An author with a good memory. At

We receive news daily. They come to us from acquaintances, from the pages of books, newspapers and from the outside world. Most of this information we would like to remember. But it often happens that at the most necessary moment we are not able to remember what we learned earlier. In order to encounter this difficulty as little as possible, attention should be paid to the development of memory. To do this, psychologists and scientists have created many techniques that help train your brain and learn to remember.

Types of memory

To remember music, numbers, faces, the location of objects, the order of actions, and so on, we use different types of memory. It is divided into several varieties:

  1. Visual.
  2. Auditory.
  3. Motor or reflex.
  4. Verbal-logical.

Regular exercise improves memory. The development of only one of its types (for example, visual) does not automatically improve auditory. It has been proven that different areas of the brain are responsible for each individual type of memory. Therefore, it is important to identify your weaknesses and begin to develop them.

Visual memory

In order for a person to be able to recognize people, events, terrain, he needs a good visual memory. Developing it really has advantages, as it will help you become more attentive and, for example, reproduce important numbers and dates on paper. In people whose profession is connected with drawings, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain is much better developed than in others. These lucky ones include artists, designers, animators. These people regularly consciously memorize details, traits and nuances in order to display them on paper. Those who would like to train their memory should carefully consider photographs, drawings, portraits. The development of memory involves more than mindless staring. You need to strive to remember features and more. First, we make a general idea of ​​the image we saw, after which we focus on the little things. We spend no more than 15 seconds on each photo, after which we move on to the next portrait. We strive to remember more details. Over time, with regular will be able to absorb more little things in less time.

in everyday life

It can be useful to us when performing daily tasks, various assignments. To do this, you need to connect the imagination. For example, you need to take out a bag of garbage today, but you usually forget about it. So that this task does not fly out of your head, you can close your eyes and imagine how a huge garbage bag is cheerfully marching up the stairs towards the container. The bottom line is that it is more difficult to forget such an unusual picture than just a dry, ordinary task. In the same way, you can imagine other images that will help you remember everyday activities.

Auditory memory: development and training

The information we receive through our ears is very important in our life. So we learn important information that helps determine what to do, what to do, who to remember. Therefore, the development of memory in this area will help make our life better, we do not have to spend a lot of time remembering important information. For training, you can use the following method. On the way to the store or to work, we can hear snippets of the conversations of passers-by. Try to catch these words and phrases and keep them in your memory for a few seconds. In the evening, try to remember these sentences or, for a start, at least their content.

auditory memory

Turn on an audio recording of a poem. On the first day, listen to one line, while trying to visualize it in your mind, as if this phrase was written before your eyes. Try to remember the words. If you can't repeat a line, listen again. All words should be clear and familiar to you. After you remember the line, repeat all the words in reverse order. For example, "the golden cloud spent the night on the chest of the giant's cliff" and vice versa - "the golden cloud spent the night on the chest of the giant cliff."

On the second day, listen to another line in the same way and remember. Repeat the material for these two days. Every day, memorize one more line, while not forgetting to pronounce already familiar words from memory. Begin to memorize the next poem two lines at a time. Etc. Each time, strive not just to memorize the material, but to remember, not forgetting that you need to scroll through the corresponding images in your head.

What makes us say the right thing

It is very important for a person. The development of this species is a very interesting process. Such a memory is responsible for putting words into the correct logical chain, forming understandable, correct phrases from them. Here thoughts are the basis. They are transmitted in human language. There are several ways to put your thoughts into words. First, you can convey the essence in a free style, as best we can. Secondly, you can use the rules of verbal design. This is where a good memory is needed so as not to forget the construction of the sentence. But there is one caveat: we will not be able to train this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain if we just mindlessly memorize ready-made rules. It is necessary to think about their meaning, to reflect on why the proposal should be drawn up in this way. Only then will we begin to develop logical memory. As a training, we can take a sentence and try to interpret it correctly, while not forgetting the rules for using vocabulary.

