How to teach English to children. How to explain English to a child

Great Britain is located on the British Islands. It consists of three countries. They are Scotland, Wales and England. The official language is English. The capital of the country is London. London is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is a very beautiful city. There are many interesting and beautiful places in London. Among them are Big Ben, the Tower of London, the London Bridge, the British museum. There are also many green parks there.

There are many rivers and lakes in Great Britain. We all heard about Loch Ness. There are many mountains, but they are not high. The climate in Great Britain is mild. It is not very hot in summer, and it is not very cold in winter.

The UK is located in the British Isles. It consists of three countries. These are Scotland, Wales and England. The official language is English. The capital of the country is London. London is one of the oldest cities in the world. This is a very beautiful city. There are many interesting and beautiful places in London. Among them are Big Ben, the Tower of London, London Bridge, the British Museum. There are also many green parks.

There are many rivers and lakes in Great Britain. We've all heard of Loch Ness. There are many mountains, but they are not high. The climate in the UK is mild. Not very hot in summer, not very cold in winter.

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Useful tips for parents

It is clear to us, adults, that we need to learn English, but how to make it clear to the child why learn English, why should he do these homework?

First, think with your child how knowing English can help him right now, is English useful to the child now? (This is the first, because, to be honest, not many children are able to set themselves long-term goals regarding future work, etc., because it will not be soon, “then I’ll learn,” the child thinks, not understanding which would then be much more difficult).

* for example, if you go on vacation abroad, knowing English can help your child find friends there from almost any country (after all, English is still considered an international language)

* even if you do not go on vacation abroad, the child can find pen pals from any country on the Internet and correspond with them in English or talk on Skype (advanced version)

You can explain to the child what benefits he will get if he knows English. For example, Harry Potter * knowing English, a child can read any book he is interested in, even the newest, without waiting for it to be translated into Russian (this is, of course, in high school), especially since literary translations are already other works , reading in the original is always more interesting if you want to know what the author actually meant. An example from life - there was a student who was fond of books about Harry Potter and when a new book came out, she immediately began to read. Not having brilliant abilities, but having a strong motivation, she understood English no worse, and somewhere better than her classmates, who did not read anything extra.

* the same situation with films and cartoons - after all, how interesting it is to watch a film and understand what and how the actors say, those same famous actors (or cartoon characters), and not translators! The perception of the film immediately changes!

* a very good motivation for modern children is the ability to understand what is written or said in their favorite, but not Russified computer games, on various forums, websites, in warning labels on the screen, etc., in general, everything related with computer and internet.

* do not forget about the songs of English-speaking performers. Knowledge of English can also help a child involved in vocals to expand their repertoire and sing songs in English with good pronunciation, participate in various competitions, including international ones.

* I cannot but mention here one more reason why a child needs to know English - this is the ability to correctly understand what they buy in the store, what it consists of and what it is used for. Often, parents who have not studied English can find themselves in an unpleasant situation, be deceived, and a child who learns English, with joy and pride, translates “secret letters”, helping to make the right choice (or to find out what a wonderful gift that does not have a word on it) in Russian, they received for their birthday).

Of course, if your child is already old enough to make plans for the future, his question "Why learn English?" you can focus on how much English is needed for all successful people in their work. It is good if you can give yourself or someone from your family as an example. Moreover, both options are good for example:

1) See how knowing English helped me. And you can achieve anything if you know him.

2) Look how it bothers me that I did not learn English at one time. Don't repeat my mistakes, learn now while it's easier.

And at the end I want to say:

Dear parents, if your child has problems with English at school, in no case call him "incapable of languages", in fact, all people are capable of languages. This distinguishes them from animals. After all, we all learned to speak our native language? Moreover, it doesn’t matter what language it is - if you were born in China, you would have learned Chinese with the same ease. It's just that the native language surrounds the child from birth, but the foreign language does not. The task of parents is to make sure that the foreign language with which they consider it necessary to introduce their child begins to sound around him as early as possible.

But even a child or an adult begins to learn a foreign language later, this only means that learning will be more difficult, but with the right motivation, methodology and perseverance, the result will still be! Here you can’t easily pull a fish out of the pond!

So instead of looking for the cause of failure in others and in circumstances, let's take responsibility for our own destiny and teach children this. Let's ignite the child's desire for learning from the inside, because he, like all of us, will have to learn all his life.

I wish you success in overcoming your child's English problems at school and in life. I really hope that my simple tips will help you make your life and the life of your child at least a little better and more successful.

And so we taught our child to speak simple English with the help of boring lessons (games, cards, videos, cartoons, songs). He is already 6-7 years old, he can read and write in Russian and knows Russian letters well. At the very time to start learning to read in English and mastering the first rules. Of course, the abilities of children are different: for some, the optimal age for learning may be 8 years old, and for some, even 5. Parents themselves should identify the abilities of their children and in no case try to forcibly sculpt geeks out of them just because the neighboring the child is already a polyglot at the age of three.

Teaching children to read in English should begin in two stages.

