Formation of life values ​​and development of behavioral skills in rehabilitation work with children in difficult life situations. The role of life values ​​in the formation of character

Formation of life values ​​and development of behavioral skills in rehabilitation work with children in difficult life situations

V. Frankl: “The meaning of life should not be found,

it must be understood."

Good afternoon, dear colleagues.

Famous psychologists and philosophers of the XX century. K. Jung, E. Fromm, V. Frankl saw the main danger of the future of mankind in the loss of spirituality, and hence the meaning of one's existence, since without spiritual guidelines, human life has little meaning.

Each person has their own values ​​in life, different from the values ​​of family and friends.

Many have an idea of ​​the core values, but only a few really think, reflect and define their core values ​​and principles of life.

How do life values ​​affect the fate of a person, his behavior, relationships with the outside world?

Everyone has their own set, in which priorities are arranged in order of importance according to individual vision and personal needs.

Someone puts material values ​​in the first place: money, luxury goods, power. And for others, priority is given to spiritual values: human life is the highest value, duty, honor, patriotism, health, creative self-development... Life values ​​do not arise in one day, they accumulate from childhood, are formed by society and follow a person all his life .

How do life values ​​appear in a child's life? Differently. Sometime it is a gradual maturation, crystallization of something originally amorphous into something definite, sometime it happens abruptly, suddenly, like an insight. Sometimes it comes as if from within, sometimes it is set from outside, by the traditions and rituals of society.

However, the same question can be posed more meaningfully: thanks to what are the future life meanings and values ​​of the child formed (or not formed)? The main sources here seem to be the children's subculture, the (still) family, and the already heavily influenced virtual reality media and computer games.

Values ​​can be found in children of all ages: in an infant, i. for a child from birth to a year, these are favorite rattle toys, for a preschooler, for example, all girls of this agecthey like to collect Winx stickers, andmodern adolescents are mainly focused on such values ​​as "material security", "entertainment and recreation", which, as adolescents grow older, become increasingly important.

The value of "happiness in the family", "health", "friendship" - on the contrary, lose their importance. The reason for this, according to the majority of the older generation, is the lack of understanding between parents and children. Mass media act as a factor contributing to the formation of adolescents' value orientations.

Children's values ​​are largely formed by chance; children more often directly adopt the values ​​of their immediate environment, including the "values" of their children's subculture. It is clear that the largest amount of values ​​is formed by the closest environment for the child, and first of all by the family. The child directly absorbs the beliefs of the parents, as a matter of course, and even more so learns what the parents want to instill in him, inspire and support purposefully.

Now, please answer the question, what values ​​can parents of children who are in a difficult life situation instill in a child, or what values ​​can children adopt from their parents, for whom vodka is the main value, every night a new man (woman) in bed, etc. .d.?

That is why we believe that any work with children must begin with the family. Indeed, for the most part, those children who come to us, they mostly return to their families, and if we do not work with the family, we will not achieve positive results in working with the child.

So it is with the educational process: after school, children always return to their families. To what family?I would like to note that outwardly quite prosperous families can also turn out to be dysfunctional in relation to their children, if consumerism and lack of spirituality flourish in them, which can form hypertrophied needs in children or, on the contrary, not form emotional ties between children and parents, joint positive emotional experiences which hinders the development of moral feelings.

The criterion for the well-being or trouble of the family, as I have already said, can be its impact on children, the style of attitude towards the child. Sometimes, even outwardly prosperous families (materially secure, with good living conditions, with a high social status, level of education and culture of parents), if they have serious violations in interpersonal intra-family relations, in fact, are dysfunctional, because these violations, as a rule, , lead to personality deformation in the process of socialization of children.

In the light of the current socio-economic situation in Russia, there is an increase in the number of children who, for various reasons, find themselves in difficult living conditions. According to our observations, as well as the conclusion of a number of other experts, adolescents who find themselves in a difficult life situation experience serious stress, do not have sufficient skills to cope with their own emotional experiences, experience difficulties in communication, tend to exhibit aggressive behavior, find it difficult to build any a certain life position, they do not know how to cooperate with representatives of other cultures.

