Analysis of the program around the world. Aspect analysis of programs and textbooks on the world around for elementary school

Analysis of the teaching materials of the course "The world around us" of the educational system "School 2100"

At the present stage of education in schools, a variety of didactic systems are functioning, represented by various programs and author's developments.

In order to determine what is the place for the formation of ideas about the interconnections of animate and inanimate nature among younger students, it is necessary to analyze the program material on the world around us in elementary school. The program course of the educational system "School 2100" was chosen for the analysis.

The program of A.A. Vakhrushev, O.V. Bursky, A.S. Rautian and S.V. Tyrin “World and Man” is one of the most interesting in terms of structuring the material, although it is quite difficult in terms of work.

The program is aimed at educating a person who is aware of his place and the place of humanity in the world around him, i.e. on the education of biospheric ethics. The latter is impossible without familiarizing the child with the elements of a holistic picture of the world, which should become a kind of personal imperative in his behavior. This is reflected in the peculiar arrangement of the material: intersectoral following from bioecology to global with a parallel consideration of the issues of human ecology as part of nature and at the same time somewhat departed in its development from animals. At the same time, the meaning of communicating the picture of the world is seen by the authors in that, with a minimum of knowledge communicated to children, to make them conscious participants in life, which in turn implies the creative and research nature of the work on the part of both the teacher and students. That is, it is supposed not only to acquaint schoolchildren with the image of the world, but also to teach them to use their experience. Therefore, the solution of problematic creative tasks is considered as the main way of understanding the world [goats, p.403].

To facilitate work in the textbook, the main concepts are highlighted in a box at the end of each paragraph, and their interpretation is clearly given in the dictionary (at the end of the manual), in a structured manner [koats, p.405].

In the process of work, students consciously form the ability to put forward hypotheses and convincingly defend their point of view (look for ways to check), take someone else's position (listen and choose the correct answer), diagnose and predict what is happening. This kind of search orientation makes it possible to prepare a person for a constant change in environmental conditions. That is why it is precisely the diverse reflection of the one and its explanation that become the subject of this course [koz, p.406].

1st class. "Me and the world around" (66 hours) - Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S.

What surrounds us (10 hours). Man's dependence on nature. Living natural wealth: animals and plants. Inanimate natural resources: air, soil, water, underground storerooms. Forces of nature - wind, sunlight, river flow. The role of natural resources in the human economy. Respect for natural resources. Solid, liquid and gaseous bodies, their display in Russian. Three states of water: solid (ice, snow), liquid (water), gaseous (steam).

Living inhabitants of the planet (9 hours). Plants, fungi, animals, humans are living organisms. Growth, respiration, nutrition, reproduction are properties of living organisms. Mortality of living organisms. Respect for the living inhabitants of the Earth.

The similarity of plants and animals: breathing, nutrition, growth, development, reproduction. Plants are "breadwinners". Animals are "eaters". Variety of plants (flowering and non-flowering plants). Mushrooms. Variety of animals. The relationship of living organisms of different "professions" with each other. Their adaptation to their place of life.

Seasons (12 noon). Autumn. Signs of autumn: cold snap, short day, leaf fall, ice on puddles. Leaf coloring. Preparing animals for winter.

Winter. Winter signs. Weather in winter. Snow, snowflake, icicle, frost patterns. Animals and plants in winter. Help animals.

Spring. Signs of spring: ice drift, melting snow, blooming leaves, the arrival of birds, the beginning of flowering plants, nesting birds. Flowers are primroses. Birds and their nests.

Summer. Signs of summer: long day, short night, bright sun, thunderstorm (thunder, lightning). Folk omens. All living things bring offspring, the ripening of fruits. Mushrooms. Water travel. Thunderstorm Rules. Nests and dens of animals.

Excursion to the park "Autumn Nature".

Excursion to the park "Winter nature".

Excursion to the park "Spring Nature".

2nd grade. "Our planet Earth" (68 hours) - Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S.

Introduction (4 hours). Living and non-living nature.

Earth and sun (16 hours). Determination of the time of the day and year by the Sun and the Moon. Determination of directions by the Sun and the North Star. main sides of the horizon.

The change of night and day. The main source of light on Earth is the Sun. The rotation of the Earth around its axis is the reason for the change of day and night. Proportionality of the rhythm of human life to days. Daily regime. Practical work with the globe.

Change of seasons. The life of nature changes with the seasons. The height of the sun above the horizon in different seasons of the year. Change in the angle of inclination of the sun's rays during the year. The revolution of the Earth around the Sun is the reason for the change of seasons. The axis of the Earth is directed to the North Star. Due to the tilt of the axis, the Earth turns to the Sun with its northern hemisphere (summer of the northern hemisphere), then southern (winter of the northern hemisphere). The earth retains the heat of the sun's rays.

Earth is our common home (11 hours). The relationship of all living things in an ecosystem. their mutual adaptation. Circulation of matter.

Natural zones - land areas with similar natural conditions, receiving a similar amount of solar heat and light and changing in a certain order from the pole to the equator.

natural areas.

3rd grade. Section 1: "Inhabitants of the Earth" (34 hours). - Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S.

The shell of the planet, engulfed by life (5 hours). The living shell of the Earth is the biosphere. Life is distributed in the area of ​​mutual penetration of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.

Participants in the circulation of substances. Plants - producers, their role in providing food and oxygen. Animals - consumers, their role in limiting the number of plants. Fungi and bacteria are decomposers, their role in converting dead organisms into mineral plant nutrients.

The role of the sun as a source of energy. Storage of solar energy by living organisms.

