What is the secret meaning of each letter in the Russian language: “How our word will respond” - whether it is an empty sound. What letters are not needed in Russian

Hard and soft signs do not represent any sounds. The solid sign performs a dividing function and is used after prefixes ending in

consonants, as well as before the root of the word starting with e, e, u or i (pre-anniversary, disheveled, weaning, sarcastic). He, for example, helps us to distinguish between the words "sat down" and "ate". The soft sign denotes the softness of the previous consonant: bindweed, monkey,

earlier, seven. Sometimes a soft sign helps to distinguish a masculine from a feminine noun: for example, the word "thing" is feminine, and "horsetail" is masculine. In addition, it often contributes to the creation of different forms of the same verb: meet and meet.

But in the Old Russian language, soft and hard signs (er and er) meant quite real sounds. The first meant a short sound "and", and the second - the same short "o". Even before the adoption of Christianity by Russia and the development of writing, the language had full, short and nasal vowels, and they all performed various functions. By the time of the baptism of Russia, nasal vowels had disappeared from the Russian language, but the letters for their designation remained. The former short vowels ь and ъ in some words ended up in strong positions (for example, under stress, before the accumulation of several consonants, in adjacent syllables with other short

vowels or away from stressed syllables with any vowels) and thus became full vowels o or e, and in others - in weak positions (at the absolute end of a word,

in neighboring syllables with stressed vowels) and gradually simply disappeared from use. Previously, a hard sign was in the word "connect" instead of "o", a soft one - in the word "day" instead of "e". In modern Russian there is such a thing as "fluent vowels". This is the legacy of the Old Russian. That is why texts in Old Russian are so difficult to read.

Do we need hard and soft signs? It is hard to say. In Czech, for example, they have long been replaced by diacritics. The language is subject to change, and it is possible that sooner or later ъ and ь will cease to exist as letters of the alphabet.

Here are the questions of the school Olympiad in the Russian language for the 2nd grade.

Exercise 1.

Find a common beginning for the words:
________-tina, ________-toshka, ________-ta, ________-man, ________-tone.

Task 2.
Find the words that are hidden in the words:
Mel - ________________________________
Wolf - ________________________________
Fishing rod - ________________________________
Spit - ________________________________
Pillar - ________________________________
Shed - ________________________________
Bison - _______________________________
Duck - ________________________________

Task 3.
Guess the puzzles:
Р1А________, О5_________, Ш3Х________, 1POINT ___________, E100nia _______________________, Za1ka

Task 4.
Fill in the missing letters:
_tongue, R_ssia, n_year, m_ro_, ra__kaz, t_atr, _rtistka, vdru_, sheep_shchi, weight_lo, man, M_skva, r_byata, _once, t_tra_ka.

Task 5.
In which version of the word do not mean the same thing?

a) teardrop
b) jug - water lily
c) birch - birch

Task 6.
Find extra words, underline and explain the reason for the exception:

a) ball, watermelon, forest, teeth

b) night, daughter, field, sing

Task 7.

Make words from letters: s, l, o, m e, r, o, p u, r, a, k, h

Task 8.
Choose the words that have only soft consonants:
ticket, now, ax, six, thicket, anniversary.

Task 9.
Find an extra pair:

wide narrow
loud - strong;
dark - light.
timid - bold

Task 10.
Highlight the words that can be divided for hyphenation.

Autumn, pit, belt, Anna, watering can, ash, branches, anchor, skates, stork.

Task 11.
Select the words in which the initial letters should be capitalized.

natasha, lake, mountain, dog, tuzik, kuznetsov, volga

Task 12.

In which word is the negation no heard 100 times.

Task 13.

In which word is heard three o, but four is written

Task 14.
Put stress on words.

Watermelon, caterpillar, belt, briefcase, driver, alphabet. brushwood, hungry, understood, understood.

Task 15.
Choose words that are opposite in meaning.

1 day _________________
2. Enemy _________________
3. Praise ______________
4. Heat ______________
5. Bold ______________

Task 16.
What new words will you get if you swap syllables in words:

Pine, reeds, sting, canopy, actor, tire, wild boar, swing, hole, what.

Task 17.
Match these words with words that are close in meaning.