Here are some statistics:in 2013, 72 children received social rehabilitation in the department of a social shelter for children and adolescents in the Belokataisky district, in 2014, 90 children passed through our department, and already in 2015, 108 pupils received social rehabilitation.The social shelter for children and adolescents is a state institution designed to help children who find themselves in difficult life situations, who find themselves alone with the street without supervision. What is this help? The shelter provides accommodation, care and food, medical care - in general, the opportunity to live and study. The orphanage helps children to understand that there is another level of life to which they should aspire and try to achieve.

The experience of the social shelter shows that the formation of life values ​​in children largely determines the development of their behavioral skills. Misconceptions about friendship, kindness, honesty, justice are the cause of frequent conflicts between children. Therefore, the specialists of the social shelter must first of all find out what the children themselves know about the ethics of relations between people, what specific content they put into the concepts of “kindness”, “honesty”, “fairness”, whether they are aware of manifestations of cruelty, deceit, egocentrism.

AtTeaching children to correctly assess their actions by comparing their behavior with the behavior of others is one of the main tasks on the way to forming their life values ​​and developing behavioral skills.

The category of children who find themselves in tzhs requires special attention from teachers, educators and other specialists. This problem is especially relevant with children 10-15 years old. All participants in the educational process should pay great attention to the health of adolescents, both physical and mental, for the timely detection of various deviations and their prevention.

At this age, the body of a teenager is more vulnerable and the risk of somatic diseases increases; in adolescence, many nervous and mental diseases first appear. There is also an expansion of social relations that give a new social experience. In general, the main task in working with children at risk is to create the best conditions for their development and education, to build a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance and support. To solve this problem, close interdepartmental cooperation of all departments is necessary.

Correctional and educational work is designed to help minors find a logical connection or contradiction between existing moral assessments and their own judgments in order to orient themselves in their actions, in the world of moral values ​​and their moral life, in the nature and characteristics of good and evil, their criteria, ethical concepts and categories.

By studying the moral norms of a social society, a child is able to break the moral laws of human existence in his life experience, gradually develop a thinking oriented towards understanding the moral value of certain actions, their consequences for the world around, people, an individual, himself.

The stay of children in institutions of social and psychological and pedagogical assistance and support is aimed at: providing targeted assistance, ensuring social competence, adaptation to a particular institution, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation, providing social and legal support aimed at educating the child's ability to survive in difficult conditions.

The task of specialists is to support the approved behavior, positive character traits and the destruction of disapproved behavior, resulting in the growth of positive personality traits. Specialists need to know what the child is good at, what he is good at, what strengths he has, what causes him difficulties, in what he lags behind. For this purpose, specialists should be able to diagnose the development of the child and highlight those skills that need to be taught so that he can better live and survive.

The main new formation in the process of raising children at risk should be competence - intellectual, social, linguistic, physical, absorbing the results of the development of all personality characteristics that have formed in the life of the child. Social competence is considered as a state of the individual, the ability and readiness to solve problems that a person faces in everyday life and communication..

The priority direction of personal development is the individualization of activity, which allows you to see the uniqueness and uniqueness of each child, highlighting the good sides in him and relying on them in his work, and not just relying on the age statistical norm. An important task of the system of social and pedagogical support for childhood is to restore the educational potential of the family, since not a single even the most excellent state institution can replace a family for a child, and therefore every effort should be made to rehabilitate it in social, psychological, pedagogical and other respects.

