Linguistic features of the tale “Lefty. Babylon - sinuous patterns, frills

Then he wanted to travel around Europe and see miracles in different states. He traveled all over the countries and everywhere, through his affectionateness, he always had the most internecine conversations with all sorts of people, and everyone surprised him with something and wanted to bend to their side, but with him was the Don Cossack Platov, who did not like this declination and, missing his own housekeeping, all the sovereign beckoned home. And as soon as Platov notices that the sovereign is very interested in something foreign, then all the escorts are silent, and Platov will now say: “so and so, and we have our own at home just as well,” and take something away.

The British knew this, and before the sovereign's arrival, they invented various tricks to captivate him with his foreignness and distract him from the Russians, and in many cases they achieved this, especially in large meetings where Platov could not speak French completely; but he was little interested in this, because he was a married man and considered all French conversations to be trifles that are not worth imagining. And when the British began to call the sovereign to all their zeihaus, weapons and soap and saw factories, in order to show their superiority over us in all things and be famous for that, Platov said to himself:

Well, here's the coven. So far, I have endured, but no longer. Whether I can speak or not, I won't betray my people.

And as soon as he said such a word to himself, the sovereign said to him:

So and so, tomorrow you and I are going to watch their weapons cabinet of curiosities. There, - he says, - there are such natures of perfection that as you look, you will no longer argue that we Russians are no good with our significance.

Platov did not answer the sovereign, he only dipped his rough nose into a shaggy cloak, but came to his apartment, ordered the batman to bring a flask of Caucasian sour vodka from the cellar, rattled a good glass, prayed to God on the travel fold, covered himself with a cloak and snored so that in the whole house, the British, no one was allowed to sleep.

I thought: the morning is wiser than the night.

The next day the sovereign went with Platov to the Kunstkammers. The sovereign did not take any more of the Russians with him, because they were given a double-seater carriage.

They arrive at a large building - an indescribable entrance, corridors ad infinitum, and rooms one to one, and, finally, in the main hall itself there are various huge busters, and in the middle under the Baldakhin stands Abolon polvedersky.

The sovereign looks back at Platov: is he very surprised and what is he looking at; and he goes with his eyes lowered, as if he sees nothing, - only rings come out of his mustache.

The British immediately began to show various surprises and explain what they had adapted to for military circumstances: sea wind meters, merblue mantons of foot regiments, and tar waterproof cables for cavalry. The emperor rejoices at all this, everything seems very good to him, and Platov keeps his anticipation that everything means nothing to him.

The Sovereign says:

How is that possible - why are you so insensitive? Is there anything that surprises you here?

And Platov answers:

One thing is surprising to me here, that my fellow Don people fought without all this and banished the language for twenty.

The Sovereign says:

Platov says:

I don’t know what to attribute it to, but I don’t dare to argue and must remain silent.

And the English, seeing such a quarrel between the sovereign, now brought him to Abolon himself of half a veder and take from him Mortimer's gun from one hand, and a pistol from the other.

Here, - they say, - what kind of productivity we have, - and they give a gun.

The emperor calmly looked at Mortimer's gun, because he has such in Tsarskoye Selo, and then they give him a pistol and say:

This is a pistol of unknown, inimitable skill - our admiral at the robber chieftain in Candelabria pulled it out from his belt.

The sovereign looked at the pistol and could not get enough of it.

Went terribly.

Ah, ah, ah, - he says, - how is it ... how can it even be done so subtly! - And he turns to Platov in Russian and says: - Now, if I had at least one such master in Russia, I would be very happy and proud of it, and I would immediately make that master noble.

And Platov, at these words, at the same moment lowered his right hand into his big trousers and dragged a rifle screwdriver from there. The English say: "It does not open," and he, not paying attention, well, pick the lock. Turned once, turned twice - the lock and pulled out. Platov shows the sovereign a dog, and there, on the very bend, a Russian inscription is made: "Ivan Moskvin in the city of Tula."

The English are surprised and push each other:

Oh de, we gave a blunder!

And the emperor sadly says to Platov:

Why did you make them very embarrassed, I feel very sorry for them now. Let's go.

They sat down again in the same two-seater carriage and drove off, and the sovereign was at the ball that day, and Platov blew out an even larger glass of sour drink and slept soundly like a Cossack.

He was also happy that he embarrassed the British, and put the Tula master on the point of view, but it was also annoying: why did the sovereign regret the English under such a case!

“Through what is this sovereign upset? - thought Platov, - I don’t understand it at all, ”and in this reasoning he got up twice, crossed himself and drank vodka, until he forcibly brought himself into a sound sleep.

And the British, at that very time, also did not sleep, because they too were spinning. While the emperor was having fun at the ball, they arranged such a new surprise for him that they took away all of Platov's imagination.

The next day, as Platov appeared to the sovereign with good morning, he said to him:

Let them lay down a two-seater carriage now, and let's go to the new cabinets of curiosities to look.

Platov even dared to report that it’s not enough, they say, to look at foreign products and isn’t it better to gather in Russia, but the sovereign says:

No, I still want to see other news: they praised me how they make the first grade sugar.




Completed by a student of 8 "G" class MOBU secondary school No. 4

Mayatskaya Anastasia.

(Scientific adviser)

Dostoevsky is equal - he is a missed genius.

Igor Severyanin.

Any subject, any occupation, any work seems uninteresting to a person if it is incomprehensible. The work of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov "Lefty" is not very popular with seventh graders. Why? I think because it is difficult, incomprehensible to schoolchildren of this age. And when you start to think, understand, assume and get to the bottom of the truth, then interesting moments open up. And personally, the story “Lefty” now seems to me one of the most unusual works of Russian literature, in the linguistic structure of which so much that is new for the modern schoolchild is hidden ...

