Sights of tajikistan, interesting facts. World Statistics Day: what do we know about Tajikistan

10 interesting facts about Tajikistan 1. Planet Tajikistan in the solar system Do you know that the planet Tajikistan is located between Mars and Jupiter? It is from the minor planets of the solar system and is named after Tajikistan for the contribution of Tajik scientists to the development of world astrophysics. Thus, 250 million kilometers from the Earth, there is another Tajikistan. 2. The highest flagpole in the world The highest flagpole in the world is located in Tajikistan and it was erected in September 2011. It took 3 years to design it. The central sections of the flagpole were made in Dubai, then sent to Dushanbe. Its height is 165 meters, the structure consists of 12 meters of steel pipes. One of the main attractions of the country adorns the center of Dushanbe. 3. Khujand fortress - the savior of Tajikistan The Khujand fortress has always been the heart of the city of Khujand and saved from many attacks by enemies. Today the fortress is over 2000 years old. Over all these years, it expanded along with the city, was destroyed by the conquerors, rebuilt again and has always been a symbol of perseverance and courage. According to archaeologists, the fortress was built in the 5th-6th centuries BC. The courageous defense of the Khundzhan fortress became a bright page in the history of Tajikistan's struggle against the troops of Genghis Khan. Now the fortress has been completely restored and the Historical Museum of the Sughd Region is located there. 4. Iskanderkul or "Lake Alexander" The main charm of Tajikistan - Lake Iskanderkul in translation means "Lake Alexander". But why it is named after the great commander Alexander the Great, legends tell. According to one of them, during his next campaign, Alexander the Great came across a village that did not want to give up. Then he ordered the channels of the rivers to be directed to this village and to flood it, as a result of which a lake was formed. But the lake is unusual not only for its name and history, but for its colors. They never repeat and the lake shimmers with different colors and creates a unique color scheme. Only in the evening the colors mix and the lake darkens. 5. Ajina-Tepe hill and a wooden figure of Buddha In 1959, during archaeological excavations, Anjina-Tepe hill was discovered. Archaeologists have identified the building as a Buddhist monastery. Ancient wall manuscripts and clay statues have been found in Anjina Tepe. The most important thing in the history of the hill is the wooden figure of Buddha found in it. Ajina Tepe today is a landmark of Tajikistan, where local traditions and Indian decor elements are embodied. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has awarded Ajina Tepe Hill the status of a World Heritage Site. 6. Gissar fortress 26 km from Dushanbe is the former residence of the governor of the Emir of Bukhara - the Gissar fortress, which is over 2000 years old. The fortress with walls 1 m thick with large stairs and terraces was one of the majestic and impressive fortresses of Tajikistan. Near the fortress there are two huge plane trees, which are approximately 500-700 years old. There is also a well near the fortress. Local residents consider it sacred and pray for the health of loved ones, well-being and prosperity. Of course, a lot of legends related to the fortress are told among the locals. According to one of them, the fortress was built by Afrosiab to protect against Rustam. (Author's note: characters from Firdavsi's Shahnameh). 7. City of Penjikent Penjikent is one of the oldest cities not only in Tajikistan, but also in Central Asia. The city is 5500 years old, which tells about the great history and uniqueness of the city. Translated into Russian, Penjikent means “five villages”. There is a story among the people that it was from the five settlements that were once located on this territory that the history of the amazing city of Penjikent began. Ancient Penjikent was a magnificently fortified, well-organized city with a ruler's palace, two temples, markets, rich dwellings of citizens, decorated with numerous paintings, wooden and clay sculptures of ancient gods. Today, having arrived here, tourists can see the ruins of residential buildings and administrative buildings, a citadel with a palace, a house of artisans, and a church of fire worshipers. 8. Garm Chashma hot springs Picturesque places, skyscrapers and other architectural masterpieces give way to places where you can recover from diseases and ailments. One of these places is located in Tajikistan and is called Garm Chashma. The healing water of Garm Chashma brings back to life many people who have lost all hope of recovery. Locals still believe that the water spouting from the rocks is holy. Whatever the water, the fact is that it is here that the sick acquire new strength. In addition to its healing gift, the nature of Garm Chashma has a truly great beauty. 9. The highest dam in the world The Nurek hydroelectric power plant is the most powerful hydroelectric power station in Central Asia, the dam of which is listed in the book of records as the highest dam in the world. The height of the dam is 304 meters. If you can't imagine how high that is, and such a figure doesn't sound very impressive, then imagine the Eiffel Tower, the original height of which was 300 meters. 10. The "Golden" Pyanj River The Pyanj River is familiar to many from the Eagle and Tails program. It flows between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. But the most important thing that the viewers of the program remember is the grains of gold strewn along the Pyanj River. No one can take the gold since the river is in the border region. If we talk about precious stones, then Tajikistan is a country where different types of precious stones and metals can be mined in the mountains: silver, gold, sapphires, etc. Tajikistan is not only historical fortresses and amazing places, but most importantly, Tajikistan is, first of all, hospitable people, unique cuisine and amazing nature. And you need, be sure to visit Tajikistan, see everything with your own eyes and be filled with impressions. _________________________________

The idea of ​​being in some dusty, forgotten post-Soviet corner of the planet Tajikistan in our country, at best, it was formed by the series "Our Russia" or at worst (Ravshan and Jamshut, for example, are deeply sympathetic to me;)) - news reports about the country 15-20 years ago.