The increase in the number of children in difficult life situations has actualized the need to develop special training programs to ensure the psychological safety of adolescents, a program to prevent child abuse and sexual abuse in the family, as well as an educational program for preschool education of children and obtaining a license for educational activities. We received a review of the program for the prevention of ill-treatment by a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of social pedagogy, Belarusian State Pedagogical University. Akmulla A.F. Fazlyeva and began the active implementation of these programs not only in our shelter, but also in two other supervised shelters in the Duvan and Kiginsky districts. We prepared this program for the competition of the Fund for the Support of Children in TZHS and received equipment in the amount of about 500,000 rubles under the won grant in 2015, and literally on February 18 we received another part of the equipment in the amount of about 600,000 rubles. We use the equipment in our work and, within the framework of these programs, we direct it, first of all, to the development of elementary communication skills, the ability to cooperate, listen to the opinion of another, and yield. In addition, the system of work includes teaching children acceptable ways to get rid of anger and other negative emotions. Important in working with children is the development of the ability to analyze their behavior, feelings, personality traits, as well as the formation of a sense of empathy and other positive qualities (tolerance, responsibility for one's actions, etc.). This work creates conditions for the optimal social and psychological-pedagogical adaptation of the child through the development of his personality.

Our task as psychologists and educators is to give the child the opportunity to realize and activate spiritual needs for truth, beauty, perfection, and comprehensiveness.

But in general, the main task in working with children at risk is to create the best conditions for their development, primarily in the family, and for their education, building a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance and support. To solve this problem, close cooperation of all departments involved in this activity (police, juvenile affairs inspection, guardianship and guardianship, health, education, etc.), interaction of various specialists at the level of a village, municipality, district, city, etc. is necessary. d.

Therefore, we offer you the closest cooperation, plan, develop and implement new technologies in collaboration.

Thank you for your attention.

