your studies for your baby.

Six years flew by completely unnoticed - and now it's time to see off your baby in the first grade. But how to understand whether the child is ready for school, is it worth starting training from the age of 6, or is it better to postpone this crucial step until the 7th birthday? There are a number of criteria for a child's readiness to study at school, by which one can judge whether a preschooler is "fully armed" and whether he can withstand such loads.

What is the best age to start school?

At 6-7 years old - this is the age at which the baby acquires a new status - the status of a schoolboy, student. This is an important and responsible period in the life of not only the child himself, but also his parents.

Very often, children find it difficult to adapt to new working conditions, they become capricious, nervous, wake up more often in a bad mood, eat poorly, thereby causing a lot of trouble to their parents. Child psychologists say that the beginning of schooling, unfortunately, often also becomes the beginning of neuropsychiatric disorders. What's the matter?

You can not approach all children with the same requirements.

In education, it is extremely important to take into account age characteristics. That is why children of primary school age are divided into two large groups: six-year-olds - children who started school at the age of 6, and seven-year-olds - children who started school at the age of 7.

The difference between these two groups in the learning process is almost imperceptible, however, teachers note that six-year-olds are more active, quick-witted and energetic, while seven-year-olds are more consistent, reasonable and attentive. Most likely, this is due to the speed of mental processes that allow some children to easily perceive educational material at the age of 6, while others need a longer time to prepare.

The answer to the question of at what age it is better to start schooling is purely individual. A child's readiness for school is determined not only by mental, but also by psychological and moral development. It is extremely important to know this both for those parents who strive to give their child as much knowledge as possible from an early age, and for those parents who, pitying their baby, give him another year to rest.

In pedagogy, there are many techniques for determining whether a child is ready for school. It uses a huge number of psychological research methods: observation, conversation, comparison, testing, analysis, and the like.

How to determine if a child is ready for school: outlook and attentiveness

Many parents believe that the main thing for school readiness is the mental development of the child. Of course, knowledge of the alphabet, numbers, the ability to add syllables is a good help for a child, but special hours are allocated for this in the school curriculum. The concept of “intellectual readiness for schooling” refers to the horizons of the child, that is, how well he knows children's fairy tales, stories, whether he knows how to read poems, whether he understands their meaning, how inquisitive he is.

In addition, it is extremely important to take into account the psychological readiness of the child for school. Pedagogy very often faces the fact that smart children who learned to read and count early face serious problems in the learning process, and vice versa. How can this be explained? Psychologists and primary school teachers have their own criteria.

When selecting children for the first grade of a general education school, psychologists first of all pay attention to such a component of readiness for school as the skill of quickly mastering new material. This is very important, since during home or kindergarten training, parents and educators most often resort to a game, during which it is easier for a child to memorize letters, numbers, add syllables, etc.

At school, he will have to accumulate knowledge from the stories of the teacher, from the exercises performed in the classroom, from visual material, examples. In order to perceive educational material, to acquire skills, a child entering the first grade must be attentive. Readiness to study at school depends on whether the child is able to listen and highlight the main thing, observe and draw appropriate conclusions, ask questions and, most importantly, remember the answers to them.

Most often, only an experienced teacher and psychologist can determine whether a child is ready for school, so every summer (before the start of a new academic year), schools conduct interviews with children 6-7 years old.

Attentiveness- one of the main criteria for a child's readiness for school, one of the main requirements for first-graders. You can determine how carefully the baby listens to the stories of adults or looks at pictures in books using simple tasks. For example, ask your child to come up with a name for a picture. For this test, it is better to select simple drawings that clearly indicate the main character or action. Give him a few minutes to prepare, and then ask him to announce the invented name and explain why he chose it. As a rule, children quickly cope with this task. Do not rush to scold the child if he came up with an unexpected name for a simple drawing, final conclusions should be drawn only after his explanation.

Another simple task to check the child's intellectual readiness for school can be funny puzzles. For example: a birch grows in the yard, there are 5 large branches on the tree, 3 medium and 2 small ones. One large apple ripened on each branch. How many apples will grandpa pick? An attentive child will immediately understand that nothing needs to be counted here, since apples do not grow on a birch. Do not rush the child with the answer, but do not delay the thought. As a general rule, mindfulness tests should not take more than 5 minutes.

Also, an important criterion for a child's readiness for school is the ability to read - a skill necessary for the successful development of the school curriculum, therefore, when preparing for school, he is given special attention.

How to understand if a child is ready for school: social criteria

The next component of the child's readiness for school is his preparedness for life in the school community.

Practice shows that children who attended kindergarten adapt to a new team much easier than those brought up at home. The atmosphere in the classroom is very important for the learning process. Friendly relations between children instill in them a sense of mutual assistance, mutual support, friendship.

Communicating with peers, first-graders form a single model of behavior (which is controlled and set, of course, by the teacher), they look at positive results and notice negative ones. To understand whether a child is ready for school, to find out how sociable, friendly, sociable he is, you can use the method of observation. Watching how your child plays with other children, you may well determine his social readiness for school, how easy or difficult it will be for him to get along in the school team. First of all, follow the speech of the preschooler. At this age, the child may well ask for the right thing, say hello or say goodbye to friends, ask permission to play team games, etc. but also share information with your classmates.

