What are the Space Forces for? Russian weapons

Space Forces of the Armed Forces

Years of existence:

the Russian Federation


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Defense of Russia)

Included in:

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (AF of Russia)


150,000 people

Participation in:

cold war

space troops- a separate branch of the armed forces of the Russian Federation responsible for military operations in space. On June 1, 2001, the Space Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were formed and began to carry out their tasks. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002, October 4 is celebrated as the Day of Space Forces. The holiday is timed to the day of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, which opened the annals of astronautics, including military.


The main tasks of the Space Forces are:

  • timely warning of the top military-political leadership of the country about the beginning of a nuclear missile attack.
  • creation, deployment and control of orbital constellations of spacecraft for military, dual and socio-economic purposes;
  • control of the developed near-Earth space, constant reconnaissance of the territories of a potential enemy with the help of satellites;
  • missile defense of Moscow, destruction of attacking enemy ballistic missiles.


Until 1981, responsibility for the creation, development and use of space assets was assigned to the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR. At the end of the 1970s, a contradiction objectively arose and began to aggravate between the interspecific nature of the tasks being solved and the specific subordination of military space.

Under these conditions, the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense (MO USSR) in 1981 decided to withdraw the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinate it directly to the General Staff. In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS). In 1992, the UNCS was transformed into a military branch of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS), which included the Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny cosmodromes (in 1966), as well as the Main Center for Testing and Control of Spacecraft (SC) military and civil destination named after German Titov, located 40 kilometers from Moscow, Golitsino-2, aka Object 413, aka Krasnoznamensk. In 1997, the VKS became part of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Taking into account the increasing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, in 2001 the top political leadership of the country decided to create on the basis of formations, formations and launch units and RKO of a new kind of troops - the Space Forces, based on the formations and launch units allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces. At the same time, it was taken into account that the space forces and means, the forces and means of the RKO have a single sphere for solving problems - space, as well as close cooperation between industrial enterprises, which ensures the creation and development of weapons.

Now the main divisions space troops RF are located in Olenegorsk and the village. Lekhtusi (Leningrad region)

Orbital constellation

The orbital constellation of the Russian Federation consists of 100 spacecraft. Of these, 40 are defense satellites, 21 are dual-purpose and 39 are spacecraft for scientific and socio-economic purposes.

For comparison, the United States has the largest orbital constellation, which owns 413 artificial satellites. In third place is China with 34 satellites.

India maintains 7 active earth imagery satellites in polar orbits.


  • 1992-1997 - Vladimir Leontievich Ivanov
  • 2001-2004 - Anatoly Nikolaevich Perminov
  • 2004-2008 - Vladimir Alexandrovich Popovkin
  • Since July 4, 2008, the commander of the Space Forces has been Lieutenant General Oleg Nikolayevich Ostapenko; Chief of Staff - Major General Alexander Nikolaevich Yakushin.

Educational establishments

The training of officers for the space forces is carried out by:

  • A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (former A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering University)
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov
  • Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces

Secondary complete general education provides:

  • Military Space Cadet Corps of Peter the Great
Editorial response

On October 4, Russia celebrates the Day of the Space Forces. The holiday is timed to coincide with the day of the launch of the first artificial earth satellite PS-1 (the simplest satellite-1). It was launched into orbit on October 4, 1957 by the R-7 launch vehicle from the 5th research site of the USSR Ministry of Defense, which later became known as the Baikonur cosmodrome. The spacecraft was a ball with a diameter of 58 centimeters, weighed 83.6 kilograms, and was equipped with four pin antennas 2.4 and 2.9 meters long. The successful launch of the world's first satellite was the discovery of the annals of astronautics, including military.

Emblem of the Aerospace Defense Forces. Photo: ommons.wikimedia.org

AiF.ru tells about what the space troops are doing, their composition and history of origin.


Space Forces - a branch of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Their main tasks are:

  • warning the top military-political leadership of the country about a missile attack;
  • missile defense of the city of Moscow;
  • control of outer space;
  • creation, deployment, maintenance of the national orbital constellation and control of military, dual, socio-economic and scientific spacecraft.