The linguistic features of the story "Lefty" were subject of study our work. We tried to deal with every word usage unusual for the modern Russian language, if possible, to find the reasons for the differences. We had to track this kind of change in all sections of the language: phonetics, morphemics, morphology, syntax, punctuation, spelling, orthoepy. This is what structure our work is a description of language changes in different sections of the language, although it should be noted right away that this classification is very relative, because some language changes can be attributed to several sections at once (however, like many phenomena of the modern language).

So , goal work - to study the work "Levsha" (The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-hander and the Steel Flea) for its linguistic features, to identify usages unusual for the modern Russian language at all language levels and, if possible, find explanations for them.

2. Causes of inconsistencies in word usage in the tale "Lefty" and modern Russian.

"The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea" was published in 1881. It is clear that significant changes have taken place in the language over 120 years, and this first reason appearance of discrepancies with modern norms of word usage.

The second is the genre feature. "Lefty" entered the treasury of Russian literature also by the fact that such a stylistic device as a tale was brought to perfection in it.

A skaz is, by definition, "an artistic orientation towards an oral monologue of the narrative type, it is an artistic imitation of monologue speech." If you think about the definition, it becomes obvious that a work of this genre is characterized by a mixture of colloquial (“oral monologue”) and book (“artistic imitation”) speech.

“Skaz”, as a word in Russian, clearly came from the verb “to tell”, the completeness of the meanings of which perfectly explains: “to speak”, “explain”, “notify”, “say” or “bait”, that is, the skaz style goes back to folklore. It is closer not to literary, but to colloquial speech (which means that a large number of colloquial word forms are used, words of the so-called folk etymology). The author, as it were, is eliminated from the narrative and reserves the role of the one who writes down what he heard. (Evenings on a farm near Dikanka are sustained in this style). In "Lefty" imitation of oral monologue speech is carried out at all levels of the language, Leskov is especially inventive in word creation. And this The second reason inconsistencies with modern literary norms.

The sources of the writer's artistic language are diverse - they are primarily associated with the stock of his life observations, a deep acquaintance with the life and language of various social groups. The sources of the language were also ancient secular and church books, historical documents. “On my own behalf, I speak the language of old fairy tales and church folk in purely literary speech,” the writer said. In his notebook, Leskov enters the old Russian words and expressions that interested him in their expressiveness, which he later uses in the text of works of art. Thus, in the texts of the works, the author also used Old Russian and Church Slavonic word forms, rooted in the distant linguistic past. And this third reason mismatches of linguistic word forms in Leskov's work with modern ones.

Igor Severyanin, also distinguished by unusual word creation, once wrote a sonnet dedicated to. There were lines:

Dostoevsky is equal, he is a missed genius.

Enchanted wanderer of the catacombs of language!

It is through these catacombs of the language of Leskov's work "Lefty" that I suggest you go.


Turning to folk vernacular, colloquial language, folklore expressions, using words with folk etymology, Leskov tries to show that Russian folk speech is extremely rich, talented, expressive.

Obsolete words and word forms.

The text of the work "Lefty", of course, is unusually rich in archaisms and historicisms (chubuk, postilion, kazakin, erfix (sobering agent), talma ...), but any modern edition contains the necessary number of footnotes, explanations of such words, so that each student can read them on one's own. We were more interested obsolete forms of words:

Comparative adjective more useful, that is, more useful;

Participle "serving" as a noun from the lost verb "serve": "... showed serving on the mouth."

A short participle of "robes" (that is, dressed) from the disappeared head of the robe.

The participle "hosha", formed from the verb "want" (with a modern, by the way, suffix -sh-)

The use of the word “although” instead of the modern “even though”: “Now, if I had although one such master in Russia…”

The case form “on numbers” is not a mistake: along with the word “digit”, there was also the now outdated (with a touch of irony) form “tsifir”.

An obsolete form of the adverb " alone" instead of "however." (Like " far away burst out: cheers "y).

The appearance of the so-called prosthetic consonant "v" between vowels

("righteous”) was characteristic of the Old Russian language in order to eliminate the unusual phenomenon of gaping (confluence of vowels).

Vernacular expressions:

- “... a glass of sour suffocated";

- ".. helluva lot I drive, that is, quickly

- "... so watered without mercy,” that is, beaten.

- "... something will take…” that is, distract.

- “... smoked without stop"

poodle poodle

Tugament instead of document

Kazamat - casemate

Symphon - siphon

grandevu - rendezvous

Shoes = shoes

Erasable - erasable


Puplection - apoplexy (stroke)

Words with folk timology, usually formed by combining words.

Coach two-seater-combination of the words "double" and "sit down"

There are fluctuations in the gender of nouns in the text, which is typical of the literary norm of that time: “. .shutter slammed"; and unusual for the norm, erroneous forms: “his by force did not hold back", that is, the instrumental case is declined according to the masculine pattern, although the nominative case is a feminine noun.

Mixing case forms. The word “look” can be used both with nouns in V. p., and with nouns in R. p., Leskov mixed these forms: “... in different states miracles look."

- "Everything here is in your mind, - and provide.", i.e. "browse".

- “... Nikolai Pavlovich was terribly what ... memorable." (instead of "memorable")

- “... they look at the girl without hiding, but with all relatedness." (native)

- “... so that not a single minute for the Russian utility did not disappear "(benefit)


- "... now very angry."

- "... you will have something worthy to present to the sovereign splendor."

Mixing styles (colloquial and bookish):

- "... I want to return to my native place, because otherwise I can get a kind of insanity."

- "... no emergency holidays" (special)

- "... wants a detailed intention about the girl to discover ..."

- “.. from here with the left-hander and went foreign species.