I offer you a few facts or rather observations about Tajikistan. Only what we managed to notice or learn in three days in the country where we were brought within the framework of the "Return to Afghanistan" project...

Fact: Two million Tajiks out of seven are working in Russia, but in Tajikistan itself, which is interesting, roadwork, landscaping, heavy physical labor, sometimes even construction are carried out by Chinese citizens. They are even jokingly called guest workers here.

Chinese citizens at road works in Dushanbe

Fact: The northern Sughd region of the country lies in the Ferghana Valley, it is separated from the capital and the center of the country by two beautiful passes, both of which are over 3000 meters high. The road is not the same everywhere, but for the most part not bad. Well, certainly much better than even the flat steppe Kharkiv-Simferopol route. The Chinese are again watching the road, they built a five-kilometer tunnel at the Shakhristan pass and are completing the highway near the Varzob pass. Can management and employees for Ukravtodor be hired in China?

Five-kilometer tunnel at the Shakhristan pass (2700 m). Built by a Chinese company.

Fact : Emomali Rakhmonov is visually a very big fellow! His Kyrgyz colleague Atambaev, who came to power after two revolutions almost imperceptibly, Islam Karimov from Uzbekistan is just a fine fellow, he is often quoted on posters and in museums, but ... Emomali Rakhmonov is super good - here he admires the apricot blossom, here he holds spikelets in the field and dreamily looks into the distance, it is in this distance, apparently by the desire of many, that he is directed ... 10 years ago, the bright personality of Rakhmonov was not visually so replicated. Probably by the age of 60 the most democratic of the dictators of Central Asia became sentimental...

Oh, how stagnant and nostalgic... Emomali Sharipovich even looked like Leonid Ilyich in his face and eyebrows...

Fact : Dushanbe is a city of construction sites. Business centers, euro-offices in the capital of one of the most inconspicuous countries in the world are growing by leaps and bounds. Even in our beloved but stupid motherland, this does not always pay off ... But in Dushanbe, there is a construction boom.

Thanks to him, the largest library in Central Asia, a very solid and elegant presidential palace, a pretty Foreign Ministry, very beautiful parks and monuments to outstanding Samanid rulers and Persian poets, a huge number of fountains were also built ... Dictators probably have a weakness when they want to leave something about themselves good memory - they pay attention to architecture. The Aliyev clan is now turning Baku into a Caspian Dubai... And Khan Rakhmonov turned out to be no stranger to beauty... He even snatched the championship from Azerbaijan in the Freudian competition for the largest flagpole in the world. The flag of Tajikistan has been flying in Dushanbe at a height of 165 meters since 2011, while in Baku the flag is raised at a miserable 162 meters ...

Dushanbe construction paper...

Fact : Tajiks are very welcoming and hospitable. In the very first hour on the territory of Tajikistan, we became guests in the village of Kuchkak and got to an evening treat on the occasion of Ramadan. " Allah brings the guest into the house, and when the host decides to leave...", - says a beautiful oriental proverb. You will be interested in you, ask about Ukraine, you will be invited to tea all over Tajikistan. Do not refuse, it is a great pleasure to communicate with Tajiks, most likely you will be quoted by the poets Rudaki or Firdousi, perhaps even Alexander Pushkin. Conversations at the table in Tajikistan are wonderful: cordiality and pleasant conversation is a traditional way to impress a guest, because a very great authority brought you to the house.When you return from here, you will never again say with a grin "Nasalnik ..."

"Do not demand anything from the world and that hour the world will seem immensely generous to you"(Rudaki)
Tajik poet Rudaki looks at the largest library named after himself.

Fact : Tajiks hardly talk about politics. Or rather about Tajik politics. If you tell how fun it is in Ukraine in this regard, Tajiks can comment: " Eh... It's like that everywhere..."But no details. However, the locals can understand the politics of their neighbors, Russia and Ukraine very decently.

For example, a dialogue with a taxi driver:

- Well, look, in Tajikistan the minimum pension is $35! What can you buy with $35? (prices, by the way, are quite comparable with average Ukrainian ones)

“But the president’s dacha is gorgeous! We drove past it in the Varzob gorge...

- Yes, I heard your president is even cooler! How is her ... Intermountain?

Visiting Tajikistan. Talking about politics at the table is bad form.