1. Teacher-____________________.
2. Student- _____________________.
3. Machine-____________________.

Task 18.
Find the odd word in each line and underline it.

1. Yolk, iron, yellow;
2. Beach, garden, lunch, play;
3. I, skis, we, he;
4. Watchmaker, part, hour.

Answers to the questions of the Olympiad:

1. Kar
2. Spruce, ox, daughter, wasp, table, lion, tooth, point.
3. Motherland, again, stroke, loner, Estonia, hairpin.
4. Tongue, Russia, weather, frost, story, theatre, actress, suddenly, vegetables, fun, man, Moscow, guys, one day, notebook.
5 B
6. a) teeth - pl. b) sing - ch.
7. soap, pen, pen
8. now, thicket, anniversary.
9. loud - strong
10. belt, Anna, watering can, skates.
11. Natasha, Tuzik, Kuznetsov, Volga
12. moans
13. trio
14. Watermelon, caterpillar, belt, briefcase, driver, alphabet. brushwood, hungry, understood, understood.
15. 1. Day - night; 2. Enemy - friend; 3. Praise - scold; 4. Warm - cold; 5. Bold - cowardly.
16. Pump, mouse, bed, spring, grater, niche, bank, seagull, early, bunk.
17. 1. Teacher - teacher; 2. Pupil - schoolboy; 3. Car - car
18. 1. iron; 2. play; 3. skis; 4. part.

The word is the same activity

and we have more than anywhere ...

Blessed is he who knows how to read it.

F. M. Dostoevsky

“How our word will respond” - whether in an empty sound, or in a bright way.

That's the question!

First, a small digression. Once in Moscow in the year around 1998, I filmed the First All-Union Conference “Problems of energy-information exchange in nature” for the program “Step Beyond the Horizon”. It was there that I first heard that A. S. Pushkin, after he had written and already published the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, wrote the well-known preface “At Lukomorye there is a green oak ...” where, it turns out, “cat” is not “ cat", and "oak" is not "oak", but something else - a kind of ciphered message written by the poet after the poet's initiation into a certain All-Light Charter.

What is this Grade? Who knows the secret of her cipher?

Some time later, fate gave me a meeting with the founder, or rather, the revivalist of the All-Light Diploma, Ananiy Fedorovich Shubin - Abramov. I learned from him that the Diploma was brought to Earth more than 7 thousand years ago. In that pre-Christian era, the ancient Slavs, knowing this Diploma, understood the language of animals and birds, had knowledge in the field of higher mathematics, astronomy, music, and so on.

This alphabet had 147 letters - for mere mortals and 1254 for the initiates. Imagine how much information each word contained! The range of communication was many times greater.

What particularly struck me was that each letter of the All-Light Alphabet had its own spelling, semantic meaning, sound, color, smell, taste - which corresponded to those sense organs with which a person evaluates the world around him. The letter moved in a special way, changed, joined with other letters in a unique multidimensionality.

They were written on three levels: nav, right, reality.

I will not describe in detail the properties of this ABC, just inquisitive, but not curious (pleased to torture), I refer to the site "All the Light Letter".

“Define the meaning of words, and you will free humanity from many worries,” I read from Descartes.

An image appears not only behind every word, but also behind every letter.

A correct understanding of the meaning of the letters gives the key to deciphering any word. On the other hand: the first part of the word means who or what performs the action, the middle part - how, by means of which this action is performed, the final part of the word - means for what purpose, for what it happens. By applying these simple rules, you can understand why "in the beginning was the Word ..."

The “WORD” itself means “with people to see all four sides” (OVO), or to catch the Universe (“O”). There are other readings of this word.

Many discoveries have already been made on the basis of the All-Light Charter.

Our compatriot Pyotr Petrovich Oreshkin found the key to deciphering Etruscan mirrors, the Phaistos disk, the inscriptions of the ancient Egyptians and other ancient documents. The key used by the author to unravel the mysteries of millennia is simple - it is the Old Slavonic language and the writing of our ancestors.

“The oldest documents are written in different alphabetic systems, but in the same language, and here lies the key to their decipherment. The signs are different, the language is the same,” said Pyotr Oreshkin.

“The whole earth had one language and one dialect.

