How to teach fluent reading. How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly: exercises and games to improve reading technique

Good reading skills are the key to success in school. If a child learns to read fluently, then all educational material will be absorbed faster and easier. Many parents are concerned about the question of how to teach a child to read quickly, what methods and exercises to use for this, how to instill a desire to read independently.

It has long been noticed that those children who mastered the technique of reading with difficulty, who pored over syllables for a long time and never mastered fluent reading in elementary school, are not included in the number of successful students in middle and high school. It is worth considering, because in the modern world there are huge amounts of information, reading quickly means letting through and filtering out everything superfluous and unimportant.

The most important criteria for learning to read quickly are the matching speed of speech and reading speed, as well as the inclusion of auditory analyzers in the work. The motivation of the child himself in this matter is very important, therefore, the path of a whip and drill will not work here, only a “carrot”. Reading speed is a panacea, but this point should be paid attention to, especially in grades 1-2. Therefore, there are standards for reading technique for children - this is a guideline, but by no means a scourge of the modern school.

How to teach a child to read fluently: techniques and exercises to increase reading speed

If you want your child not to have problems at school due to insufficient reading speed, you need to choose a suitable technique for him and develop a set of exercises.

1. Reading for a while.Choose a small piece of text that is appropriate for the child's age. As soon as the child begins to read it, you mark the time. And after a certain period of time (it is optimal to start from one minute), we simply count the words read. After counting, ask the child to read the same segment again and note the time again.

This method will allow you to clearly show the child how rapidly the speed increases each time - the child must see and be aware of his own successes.

2. Selection of the main. To increase not only speed, but also reading comprehension, do this exercise. Invite the child to read a piece of text as quickly as possible, and then ask a few questions about the content. When reading, the child must learn to highlight the main thing for himself and be able to confidently answer the questions posed. Don't worry - if it doesn't work the first time, try again.

3. Separation of words. You need to prepare for this exercise in advance. Write 10-15 words on pieces of paper, and then cut each card in half so that the word is divided into 2 parts. To attract the attention of the child, you can decorate the cards. The task of the child is to correctly put the words from the mixed cards.

4. Deformed sentences.Shuffle the words in a sentence. The sentence should not contain too many words - this will confuse the child. Start with simple and clear sentences, then the child will not get tired so quickly. For one exercise, 5-7 sentences are enough.

5. Role reading. Role-playing reading will help to captivate the child with reading. Take an excerpt from the child's favorite fairy tale - let him read the lines of his favorite hero and try to reproduce the appropriate intonation. In general, it is useful to teach a child to read text with different intonations - quiet and calm, loud and angry, cheerful and excited, rude and jerky ...

6. Building words. Prepare a few short words, write each one on a separate piece of paper and invite the child to do more of this word. For example, cat, cat, kitten, kitten. To facilitate his task, you can make picture tips for the child.

7. Variety. Select the text, divide it into 3 small segments. Ask your child to read each paragraph differently. Have him read one paragraph loud and clear, the second in a quieter voice, and the third in a whisper. And after reading the entire text, ask the child to retell the meaning of all the paragraphs read.

8. Playing with stress. This exercise is designed to teach the child to correctly stress the words and understand the text faster. Choose a word. Have your child take turns stressing different syllables. Ask the child where it is most convenient to place the stress, and if he names an erroneous position, correct it immediately.

9. Search for the right word. Pick up a small text and play a game with your child - who will quickly find the right word in the text. The element of competition helps the child, gives him motivation, helps to perceive the material faster and develops the child's verbal memory.

10. Involving the child in reading. Choose a work that will surely interest the child (for example, a fairy tale). Start reading yourself, and in an interesting place, say that your eyes began to hurt. Can your child help you read the sequel? It is quite enough if the child reads 2 paragraphs, after that you can ask questions about what you read, what words were used most often in the text.

11. War with consonants. Two consecutive consonants are a frequent enemy of children, which makes it difficult to quickly read a word. Practice frequent consonant combinations every day. Write about 30 words with this phenomenon and let the child read, each word should be read at least 2-3 times.

12. Notes for a child. It is necessary to let the child understand how important reading is in people's lives. Every day, leave him a note with a small task before leaving - take out the trash, put away toys, wash your plate, help dad, etc. And nice words at the end of the note will help the child understand how much you love him (for example, I love you, smile more often , you slept like a kitten today, etc.).