Equally important for social readiness to study at school are such factors as friendliness and contact. Excessive aggression, rudeness, greed at this age indicate mental disorders. If the kid does not want to communicate with the guys at the preparatory courses, tries to seem worse than he is, dramatically changes his behavior in the presence of teachers, perhaps he is not yet mentally ready for school or he needs the help of a psychologist.

Discipline deserves special attention in determining social readiness for school. Therefore, it is extremely important that the kid entering the school be disciplined. He must be responsible, diligent, calm, show respect for adults and his peers, know the rules of conduct in an educational institution, at the table, in the company of strangers, be aware of the importance of schooling, and not perceive it as a game.

How to know if a child is ready for school: interests and inclinations

In addition to identifying the above criteria for a child's readiness to study at school, when recruiting for the first grade, psychologists often try to identify the interests and inclinations of the child. Today, the process of schooling is constantly being modernized. This is done with the aim that schoolchildren can not only gain knowledge, but also realize themselves, develop their talents and abilities.

The practice of enrolling children in the first grades shows how diverse their preparation and hobbies are. Therefore, in recent years, the division of classes according to profiles has been increasingly practiced. So, children with well-developed humanitarian abilities are defined in the humanitarian class, mathematical - in mathematical, creative - in creative, sports - in sports.

If the first two profiles are quite understandable (they teach according to inclinations), then the latter are not yet so popular.

Sports and creative classes, along with the general education program (which is standard for classes of any profile), introduce a large number of electives. In the first case, these are sports, in the second - creativity. Despite some exoticism, it is very convenient, as the child will be able to combine study and development of his talents.

In addition to the division by profiles, the first classes are divided according to the degree of preparation of students. Thus, it is quite clear that it will be very difficult for children with low intellectual readiness for school to keep up with their more prepared peers. To do this, within the framework of one school, classes with increased and reduced workload are created. In the first case, the main material is presented more widely, additional information is offered, many electives are introduced, in the second case, the main educational material is presented as simply and accessible as possible, more time is given to study complex topics.

Do not worry if your child does not yet meet the criteria for school readiness and therefore did not start first grade at age 6. There is nothing wrong with this, rather, on the contrary, after the interview, teachers and school psychologists will give recommendations on what abilities should be developed in the child, what methods of education are better to use, what methods to give preference to. In this case, it makes sense to attend special additional classes where professional teachers and psychologists will prepare the child for school. Also, do not be upset if the baby is in a class with a light load. The material is the same here, only the approach to teaching is different.

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At the senior preschool age (5.5 - 7 years) there is a rapid development and restructuring in the work of all physiological systems of the child's body: nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal. The child quickly gains in height and weight, body proportions change. There are significant changes in higher nervous activity. According to its characteristics, the brain of a six-year-old child is more similar to the brain of an adult. The body of a child in the period from 5.5 to 7 years indicates readiness for the transition to a higher stage of age development, involving more intense mental and physical stress associated with systematic schooling.

Methodology for determining and criteria for children's readiness for school

The readiness of a child to study at school equally depends on the physiological, social and mental development of the child. These are not different types of readiness for school, but different aspects of its manifestation in various forms of activity.
For successful learning and personal development of the child, it is important that he goes to school prepared, taking into account his general physical development, motor skills, and the state of the nervous system. And this is not the only condition. One of the most essential components is psychological readiness.
“Psychological readiness” is a necessary and sufficient level of a child’s mental development for mastering the school curriculum in the conditions of learning in a peer group” (Venerg).
For most children, it develops by the age of seven. The content of psychological readiness includes a certain system of requirements that will be presented to the child during training, and it is important that he is able to cope with them. It must be remembered that “readiness for school” is understood not as separate knowledge and skills, but as a certain set of them, in which all the basic elements must be present, although the level of their development may be different.
When it comes to psychological readiness for school, they also assume the intellectual, emotional, ethical, volitional and motivational readiness of the child.
Motivational readiness is the desire to learn in children.
Volitional readiness is necessary for the normal adaptation of children to school conditions. This is not so much about the ability of children to obey, but about the ability to listen, to delve into the content of what an adult is talking about.
Intellectual readiness - many parents believe that it is she who is the main component of psychological readiness for school, and its basis is teaching children the skills of writing, reading and counting. This belief is the cause of parents' mistakes in preparing children for school, as well as the cause of their disappointment in selecting children for school. In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply that the child has any specific formed knowledge and skills (for example, reading), although, of course, the child must have certain skills.
I, as a teacher - psychologist of a preschool educational institution, annually carry out diagnostics to determine the level of psychological readiness for school of children in preparatory groups.
Let us consider in more detail the methods used for diagnostics.