Fact :. In Dushanbe, according to many, there is no crime. Maybe the Chinese should be sent to Ukravtodor, and Tajik migrant workers should be placed in the leadership of our law enforcement agencies?

Walking around Dushanbe is really nice. Drunks and beggars are also not noticeable. But there is a completely unique type of begging - just a feature of Dushanbe! Haven't seen this anywhere yet.

A policeman may come up to you in the city center, introduce himself and offer a tour. He will talk about the great state of the Samanids in the 9th-10th centuries (oh, what a country they asked for!), About new construction sites and fountains, and then suddenly:

“You know, my salary is low. Only 80 dollars. Little one, right? And now Ramadan, give me no matter how sorry, some water to drink at least in the evening ...

Or like this. We want to get on the roof of the local skyscraper "Dushanbe Plaza" to photograph the city from above. We talk to security.

We are not allowed to take pictures at all. Well, you'll make respect, right?

- 10 somoni (about 16 UAH) we can, purely out of respect ...

— Hey, we are 6 people. 10 is not even divisible by 6.

“We are not Americans, we are poor tourists from Ukraine. Once upon a time they lived in the same country. Okay, no need...

Hey brother, stop! Just like brothers, we are allowed to rise. We respect Ukrainians very much. Hospitality is a tradition! Yes! Give 10 somoni to the guy in the elevator! There are no cameras...

Dushanbe Plaza...

East is a delicate matter! But traveling around it is incredibly interesting. What did we know about Tajikistan and Tajiks before? And are we really different from them? And in what direction? Will "Seven Facts about Ukraine" be more pleasant from the point of view of any foreigner?

And a few more photos from Tajikistan, especially for LiveJournal;)))

Khudzhant-Dushanbe road

View from the Anzob pass (3372 m.) and one cheerful Tajik driver-businessman...

Monument to Shah Ismaili Somoni in the center of Dushanbe.

Ukrainian travelers against the backdrop of the Rudaki Library, the largest in Central Asia.

Presidential Palace and the world's tallest flagpole.

Tajik boys bathe in countless Dushanbe fountains...

In the park right in front of the Presidential Palace...

Tajiks are wonderful people! Both men and women, even in the capital, are happy to take pictures and always say "Welcome!"

The monument to Firdousi in the park near the flagpole speaks of the benefits of reading and the dangers of mushrooms... Or vice versa...

On the facade of the "Accounting Chamber" of Tajikistan (???) Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko is next to the same Persian poet of the X-XI century Firdousi. Truly an honor for Ukraine!

View of the center of the Tajik capital from the Dushanbe Plaza penthouse, where you can get "brotherly" for 10 somoni.

The forgotten post-Soviet corner of the planet turned out to be full of unexpected and pretty discoveries and quite pleasant to stay. I hope I managed to brush off the dust a little from what it seems to be ...

We have many stereotypes about Tajikistan. In fact, this is a beautiful country with its own traditions and customs. Russian guy Vadim Leonard under the nickname vadjan89, who has lived in Dushanbe for many years, showed the underside of this country on his Twitter. The most interesting and unexpected in a hundred facts.

01. There has been no heating and gas since the early 90s, so each apartment has an electric stove, water heater and electric stove. When there is no electricity, that's the end. Tajikistan has no access to the sea, so the Tajiks dug up an "artificial sea" - the Kairakum reservoir in the city of Khujand.

03. There are problems with water, because the whole of Dushanbe washes carpets in the yards by hand. Tajiks also sell water to neighboring countries. Therefore, in the capital, the water itself does not rise to the 4th floor until midnight, and rainwater is stored in the villages.

04. Interesting laws of Tajikistan are connected with this. It is legally prohibited to wash carpets in yards, to dry clothes in windows overlooking the road, and it is forbidden to keep livestock in the city. But the carpets continue to be washed.

05. Even in Samsung and iCom branded Tajik stores, it is customary to bargain. If desired, you can 40% of the declared value. There are no price tags anywhere, almost no receipts either.

06. When Auchan was opened in Dushanbe, the queue there was a kilometer and a half

07. A system of ditches along roads is used to drain rainwater. Gay anonymous people like to enter canals, children bathe there, cars and watermelons are washed, garbage is dumped there, vendors collect water for tea for sale there. Babies often drown during the rainy season.

08. Local children jump on the street from six in the morning until 23:00. They play all games, rarely go home. If a woman walks in a dress that is above her knees, cute kids will throw stones at her.

09. If a Tajik cop stopped you driving without documents, then you can always say: let's figure it out like a man. You give him thirty bucks, you shake hands and you're good to go.

10. There is a relatively small fine for crossing a double solid line.

11. Tajiks are very fond of dollars. An apartment is paid in dollars, cars are bought for dollars. Then the president banned foreign exchange transactions. Despite the fact that the exchange rate of the national currency - somoni - is seven times higher than the ruble.