13. Articulation gymnastics. To increase the speed of reading and pronunciation of words, it is necessary to perform such gymnastics. It teaches proper breathing during speech, and also significantly improves the pronunciation of words. Pick up 13-15 tongue twisters and learn them with your child. Try to change the tempo, intonation, volume of pronunciation every time. The kid must clearly pronounce every word. If the child cannot pronounce certain words correctly on his own or with your help, even after repeated repetition, contact a speech therapist.

14. Semantic guess. When reading, children see with peripheral vision how the next word begins. A well-developed lateral visual field helps the child to guess the meaning of the word without reading. This will help the baby quickly grasp the meaning. The workout includes flashcards with words missing letters or syllables. The child must fill in the gaps verbally or in writing.

15. Training attention. We select a small text. We offer the child to start reading it, and in the process of reading, stop it abruptly at the command “Stop!”. After this signal, the child should abruptly close his eyes and rest for a couple of seconds. After that, abruptly give the command to start reading again (“Start”), quickly finding the fragment where he stopped.

Promotion! In no case do not forget this moment, because this is a very important stage of the exercises. Each time, show your child how he has progressed, and also how glad you are about it. Make him small gifts or treat him with goodies.

Classes should be daily, regularity plays a huge role in learning to read and increasing reading speed. Do not forget about a positive attitude, be sure to end each lesson with a positive note. With the right approach and systematic studies, your child will learn fluent (quick) reading in the shortest possible time.

Dear readers! How do you instill in your children a love and interest in reading? Do you have your own effective methods, exercises, how to teach a child to read quickly? Share your tips in the comments.

The modern school curriculum for the first grade is quite difficult and demanding. A child who goes to school needs not only to know letters and numbers, but also to be able to write and read fluently. The ability to read is very important for a small student, because it is reading that is the main occupation in all lessons, as well as during homework. Children who do not read well fall behind in their studies. In the process of reading, the child's memory improves, as well as his mental abilities.

If your toddler is struggling to learn to read fluently, try these tips:

  1. Check if the child knows all the letters well. Often children confuse some letters, and this becomes the main cause of difficulties while reading.
  2. If everything is in order with the knowledge of the alphabet, check whether the baby correctly puts them into syllables.
  3. When you are convinced that the child can read well in syllables, go directly to learning. To get started, take a book with a clear, beautiful font and read a couple of lines expressively yourself. Then invite your child to do the same.
  4. Some children, when reading a long sentence, cannot concentrate their attention. Therefore, while the baby comes to reading the last words, he forgets the beginning of the sentence. This can be corrected with the help of special exercises to improve the attention of the child. Also try to read books with your baby that are of interest to him in the first place. If the child is interested in reading, the learning process will be much easier and faster.
  5. Sometimes it happens that the baby has a narrow field of vision that cannot cover the entire word. This happens often in children with poor vocabulary. Use all kinds of exercises that are aimed at replenishing the vocabulary of a young student, read aloud to him a lot.
  6. Short sessions before bed are very effective. The kid will remember well the information that he learned late at night. You can offer the crumbs to read a little while lying down, but make sure that the lighting is as comfortable as possible.
  7. Read to the child until the most interesting place and stop. Say that you are tired and invite the child to finish reading on their own. Make sure that the child is not very tired during classes, because this way you can discourage him from all desire to learn to read.
  8. Write small interesting notes to your child asking him to do something at home. In the evening, check how the baby fulfilled your wishes. Be sure to praise and encourage the student.
  9. After reading a fairy tale, for example, ask your child questions about its content. Have your child answer each question clearly and in detail. Then switch places: let the baby come up with a question and ask it to you.
  10. Be sure to memorize small poems and tongue twisters with your child. This is great for training memory and replenishing vocabulary.
  11. Give your child visual dictations from time to time. Write a small sentence of 2-3 words on a piece of paper, let the child study it for several minutes, read it aloud. Then remove the sheet from the field of view of the baby. Have the child write down what they remember. Such an exercise will expand the field of view of the child, he will be able to recognize the words in their entirety, without reading them syllable by syllable.
  12. Exercises for the development of visual memory are excellent. Write the letters randomly, and let the kid arrange them in alphabetical order. You can write several numbers in order, skipping some. The child must say which numbers are missing. Such exercises perfectly train attention and memory.
  13. Parallel reading is effective: you read aloud, while the baby follows the text and leads along it with his finger. So the child will learn not only to recognize words visually, but also to read with the correct intonation.
Please note that a child can master the technique of fluent reading only up to 12 years. Do not be upset by the temporary failures of the young student, praise him for the slightest success. Classes should be regular and exciting. Be patient, and very soon your baby will learn to read perfectly.

Reading is a very important process in cognitive activity. The ability of a child to read well is the basis of his success in school. And the point is not only in marks for school subjects, but also in intellectual development in general.