Books on memory training

A lot of techniques have been created that help a person of any age develop the areas of the brain responsible for memorization. For example, the book written by W. Atkinson - "Memory and Its Development" is popular. The American writer and psychologist gives specific advice on training this ability and on how to cultivate the ability to assimilate the necessary details. Atkinson talks about how to quickly remember dates, faces, numbers and names.

Children's memory

The development of memory in children is very important, because it depends on how they will perceive information during their studies. You need to deal with the child systematically, starting from the preschool years. At this age, the memory associated with images and emotions works best for a young man. Children react worse to symbols or words. But it is worth determining which memory is better developed in your crumbs. Maybe it's easier for him to remember when he draws himself, or, conversely, when he is shown finished pictures. Or is it better for him to tell and explain. In any case, at this age it is more efficient to use games for development. Memory during this process assimilates information more easily.

"Guess what it is!"

Several children can be involved in such a game. Each child is shown an object separately from the others, which he must then describe in his own words, without looking at it. Guessing is possible only after the child has named the essential differences of a given thing. At the end of the game, you can reward everyone with candy. To make it interesting for children, the one who tells can be given a flag or a pebble in their hands, which is passed on to the next storyteller.

There are other development games as well. Memory (and not only) will be well trained if these exercises are carried out regularly. For example, in the next game, the logic of the child is also involved. It will take a few sticks, pieces 20-30. Can be replaced with matches. An adult lays out a figurine, it can be a Christmas tree, a house, the sun. The kid looks at her for up to 4 seconds and tries to remember. After that, the mother covers her creativity with a sheet of paper and asks the baby to make the same figure. An incorrectly placed wand is a mistake. Gradually, you can complicate the task by laying out several figures at once. Of course, the task may seem difficult at first, but over time, the child will develop a memory, and everything will work out.

Another game is no less exciting to train this ability. 10 toys are laid out on the surface. The baby should try to remember in what order they are located, considering them for about 20 seconds. After he turns away, you can remove two toys or swap them. The task of the baby is to understand what has changed and restore everything.

For a full life, a person needs certain skills. Memory occupies a special place in the list of necessary qualities. For some, her work is naturally debugged well, for others she often cheats. Special educational books will help to remember everything at any age. Muller, Andreev, Tony Buzan, Atkinson, Loeser, A.R. Luria and many others in their works lift the veil of secrecy over the human ability to remember, offer the development of memory according to the methods of special services, and teach to concentrate.

  • S. Muller is a psychologist who studies the work of the subconscious. In his book Remember Everything: The Secrets of Super Memory. Book-simulator "it offers the best methods of memory development, displays the technique of its development. Already after half an hour of classes, the recall of information improves by 1.5–2 times, and training for several days will allow you to achieve excellent results. At the same time, Muller constantly improves it, supplements it with techniques. This book is a tutorial designed to improve your ability to remember.
  • The book "Unlock your brain and start living!" is a revolutionary technology to improve memory and thinking. With the help of this program, Muller helps to remove fears, develop the ability to influence one's own future.
  • Every person at any age is capable of becoming a genius. When learning, approximately 3% of brain cells are activated, a gifted person uses 10%. Overlearning can be awakened by the technique described by Stanislav Müller in the book Unblock Your Mind. Become a genius! Technologies of superthinking and supermemory.
  • To develop memory in childhood and adolescence, to improve mental abilities, to master stress therapy, the memory development technique outlined in the book “The Development of Super Memory and Super Thinking in Children. It's easy to be great!" Müller has developed a practical guide with which it is possible to achieve the harmonious development of the conscious and unconscious elements of the child's mind.
  • Muller also developed an author's technique dedicated to overlearning, which is set out in the book Become a Genius! Secrets of superthinking" in the form of components of superlearning, exercises and special techniques.

Tony Buzan is the author and co-author of over 100 works.

