Asmolov Institute for the Development of Education. Captive of the Caucasus: about how Shurik destroyed the temple of national education (Report from the Mud Festival)

Asmolov Alexander Grigoryevich was born on February 22, 1949. He graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1972. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences. Professor. He has been working at Moscow State University since 1972, as a professor at the Department of General Psychology since 1992. Chief Psychologist of the State Education of the USSR (1988-1992); deputy Minister of Education of Russia (since 1992); Vice-President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR under the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1989); member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Psychologists (since 1996), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education (since 1995); member of 5 editorial boards and 2 expert boards; awarded with honorary badges of the State Education of the USSR and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Personality Psychology.

Research interests: general psychology, personality psychology, historical psychology and ethnopsychology. The doctoral dissertation was completed on the topic: "Historical and evolutionary approach in the psychology of personality." At the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University A.G. Asmolov teaches a section of the fundamental course of general psychology "Psychology of Personality and Individuality", as well as a special course "Historical Psychology of Personality".

Alexander Grigoryevich published over 140 scientific papers, among them the main scientific works: “Personality as a subject of psychological research”, “Principles of organizing human memory: a system-activity approach to the study of cognitive processes”, “Psychology of individuality. Methodological Foundations of Personality Development in the Historical and Evolutionary Process”, “Psychology of Personality: Principles of General Psychological Analysis. Textbook for universities”, “Cultural-historical psychology and construction of worlds”.

Books (4)

Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds

This book of selected works of the famous psychologist includes his works devoted to the development of the methodology of modern psychology, as well as the use of the possibilities of psychology in the social reformation of reality.

The book is intended for psychologists, teachers and students preparing for psychological and pedagogical activities.

On the way to tolerance

The book contains specific methodological developments and programs aimed at shaping high school students' attitudes of tolerant consciousness - a tolerant attitude towards themselves and others, regardless of personal characteristics, beliefs, ethnicity.

In the first part of the book, programs of special courses of study at school are given. The second part is a methodological guide for organizing and conducting tolerance training. It outlines the thematic plan and a detailed scenario of classes.

On the other side of consciousness

Beyond Consciousness: Methodological Problems of Non-Classical Psychology

The textbook, summarizing 25 years of the author's scientific work, is devoted to the non-classical methodology for analyzing the reality of the unconscious, activity, mental processes, personality and non-verbal communication. Addressed to psychologists, philosophers, all those who are interested in the methodology of knowledge of history, society and man.

To return political commissars to the Russian armed forces, who have been forgotten in a quarter of a century. But even the authors of this amusing proposal, military men, turned out to be not as uncompromising in armor as the State Duma Vice Speaker Irina Yarovaya. They intended to resurrect the political officers, not as a substitute, but to help the army psychologists. While Yarovaya - apparently in order to take care of the civilizational heritage of the fatherland (at a meeting of the relevant working group) - insisted on "cleansing" the school of psychologists to fill the cleared place with educators. I do not know to what extent one can consider the educators themselves as a “civilizational heritage”: even the Soviet school did not know such a staff unit, where there were only deputy directors for educational work. But, as you know, what the authorities, like Yarovaya, manage to shove into the state, then automatically becomes the "civilizational heritage of Russia."

Mentioned by my colleague and friend Alexander Asmolov, the "consultant" Yarovoy, who confuses pedology with pedophilia, is a libelous, liar, illiterate and, to put it mildly, not overloaded with mental work, a person - in his place. Yarovaya has long been trying to replace several specialized Duma committees, adding to the general parliamentary package of the most odious bills. Some soon become disastrous for the development of the country by federal laws. Shurochka from the Ryazan film Office Romance, who had to be reminded that she works in the accounting department. True, Shurochka, unlike Yarovaya, was completely harmless.

I don’t think that Yarovaya’s new idea will pass, but the attitude of society towards school psychologists, their understanding of their place and tasks, such - purely affective, not rationally supported - attacks by the Duma “Shurochkas” have a very negative effect. Hope for reasonable forces, which are represented both in the Committee on Education of the State Duma, and in the person of the Minister of Education and Science, Olga Vasilyeva. And who do not need to be explained why the development of Russian education is impossible without psychological support.