The better the child reads, the more eagerly he does it, the more successful his development will be, the higher his self-esteem will be.

General idea of ​​reading technique

Reading is a process in which 2 sides are distinguished: semantic and technical. Semantic means understanding the content of the text, and technical means fast, correct, expressive reading.

Reading technique is regularly tested in elementary school, as well as in 5th and 6th grade. Students are given an unfamiliar text, which they must read for one minute. Then the teacher counts the number of words and asks the child 1-2 questions for reading comprehension.

The reading technique check takes into account:

  • speed;
  • reading comprehension;
  • absence of omissions and errors in the pronunciation of words;
  • the presence of semantic stress, pauses.

Standard reading speed indicators for schoolchildren (per minute):

  • Grade 1 - 30-40 words;
  • Grade 2 - 40-60 words;
  • Grade 3 - 60-80 words;
  • Grade 4 - 90-120 words.

To improve reading technique, the child should smoothly, gradually move from slow syllabic reading to reading whole words. By the end of elementary school, this should be done, otherwise it will be very difficult for a student in the middle level to absorb large amounts of material.

It is worth noting that many children, especially in the 1st grade, the very process of public testing of reading technique is frightening. This can cause errors, and this can sometimes explain the low speed. Therefore, it may be worth checking the child at home again. If the result rises, the same will happen with the self-esteem of the little reader.

Why is speed important?

Reading speed is a direct factor influencing student performance. It is believed that a normal, adequate reading speed is equal to the speed of speaking, which is 120-150 words per minute. Why is it so necessary for the student to strive for this indicator? It's just simple math.

It was calculated that in grades 6-7 of a general education school, a student receives daily oral homework in the amount of 8 pages (all oral assignments). This is approximately 6.5 thousand words, which will take about an hour at an average speed of 110 words per minute.

To learn the material, and not just to get acquainted with it, you need to read 2 or even 3 times, which increases the time to 2-3 hours a day. Let's add the time that needs to be devoted to writing assignments.

It is easy to conclude that a student who does not read well or will devote most of the day only to lessons, or simply will not torture himself with them, which will affect his grades.

Among other things, reading speed affects the development process: memory and attention improve. And the reading speed is affected by the amount of reading: the more, the faster.

Reasons for failure

  • Undeveloped memory. This is not a pathology for a preschooler, so do not be alarmed. It happens that a child, reading in a line, for example, the fifth word, forgets the first. Because of this, the thought is lost, the baby does not understand what is being said in the text, and interest is also lost from this.
  • If difficult words come across, the child stumbles and reads them slowly. The reason for this may also be the poor functioning of the organs of speech.
  • Low concentration. The kid is easily distracted by various external factors, as well as by his own thoughts, and interest in reading dissipates.
  • Vision angle. It often happens that the child does not see the whole word, but only a few of its letters. This slows down reading.
  • Return to reading. Often the eyes of a young reader return to the previous word or sentence, he re-reads them.
  • Inappropriate Literature. Texts should be selected in accordance with the preferences and age of the child.

Often, learning is hindered by the baby's self-doubt, the fear of making a mistake. Or he is simply bored while reading, the text is not interesting.

A real look at the abilities of the child

Do not demand from the child what he cannot do at the moment. Learning to read should proceed calmly, without nerves, with a great deal of patience on the part of parents.

If you force your child to pore over books against his will, and then also swear when he cannot decently squeeze at least a few sentences out of himself, the result will not be positive.

First of all, a parent needs to come to terms with the fact that his child does not have superpowers, he is not a child prodigy, but an ordinary kid who needs help and understanding.

The process of reading should be turned into an exciting activity, motivate the student, do not forget to praise him, and in no case be annoyed.

Help from parents

To help your baby, it is enough to follow a few rules:

  • Interesting texts. Do not bombard a novice reader with boring literature, even of an educational nature. So that he does not give up reading, it must captivate him. Choose books according to his passions.
  • Games. The process of reading can be turned into a game in many ways. More about them below. You can also arrange home competitions for the best reader.
  • Read with your child regularly for 30 minutes a day.
  • Personal example. It's hard to instill in someone a love of books if you don't love them yourself. Show by your own example that it is interesting and informative.
  • Patience. Do not push, do not rush, show restraint and understanding.

  • Positive motivation. It is worth talking more about what the child will achieve in the future if he learns to read well. If you keep repeating that he will grow up as an ignoramus, provided that he does not read as expected, the result will be worse.
  • The individuality of learning. As they say, you can not cut everyone with the same brush. A method that works for one student may not work for another. The same goes for the pace of learning. For each, he is chosen appropriate, which is impossible to do at school, which is why it is so important to study reading at home.


