What is language and why is it needed. The story “Language is the most important means of human communication

The human tongue is a muscular organ, like all vertebrates.

Its functions are participation in the processing and swallowing of food, in speech acts.

Taste recognition

The taste buds located on the surface of the tongue are responsible for taste recognition. Adults have about nine thousand of them.

The taste bud is a group of receptor cells (about 50 cells for one taste "bulb"). "Bulbs" have the external form of a fungus or papilla - papilla, on the surface of which - the thinnest protrusions, microvilli, emerging on the surface of the tongue. Between themselves, the cells of the groups are connected by nerve fibers, and with the brain, where they transmit information, by the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves.

The papillae respond to chemicals with bitter, sweet, sour, and salty tastes. Until the end of the 20th century, it was believed that only these tastes and their combinations were available to humans. And only in the XXI century, another taste was recognized - umami (umami), the taste of glutamic acid, felt when we eat meat or tomatoes, seaweed dishes.

The discovery of umami belongs to Ikeda Kikunae, who described the fifth taste as early as the beginning of the 20th century. However, it is likely that the discoveries will not end there. French scientists have discovered taste buds that respond to ... fatty taste. Further research should refute or confirm their finding.

A few words should also be said about taste recognition zones. Until recently, it was believed (though often disputed) that receptors on the tip of the tongue were responsible for the recognition of sweet tastes; sour - leaf-shaped receptors on the sides of the tongue; salty - receptors on the front and middle part of the back of the tongue; bitter - cylindrical receptors on the back of the back. Now this information is subject to fundamental doubts.

The tongue as an organ of swallowing

The tongue also serves as a swallowing organ. It is involved in the oral phase of swallowing. Chewed, saliva-moistened food is formed into a bolus - a lump up to 15 ml in volume.

With the help of the tongue and cheek muscles, the bolus enters the back of the tongue, presses against the palate, is transported to the root of the tongue, and then into the pharynx.

Language as an organ of speaking, speech

Language performs the most important function in the formation of speech sounds. His inactivity, birth defects are the most common causes of poor pronunciation.

Different zones of the language take part in the formation of sounds. If the tongue is completely lowered, laid flat and does not obstruct the exit of air at all, a very open, musical [a] is formed. With the maximum rise of the tongue, vowels [y], [i], [s] are formed, with an average rise of the tongue to the palate, percussive sounds [o], [e] are formed.

For the formation of consonants in the mouth with the help of the tongue and lips, obstacles are formed for the passage of air. Overcoming them, the air causes friction, “opens” the bonds, and causes the tongue to vibrate.

To form a pure [t], you need to press your tongue tightly against your teeth and “blow up” the bow with an energetic jet. [d] is formed in the same way, but the tongue seems to be “glued” to the palate, after which the bow opens. [x] occurs when the back of the tongue approaches the soft palate. When the sound [p] is formed, the tip of the tongue vibrates under the influence of the outgoing air.

Other consonants are also formed with the help of a different position and work of the tongue, therefore it is extremely important to train its strength and mobility so that the sounds are clear, bright, beautiful.

Interesting facts about human language as an organ of the body

The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and the most sensitive.

- The imprint of the tongue for each person is special and in this sense it is similar to fingerprints.

- The tongue is the only muscle fixed on one side and free on the other.

- With the help of the tongue, newborns suck their mother's milk, while breathing and swallowing - no adult has such an ability.

- The more taste buds in the tongue, the less often a person experiences a feeling of hunger, the less - the more often.

- If saliva is not able to dissolve something (at least partially), it is impossible to taste.

Chanel Tapper has the longest tongue. Its length is 9.75 cm.

- By the age of 60, 4/5 of all people have lost half or more of their taste buds.

Natalia Pershina
Abstract of the lesson on valeology "Why does a person need a language" in the middle group

Summary of classes with children of the middle group

« Why does a person need a language» .

Target: Introduce children to tongue - organ of taste: consolidate children's knowledge of basic tastes. Expand children's knowledge of the role language in life human.

Tasks: 1) Consider appearance language;

2) Form the idea that it performs many different functions;

3) Develop logical thinking in children;

4) Improve experimentation skills and teamwork ability;

5) Train the ability to understand and follow the verbal instructions of the teacher.

materials: Picture - drawing « human language» , the picture with the image language responsive to different types products: cards for the game "Choose products to your liking", pieces of different products on plates for the game "Guess the Taste".

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Children, we continue to travel around an amazing planet « Man» . You already know, why do people need hands, legs, ears, eyes, nose. There is another organ without which man could not live.

Listen to the riddle:

"If it wasn't for him,

Wouldn't he eat anything?"

Children: Language, mouth.

caregiver: Correctly. Language- a very important organ and you all know that it is in the mouth. The mouth plays an important role in human. This is a complex organ that can breathe, bite, chew, moisten food with saliva, warm or cool it, and swallow. In addition, he knows how to fight germs, as well as sing, talk, laugh.

How can you call it if it lives language?

Children: House.

caregiver: That's right, the mouth is a house for language. It is also the entrance to the digestive tunnel. And as in front of a real tunnel, a guard sits in our house. Thick, red, wet. Who is it?

Children: Language.

caregiver A: Yes, it's still the same language. But why is he a security guard? (children's answers). Summarizing the answers of the children, the teacher continues to talk about language.

