How to prepare for a history test. Preparing for Exams: How to Memorize More Easily

The anecdote that a student can learn Chinese overnight became a boyan almost under our great-grandfathers. And although not all students, preparing for exams, choose the sprint strategy, it is still the image of the poor fellow, squeezing a textbook into his skull on the night before the exam, that dominates the mass perception of the session.

Getting ready overnight is an act of student prowess, an act of bravado. It's like eating a pot of pasta without sauce and oil. The student must be hungry and remember the exam on the eve of it! In fact, of course, student life is not so extreme, but there are enough sprinters at any faculty.

Where do they come from? A significant part of the sprinters are idlers and freeloaders. But there are also many born sprinters-deadline workers who manage to pass exams with excellent marks. Psychologists say that these homo sapiens have a strong impulsive component of temperament. They are spurred on by an adrenaline rush.

By the way, if the sprint strategy for preparing for the exam is already good (with all its many shortcomings), it’s because you don’t need to specifically work on motivation, like or. And so the adrenaline through the roof.

So, how can you optimize your exam preparation process if you are a born (or forced to become) sprinter? How to prepare for the exam in a day? Per day? Or even overnight?

16 Exam Preparation Tips for the Incorrigible Sprinter

  1. Need to sleep! Sounds ridiculous, especially if you're going to sit through textbooks and lectures all night. However, we are absolutely serious. If you remembered the exam not at midnight before it, but a little earlier, prepare for the sprint with a quality rest. After returning from a party, preparing for an exam is much more difficult.

Do not forget also that it is sleep that is our main assistant in fixing information in long-term memory. Surely you have heard about the sign - they say, you need to fall asleep before the exam with a textbook under your pillow. This sign has a powerful psychological basis. Therefore, it is best to prepare for the exam during the day, and sleep at night and consolidate what you have learned.

If you are still preparing for the exam at night, sleep in the morning for 1.5 or 3 hours. This will help activate the processes of "tamping", assimilation of information. Why exactly 1.5 or 3 hours? Because . Wake up easier, better rest.

  1. An equally important task is not to fall asleep! In preparation. Coffee, dark chocolate are the classics of nightly pre-exam vigils. Interestingly, cappuccino, latte or regular coffee with milk or condensed milk work even better than espresso, as they are stimulated not only by caffeine, but also by a powerful dose of carbohydrates.

Try not to abuse energy drinks, after all, these redbulls are harmful to the body. But if you decide to spur yourself on energy drinks, then don’t drink coffee, just one thing. The same goes for Coca-Cola: by mixing it with coffee, you run the risk of having a heart attack in the hospital, and not at the examiner's appointment. Or or.

Is it worth stimulating the brain with drugs? Is that eleutherococcus, ginseng and safe nootropics ("Glycine", "Piracetam", which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription). But the problem is that these funds need to be taken in courses, the effect will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks. On the Internet, you can find such advice: they say, if you decide to prepare for the exam in 1 day or overnight, gobble up a couple of Glycine tablets. So, if you have never taken this drug before, you should not experiment. You can get the opposite effect:

  1. What to eat during the sprint preparation for the exam? Nuts are the best refueling. A great snack for a student immersed in learning is a sandwich of whole grain bread, honey and nuts. Salmon and avocado sandwiches are good for snacking. Another option is sandwiches with noble cheese (with mold), honey and pear / grapes.

If you are preparing for an exam in the afternoon, be sure to start this day with a healthy energy breakfast (this will start the metabolic processes and make the brain work more efficiently). Lunches and dinner should give energy, but not be dense and greasy: otherwise it will make you sleepy.

  1. Rest! Yes, yes, you need to give yourself a little rest, even if you only have 8 to 12 hours to prepare for the exam. During each hour, set aside 5 to 10 minutes for rest:
  • Meditation, breathing exercises are excellent methods for relieving stress and increasing concentration.
  • Stretching and / or a full-fledged physical workout - this will help relieve tension in the muscles, activate blood flow to the brain.
  • "Resetting the Brain"- five minutes of nothingness (if you are afraid to fall asleep, set an alarm).
  1. Be sure to hide under the "glass cap". Prepare for the exam in a relaxed atmosphere, exclude external stimuli to the maximum. Naturally, cut down all sorts of Skype, ICQ and the like.

What is the best way to study the material in order to prepare for the exam in a day?

And now let's move on to the methods and technologies of ramming into the gray matter all the knowledge that needed to be crammed there during the semester.

  1. What questions to learn first?Tactics will have to be chosen taking into account the circumstances:
  • If during the semester you have already acquired some knowledge, start learning exam questions about which you already have an idea. This sets the stage for exploring related topics.
  • The second option is to progressively move strictly according to the logic of the topics being studied. This principle should be followed in cases where each subsequent topic is based on the previous ones.
  • If you are a follower mnemotechnologies "House" ("Palaces of Mind"), it makes sense to learn tickets one after another, “arranging” information in each new room and hanging a sign with the ticket number on the door (“house” may well be a “hotel”).
  • It is better to leave the most difficult questions for a snack, be sure to allocate enough time for them, and the easy ones should be learned first.
  • However, there is an opposite opinion - the difficult one must be taught first, while concentration and energy are at their peak.

Perhaps the choice of tactics is an individual thing ... The main thing is to be consistent, and not rush from ticket to ticket!