Tony Buzan is the author of books on lateral thinking, memory, spiritual intelligence, and reading speed.

  • "Superthinking". It is part of a series of books. Here, Tony Buzan introduces a mind map that allows you to improve memory, develop creative abilities, achieve clarity and efficiency of thinking, and increase mental abilities.
  • "Speed ​​Reading Primer" - Tony Buzan presents a program of techniques that activate the functioning and interaction of the brain and vision.
  • "Supermemory". The author offers a new look at the functioning of the brain, the emergence and storage of memories. The book contains a list of simple exciting tricks to improve your memory and mental performance at any age.
  • "Improve your memory." In the opening chapters, Tony Buzan lays out the facts showing that the ability to remember at any age is capable of reaching the highest results, demonstrated in ordinary life by one person in a hundred. This is followed by the principles of memorization, the latest results of the study of the sphere of the brain, the mnemonic system. The book "Improve Your Memory" changes the usual scheme, allows you to easily and quickly memorize the text.
  • "Superintelligence". Tony Buzan believes that nature has endowed everyone with a powerful mind, and not everyone knows how to use its resources. In his book, he teaches this art.
  • "10 Ways to Become a Genius" It contains a description of the features of 10 intellects, several tricks, exercises and simple techniques that allow you to improve your life, take care of its organization.
  • “Intelligence cards. Practical guide. The book should be read by those whose field of activity is associated with a lot of information, creativity and the need to think creatively and improve learning outcomes.
  • "Superthinking for the body". The idea of ​​the book is how to use the brain to train the body. It contains information about the structure of the brain, how its individual areas work, which affects mental abilities.

Tony Buzan offers to learn from outstanding personalities understanding of human nature, to borrow rationality and not get infected with immorality.

Yuri Pugach: Development of memory - a system of techniques

In his book, Yuri Pugach teaches how to intelligently process information, navigate in the circumstances that have arisen. Such skills are necessary for a person, regardless of the type of his activity. Yu. Pugach devoted his book to the training of figurative memory, since the process (work technology), and not tools, is of decisive importance in the functioning of the memory apparatus.

Yuri Pugach devoted the first chapter to the memory apparatus. It describes its structure and mechanism, elements and their significance. Mention is made of the "Molto" system, designed to train the intellect, and describes the correct execution of exercises. The concept of a unit of information is revealed, what it is. A person is able to instantly memorize maximum information when he owns the technology of recoding.

In subsequent chapters, Yuri Pugach talks about figurative grouping techniques that create a chain of images that facilitate memorization, the importance of including sensations in the process, and techniques for memorizing sequences.

  • Images reduce the number of units of information required for memorization, while increasing the amount of memory. Images stimulate the work of the logical centers of the brain, which makes it easier to understand the text. To improve the reception, training is needed, which will provide confidence in knowledge and turn learning into pleasure.
  • The vast majority of information a person acquires through vision. The rest of the senses, sensations account for only 10%. Therefore, you can increase the memory reserve by using your sensations more fully. You need to completely dissolve in the text, turn on your imagination, build units of information, slow down for 20 seconds, find a “key” that will ensure memorization.
  • Yuri Pugach advises memorizing sequences with the help of associations, the method of pockets, in a chain, matrix and tabular memorization. Knowing the technology and turning on the ingenuity, remembering the sequences is easy. At the same time, it is not enough to know the techniques; you need to bring their application to automaticity by exercises.
  • Developed speech will allow you to remember the texts. It makes no sense to read many times, a retelling will provide a greater effect, the quality of which directly depends on the ability to express one's thought.
  • Abstract concepts cannot be perceived with the help of imagination or sensations. Here Yuriy Pugach advises to apply concretization by presenting specific objects - reminders of abstraction.

To achieve high-performance work of the brain will allow the automatic implementation of the techniques recommended by the system of Yu. Pugach. Remembering the rules and definitions will allow combining images with key words. “Refining” at the end of the lesson will provide confidence in the assimilation of the material.

