Anomalous zones of Tver. Tver Triangle

On the territory of the Tver region there is a zone no less dangerous than the famous Bermuda Triangle.

A DISASTER IN A TRIANGLE: In the spring of 2009, MDM Bank Vice President Bronislav Yermak and a passenger on board a sports plane died. Some experts are sure that the reason is in the geographical point of the tragedy. The crash of a private light-engine aircraft SP-2008 (improved Yak-52) occurred not far from Tver, near the camp site "Volzhanka". During a training flight, the engine failed, the pilot landed the plane on the runway, drove through it, broke through the fence mesh, rolled into the Volga and rolled over with the cabin down. The commander and co-pilot Alexander Ludanov died. This happened in the area of ​​​​the village of Yuryevskoye, Kablukovsky rural settlement of the Kalininsky district. It is there, on the border of Rameshkovsky, Kimrsky and Kalininsky regions, that the territory known as the geomagnetic anomalous zone is located. ©site

PIN: In the zone of the triangle in 2004, on a country road, Nikolai N. from Tver was filming his daughter with an amateur video camera. During filming, something strange caught my attention. He suddenly experienced a feeling of inexplicable anxiety and restlessness. There was a moment when I even wanted to throw the camera and run. “I still can’t understand what made me turn the camera lens in that direction at that moment. Then I thought I heard a strange sound. The battery was dead, I put in a new one. And that's when I saw this pin in the viewfinder. Pin - an oblong object 15-20 cm long, rotating around its axis. He appears (and this is clearly visible on the recording) from the canvas of a country road, several times “walked” back and forth and disappeared. Judging by the video, the road soil was not an obstacle. The object cut through him silently. A 73 second video recording of the pin's appearance was made.

Frame of video recording with pin.

MILITARY VERSION: A few months later, excavations began on a section of that country road and on the side of the road. But it didn't work. In those places where these shots were filmed, military installations were once located. Perhaps there was a closed range where bombing took place. What we managed to photograph is a military item left at the training ground. But what product without repair work is able to maintain working qualities for decades? The ability to easily move underground without leaving traces also raises doubts. ©site

UFO VERSION: Those who saw the recording claim that the pin that appeared looks like an antenna or something like a periscope. Perhaps the object is part of a hidden device with which another highly developed civilization monitors. Residents of the Tver Triangle claim to have repeatedly seen flying objects. They were observed in the sky above the villages of Molodi and Lebzunovo in the Kimrsky district, in the area of ​​the villages of Voloskovo and Starovo in the Rameshkovsky district. As well as multiple luminous objects were observed in the area of ​​Lake Velikoye. The configuration of the objects was different: from triangular to amorphous-spherical. The glow emanating from the objects ranged from intense bright red to a subtle greenish blue. Several residents claim that the UFO rose straight up from the Medveditsa River.

Area maps

PILOT'S STORY: A retired pilot, 1st class pilot, says: “I myself made a huge number of sorties in the Tver region. But what happened to me on the border of three districts (Rameshkovsky, Kimrsky and Kalininsky), I did not observe anywhere else. Subsequently, by the sound of the engine alone, I learned that we were flying over the "triangle" - the engine began to act up, a tapping was heard. Sometimes the arrows on the instruments twitched, began to rotate randomly. This sometimes happens due to deposits of magnetic ore. But what kind of ore is there, in the Kalininsky district. A couple of times, flying over Kablukovo, I saw bright orange fireballs the size of a soccer ball. They approached the cockpit itself (flying one after another, as if they were playing). Much more fear was caused by the cloudiness in which I got. ©site

STATISTICS: “The boundaries of the anomalous triangle are difficult to determine. Moreover, the instruments that had gone awry above him could well lead to a crash in another part of the area. Tragedies especially often occurred in the Kimry region. In June 2003, a Mi-2 helicopter crashed near the village of Novoye Selo with 3 people on board. The reason is engine failure. In 2006, three plane crashes occurred in the Kimrsky district: in March, June and July. In all cases, their participants were light aircraft. Experts say that it is precisely such light air vehicles that often turn out to be “victims” of difficult-to-explain anomalous phenomena.