Diagnostics of the formation of educational motivation

It is very important that, entering the threshold of the school, the child was ready to accept a new unified social position - to the position of a schoolchild who has a range of important duties and rights, to a new way of life. This type of readiness is called personal. It is expressed in how the child relates to school, to learning activities, to teachers and to himself.
If the child is not ready for the social position of a schoolboy, then even if he has a relatively high level of intellectual development, he will study very unevenly. Success is obvious if the classes cause him a direct interest. But if - no, and it is necessary to perform educational tasks out of a sense of duty and responsibility, such a first-grader does it carelessly, hastily and, as a rule, does not achieve a good result.
The formation of the "internal position of the student", as well as the development of the motivational-need sphere is revealed in a free conversation using questionnaire L.I. Bozhovich and N.I. Gutkina.
During the conversation, it is possible to determine whether the child has cognitive and educational motivation, as well as the cultural level of the environment in which he grows up.
During the conversation, the child is asked 11 questions. It is believed that children have a high level of motivational readiness for learning if they explain their desire to study at school by the fact that they “want to be smart”, “to know a lot”, etc. such children are referred to the 1st level of readiness. In the school game, they prefer the role of a student in order to “do tasks”, “answer questions”.
The 2nd level of readiness includes children who also express a desire to go to school, which is explained, however, by external factors: “they don’t sleep during the day at school”, “Everyone will go, and I will go.” Such children usually prefer the role of a teacher in games.
The 3rd level includes preschoolers who demonstrate indifference towards this issue: “I don’t know”, “if my parents lead me, I’ll go”, etc.
The 4th level of readiness includes children who actively do not want to go to school.
As a result, in our preschool educational institution, out of 61 examined preschoolers, 32 children (52%) show the 1st level of formation of the internal position of a schoolchild; 2nd level - 22 children (36%); 3rd level - 4 children (7%); 4- level -3 children (5%).
Experimental Conversation Questions
1. Do you want to go to school? Why?
2. Do you want to stay in kindergarten for one more year?
3. What activities do you like most in kindergarten? Why?
4. Do you like having books read to you?
5. Do you ask yourself to be read a book?
6. What are your favorite books?
7. Do you try to do a job that you can't do, or do you quit?
8. Do you like school supplies?
9. If you are allowed to use school supplies at home, but you are not allowed to go to school, will that suit you? Why?
10. If you are going to play school with the guys now, who would you like to be: a student or a teacher? Why?
11. In the game at school, what would you like: to have a longer lesson or a break? Why?

For indicative assessment of the level of school maturity, mental development of the child, his eye and ability to imitate, as well as the severity of fine motor coordination was used Kern-Irasek test.
School - mature - 45 preschoolers (74%)
medium - mature - 16 preschoolers (26%),
immature - 0 children (0%).

Intellectual readiness. Definition of mental performance.

An important criterion for determining the level of school maturity of children is the idea of ​​mental performance and its dynamics in the learning process. In the study of mental performance, curly tables were used according to the methodology developed at the Research Institute of Physiology of Children in order to determining the level of switching and distribution of attention. It was necessary to put a given sign in a specific figure (in a triangle - a minus, in a circle - a plus, in a square - a tick, in a rhombus - a dot). The results were as follows: a high level of switching and distribution of attention - 10%, 73% - an average level, 17% - a low level.

Level of visual perception children determines the speed of memorization and adequate reproduction of the read text, the level of visual self-control. During the test, the child's knowledge of geometric shapes was revealed.
The child was shown a table with a schematic representation of the object. Instruction: “Tell me, what figures are these drawings made of?”

Evaluation of results
The task is considered completed, evaluated with a + sign, if the child correctly found and named all the shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle) or made 1-2 mistakes - 1st level.
The task is considered completed, evaluated with a + sign, if the child made 3-4 mistakes - 2nd level.
The task is considered not completed, it is evaluated with a sign - if the child made 5 mistakes or more.

auditory perception

To identify the level of auditory perception - to identify the child's comprehension of the read and dictated text by ear.
Exercise. A sentence is dictated to the child: “Seryozha got up, washed, had breakfast, took a briefcase and went to school.” After that, he is asked about the procedure for Serezha's actions.
Evaluation of results.
Unmistakable answers are evaluated with a sign + - 1st level. If the child made 1-3 mistakes, the answer is evaluated with a sign + - 2nd level, more than 3 errors - the test is considered failed and is evaluated with a sign - - 3rd level.
visual perception
high level - 48 children - 79%
average level - 10 children - 16%
low level - 3 children - 5% Auditory perception
high level - 42 children - 69%
average level - 17 children - 28%
low level - 2 children - 3%

Memory research

short-term speech memory
Instruction: “Now I will tell you the words, and you listen carefully and remember. When I stop talking, immediately repeat everything that you remember, in any order. Words to remember:
1. Cat, shine, moment, cream, drill, goose, night, cake, beam, bread.

short-term visual memory

Instructions: “And here are the pictures. Watch and remember. Then I will take these pictures from you, and you will tell me everything that you remember, in any order. The time for presenting pictures is 25–30 seconds.

The results were as follows:
short-term visual memory
high level - 14 children - 23%
average level - 45 children - 74%
low level - 2 children - 3% Short-term speech memory
high level - 1 child - 1%
average level - 55 children - 91%
low level - 5 children - 8%

The study of thinking

The operational components of thinking is a system of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, classification, systematization. When conducting test "Put in sequence and make up a story" the level of understanding of the main thing in the picture, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and interdependencies was revealed. A story based on a series of pictures characterizes the child's speech (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure of the sentence).
Thus, summing up the results of psychological diagnostics, the results were as follows:
A high level of readiness for school was shown by 30 preschoolers (49%)
The average level of readiness for school is 28 preschoolers (46%)
Low level of readiness for school - 3 preschoolers (5%).

