Characteristics for a preschooler pmpk ready. Material on the topic: psychological and pedagogical characteristics for the PMPK

Ainura Akmatova
Pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child at PMPK (sample)

Description: This material will be useful for preschool teachers.

Pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child

MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 000 of a compensating type"

Full name of the child Ivanova Maria Ivanovna

Maria has been attending kindergarten since September 2016. The adaptation period went quite well: she did not get sick, she quickly got used to children and adults. Currently, she goes to kindergarten with pleasure, although the morning parting with her mother is still accompanied by tears. During the day, from the very first days, he does not part with his "friend" Gosha (a small cover, "friend" does not let go of his hands under any pretext, even playing with children. Gosha assigns the main role and function in the game. Playing with children, not uses speech as a means of communication, uses gestures and facial expressions.For all its peculiarities, it is very easy and quick to establish contact with their peers.In communicating with an already familiar teacher, with whom he directly spends time, he also easily comes into contact, unfortunately, for example, with a teacher who suddenly came to replace, the connection is selective, it is often almost impossible to establish it.The child can become seriously ill.

In play activities, he assigns himself the main role, he can independently organize a role-playing game, a dramatization game, he can regulate play relations between children, he does not need special help from adults. He pays much attention to noisy and active games, preferring to play exclusively with his comrades. Conflict situations in the game are solved only by crying, can resort to forceful methods. Toys are used in accordance with their functional purpose. In the game, he takes the position of an organizer, less often a performer, and uses sign language in communication.

Interest in learning activities is actively showing, unfortunately, the mother brings the child to kindergarten, after the end of classes, or to their end. Maria is well revealed in individual communication. At the rare classes she attended, for example: on acquaintance with others, she can show objects, domestic and wild animals, vegetables, fruits, transport. Shares information with educators about his family, in “his own language”. She actively answers the teacher's questions, but her speech is not understandable for children, she uses gestures, begins to explain on her fingers. During the year I learned to pronounce individual words, mostly the names of two or three peers. The general sound of speech is unintelligible. Comprehension of addressed speech - in full. Connected speech is babble. Dictionary - the absence of words, replacing them with facial expressions, gestures, onomatopoeia.

In the classroom for productive activities (sculpting, appliqué, drawing), he does not really need the help of an adult. Technical skills are very well developed, crafts are expressive and original, she draws beautifully according to the model, sometimes she shows independent creativity. In physical education classes, the girl is very mobile, she strives to do exercises with high quality. Temporal and spatial representations are not formed.

The child's CGT and self-care skills are independent.

The general characteristic of behavior - often shows excessive mobility. The regime of the day is observed according to the established rules. Responds adequately to the remark and approval of an adult.

In communication with peers, she is selective, mostly plays in a group of 2-3 people. He tries to bring the work he has begun to the end, does not violate the sequence of actions. The help of adults accepts willingly. The attention of the child is not stable, short-term. He does not notice his defect.

The mood with people she knows is always cheerful. Maria's mother is interested in the development and upbringing of the child, but does not always try to follow all the recommendations of teachers.

Head of MKDOU - Petrova Anna Petrovna

Teachers: Sidorova Inessa Ivanovna

Kuznetsova Daria Vladimirovna

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Pedagogical characteristics

on Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

Date of birth: 24.10.2009 (5 years 11 months)

Ivan entered the MADOU DSKN No. 4 in Sosnovoborsk on 11/02/2012. The adaptation was easy. The compensatory group for children with speech disorders has been attending since 10/08/2014. Currently, he goes to kindergarten with a desire.

Home address: st. Party Komsomol, house 6, apt. 2.

Family information:

Mother: Ivanova Svetlana Ivanovna, born in 1980

Place of work: unemployed.

Father: Ivanov Boris Ivanovich, born in 1977

Education: secondary - special.

Place of work: IHZ, fitter.

The family is complete, lives in a two-room apartment. Material wealth is below average. Ivan has a younger brother Kostya born in 2014. Parents do not take part in the activities of the kindergarten and the group, do not interact with teachers, do not do homework on the instructions of a speech therapist, do not follow advice and recommendations. At home, the boy likes to play with cars, collect puzzles, watch cartoons. The child does not have a play area. The whole family spends leisure time together: walking, relaxing in nature.

