Main product of consumption: drinking water.

There is a simple relationship between indicators of the life expectancy of the country's population and the quality of water consumed by the population. Unfortunately, our country is somewhere in the sixth ten among all countries in the world in terms of life expectancy. The obvious question arises, is it possible to drink tap water at all without additional purification? Before answering this question, let's look at what tap water can contain.

Of course, even in one city, but in different areas, the water will differ in its chemical composition. To determine exactly what kind of water you have, it is best to do chemical analysis of water. We will consider those microelements and compounds that can most often be found in different percentages in water in our country.

There are several main groups of contaminants.

Substances that are most commonly found in water.

Hard salts of calcium and magnesium- these are mineral compounds that natural water washes out of the soil and soil. They give the water the so-called hardness, because of them there is scale, white stains on plumbing and stone on the water dividers in the shower. Regular consumption of water with a high content of hard salts can cause joint diseases and urolithiasis. On average, tap water contains about 3.0-3.5 mg-kv / l. It is not difficult to deal with such pollution, it is enough to choose the optimal filter for water purification from hard salts.

Fluorine(F) one of those elements whose content can only please a person. Water is specially fluoridated to increase the content of this element in water, since with its deficiency, dental caries develops. The recommended fluorine content for a person living in the middle lane should be no more than 1.2 mg / l.

Manganese(Mn) rarely found without ferrous iron. Most often it enters the water through deposits in the pipes of manganese bacteria, also through soil fertilizers. Rarely, the content of this metal exceeds 2 mg / l, but the permissible norm for human health is no more than 0.5 mg / l. In case of manganese poisoning, the liver is affected and parkinsonism can develop, which is symptomatically similar to Parkinson's disease, since manganese has a negative effect on the human brain.

Selenium(Se). Despite the assertion that selenium is useful, a large amount of selenium can lead to acute poisoning, accompanied by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, chills, and sharp pains in the abdomen. With regular use of water with a high content of selenium, a person develops selenosis, which is expressed in a change in the quality of the nail plates (brittleness, thinning), hair (discoloration, baldness), skin (dermatitis) and teeth (caries). The selenium content in drinking water should not exceed 0.01 mg/l.

Molybdenum (Mo). Rarely, the content of molybdenum exceeds 0.01 mg/l, usually this occurs in the locations of ores containing molybdenum. In this case, natural waters may contain it at a concentration of up to 200 mg/l. Water saturated with molybdenum has an astringent taste, but if the content of this element in water is not higher than the norm, which is 0.07 mg / l, you will not feel any specific taste. With the use of molybdenum water with a concentration of 10-15 mg / l, the liver may increase, joint pain in the hands and feet may appear, serious disorders of the kidneys and the digestive system are revealed.

Nitrates– salts of nitric acid, which usually end up in surface and ground waters as pollution from agricultural fertilizers. If the water is contaminated with nitrates above the norm, diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system and toxic poisoning can develop.

hydrogen sulfide is a gas that can give water an unpleasant smell of putrid eggs if its concentration exceeds 0.05 mg/l. When water is enriched with oxygen, hydrogen sulfide is oxidized, and with it the smell disappears. Hydrogen sulfide itself is not dangerous, its presence only worsens the organoleptic properties of water. However, during the oxidation process, sulfides appear, which are toxic to humans. For example, a single dose of 10-15 g of sodium sulfide is fatal.

Substances that appear in water after treatment with reagents

coagulants e.g. aluminum sulfate. Aluminum- a common metal that almost always exists in natural water, but most often in very small quantities. However, in water purification, the use of aluminum sulfate is common, which increases the intake of aluminum into the body. It is revealed that in large quantities, aluminum causes damage to the nervous system. If the body has accumulated a critical dose of this metal, then this can cause muscle paralysis, respiratory arrest, cessation of the heart, and as a result, death.

Flocculants eg polyacrylamide. Flocculants are chemical reagents that contribute to the settling of fine particles.

Residual tripolyphosphates which protect water pipes from corrosion.

Residual chlorine. Chlorine(Cl) and chlorine-containing compounds enter the water at treatment plants. It is added as a disinfectant. In small quantities, chlorine can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and esophagus. At high concentrations, chlorine is toxic and causes a number of diseases. It not only kills disease-causing bacteria, but was also used as a chemical weapon during the war. Chlorinated water is harmful and requires additional treatment, but since almost all tap water contains chlorine, household filters should be used to purify the water.

Substances that end up in the water along with wastewater - various household, industrial waste, mineral fertilizers.

Pesticides is the general name for agricultural pesticides that enter tap water through soil contamination. They are extremely dangerous for animals and humans. Due to the impact of pesticides, many species of animals and plants have already disappeared from the earth. In case of pesticide poisoning, signs of gastrointestinal upset, allergic reactions, and diathesis appear. Strong exposure may result in death.

Heavy metals

Mercury (Hg) in natural water it is usually contained in amounts not exceeding 0.5 mg / l, but this is also a high level for humans. But due to man-made pollution and local household pollution, the level can be much higher. Permissible is 0.0005 mg/l. Mercury damages all tissues of the human body with which it comes into contact, so it is extremely dangerous. To a greater extent, mercury affects the kidneys and nervous system. If a person takes a single dose of mercury above the limit, the psyche, the ability to touch, hearing, speech are disturbed, convulsions occur, cardiovascular collapse, pressure drops to a level where life is impossible, after 500 mg of mercury death occurs. Even small doses of mercury can cause premature birth in pregnant women, fetal deformity.