Ecological system (9 hours). A large cycle in the biosphere connects all ecosystems. An ecosystem is a unity of animate and inanimate nature, in which a community of living organisms of different "professions" is able to jointly maintain the circulation of substances. Community. Living and non-living components of an ecosystem. Food chains. Soil is the unity of living and non-living.

lake ecosystem. The swamp is an overgrown lake. Meadow ecosystem. Forest ecosystem.

The field is an artificial ecological system.

An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. Non-living (sand, stones, water) and living components of the aquarium. Algae, crustaceans and fish, bacteria. The relationship of all living and non-living components in an aquarium. Possible mistakes of a beginner aquarist.

Excursion "The inhabitants of the lake, meadows, forests."

3rd grade. Section 2: "My Fatherland" (34 hours) - Danilov D.D., Tyrin S.V.

Your relatives and your Motherland in the stream of time (4 hours)

Times of Ancient Russia. IX - XIII centuries (5 hours)

Times of the Moscow state. XIV - XVII centuries (4 hours)

Times of the Russian Empire. XVIII - early XX century (5 hours)

Times of Soviet Russia and the USSR. 1917 - 1991 (4 hours)

Modern Russia (8 hours)

4th grade. Section 1: "Man and Nature" (34 hours) - Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S.

This section contains the following topics:

Man and his structure (14 hours)

The origin of man (2 hours)

Man-made nature (10 hours) Livestock and crop production, their role in the human economy.

Water, its properties. The device of the simplest steam engine, hydraulic press and jack.

Air, its composition and properties. Balloon.

Rocks and minerals, their use by man. Precious and ornamental stones.

Metals, their properties. The use of various metals.

Peat, coal, oil and natural gas - fossil fuel, its origin. Steam engine. Internal combustion engine, rocket engine.

electricity in nature. Human use of electricity. Magnets, their features.

Sound, its properties. Communication means and musical instruments. Light, its properties.

4th grade. Section 2: "Man and mankind" (34 hours) - Danilov D.D., Tyrin S.V.

This section is represented by the following topics:

Man and his inner world (9 hours)

Man and Society (4 hours)

A picture of the world history of mankind (6 hours)

Man and the Many Faces of Mankind (5 hours)

Man and a single humanity (4 hours) [Educational system "School 2100". Collection of programs. Preschool education. Primary school / - M.: Balass, 2010. - 400 p.]. -WITH. 245-267

In general, the course, which is natural in its essence, has an ecological orientation with a historical and cultural orientation, reflected both in the presented material and in the approaches to its construction. It contains many interesting author's findings, rich illustrative material, a complicated selection of information and experiments, and is also based on the research, problematic, activity-practical principle of obtaining information as a fundamental one, although it is mainly devoid of socio-historical material. Its effective character and the idea of ​​integrity as a dominant line of construction are reflected in the final result: to understand the world means to know what and why it happens in it, to predict what can happen to it, and decide how to behave in it [goats, with .409].

Analysis of textbooks of the educational system "School 2100"

Textbooks in A4 format, for each class there are 2 parts of the textbook, which undoubtedly facilitates the use of the textbook by the child - it is light in weight, contains large print, and is colorful. All this is due to the age characteristics of the child teaching in elementary school.

Grade 1, part 1, 2 "Me and the world around"

The first pages of the textbook contain information for the parent teacher. Further down the content is material on how to use the textbook. Here the student can get acquainted with the conventions found in the text of the textbook and how he should react to them.

Each topic starts on a new page. The author of the textbook, as it were, conducts an unobtrusive dialogue with the child, which makes the learning process freer in terms of assimilation of information.

Explanatory dictionaries are placed at the end of textbooks.

The relationship between animate and inanimate nature is studied in topics about the seasons.

Grade 2, part 1, 2 "Our planet Earth"

Starting from the second grade, in addition to illustrations and diagrams, photographic materials are also found in the textbook, which allows the child to better represent certain objects of the world around him.

In part 1 of the textbook, there are 3 applications: 1. Learning to solve life problems; 2. Project "My country"; 3. Maps (6 different physical maps are placed).

The second part also contains applications: 1. Learning to solve life problems; 2. Project "World Exhibition"; 3. Cards (15 cards); 4. The game “The path of mankind.

As in each of the 1st grade textbooks, the second has an explanatory dictionary at the end of the textbook.

The relationship between animate and inanimate nature can be traced in topics about natural areas.

Grade 3, part 1 "Inhabitants of the Earth"

On the first pages of the textbook, the authors introduce the student how to work with the textbook, explain to them why we study, how we will study, what must be remembered. The following is a route to the land of knowledge, and from this page the authors introduce the student to their assistants Misha and Lena.

Part 1 of the textbook contains more text material, already printed in smaller print, than textbooks in grades 1 and 2. Lots of colorful diagrams and illustrations.

In this part of the textbook, there are 2 applications: 1. Learning to solve life problems; 2. Project "Let's Preserve the Beauty of Nature".

An explanatory dictionary is placed at the end of the textbook.

The relationship between animate and inanimate nature can be traced in chapter 3 "Ecological system".

Grade 3, part 2 "My Fatherland"

Here, the team of authors has not changed its tradition - to acquaint students with the structure of the textbook. In the textbook, in each topic, a problematic issue is spelled out, which the heroes of the textbook, Anyuta and Ilyusha, propose to discuss. Further, on the spread of the textbook, there is a map "Journey along the" river of time "of the Russian Empire."

The textbook has 6 chapters on the history of our country.

Chapter 1. Your relatives and your homeland in the stream of time

Chapter 2. Times of Ancient Russia. 9th-13th centuries

Chapter 3. Times of the Muscovite state. 14th-17th century

Chapter 4. Times of the Russian Empire. 18th - early 20th century

Chapter 5. Times of Soviet Russia and the USSR. 1917-1991

Chapter 6. Modern Russia.