Ivan II has a health group. General motor skills are underdeveloped. There are no chronic diseases, but the child has many absences due to illness. Leading hand is right. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. Falls asleep quickly, long sleep.

When communicating with adults and peers, Ivan uses elementary forms of politeness (he can thank, apologize, say hello, say goodbye). The boy learned social norms of behavior and rules in various activities.

He does not master the basic general educational program of a preschool institution for all types of activities. Inactive, cognitive motivation is not sufficiently formed. The proposed material is remembered only after repeated repetition, the guiding and teaching assistance of the teacher is required. Cannot explain this or that action, situation, task, using a detailed emotionally colored statement. Can concentrate on one type of activity for 30 minutes, without being distracted by extraneous objects not directly related to the actual activity. Cannot always establish causal relationships. He does not fully retain the instruction, he needs its gradual presentation.

Ivan distinguishes flat geometric shapes. Knows the main colors of the spectrum and their shades. Not well enough oriented in space, on a sheet of paper. Does not own speech formulations to designate the spatial properties of objects and the relationships between them. Can count forward and backward within 10. Cannot name seasons, days of the week, parts of the day, months.

The child willingly participates in choral singing and performing musical and rhythmic movements. With a desire to take part in the holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten.

Ivan copes with the standards of this age in physical culture at a low level. Skills in the main types of movements are not formed. Experiencing difficulties in working with the ball, jumping, throwing. With desire participates in competitive games.

Vanya is uncertain about scissors, a brush and a pencil. Paints and hatches, going beyond the outline. He engages in visual activity with desire, shows creativity, his works are distinguished by accuracy. In design, the ideas are poor, monotonous.

Previously disturbed sounds were delivered to Ivan, he pronounces them correctly in isolation, but not a single sound is automated. Vocabulary is not age appropriate. The grammatical structure is not well formed. The child in the dialogue uses simple phrases. Retelling a short literary work can only be done with help; it is difficult to compose a coherent story based on a series of plot pictures. He likes to participate in dramatization games, playing his role insecurely. Language analysis and synthesis skills are insufficiently developed. The boy does not know all the letters of the Russian alphabet, he does not know how to read

Vanya is a friendly and calm boy. He makes contact with adults and children, but does not show initiative in communication. Is not a leader. Tries to avoid conflict situations. With desire participates in the games offered by other children. For a long time he can engage in one type of play activity without accompanying the game with speech statements. With interest plays board, role-playing, outdoor games.

The boy is not able to choose an occupation on his own, he does not turn to adults for help. Carries out instructions from the teacher. The child is not formed self-regulation of their own actions.

Ivan is distinguished by sensitivity, impressionability. Able to distinguish the moods of other people. In affective situations, he shows negative emotions, expressing it with facial expressions and gestures. He is emotional about his failures. The pace of activity is below average.

The observance of the rules of personal hygiene of the child requires constant monitoring. Ivan comes to kindergarten in unkempt clothes, with dirty nails.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristicsstudent of the __ class of the GKOU correctional boarding school of the YIII type in Volgodonsk _____________________________
Date of Birth:

Home address:

