How to open the preparation of children for school. Recruitment to the group "Express preparation for school"

Preparing a child for entry into grade 1 is not easy. Some parents and grandparents are ready to teach the future first grader all night long. In recent years, preparatory courses, which are available at many general education schools, gymnasiums and special children's centers, have become in great demand. In general, every child (preschooler) must go through the entire preparatory process, consisting of certain stages, only then the preparation for school will be successful.

What should a child know and be able to do before entering school?

Preparing children for school takes a lot of time, so some parents prefer to send their children to private schools. Such institutions recruit groups of pre-school children to learn everything they need under the guidance of professional educators. At the same time, families should also regularly deal with children, because in any case, an individual approach is important. In order for the child to be able to adapt to school subjects without great difficulties, he must:

  • know the letters
  • be able to read (possibly by syllables) small simple texts;
  • have writing skills;
  • know the seasons, the names of months, days;
  • know your last name, first name, patronymic;
  • have a good memory to memorize 5-7 out of 10 clearly named simple words;
  • find similarities and differences between objects;
  • be able to subtract and add numbers within the first ten;
  • know the basic geometric shapes;
  • know 10-12 primary colors, etc.

Methods of preparing children for school

Before you give your child any pre-school assignments, check out a few popular techniques. With their help, the child during the training can acquire all the necessary skills. Teaching methods are usually aimed at developing fine motor skills, logical thinking, obtaining mathematical knowledge, etc. At the same time, taking into account the individual characteristics of the preschooler, it is necessary to engage in his physical training. Known methods of primary education:

  • Zaitsev;
  • Montessori;
  • Nikitins.

Zaitsev's technique

In order for the preschool preparation of the child at home to be successful, pay attention to Zaitsev's methodology, which includes an approach to teaching reading, writing, English and Russian. It involves the use of visual perception of information. The basic principle is to teach the baby everything necessary without harm to health and taking into account individual characteristics. She is able to activate the channels of perception of information, saving time and saving the baby from cramming. Minus: in individual lessons, the technique is implemented worse than in group ones.

Montessori Method

An individual school preparation program that helps prepare a future first grader can be organized in accordance with the Montessori methodology. In it, much attention is paid to the development of sensations and fine motor skills of the baby. In the learning process, it is not necessary to use any special aids. Parents should create a complete developmental environment for the baby. The downside is the lack of role-playing and outdoor games in the methodology.

Nikitin's technique

To increase the level of knowledge with the help of homework, check out the Nikitin method. Its main principles are development, which must be creative, free. Classes are held, alternating: intellectual, creative, sports. The sports atmosphere plays a fundamental role in the formation of the baby, so all conditions for this should be created in your home. The technique is creative, with an emphasis on physical development, creativity, but there is a minus - not all children have a desire to learn.

Preparatory classes for school

You need to start working with your baby from an early age. Particular attention should be paid to psychological preparation. At first, the tasks are performed in a playful way, but then they become more complex, but interesting. Children receive basic knowledge, as a rule, in kindergartens. You can achieve great results both at home by inviting a private tutor, and by sending the child to special development centers or preparatory courses at schools.

School preparation courses

Having decided to choose preparatory courses for school, take the choice of a suitable institution thoroughly. Such courses are available both at the schools themselves and in educational centers, i.e. non-profit organizations. With the help of complex classes, the team, children can adapt to the school system, lessons. Often in such courses, preschoolers are taught in such a way that they can easily perform the necessary exercises and correctly answer certain questions. It is much more important that the baby is able to think creatively, independently reason and draw conclusions.

preschool tutor

A tutor for a preschooler is a great option to teach a child to read and write, to prepare him for future interviews at school. Moreover, some teachers additionally teach children English. Do not forget that a tutor for preparing a child for school must have a pedagogical education and appropriate qualifications. A big plus of tutoring is an individual approach that will help develop attention, reasoning skills, etc. The child will gain deeper knowledge. Cons: it is difficult to find a decent teacher, high cost.