The composition of the space forces:

  • Command of the Space Forces;
  • Main Missile Warning Center;
  • The main center for reconnaissance of the space situation;
  • Directorate for the introduction of new systems and complexes of the Space Forces;
  • Missile defense formations;
  • Main test center named after German Titov;
  • State test cosmodrome Plesetsk.

The number of personnel of the Aerospace Defense Forces of the Russian Federation is 165,000 people.

Orbital constellation

The orbital satellite constellation of Russia for September, 2015 is the second in the world and consists of 149 devices. Together with the orbital groups of the CIS countries - 167 devices.

For comparison, the United States has the largest orbital constellation, which owns 446 artificial satellites. In third place is China with 120+ satellites. India maintains 40+ operational Earth imagery satellites in polar orbits.

Pilots during an exercise to check the combat readiness of the Aerospace Defense Forces, the 1st Air Force and Air Defense Command of the Western Military District at the Baltimore airfield in Voronezh. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Utkin


  • Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) (1964-1970),
  • Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) (1970-1981),
  • Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (1981-1986),
  • Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS) of the USSR Ministry of Defense (1986-1992),
  • Military Space Forces (VKS) (1992-1997),
  • as part of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) (1997-2001),
  • Space Forces (KV) (2001-2011),
  • Aerospace Defense Troops (VVKO) (from December 1, 2011 - August 1, 2015),
  • Space Forces (KV) of the Aerospace Forces (since August 1, 2015).

Major General, Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO) Alexander Golovko. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentiev


1964-1965 — K. A.-A. Kerimov
1965-1979 — A. G. Karas
1979-1989 — A. A. Maksimov
1989-1996 — V. L. Ivanov
2001-2004 — A. N. Perminov
2004-2008 — V. A. Popovkin
2008-2011 — O. N. Ostapenko
2012 — V. M. Ivanov- interim officer
from December 2012 — A. V. Golovko

Educational establishments

The training of officers for the space forces is carried out by:

  • Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky,
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov.


The first space units were formed in 1955 as part of the artillery of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK), when a decision was made by the USSR Government to build a research site.

In 1964, in order to centralize work on the creation of new means, as well as to quickly resolve the issues of using space means, the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) was created. In 1970, it was reorganized into the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Servicemen of the Aerospace Defense Forces greet Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during the parade dedicated to the 68th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, on Red Square. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Ostapkovich

In 1992, the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities was transformed into a branch of forces of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS).

In 1997, the Military Space Forces, in order to increase the efficiency of command and control of troops and save the defense budget, were included in the Strategic Missile Forces.

In connection with the growing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, by a Presidential Decree in 2001, on the basis of formations, formations and units of launch and RKO allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces, an independent branch of forces was created - the Space Forces. At the same time, it was taken into account that the space forces and means, the forces and means of the RKO have a single sphere for solving problems - space, as well as close cooperation between industrial enterprises, which ensures the creation and development of weapons.

The Russian Federation is a relatively young type of troops. VKS appeared the year before last. This happened when the Air Force and Space Forces merged into a single whole as a result of the reform. The new type of troops entered into force on the first day of August 2015, in connection with the corresponding decree of the commander in chief.

Tasks of the Aerospace Forces

A new type of troops was put into operation in order to solve many problems, including:

Composition of the Aerospace Forces

The VKS consists of troops of three types:

  • Air Force of the Russian Federation;
  • Anti-aircraft and anti-missile troops;
  • Space troops.

Nine educational institutions of the country are engaged in training specialists to replenish the officers of the Aerospace Forces. The main command of the new type of troops is based in the capital of Russia, in the Arbat area. A professional holiday for employees in the VKS is the former day of the Russian Air Force - August 12.

Colonel-General Bondarev was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, to whom Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, presented the battle banner of a new type of troops.

The representative of the VKS of Russia at cultural events is the vocal and choreographic ensemble of the VKS. The main cultural center of the Aerospace Forces of Russia is the Central Club of Aerospace Forces Officers, located in Moscow.