  1. Do you suspect that you will not have time to learn all the questions? You should not play roulette, hoping that you will get the right ticket. It is more expedient to do this: ideally (well, or at least more or less) learn the first questions of each ticket. And on the second - walk a little. A brisk start will ensure you the goodwill of the teacher. Even if you “swim” in the second question, the chances of passing the exam for a decent grade are very good.
  1. What to do if you do not have information on some exam tickets? The most important thing is to find out at the very beginning of your sprint race. In this case, there is a chance to find a student lancer who will prepare answers and / or spurs for you in a few hours of nightly vigils. Perhaps the necessary information can be obtained from a classmate who will send it by e-mail. Therefore, start preparing for the exam by reviewing the exam questions and sources of knowledge.
  1. Limit the flow of information on each issue. It will not be possible to thoroughly delve into the topics being studied, therefore it is very important that all the information being studied be relevant, presented briefly and structured. A short answer instead of a textbook chapter is what a sprinter needs, who has only 10 to 30 minutes to study one question. Where can I get these answers to exam questions? Ask high school students for high-quality spurs, order answers to exam tickets from student lancers.
  1. Don't get hung up on individual questions. Do not allow yourself to spend 2-3 hours on one question. Set a timer, it mobilizes.
  1. Your task is understanding, not memorization. Try to understand what you are studying in order to tell in your own words on the exam (and in extreme cases, to speculate). Find logical connections between the studied blocks of information. By the way, the most successful sprinters are erudite and logicians with well-spoken languages, capable of creating a full-fledged answer on a minimal information base.
  1. Reduce the array of information on each issue to a few theses. Structure and simplify! Create an information "concentrate" on the basis of which you will respond. Each thesis is a package with a “concentrate”, pulling the development of thoughts, associations, logical constructions.

It is the theses that make sense to run through your eyes an hour before the exam. It is in the theses that cheat sheets should be prepared.

One of the thesis technologies for preparing for an exam and in general for any speech is three sentence method. Put in them the most important thing: the problem, the main idea, the final conclusion.

  1. Use mnemonics to remember precise information (dates, formulas, rules, definitions, etc.). The method of associations and the already mentioned method of "House" ("Halls of the Mind") have proven themselves well.
  1. Arm yourself with a pen. Fine motor skills activate the work of the brain, including memorization processes. In the process of studying the material, build diagrams, chronological lines, neural maps. All this, by the way, can become the basis for compiling cheat sheets.
  1. When studying the material, focus on your type of memory: visual, auditory or kinetic.
  1. Get ready for the two of you. Speak topics, explain them to each other.(This technology will not allow you to slip away - of course, if the comrades are also set to study; it is better not to start this enterprise with "saboteurs").

By the way, it was with the help of this method that the author of this article prepared “excellently” for the exam in 8 hours, which he remembered about somewhere around midnight. After the birthday. In the campus. With true friends. With a glass of champagne in one hand, a piece of cake in the other, and a textbook on her lap

There is something to remember!

How to prepare for a discussion

Discussion(from lat. discussio- consideration, research) - dispute, discussion of an issue; implies competence in the issues under discussion and compliance with the norms of controversy.

The following disadvantages reduce the effectiveness of discussions:

The dispute is not on the merits (misunderstanding by some participants of the problems under consideration, their unpreparedness for discussion);

Disrespect for opponents, intolerance for other people's opinions and inability to defend one's own views and beliefs;

Superficiality of judgments and suggestions;

Underdevelopment of ideas about the art of polemics.

The discussion must be carefully prepared. It is necessary to delve into the essence of the main ideas and provisions of the theory, to comprehend them, to think over the arguments "for" and "against". It is useful to refer to the literature on the art of discussion available in the library.

credit- this is a form of attestation of students, quality control of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by them. To successfully pass the test, you need to prepare in advance and carefully for it:

Understand the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities imposed on the student by the state educational standard in management psychology;

Identify gaps in knowledge, guided by the curriculum;

Draw up an individual plan-schedule for preparation for the test;
repeat all topics and sections of management psychology, using lecture notes, notes during seminars, recommended literature;

Systematize and concretize knowledge, evaluate their quality through the prism of control questions for the test.

If something is not clear, you have questions - consult with the teacher. Consultations can be used to deepen knowledge, fill in gaps, but without careful self-thinking, a conversation with a consultant will be superficial and will not give the desired result.

Stick to the preparation schedule. Reasonably combine intense preparation for certification with meaningful leisure. Give yourself a set learn material, and not just understand it and become familiar with it. Highlight the main thing, structure information using a plan, diagrams, reference notes for this. Distribute the repetition of the material in time.

In the process of repetition, all the knowledge accumulated during the study of the program material is analyzed and systematized: textbook data, lecture notes, abstracts of books read, notes taken during consultations and seminars. In no case should you limit yourself to only one abstract, and even more so - other people's notes. Notes and abstracts are purely individual things, understandable only to the author. Preparing for other people's notes, you can easily make very gross mistakes.

After receiving the assignment on the test, carefully comprehend the formulated questions. You will have time to develop a detailed plan for answering questions. However, there is no need (or time) to write down in detail everything you know on the subject. Think carefully about what you tell the teacher.

Answer calmly, confidently, without rushing. Avoid general reasoning and verbosity (do not "pour water"). State your thoughts concisely and consistently. The main task of the student is reveal the essence of the questions indicated in the assignment for the test.

Do not be embarrassed if the teacher asks additional questions, taking into account your creative activity at seminars, attitudes towards lectures and other forms of the educational process. With an increase in the number of missed classes, the opportunity to receive additional questions from the teacher increases.