William Walker Atkinson: mental science researcher

William Atkinson explored esoteric teachings, practiced and improved mental science. The works contain effective exercises, therefore they are still in demand.

In The Science of Being Successful, William Atkinson suggests how to turn on the subconscious reserves to achieve success, describes the art of influencing others with the help of thoughts.

  • The Science of Self-Improvement and Influencing Others is a two-part book. The content of the first part is aimed at personal improvement through the development of memory, ways of its training are given. William Atkinson devoted the second part to working on his own thinking and mental influence on other people. The author is sure that the ability to influence others is inherent in everyone, it can be used by developing to the desired level and knowing the laws of the Universe. In the book, Atkinson described the principles of protection from the negative influence of others.
  • In the work “Reading Minds in Practice”, William Atkinson describes the art of reading thoughts, clearly distinguishes between real art and pop genre tricks, and provides practical methods for mastering the skill. The practical application of techniques will allow you to understand the structure of human consciousness and impress others on a daily basis.

O. A. Andreev: Memory training technique

The methodology that Andreev proposed in his work does not claim to be exclusive. There are alternative ways to develop mentally, train attention and memory. At the same time, Oleg Andreevich Andreev invented some of the exercises himself.

Distinctive features of the methodology are universality and general accessibility. Training will increase the speed of reading, improve the assimilation of the material, activate creativity, improve memory, attention, and develop intuition. Repeated repetition of exercises changes habits and creates the habit of speed reading.

Andreev created a program designed for people with different development at any age. It consists of steps:

  • The initial skills of training attention and memory are formed.
  • "Satori" - trains the memory, stimulates the intellect. Reading speed can reach 10 thousand characters.
  • "Ultra - Rapid", the purpose of which is the development of attention, activation of intuition, creativity.

O.A. Andreev created a quarter of a century. The proposed methods are not always unique, but the program is exceptional and has no similarities.

Natalya Grace: Improving memory and attention

Natalia Grace is a business coach, tutor, author of a collection on improving memory and speech, poetry, audio training, and works of art. The works of Natalia Grace will indicate the direction of movement towards success in all areas of life.

In her audiobook Improving Memory and Attention, Natalia Grace explains the concept of synesthesia and reveals ways to remember spies. At the same time, her book teaches to influence others and manage one's own life, changes the perception of the world around, endows the reader with charisma. The techniques proposed by Grace are effective and uncomplicated, and their study is a pleasure.

I. Yu. Matyugin is the author of a series of works on the development of intelligence

Igor Yuryevich Matyugin is a teacher, a developer of his own methodology for improving the mind, the author of 7 books on the development of memory and attention.

The foundation of the method, authored by I.Yu. Matyugin - the development of figurative memory. The boundaries of the memory of people who have been trained expand 10 times, they memorize words in unknown languages ​​and the most complex tables. The effect appears after a few days and becomes impressive over time.

I. Yu. Matyugin intends the book "Development of Memory and Attention" to train instructors in the development of memory and speed reading. Its structure is tasks with illustrations.

Daniel Lapp: Improving memory at any age

Book Improve memory at any age by Daniel Lapp contains recommendations for easy memorization and recall of information. The program is intended for those who find it difficult to use the mnemonic technique and the associative method.

The book by Daniel Lapp is a guide to combat forgetfulness, while the advice is simple, breadth of mind, feelings, sensations, emotions. This work is used as a self-instruction manual during individual lessons, and for special courses.

The Daniel Lapp method is the result of studying the effects of aging on memory, but it can be used at any age.

Denis Bukin: Development of memory according to the methods of special services

Each chapter of the book is a stage in a scout's career. Each of the stages includes instructions for memorization methods and exercises for practicing them. Each new stage is more difficult than the previous one.

In addition to methods and exercises, Denis Bukin, in his book on spy methods of memorization training, explains the features of memory, attention and imagination, and the means of working with them.