Prerequisites for the emergence of a new type of troops

The need to reform the Air Force was discussed at the end of the last decade of the 20th century. Why is there such a need? This need was dictated by the fact that by that time the service life of most of the military equipment that was in service with this type of troops had expired. The technical arsenal was significantly worn out, which undermined the combat effectiveness of the Air Force. As a result of the reforms, part of the obsolete equipment was written off, which made it possible to reduce the staff. The number of airfields that served as military bases was also reduced. Changes have taken place in the field of specialized education.

These changes were manifested in the concentration of educational institutions involved in training personnel for service in the Air Force. By the beginning of 2012, the Russian Air Force acquired a new, more compact look. The reduction in the number of personnel and units of military equipment took place against the backdrop of an increase in government spending on the maintenance of these troops. The result of the reform measures was an increase in the salaries of employees and a more intensive pace of updating military equipment. However, not all measures taken have been effective.

Second wave of reforms

After Sergei Shoigu became head of the Ministry of Defense, a new set of measures was implemented to restore the Air Force to its former power.

Among the activities carried out were:

It is of great importance for maintaining the combat potential of the Aerospace Forces and the modernization of the aircraft fleet. Until 2020, repairs should be completed, and more than half of the equipment in the arsenal of the Aerospace Forces should undergo technical improvements.

Results of transformations

The creation of the Aerospace Forces of Russia was the optimal solution to the problem of the further development of the aviation defense of the Russian Federation. As a result of the unification of several branches of the military and the creation of the VKS, the command of these troops was concentrated in one hand, which increased its effectiveness. There has been a tendency to increase quantitative and qualitative indicators in the development of the Aerospace Forces of the country. But that's not all. The effectiveness of the participation of aviation and space troops in the defense sphere has increased.

Baptism of fire

The first military operation of the Aerospace Forces was participation in the armed conflict in Syria. This military company was highly appreciated by the commander-in-chief. By the end of last year, most of the personnel of the Aerospace Forces were involved in the operation. Many pilots were awarded high government awards of the Russian Federation and Syria. The actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria have received high marks from the world's leading analysts. In March last year, part of the military equipment was withdrawn from the deployment area due to the fact that the mission was fully completed.

The face of aviation

At many cultural events, as well as during the demonstration of the flight program of air shows, the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation are usually represented by the Swifts and Russian Knights aerobatic teams. Their masterful handling of aviation equipment is admired by many people who make up the audience for such events. These aerobatic teams also participate in campaigns to attract people to contract service, and to attract young people to serve in the ranks of the Aerospace Forces. According to surveys, many young people enter the higher aerospace educational institutions and flight schools, inspired by the example of the pilots who are part of the aerobatic teams.

Exhibition of achievements

For more than 20 years, one of the main events demonstrating the level of development of the country's aerospace complex has been the MAKS air show.

Air shows are usually held at this exhibition, the audience of which can be MAKS participants during the first three days and everyone who wishes on the following days. Aerobatics demonstrated by Russian pilots during demonstration flights are clear evidence of the highest professional level of representatives of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

The President of Russia has repeatedly stressed the great importance of the Aerospace Forces in the defense of our country and in the development of outer space. There were many significant milestones in the history of aviation and space types of troops of our state that citizens of the country can be proud of.

At almost all times, violence has been the main way to resolve internecine problems. When a person first took a stick in his hands and realized that with the help of brute force it was possible to influence the actions of his own kind, he began to use violence everywhere. Thus, the art of war appeared in the world. Of course, wars were not always exclusively negative. Sometimes rather powerful states grew up after them, such as Ancient Rome, Sparta, Macedonia, etc. Nevertheless, in most cases, wars brought devastation and suffering to the civilians of certain states. As for the art of warfare, it has developed since the advent of Homo sapiens. Initially, any conflicts were reduced to a chaotic "cutting" each other with sticks, while the battle was attended mainly by tribal communities. Later, with the advent of states, the process of waging wars began to change. Their evolution was influenced by various factors, one of which is the emergence of new threats from the enemy.