12. Even in the center of the capital, it is almost impossible to find an urn.

13. There is a law that it is forbidden to move around the capital in galoshes. Tajiks love it.

14. By law, witchcraft is also prohibited here. There was a case: a mullah treated an epileptic boy, claiming that genies (demons in the Basurman style) live in him. They are driven out with wooden mallets. It is necessary to break seven clubs on the patient. Did not help. Then he plunged a knife under his tongue. The patient died with relief.

15. Once I saw a picture in the yards: a Tajik was grazing his cow near the trash, and the horned one was chewing on a condom.

16. Tajiks are very fond of holidays. For the wedding, the newlyweds take a powerful loan for 300-500 guests, and the next morning they leave for lifelong anal slavery in Russia.

17. Therefore, a new law was invented: any holiday should be held modestly, in the family circle. For a birthday in a cafe with friends, you can grab a hefty fine.

18. When a character from Dushanbe appeared in the series “Brigada”, Tajikistan experienced the largest mass ejaculation in history.

19. As many as two Tajik cities are connected with Macedonian. He founded the more northern Khujand, calling it Alexandria, and the southern Kulyab of Macedon could not capture, which the Kulyab people are incredibly proud of, giving out n *** dy to the next invaders with their ChSV alone.

20. Dushanbe is translated as Monday. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, several villages and a small market stood on the site of the capital of Tajikistan.

21. Tajiks are also proud that they have their own letter j. It is written as H with a tail, read as J. In fact, it turns out that Ch and J are similar sounds. And Tajiks write the letter j wherever possible, especially when drawing tj.

22. The labor exchange is a crowd of people on the street, waiting all day. When the merchant arrives, about thirty people surround him and vied with each other to find out what needs to be done.

23. The Tajik conductor shouts all the way which route the minibus is taking, from time to time trying to shove the anonymous people passing by by force. If the cabin is full, the conductor will sit on your lap.

24. Policemen always carry a screwdriver with them. An incorrectly parked car will be stripped of license plates in five seconds. Once the cop managed to remove the numbers from the marshuka while she was crossing the pedestrian crossing. It was aerobatics.

25. When a beautiful girl walks on the side of the road, every second passing car will try to pat her on the ass.

26. Tajiks are sure that they are Aryans. One article wrote that they were Orians. The president has been convincing them for 15 years that true Aryans look like Tajiks. So it goes.

27. My only reader asked for the names of the cities of Tajikistan: Ordzhonikidzeabad (because of the complexity, the name was called Dilin-Dilinzabad, so now the official name has changed: Vahdat).

28. Cities of Tajikistan: Moscow, Paris, Komsomol, Kolkhozabad, Moscow, Porshnev, Ilyich, Partizani-Surkh. And the rest are ordinary: Panj, Nurek, Tajikabad, Boulyoni-Bolo ...

The President of Tajikistan is addressed as “Your Excellency” (Taj. Dzhanobi Oli). And his full title court lickers recently came up with this: Leader of the Nation - Founder of Peace and Unity, His Excellency DEAR Emomali Rahmon.

29. It turns out that ordinary packages make life in Russia brighter. There are many, they are different, creative. Tajiks are forced to use three types of packages. All with a blue background, a Chinese woman is drawn on one, Tangem is written on the other, some kind of nonsense on the third.

30. Every morning they wake me up under the window:
At 6:00 a.m., a milk vendor shouting "Milk!"
At 7:00, a pervert with a piercing pipe, calling everyone to the milk truck.
At 7:30, the brother of a pervert with the same tune, but driving an auto-barrel. From the pipe, the membranes burst, and the dream disappears.
At 08:00, maniacs selling potatoes, onions, peppers and tomatoes scream in a terrible nasal drawling voice under the window.
At 9:00, sellers of parsley, dill and green onions will not let you fall asleep.
And so on until night. At night, under the window, young motorists turn on music.

31. The biggest heat here was in 2010. The electric thermometer showed 68 degrees. And all summer we don't know how hot it is. Because on a mercury thermometer, a maximum of + 50 °. And here all summer more.

32. Vodka and beer in Tajikistan are very cheap and… delicious. Even the British and Germans come for beer. And from vodka the head is fresh, in the morning it is spinning if you drink a lot, but it is easy to drink. Unlike expensive Russian vodka. Tajiks pour vodka into lemonade or plastic bottles.

33. Tajiks have long since switched to electronic biometric passports. Such things, superpower.

34. There are difficulties with sea fish. You can’t definitely find a fresh one, but from a stale one you get the feeling that she was taken out of a hole where she wanted to die peacefully of old age.

35. Uzbeks and Tajiks hated each other with all their heart for twenty years, until the last president of Uzbekistan played the game. Now peace, friendship, chewing gum.

36. We were grilling kebabs on the outskirts of the capital, came to the smell of cops, threw a bag of grass in our direction, took out a camera. Dan kicked the package away. The cops said that they were arresting everyone, Dan offered to fight and break up like a man. It turned out that the cops just wanted a barbecue.