The need to determine personal values, priorities and the meaning of life arises in every person. This is one of the most important needs of the individual. In youth, this need is felt especially acutely.
The features of the formation of a personality depend on the economic and cultural level of development of the society in which the child grows up, on what historical stage of this development he found.
Personal development and the formation of a scale of life values ​​are also determined by what the family and society expect from him, what values ​​and ideals are offered to him, what tasks he faces in different age periods.
Over the long history of the existence of human society, fundamental human values ​​and norms of moral behavior have been developed. In society, kindness, loyalty, honesty, mutual assistance have always been valued and valued, and cynicism, deception, greed, vanity, and crimes are rejected.
In modern society, the main universal values ​​are family, health, education, work. Human values ​​are closely related to the personal values ​​of a person, which can be conditionally divided into material and spiritual (moral). The realization of all these values ​​is necessary for self-affirmation, recognition of the individual. Each person has a preference for certain values. His choice can be judged by the richness or scarcity of the inner world, the diversity of interests, the unique human individuality. Throughout life, a person forms his worldview, way of life. A significant role in this is played by his environment (family, friends), as well as various national, religious and social beliefs and traditions. The moment of formation of one's own scale of values ​​in adolescence is very important - during the period of gradual entry into adulthood.
For a teenager, life values ​​are perceived only in a personal, concrete embodiment. This feature goes so far that the value that he seeks and finds is completely identified for him with a living person in whom he sees it embodied. The adolescent's faith in the ideal is, first of all, faith in the person he has chosen, whom he singles out from his environment. This could be a family member, a teacher, or a peer. If that person does not live up to that belief, the whole ideal world can collapse. That is why it is very important for a teenager who surrounds him and what kind of relationships he has with adults and peers during this difficult period. Unfortunately, the behavior of adults is very often at odds with the moralizing conversations they have with teenagers. "Do as I say" - such a stereotype of education does not suit a teenager. "Do as I do" - this is what should become the moral basis for communication and work of an adult with a teenager.
"The life of every person consists of actions, they express the moral essence of a person," said V. A. Sukhomlinsky.
The immediate social environment - parents and other family members, later kindergarten teachers and school teachers (sometimes family friends or a priest) - directly affects the development of the child's psyche. It should be noted that with age, the social environment expands: from the end of preschool childhood, peers begin to influence the development of the child, and in adolescence and senior school age, some social groups can significantly influence - through the media, organizing rallies, sermons in religious communities, etc. .
A teenager (12-15 years old) goes to the knowledge of reality largely "on his own", through his experiences. A high school student (16-18 years old), on the contrary, cognizing the environment, returns to himself and asks ideological questions: "What do I mean in this world?", "What place do I occupy in it?", "What are my opportunities?", " What am I?" He is looking for clear, definite answers and is categorical in his views, not flexible enough. No wonder they talk about youthful maximalism.
The formation of one's own scale of values ​​occurs already in early childhood. That is why it is so important in which family a child is brought up, growing up into a teenager, a young man, an adult.
The value orientations of a teenager, his understanding of social problems, moral assessments of events and actions depend primarily on parents. If happy moments in the family are associated only with acquisition and accumulation, it is difficult for a child to become happy in the future. Material needs are limitless, and the inability to satisfy them can turn into a tragedy.
If spiritual values ​​prevail in the family, such as mutual support, kindness, honesty, the joy of communicating with each other, the need to give rather than take, then the child is unlikely to feel lonely and destitute in the future. The habit formed in childhood to enjoy communication with nature, music, works of art and a good book will allow young people to endure and make the right decisions in the most difficult life situations.
The most important thing for a teenager is the confidence that he is loved by his parents, that adults see advantages in him, and not just shortcomings. It must be remembered that only the love of loved ones will help a growing child overcome the painful transitional period of adolescence, when a teenager becomes uncontrollable.
In order for a teenager to turn to parents or teachers for help and advice in difficult life situations, adults need to realize that from early childhood a child is a person and experiences his childhood troubles, which seem like a trifle to adults, very sharply and emotionally.
The position of adults in this situation is very important for future contacts and creating an atmosphere of trust between the child and the adult. Here is one such example. On one of the warm holidays, a young mother led a five-year-old boy by the hand, who ate ice cream. Mom was in a hurry, the child almost ran next to her and, having stumbled, fell, dropped ice cream, and soiled his festive suit.
In those moments, the fate of her future relationship with her son depended on her mother's reaction to what had happened. Mom slapped her son, threw ice cream into the bin and said: "You are always so disheveled! You will never get ice cream again!", and dragged him further. From the horror of what he had done, the baby turned pale and even stopped crying, and the mother lost her son's trust forever.
Many may say - what a trifle! But that's just from an adult's point of view. Then the mother herself will wonder why her grown-up son does not like to be at home, hides bad grades from her and never talks about his problems. And this happened because even as a child he received a good lesson - if he upset his mother with something, he would be punished, and she would stop loving him. Of course, the son may forget this episode, but the emotional awareness of the severity of the situation and the reaction of the mother will remain in his memory forever. If the reaction were the opposite - the boy would be told that all this is not a problem and the suit can be washed, the child would have new ice cream in his hands, and his mother who understands and loves him was walking by - it can be said with confidence that the boy's faith in that they will help him and will not stop loving him, even if he is guilty of something, would make the future relationship of mother and son trusting and frank. Or one more example. Often, parents from so-called prosperous families with high material wealth are surprised why their daughter cannot create a good family, and in search of a beautiful life, she actually sells her body. To understand this, parents should mentally go back a few years and remember how they told their daughter: “Why are you friends with Petya? There is no stake or yard in his family. Look at how he is dressed. car, his parents have a chic apartment and a dacha. Some women allow themselves to demonstrate a positive or negative attitude towards their husband, depending on the price of the gift or the amount of the salary brought. This nature of relationships in the family forms a consumer attitude towards love in a girl on a subconscious level.
A recent study in a Western European country has shown that most men who use prostitutes were brought up in families where they witnessed rough and even cruel treatment of their father and mother. Subsequently, it was difficult for them to have sexual relations with women for whom they had deep respect and elevated feelings. This once again emphasizes how important it is for adults if they really want to see their children happy in the future, to control their behavior and to profess for themselves those life and moral values ​​that they are trying to attach their grown-up children to. Gifts, favors in no case can be a substitute for close attention to the child, when the father or mother is left alone with him and can give him the most valuable, incomparable with any gifts - their care, attention, warmth and love. It is these moments and situations that are very important for the formation of self-esteem in a child.
It is very important that the child understands: he is individual and valuable as a person for parents and people close to him. High self-esteem will allow a teenager to say "no" in those situations when it is necessary, especially if it is related to his sexual behavior during puberty.
Self-control and self-discipline play an important role in human life. It would be a mistake to consider self-control as a restriction of freedom.
Throughout life, we have to make many different decisions, such as education, choice of friends, family and personal problems. A person begins to learn this from early childhood, and in adolescence he tries to solve his own problems. But often, from lack of experience, he fails or makes a mistake, which is then difficult to correct. Adolescents tend to focus on the immediate results of their decisions, while parents pay more attention to their future consequences. As long as most of the actions concern only the teenager himself and do not affect the people around him, it is easier for him to cope with problems. A teenager can already assess the situation himself, make decisions, take into account the consequences, understand his responsibility to himself and other people, evaluate his actions for his own self-education, which helps him to continue to get out of difficult situations with honor. He is constantly learning this.
Decision making is closely related to responsibility. Teenagers want freedom, not yet understanding that freedom is inextricably linked with such a concept as responsibility.
Freedom and responsibility are strongly linked. Freedom does not mean that you can do whatever you want. Such freedom can rather be called permissiveness, anarchy. Real freedom is when a person takes into account the consequences of his actions, their impact on other people. Otherwise, it is just a surrogate for freedom. Sometimes the reason for misunderstanding in the family lies in the fact that a teenager takes a "convenient" position: "For freedom, I am an adult, for responsibility, I am small." But equality includes both responsibility and independence. In turn, independence implies the ability of a teenager to make and implement decisions himself, the willingness to be responsible for his actions, the ability to regulate his own behavior and emotional reactions, and to defend his own opinion.
Independence and responsibility are brought up in a person from childhood, and every day the child compares his actions with the behavior of the people around him: parents, kindergarten teachers, teachers, peers, etc. Adulthood is not determined by age, but by the ability to be independent and responsible. The strength of a person is in action, in the ability to achieve the goal. There is no life without struggle, difficulties, losses and compromises. And the task of adults is to help a teenager form his inner world, life values, the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations and take responsibility for his actions.
The study of the model of human behavior suggests that, performing any act, a person subconsciously assesses its importance and consequences for himself personally. Then it is important for him to evaluate his act by close people whom he would not want to upset and whose approval he needs.
Based on this, it becomes clear how important it is for a teenager to communicate with people of high morality and culture. If a teenager is brought up in a society with unstable moral and spiritual values, it can be very difficult for him to give a correct assessment of his actions.