Vladimir Kudryavtsev

"Agents of Barbarism"

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Alexander Asmolov - about Irina Yarovaya's proposal to abolish school psychologists

At a meeting of the working group on the civilizational heritage of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya said that the Ministry of Education needs to reconsider its approach to the introduction of psychologists in Russian schools, since schools do not need psychologists, and their functions should be performed by class teachers and educators.

“The Ministry of Education proposes to allocate a lot of money for psychologists, but I will allow myself to say that we need not psychologists, but educators.

Children do not need psychiatrists and psychologists, children need educators, and money should be spent in the country on educators!” - quotes Yarovaya edition of IA REGNUM.

The head of the Department of Personality Psychology of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Alexander Asmolov agreed to comment on this proposal of the deputy.

I am very impressed with the idea of ​​Irina Yarovaya to save money on specialists in anxiety, prevention of childhood suicides, personality development, on masters of diversity and support of individuality - on practical educational psychologists.

The practical psychology of education entered Soviet life, I emphasize - in Soviet, and not in Russian - since 1988, and this was the decision of the chairman of the USSR State Committee for Education, the unique Gennady Alekseevich Yagodin.

But, perhaps, now, when it is so difficult for the country, when it is necessary to save everywhere, Yarovaya's logic is an important logic. If a country is in crisis and it's hard for it, let's remove duplicating structures. Psychologists at school are people who, in fact, conduct a kind of analytics, I would say, supervision over the development of the child. To minimize the risks of this development, create maximum safety for the mental health of children.

There are far more local prosecutors than there are practical psychologists in schools. Let's continue Yarovaya's initiative: we remove school psychologists - we also remove prosecutors.

The analogy is direct: one of the tasks of the practical psychology of education is insurance against the mistakes of socialization and individualization in the development of the child's personality. One of the tasks of the prosecutor's office is insurance against certain errors of the investigation.

- The psychology of education has already been destroyed once. Those were the dark 30s.

In 1936, there was a decree on pedological perversions in the system of the People's Commissariat of Education. At the same time, the service for diagnosing the development of a child was destroyed.

All pedologists and psychologists were anathematized, Aleksey Gastev, an outstanding scientist, the creator of the scientific organization of labor (NOT), was shot, the great Vavilov died in the dungeons. The diversity of life in the country, everywhere was broken, mortified: in politics, in culture, in education.

And today we have a number of agents of barbarism. They are again collapsing diversity, leading Russia back. They are much more dangerous than foreign agents.

When Irina Yarovaya says that children in schools do not need psychologists and psychiatrists, but educators, the feeling is that she simply does not see the difference between these three completely different professions.

Absolutely. A psychologist, a psychiatrist and an educator have different functions and different tasks. Lack of competence should be compensated by consultation with specialists. It can be assumed that Irina Yarovaya's consultants were the same “colleague” of mine who confuses pedologists with pedophiles. He wrote that pedophilia came to school from the pedologist Vygotsky.

- Are you joking?

No Unfortunately. There were moments of this kind, and they are beyond comment, because we are dealing with a vivid manifestation of barbarism. Barbarians always want not one together with the other, but one instead of the other - to destroy something.

Children, of course, need a psychologist, a class teacher, a teacher, and in certain cases a defectologist. Together with colleagues, we have written about this in detail in several books, they are published.

The Service of Practical Psychology of Education is a unique childhood risk insurance service. This service performs, first of all, human science tasks. It prepares the child to face the situations of uncertainty of our difficult time, works with motivation, with values. I revived this service, created it, for me this is a vocation and a mission. And I am happy that this service, with all the difficulties, has led to the return of unique comprehensive programs for the development of the child's personality. Programs developed by great, unique pedologists, such as Lev Vygotsky, thanks to whom the figure of a psychologist in Russia ceased to resemble the smile of a Cheshire cat. And the psychologization of educators and class teachers began. This is my life's work since 1988. It continues today. And it is extremely important that the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva supports the psychology of education as a development perspective.