    Lead(Pb) can enter tap water in a variety of ways:

  • dissolved and natural lead;
  • lead from pollutants such as gasoline;
  • lead that leaches from water pipes and welds.

Lead is extremely toxic to humans, with regular use of lead in small doses, you can get chronic poisoning, which will lead to death. If a person drinks water with a high lead content, acute poisoning can develop in the body, which will lead to a quick death. The human body reacts when the accumulation of lead exceeds 40 mg/100 ml of blood. At this concentration, damage to the nervous system, intestines, and kidneys begins. All other organs are also affected, as lead accumulates in all organs of the body, blocking the work of enzymes that synthesize hemoglobin, which disrupts the ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout the human body. An excess of lead in the body also leads to the development of anemia, the production of vitamin D, and the formation of bone tissue. Water containing lead is strictly prohibited for pregnant women, as it can lead to miscarriage and congenital deformities. The amount of lead in water should not exceed 0.01 mg/l.

Zinc(Zn) found in many foods, in water it is found in the form of salts and compounds. If the content of zinc salts in water exceeds the norm, a person can receive significant damage to the body. In severe acute single poisoning, fever, nausea, vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. In the case of regular poisoning, erosion on the gastric mucosa may develop and blood cholesterol may increase. The level of zinc salts in water should not exceed 3 mg/l. Most often, zinc in natural water is not more than 0.05 mg / l, but often the concentration increases due to the passage of water through water pipes containing zinc.

Cadmium (Cd). A heavy metal commonly found in nature with zinc. In natural waters, it can appear in places where zinc is mined or get with wastewater in the areas of chemical and metallurgical plants. With regular use of water with a high content of cadmium, it accumulates and affects the nervous system, leads to anemia and destruction of bone tissue due to malfunctions in the phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

Detergents- this is the general name of all detergents that enter surface water with industrial effluents.

Chemicals that enter the water due to interaction with water pipes, elements of water intake and treatment plants.

Copper (Cu) practically not contained in groundwater, however, it can enter the water through interaction with water supply elements. It is extremely dangerous if the copper content in water exceeds 3 mg/l. This amount is enough to disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In the event that a person has suffered severe liver disease and an independent exchange of copper is disturbed in the body, the use of such water can lead to the development of cirrhosis. Babies who drink such water also have a risk of developing cirrhosis. The daily norm for a person should not exceed 0.5 mg / kg of body, and the presence of copper in water should not exceed 1-2 mg / l.

Iron (Fe). The content of iron in water can be caused by various reasons. Natural water can contain up to 50 mg/l, but it also appears when water passes through corroded water pipes. Most types of iron are easy to see with the naked eye - the water acquires a red color, and when settling, a red-brown precipitate appears. With regular consumption of ferrous water, stored iron can cause liver disease, heart failure, diabetes, and arthritis. The daily intake of iron should not exceed 0.8 mg / kg of total body weight, in water the maximum allowable rate is 0.3 mg / l.

A long list and this, of course, is not all pollution, but only those that are found most often in clear and clean, at first glance, tap water. You can fight them with the help of water filters, which now cope with most possible contaminants. Before, you should figure out what variety of trace elements your water contains and what it needs to be cleaned of. In this case, a properly selected water purification system will become a really effective assistant, and you and your loved ones will be able to enjoy truly clean water.

The composition of drinking water, which brings the body, has a fairly strict limits on the content of minerals and salts. A person can benefit from drinking water, the boundaries of mineralization of which lie in the range from 0.02 to 2 grams of minerals per liter.

Sulfates, bicarbonates, magnesium, sodium and calcium chlorides are the main salts that saturate water and are required by a person for life. The amount of these salts should not exceed 0.5 grams per liter of water.

Also useful and necessary for us water should contain such microelements as fluorine, bromine, iodine. The content of these trace elements in water is negligible and is measured in milligrams, but nevertheless it is very important for the normal functioning of many physiological functions of the body. At the same time, the dosage is very important, since it seriously affects certain processes of the formation of certain tissues and cells. The dosage of fluorine in water is very indicative. If fluorine is less than 0.5 milligrams per liter, tooth decay inevitably occurs. At the same time, the concentration of fluorine exceeding 1.0-1.5 milligrams will also inevitably lead to another dental disease - fluorosis (The disease was first described as early as the 18th century as "mottled teeth"). It can develop both before and after teething. Causes destruction of tooth enamel.

Water in which there are no salts and microelements is as harmful as it is tasteless. It is unpleasant to drink it, it is harmful in that it lowers the osmotic pressure inside the cells. This water is distilled water. Drinking this water is not recommended. Salt concentrations less than 100 milligrams per liter are considered unacceptable for drinking.

Elements such as sodium, calcium and potassium are distributed differently in our body, the presence of which in water is also necessary. Intracellular fluids of blood plasma, digestive juices, eye moisture, cerebrospinal fluid require sodium ions. Intracellular fluids of cells of muscles, nerves, skin, and other organs - calcium and potassium ions. Again, dosage matters a lot.