At the end of the textbook there are 2 applications: 1. Learning to solve life problems; 2. The project "Let's Preserve the History of the Native Land" and the project "We Celebrate Public Holidays".

The course ends with an explanatory dictionary.

Grade 4, part 1 "Man and Nature"

The first part of the tutorial consists of two chapters:

Chapter 1. How the human body works

Chapter 2

Applications are provided after each chapter. In the first chapter - Appendix 1. We learn to solve life problems, and in the second chapter - applications: 2. We learn to solve life problems; 3. Repetition. Nature, substances, phenomena; 4. Repetition. Earth is the planet of life; 5. Repetition. Plants and animals; 6. Repetition. natural areas. Ecosystems.

At the end of the course, an explanatory dictionary is offered.

In the first part of the textbook, the relationship between animate and inanimate nature is repeated in appendices 5 and 6. Where the student is asked questions about plants and animals, their relationship, as well as questions about natural areas and ecosystems.

Grade 4, part 2 "Man and mankind"

The second part of the tutorial consists of two sections. The first section has two chapters with included paragraphs.

Section 1. Man

Chapter 1. Man and his inner world

Chapter 2

After chapter 1, students are offered additional material, and after the first section there is an appendix 1. We learn to solve life problems.

Section 2 Humanity

Chapter 3. Man and the past of mankind

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

After chapter 4, additional material is offered, and after chapter 5, appendix 2. Learning to solve life problems; appendix 3. Project "My humanity".

And upon completion of the material covered, students are offered an explanatory dictionary.

In the second part of the textbook, the relationship between animate and inanimate nature is not studied.

Chapter 1 Conclusion

The first chapter is aimed at considering the theoretical foundations of the relationship between animate and inanimate nature.

The interrelationships of animate and inanimate nature are characterized: the characteristics of environmental factors are presented; the most important environmental factors - temperature, light and humidity are considered.

Seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals of the Omsk Irtysh region are considered. The description of changes in animate and inanimate nature according to seasonal periodicity is given: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The concepts of "photoperiodism" are considered.

The teaching materials of the course "World around" of the educational system "School 2100" are analyzed. Summing up, we state that the relationship between animate and inanimate nature is studied in grade 1 in 4 topics about each season; in grade 2 when studying natural areas; in grade 3, part 1 - in chapter 3 "Ecological system"; in grade 4, part 1 at the end of the textbook, only questions are given to repeat natural areas and ecosystems.

Currently, schools have adopted a number of educational programs for primary schools. Each school decides for itself which program children will study. Often in one parallel, two different classes study in two different programs. Let us briefly consider each of the programs on the "World Around" their goals and objectives. .

Program "Harmony"

The program "Harmony" carries the ideas of developmental education and is based on the thesis of children's activity in the process of mastering new material. The goal of the program is the multifaceted development of the child, comfortable learning with specially created situations of success for each student. The program provides the child with an understanding of the issues being studied, the ability to formulate a problem and solve it, the ability of self-control and self-esteem. The Harmony program successfully solves such problems as:

  • · formation of methods of mental activity - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization;
  • the priority of independent work of students;
  • Active involvement in cognitive activity through observation, choice, transformation, design;
  • maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
  • reliance on the experience of the child;

the unity of intellectual and special skills (Brynina, 2001, 8).

Program "School of Russia"

"School of Russia" is a national education program. The purpose of the program is to create conditions for the spiritual and moral development of students. The program is considered traditional, covering all educational areas and subjects, including computer science and a foreign language. This program embodies many of the principles of the national school, which have proven to be accessible to students of primary school age, and takes into account the age characteristics of children. The program solves the following tasks:

  • personal development of younger students;
  • · civic-oriented education of junior schoolchildren;
  • formation of globally oriented thinking;
  • · provision of eco-adequate education (Kozina, 2003.13).

Primary school XXI century

Educational and methodical set "Primary school XXI century" edited by Professor N.F. Vinogradova is one of the most popular today. The purpose of the program is the full individual development of the child and his education. A distinctive feature of the program can be considered a system of pedagogical diagnostics from grades 1 to 4, which allows you to determine the readiness of a particular student for learning, the thoroughness of mastering the material. Pedagogical diagnostics is designed to evaluate not the final result of solving problems, but the way a particular student solves them. The tasks that the program "Primary School XXI Century" solves:

  • the use of visual-figurative thinking appropriate for children of this age;
  • inclusion of gaming teaching methods (Brynina, 2001, 5)

Program "School 2100"

The educational system "School 2100" is a unique experience in creating a holistic educational model of lifelong learning for children from preschool age to graduation. The purpose of the program is to ensure the self-determination of the individual, the creation of conditions for successful self-realization, the ability to improve oneself. The program "School 2100" is constantly evolving, while maintaining the conceptual integrity. Tasks solved within the framework of the program "School 2100":

  • Continuity and succession of education in all school subjects;
  • independent discovery of new knowledge by children;
  • formation of a unified picture of the world;
  • · orientation to the creative beginning in educational activity;
  • The opportunity for each child to progress at their own pace.

Developing system of L.V. Zankov

Professor Zankov's teaching system is considered to be developing and follows the didactic principle of "training at a high level of difficulty while observing the measure of difficulty." A distinctive feature of the program is the high rate of material passing. The program is based on scientific research on the characteristics of the mental apparatus of younger students, with special attention to moral and aesthetic development. The goal of the program is the optimal overall development of each child. The leading role is given to theoretical knowledge. Learning objectives according to the Zankov system:

  • formation of a holistic broad picture of the world by means of science, literature, art;
  • creation of conditions for understanding the learning process by each student;
  • Implementation of active forms of cognition: observation, experiments, discussion;
  • actualization of the practical significance of the studied material for students;
  • · development of information culture - carrying out research and design work (Kalinkin, 2003, 66).

