What is oratory and how to learn it. Here is an example

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No other human ability

will not give him the opportunity with such speed

make a career and achieve recognition,

like the ability to speak well"


Rationale for the choice of topic. The relevance of research: "Who owns the word - owns the world”, - this phrase made me think about the importance of the ability to speak well. This determined the choice of the theme of the project this academic year.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes to speak in public, many do not know how to speak beautifully and convincingly. However, in almost all areas of human activity, the ability to speak to the public is required. Success comes to those who can create and carry out a competent and bright performance. These skills need to be developed.

“Poets are born, they become orators,” said the famous Roman statesman, writer and orator Cicero.

I wondered if, having learned the basic secrets of public speaking, systematically working on my diction, facial expressions and gestures, I could overcome the fear of public speaking and improve the quality of my oral speech.

This work is partially exploratory in nature and does not pretend to be objective, since the conclusions are made on the basis of subjective assessments.

The purpose of this work- mastering the skills and abilities of public speaking, acquiring the skills of managing an audience. The acquisition of the ability to speak excitingly, the development of eloquence.

Object of study- oral speech of high school students, teachers, television announcers

Research methods: observation, comparison and analysis

In accordance with the goal, object and subject of the study, the following tasks:

  1. To study the scientific literature, Internet resources and collect information on the topic of the project.
  2. Develop and formulate the rules for preparing a public speech.
  3. Select exercises, tasks for the development of the ability to speak in public (perform them systematically for several months)

4. Develop a program of extracurricular activities for grades 6-7 "Young speaker".

  1. Prepare a booklet and presentation of the project.

Hypothesis: having learned the basic secrets of oratory, systematically working on their diction, facial expressions and gestures, I can overcome fear before public speaking and improve the quality of my oral speech.

Practical orientation and novelty of the project:

The novelty of this project lies in an attempt to develop recommendations for students to prepare and implement a successful public speaking, to present exercises and trainings for the development of oratorical gymnasium students, to arrange them in the form of a booklet, to develop a program for the "Young Orator" circle.

The practical output of the work is the possibility of using the developed recommendations for successful public speaking by the students of the Zhukovka Gymnasium, as well as teachers in extracurricular activities in order to improve the oratory skills of students.

Planned results:

Main part

Chapter 1. The history of the emergence of oratory.

Oratory- this is a high degree of skill in public speaking, a qualitative characteristic of oratory, skillful possession of a living word.

Oratory and the science of it originated in ancient Greece. The flowering of democracy in the Athenian polis (city-state) coincided with the flowering of rhetoric. Speeches in the national assembly required the ability to deliver persuasive speeches.

The origins of oratory, of course, should be sought in ancient Greece, where speech, the word turned out to be a real and effective tool for acquiring fame and fortune.

oratorical speech- influencing, persuasive speech, which is addressed to a wide audience, the delivery of professional speeches aims to change the behavior of the audience, its views, beliefs, mood. Speaker(from the Latin ORARE - to speak) - a person who makes a public speech. The people to whom his words are addressed - the audience(from the Latin AUDIRE - to hear). The speaker and the audience interact with each other in the process of oral public speaking, where oratory is possible only if both elements are present: the speaker and the listeners.
Of course, we can all speak, even small children. But not everyone can speak beautifully, logically, intelligibly, excitingly, and also confidently stand in front of an audience.

The art of oratory has always interested people, caused delight and admiration. They saw in the speaker the presence of a special power that can subjugate himself with the help of words, force him to do what the speaker proposes. The orator was supposed to have mysterious qualities that are not in an ordinary person. That is why orators became state leaders, great scientists and sages, heroes and rulers of thoughts.

So, in order to become a statesman, you must certainly act by the WORD, that is, to inspire their supporters, overthrow opponents and convince the whole people of the correctness of their ideas. Any professional career is associated with speech actions - and so you can list politicians, entrepreneurs (business people), judges, teachers, priests, military men, whose activities are certainly expressed in the ability to clearly, clearly, intelligibly and captivatingly express their thoughts.

Oratory is the ability to deliver public speeches convincingly and effectively. Each person finds himself in such situations when he needs to say something publicly, say a short congratulation, explain a phenomenon, in a word, build a detailed speech. In such situations, knowledge, education, internal energy, will, initiative, the ability to find the right words and express them in an attractive way are tested.
The power of the word in political life is equated with the power of iron in war. In the development and creation of the theory of eloquence, teaching it, the role of ancient Greek philosophers, politicians, writers, publicists is great: Lysias, Horace, Socrates, Aristotle.

The personality of Demosthenes became especially attractive to me. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an orator. In Athens, where Demosthenes was born and grew up, they were very demanding on the speeches of speakers. Not only the content of the speeches was evaluated, but also the artistry of their presentation. Demosthenes did not have the natural gifts to become an outstanding orator. He was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, twitching shoulder; despite this, he set about self-cultivation. His exercises aimed at correcting his shortcomings are widely known. He learned to pronounce words clearly, filled his mouth with pebbles, making speeches on the seashore, with the sound of the surf, replacing him with the hubbub of people's meetings. He practiced in working out facial expressions, positions of hands, torso, standing in front of a mirror. A sword descending from the ceiling stabbed him whenever he habitually lifted his shoulder. Here is a real role model!

And I also tried the techniques of Demosthenes: working on diction, I uttered tongue twisters, typing sea pebbles in my mouth. It was quite difficult to do this.

Chapter 2. How to prepare a public speech.

The topic title should be clear, concise, and as short as possible. It should reflect the content of the speech and be sure to attract the attention of the audience.

Starting to prepare a speech (“It takes more than three weeks to prepare a good short impromptu speech” - Mark Twain), it is necessary to determine the purpose of the speech. The speaker must clearly understand why, for what purpose he is making a speech, what kind of reaction the listener is trying to achieve. The purpose of the speech is not only for yourself, but also for your listeners. A clear formulation of the target setting facilitates the perception of oratorical speech, in a certain way sets up the listeners. This is exactly what the great orators of different times did.

Structure in speech.

Speech composition

Speech breathing.

Ownership of the content of speech

Improvisation in speech.

Expressive means of speech

Working with the audience: management of listeners, inspiration for dialogue, psychology of communication with the audience. Public speaking. Moral setting for success. Ability to conduct discussions, negotiations and presentations. Effective methods of dealing with questions from the public. Workshop.

Chapter 3. The main mistakes of speakers.

The appendix to my work details the main mistakes that should be avoided in the preparation and during public speaking.

Poor diction, ridiculous gestures, a tribune that interferes with contact with the audience, excessive excitement, a trivial beginning of a speech, an inexpressive conclusion - all this can ruin the most interesting content.

public speaking mistakes

Mistake 1: Mismatch

When the content of the speaker's words is at odds with the tone of speech, posture and body language, the audience instantly notices it. The audience has an unmistakable sense of the speaker's mood and well-being. If you start saying “Hello, how glad I am to see you all ....” in a trembling, uncertain voice, nervously fingering the buttons on the suit - be sure that the audience will instantly appear distrustful of both what you said and the speaker himself. Therefore, instead of "I'm glad ..." - really rejoice! Do whatever it takes to really experience the joy of performing in front of an audience. Consciously convey your positive mood to your listeners. This is important - people in a good mood perceive information more easily, they want to continue contact. If you don't feel joy, don't lie. It's better to be honest: "Today is a great day, so I'm worried..." Then you will at least come across as an honest person saying the truth.

Mistake 2: Excuses

For the most part, the public doesn't care if you care or not, how long it took you to prepare your report, and how much public speaking experience you have. Therefore, there is no need to make excuses in front of her in the style of “I am a bad speaker, I rarely speak in front of the public, so I am very worried and can speak unsuccessfully ...” The public is selfish. Her focus is primarily on herself. Therefore, from the very beginning of the speech, put her, your beloved, in the first place: the thoughts, desires and feelings of your audience. Your goal is to inform, motivate or entertain the public. Therefore, it is not important how you speak, and what you feel at the same time. What matters is what kind of information the audience receives. You need to speak in such a way that most of the listeners feel: you understand their aspirations and desires, speak for them and address each of them personally. If you do it this way, then:

a) many more listeners than you think will simply not pay attention to your excitement or will treat it condescendingly, because they are interested, first of all, in themselves and their affairs.

b) your excitement disappears the sooner the more attention you pay to other people, and not to your own feelings.

Mistake 3. Apologies

This error is similar to the previous one. Novice speakers love to apologize, offering to absolve them of the blame for the poor quality of the report. "Please forgive me for... (my cold voice, my appearance, poor slide quality, too short speech, too long speech, etc., etc.)." The public is not a priest and will not forgive your sins. Apologize for only one thing - for your constant apologies. And it is better to avoid from the very beginning that for which you will need to ask for forgiveness. If there is indeed something you regret, just say "I'm sorry!". But best of all is the ability to turn a disadvantage into a virtue: “Today I have a cold voice, so I ask you to move and sit closer to me. In this way, by uniting even more, we will demonstrate that we are all one team working in close cooperation.”

Mistake 4: Eyes and eyebrows

Are you really sure that you control your facial expressions well? Most beginners only think that this is so. In fact, it is not easy for an unprepared person to control facial expressions. Facial muscles are difficult to control without training, and a mysteriously seductive look and eyes wide open with fear are separated by only a couple of millimeters, which radically change perception.