This examination is carried out in two stages (at the beginning of the academic year and at the end). After comprehensive processing, the results of the examination of the child are recorded in the registration form for individual results. With children who showed poor results at the beginning of the school year, corrective work is planned throughout the year. It can be carried out both individually and in large and small groups.
When analyzing the effectiveness of completing test tasks, one should take into account not only the level of actual achievements of the child (what he knows and can do today), but also what the child can achieve with the help of an adult. The discrepancy between the level of actual development, which is determined with the help of independently solved tasks, and the level that is achieved by the child in cooperation with an adult, determines his "zone of proximal development" (L.S. Vygotsky).

1. Aizman R.I., G.N. Zharova. Preparing a child for school. - M., 1991.
2. Babkina N. Evaluation of the psychological readiness of children for school: a guide for psychologists and specialists in correctional and developmental education.- M .: Iris-press, 2006.
3. Doshchitsina Z.V. Assessment of the degree of readiness of children to study at school in conditions of different levels of differentiation. – M.: New School, 1994.
4. Nizhegorodtseva N.V., Shadrikov V.D. Psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for school: A guide for psychologists, teachers and parents. - M., 2001.

School readiness- this is a set of certain properties and ways of behavior (competencies) of the child, necessary for him to perceive, process and assimilate educational stimuli at the beginning and during the further continuation of schooling.

L.I. Bozovic pointed out that school readiness- this is a combination of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation of one's cognitive activity and for the social position of the student.

The term "psychological readiness for schooling" ("readiness for school", "school maturity") is used in psychology to refer to a certain level of a child's mental development, upon reaching which he can be taught at school. Psychological readiness child to study at school is a complex indicator that allows predicting the success or failure of a first-grader's education.

Psychological readiness for school means that the child can and wants to go to school.

The structure of the child's psychological readiness for school

In the structure of a child's psychological readiness for school, it is customary to single out:

- Personal readiness (readiness of the child to accept the position of a student)

- The child's intellectual readiness for school (the child's outlook and the development of cognitive processes)

emotionally - volitional readiness (the child must be able to set a goal, make decisions, outline a plan of action and make an effort to implement it)

Socio-psychological readiness (the child has moral and communicative abilities).

Intellectual readiness- the presence of a child horizons, stock specific knowledge, required level of development cognitive processes: memory, thinking, imagination. Intellectual readiness also presupposes appropriate speech development, the formation of the child's primary skills in the field of educational activities in particular, the ability to highlight the learning task.

Cognitive readiness- the development of cognitive processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking and speech.

development perception manifests itself in its selectivity, meaningfulness, objectivity and a high level of formation of perceptual actions.

Attention children by the time they enter school should become arbitrary, possessing the necessary volume, stability, distribution, and switchability. The difficulties that children encounter in practice at the beginning of schooling are connected precisely with the lack of attention development, it is necessary to take care of its improvement in the first turn, preparing the preschooler for learning.

In order for a child to learn well the school curriculum, it is necessary that his memory became arbitrary so that the child has various effective means for memorizing, preserving and reproducing educational material.

Almost all children playing a lot and in a variety of ways at preschool age, they have a well-developed and rich imagination. The main problems that arise at the beginning of learning relate to the connection of imagination and attention, the ability to regulate figurative representations through voluntary attention, as well as the assimilation of abstract concepts that are difficult for a child to imagine and represent.

Intellectual readiness for schooling is associated with the development of thought processes. When entering school thinking should be developed and presented in all three main forms: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical.

The child should have a certain breadth of ideas, including figurative and spatial ones. The level of development of verbal-logical thinking should allow the child to generalize, compare objects, classify them, highlight essential features, determine cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

In practice we we often encounter a situation where, having the ability to solve problems well in a visual-effective plan, the child copes with them with great difficulty, when these tasks are presented in a figurative and, all the more so, verbal-logical form. It also happens vice versa: a child can reasonably conduct reasoning, has a rich imagination, figurative memory, but is not able to successfully solve practical problems due to insufficient development of motor skills and abilities.

To such individual differences in cognitive processes it is necessary to take it calmly, since they express not so much the general underdevelopment of the child as his individuality, manifested in the fact that one of the types of perception of the surrounding reality can dominate in the child: practical, figurative or logical. In the initial period of educational work with such children, one should rely on those aspects of cognitive processes that are most developed in them, not forgetting, of course, the need for parallel improvement of the rest.

Speech readiness children to learning is manifested in their ability to use the word for arbitrary behavior management and cognitive processes. Equally important is the development of speech as means of communication and pre-links to assimilation of the letter. This function of speech should be given special care during middle and senior preschool childhood, since the development of written speech significantly determines the progress of the child's intellectual development.

Personal readiness children to learning implies that the child has a pronounced interest in learning, to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, to the acquisition of new information about the world around. Ready for schooling is a child whom the school attracts not with external attributes, but with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, which involves the development of cognitive interests.

Speaking of motivational readiness children to learning, one should keep in mind the need to achieve success, corresponding to self-esteem and the level of claims. The need to achieve success in a child should dominate over the fear of failure. In learning, communication and practical activities that involve competition with other people, children should show as little anxiety as possible. It is important that their self-assessment is adequate, and the level of claims is appropriate for the real possibilities available to the child.