Think about and discuss the situation. Gleb told his friend Sergei about his feelings about the relationship that developed in their class. The next day, most of the class already knew the content of their conversation. At a lesson on the basics of health, Gleb and Sergey answered a question about their life values, and both put such a value as friendship in one of the first places. Evaluate their behavior and their response in the lesson.

The role of life values ​​in the formation of character

Each person in the process of life defines life values ​​for himself. It is they who form the foundation of a person's personality, since they determine what a person considers the most important in his life. These are beliefs, ideas, principles, i.e. those fundamental guidelines that fill our life with meaning, shape our character, determine our destiny. This is what gives a person the opportunity to answer the question: “What do I live for?”

Life values ​​are the internal obligations of a person to himself, he cannot violate them.

The character of a person is formed under the direct influence of life values, sometimes it is easier for a person to die than to abandon them. And this is not a figurative expression, but the real lives of people, their destinies. A striking example is the life of the outstanding biologist, breeder, geneticist, traveler Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. In the tragic years of Stalin's repressions, he, faced with immoral people for whom the main thing in life was writing denunciations,

Find the information you need and answer the question. Nikolai Vavilov was very fond of repeating: "Life is short, we must hurry." And he wrote: “If you have taken the path of a scientist, then remember that you doomed yourself to an eternal search for a new one, to a troubled life until death. Every scientist should have a strong anxiety gene. He must be possessed."