If we analyze the current level of combat capability of world countries, then it is largely due to the emergence of specific international legal relations and new sectors of the economy. For example, today the economy is of great importance. Security in this area has caused the emergence of various units that provide it. It is also necessary to note the growing interest of world powers in space. In addition to the large number of advantages that will appear as a result of its development, this process also carries a number of certain threats. Therefore, in the Russian Federation for several years now there have been space defense units, which will be discussed in the article.

Defense of the Russian Federation

In modern Russia, the defense capability of the state is a priority direction of the entire political course. The growing prestige of this area of ​​state activity is also determined by the constantly emerging local military conflicts in various parts of the planet. In some cases, such conflicts are contrary to the international interests of the Russian Federation, which requires its mandatory intervention. To organize an appropriate political course and ensure the defense and combat effectiveness of the Russian army, the Government of the Russian Federation has an appropriate executive body, namely the Ministry of Defense.

It should be noted that due to the emergence of new threats, research is constantly being carried out in the Ministry of Defense in order to constantly modernize the military sector of the Russian Federation. Thus, back in 2001, it was decided to create special space forces, which later became part of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Aerospace Forces of Russia: concept

Such military formations are part of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. At its core, the air space defense forces are a kind of hybrid of the Russian Federation and the military space forces. They were created in 2015. These united various departments and services that are designed to protect the airspace of Russia, as well as outer space. When conducting combat operations, military formations of this type are capable of inflicting and repelling strikes both directly in the air and in space. Coordination of activities is carried out by the High Command of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

The main headquarters of the Aerospace Forces is located in the building of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

History of creation

The Aerospace Defense Forces have a rather long and interesting history of formation. As mentioned earlier, they were created on the basis of the merger of the two departments. It should be noted that the Russian space forces, in fact, have been reborn in this new military direction. Because in the period from 2001 to 2011 they existed, but were later disbanded. In 2015, the Space Forces became part of a new branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. There are several key features that led to the creation of the aerospace forces, namely the desire to:

1. Concentrate in a single sphere of activity different, but quite close in their tasks and functions, military formations.

2. To increase the efficiency and functionality of the air and space forces by actually "crossing" them.

3. Concentrate in a single framework the responsibility for the implementation and formation of military space policy, as well as the state defense capability in this area.

4. To ensure the further development and evolution of the air and space forces of Russia.

Tasks of the Russian Aerospace Forces

The aerospace forces have their own range of tasks, the solution of which they are constantly engaged in. It should be noted that due to the novelty of the military direction presented in the article, its tasks have corresponding features and are:

Ensuring the defense capability of the state in the aerospace sphere, as well as repelling any manifestations of aggression in it;

Defeat and destroy enemy combat forces using conventional means, as well as nuclear means;

Ensuring the activities of other branches of the armed forces through the effective use of aviation;

Reflection of strikes by ballistic missiles by hitting their head units;

Informing about possible missile attacks;

Observation and analysis of outer space in order to identify threats to Russia;

Such a structure ensures the effective use of all the forces and means of this military direction, as well as the appropriate level of the state's defense capability. It should also be noted that the unification of several essentially related military branches made it possible to ensure the simplicity of their regulation at the level of central executive authorities.

Russian Space Forces

The Space Defense Forces of the Russian Federation is a special branch of the military, which is designed to organize and ensure the security of the interests of the state in the space field of activity.

It should be noted that space defense is an innovative area of ​​military art. Analogues of such troops exist only in the most developed countries today. The main specifics of the units of this part of the army is, first of all, In other words, the very subject of the troops' activities determines a rather interesting range of tasks that are set before them. Thus, the space forces of Russia, parts of which are scattered throughout almost the entire Russian Federation, are innovative and at the same time specific units.

Evolution of the Space Force

Aerospace defense has always been a priority in the development of the army in the Russian Federation. However, the troops corresponding to this priority survived two stages of formation. In the period from 2001 to 2011, the Russian Space Forces were a separate and independent component of the Armed Forces. But, as mentioned earlier, on August 1, 2015, they became part of the Aerospace Forces.