School conditions require a child to have a certain level arbitrariness of actions , the ability to organize their motor activity, act in accordance with the instructions of an adult. The future student needs to arbitrarily control not only his behavior, but also cognitive activity, the emotional sphere.

Personal readiness for school also includes a certain attitude towards yourself. Productive learning activity presupposes an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development self-consciousness. Student self-esteem should not be overestimated and undifferentiated. If a child declares that he is “good”, his drawing is “the best” and the craft is “the best” (which is typical for a preschooler), one cannot speak of personal readiness for learning.

Socio-psychological readiness- child's skills social communication , the ability to establish relationships with other children, the ability to enter the children's society, to yield and defend themselves. The child must be able to coordinate his actions with his peers, regulating his actions on the basis of the assimilation of social norms of behavior.

Important for success in learning are communicative character traits of the child , in particular, his sociability, contact, responsiveness and complaisance, as well as strong-willed personality traits: perseverance, purposefulness, perseverance, etc.

For a child entering school, it is important relationship with the teacher , peers and yourself. At the end of preschool age, there should be such a form of communication between the child and adults as extra-situational-personal communication(on M.I. Lisina). An adult becomes an indisputable authority, a role model. His requirements are fulfilled, they are not offended by his remarks, on the contrary, they try to correct mistakes, redo the incorrectly performed work. With such an ability to treat an adult and his actions as a standard, children adequately perceive the position of the teacher, his professional role.

Class-lesson system of education implies not only a special relationship between the child and the teacher, but also specific relationships with other children . Educational activity is essentially a collective activity. Pupils should learn business communication with each other, the ability to successfully interact by performing joint learning activities. A new form of communication with peers takes shape at the very beginning of schooling. Everything is difficult for a small student - from the simple ability to listen to the answer of a classmate and ending with the evaluation of the results of his actions, even if the child had a lot of preschool experience in group classes. Such communication cannot arise without a certain basis.

The psychological readiness of preschool children to study at school and to learn according to all the characteristics described in practice can only be established by a comprehensive psychodiagnostic examination. It can be carried out by professionally trained psychologists working in the education system, together with subject teachers and educators. This task should be solved by employees of the school psychological service.

Typology of the mental development of children in the transition from preschool to primary school age. Variants of psychological unpreparedness for schooling.

The typology of the mental development of children during the transition from preschool to primary school age is based on differences in the behavior of children in learning situations, in relationships with the teacher, and the susceptibility of different children to the content of the lessons. Children for whom school reality acts as a learning situation are the most ready for school. Among them, two types can be distinguished: pre-educational and educational.

Children educational type quite ready for school. Their development is determined by educational activities. The main regulator of their behavior is the content of the task, and it determines the relationship with the teacher. A child of the learning type can equally successfully analyze the content of a learning task both in the presence of an adult and on his own. The motivation of these children is predominantly educational or social, the internal position is characterized by a combination of orientation towards the social and actually educational aspects of school life.

For kids pre-academic type the learning situation appears in the inextricable connection of its elements. These children are ready to solve feasible educational tasks, but only in the presence of an adult - a teacher. These children are equally attentive to all the instructions of the teacher, whether it is a meaningful task or, say, a request to clean the blackboard. Everything that happens at school is equally important to them. The internal position of the pre-educational type is characterized by a general positive attitude towards learning, the beginnings of orientation towards the content moments of the school-educational reality. On the whole, this is a favorable variant of the beginning of school education, however, it is fraught with one danger - fixation on formal, non-content moments of education (turning into a pseudo-educational type).

The pseudo-educational type of acceptance of school reality is unfavorable; children of this type are characterized by some intellectual timidity. Such a child always expects specific instructions from the teacher, he refuses to analyze the content of the task and seeks only to copy patterns. Correction of this option is difficult, it requires a change in the learning situation, the introduction of creative tasks, the use of group forms of learning, game methods for conducting lessons. Much of the classroom time should be devoted to a meaningful discussion of different ways of solving problems.

Communicative type of occurs in children prone to demonstrativeness, suffering from a lack of attention. Their behavior is aimed at attracting the attention of an adult, while the child is ready to talk about anything, just to prolong the situation of communication.

The source of demonstrativeness, which is clearly manifested already at preschool age, usually becomes the lack of attention of adults to children who feel abandoned in the family, “unloved”. But it happens that the child receives sufficient attention, but it does not satisfy him due to the hypertrophied need for emotional contacts. Excessive demands on adults are made not by neglected, but, on the contrary, by the most spoiled children.

In the case of educational activities, demonstrativeness can acquire a negative meaning. For example, if a first-grader does not study brilliantly and does not arouse admiration for his school success, he begins to satisfy the increased need for attention in other ways. His behavior acquires a negative social connotation: the rules of behavior adopted at school are theatrically, affectively violated, aggressiveness may be manifested. Negativism extends not only to the norms of school discipline, but also to the purely educational requirements of the teacher. Without accepting educational tasks, periodically “dropping out” of the learning process, the child cannot acquire the necessary knowledge and methods of action, and successfully learn.

Correction of the communicative type is difficult. In school conditions, it is necessary to refrain from censure. Any punishment is considered by the child as a manifestation of attention to himself. The only way to reduce the difficulty of the situation is to ignore the defiant behavior of the child, encouraging him in every possible way for any meaningful work.