For a real scientist, the opportunity to discover something new is a great life value. How can it affect the character of a scientist?

fabrication of court cases against the innocent, the destruction of science, said: “Let's go to the fire, we will burn, but we will not give up our convictions!” By saying this, the scientist meant scientific beliefs and basic human values. For Vavilov, the main things in life were honor, dignity, courage, justice, creative scientific research for the benefit of all mankind. These values ​​formed the main features of his character - activity, diligence, courage, decency. He died in Stalin's dungeons in 1943. His whole life is a vivid example of a person who defended his life values ​​at the cost of his own life, an example of a character that determined fate.

It is important to learn to analyze your life values. First, determine their presence. Secondly, to formulate them in a form that is understandable to oneself. Thirdly, remember that life values ​​are manifested not in words, but in actions, in your daily life.

Values ​​and quality of life

Unfortunately, there are people who do not think about determining the values ​​​​of their lives, they just live, adapting to circumstances at any cost. They can talk beautifully about values, but their actions show that these are just words. In fact, the behavior of such people is determined not by life values, but by some other factors.

Each of you forms himself as a person, determines his character traits, chooses life priorities.

The basic life values ​​that create our character are family, study, love, friendship, health, creativity, freedom, justice, self-improvement.

Life values ​​begin to form in childhood and are the basis of all future life, affect its quality.

Quality of life is a person's perception of his position in society, depending on his value system and in connection with his goals and expectations. In fact, the quality of life is the degree of satisfaction of the material, cultural and spiritual needs of a person. A person determines the quality of his life by comparing the actual level of satisfaction of needs with the expected. Such a comparison consists of objective and subjective criteria that characterize physical, mental and social well-being.

Subjectively, a person evaluates the quality of his life according to the system of his own values. If the main value of a person is, for example, creative work, then it is precisely its presence that is perceived as a high quality of life, and if a person believes that the main thing is money, then income, but not creative work, determines the high quality of life. Thus, our values ​​have a direct impact on our subjective assessment of the quality of our own lives.

Anchor points. Life values ​​play an important role in shaping a person's character and influence his assessment of the quality of his own life.

Questions for revision and discussion

I level

1. What is the quality of life?

2. When do life values ​​begin to form?

II level

3. What core values ​​have shaped your character?

4. How does a person define the quality of his life?

III level

5. Can someone else's values ​​be imposed on us that we do not want to share?

6. Why do people sometimes protect their values ​​in life at the cost of their own lives?

7. Explain why people choose different criteria for assessing the quality of their lives?

IV level

8. Prove that life values ​​are the foundation of a person's personality.

9. Why do actions determine the real life values ​​of a person?

This is textbook material.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Have you ever thought about why some people have an easy and joyful life, while others seem to attract all sorts of ridiculous moments into their lives, get into unpleasant life situations? A person's value system plays a huge role in choosing a life path and following it correctly. This is a landmark for everyone, rules and ideas about normal life, work, study, leisure, communication. These characteristics play a key role in every action, intention, deed, as well as in the reaction to situations and even the words of people.

Thanks to this, each person knows exactly what is central in life, and what is not so important. Consequently, the model of his behavior in different situations is also based on this.

What are the values?

Depending on the sphere to which the values ​​belong, they can be divided into:

  • cultural;
  • universal;
  • individual.

All values, except for individual ones, are formed on the basis of the opinions of others, as well as the characteristics of the area in which the person was born, traditions and trends in communication. But individual values ​​include exclusively subjective features of the individual's worldview. Let's consider each type in detail.


The system of universal human values ​​includes:

  • Health. Probably, for every sane person it is an indisputable value of life, without which neither material nor spiritual benefits are absolutely necessary. Obviously, when something hurts, we need nothing more than to get rid of the ailment. We spend any amount of money, any amount of time and effort to restore the usual healthy state of our body.
  • life success. Of course, it all starts with school education. Each of us strives to study well at school in order to enroll in a prestigious higher educational institution in the future, and then to find a good job in our specialty. All this promises us good earnings and, as a result, a successful career. We feel fulfilled in life and enjoy it. Although today many, having achieved such results, cannot withstand social pressure and resort to the so-called downshifting - a return to a simple life, away from densely populated cities and towns and closer to nature.
  • Family. For many, a career is of no value if there is no one to share this success with. Many feel the need to work and achieve results not for themselves, but in order to care for and provide for their families. After all, relatives and friends are those who are always waiting for you, understand, hear. The formation of a family for such people can begin already from the senior classes of the school or from the institute.
  • Children- flowers of life. And many live by this principle. They see in them their reflection and continuation. We pass on our life experience and strength to them, often even to our own detriment. It is worth noting that although today there is propaganda for the rejection of offspring called "childfree", for many children have been and remain the main value of life.