Tasks of the Space Forces

Despite the fact that the Russian space forces are part of the aerospace forces, they have a range of their own special tasks. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the space sphere is the most developing area of ​​activity of the armed forces, since in the future scientists predict a central place for space forces due to the great potential of space as a theater of operations. However, today Russia is implementing the following tasks:

1. Observation of space and objects in it.

2. Identification of threats from space, as well as directly in it.

3. Reflection and elimination of threats from space.

4. Realization of launches into orbit of satellites of military and civil type.

5. The use of orbital satellites in the interests of the Russian armed forces.

6. Maintenance of military and civilian satellites in full combat readiness for their immediate use in emergency cases.

Taking into account the above priority for the development of space forces, the presented list of tasks can be replenished with new ones, since the military sphere of the Russian Federation is evolving almost daily.

Orbital constellation of the Russian Federation

The space defense forces simply would not be able to carry out the tasks assigned to them without artificial orbiting satellites, which are located near the planet Earth. A set of spacecraft of this type is called an orbital constellation. Today, Russia is in second place in terms of the number of launched satellites. The orbital constellation of the Russian Federation has 149 spacecraft.

In first place are the United States, which launched 446 space orbital satellites. The third place is occupied by China with its 120 satellites. Thus, outer space is almost completely covered by the most developed world powers, which emphasizes the high level of financial consumption of this sphere of development of the armed forces. This means that powers with insignificant economies cannot afford research in the space industry and the creation of corresponding branches of the military.

Training for space troops

Today, the issue of training highly qualified personnel for the Armed Forces is a serious issue in the Russian Federation. This means that there are appropriate educational institutions in all spheres of defense. The Russian Space Forces are no exception in this matter. There are two main educational institutions for the training of officers of the space forces:

Military Space Academy.

Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov.


So, in the article we told what the Russian space forces are, where they are located, in what educational institutions personnel are trained. In conclusion, it should be noted that the development of this branch of the Armed Forces is simply necessary, taking into account current trends in the evolution of the military sector around the world. Perhaps in the near future conflicts will arise not only on earth, but also in space.

Russia. This time we will talk about aerospace forces

And we'll start with the most pleasant. When is Air Force Day celebrated?

Aerospace Forces Day

At Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation very little experience. They arose on August 01, 2015 with the unification of the air force (Air Force) and the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO)

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation presents the Battle Banner of the Aerospace Forces

Given the merits of the personnel in the defense of the country, by decree of the President of our country, back in 2006, a professional holiday of the Air Force was adopted. August 12 is considered their day..

And since the Air Force is now part of the Aerospace Forces, the same day is considered a holiday!

The combination of forces led to the necessary combination of the air and space spheres as adjacent areas, for more convenient control over them. The creation of these forces is due to the situation on the world stage, changes in the rearmament of other states, and the increasing importance of the space sector for military, economic and social progress.

Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces is Colonel General Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin, in office since November 22, 2017. He commanded at the last stage the grouping of Russian troops during the Syrian military mission.

Composition of the Aerospace Forces

Structure of the videoconferencing consists of 3 types:

  • Air Force,
  • space troops,
  • Air and Missile Defense Troops.

The Air Force is represented by several branches:

  • long-range aviation;
  • front-line aviation;
  • military transport aviation;
  • Anti-aircraft missile forces;
  • radio engineering troops;

At long-range aviation their mission is expressed by the elimination of air and sea targets, command posts and communication links of the opposing side.

The DA units are armed with strategic bombers and missile carriers Tu-160 and Tu-95MS, long-range aircraft Tu-22M3. The aircraft are armed with Kh-55 and Kh-22 cruise missiles for maximum, medium range, in addition, they are armed with aerial bombs (including nuclear ones).