Psychological studies have shown that the audience pays 10-15 times more attention to the eye area of ​​the speaker than to any other part of the face. Eyebrows are the main element of your facial expressions, they not only indicate emotions, but also control them. Raised eyebrows are a sign of insecurity and incompetence. Pay attention to your eyes and eyebrows. If they say what you say, the public will love you. Practice in front of a mirror, record your own performance on video and analyze it.

Mistake 5: Choice of words

We hear and understand individual words before we understand the entire sentence. Therefore, we react faster and less consciously to the meaning of individual words than to the meaning of sentences. In addition, negative particles are perceived later than other words, and often not perceived at all. Therefore, the constant use of such constructions as “... will not bring losses”, “... not bad”, “... we are not afraid to make an effort”, “... I don’t want to bore you with long statistical calculations” cause the listener effect opposite to the speaker's expectations.

Remember: words are pictures in your head! Not without reason, in ancient times, rhetoric teachers told their students: “Tell me so that I can see it!”. Words should create the picture you want in the minds of your listeners. Therefore, use only those words that reinforce the desired goal. Let only that which should reach the ears of the listeners reach. If you want to create a positive attitude, then instead of "it's not bad", say "it's good". Create a positive mood with positive words - after all, a lot depends on the mood of the public!

Mistake 6: Lack of humor

Better than an informative speech - only an interesting speech! Add a smile to your serious speech, dilute it with jokes, tell a funny story. People need to take breaks from time to time. A grateful audience will respond to you with favor and attention. You can laugh at yourself if you made some kind of mistake - the audience will take it as a sign of your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Mistake 7: Fussiness

Distracted from the fear of the public, a novice speaker can hurriedly walk from wall to wall back and forth, like a pendulum, do fussy manipulations with objects (open and close the lid of the pulpit, constantly turn the pencil in his hands, etc.) and make other unnecessary movements . As a result, the audience begins to follow his movements and ceases to follow the topic of the speech. By the way the speaker moves, it is easy to understand how confident he is. Find a suitable place and take a position, "take root". You can sit or stand - it depends on the duration of the public speech, the characteristics of the room, and so on. factors. The main thing is that from your seat you can make eye contact with the entire audience. Do not "dig in" in one place. A speaker who constantly hides behind the pulpit and comes out only at the end of a public speech is also not the best option. Move, but move consciously, in control of space.

Mistake 9: Monotony

Nothing is more tiring than a report on an interesting topic, read in a boring monotone voice. Such public performances are akin to Chinese dripping water torture: water drips monotonously on the crown of the tortured and gradually drives him to madness. All words merge into a monotonous stream and it is impossible to understand by the tone of speech where one sentence ends and another begins. On the contrary, a skilled orator masterfully owns his speech. To keep the audience "in good shape" he constantly varies the volume and strength of his voice, giving it liveliness. When he wants to arouse tension and interest, he calms down conspiratorially and pronounces the words a little more slowly. Speaking louder, he emphasizes the main thing in his public speech. When necessary, he adds to the voice of significance and drama.

Pay attention to the sound of your speech. Do you use your voice to highlight the key points of a public speech, quote, statement? Do you raise the pitch at the end of a question? Does the rate of speech change depending on its content? Express your feelings with your voice, and you will conquer the audience! You will appear confident, energetic and passionate about the topic.

Mistake 10: No pauses

Application No. 7

Chapter 4. Practical part.

1. At the beginning of the work, it was carried out interview among high school students in grades 6-8 "Are you a good speaker?" to understand if the guys have difficulty in speaking in front of an audience, and what problems they have

4 questions were asked:

  1. Should a modern person have the ability to speak in public?
  2. Do you experience any difficulties in speaking in front of an audience, if yes, what are they?
  3. Is it possible to learn oratory or is it a talent bestowed only on individual outstanding personalities?
  4. Would you like to develop your public speaking skills?

Based on the survey, I made conclusions:

  • All respondents believe that the ability to speak in front of an audience is necessary

modern man.

  • Most students experience difficulties in speaking in front of an audience: fear, uncertainty, embarrassment, excitement.
  • Most of the respondents believe that oratory is given to a person from birth and cannot be learned.
  • All students want to develop public speaking skills, as they will be useful to them in their studies, in their future work and in life.

After I processed the results of the survey and summarized the results, I made sure that the problem under study is relevant for the students and my project is important.

Since the survey was not anonymous, I am ready to share their personal results with everyone and give recommendations on how to prepare for a public speech.

  1. Then I started collecting information and studying the scientific literature on the problem. I turned to Dale Carnegie's books How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public and VV Shakhidzhanian Learning to Speak in Public. In parallel, there was a collection of material in Internet resources. I came across an amazing fact: a huge number of courses, trainings for the development of public speaking skills are offered to users. This means that knowledge about the secrets of successful speech is in demand, and the problem of lack of public speaking skills is acute.

The booklet, prepared as part of the work on the project, contains the addresses of courses where you can learn public speaking skills.

  1. Of course, no performance can be without interesting content and high-quality literate speech. Therefore, most of my work consisted of creating texts and editing them.
  2. I recited paragraphs of textbooks, answered questions, read aloud, studied poetry, systematically uttered tongue twisters.
  3. I began to observe how and what different people say: classmates, TV announcers, teachers.

In the course of observations, I concluded: our teachers are the best speakers! Friendly and witty, each has his own tricks to attract the attention of students, and sometimes calm them down.

  1. I decided to develop recommendations for the preparation and implementation of a successful public speaking, dividing them into 4 parts:
  2. Speech preparation.
  3. Performance.

a) How to start the presentation?

b) How to give a speech?

c) How to end the speech?

  1. Speech technique
  2. Common Mistakes

See Applications

  1. There are a large number of different exercises for developing public speaking skills. I have selected the most interesting and useful for high school students. Some exercises are designed for group work, others can be performed individually.

See Appendices #1-5


The result of my work is:

1. Overcoming the fear of public speaking.

  1. The emergence of interest in the creation of texts on various topics.

3. Meaningful preparation for the performance.

4. Objective analysis of the speaker's mistakes.


  1. The ability to speak to the public is necessary for a modern person.
  2. Oratory can be learned. It is necessary not only the desire to speak beautifully in front of an audience, but also regular work on yourself and your speech.

I realized that not only language, but also psychological preparation is important. The project made me realize how important it is to be able to speak in public.

Words can cry and laugh

Order, pray and conjure

And, like a heart, bleed

And indifferently to breathe cold.

A call to become, and a review, and a call

Capable of a word, changing the way.

And they curse and swear by the word,

They admonish, and praise, and vilify.

1. Golub I.B. — textbook "Russian language and culture of speech". - M., 2002
2. Carnegie D. How to win friends and influence people: Per. from English/gen. ed. Zinchenko V.P. and Zhukov Yu.M. - M.: Progress, 1989.

3. Kokhtev N.N. - "Fundamentals of oratory." M., 1992

4.Mikhalskaya A.K. - Fundamentals of rhetoric. Thought and word. - M., 1996.
5. Shakhidzhanyan V. V. Learning to speak publicly. - 4th ed. — M.: Binom., 2012

Internet resources: http://deil-karnegi.ru




The program of the course "Young speaker"

Explanatory note

Our whole life is built on communication - this is how human society works. Therefore, the one who can speak well achieves the greatest success in his personal life, study, and work. Such a person is head and shoulders above the rest.
Of course, we can all speak, even young children. But not everyone can speak beautifully, logically, intelligibly, excitingly, and also confidently stand in front of an audience. Masters of communication are not born - they are made, but there is a category of people who from childhood have no difficulty speaking to the public, they feel confident in front of a group of people, they can boldly enter into a conversation with them, they do not feel embarrassed. This is a social gift. Socially gifted children always attract attention. It is difficult not to notice them among their peers: they are distinguished by activity, a pronounced interest in people, the need to communicate with children and adults. The result of social giftedness is the formation of social and communicative competence as a manifestation of social giftedness in activities: with the ability to clearly, confidently, interestingly, vividly and convincingly express their thoughts.

As we know, it is impossible to learn to swim standing on the shore. You need to get in the water and practice. The same applies to public speaking and communication skills.

The creative association "Young Orator" provides an opportunity to develop social talent, allows students to gain not only useful knowledge, but in practice to work out all the techniques that contribute to the development of competent, beautiful, bold speech, and the development of speaking skills in front of an audience.

Oratory - this is
- the ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts;
- constructive speech;
- dynamism of speech;
- speech presentation.

Objective: Creation of a system of teacher activity for the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve following tasks:

  • creation of optimal conditions for the identification, support and development of gifted children
  • holding various extracurricular competitions, intellectual games that allow students to show their abilities;
  • providing an opportunity to improve abilities in joint activities with peers, a supervisor through independent work.

Purpose of the Program: mastering the skills and abilities of public speaking, acquiring strong audience management skills. As well as mastering the art of a brilliant storyteller, the ability to speak excitingly, the development of eloquence.

Forms and methods of work in the classroom, these are lectures (familiarization with oratory, features of public speech), conversations, meetings with interesting people and, of course, practice (debates in a group, public speaking in front of small groups of students, participation in school events). Most of the work with members of the circle is devoted to practical exercises, in percentage terms - about 60-70%.

This course consists of three levels. connected by a single idea with a gradual complication of the material. 1st step- Fundamentals of public speaking.