37. Tajiks actively avoid the letter Z. It kind of destroys their bonds. That's why:
pizza = pitzo
portion = portion
tsunami = sunami.
But, suddenly, TSUM is TSUM.

38. I drank vodka here, bottled by an official state company in a bottle from under Borjomi. Official vodka.

39. My acquaintances: Jamshed, Tillo, Zafar and others went to somehow beat the adherents of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The Adventists ran out with clubs and rebar and beat the Dshamshuts to the bone.

40. Moreover, there is only one 7th-day Adventist Church in Dushanbe. Since then, it has been called the Karate Church.

41. Most Tajiks have a flat, flattened back of the head. They hide it under lush hair. The fact is that in villages, babies are placed in a hard wooden cradle without a pillow, tied, a stool bag is hung from below and they go to work in the field. Every day is like that.

42. Karen Shakhnazarov - Tajik. As for Shakhnazarov - that's what the Tajiks say, I don't know for sure myself. There are a huge number of Shakhnazarovs and Nazarovs in Tajikistan.

43. There was a case: an HIV-positive dude with his wife went to his Tajik father-in-law. The father-in-law did not want to let them in so as not to get infected, as a result, a stabbing took place, and the father-in-law is now also HIV-positive.

44. Paper money here is: 1 somoni, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 somoni. Instead of dirams (Tajik kopecks), most shops will give you chewing gum for change.

45. Tajik lemons are definitely the most delicious in the world. They are eaten even by those who do not like lemons in principle. I can bring it for testing.

46. ​​Three times I saw Tajik children playing snowballs with stones.

47. Girls in Tajikistan start shaving and plucking mustaches under their noses from the ninth grade. It is forbidden to pluck eyebrows before marriage, otherwise she is a whore and should be stoned.

48. By the way, the name Jamshut is not in the Tajik language. There is Jamshed, abbreviated as Jam or Jama.

49. “Tojikistonoma” often heard in Our Rush could actually mean “Tojikistoniman” - My Tajikistan.

50. Tajiks also loved to spin spinners and catch Pokemon at the same time as you. Although, the Twitterers were unlikely to do this, this is the lot of the VKontakte people.

51. I flew with Tajiks on an airplane in the month of Ramadan. And all 149 passengers did not eat while fasting. I was just crazy about so much food, juices, tea, which the sad Tajiks threw at me.

52. Tajik soms are huge. The old man was sitting on the river pier, dangling muddy and feet in the water. A catfish swam up and dragged the fart to the bottom. Look on YouTube, you will find a Tajik catfish the size of a UAZ-Patriot.

53. I am writing this thread about Tajikistan from a twitter blocked in this country. Here, from time to time, social networks, instagram, sites are blocked. Sometimes YouTube is closed. Save vpn and TOR.

54. Tajik democracy began with the armed United Tajik Opposition. This is why liberals are not welcome here. All oppositionists have long been transferred to the category of terrorists, and either executed during the resistance, or put on a bottle of justice, or on the run.

55. Came here somehow "Inveterate swindlers". They sang four songs in the stadium, then they threw plastic bottles at them, and they flew away offended.

57. It is worth flying to Tajikistan for four reasons: mountains, lemons, pistachios and tea. Relatives and friends are looking forward to my arrival in Russia, because they will drink delicious tea with the best lemon in the world. And nibbling delicious pistachios in the evening.

58. Children in villages are treated for influenza as follows: marijuana seeds (like brewed into tea), then the child is covered with mattresses. By morning the mattresses are soaking wet, and the child is healthy.

59. One Russian dude decided to fly from Moscow (sort of) to Kurgan. And I was very surprised, because the plane landed in the Tajik-Kurgan-Tyube. The guy ate shawarma and flew back.

60. One evening I was walking near the Mir Said Ali Khamadoni mosque in Dushanbe. Five stoned dudes came out of the mosque and tried to stab me.

61. Religious figures and imam-khatibs have banned women from the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan from having oral sex with their husbands.

62. The most favorite goods in Tajikistan are Russian. The highest quality. Wire, light bulbs, lard, slippers, flour, doors, pipes, etc. The average pension in Tajikistan is about 120 somons (800 rubles).

63. On public holidays, precinct officers and headmen of hukumats go to apartments, drive everyone out into the street, make them have fun, “otherwise there will be fireworks for you, are you fucking sitting at home?”

64. By the way, heating has been started in the capital this month. The budget lays pipes around the city, and people themselves chip in for radiators, risers, pipes in basements, in houses, call plumbers and erect them.

65. I’m afraid to lie, but it seems that the title of “The Best Book of the Year in Tajikistan” (or another honorary award) was given to a collection of pathos quotes from the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

66. There was one opposition party here with a religious bias. At first it turned out that all the regional leaders were homosexuals, then that they were pedophiles, and in the end, almost the entire leadership was imprisoned for extremism, their lawyers, as well as their lawyers, were imprisoned.