There are places on Earth where so-called chronal phenomena are observed. People there sometimes cease to navigate in time, and the clock fails ...
To the north of Tver, between the villages of Tukhani, Soboliny and Sosnovets, there is the so-called Sandovsky Triangle. People here walk in circles for days, compasses and other devices stop working. Tver mine surveyor Valentina Zemlyanaya had to verify the presence of this anomaly from her own experience.
“In the course of our work, we had to examine this area as well,” says Valentina. “So what: when we entered the zone, one of our comrades discovered that his watch had stopped. all members of the expedition.
When we got to Tuhani, we asked the locals for the time. And looking at their wristwatches, they were surprised to find that they were going quietly, moreover, without lagging behind. They again had the same time as in Tuhani, Sandov, Moscow...
Later we told about the extraordinary phenomenon to the geophysicists who came to Tukhani. Intrigued, they went into the zone with their Sosna radiometric device, which measures the level of radiation and establishes the presence of magnetic fields. But the device went off and they couldn't do anything about it."
Valentina Zemlyanaya sees the cause of the phenomenon in the occurrence of sand and gravel mixtures underground. Hence, a magnetic anomaly arises, which affects devices and people. As for the clock, which either lags behind or runs correctly, then at the exit from the anomalous zone, the chronometers apparently accelerate and after a while return to a normal rhythm, so that people do not notice anything.
Something similar is observed in the Verkhovazhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. Archival records for June 30, 1912 say that the members of the scientific expedition that visited there, which investigated the magnetic field, led by the scientist of the Imperial Academy of Sciences Alexander Loidis, all the clocks failed at the same time.
In the village of Morozovo, 28 km from Verkhovazhye, in 1944, five military aircraft made an emergency landing: all the instruments of the pilots went off scale at the same time, orientation was lost. However, this happens not only in Morozovo.
Back in the 90s of the last century, geophysicists from St. Petersburg recorded a local geomagnetic anomaly in the vicinity of Verkhovazhye. According to one version, the cause of its occurrence could be iron ore deposits. Then an expedition of three people arrived in these places under the leadership of the candidate of geographical sciences Anatoly Yekhalov. The researchers calculated that the center of the anomalous zone is located in a small forest on the banks of the river, one and a half kilometers from Chushevits.
...Before entering the zone, they deliberately checked their wristwatches. But after five hours, all the chronometers already showed different times: the quartz clock ran two minutes ahead, the mechanical ones were five minutes behind, and the electronic ones stopped altogether and showed the same time - 11.65! By the way, even changing the battery the next day could not bring them to "feeling".
An interesting version was expressed by the researcher of ancient religious texts and epics Gennady Klimov, the author of the book "History of Europe. Axis of Time":
- These places in the Sandovsky district of the Tver region and the Verkhovazhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region are not at all simple in the sacred sense. These are the spurs of the Valdai Ridge, where, in fact, in the period of 70-50 thousand years, people of our type, the Cro-Magnons, arose. This year, together with Israeli scientists, evidence was obtained that about 70,000 years ago, only 2,000 individuals of our type lived on Earth. Where they came from here, at the foot of the glacier, is not entirely clear (it must be understood that at that time there was an edge of a glacier almost 5 km high).
In his research, Gennady Klimov comes to the conclusion that it was here and precisely at that time that a person acquired speech, but, it seems, first acquired the alphabet. The so-called swastika. These are very mysterious times.
At this place, Marina Mikhailovna Tikhomirova - the head of the Sandovsky district of the Tver region - showed the remains of some strange round structure, which, according to the description, is similar to a "var". This building is described in detail in the ancient books of India, says Gennady Klimov, as the home of the northern ancestors of the Brahmins. Perhaps somewhere here is the axis of time, around which the world civilization revolves or the entrance to another dimension, some scientists from the University of Tver believe.
Together with them, the newspaper "Caravan" plans to make an expedition to mysterious places.
Varvara Medvedeva

Tukhani (Tukhan), a village, the center of the rural district of the same name in the Sandovsky district, 14 km northeast of Sandov, on the Sandovo - Vesyegonsk highway, 109 farms, 254 inhabitants (1997 data). In Sanskrit "Tuhan" means "Lord".