The guys in the classroom of this circle learn: to reduce excessive excitement; speak fluently on any topic; to keep the attention of the public; it is appropriate to use different levels of energy;

actively and competently use gestures, intonations, eye contact, etc.; own your speech voice; ability to speak in front of an audience

In the classroom, much attention is paid to the discussion of various situations, group discussions, role-playing, creative self-expression, self-examination and performance in front of an audience.

Planned results:

Mastering the techniques of constructing oral monologue speech;

The ability to control one's emotional and psychological state and the reaction of the audience;

Ability to appropriately use different energy levels, gestures, intonations, eye contact;

Ability to correctly conduct a dispute, discussion, debate;

Ability to resist verbal aggression;

Mastering the main resources of genre speech: persuasive, artistic, situational;

Knowledge and observance of the rules of speech etiquette in the process of public speaking and personal communication;

Ability to prepare for a presentation

Developing one's own style, a special manner of communicating with people, realizing one's individuality through communication.

The program of the 1st stage of training in the "Young Orator" circle is designed for the whole academic year, 1 hour per week.

Number of participants: a group of 10-12 students.

Educational and thematic work plan


(workshop of the art of speech)


Number of hours




Introductory lesson. Peculiarities


speaker's personality.

Speech preparation: choice of topic, purpose of the speech.

Structure in speech.

The composition of speech.

Speech breathing.

Public staging and contact with


The energy of speech and the speaker's confidence.

Improvisation in speech.

Creativity and wit in speech.

Persuasiveness and influence on the audience.

Expressive means of speech.

Working with the audience (speech at

public events).

Course content

At the first stage of training, students do not yet have certain public speaking skills. Therefore, the main task is to develop the communicative abilities of the children, to get acquainted with the elements of oratory, acting techniques and use this knowledge during their performance.

Features of oratory. The essence and main stages in the development of oratory, its place and significance in modern society. Features of oratory and methods of its knowledge. The use of the principles and skills of this science in enterprise management, their effectiveness.

Oratory is the art of constructing and delivering a speech in public in order to have the desired impact on the audience. It is useful for the speaker to pay attention to the following features of his own speech: diction (pronunciation of sounds), speech rate (the speed of our speech, the normal rate of Russian speech: 120 words per minute), voice power: flight, voice timbre, vocabulary.

speaker's personality. Lecturer's abilities: developed voluntary attention, quick switching and clear distribution, high concentration; good figurative and logical memory, quick wit, flexibility, depth and breadth of thinking, etc. Special abilities of the speaker: observation, developed thinking, independence of mind, ability for strong emotional experiences (manifested in passion for the topic, expressiveness of presentation, which has a positive effect on listeners), speech abilities, the ability to convey their thoughts clearly, vividly, impressively.

Speech preparation: choice of topic, purpose of the speech. The topic title should be clear, concise, and as short as possible. It should reflect the content of the speech and be sure to attract the attention of the audience. When preparing a speech (“It takes more than three weeks to prepare a good short impromptu speech” - Mark Twain), it is necessary to determine the purpose of the speech. The speaker must clearly understand why, for what purpose he is making a speech, what kind of reaction the listener is trying to achieve. The purpose of the speech is not only for yourself, but also for your listeners. A clear formulation of the target setting facilitates the perception of oratorical speech, in a certain way sets up the listeners. This is exactly what the great orators of different times did.

Structure in speech. Clear speaking order. The study of the following points helps to make the speech structured: the logic of the speech, the placement of accents, the distribution of time, what to say and not to say at the beginning and conclusion of the speech.

Speech composition: the laws of speech dynamics, the structure, structure and harmony of speech, the integrity and consistency of the speech, the techniques of an elegant beginning and a bright ending.

Breathing exercises (finding and developing diaphragmatic breathing for further vocalization and overcoming technical speech difficulties (rapid speech rate, shortness of breath, lack of air, etc.). Voice training (development of voice data (finding and turning on resonators, increasing the range, developing strength , voice endurance, work on timbre). Diction (pronunciation, clarity and clarity of pronunciation, purity of each sound, words and phrases in general). Poor diction, swallowing individual sounds and even parts of words, carelessness of speech makes it difficult to understand the essence of the spoken text.

Speech breathing. Breathing is the basis of the sound of the voice. Proper breathing (development of correct inhalation and correct exhalation), silent, short breath, exhalation - long, lava.

Public performance and contact with the audience: techniques for engaging, capturing and holding the attention of the audience, creating respect, trust and location of the public. “There is no less eloquence in the sound of the voice, in the eyes and in the whole appearance of the speaker than in words.” (La Rochefoucauld): the appearance of the speaker, entering the stage, the speaker's stand, a pause in the speech.

The energy of speech and the confidence of the speaker: stress management, mastery of the psychological state, methods of eliminating fear, the secrets of the attractiveness of the speaker, freedom of speech and self-expression in public.

Ownership of the content of speech: mastering the basic styles and genres of speech. Persuasive, informational speech, artistic story, anecdote, parable, solemn speech, spontaneous speech without preparation. Ability to think quickly in public, accurately express and clearly articulate content.

Improvisation in speech. Verbal improvisation is the ability to easily, spontaneously, without prior preparation, speak on any topic. Verbal improvisation helps: to remove pauses; do not memorize the text verbatim, but improvise based on only 20-30 keywords; perform at high energy; easy to answer questions; reduce fear of public speaking; cheer up the audience or give it a breather if necessary; easy to carry on small talk.

Creativity and wit in speech."Suspension" of the language, non-standard, originality, humor. Imagery of speech, richness of language, expansion of active vocabulary.

Persuasiveness and influence on the audience: mastery of persuasion, methods of effective argumentation, logical and emotional impact. Influencing the public with speech, the use of manipulation, sophistry and suggestion techniques.

Expressive means of speech: visibility, possession of a pause, intonational brightness, artistry. Artistic techniques, expressive means of language: tropes, figures, proverbs and sayings, phraseological units. Expressiveness of gestures, detailing, dramatization, role transformation and flexibility, acting techniques.

Working with the audience: management of listeners, inspiration for dialogue, psychology of communication with the audience. Public speaking. Moral setting for success. Ability to conduct discussions, negotiations and presentations. Effective methods of dealing with questions from the public. Workshop.

Educational work with circle members

  • Education of love and respect for Russian speech.
  • Education of hard work, patience, communication skills in a team.
  • Raising a culture of behavior in the family, at school and in public places.
  • Creative development of the personality of schoolchildren.
  • Development of public speaking skills (oratory).
  • Raising a culture of behavior on stage.
  • Participation in school events, holiday concerts.

Working with parents

To interest parents in the creative development of their children.

With the help of parents, organize interesting activities for children's leisure, holidays, creative performances of circle members.

Attachment 1

Test "Do you have the makings of a brilliant speaker"

  1. Have you ever wondered what others think about when you speak? Are you unconsciously trying to put yourself in their place?
  2. Do you enjoy helping others solve their problems?
  3. Do you use "you" more often than "I"?
  4. When you watch a discussion on TV, do you want to participate too?
  5. When you watch the program "Brain Ring" or "Own Game" on TV, does it happen that you can answer the host's question before the players?
  6. Do you have a good memory?
  7. Do you feel what others feel?
  8. In the midst of a lively argument, do you sometimes find yourself defending a different point of view just because you enjoy arguing?
  9. Can you end a muddled, pointless conversation by getting the point across and putting it in a way that everyone will understand and agree with you?
  10. Do you feel that others speak too slowly?
  11. Have you ever listened to your own voice just out of interest in how it sounds?
  12. Have you ever filmed yourself just out of curiosity, how you carry yourself, how you move, how you look from the outside?
  13. Have you ever been the first to applaud?
  14. Do you like to tell others what you know yourself? Would you make a good teacher?
  15. Are you able to think visually? Do you have imaginary pictures when you speak?
  16. Are you able right now, looking out the window, to describe in detail what you saw?
  17. Are you interested in doing the exercise suggested in the previous question?
  18. Are you a good editor? Can you, having digested extensive material, present it in a simple, understandable language?
  19. Do you like to feel like the master of the situation?
  20. Are you able to control yourself when in a difficult situation? Can you calmly answer provocative questions?
  21. Do you enjoy showing off your work and explaining how you did it?
  22. Do you like to visually demonstrate what you are talking about? Do you feel like “acting out” what you are describing?
  23. Are you an optimist?
  24. Have you ever performed in school / student performances?
  25. Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them?
  26. Do you look people in the eye when they talk to you?
  27. Do meeting participants turn in your direction when it's time to sum it up?

Each affirmative answer is 1 point.

How many points do you have?

Over 13? - Brilliant. You will feel better than others

Less than 13? - Excellent. You will be more interested

Less than 8? - Super! Your results will be most visible

Annex 2

Test "Your communication style"

Situation 1. Speaking in front of a large audience

Imagine that you have been asked to speak in front of a large audience at a representative conference. The hall is large, and all the seats in it are occupied. From your position on the dais, you see a huge number of unfamiliar faces that look at you expectantly. Even if you have never experienced such difficulties, try to imagine how you would feel in such a situation.

While waiting to be introduced, you will:

a. Feel a little nervous, but feel confident in your ability to effectively convey your thoughts to the audience.

  1. Clearly nervous, feeling nauseous and dry in the mouth, as well as unsure of their ability to articulate their ideas clearly.

With. Be very agitated and embarrassed, with abdominal cramps, sweaty palms and trembling hands; confidence that you will definitely put yourself in a stupid position and finally disgrace yourself?