First: we learn the english alphabet, and it’s possible not in alphabetical order, but starting with the letters used in words that the child has already learned and learned to pronounce well. For example, the words:

  • table, dog, cat, apple, water, tiger, lion, car, house, etc.

It is very important to start learning with understandable and familiar words: knowing the pronunciation and seeing the word itself, the brain learns to draw analogies, and the child's brain works intuitively and twice as fast as an adult.

How to teach the English alphabet

Learning the alphabet is easier to conduct on a card, which additionally provides a transcription of the sound of each letter.

How to remember the alphabet:

  1. We learn a few letters a day and use them in words
  2. We notice that the phonetic sound of a letter in the alphabet and a word can be completely different.
  3. We fix the learned letters with fun lessons:
    little ones can learn with this fun piggy family.

I think the lesson below will give them pleasure:

Older children can have fun with whole songs composed for each letter of the alphabet. Such dynamic and entertaining learning gives a striking effect in memorizing the alphabet and reading the first words.

Children learning the rules of English phonetics

The second stage begins at the very beginning of learning to read and runs parallel to it all the way. Children will learn the following rules:

  • the same letters and letter combinations in words can be pronounced differently
  • some letters are written but not read
  • one letter can be read with two sounds, as well as vice versa: in a letter combination there can be 2-3 letters read by one sound

All this is called phonetics, and in order to learn it, you need to know the rules of transcription and know:

  • What long vowels sounds:
    those are the ones that are pronounced
  • What short vowels sounds:
    are pronounced briefly, sometimes their sound corresponds to the Russian sound, and sometimes to a special, so-called neutral, intermediate between two adjacent (-o and -a, -a and -e) sounds
  • What are diphthongs and triphthongs:
    these are sounds consisting of two or three elements
  • What are voiced and voiceless consonants?
    English voiced sounds are more energetic than Russian ones and are not deafened at the end

Reinforcing techniques for teaching reading

To explain the phonetic rules, it is desirable to have cards with the transcription of sounds in these categories.
Demonstrating the card, we memorize the rules for pronunciation of each sound, in accordance with Russian sounds. If there is no Russian analogue, then the pronunciation of the sound is written in detail, indicating the location of the language or finding a similar sound.

For example, such a rule for pronouncing the sound [θ]:

  • When pronouncing the sound [θ], you need to position your tongue, as if you are going to pronounce the sound “s”, only place its tip between the teeth.

Or the following rule for pronouncing the sound [ə]:

  • The sound [ə] is pronounced as the middle between -o and -a, or unstressed -o and -a in the words "water" and "room".

In the process of teaching phonetics, we fix the rules of reading on examples of words.

Such not very interesting lessons can be diversified with visual videos:

I can’t help but recall the wonderful technology of color reading, which greatly simplifies the intuitive memorization of phonetics rules for children in practice.

See also a very informative and useful lesson on English reading lessons:

The logic of the English question

If you have explained to your child what “is”, “am” and “are” are, you will easily explain how to ask a general question in English. It suffices to show by an elementary example how words are interchanged. The logic of the explanation might be something like this:

Say in Russian that the cat is white.
- The cat is white.
-Now ask.
- Is the cat white?
How do I know if you're talking or asking?
- (The child tries to explain that with the help of intonation).
- Now write that the cat is white.
- (Writes: "The cat is white.")
Now ask me in writing.
- (Writes: “Is the cat white?” If he forgets to put a question mark, you need to ask what is missing.)
- And how can I understand where you just said, and where you asked?
- (Here it is easier for the child: points to a dot and a question mark).
- Is there any other way to understand? What if you forgot to put a period or a question mark ... I can somehow determine what you wanted: tell me that the cat is white, or ask me if the cat is white.
(It is usually obvious to the child that there are no other differences in the sentence.)
- And in English it is very easy to understand, even if you do not put periods and question marks. Because the sentences are completely different, and if they are not made different, then no one will ever understand whether you are asking or just talking.
- (How to do it?)

It is easy to explain this to an adult: you need to say, for example, that the linking verb changes with the subject places. However, the child is rarely ready to easily perceive information through abstract categories and terms (although this happens). Usually you need to look for a "workaround".

Write in English that the cat is white.
- (Writes: "A cat is black.")
- Is that a question?
- Not.
- Let's learn to ask a question.

Before telling the child exactly how the English question is asked, you need to prepare him to perceive the information clearly and structurally, so that he can easily generalize the information and easily remember the rule. To do this, I usually circle the subject and the linking verb in a common frame and enclose them in separate cells.

Then I draw the same frame, only not filled with words, and after the frame I put a dot and draw the child's attention to it.

To make it clear to the child what happened, I show with arrows that the cells have changed places:

Is a cat black ?

What happened? Read.

With the help of such a simple explanation, it is possible to avoid explaining the need for terms and concepts, but at the same time help the child understand the rule at the level of abstraction. Then, based on what concepts your child owns, you can describe the formation of the question: “Verb and noun switched places. Verb became the first. The verb has become at the beginning of a sentence.