Posted Sat, 04/04/2015 - 08:49 by Cap

Vadim Alexandrovich CHERNOBROV.
Encyclopedia of the Enigmatic.
The first guide to the anomalous zones of the Tver region, mysterious and amazing places. The brochure contains a description in alphabetical order of anomalous places (without a description of objects that are listed in other author's volumes: "Encyclopedia of mysterious places in Russia?," Encyclopedia of mysterious places of the world "," Encyclopedia of mysterious places of the Cosmos "," Encyclopedia of mysterious places of history"; without descriptions of other phenomena listed in the volumes "Encyclopedia of mysterious phenomena, encyclopedia of anomalous phenomena", "Encyclopedia of ufology",
"Encyclopedia of archives of UFO visits", "Encyclopedia of amazing people", "Encyclopedia of amazing expeditions", "Encyclopedia of survival in global catastrophes", "Encyclopedia of cryptobiology" and other encyclopedias of the author). Tver (Kalinin) region.

1) "City of Kitezh - the abode of the Gods of Svarga" (allegedly the ancient capital);
2) Kun zone;
3) Kurgan Rodnya;
4) Kurgans Seligersky;
5) Les Dokuchaev (place of UFO hovering);
6) Mikhalevsky megaliths;
7) Bridge of boulders (Bridge in Torzhok);
8) "Oil swamp";
9) Lake Boyno;
10) Lake Brosno;
12) Staritsky cave (Staritsky catacombs);
13) Seliger Pyramid (2nd pyramid of Hunger);
14) Black swamp (the place where UFOs appeared in Rzhev, a former dangerous place).

Barsuchya cave - time shift

BLACK SWAMP - see "Black swamp (Rzhev)".
GRAD KITEZH - see "Kitezh (Kitezh-grad, Kidish)".
KUN ZONE - a possible anomalous zone near the Kunya railway station, where
frequent lightning strikes in one place. There is a forest near Kunya, where the locals try not to go. They also say that active hereditary sorceresses live in the surrounding villages. However, in 2006 a review by a group
Nazyvaevsk-Kosmopoisk later denied all these rumors.

KURGAN RODNYA - a legendary hill of the correct form, possibly of artificial origin, in the south of the Tver region.
The mound itself has been known to locals since time immemorial - it is difficult not to pay attention to it, since this is the only hill in the middle of the fields. Residents of the former merchant town of Rodnya made up legends about the existence of treasures in the barrow,
but they did not encroach on them, since the place was considered "sworn." In Soviet times, residents of Rodny wrote letters to the USSR Academy of Sciences about the need to conduct excavations in this area, but such studies were never carried out. In 1930-40, there was a detachment of the NKVD to search for prisoners who had escaped from the nearby zone. As old-timers say, in former times the mountain was bald, now it is overgrown with coniferous forest. They try not to go into the forest on the hill without need, because it enjoys an unkind reputation. In 1993-2001, A. Safronov, a member of Kosmopoisk, collected information about history, since 2001, Kosmopoisk teams began
comprehensive studies of the mound and its environs.
* * * Travel to the barrow in Rodna. From Staritsa go along the highway
"Staritsa-Rodnya", near Rodny to the left of the road (Volga to the right)
right behind the fields you will see a large hill overgrown with forest. It is advisable to engage in research jointly or in coordination with Kosmopoisk.

SELIGERSKIE MOUNDS - burials of Krivichi, mixed with the local Finno-Ugric population (10-11 centuries), cremations and corpses with weapons, jewelry, horses were found here.

FOREST DOKUCHAYEV - an anomalous place near Lake Brosno, Tver region. In the early 1980s, in the Kalinin (Tver) region, according to rumors, circles appeared in a clearing in the forest near Lake Brosno. In May 2002, during the Kosmopoisk expedition No. 116-g, local residents were interviewed. It turned out that in the 1980s, a strange luminous object was seen over the Dokuchaevsky forest (on the opposite shore of Lake Brosno from the village). After that, the old-timers noticed that alders and birches began to dry out on the hill in the forest, and “charred circles” appeared on the grass. Near the Dokuchaev forest for a long time in 2002 there was a Kosmopoisk camp, no anomalies were observed over the forest during this period.