- “... we are going to see their weapons cabinet of curiosities., there are the nature of perfection"

- “... each person has everything for himself absolute circumstances It has". In addition, the use of such a form of the verb-predicate is not characteristic of the Russian language (as, for example, English; but the hero is talking about the English).

- “.. I don’t know now for what need Do I need such a repetition?


As can be seen from the above examples, changes have occurred at all levels of the language. I believe, having familiarized themselves with at least some of them, seventh graders will not only receive new information, but will also be very interested in reading the work “Lefty”.

For example, we offered classmates to work with examples from the "Vocabulary" section, here you can show ingenuity, and language flair, and no special preparation is required. After explaining several variants of words with folk etymology, they offered to deal with the rest on their own. The students were interested in the work.

And I would like to end my research with the words of M. Gorky: “Leskov is also a magician of the word, but he did not write plastically, but he told, and in this art he has no equal. His story is a spiritualized song, simple, purely Great Russian words, descending one with the other in intricate lines, now thoughtfully, now laughingly ringing, and a quivering love for people is always heard in them ... "

1. Introduction (relevance of the topic, structure of the work, purpose of the study).

2. The reasons for the occurrence of inconsistencies in word usage in the work "Lefty" and in modern Russian.

3. The study of the features of the language of the tale "Lefty" at all levels:



word formation;


Text science;

Syntax and punctuation;


4. Conclusion.


one. . Novels and stories, - M .: AST Olympus, 1998

2. , . Historical grammar of the Russian language.-M.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1963

3. . Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (1866). Electronic version.

Current page: 1 (total book has 4 pages)

Nikolai Leskov

(The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea)

Chapter first

When Emperor Alexander Pavlovich graduated from the Vienna Council, he wanted to travel around Europe and see miracles in different states. He traveled all over the countries and everywhere, through his affectionateness, he always had the most internecine conversations with all sorts of people, and everyone surprised him with something and wanted to bend to their side, but with him was the Don Cossack Platov, who did not like this inclination and, missing his own housekeeping, all the sovereign beckoned home. And as soon as Platov notices that the sovereign is very interested in something foreign, then all the escorts are silent, and Platov will now say: so and so, and we have our own at home just as well, and he will take something away.

The English knew this, and before the sovereign's arrival, they invented various tricks to captivate him with his foreignness and distract him from the Russians, and in many cases they achieved this, especially in large meetings where Platov could not speak French completely: but he was little interested in this, because he was a married man and considered all French conversations to be trifles that are not worth imagination. And when the British began to call the sovereign to all their zeihaus, weapons and soap and saw factories, in order to show their superiority over us in all things and be famous for that, Platov said to himself:

- Well, here's the coven. So far, I have endured, but no longer. Whether I can speak or not, I won't betray my people.

And as soon as he said such a word to himself, the sovereign said to him:

- So and so, tomorrow you and I are going to look at their weapons cabinet of curiosities. There,” he says, “there are such natures of perfection that, as soon as you look, you will no longer argue that we Russians are no good with our significance.

Platov did not answer the sovereign, he only dipped his rough nose into a shaggy cloak, but came to his apartment, ordered the batman to bring a flask of Caucasian sour vodka from the cellar, rattled a good glass, prayed to God on the travel fold, covered himself with a cloak and snored so that in the whole house, the British, no one was allowed to sleep.

I thought: the morning is wiser than the night.

Chapter Two

The next day the sovereign went with Platov to the Kunstkammers. The sovereign did not take any more of the Russians with him, because they were given a carriage with two seats.

They arrive at a large building - an indescribable entrance, corridors ad infinitum, and rooms one to one, and, finally, in the main hall itself there are various huge busters, and in the middle under the valdakhin stands Abolon of Polveder.

The sovereign looks back at Platov: is he very surprised and what is he looking at; and he walks with his eyes lowered, as if he sees nothing, - only rings come out of his mustache.

The British immediately began to show various surprises and explain what they had adapted to for military circumstances: sea wind meters, merblue mantons of foot regiments, and tar waterproof cables for cavalry. The emperor rejoices at all this, everything seems very good to him, but Platov keeps his anticipation that everything means nothing to him.

The Sovereign says:

“How is that possible—why are you so unfeeling?” Is there anything that surprises you here?

And Platov answers:

- It’s one thing that’s surprising to me here that my fellow Don people fought without all this and drove out the language for twelve.

The Sovereign says:

- It's reckless.

Platov says:

- I don’t know what to attribute it to, but I don’t dare to argue and I must remain silent.

And the English, seeing such a quarrel between the sovereign, now brought him to Abolon himself of half a vedere and take from him Mortimer's gun from one hand, and a pistol from the other.

- Here, - they say, - what kind of productivity we have, - and they give a gun.

The emperor calmly looked at Mortimer's gun, because he has such in Tsarskoye Selo, and then they give him a pistol and say:

- This is a pistol of unknown, inimitable skill - our admiral at the robber chieftain in Candelabria pulled it out from his belt.

The sovereign looked at the pistol and could not get enough of it.

Went terribly.

“Ah, ah, ah,” he says, “how is it so ... how can it even be done so subtly!” - And he turns to Platov in Russian and says: - Now, if I had at least one such master in Russia, I would be very happy and proud of it, and I would immediately make that master noble.

And Platov, at these words, at the same moment lowered his right hand into his big trousers and dragged a rifle screwdriver from there. The English say: "It does not open," and he, not paying attention, well, pick the lock. Turned once, turned twice - the lock and pulled out. Platov shows the sovereign a dog, and there, on the very bend, a Russian inscription is made: "Ivan Moskvin in the city of Tula."

The English are surprised and push each other:

- Oh, de, we gave a blunder!

And the emperor sadly says to Platov:

“Why did you make them very embarrassed, I feel very sorry for them now. Let's go.