68. Trump likes to pull the hands of the presidents of other countries when shaking hands. Of course, they bomb, but Trump is strong. But with Emomali, he could not do anything. He pulled, and figs, the Tajik trained in advance. Trump laughed and hugged him. The national identity of the Tajiks has skyrocketed

67. I saw how mountain rivers begin. High in the mountains (I only climbed 4500) there is a glacier. There is a huge cave inside. It melts from the inside, and freezes from above. And from it, with a roar, a cold and stormy river begins its journey.

69. Sex before marriage for Tajik women is fraught with beatings and the curse of the family. It all comes down to virginity. Therefore, anal sex flourishes here! Some manage to earn money with it, and then they marry virgins. Well, in the course of the restoration of virginity.

70. When it was forbidden to keep cattle at home within the city, thousands of abandoned donkeys roamed the roads. Dodgers got used to taking them to the zoo for 3 somons (20 rubles) apiece alive. Then the Chinese began to buy donkeys for sausage. Then the donkeys stopped wandering, began to hide.

71. Somehow we walked from a bar to another bar and saw how the cops pinch foreigners on the street. We talked to the cops, and they let the foreigners go. There was a Brazilian, a Finn, an American, a Mexican, a Hungarian and a Ukrainian. Thanked us only Ukrainian.

72. By the way, the militia in Tajikistan is called "militsiya".

73. When there is a traffic jam on the streets of Dushanbe, any boy can take a whistle out of his pocket and start directing traffic. And the blockage dissipates. I've seen this five times.

74. At the numerous requests of workers - about "there is something." Heroin is in transit in Tajikistan, it is made in Afghanistan. Cocainum - absent. Hemp - like nettle grows, but they fight with it. During the day, 200 thousand bushes of wild-growing cannabis are cut down. Still growing.

75. Even in the civilized center of the capital, "militsia" can get to the bottom of a couple of lovers. Holding hands is a warning, for hugs they will take a bribe, and for a kiss they will be taken to jail. Although, too, everything depends on the phimosis of the cop.

76. About 10 years ago, fire was opened on tinted cars that did not stop at the demand of the gays.

77. The Tajik president does not have a private plane. He is proud of it. But all official positions are occupied by his relatives, countrymen and friends, all big business in the Taj belongs to them. The mayor of the capital is the son of the president.

78. Upon the arrival of the Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in the regions, he is spread "poyandoz" - a carpet. After his departure, the inhabitants cut them into pieces for some time, keep the houses as a family heirloom and pass them on by inheritance.

79. One day the president came to the village, and there a local dude read him his poems about love for the president and the Motherland. The president found out that the dude was unmarried and ordered the headman to find him a wife in a couple of hours and organize a wedding during the day. Found and arranged on time.

80. Every time Tajiks call themselves Aryans, somewhere far away in hell, one little Hitler cries.

81. I heard the most sophisticated Tajik curse from bathing kids. One boy was pushed off the boat into the water, and the angel shouted to his friends: “Wa nomi Allah, she gom” (Russian In the name of Allah, I fucked your mother).

82. There are many Russians, Germans in Tajikistan, there used to be many Jews. Russians got here according to the most Soviet distribution in the world. Olga graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, and she was sent to Tajikistan. And now her grandchildren here cannot find work and curse fate.

84. Everest is good, but the Tajik peak of Ismoil Somoni (formerly Communism Peak) is only one and a half kilometers less than the highest peak in the world - 7495 meters. There are 3 seven-thousanders and 13 six-thousanders in Tajikistan.

85. Russians can fly to Tajikistan without a visa, just with a passport. Until 2013, it was generally possible with an internal Russian passport.

86. Asked about prostitution. As in any country with low salaries (although simply - as in any country), prostitution flourishes here. For example, in clubs, 90 percent of free girls, when trying to get acquainted, will immediately announce the price of one hour.

87. But in karaoke there are lonely specific girls (mostly Russian-speaking).

88. The founder of the Tajik state, Ismoili Somoni, lived before the baptism of Russia. And the state is now 26 years old (+/- two years). It's just that the current territory of Tajikistan in different years was included in different state (including Turkic) formations.

89. One of my acquaintances cop corrected the place of birth in the passport to the village of Dangara. It's just that the president of Tajikistan comes from there and such an origin gives +300 to career growth.

90. Idea for a startup: Tajiks of any age and gender earn money on the street with scales. People are weighed on small scales for 50 dirams (3-4 ₽).

91. In the capital's Botanical Garden, the authorities forbade walking after sunset. The number of rapes in the park immediately decreased several times.

92. Earthquakes in Tajikistan are common. I once got the dishes and the plaster began to crumble. But I wanted to sleep and just pulled my backpack with documents and pants closer to me.