MIKHALEVSKY MEGALITHES - ancient megaliths, which, according to legend, are located in marshy forests south of Mikhalevo. In 2006-2007, N. Chasovnikov, a member of Kosmopoisk, tried to find megaliths.

BOULDER BRIDGE (Bridge in Torzhok) is the most unique engineering structure of the 18th century in the center of the Tver region, the secrets of which have remained unsolved. In 1751, this amazing bridge across the Tvertsa River, the creations of the architect Nikolai LVOV, was built from several thousand huge boulders, and the technology and the sequence of its construction were forgotten.
In 1999, when one of the five spans collapsed, almost 900 thousand rubles had to be found from the federal and regional budgets for emergency restoration of the bridge. Only the secrets of the bridge remained unsolved during the restoration work.
Experts say that even with modern technology it is impossible to build such a structure, this structure is not amenable to any engineering calculations [Versty, 2000, November 28]. It remains to be hoped that the bridge operators will no longer allow it to be overloaded.

Kuzmolovskoye tract is located in the area of ​​the Valdai Upland. There are dense forests all around, the nearest settlement is at least 20 kilometers away. On October 19, 2007, local forester Mikhail Chumakov went to the tract to inspect the area, which, after a big fire, it was decided to give for logging: the tops of the pines burned down, but the trunks remained, the tree would not disappear!

Here is the forester's story:

“I’m walking along the path, and then my dog ​​Karym scared the hare and drove him towards the swamp. Well, I realized that he would run back from there, and went towards the clearing visible behind the trees, where, according to my calculations, Karym would drive the scythe. I stood at the edge of the clearing and waited. I hear Karym's barking approaching. I prepared a gun, and then the hare jumped out into the clearing, followed by Karym. I took aim - and suddenly, in front of my eyes, the hare, as it were, disappeared into the air! Karym also stopped, looked around - what miracles! And with a guilty muzzle he runs to me. Quite so. And imagine such a picture: how the head of the dog, the torso disappears in slow motion ...

The hair on my head was wiggling in fear. I'm standing, so I'm afraid to come closer. He recovered a little, took a stick and threw it in the place where Karym had evaporated. The stick did not reach the ground two meters and disappeared. And then it began to drizzle, I took a closer look and see - an ideal circle with a diameter of five meters and a height of about human height is drawn in the rain. Or rather, how to say it, there is no rain in this circle ...

Karym disappeared without a trace, and Mikhail, shocked and frightened, returned home.

Rumors that mysterious creatures live not only in Brosno, but also in Lake Seliger first appeared in 2000. Strange relic animals with long necks and tails have been reported. All eyewitnesses claimed that the heads of the monsters were small compared to the massive bodies, and the limbs were described as "flip-shaped". In the press, they even received the name "selizhasaurs" - after the name of the Selizharovsky reach, where they were first seen. Some publications claimed that most often the creatures crawled ashore near the village of Pavlikha and even on the road from Pavlikha to Klimova Gora. And last year, in the summer, Moscow tourists collided with the "selizhazavr" - it happened in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "devil's gate". This is the name of the deepest place on Seliger between the islands of Klichen and Gorodomlya. According to eyewitnesses, something huge, resembling the back of a whale, rose to the surface. As soon as it again disappeared under the water, huge waves rose. The day was windless...
And quite recently, the back of an unknown animal that surfaced in the Klichen area was again seen by several people at once. It turns out that the question of the existence of unknown animals in the lakes of the Tver region has not yet been closed?