They sat down again in the same two-seater carriage and drove off, and the sovereign was at the ball that day, and Platov blew out an even larger glass of sour drink and slept soundly like a Cossack.

He was also happy that he embarrassed the British, and put the Tula master on the point of view, but it was also annoying: why did the sovereign regret the English under such a case!

“Through what is this sovereign upset? - thought Platov, - I don’t understand it at all, ”and in this reasoning he got up twice, crossed himself and drank vodka, until he forced himself into a deep sleep.

And the British, at that very time, also did not sleep, because they too were spinning. While the emperor was having fun at the ball, they arranged such a new surprise for him that they took away all of Platov's imagination.

Chapter Three

The next day, as Platov appeared to the sovereign with good morning, he said to him:

“Let them lay down a two-seater carriage now, and we’ll go to the new cabinets of curiosities to look.”

Platov even dared to report that it’s not enough, they say, to look at foreign products and isn’t it better to gather in Russia, but the sovereign says:

- No, I still want to see other news: they praised me how they make the first grade of sugar.

The Englishmen show everything to the sovereign: what different first grades they have, and Platov looked, looked, and suddenly said:

- Show us your sugar factories word of mouth?

The British don't even know what it is. word of mouth. They whisper, wink, repeat to each other: “Rumor, rumor,” but they cannot understand that we are making such sugar, and they must admit that they have all the sugar, but there is no “rumor”.

Platov says:

Well, there's nothing to brag about. Come to us, we will give you tea with the real rumor of the Bobrinsky plant.

And the emperor pulled his sleeve and said quietly:

“Please don’t spoil politics for me.

Then the British called the sovereign to the very last cabinet of curiosities, where they collected mineral stones and nymphosoria from all over the world, starting from the largest Egyptian ceramide to a skin flea that cannot be seen by the eyes, and its bite is between the skin and the body.

The Emperor has gone.

They examined the ceramides and all sorts of stuffed animals and went out, and Platov thought to himself:

“Here, thank God, everything is fine: the sovereign is not surprised by anything.”

But as soon as they came to the very last room, and here their workers in laced vests and aprons were standing and holding a tray with nothing on it.

The sovereign was suddenly surprised that an empty tray was being served to him.

– What does this mean? - asks; and the English masters answer:

“This is our humble offering to Your Majesty.

- What is this?

“But,” they say, “would you like to see a mote?”

The emperor looked and saw: for sure, the tiniest mote lies on a silver tray.

Workers say:

- If you please, lick your finger and take it in your palm.

- What do I need this speck for?

- This, - they answer, - is not a mote, but a nymphosoria.

- Is she alive?

“Not at all,” they answer, “not alive, but from pure English steel in the image of a flea we forged, and in the middle there is a winding and a spring in it. If you please turn the key: she will now begin to dance.

The sovereign became curious and asked:

- Where is the key?

And the English say:

“Here is the key before your eyes.

- Why, - the sovereign says, - I do not see him?

- Because, - they answer, - that it is necessary in a small scope.

They gave me a small scope, and the emperor saw that there really was a key on the tray near the flea.

“Excuse me,” they say, “take her in the palm of your hand - she has a clockwork hole in her tummy, and the key has seven turns, and then she will dance ...

Forcibly, the sovereign grabbed this key and could hardly hold it in a pinch, and he took a flea in another pinch and only inserted the key, when he felt that she was starting to drive with her antennae, then she began to touch her legs, and finally suddenly jumped and on the same flight a straight dance and two beliefs to one side, then to another, and so in three variations she danced the whole kavril.

The sovereign immediately ordered the British to give a million, with whatever money they themselves want - they want in silver nickels, they want in small banknotes.

The English asked to be released in silver, because they don't know much about paperwork; and then now they showed their other trick: they gave the flea as a gift, but they didn’t bring a case for it: without a case, neither it nor the key can be kept, because they will get lost and thrown into the rubbish. And their case for it is made of a solid diamond walnut - and a place in the middle is squeezed out for it. They did not submit this, because, they say, the case is official, but they are strict about the official, although for the sovereign - you can’t donate.

Platov was very angry, because he said:

Why is this a scam! They made a gift and received a million for it, and still not enough! The case, he says, always belongs to every thing.

But the Emperor says:

- Leave it, please, it's none of your business - do not spoil my politics. They have their own custom. - And he asks: - How much is that nut worth, in which the flea fits?

The British put another five thousand for it.

Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich said: “Pay”, and he himself lowered the flea into this nut, and with it the key, and in order not to lose the nut itself, he lowered it into his golden snuff box, and ordered the snuff box to be put in his travel box, which is all lined with mother of pearl and fishbone. The emperor honorably released the English masters and told them: “You are the first masters in the whole world, and my people cannot do anything against you.”

They were very pleased with this, but Platov could not utter anything against the words of the sovereign. He just took the melkoscope and, without saying anything, slipped it into his pocket, because “it belongs here,” he says, “and you already took a lot of money from us.”

The sovereign did not know this until his arrival in Russia, and they left soon, because the sovereign became melancholy from military affairs and he wanted to have a spiritual confession in Taganrog with priest Fedot. On the way, they had very little pleasant conversation with Platov, because they became completely different thoughts: the sovereign thought that the British had no equal in art, and Platov argued that ours would look at anything - they can do everything, but only they have no useful teaching . And he imagined the sovereign that the English masters had completely different rules of life, science and food, and each person had all the absolute circumstances in front of him, and because of that he had a completely different meaning.

The sovereign did not want to listen to this for a long time, and Platov, seeing this, did not intensify. So they rode in silence, only Platov would come out at each station and, out of vexation, drink a glass of leavened vodka, eat a salted lamb, light his root pipe, which immediately included a whole pound of Zhukov’s tobacco, and then sit down and sit next to the tsar in the carriage in silence. The sovereign looks in one direction, and Platov sticks out the chibouk through the other window and smokes into the wind. So they reached St. Petersburg, and the emperor Platov did not take him at all to the priest Fedot.