It is difficult to imagine how a teacher will work with a suicidal child. Or with a teenager who is attracted to the topic of columbine. The psychologist has his own diagnostic tools. True, Irina Yarovaya also subjected this fact to strange criticism, stating that “the ideas of psychological tests for children and parents are similar to“ insanity ”.

Testing is a special case of diagnostics recognized all over the world. There are a huge number of other ways of diagnosis, also recognized throughout the world. What is diagnostics? This is an assessment of various options for typological and individual development. To oppose it means to oppose the development of the child, to bring his crisis closer.

The reason for these notes was the article by V. Popov “Shadow figure. Where does the variability come from? Lit. Newspaper No. 39 05. 10. 2016, where, finally, the main culprit of the collapse of domestic education is named and thus exposed. This is none other than the doctor of psychological sciences Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov. Over the past decades, a series of ministers of education have passed, who invariably became a target for criticism, but all of them, according to the author, were only pawns, submissive executors of the will of the puppeteer A.G. Asmolov. In place of Fursenko and Livanov, I would be mortally offended by such a miserable role assigned to them in the history of national education. I am silent about the ministers who have passed away, because "the dead have no shame."

We will return to the text of the article, but first a few preliminary remarks. Each person is formed under the influence of key historical events of his time. Deceived hopes in the present force us to look for mistakes in the past, in history. This experience is of decisive importance for all life.

In our dynamic situation, where everyone has their own story (version of the past), memory wars are inevitable. They are led by those who call for compassion for the victims, against those who insist on their succession in the cause of their tormentors. Wars of memory are waged by nation-states, political parties, historians, writers, and ordinary people. As an educator, I see that sometimes in the same family, its members cultivate different versions of the past, which leads to sharp conflicts. For some people, patriotism is unconditional admiration for all pages of national history without exception, while for others, patriotism, along with pride in the glorious past, is determined by the measure of shame that a person experiences for the crimes committed on behalf of his people.

Wars of memory equally concern both hoary antiquity and the events of recent history. Which, by the way, can be seen in the subtitle of V. Popov's article: where did the variability come from. The annalistic beginning immediately comes to mind: “Where did the Russian land come from, and who in Kyiv began before the princes?”

And one more preliminary remark. We, the Soviet generation, felt completely included in Soviet life, sincerely rejoiced at such elements of Soviet ideology as the glorification of collectivism, internationalism, equality and care for children, which were not empty words. Hence the feeling of the reality of human happiness, comfort and well-being of that life, where, along with fear, there were successes and order. This, among other things, is the source of post-Soviet nostalgia for a significant part of the people of my generation. So V. Popov has his own version of the recent past. For God's sake.

But in war, as in war! Ideological war dictates its own laws. Smearing a representative of a different point of view with mud is a sacred thing. It is noteworthy that in many countries of the world there are mud festivals, where participants, floundering in greasy mud, relax by throwing clods of mud at each other. Among these countries: Korea (of course, South), America, Germany... Psychologists judge how these fun holidays remove human aggression. For such festivals, a special time and place is allocated.
Our mud festival has acquired a permanent character with the peculiarity that verbal mud is used instead of natural mud.

“Outstanding anti-adviser”, “exemplary demagogue”, etc. - these are just some of the epithets that V. Popov rewards his ideological opponent. It's funny that the author of the Literaturnaya Gazeta (!) considers his closeness to the literary environment, which played the role of sheep's clothing for Asmolov's wolf, as discrediting his opponent's connections.