Children preschool type are completely unprepared for learning in a school environment - they do not accept the usual orientation of learning. However, such children can quite successfully learn in a playful way. A characteristic diagnostic feature of these children is their attitude towards their own mistakes. They themselves do not notice their mistakes, and if they are pointed out, they do not agree to correct them, saying that this is even better. Preschool-type children complicate the lesson: they can get up, walk around the class, crawl under the desk, etc. Such children are recommended an individual game form of education. If gentle conditions are created, then by the 2nd grade the child will be able to fully engage in the learning situation.

The task of identifying possible psychological causes of delays in the development of children involves the solution of three interrelated issues.

The first of these concerns methods that make it possible to navigate among the mass of children and to identify those of them who lag behind in learning due to features of mental development that are not related to abilities.

Pedagogically neglected children;

Having good, but insufficiently developed inclinations;

Lagging behind due to inability to learn the school curriculum;

Those who do not have the necessary inclinations and do not have time due to congenital or anatomical and physiological defects acquired as a result of the disease.

Finally, it is necessary to find scientifically substantiated methods to predict the further development of a child assigned to one of these groups. All this requires a deep and versatile psychodiagnostics of the child.

The psychological readiness of preschool children to study at school and to learn according to all the characteristics described in practice can only be established by a comprehensive psychodiagnostic examination. This task should be solved by employees of the school psychological service.

Options for psychological unpreparedness

At personal unpreparedness children to school, the teacher has an extremely complex set of problems. Pupils with a personal unwillingness to learn, showing childish spontaneity, answer at the lesson at the same time, without raising their hands and interrupting each other, share their thoughts and feelings with the teacher. In addition, they are usually included in the work only when the teacher directly addresses them, and the rest of the time they are distracted, not following what is happening in the classroom. Such children violate discipline, which destroys their own academic work and interferes with other students. Having inflated self-esteem, they are offended by comments. Motivational immaturity inherent in these children often leads to gaps in knowledge, low productivity of educational activities.

Dominant intellectual unpreparedness to learning directly leads to the failure of learning activities, the inability to understand and fulfill all the requirements of the teacher and, consequently, to low grades. This, in turn, affects motivation: what is chronically impossible, the child does not want to do.

Since psychological readiness for school is a holistic education, the lag in the development of one component sooner or later entails a lag and distortion in the development of others.

Assessing your child's readiness for school

Spring is the time to enroll a preschooler in grade 1. Preparing for school, choosing a direction in teaching a child - raises many questions from parents. Assess whether your requests meet the development and capabilities of the child himself?

Typically, psychological readiness for school is formed around the age of seven. However, the normal development of this characteristic is the age of six to eight years. At the same time, if children of six and a half years old quite often turn out to be ready for schooling, then six-year-olds - in rare cases. At such an early age in six months, a child is able to make a very big leap in development.

What is school readiness?

First of all, it must be said that this concept is not pedagogical, but psychological, even psychophysiological. In scientific language, readiness consists in the maturation of certain mental functions in a child. You can draw an analogy with the moment when a child begins to walk. In order for him to be ready to take the first step, a sufficient level of development of the muscles of the legs, back, and the level of coordination of movements is necessary. Parents, of course, can influence these functions with the help of special exercises, but very weakly, yet human development follows its own laws. The same applies to readiness for school, with the only difference that this readiness is a more complex education, consisting of several components.

In fact, psychological readiness for school largely determines future success. School psychologists know that if a child was admitted to school, despite his unpreparedness, for example, at the insistence of his parents, then with a high probability the so-called "school maladjustment" will be recognized by the end of the first half of the year.

So diagnosing a child's readiness for school is certainly important in order to understand whether your child needs it, whether he is ready to sit down at a desk.

Many parents say that they themselves perfectly see that the child is ready for school, but at the same time they are guided, first of all, by the level of the child’s intellectual development (“He already reads, writes and counts to a hundred, but you say wait!” - they say to the teacher and psychologist). But the level of intellectual development, although it is one of the components of readiness for school, is not the only and not the most important.

Discussing the issues of preparing children for school,

it is reasonable to warn parents against possible mistakes.

You should not get too carried away with preparation aimed, in fact, at assimilation of the 1st grade program, as this contributes to the formation in the child of the habit of easy victories, of replacing learning with recognition.

Don't scold your child for mistakes. They need to be corrected.

It is absolutely unacceptable to prepare "under pressure", based on the fear of the child, since in this case a persistent negative attitude towards learning is developed even before school.

Do not set tasks too difficult for your child for his age.

Remember that the success of a child in school depends not only on the skills of counting and writing, but also on the level of his readiness for learning in general. Therefore, be sure to explain to your child what school is, why it is important for him, how to behave properly at school. Talk to your child about why it is necessary to listen carefully to the teacher in the lesson, remember and understand what was said, and do homework conscientiously every day.

