How do Harvard students motivate themselves?

For those who are interested in international education.

Last week, the Center for Research on World Class Universities published a list of the best universities in the world. The first line has been occupied for many years Harvard University located in the US state of Massachusetts.

Harvard, one of the oldest universities in the United States, was founded in 1636 and is now considered one of the most elite and expensive educational institutions in the world.

42% of interviewed students who entered Harvard admit that prestige and reputation played an initial role in choosing an institution.

Eight US presidents have studied at Harvard, including John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and more than a hundred Nobel laureates. Founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and the world's richest man, Bill Gates, have also been associated with the university's name. Actor Matt Damon and Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman are also Harvard graduates.

For any applicant or student interested in international education, Harvard is associated with inaccessibility for the common man. “I think either geeks or children of rich parents study there,” one of my acquaintances told me. And I thought, and really, what kind of students are there ... Who are these people who are in the "elite"?!

Harvard admissions officials say they have a policy of "comprehensive" examination of the candidate. Every year about 15 people apply for one place. Or to put it another way, only 6 people out of a hundred go to university. It is expected that in 2019 the admissions committee will accept more

37,000 applications, but only about 2,000 will become students. The selection is on a level - the best of the best. It is worth noting that professors who wish to teach within the walls of the great representative of the Ivy League also undergo a similar selection.

“First in the business? Welcome!"

On the official website of the university, the basic requirements include a test (an analogue of the unified final exam in Russia) containing questions in English, mathematics, reading, science and an essay, for which you need to score more than 2100 points (97%). In addition, it is necessary to write additional profile tests, be in the top 5% of graduates of your school, having letters of recommendation from two or more teachers. And, of course, present a high school diploma with the best grades.

A special place is given to personal characteristics. Harvard needs leaders and creative people. It is necessary to be a member of various organizations, to be the head of any associations, the winner of the Olympics and sports competitions. At Harvard, they value not only erudition, but also talent, activity, and originality. This is the case when the university cares about what the graduate will do after graduation. A successful career of a graduate is in the sphere of interests of the university.

"The Price of Elite Training"

On average, the cost of paid education per year is around $40,000. In addition, a student will have to pay about $8,000 for a hostel, $2,000 for insurance,

$5,000 for transportation, plus more than $5,000 per year for personal expenses, including meals.

However, contrary to the prevailing opinion about rich students, only 30% pay for tuition on their own, the remaining 70% receive material support from the university that covers the cost of education, and sometimes even housing. There are a huge number of scholarships available at the university. By the way, in order to receive a grant for financial assistance, you “only” need to go to university and present a document confirming that the annual income of parents is less than $65,000 per year. In addition, the university finds a part-time job for a "poor" student on campus.

There are also exceptional programs that cover all expenses in full, including flights, insurance, food, personal expenses. The university can also provide a loan. By the way, Barack Obama paid off the full amount of the loan given to study at Harvard just before he was elected president of the United States.

However, despite the seeming financial availability, it is worth remembering that, first of all, you need to convince the university that its financial care will be justified, and a successful specialist capable of glorifying the name of Harvard will grow from a raw applicant. Perhaps this is the most important and difficult task.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that not quite rich (although the presence of prosperity is still necessary), but a very gifted person can really squeeze into the ranks of students, and what is it like to study there?

This is where the World Wide Web comes to the rescue. After a long search for students and graduates of Harvard in social networks, we managed to collect the opinion of people who are directly related to the best university in the world:

♦ When accepting documents for admission, they like to ask “ And what makes you different from others?»

♦ To enter Harvard, you need to start preparing at least 3 years before admission.

♦ If a person entered another university or even graduated from it, then this may be the reason for refusal when considering the questionnaire. You must have in your head only Harvard!

♦ If a university sees potential in a “poor” applicant, it will take him and train him for free.

♦ You need to study every day, but not the whole day (the number “from session to session, students live happily” will not work here - from the author). No one comes to a seminar unprepared. It applies here Socratic method- 10% of the lesson is spoken by the teacher, the rest of the time - students speak.

♦ Harvard loves initiative. You can combine incompatible items and, if you wish, come up with a new specialty. You just need to prove that it is necessary!

♦ The strength of Harvard is not in the memorization of theory, but in the environment in which each student finds himself. This atmosphere is saturated with independence, desire, activity and practice.