You need to teach your child to read by involving him in an interesting game process. First, you should draw his attention to this activity with the help of games, then keep this attention through various exercises.

Here are some of them:

  • Learning the alphabet. We learn new letters every day. To do this, we prepare cards with vivid illustrations. Let the kid look for the similarity of letters and objects. Sounds are involved in reading, not letters, so when learning the alphabet, read the sound, not the name of the letter.
  • Wherever you are, exercise. Ask the child, for example, during a walk, to name all the objects encountered with a certain letter. If it's hard for him, help, prompt.

  • Attach labels to items in the house. So these objects will be connected in the child's mind with certain words. Move your finger over the word and , for example, "SOFA", "MIRROR", etc.
  • Word recognition game. Prepare in advance cards with words familiar to the baby (“dad”, “mother”, “TV”, “door”, etc.), put them in front of him. One of the parents pronounces a phrase, and the child searches among the cards for a word that is in the sentence.

“Mom cooked a very tasty dinner” - the child chooses a card with the word “mom”.

  • Making words from cubes or cards. 3-4 letters are selected, from which the baby makes words. Gradually add the number of letters, complicating the task. Cards can also have syllables.
  • Teach your child nursery rhymes and songs. It develops memory.
  • Letter recognition game. Parents ask a letter, and the child looks for words with it at the beginning, middle or end.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly at 6-7 years old?

You can teach speed reading to a first grader using more complex exercises:

  • Reading is a life skill. You must convince your child of this. Leave him notes with instructions, requests, wishes. Arrange sometimes a mini-quest: let them look for a gift according to the signs and instructions.
  • parallel reading. We take two identical texts (for mother and child). Mom reads aloud, changing either intonation or pace, and the child follows the reading. You can stop and ask the child to continue, or read the last sentence spoken, or look for a name. Tasks may vary.
  • Tongue Twisters. Be sure to develop the articulatory apparatus.
  • Words that differ by one letter. Take pairs of words, for example, cat - code, dough - place, etc. The child must explain how the words differ in appearance, and explain the meaning of each.
  • Reading for speed. Time a minute, after reading, count the number of words. Then ask the child to read the same passage again, emphasizing that they will do better the second time. And it really will work. So he will read faster each time.

  • Reading to yourself. Reading aloud is always slower, so sometimes let your child read to himself and then retell what he read.
  • The development of the field of view. In a table, for example, 5x5 in each cell, write a letter or syllable. Let the student read them from right to left and vice versa, from top to bottom, diagonally. Give the task to find a certain letter or syllable, make a word, as in the Philword, only at the simplest level.
  • Buzz reading. The child reads the text to himself, and buzzes aloud like a bee. This exercise is designed to increase concentration.

Exercises for children 8 years old

To develop fluent reading in a second grader, we increase the load, complicate the tasks:

  • The game "Words from words." Write a long word, such as "wayward", and ask them to make several small ones out of it.
  • Suggestions that need to be adjusted. Write a set of words that looks like a sentence, and the child will put all the words in their places: "The guys went to the river to swim on."
  • The development of anticipation. Take the text where the words come with missing letters. As they read, the child inserts the missing elements.
  • Reading "On tops and roots." We take a ruler, close the bottom of the line and let the child read the tops. When this task is well worked out, you can move on to the roots.

  • "Thinking out loud". The child is asked a question or an initial phrase is offered and about 10 minutes for reflection. He must come up with and voice a coherent text. It is necessary to follow the logic of the sequence, the correctness of the presentation, speech errors, and correct them.
  • You can try to read from right to left. The task is not easy, but the children are interesting and even fun.
  • To complicate the task, the text can be turned over - first by 90 degrees, then by 180. So the images of whole words will be deposited in the child's memory.
  • Role reading. Several people can participate, each voices his character with the right intonation. Also, a child can read alone for all the characters, changing his voice when moving from one character to another.

And a few more tips:

  • Vary tasks, do not get hung up on one. This will fuel interest.
  • Praise constantly. Do not force, do not punish with reading, do not compare with the achievements of other children. Compare the child with himself, his present achievements with the past, aim at the future.
  • Show by personal example that a book is a storehouse of knowledge. Read not only for the child, but also for yourself in front of him.

  • Read to your child at night.
  • Choose stories with an intriguing ending for classes - the young reader should be interested in how the story ends.
  • Teach from an early age to detailed retelling.
  • The main thing is to instill in your child from an early age respect for the book, convince him that it needs to be handled carefully and carefully.