How much does it cost to prepare a child for school

Preparatory courses will increase your child's readiness for admission, especially if you plan to send him to a gymnasium. This is recommended for those children who do not attend kindergarten. Classes in specialized institutions are aimed at mastering the basics of writing and literacy, teaching reading, developing speech and musical skills, etc. Some centers teach chess, foreign languages, etc. The cost of training in Moscow:

Free training

Kindergarten teachers must lay the foundations for numeracy, writing, and reading. Parents have a more important task - to teach kids to finish what they started, let it be some examples from mathematics, drawing or something else. To ensure that your child is age-appropriate in terms of development, try to communicate more with him, answering all questions. Pay attention to active games, physical development, teach independence and safety rules.

How to prepare your child for school

To develop memory, logical thinking and other skills at home, read or watch cartoons together, discussing what the child has learned. Be more interested in the opinion of the baby, while asking questions. Try to make homework fun for your preschooler. The advantage of preparing at home is to save money, and the necessary materials can always be found on the Internet. The downside can be quality, because not all parents have a pedagogical education. In addition, classes in the family circle do not always discipline the baby.

Where to start preparing

According to psychologists, the period of 3-4 years is considered the most suitable age to start training a future first-grader. Start teaching your child to read and count in a playful manner, for example, while walking, count the number of houses, cars, etc. with him. Do crafts together, paying attention to the artistic development of the future first grader: draw, create applications, sculpt, collect puzzles. Set up a comfortable desk at home. Pay attention to the motivation of your child, otherwise, learning will progress slowly.


You should not prepare your baby for school in the abstract, try to find requirements, tests, tasks and specific examples of questions. For the development of fine motor skills, a child must string pasta or beads, cut something out of paper, draw with paints, create applications, embroider, knit, etc. To teach your baby everything you need, pay attention to the following lesson plan:


To teach your child everything that is needed when entering school, use special visual materials. You can find them in large numbers on thematic web resources. For the development of logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination, there are many educational games that require multi-colored cardboard. For example, for learning to read and write, you need a picture book: select any letter, say it several times and invite your child to circle it with a pencil all over the page. More details can be found in the manuals.

Games to prepare for school preschoolers

Educational games will help future preschoolers to consolidate knowledge of the alphabet, learn how to compose words, write and read. In addition, such activities contribute to the development of attention and concentration. Moreover, a preschool child is often distracted and cannot concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. Games that will help in the development of the baby:

  • Title: Book Detective.
  • Purpose: to develop the speed of thinking, to teach to correlate letters with specific pictures.
  • Material: book with illustrations.
  • Description: give the task to the kid to find a picture in the book for a certain letter. If several children participate in the game, then introduce an element of competition, i.e. The winner is the one who finds the most pictures.

Here's another good option:

  • Title: Illustrator.
  • Purpose: to teach how to handle a book, develop logic, imagination.
  • Material: several books.
  • Description: Read a short story or verse to your child, then invite him to pick up drawings for him from other books. Then ask them to retell a brief plot of what they read, based on the selected pictures.

Developing classes

As a developmental exercise, you can use any labyrinths where some character needs help to get to the exit or get somewhere. There are many games that help improve concentration and increase its volume. Some exercises contribute to the development and arbitrariness of attention. A good version of the developing game:

  • Title: "Flowers in a flower bed"
  • Material: multi-colored cardboard.
  • Description: cut out of cardboard three flowers in blue, orange, red and three flower beds of a rectangular, square, round shape. Let the child distribute the colors in the flower beds based on the story - red flowers did not grow in a square or round flower bed, orange ones did not grow in a rectangular or round one.

Another game that is great for developing a variety of skills in preschoolers:

  • Title: How are they similar and how are they different?
  • Goal: develop logical thinking.
  • Description: offer the children two items each, which they should compare and point out their differences, similarities.

How to mentally prepare your child for school

The personal and social readiness of a preschooler lies in the fact that by the time of admission, he must be fully prepared both for communication and interaction with peers and adults. For psychological preparation to be really successful, give the child the opportunity to independently establish contacts with others on the playground.

The so-called "home children" are often afraid of large crowds, although not all adults feel comfortable in the crowd. At the same time, one should not forget that the future first-grader will have to be in a team, so try to get out to mass events from time to time. Motivate the baby - if he is used to constant praise at home, then evaluate not every step, but the finished result.