And now the decisive moment has come. The chairman of the board of the company introduced you, the audience applauded politely, you stood up and began your speech. You will feel:

a. Relatively calm, attentive and less anxious than before you started talking.

b. Much more excited than a few seconds ago; waves of panic sweeping over you cause physical discomfort and mental confusion.

With. So frightened that you are almost unable to think about what you are saying; sure that everyone in the audience sees your nervousness; wishing to end this ordeal as soon as possible.

During your presentation, you:

a. Able to think about what you are saying and consider how you can deviate from the prepared text in order to more convincingly state key points.

  1. Forced to focus only on the typed text, because you are too afraid to lose the thread of reasoning, stepping back from it.

With. So excited and embarrassed that you find it difficult to clearly pronounce the typed text; do you stutter and stutter, often lose the thread and repeat yourself?

The speech is over. When you sit down, you:

a. Satisfied with the effectiveness of their message.
b. Quite satisfied, but convinced that we could have performed better if we were less nervous.

With. Are you frustrated and disappointed by a poor presentation, and this means that you were not able to convey your ideas to the audience?

Add 1 point for each marked statement (a), 2 points for (b), and 3 points for (c).

Total score for situation 1 =

Situation 2. Speaking in front of colleagues

Imagine that you are trying to present your ideas to a group of colleagues. You have an informal meeting during which you intend to convince them to accept this or that course of action.

When you start a conversation, you:

a. We are sure that you will be able to convince them of the reasonableness and value of your proposals.

  1. Hoping that you can convince them, but worried about the likely objections your proposals might run into.

With. Not sure if you can persuade them to accept your point of view, since practice shows that they rarely agree with your ideas?

When you get to the key points of your message, you:

a. You state them so convincingly that others fully recognize their significance.

  1. You try your best to emphasize the importance of your proposals, but you are not completely sure that they are understood correctly.

With. Do you make any real attempt to point out their importance because the listeners don't seem to show any interest in your ideas?

Your colleagues begin to raise objections. You:
a. Listen carefully to objections and note their weaknesses in order to counter them effectively.

  1. Lose patience, considering comments as baseless criticism, and refuse to take them seriously.

With. Feeling overwhelmed by the objections raised and unable to offer counterarguments before the discussion is over?

If criticism intensifies, you:

a. Respond calmly but firmly to objections.

b. Feel so annoyed that you end the discussion before a decision is made on your ideas.

With. You are so worried that you recognize your proposals as imperfect and unworthy of further discussion.

Total score for situation 2 =

Situation 3. Conversation with the boss

You are waiting at the reception to meet with your immediate supervisor or someone from senior management whose support is needed to implement your proposals.

In the last seconds before the conversation, you:

a. You repeat your arguments, making sure that the key points are clearly imprinted in your mind and that you fully understand the facts that support your idea.

b. You feel that it is difficult for you to focus on the content of your proposals, because you are too worried about the possible reaction to them.

With. Convinced that you will not be able to state your proposals clearly and convincingly enough to get the support of your boss?

The secretary asks you to go to the office. When you greet your boss, you:

a. Assess his mood and, if necessary, consider a way to change your argument to fit him.

b. Observe the mood of the boss, feeling relieved if it seems favorable to you, and excitement if the boss looks hostile.

With. Little or no notice of your boss's mood because you're too busy thinking about the upcoming conversation?

By submitting your ideas, you:

a. Make eye contact with your boss and watch his body language.

b. You can hardly stand the look of your boss, because this only intensifies your excitement.

With. Look anywhere but at your boss because you're too embarrassed?

As you summarize the arguments in support of your proposal, you feel:

a. That they effectively expressed their thoughts and most likely achieved the support of the boss.

b. Anxiety, doubting that were convincing enough.

With. That you can't tell if your boss supports your suggestions or not.

Remembering your conversation afterwards, you think:
a. That they expressed their thoughts in the best way and that could not have been expressed more clearly and convincingly

b. That there were one or two weak points in your argumentation, but on the whole the presentation was quite convincing;

With. That it was a waste of time because you were unable to effectively build your argument or convey your thoughts to the listener?

Add 1 point for each marked statement (a), 2 points for (b), and 3 points for (c).

Total score for situation 3 =

Situation 4. How do you express your thoughts

Read the statements below and, depending on how you behaved during your last important public speaking, calculate your total score as follows: rarely or never = 0; sometimes = 1; often = 2.

  • They mumbled under their breath.
  • Lost the thread of reasoning
  • Staring at the floor or ceiling
  • They spoke in a monotone.
    Said words indistinctly
  • Played with a pencil or other objects.
  • Hesitated and/or used interjections such as "um" and "uh".
  • They walked back and forth.
  • They spoke without enthusiasm.

Calculate the total score for all four situations.

Total amount =

What does the total mean?

50 points or more. You have identified several barriers to effective communication. They must be eliminated before you can communicate effectively. However, after completing the training, you will find that it becomes easier for you to express your thoughts clearly and convincingly - regardless of the situation in which you find yourself.
35-49 points. You encounter certain difficulties when trying to convey your ideas to the interlocutor. By improving your skills, you will remove these obstacles and enhance the positive aspects of your communication style.

20-35 points. Despite certain barriers to effective communication, this score indicates a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that you can build on.

12-20 points. There are more positives than negatives in your communication style, and in any situation you have few problems in expressing your thoughts. Use skills to improve your already above-average skills.

Sum of points for each situation

A score of 6 or more for any of the four situations above indicates possible communication difficulties in that situation.

Situation 1 is devoted to assessing the excitement of public speaking, which quickly leads to failure.

Situation 2 considers the difficulties that arise when confronted with objections that come in response to your proposal.

Situation 3 is devoted to aspects of an individual conversation with a person who is higher in status or has more power than you.

Situation 4 explores some verbal and non-verbal barriers, partly due to excitement, partly due to lack of experience, and sometimes as a result of bad habits.

Annex 3

Tips for a beginner speaker

A good public speech should be, first of all, meaningful, purposeful.

A good public speech must be absolutely literate both in the field of pronunciation and in the field of grammatical expression of thought.

A good public speech is least of all like a recitation, its highest quality is a relaxed conversation (conversation) with the audience on an interesting burning topic.

A good public speech cannot be chaotic. It must be consistent and reasonable in all respects.

Mastering the art of speech, one must remember that one can learn not only the correct pronunciation, but also the correct, orderly thinking.

Perseverance, perseverance and patience - that's what a novice speaker needs first of all.

The topic of your speech must be interesting for you and for your listeners.

When preparing for a speech, read more than one article, but several, compare the points of view of various authors. Use, if necessary, dictionaries and reference books.

Make a clear and harmonious plan of your speech according to the scheme: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Do not try to show off your knowledge, avoid unnecessary details and evidence - take only the most essential for speech.

Avoid jumps and omissions, finish the thought to the end.

Take care of the outside of speech. Don't get carried away with gestures. Speak slowly.

Practice giving speeches on a variety of topics.

Be careful and careful in pronouncing the combinations AE, EE, OE, UE in personal forms of the verb.

Don't skip vowels.

Do not double or triple consonants.

Make sure that the consonants V and M, which are between vowels, are clearly audible; don't swallow them.

Pronounce the initial consonant clearly, especially when it is followed by another consonant.

Match the ends of words (do not swallow them), especially in adjectives ending in -GIY, -KIY, -KHIY, and in proper names with -KIY.

Don't compress words. Do not create meaningless and ridiculous combinations.

Listen carefully to the speech of the masters of the artistic word, actors of drama theaters and cinema, as well as to the speech of the announcers of the central radio and television.

Watch your pronunciation.

If possible, record your speech on a voice recorder. Listen to the recording several times, noting the flaws and errors in pronunciation.

Appendix 4

Exercises for training speech breathing

"Speech Belt" regulates the process of exhalation and creates the necessary support for the sound. Getting started training, first of all, check the activity of the diaphragm. To do this, in a prone position, place the palm of your left hand on the area between the chest and abdomen and, after exhaling, inhale, trying not to raise your chest. If the arm rises when you inhale, then the diaphragm has dropped and is working properly. Take a few breaths in and out and observe the movement of the hand (that is, the diaphragm). If the hand remains motionless during inhalation, then the diaphragm acts sluggishly, and then its activity should be developed with the help of training exercises.

Exercise 1 (e). "Candle » - training for slow exhalation when blowing on an imaginary or real candle flame. Focus on the stomach. Slowly blow on the "flame". It deviates, try to keep the flame in a deviated position during exhalation.

Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Place your left palm between your chest and stomach, take a strip of paper in your right hand, using it as a candle, and blow it calmly, slowly and evenly. The paper will deviate, if the exhalation is even, then it will be in the deflected position until the end of the exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the diaphragm - the left palm, as it were, “slowly sinks” during exhalation. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 2 (d). "Stubborn candle » - intense exhalation training. Imagine a large candle, you understand that it will be difficult for you to extinguish it, but you definitely need to do it. Take a breath, hold your breath for a second and blow on the "candle", the flame deviated, but did not go out. (The left palm lies between the chest and stomach.) Blow even harder, even harder! More! More!