Glacial origin in the Tver and Novgorod regions of Russia. Witnesses claim that a monster lives in the Seliger lake system, strikingly similar to the famous Scottish Nessie. He was seen back in the middle of the 19th century, to which there is documentary evidence - a letter dated August 1854 has been preserved in the archives of Tver. The letter says the following: “In the deep parts of the Seliger lake system, or perhaps only in the imagination of people, a monster huge...”
At the same time, in 1996, one of the local residents, an elderly woman, noticed some unusual large object in the water of the lake, which she at first mistook for a log. But, peering better, she made out a huge scaly head with a single eye. The creature resembled both a fish and a snake at the same time.
Another young witness, a 7-year-old boy from a tourist camp located on the shores of Lake Selinger, ran to his parents, loudly saying that he saw a real dragon in the water. Adults immediately ran ashore with a camera. A single photograph of the “monster” was taken, which then went around all the local newspapers. The picture shows only a panorama of the lake with a dark object floating in the foreground, however, unfortunately, it is difficult to see the details of it. Soon other eyewitnesses were found, and with their help it was possible to create an approximate portrait of the “Selinger Nessie”: it looked like a toothy reptile about 5 m long.
Then a group of Moscow journalists arrived at the lake in the hope of photographing an amazing animal. But they were never able to find any trace of the monster. However, scientists who have made an attempt to investigate the phenomenon believe that research should be continued. In those places, for many years there have been rumors about an unknown monster that from time to time floats to the surface of the lake. Many old-timers saw it with their own eyes. A real panic now reigns among the population of the surrounding villages - people are afraid that the animal will come out of the water and crawl into their houses ...
Each of the theories is fraught with many more questions and mysteries, giving rise to new ones. It is only true that the monsters go into the depths, feeling the approach of a person, leaving only expanding circles on the surface...

Nepriye village, the narrowest point

SELIGER - UFO - reality?
It was dark and quiet. Only the shutters of the cameras clicked and the palisade of the forest on the other side of the lake glowed a little crimson. And from this it seemed that the darkness - at least if the eye, and the silence - dead. The plate was rushing across the sky, and so rapidly that I did not have time to follow it. And then - time! - and disappeared.
Many people know about Seliger, and it’s good that not everyone knows. There and now, do not push through. For example, my friends and I, in search of at least relative loneliness, climb further and further north every year. So last summer we stopped right at Polnovsky Ples. Outside the village of Gorodets, they found a field, found an approach to the water, put up tents - and healed.
Oh Seliger! As one monk from the Nile Desert once told me (this is a monastery on the island of Stolbnoy, named after the Monk Nile, once the second largest in the number of pilgrims in Holy Russia): the Lord kissed this place in the temechko! I liked the monastic words, even very much, because I agree with them. And then I would go to these kissed places year after year ...
They also say that these edges are mystical. And I agree with this. Attract! Someone there is simply happy - to collect mushrooms in the season, to catch fish - off-season, to take a walk, to sit by the fire. And the treasure of Batu Khan beckons someone ... They say that in one of the local lakes he drowned all the Horde silver, because otherwise he would have perished in the Russian snows, with such and such a load. And this year I was convinced that not only people are lured. Alien entity too. We were about to leave, or rather, the next day, by noon, we decided to get together - and to Moscow. On the eve, of course, they arranged a feast with a mountain. By all rules. With fish soup, just caught, with vodka ...

There is nothing to be greedy here. When before leaving, yes under the ear, yes in the fresh air ... It is good to drink! Easily.
So we sat until midnight on the last day of July - easy! And as August came, its first minutes, it began ... Someone gasped (my friend, the owner of a chain of toy stores, a serious businessman), someone squealed (his wife), someone gasped (my friend and brother of my friend , an exporter of hydrocarbons), someone squeaked in unison (his wife and my wife), as for me, I swallowed my tongue. Drinking helped a lot. A plate circled above us. It flew, winking with little white lights around the circumference.
The guys rushed for the cameras, and I seemed to be chained to the place, probably, and the drunk contributed to this. Then it turned out that six shots were taken per circle. Four are an exporter of hydrocarbons, two are a toy tycoon (that's why I'm talking about their status to show that they are respectable people, not some kind of heliports, jokers).
And the flying saucer flashed a white necklace - and disappeared, as if it had not been. But it was! Here is the evidence! Pictures.
True, they tried to convict me later: they say, scam, photoshop. I answered: whoever finds traces of Photoshop - 100 thousand to that! They also said: this is a gas burner reflected in the window glass. Yeah, but where is the glass in the tent? In short, there is no answer.
Some questions - I have, my friends. Only one answer is known to us - to the question whether we will go to the next year. Let's go! You can't scare us with saucers, even flying ones.


Team Nomads
Encyclopedia of anomalous zones of Russia (V.Chernobrov).
Wikipedia site.