Franz Loeser: Memory Training

In his book, Franz Löser helps people to gain a good memory, regardless of age and education. The book consists of tests and exercises.

John Bogosian Arden

In his book Memory Development for Dummies, John Arden presents ways to develop memory that are suitable for any person. “Memory development for dummies differs from other trainings in the presence of a methodology that trains memory in combination with recommendations for healthy eating and physical activity. John Bogosian Arden, in his book Developing Memory for Dummies, developed a method unlike any other.

Alexander Romanovich Luria - psychologist, founder of neuropsychology in Russia

A.R. Luria is the author of books, including The Little Book of Great Memory. The material for the book is the result of thirty years of observation of a man with an amazing memory. The book details and analyzes the methods of memorization used by the subject. A.R. Luria in his work "A Little Book of Great Memory" opened the door to the world of memory that has no boundaries.

Eberhard Heule: The Art of Concentration: How to Improve Your Memory in 10 Days

Eberhard Heul researches human behavior and communication skills and advises people in these areas. The book "The Art of Concentration: How to Improve Your Memory in 10 Days" contains techniques, techniques that train the ability to concentrate.

Harry Lorraine: Development of memory and ability to concentrate

Harry Lorraine created the doctrine of improving human abilities for telekinesis, telepathy, the influence of the power of the mind, the transmission of thoughts at a distance. His system will help to use the full potential of the brain. Harry Lorraine is sure that organization in all spheres of life is the key to success. Organize the mind - the goal pursued by the "Development of memory and the ability to concentrate."

Books dedicated to the development of the ability to memorize a lot. This is explained by the importance of the functions that memory performs. Without exercise, muscles die. Also, memory - without constant exercise, it degrades. Improve your memory by applying the programs and methods described above. The results of training will not keep you waiting and will appear in a couple of days.

Few people at least once in their lives did not complain about a short memory. Experts under the phrase "I have a bad memory" understand the same thing as a fitness trainer when they say to him: "I'm fat because I'm too lazy to exercise." All this is only due to the fact that human memory is a kind of muscle. It should be pumped, developed and trained.

To help you in this not always simple matter, we have prepared a selection. Most of them present not only theoretical information and statistics, but also many practical exercises. Do not be lazy, study and then even at the age of 80 you will have a bright memory of a young man!

1. Pugach Yu.K. “Memory development. System of techniques + 126 exercises for the development of memory "

The author offers to get acquainted with the unique system, which is known as "Molto". It creates all the conditions for information to be absorbed and remembered faster and easier. As the name implies, readers will have to work on themselves more, performing effective exercises of varying complexity, rather than reading.

2. Denis Bukin "Development of memory according to the methods of special services"

If you have difficulty remembering, want to develop your mental abilities and want to learn how to communicate, then this book is for you. The essence of the book is that the human brain is a unique thing, it is able to multitask so much that it surpasses a computer of any power. However, this statement is true only under the condition of his regular training. Using “helpers” in the form of reminders, organizers and personal secretaries in everyday life is almost impossible to achieve success. Memory loses its ability.

Conclusion one:. The main specialty, in which you simply cannot do without an excellent memory, is a scout. He cannot use technology, his main weapon is the mind. So why not apply the methods of training special services? This is what the author suggests. In addition to using intelligence developments, the book is interesting in that it contains many images, effective exercises, and by studying it, you can become a real special agent.

3. Ryuta Kawashima "Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory."

The 60 Days Program Ryuta Kawashima, a well-known Japanese neurologist and professor, offers a special two-month course on the development of memory and mental activity in general. The reader will have to perform several simple but very effective exercises daily. The author promises that the result will be visible in a few weeks. The book has collected many positive reviews around the world and is a bestseller in many countries.