♦ At Harvard, you don't feel like a student in the direct sense of the word, but a free person who builds his educational path. Here you study not for the sake of evaluation, but for the sake of yourself and your goals. In this case, professors are considered simply as one of the resources of knowledge.

♦ The students themselves do not consider themselves an elite. Ordinary young guys study here, who do not care what they will do tomorrow.

♦ Harvard is like a state within a state, it has everything for life... including entertainment.

♦ Harvard graduates often publish their own methodical publications or books. This is fine.

Harvard - International University and here foreign students are welcome, who, by the way, do some"discounts" . For example, being a student of a Russian university, one can become a “transitional student” ( transfer student ) and continue his studies at Harvard.

By the way, the organization "Born in the USSR" operates at Harvard. It consists of guys who entered Harvard on a free basis. They came from different CIS countries. Anyone interested in Soviet history and culture can join the organization.

Svetlana Dotsenko from Voronezh, a first-year student, said that she passed all the tests with "excellent", but this was not a guarantee of admission. In addition to the fact that the admissions committee looks at every grade for every quarter since the 8th grade, recommendations and activities outside of school are very important. So, Svetlana could impress by the fact that she studied at a music school for 14 years and won political competitions at the All-Russian level.

From the author: what Harvard looked like is up to you. It is difficult to get rid of the thought of its inaccessibility, because in order to enter there, you need to do something more than it should be for an ordinary person, being still a child. And start doing this long before entering the university. Moreover, the child should like it. Perhaps this is the chosenness that Harvard is “hunting” for.

But nothing is impossible and personally I am always in favor of trying my hand. As the Americans say everything is up to you "- it all depends on you, butveritas("true" - motto of Harvard) always somewhere nearby!

Photo credits:,,,,,

First, a prehistory ... Once, taking a sheet from the printer, I noticed that it was not mine, but this was written on it:

Motivation for Harvard Students

  • If you fall asleep now, then, of course, you will dream of your dream, but if you study now, then you will make your dream come true.
  • When you think it's too late, it's actually still early.
  • The agony of learning is only temporary. The torment of ignorance - ignoring - is eternal.
  • Study is not time. Learning is effort.
  • Life is not only learning, but if you can't even get through this part of it, then what are you even capable of?
  • Enjoy the unrelenting pain.
  • It's about those who do everything early, it's about those who put in the effort, it's about those who can truly enjoy their success.
  • Not everyone can excel at everything. But success comes only with self-improvement and determination.
  • Time flies.
  • Those drools of today will become tomorrow's tears.
  • People who invest in the future are realists.
  • Your salary is directly proportional to your level of education.
  • Today will never happen again.
  • Even now, your enemies are already leafing through books.
  • No pain, no gain.

I will immediately give a similar example of the English version of these phrases:

  • If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
  • When you think it's too late, the truth is, it's still early.
  • The pain of studying is only temporary. But the pain of not knowing—ignorance—is forever.
  • Studying is not about time. It's about effort.
  • Life is not all about studying. But if you can't even conquer this little part of life, then what else can you possibly do?
  • Enjoy the inexorable pain.
  • It's those who are earlier than the others, those who put in more effort, who can enjoy the feelings of success.
  • Not everyone can truly succeed in everything. But success only comes with self-management and determination.
  • Time is flying.
  • The saliva that flow now will become the tears of tomorrow.
  • Dogs are learning, ambassadors are playing.
  • If you don't walk today, you'll have to run tomorrow.
  • People who invest in the future are realists.
  • The level of education is in direct correlation with your salary.
  • When today is over, it will never come back.
  • Even now, your enemies are eagerly flipping through books.
  • No pain, no gain.

I took this paper and hung it on my back. I think the expressions are kind of smart and useful, why not hang them up. Yes, and the name of Harvard played a role, they won’t write any garbage there.
And it would have hung like that behind my back, but someone took it off and hung it in another place. Okay, I think, if so, I myself will find these phrases in Google and print them out. I rushed in search of these sacred phrases. I'm looking here, I'm looking there, something comes across, but it's not right. And I wanted to find the original of these expressions in the English language. I rushed straight to the Harvard website in the hope of finding the treasured thread leading to them. But no, there are no such phrases-expressions. What is it, how can it be? Started looking around. I looked at what is in the Russian-language search. There are links both with Russian translation and in English, but nowhere is there a link to the original source. Salags simply laid out these phrases without even asking for the original, in principle, just like I did at the very beginning. Not only that, the phrases themselves turn out to be illiterate in some places, and some are banal and have long been known.
Being a grated kalach in the search for various primary sources, I can say that the truth is somewhere nearby. 🙂 The original source will definitely be found, but not the fact that it will be Harvard. And it really wasn't Harvard. You can ask a question on the Harvard Library website, and as it turned out, there was already a similar question about these aphorisms:



This seems to be a rumor that is prevalent on the Internet, particularly in China. We have found no trace of any mottos on a Harvard library wall. Please see this thorough refutation: .