And in conclusion, one more piece of advice: when preparing a child for school, do not deprive him of the opportunity to play, since at preschool age many games significantly determine the intellectual development of the child. Get acquainted with the relevant techniques that rely specifically on educational games.

important components,

which can be used to assess a child's readiness for school

1. Self-regulation is the basis of school readiness

The first and one of the most important components is self-regulation. By about the age of seven, a completely new mechanism of the psyche is formed in a child - he learns to consciously control his behavior. Psychologists also call this arbitrariness. Try playing the well-known children's game "Yes and no, don't talk, don't wear black and white" with a three-year-old child. You will notice that, most likely, the child will not cope with the task, he will constantly fly out “wrong” words. Have you tried to make the child sit still when you are talking to one of the adults, and he wants to play with you? Or maybe a three-year-old kid can hold back joy or tears? Of course not, and it's not his fault. It's just that at preschool age there is still no mechanism of arbitrariness - purposeful control of one's attention, speech, emotions. A child can fiddle with the game for a long time and easily remember a poem, but only if he is emotionally hooked by the activity, that is, he does it involuntarily.

For learning at school, the mechanism of arbitrariness is necessary. After all, the child will have to control himself, starting from remembering things that are not interesting to him and ending with the fact that you need to wait until the teacher asks you. Yes, you still need to sit for a whole 30 minutes at the lesson!

It is arbitrariness that is most often lacking in six-year-old first-graders. It is rather difficult to develop this mechanism. He, as they say, must mature. And certainly you should not train your child to learn uninteresting poems or sit still for half an hour. Arbitrariness cannot be trained. You can encourage perseverance when the child shows it, talk about the need for self-control.

2. Volitional readiness.

At school, the child is waiting for hard work. He will be required to do not only what he wants, but also what the teacher, school regime, program requires.

By the age of 6, the basic structures of volitional action are being formed. The child is able to set a goal, create a plan of action, implement it, overcoming obstacles, evaluate the result of his action. Of course, all this is done not quite consciously and is determined by the duration of the action. But a game can help strengthen volitional knowledge about oneself.

Understanding parents during the period of housework turn the apartment into the deck of a ship, a cosmodrome, a hospital, where certain tasks are performed with pleasure, without threats and violence. At the age of 6 years, the child is already able to analyze his own movements and actions.

Therefore, he can deliberately memorize poems, refuse to play for the sake of performing some “adult” task, is able to overcome fear in front of a dark room, and not cry when he is hurt. This is important for the development of a harmonious personality. Another important aspect is the formation of cognitive activity in the child. It consists in the formation in children of a lack of fear of difficulties, the desire not to give in to them, to resolve them on their own or with a little support from adults. This will help your child manage their behavior at school. And such behavior develops when there is a friendly, partner relationship between an adult and a child.

3. Motivation - should the child want to go to school?

When diagnosing school readiness, psychologists always pay attention to motivation. The best motive for learning success is an interest in acquiring new knowledge. However, this motive is not so common at the age of six or seven. Also, a favorable motive is the desire of the child to obtain a new status (“I will be big at school”). Many first-graders begin to study in order to "please their mother." This motive is not the most effective, but usually it is enough for the first time, and then interest in the study itself can also be connected.

It is more difficult if the child does not want to go to school. Whatever the cause, at first such a negative attitude can seriously affect the effectiveness of training. If your child says they don't want to go to school, it's important to understand why. Depending on the cause, you need to act.

One way or another, it is important to form in the child a positive attitude towards his new role, towards the school as a whole.

4. Social readiness for school

One more component. Social (personal) readiness for school means the readiness of the child to enter into relationships with other people - with peers and with adults (teachers). Low social readiness is often found in children who have not attended kindergarten, and can lead to quite serious stress and problems with learning. For example, it happens that a child is used to the fact that all the attention of an adult is directed to him, as it was in the family. There are twenty such children in the class. The inability to communicate with peers can lead to difficulties in participating in group work in the classroom.

A shy child can be negatively affected by the presence of a lot of new people if he is not used to it. The result is the fear of answering in class, the inability to ask the teacher for help, and a variety of other difficulties.

Usually, children who attended preschool institutions have a sufficient level of social preparedness. If your child does not attend kindergarten, try to take him to a sports or other section, temporary stay groups, etc., so that the child gets used to the future school environment.

The child's ability to communicate with peers, act together with others, yield, obey as necessary - qualities that provide him with painless adaptation to a new social environment. This contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for further education at school.

The child, as it were, should be ready for the social position of a schoolboy, without which it will be difficult for him, even if he is intellectually developed. Such children often study unevenly, successes appear only in those classes that are interesting to the child, and he performs the rest of the tasks casually, hastily. Even worse, if the children do not want to go to school and learn at all. This is a lack of education, and such behavior is the result of intimidation by the school, especially if the child is insecure, timid (“You can’t connect two words, how can you go to school?”, “Here you go to school, they will show you there!”) . Therefore, it is necessary to develop a correct idea of ​​the school, a positive attitude towards teachers and books. Parents should pay special attention to personal readiness for school. They are obliged to teach the child relationships with peers, to create such an environment at home so that the child feels confident and wants to go to school.

5. Intellectual readiness for school

In order to successfully learn, a child needs a certain level of development of cognitive functions - memory, attention, thinking, speech. In pre-school classes, a lot of attention is usually paid to the development of these characteristics. But, as already mentioned, this is not the most important component of readiness for learning. And if, in the process of too intensive studies, the child loses interest in learning in general, then there will be no point in developed memory and thinking.

It is necessary to develop cognitive functions in preparation for school through an interesting game for the child. We will not dwell here on listing specific educational games, they are described quite a lot in the special literature for parents.