As a result of the above, it is important to note that such a system tends to . Someone realizes himself in career growth, someone - in the family, someone - in children. All this pursues one goal - to consolidate its own significance and broadcast it into the future.


Cultural values ​​include:

  • creativity and;
  • close contact with relatives;
  • friends;
  • freedom of opinion;
  • and self-confidence;
  • independence;
  • respect for others;
  • work that meets interests;
  • courage and courage;
  • responsibility;
  • realization in creativity and work;
  • travel, etc.


Individual life values ​​include the most important things for each person. Their basis is formed in childhood due to the environment. For someone it will be truth, honor and justice, for someone it will be a lot of money and a good job, for someone it will be a healthy family and the happiness of people close to him.

All people have their own psychological type. That is why we think and behave differently in identical situations, strive for different goals.

Proper formation of life values

Life orientations and values ​​begin to form in early childhood. The process and the result depend on the conditions in which the child is. Of course, the family plays a key role, as well as close people and friends with whom the baby spends the most time.

Nobody knows how to determine what will be the main thing. It all depends on the individual's own ideas. The child's personal value system will be created and improved not only by his personal experience, but also by your prompts and example.

To properly form the life values ​​​​of the baby, you need to try to do the following:

  • to show by personal example what is important in life and what can be left to chance;
  • surround the child with kindness and understanding;
  • watch and read books with a moral meaning, where greed and lies are punished, and honesty, generosity, truth are encouraged;
  • help and give advice in choosing friends and people who should be equal, reinforcing the words by comparing the achievements of these individuals;
  • listen to the child even if he is wrong, talk to him and give unobtrusive advice.

Values ​​are formed over the years not only from your personal experience, but also from the opinions of people who are significant to you. It can be both parents and mentors, teachers, school friends, etc. These are the people you admire and respect immensely.

Indirectly, the process is influenced by religion, trends in society, cultural characteristics of the territory where a person lives, and many other factors. It is important to try to surround the child with good and kind people. The main thing, if possible, isolate him from negatively influencing personalities for as long as possible.

How to define your life values?

Own values ​​are determined in 3 steps:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down everything you think is important on it. It doesn't matter how big or small the list gets.
  • Review it in detail and analyze each item. Constantly ask yourself the question: is it really important or can you do without it? If there is even the slightest doubt, feel free to cross out this item.
  • Repeat the steps from the previous paragraph, reducing the list to 7-10 points - these are your personal values.

It is worth noting that people who are distinguished by a cheerful character and optimism, in any situation, try to take into account the action of factors that affect their life values, cut off everything superfluous. This approach allows over time to form a truly powerful mechanism out of them, dictating the direction of movement in any, even the most confusing life situation.

A clear understanding of your values ​​is important, as it allows you to deliberately and purposefully control actions, desires and, of course, decisions.
All of us are different. But, having looked deep into ourselves, having analyzed our actions and deeds, we can unmistakably determine what is most important for us, what is the guideline for each of our decisions. This will help you make only informed choices, make decisions on your own, think about and model the results, and only then act.

If you are not satisfied with the values ​​that were instilled in you as a child, then this needs to be corrected. Based on my experience, I will say that it is not very easy. As already written above, values ​​are instilled from childhood and deposited in our subconscious.

One of the very effective methods of changing attitudes is to work with the subconscious. For starters, you can read these 30 free lessons. I think that these lessons will be enough for you.


All the best, friends! I hope you learned something new and interesting for yourself that you can successfully apply in your life. Be honest with yourself. Always remember what is important, and do not get hung up on minor things. See you for another interesting conversation!