“You,” he says, “are intemperate in spiritual conversation and smoke so much that your smoke makes my head soot.

Platov remained offended and lay down at home on an annoying couch, and so he lay there and smoked tobacco without ceasing Zhukov.

Chapter Four

An amazing flea made of English blued steel remained with Alexander Pavlovich in a box under a fishbone until he died in Taganrog, giving it to priest Fedot, so that he would hand it over to the empress when she calmed down. The Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna looked at the flea beliefs and grinned, but did not bother with it.

“Mine,” she says, “now it’s a widow’s business, and no amusements are seductive to me,” and when she returned to Petersburg, she handed over this curiosity with all other jewelry as a legacy to the new sovereign.

Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich at first also did not pay any attention to the flea, because at sunrise there was confusion, but then once he began to review the box he had inherited from his brother and took out a snuff box from it, and a diamond nut from the snuff box, and found a steel flea in it, which had not been wound up for a long time and therefore did not act, but lay quietly, as if numb.

The emperor looked and was surprised:

- What kind of trifle is this and why does my brother have it here in such preservation!

The courtiers wanted to throw it away, but the sovereign says:

No, it means something.

They called a chemist from Anichkin Bridge from a disgusting pharmacy, who weighed poisons on the smallest scales, and they showed him, and he now took a flea, put it on his tongue and said: “I feel cold, like from strong metal.” And then he slightly crushed it with his tooth and announced:

- As you wish, but this is not a real flea, but a nymphosoria, and it is made of metal, and this work is not ours, not Russian.

The emperor ordered to find out now: where did this come from and what does it mean?

They rushed to look at the deeds and the lists, but nothing was recorded in the deeds. They began to ask one another, - no one knows anything. But, fortunately, the Don Cossack Platov was still alive and even still lay on his annoying couch and smoked his pipe. As soon as he heard that there was such unrest in the palace, he now got up from the couch, threw down his pipe and appeared before the sovereign in all orders. The Sovereign says:

“What do you want from me, brave old man?”

And Platov answers:

“Your Majesty, I don’t need anything for myself, since I drink and eat what I want and am satisfied with everything, and I,” he says, “came to report about this nymphosoria that they found: this,” he says, “so and so it was , and this is how it happened before my eyes in England - and here she has a key with her, and I have their own small scope, through which you can see it, and with this key you can wind this nymphosoria through the belly, and it will jump in any space and to the side of the belief to do.

They started it, and she went to jump, and Platov says:

“This,” he says, “your Majesty, it’s for sure that the work is very delicate and interesting, but only we shouldn’t be surprised at this with one delight of feelings, but we should subject it to Russian revisions in Tula or in Sesterbek,” then Sestroretsk was called Sesterbek , - can not our masters surpass this, so that the British do not exalt themselves over the Russians.

Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich was very confident in his Russian people and did not like to yield to any foreigner, and he answered Platov:

- It's you, a courageous old man, you speak well, and I instruct you to believe this business. I don’t care about this box now with my troubles, but you take it with you and don’t lie down on your annoying couch anymore, but go to the quiet Don and have internecine conversations with my Don people there about their life and devotion and what they like. And when you go through Tula, show my Tula masters this nymphosoria, and let them think about it. Tell them from me that my brother was surprised at this thing and praised strangers who made nymphosoria the most, and I hope on my own that they are no worse than anyone. They will not utter my word and will do something.

Chapter Five

Platov took a steel flea and, as he went through Tula to the Don, showed it to the Tula gunsmiths and conveyed the words of the sovereign to them, and then asked:

– How should we be now, Orthodox?

Gunsmiths answer:

- We, father, feel the gracious word of the sovereign and we can never forget it because he hopes for his people, but how we should be in the present case, we cannot say in one minute, because the English nation is also not stupid, but rather cunning, and art in it with great meaning. Against it, they say, it is necessary to tackle it with thought and with God's blessing. And you, if your grace, like our sovereign, has confidence in us, go to your quiet Don, and leave this flea for us, as it is, in a case and in a golden royal snuffbox. Walk along the Don and heal the wounds that you took for the fatherland, and when you go back through Tula, stop and send for us: by that time, God willing, we will think of something.

Platov was not entirely satisfied that the Tula people were demanding so much time and, moreover, they did not say clearly what exactly they hoped to arrange. He asked them in one way or another, and in every way he spoke to them slyly in Don; but the Tula people did not in the least yield to him in cunning, because they immediately had such a plan, according to which they did not even hope that Platov would believe them, but wanted to fulfill their bold imagination directly, and then give it away.

“We ourselves do not yet know what we will do, but we will only hope in God, and perhaps the word of the king for our sake will not be put to shame.

So Platov wags his mind, and Tula too.

Platov wobbled and wobbled, but he saw that he couldn’t twist the tula, handed them a snuffbox with nymphosoria and said:

- Well, there is nothing to do, let, - he says, - be your way; I don’t know what you are, well, alone, there’s nothing to do - I believe you, but just look, so as not to replace the diamond and don’t spoil the English fine work, but don’t bother for long, because I travel a lot: two weeks won’t pass, when I turn back from the quiet Don to Petersburg, then I must certainly have something to show the sovereign.

The gunsmiths completely reassured him:

- Fine work, - they say, - we will not damage and we will not exchange a diamond, and two weeks is enough time for us, and by the time you return back, you will something worthy to present to the sovereign splendor.

BUT what exactly, they didn't say that.

Chapter six

Platov left Tula, and the gunsmiths, three people, the most skillful of them, one oblique left-hander, a birthmark on his cheek, and the hair on his temples was torn out during training, said goodbye to his comrades and to their family, yes, without saying anything to anyone, took their bags, put there what you need to eat and disappeared from the city.