Here, at some point in the Deliberate catastrophe, the One Language was broken and fragmented into parts. The “big word” turned out to be, as it were, torn into pieces, which were then distributed to the “builders”, who for some reason suddenly forgot what the original looked like, it can be restored in our darkened consciousness only by laying in the original order the “bricks” of the destroyed Tower of Babel, where , probably, the most valuable information was stored, the possession of which became threatening, ”writes Pyotr Oreshkin in the preface to his work.

Oleg Gusev, editor of the newspaper Za Russkoe delo, introduced me to a photocopy of the manuscript of the book The Babylonian Phenomenon in St. Petersburg. The book itself was published in a modest edition in one of the universities of Rome.

In one of the chapters, Peter Oreshkin writes: “The very word “Etruscans” gives reason to say that they were an ancient Slavic tribe of Russ. "This is Russian" - clearly readable. However, many "specialists" seek to "link" Etruscan, it seems, with all Indo-European languages, with the exception of Old Slavonic.

In order to understand the mechanics of Etruscan writing and understand the complexity of its decipherment, it must be emphasized that the ancient priests did not at all seek to simplify the alphabet. Just the opposite!

They sought by all means to complicate it, resorting to ingenious tricks, with one goal: to hide from outsiders the very principle of writing. As if writing in "childish" handwriting. To hide the "mechanism" of writing, the initiates had several tricks. The direction of the letter kept changing. The text could be read either from left to right or from right to left. Letters were sometimes written upside down. Some letters were deliberately distorted. The vowels were omitted in writing.

It turns out that the text is read from right to left, and from left to right, and from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, and even vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Recently, I got into the habit of reading inscriptions, posters, signs in the opposite direction. I see, for example, the inscription of the store "Mars" - I will not go there. This is probably part of the clue to Pushkin's "cat scientist keeps walking around the chain." "Cat" in the opposite direction is read as "current" that goes through the circuit.

Try to chant "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" in forward and reverse order and it will open up to you: who was this "Boyan is prophetic, if anyone wants it", why "Yaroslavna crying loudly in Putivl early in the morning", what is the Troyan Trail, etc. By the way, the text of the Lay, like other ancient literary monuments, was written in a continuous line, without spaces. The same text had different meanings. Isn't that why there are so many translations of the same "Tale of Igor's Campaign". As in Goethe, “Everyone sees the world in a different guise…”

Previously, there were many ways of learning the images of words. I will not dwell on them, I will say the main thing:

The ancient language was intended not so much for reading, but mainly as a system for extracting an image from words and texts.

In Russia in Vedic times, the great single Old Russian language had a more developed phonetics, grammatical structure than the modern Russian language.

What is now considered the "Russian" language has little in common with the language that our ancestors spoke.

What led to the loss of the image in the words of the Great Mighty Russian Language?

First of all, it is the abbreviation of letters.

Of the 147 letters, only 33 remained. To express an idea, we use only 33 characters. Isn't that why we are so verbose today? Moreover, only a shadow display of these letters has been preserved. What can you learn by looking at a shadow?

All the "reforms" of the last centuries were aimed at simplifying, losing the imagery of the language. Cyril and Methodius were the first to reduce the ABC to 49 characters. Documents have been preserved where they themselves repented of this sin.

Peter Ι brought their number to 38. Including removed the letter "M" - "think." Why should a Russian person think?

Nicholas II and Lunacharsky settled on 33 letters.

In 1917, an extraordinary event took place in the reform of the Russian language. On December 23, instead of the alphabet, the alphabet appeared, and with it the phonetic reading of the symbols, giving only an everyday understanding of the text.

Our contemporaries no longer understand the difference between the alphabet and the alphabet. In the alphabet, letters are just icons.

In the alphabet, letters are an image and meaning.

Phonetic reading of letters does not (with rare exceptions) provide access to the understanding of the information of the semantic image embedded in the readable text. Reading phonetically, we seem to be sliding on the surface, unable to go into depth.

To go into depth is to master not a combination of letters, not spelling, but a combination of images, a connection in essence: why it is said this way, and this is different, and what a diverse meaning is embedded in it.

With the transition to a phonetic way of extracting information, our language has become, ultimately, ugly. You can also read ugly.