However, there is also good news. You have the opportunity to avoid additional stressful loads and get credit "automatic". To do this, actively work at seminars and lectures, do not miss
classes without a good reason. The teacher specifies the requirements for "automatic" credit at the first seminar session.

In accordance with the exact meaning of the English original under rating refers to "cumulative estimate" or "history-based estimate". The meaning of the term "rating" is revealed in the "Big Dictionary of Foreign Words" (M., Tsentrpoligraf, 2001):

1. An individual numerical indicator of the qualification assessment of the achievements of an athlete in any kind of sport.

2. An individual indicator of the assessment of the current popularity of a person, organization, group.

Despite the fact that this definition does not say anything about the use of the term in pedagogical practice, it highlights several important aspects of the concept. First, the rating number,
and, therefore, a certain mathematical processing is required to obtain it. Second, rating determines the place in the classification list, which means that ranking is inextricably linked with the procedure for determining the rating.

An important feature of the rating is a fairly high degree of objectivity of the method. Clarity and rigor, leaving no room for emotions, bias, earned the rating as an individual numerical indicator of a person's achievements deserved popularity in various areas of his activity. The rating system can be defined as a special type of testing that uses traditional types of control (current, thematic, final), its traditional forms (checking homework, colloquia, testing, tests, exams, individual assignments), traditional methods (written, oral, practical).

Distinctive properties of the rating system are the following: the continuous and total nature of the check; the check is carried out according to clear rules agreed in advance with the students; according to the results of the check, students are ranked by assigning a rating to each of them; when determining the rating, to a greater extent than usual, mathematical and statistical methods are used. According to the rating system, a clear accounting system for the work performed by each student is established. This record must be kept by the teacher and can be presented to the student at any time.

When working on modular rating system the academic discipline is divided into large blocks (modules) , each of which contains completed sections of the studied course. The course is being taught in stages.
In this educational and methodical complex, all educational material is divided into four blocks. Upon completion of the study of each of them, a control of the assimilation of knowledge will be carried out. In addition, attendance, the activity of students in the process of practical classes are taken into account. The preparation of messages, the performance of creative tasks, participation in scientific conferences contribute to the increase in the student's rating.

We will use a type of rating called fissile. It is a creative development of the idea of ​​a grade point average. During the control, the teacher assigns grades for different types of work and, dividing them by the total number of grades, receives the final rating score. Such a score is tied to the usual grading system, differentiated and fairly accurately reflects the level of knowledge. Since the final operation in calculating the rating score in this case is division, hence the name of this type of rating. To receive an “automatic” credit, the final rating score, calculated as the average score for all types of work performed by the student, must be at least 7.

Causes of barriers are given in parentheses.

Samygin S.I., Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology of management. - Rostov-on-Don, 1997. S.461-463.

Structural methods of conflict resolution, see: Management Psychology: A Course of Lectures /L.K. Averchenko [and others]; resp. ed. M.V. Udaltsov. - Novosibirsk, 1997. - S. 89.

If the question of how to prepare for a session makes you nervous, raises your anxiety levels and deprives you of mental balance, you should definitely buy a chainsaw. What for? You will learn about this from our article.

Before you - 7 Actionable Tips for Preparing for a Session. If you already had to become the main character of a horror movie called The Session Is Coming, do not choose the role of a victim. Don't be afraid of the session, let the session be afraid of you!

Honestly, the session is not so terrible as it is painted! What scares you the most? Psychologists say: 1) uncertainty; 2) the inability to influence the situation.

Uncertainty is a factor that makes a child afraid of the dark and a first-year student in awe of a session. How to deal with this problem? (Not with darkness, but with the session). Find out as much as possible about what awaits you:

  • Find out what and when you need to take (tests, exams), make a schedule - this will help distribute forces. Drive the schedule into a computer and smartphone so that it is always at hand. For clarity, it can even be printed on A3 sheet and hung on the wall.
  • Find out the conditions for admission to each test. Write down the conditions directly in the schedule, under a specific exam or test. For example: you need to pass an essay for admission to white magic, to work out all the missed lectures and seminars for black magic, to pass a colloquium for the fireball throwing exam, for the magic potions preparation exam - do not forget about three laboratory, otherwise this witch devoured with offal. More or less like this
  • With the help of undergraduates and other sources of information () to collect information about how the passing of one or another test, exam, make psychological portraits of teachers.
  • Learn from older brothers in mind, as well as from the teachers themselves, what sources (lectures, textbooks, articles, monographs) are best used to prepare for exams.
  • Find out exactly how to pass the "tails", how many exams you can "flunk" and when there will be an additional session. Hopefully you won't need this information, but having it will reduce your feelings of anxiety. After all, if you know, the terrible uncertainty (what will happen if I don’t pass?!) Turns into a backup plan of action (didn’t pass? Let’s move from plan A to plan B).

The second fear factor is the feeling that you are not in control of the situation. This factor, by the way, underlies aerophobia. It is difficult for a person to understand how this multi-ton thing stays in the air, he is tormented by the feeling that he is completely dependent on the pilots and, in general, on the air element, but he cannot do anything himself. Therefore, one of the ways to treat aerophobia is a detailed explanation of the principles of aircraft operation and the basics of aerodynamics. And if a person is allowed into the cockpit to “steer” or sit next to the pilot in a small plane or helicopter, in most cases he ceases to be afraid of flying, since he feels about the same as next to the driver of a car.