93. By the way, the only sons in the family are not taken into the Tajik army. And the rest is a circus: they recruit by the method of raids, they catch recruits with nets, etc.

94. There has never been a case that a taxi driver in Dushanbe has not told me the story of how he / son / wife received / tea Russian citizenship. 98% of urban families are in the process of accepting Russian citizenship. Basically, they leave the double, but the Russian one, the bolt is clear, it is more priority.

95. A Tajik in the market will not respect you if you do not bargain with him. Taking the goods without haggling, you risk running into insults in the back. But if a person who trades mercilessly, and brought down the price of goods by 50%, is worthy of the admiration of all traders.

96. Another startup idea: some Tajiks take their home phones outside and provide paid telephony services, sitting on a chair with a device on their laps. True, for the last three years it has been almost impossible to find such ones, the business seems to be unprofitable.

97. There are three types of transport in the capital: trolleybuses-buses, minibuses-stareks and the most convenient - 3-somon taxi. Motorists put on the windshield the number of the route by which they return home / go to work and take fellow travelers for money. Convenient and cheaper than a taxi. But traffic cops fine those who like to take fellow travelers for money.

98. My friend was raped on the next street because she was wearing tight jeans.

99. We watched the premiere of The Defenders in a Tajik cinema. Tajiks laughed, first of all, at what really was worth laughing at: the inferiority of the characters, holes in the plot, the wretchedness of the dialogues. I was ashamed in front of the Tajiks for the bear from that movie.

100. The President of Tajikistan in 2014 (if I am not mistaken) planted sequoias in front of the palace, which grow for 3000 years as a symbol of the eternity of Tajikistan. The seedlings withered to death in six months.

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What is the territory of Tajikistan? The area of ​​the republic is 93% mountainous. Hissar-Alai, Pamir and Tien Shan are systems that include all the mountain peaks of the country. Between the rocks there are hollows and valleys, in which most of the population of the republic lives.

Below will be presented information about a unique country - Tajikistan.

general information

The most densely populated are the valleys located in the western part of the Fergana depression. The hollow is surrounded on all sides by herbaceous plants. In second place in terms of population is the Zarafshan valley. The low mountains and the southwestern region of the republic are also densely populated.

Today the area of ​​Tajikistan in sq. km is 142,550.

More than 8.5 million people live in this country. Many areas are mountainous, so the houses are located on slopes, thanks to which incredibly beautiful landscapes are created. Most of the plains are occupied by green spaces, here you can observe a huge number of orchards, vineyards and much more. In addition to fruits, all kinds of vegetable crops grow on the territory of Tajikistan. On the other lands there are residential areas for people.

If you turn to historical information, you can find out a lot of interesting things.

The territory of the state was included several times in the empire of the Persians. The lands of present-day Tajikistan were also part of other states. But on September 9, 1991, a significant day came in the life of the country - the state received the status of an independent one. This fact was recognized by other countries. Now Tajikistan could build its own politics, economy and much more. This opened up a lot of new opportunities for the country.

Main regions of Tajikistan

The northernmost region of the republic is the Ferghana Valley. Along with Tajikistan, the area of ​​the valley is divided between Uzbekistan (north-western border) and Kyrgyzstan (eastern border). This region is rich in fertile soils and picturesque nature.

The central region of Tajikistan is called Karategin. On its territory is the capital of the republic - the city of Dushanbe. Islamist skirmishes are constantly taking place in this region, so you can observe increased security measures here. Nevertheless, travelers can safely visit these places without fear.

In the south of Tajikistan there is a place called Khalton.

The most remote region of the republic is the eastern Pamir. Despite the increased danger, tourists tend to get here, since it is in this area that one of the most picturesque landscapes in all of Central Asia.

Zarevshanskaya valley occupies the western part of the state.

What is the Republic of Tajikistan today? We will consider the population, area, geography, nature, climate and culture of this state in this article.

Tajikistan for tourists

Unfortunately, this country cannot be called a center for travelers. However, it is she who is very attractive in terms of tourism. First of all, natural landscapes, especially mountains, attract attention. Amazing people live in Tajikistan who can tell a lot of interesting things. This country has managed to preserve the primitive traditions, in which you can even take part. It is interesting that it is on these lands that the legendary descendants of Alexander the Great himself still live. As you know, this man conquered the country in ancient times. Tourists, being on these lands, can get acquainted with the magnificent nature and wonderful traditions.


Business card of the country with the name Tajikistan - the capital. is about 800 thousand people. If we take into account historical information, then archaeologists say that the city has existed for several centuries. The approximate date of foundation of Dushanbe is the III century BC. e.

Official language

In the country, the official language is Tajik, in addition, most of the locals are fluent in Russian. Therefore, most tourists are quite comfortable in the city, you can independently find all the sights and quickly get to the right place.


Almost 98% of the population professes a single religion - Islam. The remaining percentages can be attributed to unofficial sects and other movements.