Academician Asmolov himself does not need protection. And it would hardly be worth paying attention to this on-duty mud flow, whenever the author launched an attack on the principle of the variability of education. It is easy to mislead people who are not experienced in the school business, presenting the matter in such a way that the variability of education allows each school to live according to the principle “what I want, I turn back”, destroying the unified educational space of Russia. I hasten to calm the alarmed citizens. “Not” with a verb in all schools of the fatherland is still taught to write separately, as well as to add simple fractions and further on the list of the increasingly complex content of school education. Variability also involves taking into account the characteristics of children, which, as you know, are so different. Taking into account the state of the child's psychophysical health, his abilities and inclinations (which, in fact, psychologists are called to do) makes it possible to individualize the learning process, to stop focusing on the non-existent so-called average student. Thanks to this very variability, adaptive programs for children with developmental problems appear, profile classes that take into account the abilities and interests of high school students who have already chosen their future profession. Order again to build everyone in a column of four and lead forward with their heads turned back, into the idealized Soviet past?

Yes, Asmolov's famous triangle points to the poles: gifted children, children with developmental problems, and children with diviant (deviant) behavior. But V. Popov confused Asmolov's triangle with the Bermuda triangle. The rest of the kids don't go anywhere. On the contrary, knowledge of the poles allows teachers of mass schools to individualize the learning process, selecting appropriate methods and technologies for a specific contingent of children. And here the role of the psychological service is indisputable, because the psychologist is a specialist in diversity. Another thing is that the chronic underfunding of education does not make it possible to strengthen the psychological service everywhere, staffing it with qualified personnel.
However, the long-term work was not in vain. Having preserved the positive experience of the Soviet school with its fundamental approach to teaching subjects of the natural science cycle, supplementing it with the necessary degrees of freedom, which is the variability of education, we are gradually starting to take leading positions in international rankings. So I do not confirm the rumors about the collapse of domestic education, which the author of the article is guided by. That is the crux of the matter.

But back to the form of the article. She, in my opinion, is not accidental. The author was summed up by a reckless love for everything Soviet. In particular, to such a forgotten newspaper genre as a political denunciation.
For those who have forgotten, let me remind you that, according to the law of this genre, it is necessary to put forward a conspiracy version that explains the failures in domestic and foreign policy and point out the enemies of the people. In a word, if there is no water in the house, then you know who drank it: liberals and tolerists.

In the article by V. Popov, the figure of the gray cardinal Asmolov grows to universal proportions. Pulling the strings of puppet ministers, he ruined Russian education for a quarter of a century, undermining our spirituality and catholicity. And where did the President look when approving appointments to leading ministerial posts of Chinese dummies? There is only one inconsistency here. The gray cardinal always operates secretly, behind the political stage. And Asmolov is a public figure, he never hid his views, always expressing them openly in the media. It happened that he boldly went to the embrasures, declaring his disagreement with the ministers, who by no means always shared his views.

The author of the article completes the demonization of Asmolov with a description of the devastating consequences of his diabolical activities. This is the collapse of educational work in the Russian school, and the growth of children's suicides. Asmolov is blamed even for the recent scandal in Moscow school No. 57, since the local psychologist (read Asmolov's follower) did not help the girl who was harassed by the teacher.

But the twenty-first century is in the yard, with its new technological possibilities that have opened up. An article - a denunciation - is already archaic. According to the laws of the genre, it should be followed by a television film in which the gloomy figure of Asmolov will be revealed against the backdrop of the smoking ruins of Russian education.

Speaking of films. Favorite cult Soviet film: "Prisoner of the Caucasus". There is an episode. Fooling Shurik, he is accused of indulging in orgies in the ruins of an ancient castle.

And what, I also ruined the castle? – asks dumbfounded Shurik.
“No, it was before you, in the fifteenth century,” they reassure him.
The grown-up Shurik, Alexander Asmolov, is being charged with more serious, but equally ridiculous accusations.


Scientific area: Place of work:

Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Academic degree:

Doctor of Psychology

Academic title: Alma mater: Supervisor: Awards and prizes

honorary badges of the State Education of the USSR and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, gold medal of the Russian Academy of Education, laureate of the National psychological competition "Golden Psyche"

Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov(born February 22, Moscow) - a well-known Russian psychologist, politician and scientist. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education.