Developmental training according to the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov

The Elkonin-Davydov system is based on scientific concepts about the material being studied. Knowledge is given not in the form of axioms and rules, but by comprehending them, that is, the student may not know something, but must be able to fill this gap if necessary. The classes study the principles of building a language, the structure and origin of a number, etc. The goal of the Elkonin-Davydov developmental system is to form a conscious approach to the study of various disciplines: children are able to argue their point of view, take into account the position of another, do not accept information on faith, but require evidence and explanations. Tasks to be solved in the process of applying the Elkonin-Davydov system:

  • Creation of a comfortable learning atmosphere (lack of marks: the assessment of the work of students takes place at a qualitative level in the form of recommendations);
  • children do not overwork, overloading their memory with numerous new information;
  • development of the ability to think unusually, deeply.

Educational-methodical complex "Perspective"

Educational-methodical complex "Perspektiva" Educational system "Perspektiva" fully meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, combines elements of developing and traditional schools. The didactic basis of the system of textbooks "Perspektiva" was the activity method of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences L.G. Peterson, who became the scientific supervisor of the system of textbooks "Perspektiva" since 2010. The goal is not only adaptation to the world, but the personal realization of students in the world through the flow of cognitive activities. At the same time, special attention is paid to the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren. Tasks of the educational system "Perspective":

  • formation of the ability to learn, the inclusion of each child in independent cognitive activity;
  • Changing the method of teaching from explanatory to activity;
  • development of logical and figurative thinking, imagination, intuition;
  • - formation of a system of values ​​of humanism, creation, self-development, morality as the basis for successful self-realization.

In our work, we will consider the Developing System of L.V. Zankova UMK “World Around” The authors of this program are: N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.N. Kazakov.

The core of the course is the logic of the historical development of the Earth, nature, man and human society, man's knowledge of the world around him in their unity and interpenetration. As they move from class to class, students are enriched with new knowledge, new ways of activity and methods of cognition obtained by man at each stage of his historical development. The basis of the integrated course is "Natural Science" (Man and Nature) and "Social Science" (Man and Society), as suggested by the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation. Binding phenomena and events to basic philosophical concepts: to time (historical block) and space (geographical block) serves to streamline the wide and varied content of the integrated course.

It is impossible to understand why, as a result of historical development, the world has become what it is now, not only without natural science and historical knowledge, but also without gaining experience of direct communication with nature, with people as representatives of society. This creates conditions for the socialization of the child, familiarizing him with the values ​​of civil society, the formation of an active and responsible citizenship, the education of an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards nature. The organization of active educational activity of schoolchildren is the main condition for mastering the program of the course "The World Around" in the system of developing education L.V. Zankov. Only one's own activity can cause an emotional and valuable attitude to the studied events, facts, phenomena, thereby realizing the educational possibilities of the course. From grade 1 to grade 4, the following interdependencies can be traced. The initial ideas about the cosmos serve as the basis for understanding the processes occurring in the nature of the Earth. In turn, inanimate and living nature is the environment in which the history of mankind develops, and man, through his activity, changes the nature of the Earth. Thus, the subject of schoolchildren's research is the unity of inanimate and living nature, the role of the development of man, society, his discoveries at different stages of history, the gradual release of man from the power of nature, and, finally, human intervention in nature. The EMC "The World Around" includes textbooks (grades 1-4) with an electronic application, workbooks, a multimedia application "Check Yourself", lesson-thematic planning, methodological recommendations for the teacher. .

Textbooks "The World Around" for grades 1-4 (authors N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.N. Kazakov) are included in the Federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the educational process in educational institutions. The content of the textbooks corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO. Each textbook has an electronic application. Workbooks are included in the EMC "The World Around" and are intended for independent work of students. The tasks proposed in them expand the knowledge of children about the world around them and give them an effective character, creating conditions for the overall development of children. .

New editions of notebooks have their own characteristics. The content of notebooks has been expanded with tasks aimed at developing universal learning activities for students. At the end of notebooks for grades 1 and 3 there are cut cards that children can use when working with different tasks. From the 2nd grade, a self-assessment system is provided, aimed at developing the skills to adequately independently assess the correctness of the performance of an action and perceive the assessment of one's work by the teacher. All notebooks are beautifully illustrated. .

Notebooks for grades 1-3 have a colored tab with stickers that are used when studying the corresponding topics of the textbook. They add variety to the process of assimilation of educational material by the child, are an additional factor of motivation and rationalization of educational activities, contributing to the organization of the activity approach in learning, make the educational process more dynamic and interesting. Thus, versatile work with tasks in notebooks creates favorable conditions for achieving substantive results. Multimedia materials "Check Yourself" (Grade 1) is a program for installation on a computer, which is designed for the child to work at home (under the control of parents), and can also be used at school in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. The materials are presented in the form of test-type tasks. The computer program was created taking into account the age characteristics of students: - duplication of the text of tasks by voice, since first-graders are just starting to read; - compliance of the text design with the requirements of SanPiN; - time limit - the duration of the child's work is no more than 15 minutes. .

Manuals for teachers in the EMC "The World Around" include methodological recommendations and lesson-thematic planning. Methodological recommendations for the course "The World Around" include the conceptual provisions of the course, the program, the planned results of mastering the course program by students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education in 2009, detailed methodological explanations for each educational topic. Developments and fragments of lessons are also given, additional material is given that can be used by the teacher in the classroom. In the lesson-thematic planning, the achieved substantive results of each lesson and the possible activities of students are shown in detail. In addition, approximate tasks for classroom and homework (from grade 2) are proposed. Based on this lesson-thematic planning, the teacher will be able to draw up his own version, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children, the technical equipment of the classroom and the natural features of their region.