State structure

At the moment, the state has a constitution, which was adopted back in 1994. If you pay attention to the state structure, then we can conclude that Tajikistan is a parliamentary republic headed by the president.

Also in the state there is a bicameral parliament of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, which includes several chambers. There is a leading People's Democratic Party in Tajikistan, which is pursuing a policy acceptable to the people, and therefore has been holding its leadership for many years. The Republic of Tajikistan is rich in luxurious natural heritage. The description of its resources is striking in its diversity and magnificence.

Climate and weather

Surprisingly, on the territory of the entire state one can observe a variety of climate, which is a very interesting phenomenon. The climate in the republic varies from sharply continental to arid. Thus, in summer the temperature can reach +40, but in winter it can drop to -10 degrees. Part of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, which are the highest among the mountains. Quite a large amount of precipitation falls in the mountains, snow is constantly here. Due to the height of the mountains, the wind rarely blows in this area, while creating favorable conditions for a ski resort.

In order to make a trip to the mountains, you need to choose the right time. Summer is a good time. According to weather conditions, the winter period is also quite mild, but at the same time the snowfalls are very heavy, so there is a high probability of an avalanche coming down, and it is better not to go to the mountains. If the purpose of the trip to Tajikistan is not to conquer the mountain peaks, then it is best to choose spring time or the beginning of autumn to visit the country. The climate during this period is especially mild and pleasant, you can walk through parks and interesting sights.

Rivers and lakes

The total area of ​​Tajikistan is indicated differently in different sources, but it does not exceed 143.1 thousand square meters. km, and this suggests that the republic is one of the smallest countries. At the same time, 90% of the entire territory of the country is occupied by mountains.

But, despite such interesting conditions, 950 rivers and small lakes can be counted on the territory of the state. The largest river in the country is called the Syr Darya. In addition, there are still a huge number of rivers and lakes, some of them are very interesting to visit.


The Republic of Tajikistan has deep roots and is famous for its cultural heritage. The locals respect their traditions and pass them on from generation to generation. Even today, Tajiks love to wear national clothes, especially for those residents who live in villages. Men of this nationality prefer to wear long embroidered robes and special headdresses. But women put on incredibly beautiful dresses under trousers, use scarves as a headdress. As for the girls, they are traditionally required to wear pigtails, it looks very beautiful and cute.
In addition, religious holidays occupy a special place in the state.


This colorful state is rightfully famous for its own cuisine. In Tajikistan, it is popular, but it is very similar to other Central Asian cuisines. Nevertheless, culinary recipes and cooking techniques have their own characteristics. First of all, it is the cooking technology itself, as a result of which the taste is completely unique.

Bread takes special respect and reverence. This product is treated with special respect here. In no case should bread be thrown away, dropped, nor should it be cut with a knife. Bread must be carefully broken off and eaten.

Tajik cuisine uses a huge amount of spicy spices and all kinds of herbs. This feature adds zest to the dishes.

Eating takes place at a low table, begins with tea drinking. Tea is consumed from special bowls.

Meat dishes are prepared exclusively from lamb, as well as from goat meat. In addition, sausage made from lamb is especially popular. It is especially recommended to try lamb shish kebab. Men of this nationality cook meat incredibly tasty.

Plov takes pride of place in the cuisine of Tajikistan. There are 5 traditional recipes for this dish, each with its own spices and especially cooked meats. In any case, tourists are advised to taste all the options, since such dishes can only be tasted here.

From sweets, tourists are offered pies with various fillings, as well as halva, which is especially tasty here, because it includes a variety of nuts that give a unique taste to oriental delicacy.

Recommended soft drinks include green tea made from a variety of herbs. In addition, you can try sherbet, as well as sour milk. An interesting fact is that green tea is consumed in the summer, but in the winter they drink mainly black tea. Sugar is not put in the drink, but milk, salt and butter are quite welcome.

Where did all these amazing traditions that the Republic of Tajikistan is famous for come from?


Today, Tajikistan looks like an independent and prosperous country. And not many people know what path the state had to go through in order to gain its independence.

The settlement of this territory began even before our era. Archaeologists have discovered a large number of all kinds of tools and even rock paintings. All this has been studied in detail and to this day is of great interest.
Thus, Tajikistan draws its history from the depths of centuries. For many centuries, various tribes have been replaced here, which made the culture of the state so colorful.

The 7th century became a new page in history, then the population of the country began to fight for its territory and culture. Thus, they managed to preserve a huge heritage, the remains of which have survived to this day. For many centuries, many more upheavals and uprisings awaited the state. Numerous wars were fought.

In 1991, the country finally got the opportunity and the right to independence. The republic began a new life, but, unfortunately, a civil war came, which left a painful mark in the history of the state and in the memory of people. In 1997, peace was concluded, and the country received another chance for a new life. The state was able to use it, and today these are flourishing and independent lands, with an independent policy and a fairly strong economy.