1.General awareness
The child hardly comes into contact, has an insufficient level of knowledge about himself, his family, the world around him. The scope is limited. The dictionary is poor, inaccurate.
2. Gross motor skills
There is imperfection of general motor skills, general lethargy, inaccuracy of movements, impaired coordination of movements, difficulty in maintaining balance if necessary, and difficulty in regulating the pace of movements.
3. Fine motor skills
The child does not coordinated finger movements, the ability to make small, precise movements at the household level. There is a lack of formation of motor skills of graphic activity.
4. Features of perception
Primary colors, geometric shapes, does not know the value or confuses, does not correlate the word with the subject; has difficulty recognizing an object; difficulties in perceiving the plot image (the plot as a whole does not perceive, lists the depicted).
5. Features of attention
The child cannotfocus on a task for a long time; not able to to the distribution and switching of attention from one type of activity to another. Manifests distraction of attention to the secondary with the loss of the main, observed significant difficulty concentrating, insufficient level of voluntary attention.
6 . Memory Features
FROM the preservation of information is difficult; dominated by mechanical memory. P When playing material, he constantly forgets details, needs leading questions, introduces fictitious borrowings, repeats individual phrases, but cannot state the main meaning, makes numerous mistakes in the playback sequence, distorts the meaning; concentrates on secondary objects, does not capture the main idea of ​​the content.
7 . Features of thinking
Not establishes causal relationships; when performing a task, it needs constant support on a model, the help of a teacher; sequence of actions to complete a taskinstalls or installs with; inconsistent and illogical in his judgments.
8 . Behavioral features
Take place behavioral disorders, bad habits. D dominant hobbies and interests s are weakly expressed. AT relationships with peers and eldersbenevolent. BUT inadequate to relatives, peers. Can not obey the demands of adults.
9 . Features of the emotional-volitional sphere
Child motor disinhibited, emotional reactions are inadequate,may appear affective outbursts, manifests tendency to rejection reactions, anger.
1 0 . performance
R operability low. Child weary, weary, absent-minded in class, not assiduous. Observed sharp fluctuationsperformance throughout the lesson, day, week, academic year; pace of work slowed down.

1 1 . Characteristics of oral speech

In speech d pronunciation effects, insufficient level l ex stock. Sentences used child uncommon, incomplete; builds statements with the help of a teacher.
1 2 . Characteristics of school-significant skills
When performing tasks en way exercise control over their own activities in a visual pattern.
1 3 . Learning Skills Assessment
Program material assimilates at a low level.
Mathematics: Experiencing significant difficulties in the implementation of mathematical operations; ratio
and numbers and numbers.
Reading: Reading pace
slowed down, reading method - letter by letter e, retelling on leading questions, fragmentary.
1 4 . Attitude towards learning activities
Learning motivation is not formed:does not respond to the teacher's words during the lesson; does not understand that during the lesson you have to sit, listen and work; plays with educational supplies like a small child. P accepts guidanceadult. Poor self-service and work skills.


3rd grade student

MKOU ______________ secondary school



residing at:


Studying at home (decision of the PMPK dated May 25, 2012)according to the work program developed on the basis of the Program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, edited by VV Voronkova.

Living conditions. Features of family education

He is brought up in an incomplete family. M ama, __________________________________, is a housewife, devotes a lot of time to her son, tries to cooperate with the teacher. The social and living conditions of the family are satisfactory, the financial situation is average.

Other information about the child (any additional information)

The child has an insufficient level of knowledge about himself, his family, the world around him. The scope is limited.The skills of spatial orientation are incompletely formed, poorly oriented in the basic concepts of time, it is difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena of reality.

When entered the institution, according to which program he studied, academic performance

Arrived at MKOU _________________ secondary school from MKOU ___________ OOSH on November ____, 2014.Program material on writing and reading, mathematics assimilates poorly. Educational knowledge and skills do not correspond to the age norm. But during the training period, the boy has a certain dynamics in the development of cognitive activity.

Attitude towards work, behavior

Learning motivation in _________________ is not fully formed, there is no desire to learn.

Responses to academic success and failure

He is sincerely happy with his academic success. Sometimesvery painfully experiences the slightest failure or mistake, in these cases he abruptly switches to an irritable state (may refuse to work, throws a pen, ruler, lies down on the table)

Relationships with peers and elders

By nature, the boy is kind, freely and easily comes into contact with the teacher, shows joy at the meeting.

Vocabulary poor, limited

Formation of speech

There are pronunciation defects in speech. The sentences used by the child are not common, incomplete. Builds statements with the help of a teacher, cannot draw a simple logical conclusion. Difficulty in drawing up a sentence from the picture.

Study skills

Experiencing difficulties in mastering the program material, reveals insufficiently formed basic educational skills and abilities.


In educational activities, he needs organizing assistance and the approval of the teacher at all stages of the lesson.