Having figured out what the program of the course "The World Around" is in general in the system of developmental education L.V. Zankov. Now we will look at how the topic of "health culture" is studied in this program.

From grades 1 to 3, the topic of health flashed only in some of the topics of the lesson. A deeper study of the concept of "culture of health" and "health" begins in the 4th grade. In the first semester, starting from the 5th lesson, children gradually begin to learn the main components of a health culture. In the program of L.V. Zankov for grade 4, not only the topic of health is studied, but also other topics, such as "The difficult path of the formation of medicine", "The beginning of a new time", "Russia is our Motherland" and many others, therefore, the study of topics that make up the culture of health students study not in one block, but in a scatter.

They begin their study with the topic “Growth and development of the human body. The routine of the day in his life ”, in a lesson on this topic, children do the following tasks: arranging photographs in chronological sequence at different periods of human development; analysis of external changes occurring to a person, identifying causes and consequences; comparison of working conditions of people of various specialties and their daily routine; drawing up a daily routine; discussion and evaluation of the daily routine of classmates. As a result of the lesson, children should understand the reason for the growth of living organisms, be aware of the need for a person to comply with the daily routine and its impact on health.

After the children study the posture of a person. During the lesson, such questions are raised as: how does the posture and gestures of a person affect the perception of this person by other people; Is beautiful posture important for boys and girls; they have to do the same exercises. Students explain the relationship between posture and human health. Name signs of good posture. The teacher tells the students about various exercises to form the correct posture. This topic is studied by children at the 7-8th lesson of the world around. In lesson 20, children learn a healthy lifestyle. Children work with the text and illustrations of the textbook. Compare the traditions of personal hygiene of different peoples. Drawing up rules of personal hygiene. Collectively discuss the importance of hardening for human health. Children should learn to characterize in their own words the meanings of the concepts of "hygiene", "hardening". Know the basic rules of personal hygiene. Give examples of hardening methods.

In the middle of the 2nd semester, starting from the 55th lesson on the outside world, children study nutrition and all its components, this topic takes their classes. Already in the last 3 lessons on nutrition, students get acquainted with such concepts as "proper nutrition" and "healthy food". Children get acquainted with the rules of oral care, the need for oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist. Also, students work with the text of the textbook to extract the necessary information on the topic. Discuss the need for proper nutrition, as well as make rules for healthy eating for children.

The last and generalizing theme, which refers to the culture of health, is "Preservation of health is the most important task for human life." At the lesson, students perform the educational project "Be healthy!" in a group. Read prepared messages and protect them. Discuss and evaluate the quality of their own work and the work of classmates. At the end of the generalizing lesson, children should be able to characterize in their own words the meanings of the concepts “health, healthy lifestyle, organ system”; explain that all organs in the body are a single whole; name the studied body systems; be aware that the regime of the day, proper nutrition, hygiene and physical education strengthen health; know what bad habits destroy human health (Dmitrieva, 2005).

In this paragraph, we have studied the main provisions of L.V. Zankov UMK "World around". We looked at how the topic of "health culture" is studied in separate lessons of "The World Around". In our opinion, the Zankov system is not expedient, since it is easier and easier for children to perceive information in sections (blocks) than to assimilate it randomly. In this case, the topic of "health culture" is not studied in sufficient depth. The problem of health culture is very important today, and the basics of health culture should be laid from the first grade, and not the fourth, as is done in this program.

Finogeeva Anna Nikolaevna, primary school teacher

Educational programs in elementary school

For a comparative analysis, I chose the following primary school educational programs:

    "School of Russia" edited by A. Pleshakov;

    "Harmony" edited by N.B. Istomina.

"School of Russia"


Target: education of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia.

The Russian school should become a school of spiritual and moral development.

Target: multilateral development of the child, comfortable learning, prepares the mental apparatus of the child for further learning. Overcoming the differences between traditional and developmental learning patterns.


    development in a child of human qualities that meet the ideas of true humanity: kindness, tolerance, responsibility, the ability to empathize, readiness to help others;

    teaching a child conscious reading, writing and counting, correct speech, instilling certain labor and health-saving skills, teaching the basics of safe life;

    formation of natural motivation for learning


    ensure that the child understands the issues being studied

    create conditions for harmonious relations between teachers and students and children with each other

    create for each student a situation of success in cognitive activity





    openness to new things;

    problem-search approach.


    organization of educational activities of students associated with the formulation of an educational task, with its solution, self-control and self-assessment;

    organization of productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities;

    the formation of concepts that provide, at a level accessible to primary school age, awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies.

Textbooks for grades 1-4, published by the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The kit covers all educational areas.

Textbooks for all academic subjects from grades 1 to 4. The kit covers all educational areas.

no special qualities are required from the child.

Under this program, even the most unprepared for school children study well.

Features that will allow the child to successfully study in this program: requirements for the characteristics of the child's thought process.

As a result of the analysis of the educational programs of the elementary school "School of Russia" and "Harmony" we can say the following.

The traditional program "School of Russia" (under the editorship of A. Pleshakov) has existed for decades. The author himself emphasizes that this set was created in Russia and for Russia.

The main goal of the program is to "develop a child's interest in learning about their country and its spiritual greatness, its significance on a global scale."

I think this program is needed. The traditional program allows you to carefully develop the skills of learning activities that are necessary for further successful learning. In recent years, interesting educational kits have been published that meet modern educational requirements, which are aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of the student.