Do you understand what's the matter? You need to gain control of the situation. Understand what and how. It is the lack of control over the situation that causes fear of the session not only among first-year students, but also among seasoned students who had a negative experience of “cleaning up the tails”. Therefore, in order to combat confusion before the session, after the information gathering stage, it is necessary to consider your further actions:

  • What do I need to do to prepare for the session?
  • Where can I get the required study materials?
  • How best to prepare for the session in order to be in time, what preparation methods to use?

Answers should be specific, constructive!

So, in general, the panic was dealt with. There is a willingness to constructively address the challenges ahead. But how, how to overcome this mass of abstracts, textbooks, scientific journals, multi-ton collected works?! You have collected information about the session, overcoming the unknown, but the block seems unbearable.

What to do? Grab a chainsaw!

One of the basic principles of time management says that to eat an elephant, you need to cook a pile of steaks out of it.

Firstly, immediately starting to eat such a whopper is so scary that you want to postpone this activity until later. The task seems unrealistic (you will burst, baby).

  • Secondly, biting off from the trunk, then from the left leg, then from the right, then from the area around the tail, you lose the logic of work. Eat steaks one by one, that is, divide the work into specific tasks and subtasks.
  • Thirdly, “biting” and gnawing the elephant from different sides, even with a tightly stuffed stomach, you will see in front of you an almost undiminished hulk. Dividing the carcass into steaks allows you to evaluate the amount of work done.

In general, make the most specific, divided into tasks and subtasks, a plan for preparing and passing the session. And Bon Appetit!

Now imagine yourself as the President. Well, or at least the director of a large enterprise. If the deadlines are running out, the mountain of steaks is still untouched, and the teachers are already hinting at a free life outside the university walls - imagine yourself as an anti-crisis manager.

  • Choose the best strategy for preparing for each of the exams and tests.
  • Identify priorities (the most difficult subjects and topics for you; tests and exams of the most strict teachers; the most urgent and important abstract reports). Rank tasks by importance. It makes no sense to dedicate the lion's share of the credit to the teacher, who will put all the signatures in the student's record book, without listening to the answers, to the detriment of preparing for a difficult exam.
  • Set up supplies. Find out who you can get notes from, whether you can download the necessary books on the Internet, how much it will cost to order a test or cheat sheets from student lancers (if necessary).
  • Delegate some tasks to those who can help you. For example, student lancers. They will be happy to help you gnaw not only an elephant, but a whole brontosaurus
  • Have conversations, make connections. Get in touch with teachers. A significant part of the problems with non-permissions can be resolved through negotiations.
  • Get reporting. Not only plan your preparation for the session, but also mark the milestones you have passed.

By the way, these skills will be useful to you in your professional life!

However, many students preparing for the session like another role - the role of a commander. This is a matter of taste and temperament. Treat tests and exams like battles and military campaigns, develop your personal strategy and tactics for a victorious war. Decide where to throw the main forces, where to plan a breakthrough of the blockade, and where to attract the resources of the allies. Student Lend-Lease stews are not sent out, but they are provided with cheat sheets, reports, control, laboratory and abstracts.

Work on your motivation. The stronger the motivation, the easier it is to prepare for the session. Determine the goals of this training for yourself. Write, draw, print motivators. Hang on the walls, put in notebooks and textbooks.

Keep in mind that goals such as "Don't drop out of high school", "Don't thunder into the army", "Don't get scolded by your ancestors", and even "Get a scholarship" do not work well. Develop motivation that affects aspects of self-realization, future professional achievements. Well, something like "I'm preparing for a session so that in ten years I'll be a cool specialist and buy a villa in Sorrento."

Oh, by the way: do not start motivators with denial. Forget about the "not" particle. Motivators should be positive, affirmative. Even the primitive “Stay at the university” motivates the subconscious mind better than “Don't drop out of the university”, and a simple “Pass the session” is better than “Don't flunk the session”.

Another trick: set rewards. Both intermediate and global. This enhances motivation.

Do you feel that, despite all the motivators, you are being sucked into a swamp of boredom? Treat the session like a game. After all, you don’t need to be motivated to your favorite tanks or spaceships, or what do you like to play there? So the session can become an exciting quest - it all depends on your attitude!

Join this game early! Especially if your university has a point-rating system of admissions or simply teachers very closely monitor your progress during the semester.

Even if you are a fan sprint exam preparation strategy(simply speaking, ready to learn Chinese overnight), the battle plan must be drawn up in advance. After all, in addition to preparing for tests and exams, the session includes many other things. And sometimes getting admission to all these exams and tests is a more difficult task than preparing answers.

Underestimation of these moments often leads to a disaster for very smart guys who can answer any question of the examiner on the fly ... And self-confidently come to the exam, not taking into account the fact that they do not have permission. Especially dangerous for such students are lecturers-bureaucrats, buried in piles of reports-abstracts. Even more dangerous are the narcissistic teachers who are crazy about their own lectures. And, of course, those who believe that this delight should be shared by the rest of humanity, and who skips lectures is an enemy of the people and a candidate for expulsion.

To successfully prepare for the session and not thunder to the neurologist, use these recommendations:

  • Learn the methods of mnemonics, concentration, get acquainted with the method of associations and other intellectual tricks that will help you better absorb information.
  • Create optimal working conditions for yourself. The optimal temperature for classes is 19 - 22 C, humidity - at the level of 50 - 60%. The best light is diffused daylight. Aromas of lemon and eucalyptus help to focus. Order on the table improves concentration. Learn to also say a firm “no” to gadgets, social media, and other distractions.
  • Optimize your nutrition. Include in the diet more often, and less often - beer and other graceless substances.
  • Sport is an excellent method of restoring the body after intellectual stress. It provides ideal switching of modes of activity.
  • Don't forget about rest. Do not load your camel with more than it can handle, otherwise, in the midst of a session, the poor fellow may collapse under the weight of a straw. But at the same time, do not forget that rest is a process of recuperation. after labor, not instead of.