A. G. Asmolov predicts the emergence of scientific disciplines that consider psychology as a constructive science, acting as a factor in the evolution of society.

The concept of the level nature of personality attitudes as mechanisms for stabilizing behavior has been developed, a classification of unconscious mental phenomena, a semantic concept of individuality has been given.

The paradigm of developing variable education is substantiated, which contributed to the change in the social status of psychology in the field of education in Russia, as well as the general humanization of education.

At the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, A. G. Asmolov teaches a section of the fundamental course of general psychology "Psychology of Personality and Individuality", as well as a special course "Historical Psychology of Personality".

Main scientific works

  • Activity and installation (1979)
  • Personality as a Subject of Psychological Research (1984)
  • Principles of Organization of Human Memory: System-Activity Approach to the Study of Cognitive Processes (1985)
  • Psychology of individuality. Methodological foundations of personality development in the historical evolutionary process (1986)
  • Cultural-Historical Psychology and the Construction of Worlds (1996).
  • Psychology of personality: principles of general psychological analysis. - M .: "Meaning", Information Center "Academy", 2002. - 416 p.
  • On the other side of consciousness. Methodological problems of non-classical psychology. M.: Meaning. 2002-480 p.
  • Psychology of personality: cultural and historical understanding of human development. M.: Meaning. 2007-528 p.
  • Social competence of the class teacher: directing joint actions. M.: Enlightenment. 2007
  • The strategy of socio-cultural modernization of education: on the way to overcoming the crisis of identity and building a civil society / / Educational Issues No. 1, 2008 P. 65-86
  • Vygotsky today: on the verge of non-classical psychology. new york. 1998




  • Column Asmolov A. G. in the journal "Psychology for every day"
  • A.G. Asmolov - Reflections on the Psychology of Personality Video lectures 18 parts


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Scientists alphabetically
  • February 22
  • Born in 1949
  • Born in Moscow
  • Knights of the Order of Friendship (Russia)
  • Awarded with the medal of K. D. Ushinsky
  • Honored Workers of the Higher School of the Russian Federation
  • Laureates of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Psychologists alphabetically
  • Psychologists of the USSR
  • Psychologists of Russia
  • Members of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress
  • Academicians of the Russian Academy of Education
  • Laureates of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education

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    Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Department of Personality Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov; was born on February 22, 1949 in Moscow; graduated from Moscow State University in 1972, Doctor of Psychology; in 1991 1991 chief psychologist ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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    Asmolov, Alexander Grigorievich- (b. 1949) Doctor of Psychology (1996), Professor (1997), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education (1995; Department of Psychology and Developmental Physiology), Head. Department of the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Asmolov, Alexander Grigorievich- (born 1949) Russian psychologist, graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (1972), Doctor of Psychology (1996), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education (1995). From 1988 to 1992 A. - chief psychologist of the State Education of the USSR, since 1992 - deputy. minister of education... Who is who in Russian psychology

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    Asmolov is a Russian surname. Asmolov, Alexander Grigoryevich (born 1949) Russian psychologist, politician and scientist. Asmolov, Vasily Ivanovich (1828 1881) a famous Russian industrialist, founder and owner of the Rostov Tobacco ... ... Wikipedia

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    It is an advisory body that carries out preliminary consideration of issues and preparation of proposals for the President of the Russian Federation regarding the interaction of the President of the Russian Federation with religious associations and ... ... Catholic Encyclopedia

    In 1996 2001 an advisory body established to inform the President of the Russian Federation on issues related to solving the problems of disability and people with disabilities in the Russian Federation, to develop proposals for the formation and implementation of ... Wikipedia

Years of life: 1949 - to the present day

Homeland: Moscow (USSR)

A.G. Asmolov was born on February 22, 1949 in Moscow into a family of employees (mother Maria Samoilovna is an economist, father Grigory Lvovich is an honored power engineer of the USSR).