Analyzing the educational program "Harmony", one can notice that in the process of its implementation, situations of success in cognitive activity are created for each student.

The authors themselves emphasize that the main idea of ​​the program is the comprehensive development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, the development of the intellectual, creative, emotional, moral and volitional spheres of the individual.

It would be interesting for me to work on this program, it is more developing than the traditional system of education. In it, much attention is paid to creating conditions for the child to understand the issues being studied, for harmonious relations between the teacher and the student, and children with each other.

The concept of the curriculum. UP- a document that fixes and logically, argues the purpose of the educational process, the thematic plan and curriculum, ways and methods of their implementation, criteria for evaluating results in a particular educational institution. UP- normative document, cat. approved by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation. It is compiled for each academic subject in accordance with the State Educational Standard. It presents the content of education for each subject. UE are typical, working and author's. Any UE includes 3 sections: 1. Explanatory note. Determination of the goal, setting tasks, disclosure of the features of the content (including by class), describes the features of the use of specific teaching methods, organizational forms and the most general approaches . 2. The actual content of the programs, the content of the subject is indicated by classes and sections, indicating the study time. The content of the subject is presented in the form of abstracts, each element of the content (thesis) must be implemented by the teacher. In relation to the textbook, the program is primary; it is a document for the teacher. 3. Requirements of the student's ZUN at the end of each year of study. Gives information to the teacher (and parent) about what the student should know and be able to do in accordance with the minimum required image standard.

Curriculum Meaning: Not one program, not one textbook cannot be written without reliance on the State Image.Standard. Only after checking the program for compliance with the requirements of the standard, it can be approved by the Ministry of Education. The requirements of the standard are reflected in the program in the form of requirements for the knowledge and skills of students. But each author retains the right to introduce nuances (his own view) on a specific issue (N.R. Pleshakov presents the social science question in the form of 3 pillars of the economy: labor resources, natural resources, capital)

Variety of programs. More than 10 study programs are recommended for use in elementary school. The most popular and widespread programs are: Pleshakov, Klepinena, Vakhrushev, Vinogradova and Poglazova. They take into account the provisions of the classical methodology of teaching natural science. 3 systems learning: 1 .Traditional (the authors listed above). 2. system of general development of the younger schoolchild (Zankov). 3. system of developing education (Elkonin-Davydov). The value of diversity. This variety of programs is due to the humanization of education (taking into account the conditions of choice) The most characteristic features of programs. Zoya Alexandrovna Klepinina "Nature and People". A significant place in the program is given to environmental issues. The content of the subject is aimed at creating conditions for the direct participation of younger students in environmental activities. The basis for the selection of natural history content was local history, environmental, practical principles, an activity approach to teaching and developing students. Particular attention is paid to excursions into nature. Andriy Anatolyevich Pleshakov "Green House". The program is a system of training courses with an environmental focus. Its ecological orientation is determined by the ideas of the diversity and ecological integrity of nature, the unity of nature and man. The main courses are supplemented with electives (Ecology for younger students, Planet of Mysteries). The most characteristic feature is the upbringing of a careful attitude towards nature.

A.A. Vakhrushev, O.V. Bursky, A.S. Rautian "World and Man" The main goal of this course is to educate a person who is aware of his place and the place of humanity in the world around him. At the same time, acquaintance with an elementary holistic scientific picture of the world serves as a means of upbringing and education. A humane attitude towards nature as a human habitat and the source of life on Earth is being formed. “The world around” UMK “Harmony” (authors: O.T. Poglazova and others.) The conditions conducive to the development of a child are the joint work of his mind, heart and hands. It is this triad that forms the basis of the textbook for this course. In this program, an important place is occupied by aesthetic education (the use of artistic texts, reproductions) The world around N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.N. Kazakov Program L.V. Zankov The principle of selecting the content of the subject is carried out on the basis of a combination of world studies and local history. The world-study approach makes it possible to reveal the wide variety of the modern world, its unity and integrity, while local history, on the basis of a comparison of the distant and the near, concretizes this distant, imaginary, bringing it closer to the experience of children. Elena.V.Chudinova, E.N.Bukvareva World around.(Elkonin-Davydov) The main task of textbooks is to form the foundations of a child's scientific thinking in the field of the nature of the world around him. The textbooks contain creative tasks for students and reading texts that allow children to obtain additional information for their implementation, reflect on the problems posed, and consolidate their knowledge.

Program "The World Around" by N.F. Vinogradov The program is written within the feder. project "School of the 21st century". This is an integrated course that includes information from biology, geography and history. The author tried to construct a program in a differential way, approaches depending on the age of the children. Grade 1: the main principle is the principle of egocentrism: kids consider grade 1 material from the point of view of their own "I". 2 cells ch. the principle of anthropocentrism, i.e. at this age, the child is able to perceive himself not as a separate individual, but as a part of humanity, with a definition. views and principles. (topic "human and health"). 3 cells : biocentrism - nature is at the forefront. Methodical features of the lesson: 1) 1-2 cells. traditional lesson. sense of the word is not carried out. Classes are held outside the classroom, classes are games. 2. In 3-4 cells. the structure of the lesson is close to the traditional one. The author speaks of a humane attitude towards living beings, the principle of identification should be the basis (put oneself in the place of animals, plants in certain situations). method. structure:1. DB is fractional, i.e. lesson d. consist of various parts, interconnections, a cat. different in the nature of the activities of children. 2. Required structures. elements - game, logical. exercises, creativity tasks, productive elements. activity(constructor), "manual activity".