Natural water contains not only these elements. Their huge variety. Almost all the chemical elements of the earth in one concentration or another are found in real natural water. The difference is only in quantity. Therefore, it is so important from which source you drink water.

Of course, we do not always have the opportunity to study the composition of the water that we have to drink. But nature has endowed us with taste buds and this is an important way to quickly analyze, giving us the opportunity to understand whether we need to drink this or that water. Academician I. P. Pavlov said that in the course of evolution a person developed a reflex of aversion to water that is unpleasant or unusual in taste. So, even if it is not possible to read the composition of the water on the bottle label, taste the water and if you don’t like something in it, don’t drink it. Good water always tastes good, you want to drink it. Only such water can satisfy the needs of our body, benefit and not harm.

It is not enough just to purify water from harmful impurities, it must also be properly directed to homes. Each of us has noticed that sometimes, when opening a water tap, we find a brown stream. The bottom line is that water contains a huge amount of iron, more familiar as rust. It's all about the dilapidated and rotten pipes through which water enters the houses. Most of them have long been in need of replacement, but everything again rests on financial nuances. Therefore, post-treatment of tap water is of great importance, i.e. bringing it to a level corresponding to the level of drinking quality. Physical and chemical contaminants may be present in the water, but in lower concentrations than initially at the wastewater treatment plant. The issue of disinfection of tap water is also relevant, because. chlorination still does not kill all harmful microbes.

If you drink tap water, you should know that it contains organochlorine compounds, the amount of which after the procedure for disinfecting water with chlorine reaches 300 μg / l. Moreover, this amount does not depend on the initial level of water pollution, these 300 substances are formed in water due to chlorination. Of course, there will be no quick consequences from the consumption of such drinking water, but in the future it can very seriously affect health. The fact is that when organic substances are combined with chlorine, trihalomethanes are formed. These methane derivatives have a pronounced carcinogenic effect, which contributes to the formation of cancer cells.

Much has already been said about the unusually harmful properties of chlorine, including the direct impact on the development of cancer, but its amount in drinking water has not decreased. And all because it is not economically feasible to disinfect water without chlorine, since alternative methods of water disinfection (ozonation, the use of ultraviolet light) are expensive.

When boiling chlorinated water, it produces the strongest poison - dioxin. The content of trihalomethanes in water can be reduced by reducing the amount of chlorine used or by replacing it with other disinfectants, for example, using granular activated carbon to remove organic compounds formed during water purification. And, of course, we need more detailed control over the quality of drinking water.

How is water purified in the country?

Not all regions treat water in the same way, as water contains different chemicals in different areas. Depending on the degree of pollution of the water body and the purpose of water, additional requirements are imposed on its quality. However, there is a set of typical procedures used in water treatment systems and the sequence in which these procedures are used. In the practice of water supply of settlements with drinking water, the most common water purification processes are clarification and disinfection.


Clarification is a stage of water purification, during which the turbidity of water is eliminated by reducing the content of suspended impurities in it. The turbidity of natural water, especially surface sources during the flood period, can reach 2000-2500 mg/l (at the norm for drinking water - no more than 1500 mg/l).

Impurities suspended in water have a different degree of dispersion - from coarse, quickly settling particles, to the smallest, forming colloidal systems.

Finely dispersed colloidal particles, having the same electrical charge, repel each other and, as a result, cannot grow larger and precipitate.

One of the most widely used methods in practice to reduce the content of finely dispersed impurities in water is their coagulation (precipitation in the form of special complexes - coagulants) followed by precipitation and filtration. After clarification, the water enters the clean water tanks.


To date, the most popular method of water disinfection in our country is chlorination, because. in the rivers and lakes where water is taken from, there are many microorganisms that got there with sewage, and chlorine is a powerful oxidizing agent that can destroy pathogens.

How much has already been said about extremely harmful properties of chlorine, including direct impact on development oncological diseases, however, its quantity in drinking water has not decreased. And all because it is not economically feasible to disinfect water without chlorine, since alternative methods of water disinfection (ozonation, the use of ultraviolet light) are expensive.

Water can contain many different substances, and chlorine reacts with some of them. As a result, much more unpleasant compounds are formed than chlorine itself. For example, chlorine compounds with phenol; they give the water an unpleasant odor, affect the liver and kidneys, but in small concentrations are not very dangerous. However, compounds of chlorine with benzene, toluene, gasoline are possible, with the formation of dioxin, chloroform, chlorotoluene and other carcinogens.

For reference, in order for chlorine to completely evaporate from the water, it is necessary to defend the water for 7 days.

“The most annoying thing is that no matter how much chlorine you throw in, it still won’t kill all harmful microbes,” says Nailya Davletova, specialist of the Department of Occupational Hygiene and Medicine with a course in medical ecology at KSMU. - But this element has a powerful toxic, local irritant and allergic effect on a person. Ideally, it is necessary to clean the water with a natural and safe agent - ozone. It is a gas with a pungent aroma, similar to the smell of fresh air after a thunderstorm. Purification of tap water with ozone is currently practiced in many civilized countries of the world, including Germany, Italy, Canada and the USA. There, ozone units have long been part of community water treatment systems, and they are also used by bottled water companies. In Russia, they prefer not to spend money on such expensive water treatment, sacrificing people's health.