In 1966 he entered the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya, and in 1968 he transferred to the second year of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, from which he graduated in 1972. Here, at the faculty, he went from a laboratory assistant in the laboratory of psychophysics to the head of the first department of personality psychology in Russia (from 1998 to the present).

In the field of public service, A.G. Asmolov held the positions of chief psychologist of the State Education of the USSR (1988-1992); Deputy and First Deputy Minister of Education of Russia (1992-1998).

Along with the scientific, organizational and pedagogical activities of A.G. Asmolov is actively involved in social activities. From 1989 to 1992 he was Vice-President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Currently, he is the chairman of the specialized council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the specialty "General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov; member of the Scientific Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the expert group "Improving the content and technologies of education" of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education; member of the Expert Council on Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; member of the Presidium for Psychology of the UMO for classical university education; Vice President of the Russian Psychological Society; Member of the Presidium of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia.

In 1976 A.G. Asmolov defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “On the place of installation in the structure of activity” under the guidance of A.N. Leontiev, and in 1996 - his doctoral dissertation "Historical and evolutionary approach to the psychology of personality."

2 pages, 951 words

62.7. Maklakov A.G. / General psychology / St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2008. 8. Nemov R.S. / Psychology, / M., Higher education, 2005, pp. 12-48; 80 ... . / Introduction to General Psychology, / M., CheRo - Yurayt, 2002, pp. 9- ... .. 2. Gamezo M.V., Domashenko I.A. / Atlas of Psychology, / M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003, pp. 12-43. 3. Gippenreiter Yu.B...

A.G. Asmolov is a follower of the scientific school of cultural-historical psychology L.S. Vygotsky, a direct student of A.N. Leontiev and A.R. Luria. He is one of the leading developers of the methodology of the system-activity approach in psychology and its implementation in the social practice of education. Scientific and pedagogical works of A.G. Asmolov contributed to the identification of personality psychology as an independent discipline in modern psychology. The ideas about the hierarchical level nature of attitudes as mechanisms for regulating personality behavior, about the unconscious, about semantic formations as structural units of personality, and the historical-evolutionary approach to personality development, included in anthologies, textbooks, encyclopedias and dictionaries, stimulated fundamental research of a new generation of scientists.

In 1995 A.G. Asmolov was elected a corresponding member, and in 2008 a full member of the RAO. In the course of his professional and social activities, he contributed to the development of the following areas of science, education and social practice:

development and formation in the public mind of the installations of intercultural dialogue, peacefulness, tolerance, prevention of interethnic and interpersonal conflicts;

development of the principles of the historical-evolutionary approach and ideas about mutual assistance, cooperation during the process of evolution as a methodology for analyzing the patterns of biological evolution, social history and the individual in the social and behavioral sciences;

personality psychology as an independent direction of human knowledge and educational discipline at Russian universities.

Scientific results of A.G. Asmolov were reflected in the following works: “Activity and attitude” (1979), “Personality as a subject of psychological research” (1984), “Principles of organizing human memory. System-Activity Approach" (1985), "Psychology of Individuality: Fundamentals of the Methodology of the Historical-Evolutionary Approach" (1986), "Psychology of Personality: Principles of General Psychological Analysis" (1990), "Cultural-Historical Psychology and Construction of Worlds" (1996), " Vygotsky Today: On the Verge of Non-Classical Psychology" (1999), "Education and Human Development in Russia" / In the book: "Report on Human Development in the Russian Federation" / United Nations Development Program / (1999), " Beyond Consciousness: Methodological Problems of Non-Classical Psychology" (2002), Psychology Textbook for Classical Universities "Psychology of Personality: Principles of General Psychological Analysis" (1990, 2002), "Psychology of Personality: Cultural and Historical Understanding of Human Development" (2007), " Social competence of the class teacher. Directing joint activities” (2007, co-authored), “How to design universal educational activities in elementary school. From Action to Thought” (2008, co-authored).