You can do it! As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the session is not so scary, especially if you are armed with a chainsaw, motivators and a well-functioning brain. One of the problems that prevent you from preparing for the session is the dramatization of the situation. Remember how scary the cockroach from Chukovsky's fairy tale seemed to the little animals?

He growls and screams
And his mustache moves:
"Wait, don't rush
I'll swallow you up in no time!
I will swallow, I will swallow, I will not have mercy.
The animals trembled
Fell into a swoon...

Do not fall frills, do not exaggerate the scale of the tasks before you. This is just a session - one of many. Everything will be fine. Break through!

The test is a starting spurt before the examination session.

Importance of credit

Some students do not consider it particularly important, and rightly so. At least one failed test is a significant pretext to prevent a student from taking exams. It will take time to retake it, which will have to be allocated from the already short period of preparation for the exams.

Therefore, for first-year students, the question of how to pass the test is always relevant. Diligent students who regularly attend lectures, diligently prepare for practical classes and actively work at seminars, as a rule, have no particular problems with passing the test. Most teachers give such students a credit "automatically".

But even if not, then the work during the semester will not be in vain, the knowledge gained by the student will help him pass the test without any extra effort or you can.

Even if you are not a very diligent student or do not have much time to prepare during the academic semester, make it a rule to systematically learn important definitions, concepts, formulas. Very often this is enough to pass the exam successfully.

But what if, for some reason, a lot of classes were missed, and the material was not learned on time? How to pass the oral test in this case?

Choosing a day to prepare

Try to set aside at least one day that you can fully devote to preparing for the test. Proper organization of it will allow you to use every minute effectively:

  • When starting classes, you should turn off the music, TV, and exclude other distractions. If you live in a hostel and it is impossible to create a working environment, it is better to spend this day in the reading room.
  • Work should begin in the morning, when the quality of memorization is maximum.
  • It is almost impossible to learn all the material in one day. So review it carefully. Among the topics submitted for the test, for sure, there are those that you nevertheless learned in the course of classes. Just go through them, paying attention to the most important provisions.
  • From the rest of the topics, we write out the key points (formulas, concepts, theses, etc.). They need to be remembered. It would be nice to include some friends or relatives in the preparation who would ask you questions on these topics. Otherwise, control yourself by writing formulas several times on a piece of paper, formulating concepts, etc.
  • In the process of studying, you need to take a break, this will help to deposit the repeated material in your memory. During a break, you can be distracted, it is best to take a short walk, but in no case sit at a computer or smartphone.
  • You should not stay up late on the day of preparation until late at night, you should rest before the offset. At the end of the work and on the day of the test, you can briefly repeat the material on the sheet on which you wrote out the basic concepts or formulas.

Active preparation during the day, for sure, will help you show the teacher that you are oriented in the main topics covered during the semester, which is quite enough for a successful test.

But what if there is not even that day to prepare for the test? How to pass the test without preparing for it at all?

To do this, you should learn to control yourself under any circumstances. Not a single movement (chaotic rotation of the pen, crumpling of the sheet, etc.) should betray your excitement. A confident posture, a direct look into the examiner's eyes arouse his sympathy.

But, most importantly, one should not be silent, staring blankly at the table or sheet. Even if you “swim” in this topic, you should coherently and confidently present information that at least somehow relates to the topic.

But in order to successfully pass the test, it is still necessary to have at least a minimum of knowledge in this subject.

credit - this is a form of attestation of students, quality control of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by them. To successfully pass the test, you need to prepare in advance and carefully for it:

Understand the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities imposed on the student by the state educational standard in management psychology;

Identify gaps in knowledge, guided by the curriculum;

Draw up an individual plan-schedule for preparation for the test;
repeat all topics and sections of management psychology, using lecture notes, notes during seminars, recommended literature;

Systematize and concretize knowledge, evaluate their quality through the prism of control questions for the test.

If something is not clear, you have questions - consult with the teacher. Consultations can be used to deepen knowledge, fill in gaps, but without careful self-thinking, a conversation with a consultant will be superficial and will not give the desired result.

Stick to the preparation schedule. Reasonably combine intense preparation for certification with meaningful leisure. Give yourself a set learn material, and not just understand it and become familiar with it. Highlight the main thing, structure information using a plan, diagrams, reference notes for this. Distribute the repetition of the material in time.

In the process of repetition, all the knowledge accumulated during the study of the program material is analyzed and systematized: textbook data, lecture notes, abstracts of books read, notes taken during consultations and seminars. In no case should you limit yourself to only one abstract, and even more so - other people's notes. Notes and abstracts are purely individual things, understandable only to the author. Preparing for other people's notes, you can easily make very gross mistakes.

After receiving the assignment on the test, carefully comprehend the formulated questions. You will have time to develop a detailed plan for answering questions. However, there is no need (or time) to write down in detail everything you know on the subject. Think carefully about what you tell the teacher.

Answer calmly, confidently, without rushing. Avoid general reasoning and verbosity (do not "pour water"). State your thoughts concisely and consistently. The main task of the student is reveal the essence of the questions indicated in the assignment for the test.

Do not be embarrassed if the teacher asks additional questions, taking into account your creative activity at seminars, attitudes towards lectures and other forms of the educational process. With an increase in the number of missed classes, the opportunity to receive additional questions from the teacher increases.