Cannot plan his activities, has difficulty correcting a mistake, even if it is indicated.

Attention involuntary, unstable, with great tension switches from one type of activity to another. At the lessons is distracted by any external stimuli.

performance low. There is high motor activity, restlessness. Accepts training instructions, but cannot work on them independently. If he sees that there is no adult nearby, he stops working. The ability to volitional effort is reduced, often does not bring the work begun to the end, is lazy.

Memory mechanical, the volume is insignificant. It takes a long time to master even a small amount of material.Saving information is difficult. When playing material, he constantly forgets details, needs leading questions.


The operations of comparison and generalization are possible only with the constant organizing and accompanying help of an adult. Causal relationships cannot be established. Does not correlate the studied material with the proposed supports.

Mathematical knowledge and skills

He mastered direct counting within 20, finds it difficult to count backwards. Names the next and previous number only based on the number series. Does not know the composition of the numbers of the first ten, solves examples for addition and subtraction within ten using a ruler, counting sticks. Can compare single and double digit numbers. Knows geometric shapes, can independently draw segments of a given length without the help of a teacher.

With the help of a teacher, he solves problems on finding the sum and the remainder.

Compliance of reading technique with the requirements of the school curriculum

Reads by syllables, reading technique - 5 words per minute. When reading long words with a confluence of consonants, he has great difficulty. He learns poetry by heart with great difficulty, quickly forgets.

Retelling according to plan and without it

Can't retell what they read.

Text comprehension

The read text reproduces on leading questions.

Writing technique

Fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed.Makes careless notes in a notebook. Doesn't follow calligraphy rules. Forgets writing individual letters. Learned to translate from printed text into written. But at the same time there is a mechanical write-off. Under dictation, I learned to write open syllables, separate two-syllable words that do not have a confluence of consonants. Grammar categories are not learned.


Head teacher ________________ ________________

Teacher _________________ ________________

Oksana Startseva
Characteristics for a child 4–5 years old for submission to the PMPK


Per pupil "MADO". r. living in address:.

Family Composition: mother -. r., education. place of work -. ; father -. ,. city ​​of birth, education., place of work -.

Attends kindergarten and this group since July 2014. Has no chronic diseases. Kindergarten visits with desire. There is a good relationship with the guys in the team.

By character. - modest and polite child; easily comes into contact with children; helps comrades to carry out various assignments of adults, responds with pleasure to the requests of comrades; kind and considerate. She dresses herself, always looks after her appearance, toys and books. She loves to be praised.

With the program of the middle group. copes. Differentiates the concept "one-many", distinguishes, recognizes and names primary colors, orients itself in space and time. The girl knows the right and left sides, the seasons. Parts of the day and days of the week are still difficult to name correctly.

Has difficulty speaking in full proposals. During classes, the girl listens to the speech of the teacher, tries to remember new material. Speech consists of simple proposals words are not clear.

The development of fine motor skills is age appropriate.

Easily switches from one activity to another.

When performing tasks on application, design, modeling and drawing, he compares his work with the model, tries to bring what he started to the end. In case of difficulties in completing tasks, she willingly accepts the help of adults, carefully monitors the actions of the educator.

A girl can attract comrades to the game to interest, assign roles. The game uses items - substitutes, conducts a dialogue with all participants, corrects the actions of comrades, collects toys after the game and attracts those who played with her. Most attention. devotes to role-playing games, but also plays board games with pleasure.

In the event of conflict situations in the game, he tries to resolve the conflict on his own, in case of failure, he turns to an adult.

Active on a walk, with interest, together with other children, participates in observations. The girl has developed self-service skills in accordance with her age. She is neat, knows how to dress, undress, fasten buttons and zippers on her own, helps her comrades. Leading hand right.

During daytime sleep, he falls asleep immediately. Sleep is calm.

He is brought up in a complete family, where both parents participate in the upbringing.

The teachers of the group are concerned about the lag in speech development child.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the PMPK.

educators: ___

Head of MADOU No. ___

FROM characteristic parents are familiar with ___ / ___ /

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