Can you feel the movement of the diaphragm with your palm? Do you feel your lower abdomen tighten up? This exercise makes it possible to feel the active movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 3 (d). "Extinguish 3, 4, 5, 6... 10 candles." Extinguish 3 candles on one inhalation (without refilling), dividing your exhalation into three portions. Now imagine that you have 5 candles. And the volume of inhalation is still the same! Now - 7 candles. Do not try to inhale as much air as possible. Let the volume remain the same, just each portion of the air on exhalation will become smaller. And now there are 10 or 12 candles. The volume of air is still the same. Portions of exhaled air are more economical. Can you feel the movement of the diaphragm with your palm? They are rhythmic, intermittent and active. Repeat 2-3 times.

All breathing exercises in the following lessons will be given with subsequent numbering: 4 (d), etc.

Diction. Before you start training the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants, their combinations in words and phrases, you need to train the speech apparatus.

The speech apparatus includes lips, tongue, jaws, teeth, hard and soft palate, small uvula, larynx, back wall of the pharynx (pharynx), vocal cords. Some of them are passively involved in speech, while others, like the tongue, lips, soft palate, small uvula and lower jaw, are actively involved, so they can be trained.

Before you start training diction, you need to develop and strengthen the muscles involved in the speech process, using the following exercises for the mouth, jaw, lips, tongue.

Exercise #1(a). Mouth opening . The first condition for a clear, clear speech is a freely and well-opening mouth. Starting position - the mouth is closed, the lips and jaws are relaxed, the tongue lies flat, freely touching the lower front teeth. Execution - say the sound [U] several times without effort and tension: uuuuu. Now pronounce the sound [A], open your mouth in a vertical direction, the lower jaw will drop by about two fingers (≈ 3 cm). Open your mouth to [A] with soft, slow movements. Do 5-6 times.

Exercise #2(a). Pulling up the upper or lower lip, respectively, to the upper and lower gums. Starting position - the mouth is closed, the teeth are clenched, the jaws are motionless. Execution - lift the upper lip "on a smile" to the gums of the upper teeth, then close the lips; pull the lower lip to the gums of the lower teeth, then close the lips. Repeat 5-6 times.

Note. Make sure that the starting position - the teeth are clenched, the jaws are motionless - must be maintained.

Exercise number 3 (a). Show teeth. Starting position - the mouth is closed, the jaws are compressed. Execution - simultaneously lift the upper and pull back the lower lip, exposing the upper and lower teeth. Do 5-6 times.

Exercise #4(a). Pulling lips - "proboscis". Starting position - the mouth is closed, the jaws are compressed, motionless, the lips are "in the proboscis" (sound [U]). Execution - turns the "proboscis" to the right, left, down, up (at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4 slowly), then in a circle - to the right, to the left. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise #5(a) . "Slip #1". Starting position - the mouth is half open. Execution - pull the upper lip over the front teeth, then slowly, smoothly lift it “to smile”. Pull the lower lip over the lower teeth, then slowly, smoothly pull it down. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise #6(a)."Slip #2". Starting position - the mouth is half open. Execution - simultaneously pull the upper and lower lips on the teeth, then open the lips “on a smile” with a smooth, sliding motion. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise number 7 (a ). Language training. Starting position - the tongue is placed in a “tray” in the mouth, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the mouth is open for two fingers (≈ 3 cm), the lower jaw is absolutely motionless. Execution - lift the tip of the tongue up - to the hard palate, then to the right, to the left - to the cheek and return to its original position again. Repeat 4 times.

At first, do all exercises with a mirror, movements should be slow and smooth. If some exercises do not work out, do not despair, repeat them again and again.

Exercises for practicing vowels and consonants

Exercise 1. Sounds I - S.

A) Silt, x, willow, game, Ira, pilgrim, July, chemistry, name, you, we, you, lived, in India, dinner, streets, cape, release, ramparts, circus, discharge, with interest.

B) Was - beat, howled - pitchfork, ardor - drank, skis - licks, sweet - washed, whined - Nile, rear - Til, lynx - rice, smoke - Dima, son - blue, basics - Zina.

C) To whom pies and donuts, to whom bruises and bumps. What is Martin, such is his altyn. They knew who they were beating, that's why they won. Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.

Exercise 2. Sounds U - O.

A) Us, already, mind, beehive, bow, chair, spider, think, vinegar, chest, fist, southern, nimble, loach, cabin, hatch, salute, axis, whirlpool, groan, crowbar, thief, forest, silently, space, contract, cloth, maple, coat, rise, reception.

B) Beech - side, knock - current, bough - juice, buy - save, goose - guest, fruit drink - Murzin, bow - forehead, tour - bargaining, boom - bom, grandson - at the feet, hatch - lay down, chandelier - Lesha .

C) Without science, as without hands. You won't be smart with someone else's mind. Friendship is friendship, and service is service. May is cold - you will not be hungry. The field is red with millet, and speech is with the mind.

Exercise 3. Sound A.

A) Ass, gasp, army, watermelon, bank, cash desk, lasso, lady, vein, lamp, rock, yak, apple tree, flaw, announce, trifle, slur.

B) Lying on the floor - so you can’t see a chunk. Do not open your mouth to someone else's loaf. The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

Exercise 4. Sound E.

A) Eh, this, therefore, six, tin, gesture, valuable, in a hut, floor, poet, muffler, these, price tag, poetics, business, summer, village, canopy, stump, day.

B) All children are equal, both boys and girls. He who sows and winnows will not grow poor. Ate - did not eat, but sat at the table.

Exercise 5. Sounds P - B.

A) Steam, dad, pop, drops, oak, dove, tank, bob, white, holster, watchdog.

B) Steam - bar, pass - bass, dust - true story, bolt - regiment, sang - white, drink - beat, ardor - drank, sleep - sleep, was - beat, board - wrapper, drill - bureau.

C) All beavers are kind to their beavers. In the Field-Polyushka field, a field-Polyushka will be poured. There will be no weeds in the field if the field of the Field is watered.

Exercise 6. Sounds F - V.

A) Fact, pound, headlights, snort, jacket, giraffe, forward, Valya, faithful, knock out, prominent, light.

B) Water - phase, Ivan - Selifan, Vika - ficus, fork - Filka, here - tears, you - elm, firm - snort, Fomka - Fyokla.

C) The water carrier was carrying water from the tap. Vavila was wet with a wet wind. Fofanov's sweatshirt Fefele fit. Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

Exercise 7. Sounds T - D.

A) There, tank, here, ton, aunt, that one, leave, close, go, lady, day, smoke, disk, woodpecker, fords, two.

B) There - ladies, volume - house, current - dock, grass - firewood, yours - deuce, shadow - day, body - business, theme - diadem, cake - grater, there - pulls, gift - uncle, double - doupel.

C) From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Two people don't wait for dinner. Fedot, but not that one. The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, the oak hollowed like a chisel.

Exercise 8. Sounds C - Z.

A) Bitch, son, strength, sit down, stack, bite, seedlings, cart, splinter, sound, winter, goat, appeal.

B) Himself - deputy, lard - hall, soup - tooth, weedy - dawns, braids - goats, bring in - below, blue - Zina, cheese - sir, session - sat down, ass - son-in-law.

C) He called himself a loader - climb into the body. The earth is ringing from the golden heat. In seven sledges, seven in a sleigh sat themselves. Senya will sleep in the hay.

Exercise 9

A) Ball, shawl, nimble, dried, cannon, shower, pity, tin, acorn, beetle, puddle, gun, thirst.

B) The ball is hot, yours is important, the joke is creepy, the breadth is fat, to live is to sew.

C) The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing and spinning. Six mice walked, carrying sixteen pennies; two worse mice carried two pennies each. The reins made of leather fit into the collar.

Exercise 10. Sounds K - G, X.

A) How, where, by whom, pick, bush, mole, current, gas, grief, runner, weight, ghetto, worse, choir, withers, trachea, shepherd.

B) Swing - gazelles, stake - goal, bone - guest, code - year, whip - bend, club - stupid, Kesha - Gesha.

C) Goes with a goat oblique goat. The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab: rob the gravel with the rake, crab! Crested laughers laughed with laughter: Ha! Ha! Ha! The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood, in the hood the cuckoo is ridiculous.

Exercise 11 .

A) Sorrel, thing, pike, happiness, squeaks, brush, raincoat.

B) Tongs and pincers - these are our things. Where cabbage soup - look for us here. Wolves prowl - looking for food.

Exercise 12

A) Hour, sensitive, frequent, bee, speech, patronymic, spell.

B) Wind - evening, closely - honestly, so - with what, aunt - a brush, sensitively - a fur coat.

C) Four black, grimy little imps drew a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly. Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Exercise 13

A) Heron, whole, king, circus, saucer, swim, flowers.

B) Heron - saber, tsok - juice, target - mudflow, color - light, circus - cheese, street - fox.

C) Well done against the sheep, and against the good fellow the sheep himself. The heron withered, the heron withered. The tit bird is not great, but clever.

Exercise 14. Sounds M, N, L, R, Y.

A) Poppy, mom, deceit, lamp, crumpled, cute, nose, our, dream, nanny, bottom, varnish, moon, watering can, Olya, pain, wound, rail, risk, talk, spruce, T-shirt, me, loach.

B) Mom - crumpled, small - crumpled, soap - cute, familiar - familiar, Nana - nanny, whining - thread, nose - carried, varnish - lay down, onion - hatch, ate - spruce, glad - row, moat - roar, marriage - break, fire - fire, cancer - varnish, hand - bow, ditch - catching, give - delete.