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The field of education has changed recently, free education has become a profitable business for enterprising people with special education, who sell knowledge and skills for a fee. One interesting business idea is knowledge assessment and testing of preschoolers.

Business Features

Today, when a child enters the first grade, it is necessary to pass a test of preschoolers for readiness for school, a conversation with a child psychologist. General education schools, gymnasiums carry out a similar procedure, the goal is to determine the level of preparation of preschool children. Modern classes fall into three categories:

  • children well prepared for school;
  • guys with a good average preparatory level;
  • children with poor preschool education.

A business idea arose - testing preschoolers. A modern child before school must read, count, check the level of preparation by conducting tests.

Starting a similar business project

The initial stage, you need to contact a child psychologist for help, advice. The specialist will explain, show the best tasks suitable for testing for preschoolers before school, help to correctly, correctly compose tests. On the Internet there are a great many developments of such tasks.

After the preparatory actions, colorful, interesting, with beautiful pictures, test tasks written in a language understandable to the child are drawn up. Such tasks include mathematical, logical questions, testing creative thinking. The tasks are designed for a child of 6-7 years old, who is checked for readiness for school according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Testing service

The clients of this business are parents of children of preschool age of six, seven years. It is possible to find a clientele by contacting the management of kindergartens, private preschool institutions, children's creativity centers, and sports clubs. Conclude an agreement with the management on the provision of informative assistance in exchange for deductions of 5-10% of future profits.

The next step in the implementation of the project will be renting, equipping a room for a classroom, a classroom school room in the summer in order to test preschoolers before school. A relatively spacious, small room where children can feel comfortable, calm. The necessary sets of stationery, pencils, pens, paper are purchased.

Conducting classes with preschool children

Creation of groups of ten to twelve people, preferably of the same age during the procedure, for the child to calmly pass the tests. Six-year-olds with peers, older children with peers.

The test results conditionally divide the guys into three categories:

  1. Children who are able to master a complex curriculum have a good memory, excellent logical thinking, and are able to creatively approach the solution of the proposed test tasks. The kids can read and know how to count. "Home" children who have been trained with their parents, a teacher.
  2. Guys capable of logical thinking, having basic knowledge and skills. The children were trained by a specialist teacher.
  3. Children who have basic knowledge, but it is difficult to determine the degree of their logical thinking, they see test tasks for the first time, they have not received appropriate training, neither specialist teachers nor parents have been involved in children.

The results of passing the tests, some parents may not be satisfied with the level of preparation for the child's school. In order for the preparation to be appropriate, it is necessary to seek help from the proposed tutor, teacher. You need to agree in advance with the specialists, they will conduct additional classes for a fee. Deductions from classes to the specialist who conducted the testing - 10%.

Based on the results of the classes, final testing of preschoolers is carried out.

Costs and profits

Business - the project of the procedure is low-cost, includes costs:

  • rent of a room, a class will be ten to fifteen thousand rubles a month;
  • consultation of a child psychologist costs one thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of the necessary stationery will amount to approximately five thousand rubles.

Testing a preschooler upon admission to school costs three hundred rubles. It is quite difficult to predict the expected profit of such a business, it all depends on the number of preschoolers who passed the tests.

Business development on testing preschoolers

The emergence of good, competent test developments, gaining experience in such events, establishing cooperation with the administrations of kindergartens, the leadership of children's institutions, business promotion begins. Develop business in the direction of creating a center for the preparation of preschoolers.

A preparatory center is being opened, staff is being selected: specialist teachers, a child psychologist. It is necessary to rent a room, a small building for the training center. Register your business with the tax office.

The center conducts classes for preschool preparation of children, after completing the course of study, the children will be tested for preschoolers to school. It is necessary to develop training programs that develop logical thinking for different levels of preparedness of a preschooler. Make a schedule of classes for groups of six to eight people.

Payment can be made monthly, one-time. Parents evaluate the quality of work after a trial lesson, decide whether to continue classes. Conduct an advertising campaign, an open day - raising the prestige of the training center. The opening of such a business is suitable for people who have a pedagogical, psychological education, a person who has good organizational skills and loves children.