Thanks to these exercises, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.

Many of us still remember that same red primer with a big bright letter "A" on the cover. Thanks to this book, millions of children quickly learned to read. Time has passed, and now these children have matured and become parents themselves. But now they no longer turn to the very book from which they themselves once learned to read. Today, there are so many methods for teaching children to read that you can easily get confused - what to choose in order to quickly teach a child to read and, most importantly, correctly. Tyulenev's technique is designed to teach kids almost from the cradle, Zaitsev's cubes and the rough letters of Maria Montessori promise miracles in learning. Young parents rush between all these ways, and with them their child.

And yet, how to teach a child to read, which method to give preference to, when to start learning and with what? These questions concern many young fathers and mothers. But few of them think about the fact that learning letters and being able to put them into words and phrases with sentences is not at all the most important thing.

Now it is very fashionable early development of kids. As soon as the child is one year old, they already begin to teach him to read and count. But it has already been proven that this is fraught with consequences for the emerging psyche of children. The belief that the sooner a child’s education is started, the better, is wrong. According to neurologists, parents who strive for very early learning can harm their baby.

Let's see how the formation of the child occurs.

- From early pregnancy to three years, the first functional block of the brain is formed, which is responsible for the emotional, cognitive and bodily perception of the child.

- At the age of three and up to five years - eight years, the second functional block of the brain is formed. It governs perception: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

According to ophthalmologists, early teaching a child to read is fraught with consequences for the eyes - myopia may develop from premature visual stress. Experts do not recommend learning to read before the age of five or six. Before this age, the formation of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for visual acuity, occurs.

- The development of the conscious mental activity of the child occurs at the age of seven to fifteen years.

The functional blocks of the brain are formed sequentially. All attempts by parents to "jump" any of the stages will negatively affect the development of natural processes that occur in the child's body in a given period. There is simply a distortion in the natural development of the baby. The consequences of a child's early learning may not be immediately apparent. That is what they are fraught with. Years later, this can affect the emotional and personal relationships with people. And it can also result in an unpredictable form: stuttering, tics, neurosis, various speech disorders and obsessive movements.

How to determine that physiologically the child is ready to learn to read?

- the child has formed a speech, he can speak in sentences and compose a coherent story;

- the child has no speech pathology disorders. And here we mean not only the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, but also violations of the rhythm and melody of speech;

- the child is well oriented in space, not getting confused in the concepts of top and bottom, right - left;

- the child's phonemic hearing is quite developed - he easily recognizes the sound not only at the beginning of a word, but also in its middle part and at the end of a word.

How to properly teach a child to read, so as not to cause tears, reproaches and resentment? This question is often asked by parents of future first-graders. Of course, you can stop at the usual method for everyone. It comes down to daily monotonous activities, during which the child learns to write hooks and sticks, and also reads the primer. But all moms and dads know that such activities bring boredom, fatigue and irritation, the child does not learn to read thoughtfully. As a result, a reluctance to study develops. And although the child will receive certain knowledge and skills, such training is unlikely to become for him a good school for the development of feelings and emotions, as well as a means of learning about the world around him and himself in it. To make learning an exciting game and turn it into a joint creative process of children and adults, so that the child learns to read correctly and quickly, choose a different path.

Just as babies learn to understand spoken language, they must learn to read words and sentences. But the most important thing is that it is quite real and the facts confirm it.

Scientists have proven that the eye sees but is not aware of what it sees; The ear perceives sound, but does not understand what it hears. The whole process of understanding this happens purely in the brain.

When we hear a spoken word or sentence, the sounds are split into several electrochemical impulses that are sent to the brain. Our brain connects all these impulses together and perceives their meaning and meaning. A similar action occurs with vision. Our eyes see what is written, but do not understand it. The brain does not see what is written, but understands it.

Visual and auditory endings are passed through the brain, which processes the information received. In the event that the baby would have to master only one of the many skills, then the ability to read would undoubtedly become such a skill. It is it that is the basis of all types of standard, formal and non-formal education.

How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired and does not lose interest? Exercise regularly, but not for long. For the first lessons, five to ten minutes will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased to thirty minutes. Conduct a lesson in the form of a game - the child should be easy, interesting and not bored.

Before proceeding with the reading technique, learn all the letters with your baby. Cubes will help a lot with this. The pictures drawn on them will help you recognize the subject and associate it with the letter. Teach your baby to name the letters correctly: watermelon - "A", house - "D", etc. Play a game with your baby - ask him to find the letter "A". At the same time, do not rush to give hints. The child must learn to independently find the right cube. If he can't, he needs help.