"School 2100" for primary school is a system of textbooks (teaching and methodological kit) for grades 1-4 of general educational institutions, which ensures the achievement of the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education. The educational and methodical set (EMC) "School 2100" is published by the publishing house "BALASS".
The main goal of the OS "School 2100" is to teach a child to study independently, organize their activities, acquire the necessary knowledge, analyze it, systematize and put it into practice, set goals and achieve them, adequately evaluate their activities.
The textbooks of the School 2100 Educational System are built like encyclopedias and popular science books for adults: they always contain redundant information, from which the reader must find the answer to the question of interest to him. This creates the possibility of building an independent educational route for each student. Moreover, it is important that schoolchildren would learn to find and use the information they need on their own (for example, tasks related to searching for the main thing in the text). It is for this reason that the authors did not divide all the material into basic and additional: after all, in this case, the authors, and not schoolchildren, will learn to highlight the main thing. The subject "Technology" in elementary school plays a special role, as it has a powerful developmental potential. The most important feature of these lessons is that they are built on a unique psychological and didactic base - subject-based and practical activities, which in primary school age serve as a necessary link in the holistic process of spiritual, moral and intellectual development (including abstract thinking).
Due to the psychological characteristics of the development of a younger student, the educational process in the course of technology should be built in such a way that the child's productive objective activity becomes the basis for the formation of his cognitive abilities, including sign-symbolic and logical thinking. Only in this way, on the basis of a real account of the functional capabilities of the child and the patterns of his development, is it possible to activate cognitive mental processes and intensify learning in general.
What are the methodological features of the course
The course "Technology" is an integral part of the educational model "School 2100". Its main provisions are consistent with the concept of this model and solve a set of tasks related to the formation of the aesthetic component of the personality in the process of active exploration of the world. The course is developing and teaching in nature with the priority of the first function; inherently integrated. It is based on a holistic image of the surrounding world, which is refracted through the result of the creative activity of students. Integration in this case implies the consideration of various types of art on the basis of their common patterns inherent in them, which are manifested both in the types of art themselves and in the features of their perception. These patterns include: figurative specifics of art in general and each of its types separately (the ratio of real and unreal), features of artistic language (sound, color, volume, spatial relationships, word, etc.) and their interpenetration, means of artistic expression (rhythm, composition, mood, etc.), especially the perception of works of various types of art as parts of a single whole image of the world. A special place in this integration is occupied by artistic and creative activity - a natural stage of the transition from contemplation to creation based on enriched aesthetic experience.
Fine arts - the use of means of artistic expression in order to harmonize forms and structures, the manufacture of products based on the laws and rules of decorative art and design.
What lines of development are implemented by the course
The purpose of the course - self-development and development of the personality of each child in the process of mastering the world through his own creative nature determines the following lines of development:
Expanding the general cultural horizons of students.
From the birth of a child, the world of things surrounds him, bearing the imprint of the development of the civilization of mankind as a combination of material and spiritual. If material expediency reflects technical progress, then the social and aesthetic ideal is determined by the level of development of spiritual culture. It, as we know, exists in two inextricably linked forms: in the form of the spiritual qualities of a person and in the form of spiritual values ​​created by him.
Development of the qualities of a creative person who is able to:
a) set a goal
b) seek and find solutions to problems posed by the teacher or problems that arise in life,
c) choose means and realize your plan,
d) recognize and evaluate their individual experience,
e) find a speech correspondence to their actions and aesthetic context.
Artistic and creative activity, like any other, gives the child the opportunity to perceive spiritual and material cultures, develops a sense of belonging and self-realization, helps to master the world not only through content, but also through its transformation. The process and result of artistic and creative activity become, on the one hand, a means of understanding the world, and on the other hand, a means for a deeper emotional expression of the child's inner feelings.
General acquaintance with art as a result of the reflection of the socio-aesthetic ideal of a person in material images.
Spiritual culture is the property of every person and mastering it is an obligatory component of personality formation. Culture itself is a specific way of organizing and developing human life. Spiritual qualities are more subjective, because they are manifested by the individual, based on the opportunities given to him by nature on the basis of rational and emotional attitudes. Spiritual values, on the other hand, are a phenomenon that comes from ideas about the aesthetic expediency of all mankind on the basis of a common accumulated spiritual experience.
Formation of the foundations of aesthetic experience and technological knowledge and skills as the basis for the practical implementation of the idea.
The objectives of the course are implemented through cultural knowledge, which will be the basis for subsequent artistic and creative activities and will ensure self-development and development of the child's personality.
Course objectives:
- obtaining initial ideas about the creative and moral significance of labor in the life of a person and society; about the world of professions and the importance of choosing the right profession;
- assimilation of the initial ideas about material culture as a product of subject-transforming human activity;
– acquisition of self-service skills; mastering the technological methods of manual processing of materials; learning safety rules;
– use of acquired knowledge and skills for creative solution of simple design, art-design (design), technological and organizational tasks;
– acquisition of initial skills of joint productive activity, cooperation, mutual assistance, planning and organization;
- acquisition of initial knowledge about the rules for creating a subject and information environment and the ability to apply them to perform educational, cognitive and design art and design tasks.
What are the features of the course implementation
The program material is designed for grades 1 - 4, reflects the requirements of the mandatory minimum content of education for labor training.
The program consists of three blocks. The cultural block is fundamental. It combines aesthetic concepts and the aesthetic context in which these concepts are revealed.
The second block is artistic and creative visual activity. Here, the aesthetic context finds its expression in practical activities based on aesthetic experiences and artistic reflection and is aimed at shaping the creative perception of works of fine art.