4. Stanislav Matveev “Phenomenal memory. Methods of memorizing information "

First, a few words about the author of this book, Stanislav Matveev. He is not only a practitioner in the field of memory development, a trainer and creator of a memory training course, but also a Russian record holder in the Phenomenal Memory nomination. , Matveev published a kind of manual, because all the techniques described in it can and should be applied in everyday life. The book is bright, beautiful, it is pleasant to hold it in your hands. The author guarantees that by starting memory training according to his advice, you can easily remember phone numbers, dates, passwords, poems, foreign words and even voluminous reports and reports.

5. Tony Buzan "Guide to the development of memory and intelligence"

If you set out to maximize your intellectual abilities and train your memory so that you no longer have problems preparing for exams, reports and tests and easily concentrate on important tasks, then Tony Buzan created this book just for you. For many years, the author has been studying methods for the development of the human mind. He has helped countless children and adults succeed. In this guide, Buzan has collected all his knowledge into one program so that everyone can learn a new approach to personal development. 5. Alan Baddeley. "Your memory. Training and Development Guide" Alan Baddeley is a classic of modern cognitive psychology. He is engaged in research on short-term memory. In addition to advice, the author reveals the essence of the concept of "memory". The reader has the opportunity to thoroughly replenish his knowledge base with information about how different types of memory are arranged and function, what are the differences between them in childhood and adulthood, as well as many examples and statistics from various studies.

6. John Bogosian Arden. "Memory Development for Dummies"

Thanks to the techniques described in Arden's book, people of all ages, genders, occupations, etc. can develop memory and improve mental work. It is suitable for both students preparing for exams and people of retirement age. This is a kind of collection of techniques designed to improve the ability to remember. With their help, everyone can significantly improve their performance.

7. Natalia Grace. How to Help Yourself (CPSU). Techniques for the development of memory, attention and speech "

This book is unique. It is different from the usual textbook, but it can teach you a lot. Non-boring techniques are effective and fairly easy to use. Having worked them out in practice, you can begin to properly manage your speech, memory, and mental activity. The work of Natalia Grace will help you become the owner of such a character trait as charisma. You will be heard, you will become successful and happy.

8. Harry Lorraine. "Development of memory and ability to concentrate"

According to studies, a person uses his mental capabilities only by 10%. The author offers a personally developed system that will make the remaining 90% work for you. After studying it, you will use logic, attention, memory, imagination, creativity and many other abilities to the maximum. With the help of this book, you will forever say goodbye to notebooks and reminders on your phone, your memory will work at 100%. In addition, you will be able to put your life in order, become organized. If you want to succeed, then the work of Harry Loraine is what you need.

9. Oleg Andreev “Memory development technique. Tutorial "

The system presented in this book is unique, many points are patented and even considered inventions. Another important advantage of the book is its versatility. It is suitable for people of all ages. The system is based on light, but extremely effective exercises. They force the brain to work more actively. The author is a well-known trainer, thousands of listeners have studied according to his program and were satisfied with the result.

10. Nikolai Khoroshevsky. "Modern methods of development of memory and thinking"

Memory itself is a poorly known phenomenon. Her abilities cannot be predicted, however, she trains well. Only perseverance, great work and willpower will help to increase its performance, thereby becoming more successful and intellectually developed. The author proposes to consider the mechanisms of memory and thinking, and based on them developed a set of exercises aimed at developing the ability to memorize.

11. Arthur Dumchev "A Brief Book of Memory"

Another work from the author-practitioner, who became the champion of Russia in terms of memory use. Neurolinguist, consultant, trader Artur Dumchev created a manual in which he described the principles of memory, as well as the most effective ways to develop it. A big plus is that the volume of the book is quite small and reading it does not take much time.

12. Cheremoshkina L. V. "Psychology of memory"

This book is a little different from all the ones presented above. "Psychology of Memory" is a kind of manual, the purpose of which is to explain to the reader the psychological patterns of the abilities of the brain and the work of memory. After studying this work, you will understand how the brain remembers information and why some things are remembered, and some are erased from memory forever. The interest of the book lies in the fact that it contains a lot of experimental material.