10 important tips to help you teach your child to read correctly:

What method of teaching reading to follow? When teaching your child to read in syllables, give preference to the usual primer, which was compiled by K. Zhukova. This book is an effective helper for a child who is learning to understand how to put letters into syllables, syllables into words, and these words into whole sentences. There are few pictures in the book, but they are quite enough so that the child is not bored.

In what order to learn vowels and consonants. First, we teach the child open vowels - A, O, U, E, Y. Now you can proceed to hard consonants - M, N. But make sure that the child pronounces them correctly: not “em”, and not “me”, but simply “m”. The next in line are deaf and hissing sounds: Ш, С, etc.

Do not forget to repeat the material of the previous lesson with the child at each lesson. Remember together what sounds you learned in the last lesson. By consolidating the material covered, you will help develop a competent reading mechanism in your child.

Take a look at the primer. Show your baby how the first letter of the syllable "m" hurries to the second letter "a". Explain to the child that this is how it should be pronounced: m-m-ma-a-a - m-m-ma-a-a. In such an accessible form, the child understands that one letter runs to another. As a result, they speak together, without separating from each other.

Now let's start learning simple syllables. To easily teach a child to read, you need to start with simple syllables, in which there are only two letters: ma, la, ra, mu, mo. The kid must master and understand how two letters form a syllable. It is important for him to master the mechanism of reading by syllables. After he understands this, he will easily learn to read more difficult syllables - with deaf and hissing consonants: shi, yes, in, etc.

You can start learning more complex syllables. Do not rush to read words or books. Give your child a better understanding of the mechanism of reading by syllables. Just complicate the task - read with him syllables that begin with a vowel: am, av, he, y.

After all the syllables have been mastered, we start reading the simplest words: “ma - ma”, “ra - ma”, “we - lo”.

How easy is it to teach a child to read by syllables? Be sure to teach your child to pronounce syllables correctly. This is a guarantee that he will learn to read well. Note. According to one of the methods, teachers and educators in kindergartens teach children to sing syllables. Kids quickly get used to it and sing syllables constantly in one breath. However, they do not make any pauses between words. Some kids get so carried away that they sing the entire paragraph without respecting the punctuation marks - periods, exclamation marks and question marks. If you decide to teach your child to read, do it well. No need to let the child sing everything. Pay attention to the pauses between words, and especially between sentences. Teach your child to this order: sang the word - pause, sang the second - pause. In the future, he himself will learn to shorten the pauses. But at the beginning of training, it is simply necessary to do them.

What is the best age to teach a child to read? Do not get ahead of events. At the age of three or four, it is unlikely that your child will be interested in poring over books, learning to read and putting letters into syllables. At this age, it is definitely too early to start learning to read. The only exceptions are those cases when the child himself unequivocally shows a desire for this.

But at the age of five and six, children must be engaged so that they can read and write words in block letters. Those children who go to kindergarten are taught this by educators. If your baby does not attend kindergarten, you will have to deal with the child. Let this responsibility be at least partially taken over by the grandmother or grandfather. As a last resort, hire a tutor. This is necessary because modern methods assume that the child will come to the first grade already prepared and reading in syllables. This is also important from a psychological point of view. If you teach your child to read before school, it will be easy for him to read in the first grade and the first stress from school will be avoided.

To quickly and correctly teach your child to read by syllables, turn learning into a game. Do not force your child to expressive or fluent reading. It is much more important that he independently be able to put letters into syllables, read them in a book, and be able to compose words, phrases and sentences. He just needs to master the technique of reading. It does not matter if at first it will be slow and difficult for the baby. Keeping calm, smoothly and quietly help him correct mistakes while reading. Let it be like a game. After all, in the game you can relax without getting stressed. In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to ensure that the baby, without straining, understands what the elders want from him.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to teach your baby to read quite tolerably in a month and a half.

If your child already knows how to read whole phrases tolerably in syllables, we gradually move on to teaching the baby fluent reading. Below are 14 lessons with which you can teach your baby to read fluently, and most importantly - correctly. It is advisable to teach a child of six to seven years of age fluent reading no more than 30 minutes once or twice a day. You can complete these lessons in any order. No more than 4 lessons per day.

How to develop vigilance in a child

Try this task:

- In a series of five or six vowels, insert one consonant. Invite the child to find the extra letter. You can change this assignment.

- Write down the words in which only one letter is different: whale - cat; juice - bough; wood - weight, etc. The child must answer how the words differ from each other.