You can also destroy bacteria living in water using ultraviolet radiation. To get rid of most harmful microorganisms, just a few seconds are enough. And with exceptionally low operating costs, ultraviolet can process thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of liters of water. By the way, since 2007, thanks to this safe cleaning method, residents of St. Petersburg have been enjoying, unlike other Russians, high-quality drinking water. But even here you should not relax. As soon as the water enters the old, almost 80-90% worn-out water supply network, big adventures await the water here. Through old, sometimes rotten pipes, harmful substances, bacteria and viruses can enter the water. It is enough to remember when accidents occur or when water pipes are replaced - tap water smoothly changes from dark brown or black to transparent within an hour. And no one knows what got into the pipes during their welding.

And if the water is clean and clear in appearance? Is this a guarantee that it does not contain harmful impurities? Unfortunately no.

Mineralization of water or optimal salt composition.

Imagine that we received sterile water. In such water there are no harmful substances and microorganisms. Is such water complete for our consumption? It turns out not.

Indeed, with water, the body must receive a whole complex of minerals, without which a person risks facing many troubles. Drinking water should contain not only fluorine and iodine, but also calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc.

For example, here are the symptoms that may be the cause of a lack of minerals:

  • Magnesium: Intermittent heartbeat, craving for chocolate, cramps, PMS, periodontitis, high blood pressure, etc.
  • Iron: anemia, fatigue, etc.
  • Copper: anemia, thyroid dysfunction, poor digestion, enzymatic function of the liver, since most of the enzymes in it are copper-dependent, rapid occurrence of hematomas, etc.
  • Zinc: Anorexia, loss of sense of taste and smell, low libido, PMS, height reduction, acne and other skin disorders, etc.
  • Iodine: thyroid dysfunction, bile thickening, etc.

But that's not all.

Mineralization of water (the amount of salts dissolved in water) is an ambiguous parameter.

Studies conducted in recent years have shown an adverse effect on the human body of drinking water with a mineralization of more than 1500 mg/l and below 30-50 mg/l. Such drinking water does not quench thirst well, impairs the functioning of the stomach, and disrupts the water-salt metabolism in the body. Until recently, the high salinity of water - hardness - was paid attention only because of its effect on the suitability of water for washing hair and laundry, as well as on the intensity of scale formation when water is boiled.

Now, thanks to the scientific data obtained, it has become clear that water purification is necessary, because the hardness of drinking water is of great importance for maintaining health. For example, an increased content of calcium and magnesium salts in water contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, and causes metabolic disorders. On the other hand, mortality from cardiovascular disease is 25-30% higher among people who drink soft water containing less than 75 milligrams of calcium and magic per liter of water.

By the way - there are no harmful substances, there are harmful amounts.

Water from artesian wells and springs

There is a widespread opinion regarding the healing properties of water from the bowels of the earth. How does it differ from water from the mineral springs of the North Caucasus. It turns out that it differs, and very significantly. First, the depth of the well. Artesian wells are drilled to pressure waters, for example, in the Moscow region located in coal limestones. The depth of such wells can be different: in the north of Moscow, where the glacier left powerful deposits, in the area of ​​​​the Klin-Dmitrovskaya ridge, their depth reaches 200 - 250 m. To the south of Moscow, in some places, limestone comes to the surface, here artesian wells are the smallest , 30 - 40 m. To the west and east of Moscow, the depth of artesian wells ranges from 60 to 150 m. But in the Moscow region, as well as near other large cities, aquifers with a depth of less than 100 m can no longer be considered bacteriologically safe. However, during well drilling, some technological processes may be disrupted, the produced water may turn out to be too hard, tasteless, and leave a strong scale when boiled.

In a cottage or in a summer cottage, located in a beautiful area, devoid of any signs of pollution, water can flow from the ground, completely unsuitable for drinking and even life-threatening, in which the concentration of iron, magnesium, fluorine salts exceeds the permissible values ​​​​tens of times . Moreover, the concentration of salts in water tends to increase with long-term use of the aquifer. Underground drinking water often has an unpleasant feature - it darkens in the process of contact with air. This oxidizes the free iron dissolved in water. Clear, clean water, standing in a jug for 10-15 minutes, becomes brown.

In order to somehow help their body, many residents travel outside the city, collecting water from roadside springs. But even here you need to be careful: few people know what unverified spring streams carry in themselves. First of all, chemicals and pesticides seeped through the soil from the fields can get here, which is especially dangerous.

Underground sources are considered the cleanest and most suitable for drinking. Voditsa there needs more gentle cleaning, but it also requires a competent approach and adherence to technologies in their development and use.


Strange as it may seem, fairy tales about living and dead water have a real basis. Water actually has unique properties. For example, under certain conditions, it can glow in the dark, not freeze at low temperatures, or really heal. In the old days, one of the factors in choosing a place for founding a new settlement was the presence of mighty centuries-old trees, with all their appearance testifying to the fertility of the local soils and the life-giving power of local sources. Dead water also does not always correspond to its name. Suffice it to recall the Dead Sea, whose water is saturated with useful salts and microelements.