Intellectual readiness. It is important that the child is mentally developed for school. But mental development does not consist in a large vocabulary. Living conditions have changed. Now the child is surrounded by different sources of information, and children literally absorb new words and expressions. Their vocabulary increases dramatically, but this does not mean that thinking develops in the same way. There is no direct relationship here. The child must learn to compare, generalize, draw independent conclusions, analyze. Therefore, researchers of preschoolers have established that a 6-year-old child is able to learn the facts of the interaction of the organism with the environment, the relationship between the shape of an object and its function, aspiration and behavior. But he achieves this ability only when they are engaged with the child. And not specifically teaching, but in communication. Preschool children are characterized by general curiosity. This is the age of "why".

But it often happens that curiosity goes out, and in school, even primary, children develop intellectual passivity. This passivity makes them fall behind. How to avoid it? Psychologists advise always answering the questions that the child asks, since communication with parents is a great joy and value for the child. If with your attention you support his interest in learning, then it will be easier for the baby to develop. Unfortunately, parents often dismiss annoying questions - this is the basis of intellectual passivity. Also, “stuffing” the child with ready-made knowledge also leads to this.

Even when he himself can discover all the new properties of objects, notice their similarities and differences. Therefore, it is necessary, together with the child, to acquire knowledge about the world around us and form his thinking skills. Let him learn to navigate in the environment and comprehend the information received.

By the age of six or seven, a preschooler should know his address well, the name of the city where he lives, the name of the country, the capital. Know the names and patronymics of the parents, where they work and understand that their grandfather is someone's dad (father or mother). Navigate the seasons, their sequence and main features. Know the names of the months, days of the week, current year. Know the main types of trees, flowers, distinguish between domestic and wild animals.

Children need to navigate in time, space and close social environment. Observing nature, they learn to notice spatio-temporal and cause-and-effect relationships, to generalize, to draw conclusions. For preschoolers, this knowledge often comes from experience. But if there is no understanding adult nearby, then information about the world around is scattered, superficial, not included in the overall picture. Therefore, it would be useful to discuss with the child the movie and even the cartoon that was watched, ask a few questions about what they read to make sure that the child understood a certain natural phenomenon, the actions of animals, people.

Often children understand everything in their own way. If this is fantasy (Santa Claus brings gifts in winter), you should not dissuade the child from this, but if this is a clear misunderstanding of what is happening, you need to explain the situation simply enough for the child’s consciousness. An example is the question: “Who is the strongest in the fairy tale “Turnip”?”. Children often answer it: “Mouse”. And only after questions and explanations do they come to the right decision.

The conversation with the child should be simple and not too long, as he may feel bored and tired. Interest is the main thing in communication. Leading questions kindle interest, for example, about the similarity and difference between two objects (ball, balloon), two phenomena (rain, snow), concepts (country, city). Differences are often easy to establish, but similarities are more difficult. Let the child generalize objects into a group (bed, table, chair, armchair - furniture). Gradually complicate the task, ask them to name objects in which you can put something, objects that glow, etc. This game is useful and interesting for the child.

Ask your child to retell the movie or book, especially when he has read it on his own. If you do not understand what is at stake, it means that the child did not understand the meaning of what he read or watched.

You should not develop your child in only one direction, as he may not be oriented in other areas of knowledge. This warning applies to those parents who want to make a child prodigy out of their son or daughter. There is no need to rush, as your gifted, extraordinary child may not find a place in the team and not adapt to the school curriculum. It is necessary to try not to fix his attention on a narrow “specialization”, but to help develop harmoniously, comprehensively, taking into account the age-related characteristics of the child's psyche and the state of health.

6. A successful student is a healthy student

In fact, entering the first grade is both emotional stress and a serious intellectual burden for a child. The future student must have health procedures in the daily routine - he must spend more time outdoors, move a lot, and, if possible, play sports.

If a child has poor health, it is undesirable for him to study at a school with an enhanced program, you can choose for him the so-called "school of health", where, along with general educational tasks, the problems of improving children's health are also solved.

In any case, I would like parents to listen more to the recommendations of psychologists who conduct testing when they are admitted to school. If you do not trust the school psychologist, take the child for diagnosis to an independent psychologist in a children's psychological center. It is best to do this in the spring, in order to prepare the child for school as much as possible over the summer, taking into account the recommendations. The specialist will tell you which education system is right for your child.

So let's conclude:

When they talk about "readiness for school", they do not mean individual skills and knowledge, but a certain set of them, in which all the main components are present. Traditionally, there are three aspects of school maturity: intellectual, emotional and social.

intellectual maturity- this is the ability to concentrate attention, the ability to catch the main connections between phenomena (analytical thinking); these are differentiated perception (for example, the ability to distinguish a figure from the background), the ability to reproduce a sample, and, also, a sufficient level of development of hand-eye coordination. The criterion of intellectual readiness is also the developed speech of the child. We can say that intellectual maturity reflects the functional maturation of brain structures.

emotional maturity- the ability to regulate one's behavior, the ability to perform a task that is not very attractive for quite a long time.

towards social maturity includes the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to communicate, as well as the ability to play the role of a student.

This is the foundation on which knowledge and skills are built.

If there is no foundation, which is the formation of the listed categories, then the superstructures in the form of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities (teaching counting, reading, etc.) will crumble like a house of cards.