5 pages, 2014 words

Directions for which the subject of psychology is associated with the inner essence of the personality (humanistic, existential psychology), cognitive processes, the development of the intellect and the stages of information processing ... in increased or decreased activity of the individual. Mental properties should be understood as stable formations that provide a certain qualitative and quantitative level ...

In 2008, he published works on the methodology of psychology and modernization of education: “Non-activity historical and evolutionary paradigm of constructing the diversity of worlds: activity as existence”, “Strategy of socio-cultural modernization of education: on the way to overcoming the identity crisis and building a civil society”. Proceedings of A.G. Asmolov translated into foreign languages.

Based on the methodology of the system-activity approach, from 1988 to 2008, A.G. Asmolov developed and implemented projects, concepts and programs that influenced the development of the education system of the Russian Federation and the formation in modern society:

organization of the service of practical psychology of education in the USSR and Russia; training of personnel in the new direction "practical psychology of education";

6 pages, 2623 words

His students and collaborators concept of the psychology of installation. A mindset is an unconscious state that precedes and determines... N. Uznadze Experimental Foundations of the Psychology of a Mindset The General Doctrine of the Mindset Statement of the Problem of the Mindset Illusion of volume. Let's take two... deployment of any form of mental activity. The installation acts as a state of mobilization, readiness for ...

development and implementation of state programs "Creative Giftedness", "Socio-psychological support, education and upbringing of children with developmental anomalies", "Social-legal and psychological-medical-pedagogical service for helping children and adolescents", "Chernobyl children: socio-psychological and medical and pedagogical aspects”;

participation in the restoration of pedology, which was repressed in 1936, a complex science of diagnosing and supporting the individual development of a child;

creation of the concept of variable education as the basis for the design of education, which provides a competent choice of individual educational trajectories and self-realization of the individual; implementation of the strategy and principles of variability in the education system of the Russian Federation;

development, organization and implementation of scientific management of the federal target program "Formation and Prevention of Extremism in Russian Society" (2001-2005), as well as the development of projects on tolerance within the framework of the federal target program "Development of Education" (from 2005 to the present).

A.G. Asmolov is the editor-in-chief of the Vek Tolerantnosti journal, a member of the editorial boards of the journals Questions of Psychology and The World of Psychology. He is the author of more than 330 works on the problems of intercultural dialogue, social trust, the formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness, conflict prevention, cultural and historical psychology and education. Under his leadership, 15 candidate and 5 doctoral dissertations were defended.

In the context of the federal target program "Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society" developed on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, A.G. Asmolov develops ideas about tolerance as a civilizational norm that provides the possibility of intercultural dialogue and harmony between different peoples, religions and worldviews. A.G. Asmolov repeatedly spoke as part of state and public delegations with reports on the formation of a policy and ideology of peacefulness, religious tolerance and tolerance at conferences, symposiums and seminars under the auspices of the UN, UNESCO, OSCE, UNICEF, the Institute of Europe in Stockholm, Strasbourg, Vienna, Geneva, Warsaw , Paris, Washington, Seoul and Tokyo.

5 pages, 2114 words

The person is located; influence - a change in the state, behavior, value-semantic formations of a partner (intentions, attitudes, opinions, decisions, ideas, needs, activity, actions, tastes, norms and ... composition of participants. In accordance with the established tradition, in domestic social psychology There are three types of interpersonal communication that are different in their orientation: imperative ...

In 2007, under the leadership of A.G. Asmolov, Russia's first innovative program on the psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution was developed and implemented.

A.G. Asmolov actively contributes to the formation in society of attitudes of peacefulness, tolerance, religious tolerance and the prevention of xenophobia, speaking in a wide range of media.

For the professional activity of A.G. Asmolov was awarded the following awards and titles: "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation" (2005); medal K.D. Ushinsky for merits in the field of pedagogical sciences (2003); "Higher School of the USSR" (badge for merits in the field of higher education in the USSR, 1990); gold medal "For Achievements in Science" of the Russian Academy of Education (2007); laureate of the National psychological competition "Golden Psyche" (2005); "Honored Professor of Moscow University" (2009).