They only noticed that they did not go to the Moscow outpost, but to the opposite, Kyiv side, and thought that they went to Kyiv to bow to the reposed saints or to advise there with one of the living holy men who always stay in Kyiv in abundance .

But that was only close to the truth, not the truth itself. Neither time nor distance allowed the Tula craftsmen to go on foot to Kyiv in three weeks, and even then to have time to do work that was shameful for the English nation. It would be better if they could go to pray in Moscow, which is only “two ninety miles away”, and there are many saints resting there. And in the other direction, to Orel, the same "two ninety", but beyond Orel to Kyiv again a good five hundred miles. You won’t make such a path soon, and having done it, you won’t rest soon - for a long time your legs will be glazed and your hands will shake.

Others even thought that the craftsmen had boasted in front of Platov, and then, after thinking it over, they got cold feet and now completely fled, taking with them both the royal gold snuffbox, and the diamond, and the English steel flea in a case that caused them trouble.

However, such an assumption was also completely unfounded and unworthy of skillful people, on whom the hope of the nation now rested.

Chapter Seven

Tulyaks, smart people and knowledgeable in metal work, are also known as the first experts in religion. In this regard, their native land is full of glory, and even St. Athos: they are not only masters of singing with the Babylonians, but they know how the painting “Evening Bells” is written, and if one of them devotes himself to great service and goes to monasticism, then such are reputed to be the best monastic stewards, and they make the most able collectors. On Holy Athos they know that the Tula people are the most profitable people, and if not for them, then the dark corners of Russia would probably not have seen very many saints of the distant East, and Athos would have lost many useful gifts from Russian generosity and piety. Now the "Athos Tula" carry saints throughout our homeland and skillfully collect fees even where there is nothing to take. Tulyak is full of church piety and a great practitioner of this matter, and therefore those three masters who undertook to support Platov and all of Russia with him did not make a mistake, heading not to Moscow, but to the south. They did not go to Kyiv at all, but to Mtsensk, to the county town of the Oryol province, in which there is an ancient “stone-cut” icon of St. Nicholas, which sailed here in the most ancient times on a large stone cross along the Zusha River. This icon is of the “terrible and terrible” type - the saint of Mir-Lycian is depicted on it “in full growth”, all dressed in silver-plated clothes, and his face is dark and holds a temple on one hand, and in the other a sword - “military overpowering”. It was in this “overcoming” that the whole meaning of the thing lay: St. Nikolai is generally the patron of trade and military affairs, and the “Mtsensk Nikola” in particular, and the Tula people went to bow to him. They served a prayer service at the very icon, then at the stone cross, and finally returned home “at night” and, without telling anyone anything, set to work in a terrible secret. All three of them came together in one house to Levsha, locked the doors, closed the shutters in the windows, lit the icon lamp in front of Nikolai's image and began to work.

For a day, two, three, they sit and do not go anywhere, everyone taps with hammers. They forge something like that, but what they forge is unknown.

Everyone is curious, but no one can find out anything, because the workers do not say anything and do not show themselves outside. Different people went to the house, knocked on the doors under different forms to ask for fire or salt, but the three artisans do not open up to any demand, and even what they eat is unknown. They tried to frighten them, as if a house was on fire in the neighborhood - would they jump out in a fright and then show up what they had forged, but nothing took these cunning craftsmen; once only Lefty leaned up to his shoulders and shouted:

- Burn yourself, but we have no time, - and again he hid his plucked head, slammed the shutter, and set to work.

Only through small slits could one see how a light gleamed inside the house, and one could hear that thin hammers were pounding on ringing anvils.

In a word, the whole business was conducted in such a terrible secret that nothing could be found out, and, moreover, it continued until the very return of the Cossack Platov from the quiet Don to the sovereign, and during all this time the masters did not see anyone and did not talk.

Page 26. When Emperor Alexander Pavlovich graduated from the Vienna Council... - Alexander I played a major role at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), which ended the wars with Napoleon and established new borders of states based on the restoration of feudal reaction and the "legitimate" power of the old dynasties.

... internecine conversations... - Here in the sense: conversations among themselves.

Platov Matvey Ivanovich, count (1751-1818) - ataman of the Don Cossacks, cavalry general, a prominent figure in the Patriotic War. After the conclusion of peace, he accompanied Alexander I to London.

Page 27. Kunstkamera- a collection of rarities, a museum.

rough- instead of: hunchbacked.

Kizlyarka- grape vodka of low quality, produced in the city of Kizlyar in the Caucasus.

Skladen- folding icon painted on two or three doors.

two-seater- compound words: double and sit down.

busters- connection of words: busts and chandeliers.

Canopy- instead of: canopy.

Abolon polvedersky- instead of: Apollo Belvedere (the famous ancient statue kept in Rome, in the Vatican).

Buremeter- combination of words: barometer and storm.

Merblues- instead of: camel.

Manton- the same as manto.

Waterproof cable- instead of: waterproof raincoat (a combination of the Russian word "waterproof" with the end of the French adjective).

Page 28. Awaiting- connection of nouns: agitation (excitement, excitement - from French agitation) and expectation.

Twelve language - twelve nations. This expression often referred to the army of Napoleon.

recklessness- combination of words: prejudice and recklessness.

Mortimer's gun. - G. V. Mortimer - English gunsmith of the late 18th century.

Pistol- pistol. Candelabria... - obviously, instead of "in Calabria" (Calabria is a peninsula in Italy). Connected with the word: candelabrum (candle stand).


Page 28. ... noble would have done. -"Noble" - here in the meaning: nobleman.

Sugib- fold.