In the culture of many peoples there are myths about higher beings who command water. Duberdicus among the Lusitans, Chalchiutlik among the Mayans, Enki among the Sumerians, Vodyanoy among the Slavs, Arnapkapfaaluk among the Eskimos, Poseidon among the ancient Greeks and Neptune among the Romans... These are just some of the deities and creatures with which our ancestors identified the strength and power of the water element . Homer believed that the Ocean was the progenitor of all the gods, from which all living creatures on earth descended, and, as modern applied science has proven, the ancient Greek poet-storyteller was right. Life on our planet really originated in the ocean and only after billions of years of evolution came to land.


The reasons for the disappearance of ships and aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle have not yet been precisely established. If we discard absolutely fantastic stories like the intrigues of little green men, there are two most likely versions: a sudden release of huge volumes of methane hydrate and the so-called wandering waves. However, this does not explain why planes have disappeared in the area bounded by the Florida peninsula, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. According to observations from space, the water surface in the center of the triangle is 25 m below the general level of the World Ocean, which may indicate the presence of a gravitational disturbance. Maybe the answer lies in this?


underwater fauna- an inexhaustible source of inspiration for science fiction writers. During diving on the ocean floor, director James Cameron spied a lot for the filming of "Avatar", the structure of the head of a dragonfly larva inspired Hans Rudy Giger's image of the Alien, and a good half of Hollywood movie monsters resemble toothy deep-sea anglerfish. Even after 10 years of research in the framework of the Census of Marine Life project, which included almost 550 expeditions, biologists find it difficult to say how many species of animals live in the oceans. As a result of the work, more than 5,000 new species were described and relict fish, considered extinct millions of years ago, were discovered.


Mankind has long learned to get energy from water. In different countries, hydroelectric power plants provide from 19 to 60% of energy needs, but scientists do not intend to stop there. The ocean is a limitless source of energy, you just need to find a cheap and efficient way to split the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. To date, all technologies for the splitting of water H and O are based on the electrolysis process, however, this method has a low efficiency. If scientists manage to solve this problem, then humanity will forever forget about the problem of lack of energy resources.


Water- one of the oldest sacred symbols of many religions. Buddhists have the sacred mountain lake Manasarovar, Hindus have the sacred rivers Ganges, Saraswati, Jamna, Godavari, Kaveri and Narmada, Asian shamanists have Lake Baikal. Jesus walked on water and turned it into wine, and after he was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, water in Christianity acquired a truly sacred meaning. The rite of baptism symbolizes purification and renewal, immersion in water on Epiphany night heals from ailments and brings peace to wounded souls. Skeptic scientists, trying to explain this miracle, put forward many theories - which, however, in the eyes of believers look completely unconvincing.


Nature sometimes creates such unusual reservoirs that you wonder. On the Kola Peninsula, for example, there is Lake Mogilnoye, which looks like a layer cake: the water in it is located in layers of different salinity, which, without mixing with each other, have become home to marine and freshwater inhabitants. A completely different picture on the shores of Empty Lake in the Kemerovo region. Connected by rivers and channels with other reservoirs of the region teeming with fish, the Empty Lake is absolutely lifeless. In Algeria there is a lake with ink, in Canada there is a multi-colored spotted lake Kliluk, and lake Rebta in Senegal, thanks to the bacteria living in it, has an amazing pink color.


The Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland and Iceland - in these regions, 97% of all freshwater resources of the planet are in a frozen state. The ice caps of the Earth are of scientific interest, because the composition of the ice can determine what climate was on the planet 10.50 and even 100 thousand years ago. Some scientists are of the opinion that under the ice sheet of Antarctica, reaching a height of 4 km in places. hides the answer to the main question - how life arose on Earth. In the same place, at a depth of more than 3500 m under the ice, there is Lake Vostok, whose ecosystem may have unique properties.


The Mariana Trench attracts scientists like a magnet. Researchers around the world have repeatedly tried to unravel the secrets of the depression, the depth of which, according to various estimates, is from 10,863 to 11,033 m. But people sank to its bottom only once - in January 1960. The daredevils - US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss explorer Jacques Picard - spent a total of almost a day in the Trieste bathyscaphe. Their discovery of life at the bottom of the trench (until then it was believed that no creature could live at a pressure 1100 times higher than normal atmospheric pressure) put an end to friction about the possibility of burial of nuclear waste in the Mariana Trench.

The habit of drinking clean water and problems of excess weight

In our country, people have forgotten how to drink clean water! And water for a person is the second vital condition for existence after air. A modern person is so deaf to the signals of his own body that he can mistake ordinary thirst for a feeling of hunger, and instead of just drinking a glass of water, he greedily absorbs the next and already superfluous portion of food for himself, and thus, imperceptibly and gradually gains the weight.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight forever, then you will have to learn how to drink enough clean water again. How many liters of water should you drink per day?

The calculation of this amount is quite simple for every kilogram of our body requires 30-40 grams of water daily, so a person weighing 70 kg should drink from 2100 to 2800 ml of water.

The wisdom of our body lies in the fact that it signals its needs with various symptoms, indicates where we are acting unfairly towards ourselves.

So, by what symptoms can we judge that we are not drinking enough clean drinking water?

This is, first of all:

Dry, flaky skin

Frequent headaches

Reduced performance

Excess weight

And paradoxically, swelling

And various metabolic diseases, such as kidney stones, gallbladder, etc., unfortunately, we rarely pay attention to these symptoms of dehydration, and even more rarely associate these problems with the fact that we drink little pure water during the day.