Since ancient times, people of the distant past considered the Earth a living being. According to beliefs, she gave the gods and people life force and food. Pagan ideas about the Earth, gods and spirits are still alive today, despite the significant progress in the natural sciences. Since ancient times, people have attributed amazing properties to mountains, hills, islands, lakes, swamps and gorges, endowing them with an aura of sacredness or curse.

There are many places on Earth where unusual things happen. mysterious events. The forest has long frightened people with its unknown and mysterious nature. They had their own sacred groves where they worshiped their deities. The forest has always fed and watered a person, but not everyone dares to go into the forest at night.

In it you can meet not only a wild beast or an unkind person. There are places in the forest where a person wanders, walks in circles, but cannot get out. In any village or village located near the forest, you can hear about a meeting with a goblin, a werewolf and other strange creatures of the forest.

In the forest area of ​​the Tver region, near the Kunya railway station, there is a nest of lightning. Here constantly, in one place, lightning strikes. Residents of the surrounding villages do not go to such a place, considering it magical. Local residents believe that this phenomenon is influenced by sorcerers living in nearby villages.

"Places of power" on the map of the Tver region

On the plains of Russia there are many hills, hills, and hillocks. which the locals call hills, mountains. Many of these hills are notorious. Rodnya mound is located in the southern part of the Tver region. This well-shaped mound is probably of artificial origin. They talk about the innumerable riches that are inside the barrow. But none of the inhabitants of the settlement of the same name even tries to look for the treasure, since this place is considered cursed.

According to legends, there are cursed places in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya ridge, where the flow of time is disturbed and mirages appear. Once upon a time, the Scythians lived in this area, burial mounds testify to them. Many low burial grounds are scattered over a vast territory. These graves were left by some mysterious a tribe that was exterminated by some unknown force.

In these mounds are hidden innumerable charmed treasures. With people who find themselves near buried treasures, all kinds of devilry is going on. According to local old-timers, these mysterious hills are interconnected by a network of underground passages, and these are not burial grounds at all, but caves where treasures are stored.

On the territory of our region, Lake Seliger should be classified as sacred. These picturesque places have always attracted masses of tourists. Rumor has it that mysterious animals with long necks and tails live in the lake. They were seen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bSelizharovsky reach and the village of Pavlikha. There is a legend that in the vicinity of Seliger a convoy with the looted wealth of Batu Khan is hidden.

At night, the leader of the excavations, by the light of the moon, saw a tall, black-whiskered hero in shining armor near his tent. The uninvited night guest held a cleaver in his hand - this is exactly what was found during excavations. The man said loudly: "If you don't clean up tomorrow, I'll bury you and your people here." Suddenly, the hero disappeared as he appeared.

All night the chief was kept awake by music and singing with overflows. And in the morning, two workers said that at night a hero with a cleaver passed by them ... At this point, the commission stopped its excavations and returned to St. Petersburg.

Not so long ago, searchers from a Moscow club came to these mysterious places. With them was a psychic woman. For 15 years, the woman was haunted by visions of the bottom of Silver Lake. The water in the lake turned out to be with a high content of silver, there were almost no fish in the reservoir. A mound was found in the middle of the lake. The bottom of the reservoir was covered with a thick layer of silt. It was not possible to find out anything else, since the mysterious lake is included in the territory of the state reserve, where it is forbidden to conduct search operations.

A week later, after the departure of the Moscow search engines, a scuba diver died on the lake. The cause of his death was a spasm due to a sharp drop in water temperature: at a depth there are separate areas with ice water. But not everyone is inclined to this version of death, they talk more about the supernatural forces that guard the treasures of Batu.

Anomalous places in Tver

It is believed that some areas are in hepatogenic zones. There are many wastelands in the city and the suburbs, where residential buildings are never built.

These zones are located on the site of covered swamps and riverbeds. On top of the bed of a small river, next to the Yunost Hotel on Komsomolsky Prospekt, a new residential complex was erected. Another bad place is where the dormitory building of the regional administration stands. A residential area along Ozernaya Street is considered a bad place, where in the 80s there was a swampy area.