C) Mama used soap to wash Milu. Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench. Ulyana woke up neither late nor early: everyone was coming home from work, and she was right there. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch. Hoarfrost lay on the branches of spruce, the needles turned white overnight.

Exercise 15 Say difficult combinations of sounds at first slowly, then faster:

Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, kshch, kzhda, kkzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, kshte, kshtu, kshto.

Exercise 16 Say words with difficult consonant combinations slowly at first, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, invigorate, transplantation, supersonic, tousled, counter-break, explosion point, protestantism, stir up, over-alarmed, hit the barrel, department, hose, supersonic, ornate, philosophize, monster, snort a lot.

Exercise 17 Practice pronunciation of long consonants:

A) To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to the tour, to Galya, to Katya, to Kyiv, to the end, to the city, distant, get involved, give, kindle, vent, get rid of, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, restore, confirm, repel;

B) Top - up, leading - introduction, push - push, hold - support, drag - pull, water - introductory, litter - quarrel.

Exercise 18 . Work on the combination of sounds can be carried out in the form of a game, using onomatopoeia:

A) Hammer nails: Gbdu! Gbdo! Gbde! Gbdy! Gbda! Gbdi! Gbdi!

B) Imitate a horse's stomp: Ptku! Ptko! bird! Birds! Ptke! Birds!

C) Throw imaginary plates to your partner: Kchku! Wow! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

D) Come up with 2-3 games of this type.

Exercise 19 Say phrases consisting of stressed syllables, first slowly, then quickly:

At that hour, a thrush sang here. That year there was a hail. The oak was old. Everyone loved Peter. Instantly the club is full. The moss hid the mushroom. Grandpa got old. Your guest took the cane. Waves splash - splash sparkle! Jump a hundred miles.

Exercise 20 . Say tongue twisters with difficult combinations or alternations of consonants:

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; do not cut wood in the middle of the yard.

Tell me about shopping. — What kind of purchases? - About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.

To interpret plainly, but to no avail to interpret.

In the pond at Polycarp - three crucians, three carps.

The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab. “Rake the gravel, crab!”

Buy a pile of spades.

Three birds fly through three empty huts.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

There is a shock with a podkopenkom, and under the shock there is a quail with a quail.

Standing, standing at the gate, the bull is stupid-mouthed and short.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style; a bell was poured, a bell was forged, but not in Kolokovo style; it is necessary to recap and recap the cap, it is necessary to re-bell and re-bell the bell.

Movement exercises

Scientists have long proven the relationship between the development of movements and the formation of speech skills. The combination of work on the technique of speech with rhythmic movements of the body gives a good effect and helps to relieve tension and stiffness. When working, you can use walking, movements of arms and legs, make gestures that help understand the content of speech.

- pronouncing tongue twisters or counting rhymes with conducting to the beat of speech (the index finger of the right hand moves up and down; movement is a word):

Papa is here, papa is there

Dad, dad here and there.

Mom is here, mom is there

Mom, mom here and there.

Dad is here, mom is there

Dad, mom here and there;

- pronunciation of a rhyme with movements:

We walked, walked, walked (walk in a circle, step-word);

We (broad gesture in a circle) found the cake (lean forward slightly, arms outstretched down).

We sat down, ate (sit on the floor and make a natural hand gesture) and then went on (get up, wave your hand forward).

There are a number of exercises based on the imitation of sounds and movements of various natural situations, for example:

a) with an imaginary pump, inflate the bicycle tire, making habitual movements with your hands and pronouncing С-С-С-С, С-С-С-С, С-С-С-С ...;

b) squeeze the “spray bulb” with short, fragmentary movements, accompanying the movements with the sounds Ф! F! F! F!...;

c) pretend that you are planing a board with a planer: F-F-F-F! J-J-J-J!...;

d) show how you mow the grass: S-S-S-S! S-S-S-S!...;

e) scrub the floor with a brush: Sh-sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh-sh!

Exercise 1. Choose movements for the following long sentence:

Went from Africa to Saratov

Seven desperate pirates.

see the inscription on the pillar;

Continue: both those de and those ne.

Went from Africa to Saratov...

Exercise 2. What movements can accompany A. Barto's poem?

Left, right

Left, right!

The squad is coming.

The squad is coming.

The drummer is very happy.



An hour and a half

The drum... is already full of holes!

Appendix 5

Tongue Twisters

With the help of tongue twisters, you can effectively train diction (clear pronunciation of words and sounds). Reading tongue twisters develops correct articulation (the work of the speech organs in the formation of speech sounds) and eliminates reservations.

Read the tongue twisters aloud, pronouncing each sound clearly, then gradually increase the pace. In this case, first of all, one should ensure a clear pronunciation and only secondly - accelerate the pace. If it is not possible to read the tongue twister without errors at the usual pace, then first realize its meaning so that a clear video sequence appears in your head and read slowly, syllable by syllable. Repeat the tongue twister until you read it without hesitation. Then gradually increase the pace.

Record exercises with tongue twisters on a voice recorder. This will allow you to hear yourself from the outside and effectively eliminate speech shortcomings.

Practicing sounds: b, p, c, f, g, k, d, t, x

  1. Got the beans.
  2. Vakul shod a woman, and Vakula a woman shod her.
  3. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  4. The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.
  5. A cap on a cap, a cap under the cap.

b. Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.

  1. Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a bell.
  2. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.
  3. Buy a pile of peaks, buy a pile of peaks. Buy a pile of fluff, buy a pile of fluff.
  4. Cook Peter, cook Pavel. Peter swam, Pavel swam.
  5. The weaver weaves fabric for Tanya's scarves.
  6. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.
  7. Our head over your head over your head, over your head.
  8. Your sexton can't re-follow our sexton, can't re-follow; our sexton will re-sponsor your sexton, re-sponsor.
  9. In one, Klim, prick a wedge.
  10. There is a mop with a podprikopyonochkom.
  11. In the field, Frosya is flying millet, Frosya is carrying out weeds.
  12. The crab made the rake to the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay with a rake, crab, rob!
  13. The tree has needles.
  14. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on a cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood!
  15. All beavers are kind to their beavers. Beavers take beans for their cubs. Beavers sometimes excite beavers by giving them beans.
  16. Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack, and without a jack Pankrat cannot lift a tractor on the highway. And the tractor is waiting on the tract for a jack.
  17. There is a honey cake on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake.
  18. Prokop came, dill boiled, Prokop left, dill boiled; just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop.
  19. There were three priests, three Procopius-priests, three Prokopyevichs, talking about the priest, about Procopius-priest, about Prokopyevich.
  20. Once, scaring a jackdaw, he saw a parrot in the bushes, and that parrot says: you scare the jackdaws, pop, scare, but the jackdaws, pop, scaring in the bushes, don’t you dare scare the parrot.
  21. The sorcerer worked in a barn with the Magi.
  22. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.
  23. Feofan Mitrofanch has three sons Feofanych.
  24. Our guest took the cane.
  25. Pharaonic favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.
  26. Rhododendrons from the arboretum were given by parents.
  27. To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
  28. A black grouse sat on a tree, and a black grouse with cubs on a branch.
  29. Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, brother Ignat bearded.
  30. I praise halva.
  31. Crested laughers laughed with laughter.

r, l, m, n

  1. You can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters.
  2. In our backyard, the weather got wet.
  3. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about the Stall, about Varka, about Marina's wife.
  4. Klara-kralya crept to the chest.
  5. The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the lieutenant, but said nothing about the lieutenant.
  6. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass - one firewood, two firewood, three firewood. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
  7. There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood in the width of the yard, the firewood yard will not fit, the firewood must be expelled to the wood yard.
  8. In the yard of the widow Varvara, two thieves were stealing firewood, the widow got angry and removed the firewood into the barn.
  9. The Elector compromised the Landsknecht.
  10. He reported but did not report, he reported but reported.
  11. Snouted a white-faced pig, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with a snout, dug, undermined.
  12. The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese.
  13. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked and did not catch.
  14. On the shallows we lazily caught burbot. On the shallows we lazily caught tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love And beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?
  15. Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.
  16. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral.
  17. Karl put the bow on the chest. Clara was stealing an onion from the chest.
  18. Shot on quails and black grouse.
  19. Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.
  20. Tell me about shopping. About what about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.
  21. A cap is sewn, but not in a cap style; a bell is poured, but not in a bell-like way. It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap, it is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell.
  22. The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.
  23. Was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr. I'll go to the Lavra, to the Frol Lavra Navra.
  24. Eagle King.
  25. The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry.

bZ. Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, but did not blurt out.