Gymnastics that develops articulation in a child

These activities help you improve your pronunciation, encourage proper breathing, and help you speak more clearly.

The game "fold the word from the halves"

Pick up simple words consisting of two syllables. At least ten words are required for one lesson. Write these words on two cards and ask your child to put the words together correctly. Cards need to be changed constantly.

How to quickly train attention

The task is as follows. Your toddler is reading a text in a book. At your command "Stop!" he takes his eyes off the book, closes them and rests. On command "Read!" the child must find the fragment where he paused his reading.

Semantic guess (anticipation)

The principle of anticipation - when reading, the peripheral vision of the child sees the outline of the next word. From what he read, he concludes what word should be next.

To develop a semantic guess, you can do the following exercise with your child. Write words in which either a letter or a syllable is missing. Let the child guess which letters to enter. These activities greatly improve a child's ability to learn to read fluently.

Teach your child how to read

You will need two identical texts. Start reading slowly, and let the child read after you, following the lines with your finger. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the baby does not lag behind.

Reading for time

Choose simple text. Record the time (for example, a minute) and let the child read. When the time is up, count how many words the child managed to read in a minute. When reading again, the child will read more words.

To develop a clear pronunciation, read tongue twisters with your child. First, read them slowly and in a whisper. Then - confidently and loudly. Make sure that the child clearly pronounces the endings of the words. In the same way, read proverbs and sayings with your child.

The game "make an accent"

Choose a word with several syllables and try with your child to stress each of the syllables. The child must determine which accent is correct.

Try to involve your child in the reading process. When reading your favorite fairy tale to him, stop at the most interesting place. Say that you are tired of reading and ask the child to read a short passage of text.

See filmstrips

This lesson is the best way to train the technique of reading.

How to develop a child's field of vision

a) Draw a table. Write one letter in each cell. Invite the child to read them all silently, pointing to the letters with a pencil. You need to read as soon as possible and memorize the sequence of letters.

To teach your child to read fluently, read upside down. This is how the memorization of integral patterns of letters develops. The child will learn to combine the semantic ending of the word with the letter analysis. Go to this exercise not immediately, but when the child learns to read without errors. Thanks to this exercise, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.

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Back in 1998, Princeton University hosted a Project PX seminar on high speed reading. This article is an excerpt from that seminar and personal experience of speed reading.

So, "Project PX" is a three-hour cognitive experiment that allows you to increase your reading speed by 386%. It was conducted on people who spoke five languages, and even those with dyslexia were trained to read up to 3,000 words of technical text per minute, 10 pages of text. Page in 6 seconds.

By comparison, the average reading speed in the US is between 200 and 300 words per minute. We have in connection with the peculiarities of the language - from 120 to 180. And you can easily increase your performance to 700-900 words per minute.

All that is needed is to understand the principles by which human vision works, what time is wasted in the process of reading and how to stop wasting it. When we analyze the mistakes and practice not making them, you will read several times faster and not mindlessly running your eyes, but perceiving and remembering all the information you read.


For our experiment, you will need:

  • a book of at least 200 pages;
  • pen or pencil;
  • timer.

The book should lie in front of you without closing (press the pages if it tries to close without support).

For one exercise session, you will need at least 20 minutes. Make sure that no one distracts you during this time.

Before jumping straight into the exercises, here are a few quick tips to help you speed up your reading.

1. Make as few stops as possible when reading a line of text

When we read, the eyes move through the text not smoothly, but in jumps. Each such jump ends with fixing your attention on a part of the text or stopping your gaze at areas of about a quarter of a page, as if you were taking a picture of this part of the sheet.

Each stop of the eyes on the text lasts from ¼ to ½ second.

To feel this, close one eye and lightly press the eyelid with your fingertip, and with the other eye, try to slowly slide over the line of text. The jumps become even more obvious if you slide not along the letters, but simply along a straight horizontal line:

Well, how do you feel?

2. Try to go back through the text as little as possible

A person who reads at an average pace quite often goes back to reread a missed moment. This can happen consciously or unconsciously. In the latter case, the subconscious itself returns its eyes to the place in the text where concentration was lost.

On average, conscious and unconscious returns take up to 30% of the time.

3. Improve concentration to increase the coverage of words read in one stop

People with an average reading speed use central focus rather than horizontal peripheral vision. Due to this, they perceive half as many words in one jump of vision.

4. Practice Skills Separately

The exercises are different and you don't have to try to combine them into one. For example, if you are practicing reading speed, don't worry about text comprehension. You will progress through three stages in sequence: learning technique, applying technique to increase speed, and reading comprehension.