The Yunost microdistrict also grew up on the site of former swamps, so all communication systems are subject to stray currents here and constantly rot. There was an unpleasant incident: one of the fire trucks, a stone's throw from the house where the apartment was on fire, suddenly fell through the asphalt, damaging the heating main. With the norm of exploitation of engineering communications in 25 years, these underground communications do not withstand even 10 years. The first mayor of Tver spoke about this in his book

To the east of Rzhev, three settlements form the Sandovsky Triangle zone. A person can walk around here for days, the compass and other electronic devices stop working, in addition, UFOs have been observed more than once in the triangle zone. You can read more about the Sandow Triangle here.

In these places, not far from Sandovo, Russian soldiers fought with the Horde. Until now, Tatar settlements have been preserved. There are several burial mounds near the village of Lukino, there were fierce battles with the Lithuanians. On the high bank of the Savanka River there are the remains of an old fortress with an underground forge, and in the area of ​​​​the village of Pozharye, the White Guards hid from the Bolshevik authorities for many years.

One should not judge the degree of reliability of these phenomena, but inexplicable cases are observed in different parts of the planet Earth. Achievements in geology, geophysics and biology provide a lot of material for studying these phenomena, but still man, like his ancestors, still depends on natural forces. Therefore, you should not unconditionally attribute everything to the field of mysticism and superstition.

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There are many mysterious places in the Tver region. Lake Brosno alone with the monster living in it is worth something.

Kimry Triangle

The famous triangle is located between the Kimrsky, Kalininsky and Rameshkovsky districts of the region.

Swampy and impassable places spread over several hundred hectares. People are afraid of this area because inexplicable things have happened here more than once. It seems that this triangle is a magnet for UFOs. Being close to this area, some begin to experience anxiety, unreasonable fear, dizziness.

Highway E-105

The section (two kilometers) of the route near the village of Nikolskoye is the most dangerous.

Serious accidents with human casualties regularly occur on it. Motorists try to be extra careful. Here, for unknown reasons, concentration and vigilance are involuntarily lost, and the collision occurs absolutely unexpectedly and inexplicably.

Staritsa caves

They are located on two banks of the Volga upstream and downstream from the village of Molokovo to the village of Nizhniy Spas along a 40 km waterway.

Since the 12th century, limestone or, as it was called, “staritsky marble” has been mined in these quarries. There are many stories and legends associated with the caves. According to one of them, the library of Ivan the Terrible is hidden here. The air inside the cave has a beneficial effect: it can cure infectious and catarrhal diseases, as well as put thoughts in order.

Not all, of course, but only those located near Novaya Orsha.

There are legends that people have repeatedly disappeared in these swamps, even those who were well versed in this area. Some unknown force did not allow them to reach the house and led them astray. And after such wanderings, incomprehensible noises in the ears and visions arose that did not pass for a long time.

Abandoned house

There is an abandoned house in the cottage settlement in Zatereche, which has a bad reputation.

According to legend, a brutal murder took place in this house, and the criminals were never punished. Since then, a ghost has been repeatedly seen here, which terrifies anyone who crosses the threshold. This house is not suitable for life, and if a person settles in it, then trouble is inevitable. At night, you can hear someone creaking and howling in the cottage. And visitors to the house try to leave it as soon as possible, complaining of a lack of oxygen and shortness of breath.

Kun zone

It is located near the railway station Kunya, Tver region.

Strange things are happening in this zone. For example, here, in the same place, lightning constantly strikes. There is a forest near Kunya, where the locals try not to go. It is believed that hereditary witches live in the surrounding villages. And the bites of forest mosquitoes do not heal for a very long time and cause a terrible itch.

Mound "Kin"

The legendary hill is located in the village of Rodnya, 20 km from Staritsa.

The mound has been surrounded by an aura of mystery since ancient times. Legend has it that untold riches are hidden in the barrow. But people never tried to get them, because the mound was considered a cursed place. In former times, the mountain was bald, now it is overgrown with coniferous forest. They try not to go into the forest unnecessarily, because it enjoys a bad reputation and contributes to nightmares.

Dokuchaevsky forest

It is located next to Lake Brosno in the Tver region.

The legend says that flying saucers landed here more than once and aliens communicated with people, after which they acquired superpowers like clairvoyance and healing. And at night, strange sounds are heard in the forest, not like the cry of ordinary animals.