White Swan TU-160 strategic bomber-missile carrier of the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation

Front-line aviation- is obliged to provide cover for the Ground Forces. It contains:

Front-line bomber and attack aviation - its arsenal has Su-24M, Su-25, Su-30, Su-35 aircraft. On board, they are equipped with a set of aerial bombs, guided and unguided missiles, air-to-ground rockets, and air guns.

Su-30 multirole fighter 4+ generation

reconnaissance aviation- conducts combined arms reconnaissance during flight. The Su-24MRs in their arsenal are equipped with reconnaissance systems.

The purpose of Fighter Aviation is to counter air attacks and opposing objects in the air. They are armed with Su-27, Su-33, MiG-25, MiG-29, MiG-31 fighter aircraft equipped with air-to-air missiles and air guns.

"Fox Hound" MiG-31 supersonic high-altitude all-weather fighter-interceptor

Army Aviation- they specifically provide cover for the Ground Forces, supply the rear and the front. Equipped with aircraft and helicopters: Mi-8, Mi-24, Ka-50, Ka-52, Su-24M, Su-25, Su-30, Su-35, performing fire cover. Having equipment in the form of guided missiles "Air-to-ground", unguided rockets, aircraft cannons, aerial bombs, on board. In addition, the AA is supplemented by Mi-8 transport helicopters and An-26 aircraft.

"Alligator" Attack helicopter Ka-52

Military transport aviation- parachutes manpower and equipment, is engaged in transportation in the rear and technical support in situations of war on water and land. They are armed with strategic aircraft An-124 "Ruslan", An-22 "Antey", long-range aircraft Il-76, An-12, and medium-range aircraft An-26.

Anti-aircraft missile troops- cover military forces and points from air threats of the opposing side. They are armed with anti-aircraft missile systems for short, medium and long distances - Osa, Buk, S-75, S-125, S-300, S-400.

Radio engineering troops- are engaged in identifying air threats from opposing forces. Identification, notification of management, prosecution of identified objects, control and management support for flights.

space troops

They are engaged in maintaining the security of our state in the space sector.

As a separate branch of the military, it existed in the RF Armed Forces from 2001 to 2011, from 01.12.2011 they are being transformed into the aerospace defense. And 08/01/2015 are considered a branch of the military, part of the VKS.

KV are armed with: satellites of specific reconnaissance, electronic control, communications and a global system of satellite military navigation.

Air and Missile Defense Troops

Formed in 1914. In their current form, they are air defense-missile defense brigades and have primary missions:

countering ballistic and aerodynamic threats.

Purpose of the Aerospace Forces

Military Space Force have their own tasks, namely:

  • countering attacks from the air and protective measures against attacks on the points of the military leadership of the state of the upper level, points of administrative and political appointment, industrial and economic territories, valuable infrastructural and economic objects of the state and military formations;
  • destruction of military points of the opposing side with the help of conventional and nuclear means of destruction;
  • air support during an armed conflict of all its units;
  • study of the space sphere, determination of possible dangers in that area, if they arise - neutralization;
  • carrying out the launch of spacecraft, maintaining civil and military satellites, obtaining the necessary information of a military nature;
  • maintaining a system of satellites in a certain number and ready-to-use state.

Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria

First combat experience

The first combat experience was the Syrian military mission, highly appreciated by the country's leadership. The personnel of the Aerospace Forces were involved in the Syrian conflict in large numbers and many were awarded high government awards. Even world analysts highly appreciated the quality of the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

During the control observation of the Syrian territory, a constellation of satellites was used to carry out visual and electronic reconnaissance, in addition, to provide radio communications.

There have been reports of the use of Orlan and Granat drones.

Achievements of the VKS

At some cultural events and during demonstration flights in any air show, the Russian Aerospace Forces are usually represented by the Russian Knights and Swifts aerobatic teams.

Their skill delights visitors of those show programs. It is not uncommon that the impression of the flights seen encourages young guys to choose this military service. This is evidenced by surveys of cadets of flight schools who saw virtuoso pilot skills.

A similar and most famous event has been taking place at the MAKS air show for more than two decades, which anyone can visit.

Representatives Videoconferencing of Russia showcase their professional skills.