  1. The Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.
  2. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered the lily, saw Lydia.
  3. The galley messenger was burned.
  4. Thaler plate stands.
  5. Go to the army, so take the reed.
  6. The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.
  7. Libretto Rigoletto.
  8. Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped, but Baikal did not grow shallow.
  9. We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce, we barely ate them.
  10. Mom did not regret washing. Milu's mother washed soap with soap. Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap.
  11. In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.
  12. Tractors rumble on the road in the morning.
  13. Eat in the rye, but do not rye in the rye.
  14. An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle, a mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.
  15. The city of Nerl on the Nerl River.
  16. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
  17. From under Kostroma, from under the Kostroma region, four men were walking. They talked about auctions, but about purchases, about cereals and about sub-grains.
  18. A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.
  19. The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Do not smoke, Turk, pipe, do not peck, trigger, grits.
  20. And I don't feel sick.

h, s, f, w, h, u, c

  1. Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.
  2. The wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache.
  3. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
  4. Osip is hoarse, and Arkhip is hoarse.
  5. He doesn’t want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
  6. The net caught on a knot.
  7. Seven of them sat in the sleigh themselves.
  8. From body to body there was an overload of watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.
  9. The flute whistler whistles with a flute.
  10. Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
  11. The nervous constitutionalist was found assimilated in Constantinople.
  12. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
  13. The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.
  14. Forty mice walked, found forty pennies, two worse mice found two pennies each.
  15. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies.
  16. Scales at the pike, bristles at the pig.
  17. A quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole.
  18. Intendant incident.
  19. Challenger Precedent.
  20. Konstantin stated.
  21. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.
  22. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
  23. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.
  24. The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream.
  25. The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.
  26. Jasper in suede is mossy.
  27. Chitinka flows in Chita.

Appendix 6. Statements

It is said that there are three categories of speakers: some can be listened to, others cannot be listened to, and still others cannot be ignored. It is in your power to become the one whom it is impossible not to listen to

« Poets are born, speakers become. Cicero

« The word is the most powerful weapon." Aristotle

« Those who cannot speak will not make a career.” Napoleon Bonaparte

"The power that iron has in war in political life has the word." Demetrius Felerky

« The speaker must exhaust the subject, not the patience of the listeners. Winston Churchill

Oratory (eloquence, the art of eloquence) is the art of public speaking for the purpose of persuasion. Oratory is a harmonious combination of rhetoric, acting techniques (delivery) and psychological techniques. Oratory and the properties of oratory are studied by the science of rhetoric.

natural eloquence

Manifestations of natural oratory ability are often found in everyday life. Imagine a situation: one person walks along the road, not seeing the danger threatening him, and another, raising his voice, warns him about it. Another example. One person fell into the water, and the other raises a cry for others to come to the rescue. Examples of natural eloquence can be found in villages where people communicate loudly and emotionally, almost shouting to each other (“across the street”) or in the market where everyone says something about their product. Such manifestations of eloquence do not require special training. The voice in such cases rises naturally, under the influence of feelings and relevant circumstances.


There are situations when a person needs to say something beautifully and convincingly, but there are no necessary emotions at the moment. This requires special self-management skills, which can be acquired in the process of practical application of oratory techniques. Oratory, as a special kind of art, arose in ancient Greece. No other ancient culture - neither Egyptian, nor Akkadian, nor Chinese, nor Indian - pays such close attention to oratorics as Greek, and does not give high examples of content and stylistic perfection of dialectics and the art of the spoken word. Oratory teaches how to make ordinary speech oratory. The traditions of modern oratory originate from the ancient rhetoric of Ancient Greece and Rome. However, the modern techniques of oratory proceed from the conditions of the technical development of mankind. So, the speaker today is helped by sound and visual means, which makes his speech more effective than hundreds of years ago.

Properties of oratory

Oratory is a type of monologue used in a situation where the speaker addresses a large audience in order to convince. The speaker's speech has its own characteristics of composition and style, as well as a special ratio of linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication. There are several basic qualities that distinguish oratory from other types of speech.[edit | edit wiki text]

The speaker addresses the people with an oratorical speech - not only to convey information to the listener, but also to receive a response in the form of interest (persuade) or some kind of action (induce). Such speech always has an agitational character. To do this, the speaker must be inspired by the subject of his speech and put into it what he considers necessary and useful for his listeners.

In order for the speech to touch and interest the audience, the authority of the speaker or his special psychological attitude is important. In order to induce listeners to take some action, the speaker, first of all, makes an effort himself, requiring a special effort of will. This effort is felt in the speech of the speaker and transmitted to his listeners, prompting them to action.

The influence of the psyche on the quality of oratory


"Don't talk the way you feel comfortable talking,

but in a way that is convenient for listeners to perceive"

Every business has its own rules. And in oratory too. The rules of oratory come down to managing the elements of speech, as well as the use of various speech techniques and principles, so that speech is understandable, interesting and, as a result, more influential. Let's talk briefly about some principles of oratory.

Forget yourself, get busy

This is the principle of certainty. An insecure speaker is preoccupied with himself. He is worried about the thought: what if they think badly of me? His excitement is gluttonous and eats up part of his attention - which is why the shackled speaker stutters and gets confused. Nothing but our own attitudes prevents us from being as liberated in front of an audience as we are at home. Get carried away with the performance, and you will not be left to worry.

The speaker is the master of the situation

Some speakers behave as if they have done something wrong or have not learned their lesson - startle at every remark of the listeners, strive to answer in detail every inappropriate question and wait for further instructions from the audience. A lamentable sight.

It must be remembered that for the duration of the speech, the speaker becomes the leader of the audience, therefore, he must lead the audience, and not follow their lead. This does not mean that at the same time it is necessary to embody the dictatorial style - to be rude and stern. You should be gentle with your listeners, but resolutely mind your own business. The speaker must own the audience and boldly embody their ideas - listeners must see that the speaker knows what he wants.

If you don't disturb the audience, the audience will take care of you.

There is a type of speakers - "nudists". These are those who do not perform, but torment - for a long time mumbling stupidity under their breath. It seems that they have only two tasks - to tire the audience and test the patience of the listeners. Usually kind listeners interrupt the "nudist" speech with the question: "can you pay to leave us alone?". Evil ones - they beat (therefore, the "nudist" must be agile - be able to dodge flying tomatoes and run fast). The patient audience rewards the tedious speech with a thunder of applause for the fact that it is finally over. The audience needs to be captivated.

Performance principle

People love spectacles and vivid sensations. They are willing to pay for concerts, theatrical performances and attractions. Therefore, the audience in the depths of its soul is waiting for an interesting show to be unfolded in front of it. Such an expectation of the listeners must be justified. A bright performance entertains listeners and lives up to their expectations. Sluggish speech makes them feel like they are wasting the time of their lives. Turn the performance into an interesting performance.

If you want to be interesting - be interested

This principle is similar to the previous one. If you express your thoughts in an indifferent and indifferent tone, then such a speech can hardly be called historical. Such a speech will be forgotten soon after it has been delivered. Therefore, in order for the speech to be interesting and impress the listeners, speaking, you should try. Add enthusiasm to your speech.

Diversity principle

When we hear thunder, this means that we also hear interrupted silence - we perceive not the sounds, colors and phenomena of the world around us, but the contrasts between them. The more contrasts (diversity) in speech, the more it attracts attention. Variety should be present in all elements of speech (except diction - diction should always be clear): you need to speak brightly in places, and moderately in places; with various emotional connotations; then louder, then quieter; sometimes actively gesticulating and moving, and sometimes standing still; changing the pace of speech - faster and slower; tone of voice - higher and lower. Also use pauses of various lengths and so on. Diverse speech is reminiscent of a picturesque landscape, which has a purple sunset and blue sky, forest and mountains, lakes, hills, copses, etc. Such speech attracts and you want to listen and listen to it, in contrast to the monotonous, reminiscent of the desert to the horizon. Speak in a variety of ways.

Misunderstandings are entirely the responsibility of the speaker.

Whatever the reasons for the misunderstanding of the meaning of the speaker's speech by the listeners - even if the listener has clumsy brains and is distracted - the responsibility for misunderstanding lies entirely with the speaker. This is an axiom. If the speaker allows statements to the audience: "Is it really incomprehensible?" or "What are you stupid!", then he is, to put it mildly, wrong, because, in this way, he is trying to shift the responsibility onto the listeners. Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.

Claims to listeners are inappropriate

As a rule, the listeners are mostly sane and disciplined, but sometimes among them there are aggressive, talkative and drunk people who distract and interfere with the performance. Of course, sometimes some negligent student can be expelled so as not to interfere, but most often this approach is inappropriate. No matter how obscenely the listeners behave - they fidget, make noise, ask unnecessary questions - one should not make claims to them: they say, stop distracting me, or how hard it is to communicate with you! No matter how hyperactive or indifferent the audience is, it must be dealt with tactfully. Just as a brick is not to blame for being a brick, the listeners are not to blame for being who they are. Be condescending to the audience, like a gallant gentleman to a lady.

Exhaust the topic, not the patience of the listeners

They say that time is money. In fact, time is more than money, because time contains everything that we have - our whole life lies in time. Paradox: it is generally accepted that stealing money is bad, and taking away a person’s time, distracting him or making him wait, is not shameful. To tire listeners with a boring performance means to steal a piece of life from them. Finish talking before the audience wants to.

Principles are vectors that set the general direction. It is important to apply the principles of oratory to the place and dose them correctly, depending on whether you are speaking at a lecture, at a rally or at a meeting.

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“Recently, I came across a list of the main human fears, where the fear of death was only in third place. The top two lines were occupied by the fear of entering a room full of strangers and the fear of speaking in public. Fiction! And I was just about to give a speech in a few days, and I definitely felt this fear. So I signed up for a course with former BBC presenter and coach Helen Foster, hoping that her advice would help me. I have written down eight of the most useful for you.

1. Time

Try to keep your presentation time within 20 minutes. TED Talk educational platform experts advise 17-18. Why? Because the presentation from this becomes denser and brighter: only important information for the audience remains in it. Overwhelm your listeners with a stream of words - and they will no longer perceive your speech.