By clicking on the last link you can see a long history of these phrases with translations from Chinese to English and from English to Chinese. After reading this discussion, you can see that the story with these pseudo-phrases has been going on for several years.

So this is a Chinese fake, the spread of which has taken on a simply epidemiological character.

Summary - Guys, don't be lazy, always look for the source so as not to get into trouble.

The US culture is rather young, it is difficult to compare it with the European one. At the same time, it is rooted in the latter, and therefore it is wrong to talk about its “immaturity”. The traditions in the field of higher education in this country were founded on the basis of the experience of graduates of European educational institutions. A good example of academic continuity in America is Harvard University. The city of Cambridge, which houses the famous Alma Mater, is a place of "academic pilgrimage" for thousands of Americans and foreigners.

Youth and traditions

The history of Harvard University began a very long time ago. This educational institution is not the oldest in the world, being founded in 1636, but still not young - it is over 370 years old. And such a term of "life" obliges - the most curious and ambitious people from all over the world aspire to Harvard University. Alumni of this Alma Mater live in more than 190 countries around the world.

Everyone contributes to the common cultural background, while obeying the rules and observing traditions. The history of the name itself is interesting. It was given in honor of the preacher John Harvard, who donated his books and a fairly large amount to the newly founded university. There is a legend about a special symbol of the ancient Alma Mater - a shield with the inscription Veritas, which means "truth" in Latin. The shield itself was not found, but in 1836 several books with its image were found in the archives. In addition to honoring the shield, another interesting tradition with historical roots is the use of crimson. It first began to symbolize Harvard University at a regatta in 1858. At this event, scarves were handed out to representatives of the great Alma Mater so that they could be distinguished in a crowd of athletes. As for the color, debates continued for a long time (there were supporters of the use of bright red), but nevertheless the historically first symbolic color was approved.

Where is Harvard University located?

The location of a well-known university is sometimes confusing. The great university is located in the territory of a town called Cambridge, which must be distinguished from the British university of the same name.

The town that sheltered Harvard is part of the large conglomerate city of Boston in Massachusetts. This place is quite expensive to live in, and tax rates here are among the highest in the United States. However, this is not an obstacle for thousands of people who want to study at the most prestigious educational institution in America.

Organization and structures within Harvard

In total, the university has 11 departments with the right to grant diplomas and award degrees. A kind of Mecca for future top managers is the business school of this Alma Mater, where you can get a certificate, which is denoted by three cherished letters - MBA. Another interesting organization is the continuing education school. Here you can study in the evening and online, or you can even receive credits in an independent mode and transfer them to other educational institutions. Many students try their hand and motivation to study a certain program (it costs 1200-2100 dollars per course), and then they switch to a full-time full-time study at Harvard University. Faculties also include the renowned School of Medicine, the Department of Future Teachers and Educators, the School of Design, and the Faculty of Science and Humanities. Yes, this is a single faculty, by the way, the largest in terms of the number of students, it consists of Harvard College (the department for students who want to get a bachelor's degree, the rest of the structure was originally intended for teaching masters and the faculty of continuing education) and the faculty for continuing education.

Mention should be made of the Kennedy School of Government, the Faculty of Law, the School for Future Epidemiologists, Harvard College proper. Harvard also has departments for training dentists, theologians, engineers (but there is another specialized university nearby - MIT, so Harvard does not get all the "stars"). There is also a special department named after Radcliffe, where they are mainly engaged in scientific work in the field of the humanities and social sciences.

From session to session, teachers live happily

Scientists at Harvard University, in addition to serious work, entertain themselves with various interesting projects. For example, recently a study was published - from a scientific point of view - of the direction of Hip Hop. With pleasure, you can read about the study of such a phenomenon as a dream, and how exactly it affects people and pushes them to achieve goals. Scientists at Harvard University are certainly not without a sense of humor. For example, how do you like a master class with a paraphrased quote "Geeks will inherit the Earth"?