13. Hancock Jonathan "How to train memory"

Hancock Jonathan is not only a writer, but also a man who managed to break the Guinness record twice, showing the amazing abilities of his memory. In his book, he teaches to memorize more information and make the most of the intellectual capabilities of a person. The guide contains many practical exercises that combine methods from different times. Apply Jonathan's techniques and you will be able to develop your creativity, gain new skills and improve your memory.

14. Anton Moguchiy "Super training IQ and memory to live 100 years"

It has long been scientifically proven that the more often and intensively you use your brain, the longer you live. The author proposes to work out on the Kelly intellectual simulator and live long and successfully, strengthening your health.

15. Stanislav Müller "Unblock Your Mind"

It turns out that anyone can become a genius. This is exactly what Stanislav Müller claims in his book. By training on the author's innovative techniques, you can learn to turn on superpowers.

16. Henner Marylou "Super Memory"

A book by a famous actress and woman who has an uncanny autobiographical memory. She remembers everything, even the minor events of her own life. In her guide, she provides readers with easy and sometimes funny exercises that will help to make the brain work more actively and take a fresh look at how the human brain works and its ability to create and store memories.

We have collected the most useful books on memory development and hope that soon you will begin to change your life for the better. Share with us your success in the comments.

In order for any person to function in the world, or, more simply, to live a full and high-quality life, he must have a number of certain skills and qualities, such as the ability to adapt to circumstances, stress resistance, sociability, purposefulness, motivation, the desire to grow and develop as a person and many others. And far from the last place among them is memory. Indeed, as already mentioned in our training on the development of memory, it is a skill without which we would not be able to communicate, think and perform other important functions. The development of our intellect, the ability to perceive information, the ability to interact with other people, and other mental and psychic characteristics of our personality depend on how well our memory is developed. But if in some people the memory is naturally very well developed, then in others it may be at a lower level. Can a person somehow influence his memory and develop it? Certainly! And one of the best means for this is considered to be educational materials, namely: books. In order to acquaint you with them, we have prepared the material presented to your attention.

Below we will consider some of the best existing work designed to train and improve the skill we are studying in this course. Those books that we will consider are extremely effective, efficient and useful books for the development of memory, because. they contain a huge number of various techniques, techniques, examples and exercises for training the ability to remember information. All of them will be useful to those who are interested in working on themselves and strive to improve their personal productivity.

This book is a unique textbook of mnemonics - a special art of remembering accurate information. The results of scientific research have repeatedly proved the enormous potential of human memory - under certain conditions, a person can develop his memory to such a level that he can remember the information contained in several libraries, and when certain parts of the brain are stimulated, he will be able to remember absolutely everything that he once or saw, heard and knew. The material of this book will allow you to learn how to memorize information from encyclopedias, texts of the most complex structures, various definitions, articles, tables, lists, verses and much more. As proof of this, after reading, you will remember the entire periodic table.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the study of a person’s ability to memorize information is currently at a fairly high level, and the results of ongoing research in this area represent the most important information that can be successfully used to develop not only memory, but also many others. abilities and qualities.

The books we have reviewed on the development of memory are, of course, not all the materials that a person interested in personal growth and increasing his personal productivity can turn to. But even this small number of books on the development of memory can reveal the hidden possibilities of your potential. But the main thing is not only the knowledge that these books exist, but what you will do with this knowledge. Even the best book in the world will get covered in dust and give you absolutely nothing if you just put it on the table and don't open it.

We wish you every success in training your memory and developing your other abilities!

American actor and comedian George Burns once joked: “By the age of eighty, you already know everything. But how do you remember that?" It's not a problem to learn something new and useful, but remembering information in a world where there is so much of it is becoming increasingly difficult. It is good that there are various methods from psychologists and neuroscientists, which they set out in their literary works. We have selected the latest and best, which are also interesting to read.