Jul 19, 2017 Sergey

There is simply a desire to help other people the way they once helped me. Once on the Internet I found a topic on career guidance testing of high school students. I contacted the author and bought a software package. My mother agreed with a liberal arts college and began to work from them. Been doing this for about two years. Until the "Bureau of Good Offices" showed up in the city. They began to engage in this business and, due to connections, pushed us out. The director's wife works in the city administration. That's when the question of additional income arose. Preferably in the afternoon and with a free schedule. And as always, the case came to the rescue.

In one of the schools, a psychologist told us about testing children entering the school. According to the test results, they are distributed into classes with a different school curriculum. Some are determined according to the “school-2100” program, others according to the developmental program, the rest are assigned to a regular class. All of course want to go to the best class. But alas...

As a rule, the best results are shown by children with whom parents or grandmothers were engaged. Then there are the children who were engaged in various kinds of preparatory centers. The rest of the children, the parents knew nothing and did not hear. They thought that their beloved child was the best and knew everything.

The same psychologist told us that there are methods that allow you to check the readiness of the child for school. It's just that nobody does it. That's actually all.

After a while, I got hold of the techniques. After consulting with familiar psychologists, I chose the most suitable ones. Made specially beautiful cards. And started testing. I agree in kindergartens. I have experience in dealing with administration.

I coordinate everything with the parents of the children. And in the evenings before closing for an hour I check the kids. Three tests of 10 minutes each with short breaks. Often it is possible to check in two streams. In one run, I easily and beautifully check 3-4 preschoolers. Then I inform the parents about the results of the test. Everyone's results are different. I tell you what "sinks" and how to solve the problem. Testing one child at first cost 200 rubles. But, as soon as I read on the Internet that they charge $ 50 for this service in Moscow, I raised the price tag to 300 rubles.

By agreement, I give part of the garden. I spend part of it on small office expenses. The rest for yourself. Everyone is happy and satisfied. And I feel good.

This is such a simple but profitable business. At the same time, he is his own boss. You just need to have the courage and start a new business. Now the crisis, but nothing has changed. Until now, on the boundless love for children, choreographers, leaders of circles according to the Montesori method, etc. are doing with the circles. Take your niche too. Take life into your own hands. There will be questions, write. I will always advise based on my experience.

And now in the life of our preschooler comes the crucial moment - 6 years, the last year before school. The child does not care, he continues to frolic and enjoy life, but the parents are in terrible anxiety. Surely, you are increasingly thinking about what your baby should be able to do and how ready he is for school? A bunch of questions, worries and worries ...

School is a completely new reality for a child. Even if he went to kindergarten and was generally accustomed to the social environment of children, school is something he has never had before. No experience - there is stress. In order to perceive new information, you need to thoroughly prepare not only your mind, but also your feelings and body. Psychologists have such a concept - a "warmed up" group. It means that people who have undergone some training are able to work much more efficiently. In the same way, children need a “warm-up” to start learning, but much longer than adults.

For parents who want to prepare their baby for a new, serious stage in his life and do it before the school bell, there are specialized children's centers offering programs to prepare for school.

When they talk about a child's preparedness for school, they mean both the child's psychological readiness for the beginning of school life, and a set of certain skills that a child needs to start school.

The school preparation program not only develops the intellectual abilities of your child, it makes it possible to simulate the situation of learning activities in advance, when the child enters a new, unfamiliar environment for him, where he must learn to communicate with peers and adults, where he is required to persevere and concentrate attention. In addition, your child receives the knowledge necessary to successfully pass tests that determine the level of readiness of your child for school.

To psychologically prepare the child for school life, in the classroom:

  • Develop visual and auditory memory;
  • Develop imagination and fantasy;
  • Develop thinking (analysis, synthesis, classification, logical reasoning);
  • Develop hand-eye coordination (eye-hand system);
  • Develop attention and perseverance;
  • Teach the child to interact in a team;

To give the kid specific knowledge that will be useful to him at school, in the classroom:

  • Teach reading and writing, develop phonemic hearing;
  • Teach the child to count;
  • Develop fine motor skills and prepare the hand for writing;
  • Form spatio-temporal relationships;
  • Develop speech.

By attending school preparation classes, you will make your child's transition to school smooth, painless and joyful!