However, there is also good news. You have the opportunity to avoid additional stressful loads and get credit "automatic". To do this, actively work at seminars and lectures, do not miss
classes without a good reason. The teacher specifies the requirements for "automatic" credit at the first seminar session.

End of work -

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Novopolotsk 2009

General psychology
1. Psychology as a science. Methods of psychology Psychology as a science: subject, tasks, significance, place in the system of sciences. The main directions of modern psychology. The concept of methodology

cognitive processes
Mental processes (sensations, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech) and attention, their features. 4. Mental states. Emotions and will. General concept of emotions

Social psychology and management psychology
7. The group and its influence on the individual. The concept of a group. Group classification. Small group, its characteristics and types. The concept of a team. Social status and social

Fundamentals of Pedagogy
10. Pedagogy as a science History of pedagogical ideas and educational practices. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences, its subject, tasks. Basic methodological principles and methods

The main historical stages in the development of psychological science
Since ancient times, the needs of social life have forced a person to distinguish and take into account the peculiarities of the mental make-up of people. The first ideas about the psyche were associated with animism (lat.

Structure of modern psychology
Despite the fact that a number of authors believe that psychology is a system of sciences that are at different stages of formation and are associated with various areas of practice, psychology as an integral scientific

The subject and main tasks of psychology
The specificity of scientific knowledge is given by the subject of scientific research and the methods corresponding to it, which allow revealing the patterns of the studied phenomena. What constitutes pre

The concept of methodology, its types. Basic methodological principles of psychology
Any science develops dynamically and progressively if it has, on the one hand, creative ideas put forward by scientists, and, on the other hand, fairly objective, accurate and reliable methods.

Levels of methodological analysis
PARTICULAR (SPECIAL) METHODOLOGY The set of principles applied in a certain area, the methodology of a separate science

The relationship of methodology, methods and research methods

Basic methodological principles

The development of the psyche in the process of ontogenesis and phylogenesis
The psyche is a property of highly organized living matter, which consists in the active reflection of the objective world by the subject, in the construction by the subject of a picture inalienable from him.

Neurophysiological mechanisms of the psyche
The nervous system is a hierarchical structure of nerve formations in the human body and vertebrates. Due to its work, contacts with the outside world are provided, real

Localization of higher mental functions
A significant role in the development of ideas about the functional organization of the brain belongs to the Soviet psychologist, the founder of neuropsychology in the USSR, Alexander Romanovich Luria (

Consciousness as the highest form of the psyche
Consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection of objective reality, as well as the highest level of self-regulation, inherent only to man as a social being.

The relationship of three levels of human mental activity: the unconscious, subconscious and conscious
The mental activity of a person, his psyche, function simultaneously in three interrelated levels: the unconscious, the subconscious and the conscious.

General psychological characteristics of activity
One of the most important features of a person is that he is able to work, and any kind of labor is an activity. Activity is a dynamic system

Feeling and Perception
Cognitive mental processes. The structure of information reception Human cognitive activity consists of a series of cognitive mental processes: sensations, perceptions

Out of date
Different types of sensations are characterized not only by specificity, but also by properties common to them. These properties include: - quality - noun

Relevant and
- irrelevant. Perception can be erroneous (illusory). An illusion is a distorted perception of a real-life reality.

General idea of ​​attention A person is constantly affected by many different stimuli. Human consciousness is not able to grasp simultaneously with sufficient clarity

Thinking and intelligence
The Essence of Thinking as a Cognitive Process

The concept of "imagination", its types and forms of manifestation Imagination is a mental process of creating new images based on previously perceived ones.

Emotional sphere of personality
General characteristics of the emotional sphere of a person

Individual personality traits
The specificity of human individuality is mediated by the entire history of the species Homo sapiens, which was refracted in the hereditary program. From the moment of his birth, the individual is a carrier

Temperament is one of the most significant biologically determined personality traits. Interest in this problem arose more than two and a half thousand years ago.

The concept of "character" describes the individual qualities of a person and his behavior. Character (Greek charakter - chasing, sign, feature) is a set

The second level of personality, which depends both on innate qualities and on their training, development and improvement, and influencing the success of a person’s activities, is considered with the help of

Personality in psychology
6.1. Personality theories in foreign and domestic psychology 6.2. The concepts of "personality", "subject", "individual", "individuality". The structure of personality. Development and socialization

Personality theories in foreign and domestic psychology
Personality psychology is a branch of science that allows you to understand the essence of human nature and individuality. Modern psychology cannot today offer a single

The concepts of "personality", "subject", "individual", "individuality". Personal development and socialization
The concept of "personality" is not purely psychological and is studied by other sciences and, for example, philosophy, sociology, and pedagogy. Each of the definitions of personality found in the scientific literature

A.N. Leontiev believed that personality is the social essence of a person, and therefore the temperament, character, abilities and knowledge of a person are not included in the structure of personality, but are conditions

Personal orientation
As the leading characteristic of personality, its orientation is singled out. There are different definitions of this concept, for example, “dynamic tendency” (S.L. Rubinshtein), “sense-forming m

Self-consciousness of the individual and her life path. I-personality concept
The specificity of a person’s conscious way of life lies in his ability to separate his “I” from his life environment in the representation of himself, to make his inner world an object of comprehension and

Personal defense mechanisms
The term "defense mechanisms" was proposed by 3. Freud in 1926. At present, psychological protection is understood as the way in which a person

intrapersonal conflict
Intrapersonal conflict is a conflict within the mental world of a person, a clash of its oppositely directed needs, values, goals.