The role of water in the body.

Man is 60-70% water. Biologists sometimes joke that water "invented" man as a means of transportation. And this seems to be true, because the main component of our body is water. In the embryo, the amount of water can reach up to 90%! But with age, we lose this beautiful component of ours. Dubois famously put it: "A living organism is animate water."

What is water for the body, if its content in the body is so high? Water for us is the single most powerful solvent of harmful substances in the human body and a catalyst for all metabolic processes!

When the body receives water in sufficient quantities, then all organs and systems function and feel normal, because. all metabolic products are removed on time, metabolic processes work at the required speed.

In conditions of water deficiency, the kidneys cannot work at full capacity., because they lack this liquid component in order to process, dissolve and remove all harmful and superfluous substances from the blood. And then the urine is constantly concentrated to such a strong extent that over time, crystals of various contents appear, which further increase and form kidney stones.

If the kidneys do not work at full capacity, then increased demands are placed on the liver, as an organ that is also responsible for the processing of harmful substances. As a result the liver no longer fully converts the fat received from food and previously accumulated by the body into energy. Stagnation occurs, which also contribute to the formation and deposition of stones. In addition, because the liver is partially switched off from fat metabolism, the body is in the process of accumulating fat, and a person has a problem with being overweight.

In conditions of water deficiency, the body turns on the water saving mode, because. feels a threat to life and begins:

one side - extract water from already processed materials in the intestines, and then there are constipation, and on the other hand, in every possible way, our body strive to accumulate water, driving it into the intercellular space - that's the problem of edema for you, swollen heavy legs, feet. (of course, I am not taking cases of edema associated with kidney pathology, taking certain medications, alcohol, etc.) here. It must be understood that with the intake of diuretics, the situation improves only temporarily, because. in this case, we direct our actions to the consequences, and not to the cause that led to the edema. And no matter how paradoxical it sounds, the best way to get rid of edema is to start drinking enough clean drinking water, this will allow the body to “calm down”, stop making reserves in places that are not intended for this, and the swelling will gradually go away.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of all diseases in humans are associated with insufficient consumption of clean drinking water. According to some experts, the lack of water in the body - chronic dehydration- is the most important cause of many diseases: asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, overweight, some emotional problems, including depression.

Insufficient water intake gradually disrupts the normal functioning of the body. A person is increasingly and not only by the end of the day, fatigue appears and efficiency decreases, digestion processes are disturbed. A dehydrated body, like a good economy, slows down the speed of all biochemical reactions, increases blood viscosity, which creates conditions for the formation of blood clots. Since the brain is 75% water, its relative dehydration causes severe stress in brain cells, attention decreases, and memory deteriorates.

Therefore, if you want to be healthy and lose weight, you will have to regain this skill you forgot and again learn how to drink clean water in sufficient quantities, and this is about 2 - 2.5 liters, of course, the amount of water will be large if - you are intensively engaged sports

Love to sit in the sauna

If you are a coffee or alcohol lover

You are overweight.

Then the doctor will tell you the exact figure.

Water helps the body break down fat stores..

Firstly, water will help you separate the feeling of thirst and the appetite disguised as it from the real feeling of hunger. Hunger will not be comforted by slowly drinking a glass of water, but if you are thirsty, then after that the desire to eat an extra peach or ice cream will pass.

Secondly, water will help to remove the products of the breakdown of accumulated body fat, actively turning on and normalizing the metabolism, helping you lose weight.

Thirdly water is necessary for all organs and tissues of our body

- she, like a good cosmetologist and massage therapist, helps to fight the emerging sagging of the skin, wrinkles, improves skin elasticity and structure.

It maintains not only the elasticity of the skin, but also normalizes the composition of muscles and cartilage, making them strong and elastic, and your joints more resilient and flexible.

Fourth, thanks to a sufficient amount of water, the liver is fully involved in fat metabolism, thereby the process of splitting fats goes faster, and you lose weight.

B - fifth, pure drinking water, which is a natural diuretic, washes out swelling from the intercellular space, your volume and body weight also decrease.

At sixth…. A glass of hot water drunk in the evening also helps to relax the nervous system, just like hot milk. After all, water is a natural tranquilizer!

There are many more advantages to reclaiming this skill and drinking enough water.

It may be difficult for you at first. You will forget to buy or fill bottles with water. You will come up with 1000 reasons for yourself not to do it. Perhaps you will not like the taste of water, you will be uncomfortable in front of other people, that suddenly you began to “drink so much water” in comparison with them, etc.

You just need to realize the fact that drinking water is as important as breathing air.

At the same time, you should drink water little by little, 2-3 sips. Do not drink a liter of water at once, do not go to extremes. Often at first a person does not feel thirsty, but the fact is that we have thirst, but since we weaned the body from water, this need is suppressed by us. However, when we start drinking water regularly, the reflex is restored. That is, you need to start drinking more water, and then thirst will appear on its own. And we do not have to force ourselves to drink water, and come up with various tricks in order to take a sip, another!

If you want to be a healthy person, you need to have healthy habits! One of them is to drink clean water! And the decision is always yours.

I would like to end my article with the statement of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. You cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with a joy that cannot be explained by our feelings alone. You are the greatest wealth in the world."