If it seems to you that the child is not yet ready to perceive this information with the help of such tablets, you can make the explanation even more clear. Write the sentence “A cat is black” on a separate sheet of paper, then cut it out in front of the child. Don't forget that the result should be four fragments: “A cat” - “is” - “black” - “ . (dot)". Write a question mark on the back of a dotted card. Fold the resulting leaves into a sentence, and then swap “a cat” and “is”, and turn the card with a dot over. After that, you can again add up the affirmative sentence and again show how the question "forms".

In the future, you need to make sure that when performing exercises related to the English general question, the child has a simple sign in front of his eyes:

... .
... ?

It will help the child to visually represent the differences between a question and a “not a question” and construct questions, clearly understanding their structure.


After the explanation, you can move on to the exercises.

    From an affirmative sentence to make a question, from a question an affirmative sentence.

    If you suspect that it may be difficult for a child, exercises to make an affirmative sentence out of a question, and a question out of an affirmative sentence, at first can be done by cutting the sheet into fragments and “folding” the sentences: it will be easier for the baby to understand " mechanism of the question.

    After you make sure that this mechanism is clear to the child, write a sentence and ask the child to write a question under it, or write a question and ask them to write an affirmative sentence (in order not to overload the child with the term “affirmative sentence”, I often resort to the phrases “regular sentence”, “just a suggestion”… “not a question”, etc.).

    Finally, say a sentence and ask the child to say a question.

    Ask the child to determine if he read (heard) the question or the usual sentence. As an independent task that the child can do in your absence, you can invite him to place dots and question marks at the end of the sentences you have written.

    If you have already told your child about the forms “am”, “is”, are”, exercises on word order in an English question can be combined with exercises on the ability to use these three forms. For example, an exercise can be very “giving” when you say a question in Russian, and the child says the first word from an English sentence:
    - Is this dog striped?
    - Are we on the second floor now?

    The child’s vocabulary is still too small to translate sentences completely, but he is absolutely ready for numerous grammar tasks, while the absence of restrictions on the subject of “translated” sentences creates the illusion of diversity.

    This exercise can also be done in writing, in the form of a kind of dictation: the child writes down his answers, and then you check.

    Do not forget that the English translation of Russian sentences should not contain a semantic verb. Do not allow the child to mistakenly “translate” questions like “Is Tolik running?” or “Does the dog squint?”

    The next step could be an exercise in translating the first two words of the question you are asking. In this case, the subject should be either a word very familiar to the baby, or a pronoun that does not cause him any particular difficulties:
    - (pointing to something) Are they pink?
    Are they...
    - Is the piglet green?
    - Is a pig…

    This exercise is also good because it removes the fear of speaking in English and translating sentences from Russian into English. The child is not faced with the task of translating the whole question, and that is why, pronouncing the first two words, he is often surprised to find that he has almost completely translated the question. If he knows all the words, he often tries to translate the rest of the question after a pause:
    - Is a pig … … … green?

    In this case, you can alternate between "very simple" questions that the child can translate completely, with complex ones, the complete translation of which is clearly beyond his powers. At the same time, it is important that the child’s attention does not “slip” from the grammatical task. If the child “translates” the first two words of the sentence with errors, do not rush things and say such questions, the full translation of which is not available to the child, only then will he return to the task of correctly translating the first two words.

    With the successful completion of the previous exercise, you can proceed to the fact that the child learns to choose between the word order in the affirmative sentence and in the question. You pronounce “normal” sentences or questions, and the child pronounces the same first two words, but now he must understand in time in what order to pronounce them:
    - Are they chocolate?
    Are they...
    - They are very tasty.
    - They are…

    As with the previous exercise, the child may want to translate the entire sentence. In this case, of course, you need to give him such an opportunity, however, I remind you, it is important not to miss the main goal of the exercise: to learn to make a choice between the order of the first two words.

    Only after it becomes obvious that the child is able to translate the first two words in a sentence, one can proceed to the purposeful translation of specially composed sentences and questions containing those words whose translation is familiar to the child. This can be done both orally and in writing.

    Write short dialogues for your child that contain both questions and affirmative sentences. Some of them can be read aloud to the child (for example, play out a dialogue between toys), others can be given to the baby to read.

    Try talking to your child by asking him basic questions and teaching him basic answers.

In conclusion, it should be clarified that the study of general issues should begin only from now. Even if the child, as it seems to you, quickly learned the structure of the question, take your time, do not complicate the task using the forms of the future and past tense. Even if at first glance he quickly copes with this task, later, as experience shows, he will begin to get confused, different structures will mix up for him. And, on the contrary, if he has worked out the form of the present tense to automatism, then later it will help to quickly and reliably master other tenses.

And the last, but by no means unimportant remark. Toddlers, as a rule, quite quickly grasp the proposed grammatical structures, and therefore there may be an illusion that the child has already mastered everything and in the next lessons this topic can only be touched upon in passing, as it is known to the child. But practice shows that in reality everything is a little more complicated. The next day, it may turn out that the child is not able to cope with tasks that he solved very easily yesterday. Don't be surprised or annoyed. Enough again, but faster to complete all the exercises with him. The child will remember and recognize them. After a while, the answers will become self-evident to him. Then you can proceed to the explanation of the next grammatical material (auxiliary verb “do”).