It is not difficult to guess that the lesson was about how computerization is changing the face of education, and the life of communities in general. But striking research is being conducted not only in the humanities. An example is a discussion on the topic "The possibility of the formation of planets similar to the Earth" with a Harvard lecturer. The participants in this conversation want to look beyond the cover of the universe. Commendable intent. You can take part in many activities without even being a student at Harvard University. The United States gives its citizens a huge number of opportunities, including this one.

About money

Harvard is certainly one of the richest American universities. Contribution to the

financial well-being is contributed not only by the children of wealthy parents, but also by private donations from high-ranking people, and the help of graduates. In general, the institute of graduates (Alumni) in the United States is very well developed, such individuals are guidelines for young people. Students at Harvard University are very interested in them and seek the company of these people. However, this is not surprising - after all, throughout its history, Harvard has been the Alma Mater for more than 40 Nobel laureates.

And since the university is just a magnet for talent, the learning outcomes are impressive. Of course, the good development and level of teachers also contributes. The budget of Harvard University is more than 9 billion dollars a year; It is not surprising that this educational institution can afford a lot.

The price of diversity

In 2013, the tuition itself cost $39,000 a year, but together with room and board, medical insurance - more than $56,000. And if you take into account the additional costs (up to $65,000), it becomes clear that far from the poorest students can afford Harvard. Management is aware that it is very expensive. And the institution is depriving itself of many talented students whose parents simply cannot shell out such a sum. In addition, in the US, it is believed that the presence of students from different economic backgrounds provides a more stressful and interesting life. People from families of different incomes have different life experiences. And graduates from poor families are more likely to successfully fight poverty in the future. For students from poor families, there are summer schools and orientation classes. However, a US student can get a loan or participate in a financial aid program. Foreigners are usually not given this opportunity. The exception is some nominal scholarships, but there are several of them for the entire Harvard.

US citizens can take advantage of a reduced rate or no reimbursement for tuition fees at Harvard University. There are two approaches to pay reductions - financial aid in connection with poverty and financial aid as an encouragement for academic achievement. Banks are willing to open loans to talented students who are just entering this university, since a Harvard diploma is a guarantee of good earnings. Of course, not everyone will be able to cope with the load, so the standards are already very high at the entrance to protect those who are unable to live in the rhythm of the mentioned university.

Students also do not feel sad from session to session.

Studying at Harvard isn't just about hovering over books and preparing brilliant speeches for seminars. It is also a lot of cultural societies, sports sections, associations of interest. Those wishing to join other cultures participate in special groups of international interaction and receive first-hand knowledge about the world. One of the most anticipated events in cultural life - "Rhythms of Culture": music, theatrical performances, national cuisine - all this allows Americans to meet people from different cultural Universes, and foreigners to feel accepted and make many new friends. Harvard graduates are usually very close friends and help each other in business and personal affairs - stress brings them together, and studying at this university is really very difficult, despite the friendly and democratic attitude of teachers.

Volumes and value of knowledge

You should not be fascinated by the vaunted democracy of communication. You can call a professor by his name, respect him or love him, but his respect can only be won through serious work. The challenge of reading a large book in two days and remembering small details is the norm at Harvard, not the exception. Of course, modern technologies allow the university to present information with the help of video, but students receive the bulk of knowledge on their own.

Usually, at lectures, the teacher does not dictate to the record, there is a practice of incomplete notes - students have some of the necessary material in special manuals in a summary form, but they are required to listen carefully to lectures and supplement them.

But this does not apply to all faculties. There are almost no lectures at the business school, they mainly deal with specific cases - cases. That is, this training is very close to everyday business practice, and the graduate must make the right decision. No wonder proud Harvard MBA holders are worth their weight in gold and are well paid. Moreover, scientists have found that it does not matter what the average score was: both a mediocre student and an excellent student who managed to graduate from the university have very close earnings. However, this trend is inherent in all universities, not only Harvard. How to become a student of this famous Alma Mater? For applicants to the first and second stage of higher education, there are different requirements.

For the older age group

How to enter Harvard University as a graduate of another university? In general, the famous institution was created, first of all, for people who have already received a bachelor's degree. Most of the students continue their education here. How are they received? Each department has its own rules. Most often, those who want to study here have to pass the international GRE test, demonstrate a high average score from the first university, and also provide 2-3 letters of recommendation from teachers. In addition, it is important for foreign students to prove that they are solvent. You can get a loan, but in the US it is difficult. The easiest way in this situation is for those people who have already shown serious results, having achieved this with the help of the first education. The bank is more willing to lend. In Europe, the situation is more favorable (in terms of loans for foreigners). To become a student at Harvard, one must be either brilliant or rich, or even better - a combination of both qualities.