I agree, it can seem boring and uninteresting. But please read this.
Chemical substances enter the human body not only through direct consumption of water for drinking purposes and during cooking, but also indirectly. For example, when inhaling volatile substances and skin contact while taking water procedures.
The water flowing from our taps has a certain chemical composition. Chemical substances contained in water can be divided into several groups.
The first group includes substances that are most often found in natural water. These include fluorine (F), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), mercury (Hg), selenium (Se), lead (Pb), molybdenum (Mo), nitrates , hydrogen sulfide (H2S), etc.
The second large group is the substances remaining in the water after chemical treatment: coagulants (aluminum sulfate), flocculants (polyacrylamide), reagents that protect water pipes from corrosion (residual tripolyphosphates), and residual chlorine.
The third group includes chemicals that enter water bodies with wastewater (household, industrial waste, surface runoff from agricultural land that has been treated with chemical plant protection products: herbicides and mineral fertilizers). These are pesticides, heavy metals, detergents, mineral fertilizers, etc.
The fourth group includes substances that can get into water from water pipes, adapters, joints, welds, etc. (copper, iron, lead).


Levels of copper (Cu) in groundwater are quite low, but the use of copper in plumbing components can contribute to a significant increase in its concentration in tap water.
Copper concentrations greater than 3 mg/l can cause acute gastrointestinal dysfunction, which will be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In people suffering from or who have had liver diseases (for example, viral hepatitis), their own copper metabolism in the body is impaired, so prolonged use of it with water can lead to the development of cirrhosis of the liver.
The most sensitive to elevated concentrations of copper in the water are infants who are bottle-fed. Even in infancy, when drinking such water, they have a real threat of developing cirrhosis of the liver.
The safe daily dose of copper is 0.5 mg/kg body weight. Based on this dose, the maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water is calculated: 1-2 mg/l.


Iron (Fe) is one of the main elements of natural water, in which its concentration ranges from 0.5 to 50 mg/l on average.
Other sources of iron in tap drinking water are iron-containing coagulants, which are used in water treatment processes. This may be iron penetrating into tap water from sections of steel and cast iron water pipes that have undergone corrosion. With an increased iron content in drinking water, it acquires a rusty color and a metallic taste. Such water is unfit for consumption.
Regular consumption of drinking water with a high iron content, that is, more than 0.4-1 mg / kg of body weight per day, can lead to the development of a disease called hemochromatosis.
It is characterized by the deposition of iron compounds in human organs and tissues.
In addition, very high doses of iron in water can be fatal to the body; these figures range from 40 to 250 mg/kg of body weight. At the same time, hemorrhagic decay and detachment of sections of the gastric mucosa develop.
The safe daily dose of iron is 0.8 mg/kg of body weight, and the maximum allowable concentration of iron in drinking water is 0.3 mg/l.


Sources of lead (Pb) in drinking tap water can be: lead dissolved in natural water; lead contaminants entering natural water in various ways (eg gasoline); lead contained in water pipes, adapters, welds, etc.
When drinking water with a high content of lead, acute or chronic poisoning of the human body can develop. Acute lead poisoning is dangerous because it can be fatal.
Chronic lead poisoning develops with the constant use of low concentrations of lead. This chemical element tends to accumulate in the tissues of the body, and the symptoms of poisoning appear when the concentration of lead in the blood reaches 40-60 mg/100 ml.
At the same time, lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, intestines, and kidneys are observed. Lead is deposited in almost all organs and tissues of the human body, but its favorite localization is hair, nails, gum mucosa (the so-called lead border on the gums).
The main mechanism of action of lead on the body is that it blocks the work of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. As a result of such pathological processes, red blood cells lose their ability to carry oxygen, anemia and chronic oxygen deficiency develop.
In addition to disrupting oxygen transport, lead blocks the formation of vitamin D, which is necessary for the deposition of calcium in the bones.
Drinking lead-rich water by pregnant women increases the risk of preterm birth and birth defects.
The maximum allowable concentration of lead in tap water should not exceed 0.01 mg/l.


The intake of fluorine (F) in the human body depends on its content in drinking water and food. The recommended content of fluorine in drinking water in the Russian climate should not exceed 1.2 mg/l.
With insufficient intake of fluorine in the body, total caries of the teeth can develop. You can increase the intake of fluorine by special fluoridation of tap water.

hydrogen sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gas that, at concentrations greater than 0.05 mg/l, gives tap water an unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten eggs.
In water well enriched with oxygen, hydrogen sulfide is oxidized and the smell disappears.
When ingested, hydrogen sulfide is not dangerous. Sulfur compounds, such as sulfides, can be dangerous, which damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The lethal dose of sodium sulfide for humans is 10-15 g.


Zinc (Zn) is found in almost all foods, including water. In it, it is present in the form of salts and organic compounds.
Its content in natural water does not exceed 0.05 mg/l, but its concentration in tap drinking water may be higher due to additional intake from water pipes.
The maximum allowable daily dose of zinc is 1 mg/kg of body weight. The high content of zinc salts in drinking water can cause serious poisoning of the human body.
With a single use of 500 mg of zinc sulfate, fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea are observed, which appears 12-13 hours after the use of an increased dose of zinc.
Daily intake of 440 mg of zinc salts causes the formation of erosions on the gastric mucosa.
With daily use of 80-150 mg of zinc salts, an increase in blood cholesterol fractions develops.
It has been established that the level of zinc salts in tap drinking water of more than 3 mg/l makes it unfit for consumption.