He stands at his post and tastes everyone entering the house. He is strict, he will never let bitter and tasteless guests through. Sweet and salty, bitter and sour - all this language can determine by taste. Each plot tongue feels its taste. Sweet - defines the tip language, rear end language(root it)– bitter, lateral parts of the tip tongue - sour, lateral parts of the tip tongue - salty. (image displayed).

caregiver: The tongue is the organ of taste. It is covered with a mucous membrane, in which different taste buds are located. When we take food in our mouth, it irritates language and we taste the food. What kind of food do we recognize with the help of language? (children's answers)

caregiver: Let's see if you can recognize some foods without looking.

The game is being played "Guess the Taste".


Why is language needed? Why do you need to learn languages?

October 30, 2015

We often hear that you need to know your native language, you need to know other languages. But for what purpose? Why do you need to learn languages? The funny thing is that most often parents tell their children this, while they themselves do not know any other language than their native.

"We Know Best" from the creators of you

Parents, seeing that translators earn a lot, try to shove their child into a school where there is a bias towards learning foreign languages, or to a special tutor who, for a lot of money, must teach new languages. Investments in the future so that the son can earn good money and help his parents. If the child calmly succumbs to this, the study goes at least relatively easily, he does not protest against classes, wanting to take a walk, play football or go knitting, then this will only be good for him. In the future, he will understand and appreciate the efforts of his parents. But there are situations when a child is not able to learn one single language, at least his own - Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian - it does not matter. If a person is not adapted to this, there is no need to forcibly shove this knowledge into him. To improve his literacy - yes, but why does a person who is strong in other areas and cannot remember a simple greeting phrase in Italian need a language of another country? The problem here is that parents are looking for the best, as they think, option without taking into account the capabilities of their child. As a result, a person may learn a language, but most likely will not understand why it is necessary to know languages, and will hate all those hours and days that he spent on constantly cramming new words instead of directing his strength and time to knowledge of another area close to his interests.

The need for knowledge of the language in everyday life

But if we talk not about foreign languages, but simply about why a language is needed at all. First of all, it is a means of communication. Knowing the language of the people who are in your environment, you can easily find out everything you need: the weather on the street, the price of food, ask about the schedule, study, work, communicate, discuss new films - all this is impossible without language. You will say that there are dumb people who are not able to communicate using the usual way for healthy people? True, but they also have their own language, which they have learned and through which they communicate with each other. To do this, they do not need the speech apparatus as it is with us - they replaced it with gestures.

Another answer to the question of why language is needed is that knowledge is transmitted with its help.
Mankind has come up with words, figured out how to write them down, and with the help of this, transmits information from generation to generation. Not a single older dog will tell his younger generation that you don’t need to go there or that you don’t need to eat this. Of course, information is transmitted at a certain level by remembering smells and other abilities of the animal. But we have a wonderful opportunity to convey all information through speech and recording.

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Why do we need the Russian language

Like any other native language, Russian unites the population of the country. And in a particular case - even many countries that once existed in an association called the USSR.
That is, one link reunites the minds of a huge part of the Eurasian continent - a rather powerful argument, isn't it? But the current state of the language leaves much to be desired. Perhaps it was like this before, because until a certain point, the school where you will be taught to write, read and, accordingly, competently express thoughts with the help of sounds emanating from the vocal cords was not available to "ordinary" people.

Misunderstanding of value

Now, children simply do not appreciate the fact that they have the opportunity to study for free, absorb information about the world around them, when earlier many were ready to go to schools many miles away just to draw on something that does not quite look like paper with a piece of coal or a pencil stub. .
Why do you need a language, and why is it worth spending ten years learning if you end up texting a girl "hello, how are you"? It is also upsetting that the Russian language, like a magnet, attracts foreign words that sit tightly in it and even crowd out the original expressions. Why do we need the Russian language, in which one constantly hears "okay", "troubles", "girl", etc.? No one is worried about the purity of their native speech, but nevertheless this should make every speaker think.

Every person wants to communicate with other people. People do not live without communication, unless they are thrown somewhere, on a desert island. And then, not communicating with others, a person can run wild. And in order to communicate, to exchange information, a person needs a language.

The words of any language contain concepts that a person uses in everyday life. If there were no language, then objects and phenomena would not have names. And a person strives to give everything a name, a definition: a spoon, a cat, a bowl. And in order to give names to himself and other people, a person also uses the words of the language. Without speech, without language, all people would remain nameless. We wouldn't even be able to tell each other apart!

Through language, people communicate their knowledge to each other. Once upon a time, man invented, for example, the wheel. He passed on his experience to other people with the help of words, and they also learned how to make wheels. He told them how useful his invention was. And if there were no language, other people would never know why the wheel is needed and how to make it. Transferring knowledge is a very important property of a language. When people learned to transmit speech in writing, they built a civilization.

And with the help of language, a person expresses his feelings. He speaks with words about his love, sympathy. They can also express hatred, rage, anger, but I would like to say exactly about the good. A kind word inspires people, they can warm another person.

Language is essential for communication. Primitive people who did not have a language could communicate with each other with gestures and some sounds, but now we need language to communicate.

Through language, people understand each other. We can convey our thoughts to another person only by using language. He can help us talk about our desires, feelings. There is no way, other than language, that we can communicate this to other people with the same precision.

The language of a people is its culture. If there were no language, there would be no different poems, proverbs, stories, songs and other beautiful works.

People also need language to store knowledge and pass it on to their children.

Even the knowledge in the textbooks that we learn from was obtained many years ago and written down with the help of language. And to read about them, we also need to know the language.

Language is a very important means for people to communicate and gain knowledge.

Updated: 2017-02-07

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