The concept of motive. Theories of motivation. Motivational sphere of personality
In modern psychology, the term "motive" ("motivating factor") denotes completely different phenomena, such as instinctive impulses, biological drives, interests, desires.

The relationship of value orientations and motivation of the individual. Dynamics of the system of value relations during adolescence and early adulthood
Recently, in domestic science, interest has increased in the problems of the individual, the formation of his self-awareness and in one of its most significant characteristics - values ​​and values.

Age-related personality crises
Based on Z. Freud's ideas about the psychosexual development of a person, E. Erikson (Erikson, 1950) developed a theory that emphasizes the social aspects of this development. He

Purpose: determination of the leading sensory channel and the structure of the representative system of the personality, diagnostics of literary abilities. Instruction: to the word that is on the left

The representative system preferred by a person is the system by which he most often perceives information about the world. One of the methods for determining representative systems is the BIAS-Test, pr

Calculation of Bias Test Results
Legend: B - visual; K - kinesthetic; A - auditory; D - digital (digital) channel of information perception; Y - statement, R - rank of this statement.

Test subject instructions. Look closely at the drawing. You will notice that

Test subject instructions. Within a minute, read and try to remember 25 words. Then close the text and for five minutes try to reproduce these words in any sequence

Test subject instructions. Answer the following questions using a ten-point scale. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement - 10 points.

You can compare the mental development of a child with the capabilities of his peers. For example, the calendar age is 8 years, and mental abilities are closer to the six-year group, and so is his

Currently, there are at least two groups of concepts that explain the ratio of sex and intelligence: biologization and sociologization approaches. Supporters of biologization

In order to find out if you are in danger of a nervous breakdown, try answering the questions of the proposed test (Markov, 2001). 1. Do you find it difficult to ask someone for help?

test material
1. Are you quick to adapt to new environments? 2. Are you sometimes happy or sad for no reason? 3. Does it happen that your thoughts are scattered when you need to compare

Interpretation of results
· from 0 to 6 points - emotional stability; · from 7 to 12 - emotional instability; · from 0 to 6 points - introversion, · from 7 to 12 points - extraversion.

Choose the correct answer
1. Psychology as a science of behavior - ... .. a stage in the development of psychological thought. 1. first; 2. second; 3. third; 4. fourth. 2. Into the pot

Login" to the module
In order to enter module 2, answer the questions and complete the tasks below: Compare the concepts of "group" and "collective". What are the similarities and differences between them? M

Status and role of an individual in a small group
An important parameter of the characteristics of the group is the position in the group of the individual as a member. Any person occupies several positions in the group. Each of these social

Small group development. Mechanisms of group dynamics
In social psychology, several models of group formation have been developed. One of the most famous is the stratometric concept of A.V. Petrovsky. She presents the group as

Phenomena of group life
The group has a constant influence on its members, which is realized in the phenomenon of group pressure. Group pressure is the process of influence of attitudes, norms, values ​​and behavior of groups

Concepts of management and leadership. Leadership theories
The word “leader” (leader), according to R. Stogdill, appeared in English around 1300, and “leadership” - around 1800. The word lead is translated as “lead”, “encourage”,

Leadership styles (management) and their effectiveness
Leadership (management) style is a set of methods systematically used by the leader in making decisions, influencing subordinates and communicating with them. In other words, it is stable

Power and its types. The authority of the leader and its components
Power is the ability to influence the behavior and activities of others. It is characterized by its limit (the degree of dependence of the subordinate on the leader, his capabilities and use

Components of the personality of an effective leader
There are a number of attempts to classify the components of the leader's personality. According to V.I. Shuvanov, three personal factors influence the effectiveness of workforce management: experience (i.e.

Individual management concept. Leadership effectiveness and its criteria
It is necessary to distinguish between an individual management concept (IMC) and an individual style of activity. Recall that the individual style of activity is due to the typological features of

The concept of interpersonal relationships. Communication, its types and structure
Personality cannot be studied outside the system of social relations, since the personality itself is their “product” and at the same time their active creator. Since human communication is two-way, more precisely

Communication as a communicative process. Communication barriers
Communication is not limited to the transfer of information: information in the conditions of human communication is not only transmitted, but also formed, refined, developed. First, communication is not

Verbal and non-verbal communication
The transfer of any information is possible only through sign systems. Verbal communication uses human speech as a sign system. Speech is the most versatile

Interactive side of communication. Types and styles of interaction
Communication always involves some result - a change in the behavior and activities of other people. In the course of joint activities, it is important for its participants not only to exchange information, but also to organize

The perceptual side of communication. Mechanisms and effects of perception
In the process of communication, there must be mutual understanding between partners. To establish mutual understanding, it is important how the communication partner is perceived. The process of perception by one person of another

The concept of conflict. Causes of conflicts
Conflict is a perceived contradiction between people that needs to be resolved. At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes either opposite positions of the parties on some

Ways to manage conflicts
The most successful conflict management model was proposed by K. Thomas. In accordance with characteristics such as the degree of assertiveness in protecting one's interests and the degree of propensity to cooperate

Models of Arbitration and Mediation in Conflict Management
There are two ways to resolve the conflict with the help of a third party. When using the arbitration model, a third party listens to both parties and makes a decision on the contentious issue.

Self Tests
1. In social psychology, the following main features of a group are distinguished: awareness by individuals of their belonging to a group (“we-feeling”), the presence between individuals of certain

Module 2 Summary
A group is a community limited in size, distinguished from the social whole on the basis of certain characteristics. Group characteristics include size, composition, structure, group dynamics.