Junior applicants

For those who just want to get a bachelor's degree, Harvard College opens its doors. Young applicants will also have to work hard to get here. university? The application is submitted through the Universal College Application, which is common to many states. Those wishing to study will have to fill out a special questionnaire and write a letter. It briefly, vividly and impressively writes why the applicant chooses Harvard, and what he can give to the institution. If the balance seems right to the commission, and the personality is large-scale and interesting, then you have a chance. But that's just the ability to impress is not enough. You will have to take tests that are designed to assess academic ability in general. This is the general SAT plus the SAT in certain disciplines (two subjects are required for Harvard). For successful acceptance into the number of students, as well as seniors, two teacher recommendations will be required. Of course, they must be very non-standard. As a rule, students write them themselves, and then give them to sign their mentors. In addition, school grades are very important, as well as the so-called extra-curricular activities, that is, the participation of the applicant in the cultural, sports or social life of the school. Harvard needs stars, not just "nerds" or "nice guys."

And life does not seize

Dormitories are quite comfortable, and yet it is almost impossible to get a single room. Most Harvard residents live together in one spacious room with a shared bathroom. Only 20-40 students usually live on one floor, who have something to tell each other.

Of course, beautiful photos of people of different nationalities having fun talking to each other are staged. But the fact that here you can get acquainted with citizens of different countries is true. And these people will be very realized and bright - this is also true. Harvard provides its students with the opportunity to stay in shape and feel attractive, because on campus there are a lot of different opportunities to play sports - for every taste, even the most demanding.

Harvard is the school of serious living. So many who got in through parental donations fail to study at the heart of US academic culture. Because not everyone has enough ... health. Money problems are usually easier to solve than those with a lack of learning and self-control skills. The many temptations of Boston nearby do not contribute to the full concentration on study. However, many Harvard students manage. And they live happily all year round, and not just from session to session.

Eight US presidents, forty-nine Nobel Prize winners, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg - and this is not a complete list of outstanding students, one of the most famous universities in the US and around the world. Of course, success does not come to everyone. But the one who is lazy will not be successful for sure. That's what "15 Rules of Motivation for Harvard Students" is about.

1. If you fall asleep now, then, of course, you will dream your dream. If instead of sleep you choose to study, then you will realize your dream in a life.

2. When you think it's too much late actually still early.

3. The agony of learning is just temporary. The torment of ignorance - eternal.

4. Study is not time. Studies - it's an effort.

5. Life is not only study, but if you can’t even go through this part of it, then what are you, in general, able?

7. Only the one who does everything before, only the one who applies efforts can really enjoy their success.

8. Not everyone can succeed in everything. But success only comes with self-improvement and decisiveness.

9. Time flies.

10. Today's Drooling Will Be Tomorrow's with tears.

11. People who invest something to the future- realists.

12. Your salary is directly proportional to yours. level of education.

13. Today will never happen again.

14. Even now your enemies greedily leafing through books.

15. Do not sweat - you won't earn.

Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -

Inside Harvard: Student Life selfmadetrip_ru wrote on October 10th, 2014

Harvard student - how does he spend his time? Since it so happened that he entered one of the best American universities, most of his time is spent studying. But after all, everyone wants to know why he gives his parents 60 thousand dollars a year? This money "for curtains" does not go into the pocket of the dean, but for the arrangement of life on campus.

A bicycle is the most convenient means of transportation around campus. Students can leave their bikes in special parking lots, which are available at each faculty and hostel building. But if the bike stays there too long, it will be evacuated: for the holidays it can be left in the garage of the university bike shop.

Only one Faculty of Physics and Mathematics has several canteens: ordinary, with Greek or Chinese food, coffee houses and just shops, so that students from different countries always have the opportunity to eat dishes of their national cuisine. In the common dining room, dishes are marked with colored markers that indicate how healthy this food is. For example, even yogurts can have green or yellow markers.

During breaks, students have something to do, for example, play the Harvard Arcade right in the hallway. Although not a single student was seen doing this: they mostly sit with books in empty classrooms or libraries.

Special attention is paid to the cleanliness of the campus. All garbage is sorted here, including batteries and old phones - the most dangerous waste. And students use such urns!

Read about the Harvard bar, student games and the local hostel