1. “Development of memory. The Classic Guide to Improving Memory - Harry Lorraine, Jerry Lucas

Harry Loraine's work on the development of memory has been translated in Russia for several decades. You can often see them on the shelves with the headings "Super Memory", "How to train memory" and other similar ones. His methodology has been tested by time and by thousands of readers, but more recently, Lorraine's work has been revised and updated so as not to lose relevance. So the book got a co-author, and the Mann, Ivanov and Farber publishing house published it in an accessible and elegant design and received an award for good translation.

The Loraine technique focuses on remembering facts and vital little things: telephone numbers, other numbers, names, titles, surnames, foreign words and everything else that so quickly flies out of memory due to its specificity and accuracy. Most of this book will need to work with associations.

2. “Einstein walks on the moon. The Science and Art of Memory - Joshua Foer

Journalist Joshua Foer once set out to enter a memorization contest. In what only these Americans do not compete! His memory was so-so, so he spent a whole year preparing, but the result was worth it - he not only performed successfully, but defeated many champions. In his book, Foer talks about what he learned over the year. It talks not only about specific ways to remember something, but also explains the very principle of the brain and memory. So this will not only teach you to memorize something faster, but also broaden your horizons in the field of neuroscience, because Foer, like a good journalist, writes clearly and is not boring at all.

3. “Remember everything. A practical guide to the development of memory "- Artur Dumchev

The Russian author, unlike his foreign colleagues, takes right off the bat and presses on practice. No water and long prefaces, no boring sci-fi stories about neighbor Martha and acquaintance Josh, who came to success. Specific tips and techniques, specific exercises - everything is very clear and on the shelves. It was this composure and the ability to visualize that helped Artur Dumchev to memorize the number Pi up to 22,528 decimal places. You probably won't need it, but visual mnemonics isn't just for numbers and impressing people at parties.

4. "Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory" - Ryuta Kawashima

If you do not like the Western approach to the development of memory, then you can use the Eastern one. The Japanese are famous for their accuracy and accuracy, so the step-by-step guide from the leading specialist in the Land of the Rising Sun on brain tomography is quite strict. You are invited to perform special exercises for warming up the brain for 60 days, which will stimulate its activity, improve blood flow to the cerebral cortex and help memory become stronger. Included with the book are often also special notebooks for exercises.

5. "Food for the Brain" - Neil Barnard

Neil Barnard approaches the issue of improving memory from a biological point of view, so the scope of his advice is unusually wide. He not only talks about exercises to strengthen memory, but also educates readers about all the needs of the brain for good work. From the guide you can learn about how to eat right, how much sleep and how to minimize the harm from information noise so that the brain can use its capabilities at 100%.

6. "Memorize Everything: Assimilation of knowledge without boredom and cramming" - Peter Brown, McDaniel Mark, Henry Roediger

A whole team of authors has created this book for those who want to quickly memorize educational information. This technique is not related to facts, figures and specific words, it teaches you to work with lectures, books, educational materials, manuals and everything else that you have to deal with at school, university, and then on a long journey of self-education. Pedagogy experts explain to us why we forget material so quickly after sessions and checks, and what can be done to avoid this.

7. "Supermemory" - Marilu Henner

There are only 12 people in the world who can boast of absolute memory. This means that they remember everything from the moment of their birth to the smallest detail, as if it happened a couple of minutes ago. And even better, because we usually do not remember everything thoroughly even for such a short period of time. In the series House M.D., a patient with absolute memory was unhappy because of her gift, as she remembered all the insults and injustices that had happened to her. Marilu Henner is the complete opposite. She starred in the popular TV series Taxi, opened her own dance school and wrote several books. One of them is about the development of memory for life events, details, scenes and faces. Of course, after her we will not be able to remember everything the same way as she did, but Marylou provides a number of exercises that she developed that will help you forever capture the things that are most important to you in your mind.