Login to the module
Pedagogical problems are of great vital and general cultural significance. A modern person needs to have information about behavior styles, forms of education and upbringing, about different types of

History of pedagogical ideas and educational practices. Folk and scientific pedagogy
The pedagogical branch of human knowledge is perhaps the most ancient and is essentially inseparable from the development of society. When talking about pedagogy, this term is usually associated with the concept

Pedagogy as a science: subject, object, main categories, connection with other sciences, branches of pedagogical knowledge
The word "pedagogy" has several meanings. First, they designate pedagogical science. Secondly, there is an opinion that pedagogy is an art, and thus it is, as it were, equated

Methodology and methods of pedagogy
The guiding principle in the science of pedagogy and research activity is methodology as a system of guiding ideas, principles and methods. This is the doctrine of structure, logical organization, m

Modern pedagogical technologies
Pedagogical technology is a consistent system of teacher actions aimed at solving pedagogical problems. The technology is developed for a specific pedagogical design; in her

Education and its sociocultural functions
Education is an organic part of the life of the individual and at the same time is one of the most important spheres of society. World socio-cultural trends determine the socio-cultural situation

Trends in the modern sociocultural situation
There are the following major global socio-cultural trends that determine the direction of development of education, science, culture in any country: - a tendency to change the type of cultural and historical

Sociocultural situation in the Republic of Belarus
An analysis of the socio-cultural situation in our country can be carried out using the term "modernization". The essence of modernization in Belarus is a gradual transition to a new society. G

World educational trends
The world educational space unites national educational systems of various types and levels, which differ significantly in philosophical and cultural traditions, goals and objectives, their own

The education system in the Republic of Belarus
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education", the state educational policy is based on the following principles: · priority of education; obligatory

The concept of development. Factors of personality development. Learning as a purposeful process of personality development
Personal development is a complex progressive movement, during which progressive and regressive intellectual, personal, behavioral, and activity changes occur in a person. Once

Education as a purposeful impact on the personality
There is no unity of views in defining the process of education. It is possible to reveal its specificity only in comparison with the processes of formation, formation, socialization of the personality. But for these processes there is no

Social environment and socialization of the individual
From the moment of his birth, a person enters a certain social environment and is in constant interaction with it; here he develops, learns and educates, here his innocence is formed.

Social space is a set of social relations that daily unfold in front of a person or with his participation, either in the form of words, actions, deeds of people, or in the form of things, inter

General characteristics of family education
Family education in the narrow sense of the word (educational activity of parents) is understood as the interaction of parents with children, based on related intimate and emotional closeness,

Family types
A real family is a specific family as a social group, an object of study. The typical family is the most common variant of the family model in a given society. Ideal -

Types of wrong family education
Indulgent hyperprotection - lack of supervision and uncritical attitude to behavioral disorders. Promotes the development of unstable and hysterical traits. Hypoprotection is a lack of

Legal basis of family education
The family is connected with society, state and public organizations and institutions. It sensitively reacts to all changes that occur in the state and public life of the country. Vnu

Acmeological foundations of personality self-improvement
The problems of self-improvement and the realization of a person's creative potential are studied by acmeology. Acmeology (from the Greek acme - peak) - the science of the development and implementation of creative sweat

The creative potential of the individual
Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new, which has never been before. Creativity is the highest form of human activity. Creativity is associated with the ability of people

Life path as programming and as creativity
Personality, as we know, a person is not born; he becomes a person. This formation of the personality is essentially different from the development of the organism, which takes place in the process of a simple organization.

Self Tests
1. Are there common features of education for all historical stages of the development of society? Which answers are true? a) each era puts forward its own ideal of personality, so there are common features

Module Summary
Pedagogy as a science and social practice has a long history of development and is essentially inseparable from the development of society. Already in the most developed states of the ancient world, serious

in general psychology
1. Alekseenkova, E. G. Personality in conditions of mental deprivation: Proc. allowance / E. G. Alekseenkova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 96 p. 2. Asmolov, A. G. Psychology of personality: Principles of general psychology

in social psychology
1. Ageev, V.S. Psychology of intergroup relations: Monograph. / V. S. Ageev. - M.: MGU, 1983. - 144 p. 2. Andreeva, G.M. Psychology of social cognition: Textbook for universities / G. M. Andree

Management psychology
1. Andreeva, G.M. Social psychology: Proc. for higher educational institutions / G.M. Andreeva. - M.: Aspect-Press, 1997. - 376 p. 2. Andreeva, I. About “terminators” in management / I.N. Andrew

On the basis of pedagogy
1. Adler, A. Practice and theory of individual psychology / A. Adler. - M., 1995. 2. Antonov, A.I., Borisov, V.A. The crisis of the family and ways to overcome it / A.I. Antonov, V.A. Borisov. – M.: Ped

How to listen and take notes
The lecture continues to be the leading form of student learning. This is a theoretical form of teaching, the main method of which is a consistent oral presentation of the content.

How to prepare for practical (seminar) classes
The purpose of the seminars is the synthesis of the literature studied by students, its correlation with the lecture material, the formation of skills to analyze and critically evaluate various sources.

How to prepare for a discussion
Discussion (from Latin discussio - consideration, research) - dispute, discussion of an issue; presupposes competence in the issues discussed and compliance with

Rating system for assessing students' knowledge
In accordance with the exact meaning of the English source, the rating is understood as "cumulative score" or "score that takes into account the background." The meaning of the term "rating" is disclosed