2. Show, don't tell

If you still need to give a longer speech, break it into parts: we talked for about 15 minutes - change the genre: add pictures or videos, a joke or two, work out the material that was discussed during some kind of game - it all depends on the circumstances It's up to you to decide what is more appropriate in a given situation.

3. Joke

An anecdote, in the old sense of the word, is a small amusing story - a great way to start a speech, capturing the audience's attention with something that is of universal interest. It is not necessary that you be a participant in the events described, but it is important that the story is unusual and exciting - the listeners should look away from their smartphones and finally begin to listen carefully.

4. Interaction with the public

Sometimes the lecture is decorated and enlivened by the elements of the seminar: ask the public questions, invite the audience to discuss the problem among themselves for a couple of minutes. For example, if you are talking about happiness, invite the audience to think about the last time each of them was truly happy and why. Discuss multiple responses. Such exercises should not take more than 5 minutes, otherwise you risk getting too distracted from the main topic.

5. What was it?

What exactly should the listener remember from your speech? What is the clearest and easiest way to express this idea: a picture, a video, an aphorism? We remember best what was said at the very end of the lecture. Keep this in mind and try to come up with a shock ending for your performance.

6. Emotions

Does the subject you are talking about evoke strong emotions in you? Don't be afraid to show them when you speak. Otherwise, how will the listeners understand that you are really interested in what you are talking about? After all, if the audience is not sure that you are interested in the subject, why should they devote their attention to it?

“The question of what language you speak is always a question of power, of dominant discourse, of the right to be something else than a “speaking tool,” Ekaterina Mikhailova is sure. – This is a question of the right to choose “our own” and “them” (of course, they speak differently). It’s an important choice, and it would be good to evaluate its consequences.”

7. Sincerity

Sincerity never fails. Be yourself. If you don’t know something, say so – it’s better anyway than making up a deliberately false answer on the go. In addition, you can always offer to search for the answer to the question of interest to the listener. Lying is difficult, and, as a rule, deception is noticeable. So don't waste your audience's trust.

8. Preparation

Pre-record your speech in a format convenient for you. A coherent text on paper, a detailed plan, cards with keywords - anything, as long as it is convenient for you. In addition, although we somehow miss this opportunity, it would be a good idea to say the text of the speech a couple of times in advance so as not to forget anything significant. Yes, it takes time, but you will not stutter and blush painfully, trying to remember: what else did I have there? A trained speaker always outperforms an unprepared one.

Did it work for me? It's up to you - here's my performance at the recent opening of London's Happiness Club."

Oratory is one of the most valuable skills that will help you concisely, beautifully and without any problems convey your point of view to your interlocutor. There are people who are speakers by nature, just give them a topic and you can listen for hours. But what about those who want to master these skills, but the nature of innate abilities did not give?
Oratory, like any other skill, can be developed, trained, improved. In this article, we will give 6 useful tips, thanks to which you can develop incredible abilities in yourself, and in less than a month, speak freely in public, focusing the attention of listeners on your speech.

1. What causes the greatest difficulty for beginner speakers? As a rule, this is an insufficient vocabulary and a limited vocabulary. The solution is simple, you need to talk, talk and talk again. You can do this at home. Take any item you see - a hair dryer, a vase, a frying pan, in general, it doesn't matter what it will be. And then, for 5 minutes, try to talk about it, describe all the features of this subject, explain how wonderful and necessary it is. At first it will be difficult, but over time you will easily cope with this task. When you see that five minutes is not enough, then increase the time, tell 10, 20, 30 minutes. I knew people who, without any problems, could talk for hours on a given topic, while never repeating themselves in phrases and their thoughts.

3. The pace of speech is another feature worth mastering. Watch how you speak. Too fast speech the listener can not make out, and slow drives into boredom. Try to pause, highlight the right places with intonations, raise and lower your voice, thereby attracting the attention of the audience.

4. Talking about subjects at home is good, but in order to hone the skill of oratory, you need to communicate more with real people. The easiest way to hone oratory is for students. You have access to performances in front of your group, and during the performance you can track the reaction, behavior of the audience, their mood and desire to listen.

5. Your speech should not be dry. Try to use sayings, quotes from famous people, as well as humor from time to time. By the way, humor plays a very important role. The ability to joke in time and accurately is the quality of a good speaker who can easily keep his audience, and at the right time relieve the accumulated tension.

Over time, when you expand your vocabulary and begin to apply all the knowledge gained in practice, you will notice how your speech has changed, how the interlocutor carefully listens to every word spoken, how the audience is closely following your statements and phrases.


How many people in the world - so many levels of upbringing and education, different characters, opinions and worldviews, as well as the ability to assess current events. The speaker should overcome obstinacy and indifference, delusion and ignorance, resistance: active and passive. If you are listening to a large audience, then your speech should be slower and louder. It is necessary to remove everything superfluous and secondary. A good choice of expressions and short sentences can increase the impact of your speech on the audience. A speaker is a person who can and should win the attention, trust and sympathy of the audience. Oratory lessons are fundamental rules. Use them to increase your impact on your audience.

Speech technique and voice

1) Perfect, clear and beautiful pronunciation - this is the basis of clear, free speech.

2) The beauty of the spoken speech depends on how clearly you pronounce vowel sounds in combination with clearly sounding consonants, and intelligibility is achieved by the full pronunciation of all sounds by the speaker.

3) Fluency of speech can enhance both the clarity and beauty of the sound of words.

4) Select the volume level and speech tempo in accordance with the acoustics of the room where you will perform. If there are more than seventy listeners, speak slowly and loudly.

5) Use short sentences, watch the spoken expressions, sweep away everything superfluous and minor. This way you will increase the impact of your speech on the audience.

6) Ennobling your language is the most important condition for mastering the art of eloquence, so “clean up” your vocabulary: exclude all vulgar and ordinary expressions.

8) Avoid any sloppiness, be fluent in your .

Persuasiveness is very important in public speaking. But don't overdo it.

The speaker and his audience: success with the public

1) Choose your topic wisely and master it to perfection.

2) The speaker will be able to capture the attention of the public and influence their minds. If he connects his speech to a topic that is interesting to listeners or excites them.

3) Always address the audience. Then the speech will not be a monologue. The speaker makes it feel that he has a keen interest in the audience.

4) A charismatic speaker writes his speech in an exciting and dynamic style. In addition, he never speaks in a cold, indifferent tone.

5) Your presentation will be valuable to the audience if it serves to support or implement any practical idea.

6) A real person behaves correctly both in relation to the enemy and to the friend. Even despite religion, nationality, political views, financial and official position in society, gender and age.

7) Your confidence and calmness are no less important than the words that you are.

8) When studying the lessons of oratory, remember: if you trust yourself, then the audience will trust you.

9) An eloquent speaker is able to awaken the imagination of the audience.

10) The audience consists of different people: each has its own level of education and upbringing, character, outlook on life. Therefore, you need to overcome delusions, ignorance, indifference, stubbornness, active and passive resistance on their part.

11) Present yourself as the person who can win attention, trust and sympathy.

13) You must have an understanding of what purpose you are speaking for and what you are calling the audience to.

14) It is desirable for a person speaking to provide for all those conditions conducive to harmony and an optimistic mood.

15) The speaker will succeed if he can put himself in the place of another person. And also look at things through the eyes of another.

16) Despite your criticism, severity and censure, you still have to make people feel that you are friendly and treat them with sympathy.

17) If the speaker is a positive creative person, but attentive and not distracted from the subject of conversation, treats the audience with sympathy and maintains presence of mind, then success is guaranteed to him.

Thinking and discussion

1) The main idea of ​​the performance is its soul. Strive to reveal it consistently in your speech. And direct all reasoning to the reinforcement and addition of the key idea.

2) You need to organize your thoughts and feelings. Only in this case they will line up in a logical sequence.

3) The speaker should constantly imagine what he wants to achieve.

4) If the topic of the speech really “catches” you, then it will be much easier for you to express your thoughts and concentrate on the subject of the conversation.

5) Oratory lessons, in most cases, consider expression as a force that moves thoughts. She is in close contact with us.

6) All thoughts, all images must be directed to one single goal, which the speaker has set for himself. And everything secondary, not related to the main topic of the speech, you must consciously remove.

7) Learn quiet reflection. The transition between thoughts should be smooth. This way you will achieve balance in expressing your thoughts.

8) Control the direction of your thoughts with your mind. The ability to concentrate is based on the willpower of a person.

9) The discussion is a business exchange of views. In such a process, each speaker must reason objectively.

Address the audience, listen to the opinions of the audience

10) You should speak only on the given topic of the speech, avoiding any useless digressions.

11) Remain calm if the listener expresses an opinion that does not coincide with yours. Oratory lessons contain the law of difference. Two people cannot have the same opinion. It gives the speaker confidence, and also gives the opportunity to appreciate each statement.

12) Any speech by the speaker should have a goal in which the points of view of people and the reconciliation of the disputants will be explained.

13) It is necessary to behave decently. You are given the floor not at all to express your dissatisfaction with this or that person, especially the absent one.

14) Listen carefully to other people. Reflect on what has been said and begin to speak yourself if you are sure that every word you say will be said on the case.

15) The speaker should speak concisely, refraining from long and drawn-out introductions. Therefore, immediately start speaking in. Accurate statements will spice up your discussion.

16) Get used to expressing your beliefs energetically, figuratively. Do not humiliate the person who expressed the opposite opinion.