Aluminum (Al) is present in natural water. The content of aluminum in groundwater ranges from 14-290 mg/l, and in surface waters it is 16-1170 mg/l.
Aluminum sulphate is widely used in water treatment processes as a coagulant and its presence in drinking water is the result of insufficient control in these processes.
From 5 to 20 mg of aluminum enters the human body daily, a significant dose of which comes from drinking water (residual aluminum sulfate).
When studying the effect of aluminum compounds on the human body, it was found that this chemical element in large quantities can cause damage to the nervous system.
Aluminum contributes to the development of progressive muscle paralysis, death is possible due to respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest.
Aluminum can cause trembling of the head, hands, jaw, feet.


Under normal conditions, inorganic mercury (Hg) is present in natural water at concentrations of less than 0.5 mg/L. The level of mercury in water can increase as a result of its man-made and other pollution. The negative effect of mercury on the human body is to damage any tissue with which it comes into contact, but mercury causes the greatest harm to the nervous system and kidneys.
Ingestion of a dose of mercury that exceeds the maximum allowable, causes a mental disorder, loss of skin sensitivity, hearing, vision, speech, clonic convulsions, cardiovascular collapse and shock.
There is also a weakening of cardiac activity and vasodilation, which leads to a drop in pressure in the arteries to such a low level that it is impossible to maintain the vital functions of the body.
Mercury compounds provoke the development of acute renal failure, severe diseases of the digestive tract.
Death can occur when about 500 mg of mercury is ingested. With the use of small doses of mercury by pregnant women in newborns, developmental deformities and congenital severe brain diseases are detected.
The maximum permissible concentration of mercury in tap drinking water is 0.0005 mg/l.


Chlorine (C1), or rather, chlorine-containing compounds, is one of the main reagents used at water treatment plants to disinfect and clarify water entering the homes of Russians.
In water, chlorine forms hypochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite. These chlorine derivatives can be hazardous to health at high concentrations in water.
Children are especially sensitive to the action of chlorine. Small doses of chlorine can contribute to the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, and cause spontaneous vomiting.
Water containing a large amount of chlorine has a toxic effect on the human body, provokes the occurrence of bronchial asthma, various inflammatory processes on the skin, increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, provokes the occurrence of leukemia.
The maximum allowable concentration of residual chlorine in tap drinking water is 0.1-0.3 mg/l.


The content of molybdenum (Mo) in drinking water usually does not exceed 0.01 mg/l, but in the locations of ores rich in molybdenum, its concentration can rise to 200 mg/l.
Molybdenum gives water a slightly astringent taste. In doses of 10-15 mg/l, this element causes an increase in the level of uric acid in human blood, osteoporosis of bones and a disease similar to gout, which is manifested by pain in the hands and feet, an increase in the size of the liver (hepatomegaly), functional disorders of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys. .
The recommended content of molybdenum in drinking water is 0.07 mg/l.


Selenium (Se) in drinking water is usually found at a dose of about 0.01 mg/l.

With a single intake of a large dose of selenium, signs of acute poisoning occur, such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, chills, trembling and numbness of the extremities.
The constant use of elevated concentrations of selenium leads to the development of a disease called selenosis. It is manifested by functional disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract, discoloration and increased hair loss, thinning and brittle nails, various dermatitis, and dental caries.
Changes in the skin, nails and hair appear when the content of selenium in water is 0.66 mg/l.
The maximum permissible content of selenium in drinking water is 0.01 mg/l.


Calcium (Ca), entering the body, has a human-friendly ability to compact cellular and intercellular colloids, as well as influence the formation of the cell membrane.
The ability of calcium ions to thicken the cell membrane and reduce cell permeability, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, was revealed, and with an insufficient concentration of calcium ions, intercellular adhesions dissolve, blood capillary walls loosen and increase cell permeability, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.
The positive role of calcium in the process of blood coagulation is known.


Magnesium (Mg) is also necessary for the human body, it is found in every cell of the human body and is constantly introduced into the body with food and water.
The negative effect of high magnesium content on the human nervous system, its ability to cause reversible depression of the central nervous system, the so-called magnesium anesthesia, was also revealed.
Initially, magnesium entering the human body in higher doses than prescribed by hygienic standards affects the motor nerve endings, and at higher concentrations it also affects the central nervous system.
The narcotic effect of magnesium salts is suppressed by calcium ions.


In natural water, the content of silver (Ag) is about 5 mg/l. In water, to which silver is specially added for the purpose of disinfection, its content should not exceed 50 mg / l. When large doses of silver enter the human body, acute poisoning develops.
The lethal dose of silver nitrate is 10 g orally. The constant ingestion of silver in doses exceeding the maximum allowable leads to the development of chronic poisoning, called argyria. The first sign of chronic poisoning with silver and its compounds is increased pigmentation of the iris.
Silver is also deposited in the skin, hair, and other organs. There is a discoloration of exposed areas of the skin, which is due to the transition of silver accumulated in the skin into its compounds, such as silver sulfide. In some cases, silver can have a positive effect, which manifests itself in stimulating the production of melanin.