Rule of thumb: Practice your technique at three times your desired reading speed. For example, if your current reading speed is somewhere around 150 words per minute, and you want to read 300, you need to practice reading 900 words per minute.


1. Determination of the initial reading speed

To begin with, we consider how many words fit in five lines of text, divide this number by five and round it up. I counted 40 words in five lines: 40:5 = 8 - an average of eight words per line.

And the last thing: we consider how many words fit on the page. To do this, we multiply the average number of lines by the average number of words per line: 39 × 8 = 312.

Now is the time to find out your reading speed. We set the timer for 1 minute and read the text, calmly and slowly, as you usually do.

How much did it turn out? I have a little more than a page - 328 words.

2. Landmark and speed

As I wrote above, returning through the text and stopping the look takes a lot of time. But you can easily cut them down with a focus tracking tool. A pen, pencil or even your finger will serve as such a tool.

Technique (2 minutes)

Practice using a pen or pencil to maintain focus. Move the pencil smoothly under the line you are currently reading and concentrate on where the tip of the pencil is now.

We lead with the tip of a pencil along the lines

Set the pace with the tip of the pencil and follow it with your eyes, keeping up with stops and returns through the text. And don't worry about understanding, it's a speed exercise.

Try to go through each line in 1 second and increase the speed with each page.

Do not linger on one line for more than 1 second under any circumstances, even if you do not understand at all what the text is about.

With this technique, I was able to read 936 words in 2 minutes, which means 460 words per minute. Interestingly, when you follow with a pen or pencil, it seems that your vision is ahead of the pencil and you read faster. And when you try to remove it, immediately your vision seems to spread out over the page, as if the focus was released and it began to float all over the page.

Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Repeat the tracker technique, but allow no more than half a second to read each line (read two lines of text in the time it takes to say "twenty-two").

Most likely, you will not understand anything at all from what you read, but this is not important. Now you are training your perceptual reflexes, and these exercises help you adapt to the system. Do not slow down for 3 minutes. Concentrate on the tip of your pen and the technique for increasing speed.

In 3 minutes of such a frenzied race, I read five pages and 14 lines, averaging 586 words per minute. The hardest part of this exercise is not to slow down the speed of the pencil. It's a real block: you've been reading all your life to understand what you're reading, and it's not easy to let go of that.

Thoughts cling to the lines in an effort to return to understand what it is about, and the pencil also begins to slow down. It is also difficult to maintain concentration on such useless reading, the brain gives up, and thoughts fly away to hell, which is also reflected in the speed of the pencil.

3. Expanding the field of perception

When you focus your eyes on the center of the monitor, you still see its extreme areas. So it is with the text: you concentrate on one word, and you see several words surrounding it.

So, the more words you learn to see in this way with the help of peripheral vision, the faster you can read. The expanded area of ​​perception allows you to increase the speed of reading by 300%.

Beginners with a normal reading speed spend their peripheral vision on the fields, that is, they run their eyes through the letters of absolutely all the words of the text, from the first to the last. At the same time, peripheral vision is spent on empty fields, and a person loses from 25 to 50% of the time.

A pumped reader will not "read the fields". He will run his eyes over only a few words from the sentence, and see the rest with peripheral vision. In the illustration below, you see an approximate picture of the concentration of vision of an experienced reader: words in the center are read, and foggy ones are marked by peripheral vision.

Here is an example. Read this sentence:

Once, students enjoyed reading for four hours straight.

Technique (1 minute)

Use a pencil to read as fast as possible: start with the first word of the line and end with the last. That is, there is no expansion of the area of ​​​​perception yet - just repeat exercise No. 1, but spend no more than 1 second on each line. Under no circumstances should one line take more than 1 second.

Technique (1 minute)

Continue to set the pace of reading with a pen or pencil, but start reading from the second word on the line and finish reading the line two words before the end.

Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Start reading at the third word of the line and finish three words before the end, while moving your pencil at the speed of one line per half second (two lines in the time it takes to say "twenty-two").

If you don't understand anything you read, that's fine. Now you are training your reflexes of perception, and you should not worry about understanding. Concentrate on the exercise with all your might and don't let your mind drift away from an uninteresting activity.

4. Checking the new speed

Now it's time to test your new reading speed. Set a timer for 1 minute and read as fast as you can while still understanding the text. I got 720 words per minute - twice as fast as before I started using this technique.

These are great indicators, but they are not surprising, because you yourself begin to notice how the scope of words has expanded. You don’t waste time on fields, you don’t go back through the text, and the speed increases significantly.

If you tried this technique right now, share your success in the comments. How many words per minute did you get before and after?