Page 29. Sugar is silent. - In the 10-20s of the 19th century, in St. Petersburg there was a sugar factory "of the commerce of the adviser and gentleman" Y. N. Molvo.

Page thirty. ... Bobrinsky plant. - The refinery of Count A. A. Bobrinsky existed in the town of Smela, Kyiv Province. from the 30s of the 19th century.

Nymphosoria- combination of words: infusoria and nymph.

Ceramide- instead of: pyramid.

...danse dance. - Danser (French) - to dance; here in the sense of some kind of dance form.

Page 31. melkoskop- compound words: microscope and finely.

Probability- instead of: variation (a form of classical or characteristic dance, built on jumping or finger movements, lasting one to two minutes).

Page 32. Alexey Fedotov-Chekhovskiy- the priest of the Taganrog Cathedral Church, to whom Alexander I confessed before his death.

Root tube- carved from the root of a tree.

Zhukov tobacco. - In the 1920s and 1950s, pipe tobacco manufactured by Vasily Zhukov in St. Petersburg was very popular.

Page 33. couch- instead of: couch.

Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna(1779-1826) - wife of Alexander I.

... at its rising... - that is, at the beginning of the reign.

... from Anichkin bridge from a nasty pharmacy... - that is, from the pharmacy opposite the Anichkov bridge (at the corner of Nevsky Prospekt and the Fontanka embankment).

Page 34. ... then Sestroretsk was called Sesterbek. - In the geographical books of the 18th and early 19th centuries, Sestroretsk, as well as the Sestra River on which it stands, are named: Sesterbek; Sisterback, Sestrabek, Sestrebek.

Page 37. ... "two ninety miles"... - that is, 180 versts.

Babylon- sinuous patterns, frills.

On Holy Athos... - Athos - a peninsula in Greece, where there were many monasteries and sketes, including Russian ones.

... collect fees even where there is nothing to take. - In "New Time", 1882, No. 2412 (dated November 14), Leskov placed a note "Printed begging", in which he draws attention to


“unlawful begging for monasteries” - especially from the Athos monastery, which even sent out printed circulars “with a request for alms” and a fee for “remembrance”. Wed See also the story “Speed ​​is needed to catch fleas, but inspection is needed in deeds” from the cycle “Notes of an Unknown Man” (p. 341 of this volume).

Page 38. "Stone-Cut"- carved from stone.

zusha- the river on which the city of Mtsensk stands; tributary of the Oka.

Saint of Mir Lycian... - Nicholas the "wonderworker" (4th century) was an archbishop in the city of Myra in the country of Lycia (in Asia Minor).

"Noschyuyu"- at night.

Page 39. whistling- combination of words: signal and whistle.

Page 40 ... a sweaty spiral has become... - "Spiral" here is like a noun from the verb "spiral" (sweaty spiral - air stuffed with sweat).

Page 41. postilion- riding coachman on the front horse when harnessed by a train.

Page 42. Pubel- obviously, instead of: poodle.

Tugament - instead of: document.

Page 43. Casamat- casemate (single cell in the fortress).

... his beloved daughter Alexandra Nikolaevna... - Alexandra Nikolaevna (1825-1844) - the youngest daughter of Nicholas I.

Page 44. ... look into the strongest smallscope. - Tula craftsmen are still famous for the fineness of their work. So, the Soviet gunsmith M. I. Pochukaev “fitted his signature on one ornamental stalk with a width of only 0.1 mm; it is visible only with a strong magnifying glass ”(V. Ashurkov. Tale of Tula craftsmanship. - In the book: N. S. Leskov. Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander, Tula, 1948, p. 14).

Page 45. Ozyamchik- aziam, peasant outerwear with long skirts.

Page 47. Count Kiselvrode- Count Nesselrode Karl Vasilievich (1780-1862), in 1822-1856 - Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Page 48. "Ay lyuli - se tre crooks ". - Cest très joli (French) is very nice.

Studing- combination of words: pudding and jelly.

Public- combination of words: public and police.

slander- combination of words: feuilleton and slander.

Page 49. symphon- instead: a siphon (a bottle with a tap for sparkling or mineral water).


Page 49. Erfix(French air fixe - solid form) - a sobering agent added to water.

Page fifty. ... and idolized icons and coffin heads and relics... - instead of: and miraculous icons I am myrrh-streaming (supposedly exuding fragrant myrrh) heads and relics.

Page 51. Grandevu- instead of: rendezvous (French rendez-vous - love date).

Page 52. ... but the hands are some kind of legs. Quite accurately, the sapage monkey is a plush talma. - Legs - socks. Sapajou is a genus of monkeys with short, thick fur. Talma - a long cape without sleeves. Plis is a cotton fabric similar to velvet.

chiglety- instead of: boots.

Page 53. With a boilie- with a fight, with beatings.

Multiplication Dolby. - Dolbitsa - a combination of words: table and hollow.

hard earth sea- instead of: Mediterranean.

Page 54. Trepeter watch. - Trepeter - a combination of words: a repeater (a mechanism in a pocket watch that beats time when a special spring is pressed) and tremble.

... sit under the present... - Present (gift) here instead: tarpaulin.

Buffa- instead of: bay.

Half-skipper - instead of: sub-skipper - assistant skipper.

Page 55. Pay - instead of: bet.

... to Riga Dinaminde... - Dyunamunde, since 1893 Ust-Dvinsk, now Daugavgriva - a port at the mouth of the Western Dvina.

Murin- black person.

Page 56. ... cold steam... - Parat - probably instead of the front porch.

Page 57. Subhealer- medical assistant, paramedic.

Obukhvinskaya hospital- instead of: Obukhovskaya.

... chicken with lynx... - instead of: chicken with rice.

Kleinmichel Pyotr Andreevich, count (1793-1869), from 1842 to 1855 - chief manager of communications and public buildings.