The third block is labor activity, where the fundamental aesthetic ideas and concepts are realized in a specific subject content. Particular attention is paid to the formation in students of the foundations of a culture of work and creativity, an integral part of which is knowledge of the elements of technology and components of artistic and visual activity.
On the basis of an integrative approach, children learn to perceive works of art holistically, to see the aesthetic in the world around them and technical structures, and to identify the general patterns of the artistic and creative process.
Various types of practical work performed by students must meet the same requirements: aesthetics, practical significance (personal or public), accessibility, as well as expediency, environmental friendliness. The teacher has the right to include his own variants of products, taking into account the regional component and his own aesthetic interests.
An important part of the practical work are exercises for mastering:
a) plastic elements of the hand, body, acting sketches, which are the basis of stage activity;
b) individual techniques of visual activity;
c) the basic technological methods and operations underlying the manual processing of materials available to children of primary school age.
Exercises are the key to high-quality performance of holistic work. The techniques mastered through them are included in the practice of performing visual works and manufacturing products.
The types of work offered in the course "Technology" have a target orientation. They are based on the decorative and applied heritage of the peoples of Russia and theatrical activities as a collective form of creativity. These are products that imitate folk crafts, illustrations and applications-illustrations of those works that children study in reading lessons, images-handicrafts of heroes of works made in various techniques and from different materials, theater props: scenery, screens, masks, costumes, dolls, drawings on themes, drawings from nature, on free themes, etc. The regional component in the course is realized through acquaintance with culture and art, various types of creativity and work, the content of which reflects the local history orientation. These can be products that are related to the crafts and crafts of the area, theatrical performances of folklore works of the peoples inhabiting the region, etc.
What should be the lessons
The lessons of artistic work, built in the context of art, are the lessons of creativity, their goal is to develop the qualities of a creative person, to form the foundations of aesthetic experience and technological knowledge and skills as the basis for the practical implementation of the idea.
Aesthetic permeates all stages of the lessons. Contemplation, perception of works of art, objects of cultural heritage of peoples, samples of future fine and practical work is carried out, first of all, from the point of view of their aesthetics: color combinations, selection of materials, the ratio of the whole and parts, rhythm, etc. Reflection and reasoning involve creating one's own image of an object, searching through sketches for its appearance, substantiating the manufacturability of a particular material chosen, determining rational ways (necessary technological operations) for its manufacture, determining the sequence in the practical implementation of an idea, solving technical and technological problems. Practical manipulative activity involves the development of the basic technological methods necessary for the implementation of the plan, and its qualitative embodiment into an object in compliance with the requirements of aesthetic taste.
The methodological basis of the course is the organization of the most productive artistic and creative activities of children, starting from grade 1. Reproductive is only the development of visual and technological techniques and exercises.
Productive activity at all stages of the lesson is associated with the speech development of children. It gets its highest development in the theatrical actions of schoolchildren: when retelling the roles of read works using a table theater made by children, in theatrical performances on stage and in a puppet theater.
The activity of students initially has mainly an individual character. But the proportion of collective works is gradually increasing, especially creative, generalizing projects.
Particular attention is paid to the issue of assessing the activities of students in the classroom. The activity of students in the classroom is two-sided in nature. It includes creative thought work and practice to implement the plan. The quality of each of the components often does not match, and therefore often one mark per lesson is not enough. For the successful advancement of the child in his development, it is important both to assess the quality of his activities in the lesson, and the assessment that reflects his creative searches and discoveries in the process of contemplation, reflection and self-realization. The results of practical work can be evaluated according to the following criteria: the quality of the implementation of individual (studied in the lesson) techniques and operations and work in general; the degree of independence, the nature of the activity (reproductive or productive). Creative searches and discoveries are encouraged in a verbal form of approval.
How and where can the course be used?
Course content can be implemented in the following options:
As part of the subject "Labor training" - 2 hours per week.
It is possible for a teacher to use textbook material as a meaningful general aesthetic addition to fine arts lessons.
In schools with in-depth study of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. In this case, the course is designed for 3 hours: 2 hours - labor training lessons and 1 hour - from the school component.
Classes can be conducted by a primary school teacher, subject specialists (teacher in labor training, fine arts).
The program can be used as a basic in elementary school and additional
in art studios;
in theater circles;
in the centers of aesthetic development;
in art schools.
When implementing the program, the teacher creatively approaches the selection of didactic material, activates students, takes into account their individual characteristics, cultural needs.
Recommendations for equipping the educational process
The requirements for equipping the educational process at technology lessons are developed taking into account the real working conditions of the domestic elementary school and modern ideas about the culture and safety of work of schoolchildren.
For work, students need: - textbooks:
O.A. Kurevina, E.A. Lutseva, "Technology" (Beautiful next to you). Textbooks for grades 1, 2, 3, 4;
E.D. Kovalevskaya, "Workbook for the textbook "Technology""
for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades.
– an individual workplace (which can, if necessary, be moved – transformed into a part of the working platform for group work);
- the simplest tools and devices for manual processing of materials and solving design and technological problems: school scissors with rounded ends, a stationery knife with a retractable blade, a regular ruler, a ruler with a rim (for working with a knife), a square, simple and colored pencils, compasses, an awl, needles in a needle case, a board for working with a knife and an awl, a board for modeling, brushes for working with glue, a stand for brushes, boxes for small things *;
- materials for the manufacture of products provided for by the program content: paper (writing, landscape, color for applications and origami, creped), cardboard (plain, corrugated, colored) fabric, textile materials (threads, yarn, etc.), plasticine (or clay, plastic, salt dough), tracing paper, natural and recycled materials, PVA glue; flour paste, sets "Designer" **;
- specially designated places and devices for rational placement, careful storage of materials and tools and optimal preparation of students for technology lessons: boxes, packing, stands, folders, etc. ***