... got a full puple... - Puplection instead of: apoplexy (stroke, paralysis).

Skobelev Ivan Nikitich(1778-1849) - general, since 1839 commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Page 58. ... doctor from the clergy ... Martyn-Solsky. - Solsky Martyn Dmitrievich (1798-1881) was a doctor at


Guards regiments, St. Petersburg stadt physicist, member of the medical council of the Ministry of the Interior. The son of a priest.

Page 58. ... the British do not clean their guns with bricks ... - A. N. Leskov reports on N. S. Leskov’s conversations in the summer of 1878 with N. E. Bolonin, assistant to the head of the Sestroretsk arms factory: “Nikolai Yegorovich spoke ... about the barbaric handling of firearms at Pavlovichi, when ... guns were cleaned crushed brick or sand, both outside and inside ... All this was useful to the “Lefty”, in patriotic fervor, until the last minute, he longed to bring to the tsar so that they would not fight with bricks, but would take care of them greased ”(A. Leskov. Life of Nikolai Leskov, pp. 373-374).

Chernyshev Alexander Ivanovich (1786-1857) - since 1826 the count, since 1841 the most serene prince; in the years from 1827 to 1852 - Minister of War.

Pleasure tube(French plaisir - pleasure) - here instead: clyster tube.

... "deeds of bygone days" and "traditions of antiquity"... - an inaccurate quote from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (the beginning of the first song).

Lesk words

  • Abolon polvedersky - instead of: Apollo Belvedere (the famous ancient statue kept in Rome, in the Vatican)

  • Agitation- combination of nouns: agitation (from French excitement, excitement) and expectation

  • Boilies - instead: beatings

  • Tarpaulin: gift

  • Butt- instead of: bay.

  • Buremeter- compound words: barometer and storm

  • busters- compound words: busts and chandeliers

  • Recklessness combination of words: prejudice and recklessness.

  • Babylon - twisty patterns, frills

  • Probability- instead of: variation

  • Valdakhin- instead of: canopy

  • Grandevu- instead of: rendezvous

  • Rough- instead of: hunchbacked

  • Two ninety miles - then there are 180 versts

  • Danse- dance

  • Twelve language- twelve nations. This expression often referred to the army of Napoleon.

  • Double- compound words: double and sit down.

  • D column (multiplications) - compound words: table and peck

  • zusha - the river on which the city of Mtsensk stands, a tributary of the Oka.

  • .Casamat- casemate (single cell in the fortress).


  • slander- combination of words: feuilleton and slander.

  • Lynx chicken - instead of: chicken with rice

  • Kunstkamera- curiosity collection, museum

  • Condelabria- instead of Calabria (a peninsula in Italy) Connected with the word: candelabra (candle stand)

  • Root tube - carved from the root of a tree.

  • Stonecut - carved from stone.

  • Ceramide- instead of a pyramid.

  • Myurin- black person

  • Merblues- instead of: camel

  • Manton- same as manto

  • internecine conversations - conversations among themselves.

  • Mortimer's gun G. V. Mortimer - English gunsmith of the late XV III century.

  • Finescope- compound words: microscope and finely.

  • Legs- socks.

  • Waterproof instead: waterproof raincoat (a combination of the Russian word "waterproof" with the end of the French adjective.)

  • Nymphosoria - combination of words: infusoria and nymph.

  • Noschiyu- at night

  • ... from Anichkin bridge from a nasty pharmacy ...- that is, from the pharmacy opposite the Anichkov bridge.

  • Obukhvinskaya hospital- instead of: Obukhovskaya


  • Half-shekeper- instead of: sub-skipper, assistant skipper.

  • Parey - instead of: bet

  • puplection - apoplexy (stroke, paralysis)

  • Pleasure tube - instead: clyster tube.

  • Prate- stone porch

  • Pistol- pistol

  • Prelamut- nacre

  • Public- combination of words: public and police.

  • Pubel- instead of: poodle.

  • ...when it rises...- that is, at the beginning of the reign.

  • Folding- folding icon painted on two or three wings

  • Sugib- fold

  • Sugar rumor-in In the 10-20s of the XIX century in St. Petersburg there was a sugar factory Ya.N. Molvo

  • Symphon- instead: siphon (bottle with a tap for sparkling or mineral water.

  • whistling - combination of words: messenger and whistle.

  • C e tre jule - it is very cute

  • Student- combination of words: pudding and jelly

  • Tugament- instead of: document

  • Thelma long cape without sleeves.

  • the solid sea - instead of: mediterranean

  • trepetirot- compound words: repeater and rattle

  • Have a couch - instead of: couch

  • postilion - riding coachman on the front horse when harnessed by a train.

  • Goldfinches- instead: boots.

Crossword "N. S. Leskov. "Lefty"»

  • Horizontally:

  • 5. Without what did the Tula masters not want to let Lefty and Platov go to St. Petersburg?

  • 6. What was in the watch donated to Lefty by the British?

  • 7. How is the word "bay" called in the tale?

  • 9. What did Lefty experience in the Solid Earth Sea, when “the watering became terrible”, “that there was no way to calm him down”?

  • 11. What institution did Tsar Alexander Pavlovich and Ataman Platov visit in England?

  • 15. What did the "English nymphosoria" dance?

  • 16. In what form did the devil seem to Lefty in the depths of the sea?

  • 18. Find the root in the word "whistling".

  • 19. What fairy-tale characters do the Tula masters who shoed a flea resemble?

  • 20. The name of which hero of Leskov's tale has become a household name?

  • 23. Under what was Abolon Polvedersky standing in the cabinets of curiosities?

  • 25. What was the name of the dance moves performed by the English flea?

  • 28. What did Platov put in his pocket when he paid for the flea?

Crossword solution