Until 1917, primary education without fail provided knowledge of the basics of at least the Old Slavonic language. Education began with this - access to ancient texts, without this further education was considered meaningless.

Before the language reform of 1917, each letter of the alphabet had its own name.

It is written "A", read - AZ, means - I ("I" is not the last letter in the alphabet). It is written "B", it is read - BUKI, means - LETTER, BOOK. It is written "B", read - LEAD, means - KNOW, KNOW, etc.

Az Buki Vedi - I Know God (I Know).

Az is the basis, the beginning.

Verb Good - speak, do good.

"Burn people's hearts with the verb." To speak is to do Good.

Good Is Life. Life is good.

Live Zelo Earth. Live on earth.

And How People Think - He Is Our Peace.

That is how you people think - this is your world. What goes around comes around.

Rtsy Word Firmly. Speak the word firmly.

In order to create something, you need to form an image.

What is IMAGE? The etymology of this word is far from clear.

In Ozhegov's dictionary: result; the ideal form of displaying objects and phenomena of the material in the human mind; appearance, appearance; type, character; order; direction either etc.

Dahl: portrait, likeness, hand-written face, icon.

Among the Slavs, everything else is voluminous wooden figures of the Gods.

Each of us, when reading or writing a word, has our own image. Each has its own “cow”, its own “house”.

Each letter of the Russian alphabet is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter "Zh" is a symbol of life, "D" is a house.

Behind each letter, our ancestors had certain images.

What images stand behind the letters now?

B - drum

B - crow, etc.

Although, if you look closely, then “watermelon” is “ar” or ra - the sun, “buz” is a tooth, “crow” is a thief, etc.

It is believed that the alphabet is just letters arranged in a certain order. And that's it!

Maybe that's why they were so easily and simply removed letters from the Russian alphabet. 33 letters left. Moreover, in ancient times there were 19 vowels, and today there are only 5 of them, and vowels are the basis of the energy of the language. Each vowel has its own color.

For example, "A" - red, "E" - light green, "I" - blue, "O" - yellow, "Y" - green, "Y" - brown, "E" - orange, "Yu" - turquoise, "I" - pink-red.

Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ works at a certain frequency. No wonder the chanting of Indian mantras or prayers has a beneficial effect on the body.

After the reduction of letters, the imagery of the language was lost, for example, after the destruction of the letters b and i (there were already ten of them), the images and meanings in the words were lost: For example: L. N. Tolstoy called his novel "War and Peace", i.e. " War and the People", and not just "peace" in the sense of "let's hug a passerby." N.V. Gogol wrote his work called “Dead Souls”, and not “Dead Souls”.

Then they changed the "Z" to "C". The word “story” was changed to “story”, “bridle” to “rein”, etc. With this replacement, the glorification of the demon is obtained: “inglorious” (inglorious), “useless” (devil useful), “uncivilized” (devil cultural), “heartless” (heartless), “inhuman” (inhuman), “unscrupulous” (devil conscience), “disorderly” (dishonest), “priceless” (priceless), etc.

Today, they are trying to remove the vowel letter “Yo” from the ABC. Often it is simply omitted when writing, and in some books it is not printed at all. On computers, it was placed not in the letter row, but on the side of the numbers.

Without the letter “Ё” it is impossible to distinguish the meaning of words. For example: “tree” and “tree”, “donkey” and “donkey”, “chalk” and “chalk”, “film” and “film”, etc. Why should we write “child” and say “child” ”, or - “mother-in-law” and “mother-in-law”

Our education leaders say that further simplification is inevitable if we are to live by European standards. But who said their locale is higher? They have already reduced it to 24 letters!

Why do we need so many letters? - they asked me indignantly after the broadcast about the All-World Diploma, - There are no English letters, and they are enough. Why do we need a hundred and forty-seven!

Overseas languages ​​are almost completely built not on figurative principles, but on sound codes.

Two letters, connecting, form a new image. Like editing different shots in a movie.

We can understand an image as a set of diverse knowledge that combines into a specific description of an object or phenomenon.

The figurative construction of ancient speech provided for many synonymous words and options for their assembly. Each image carries a deep essence, which makes it possible to understand the purpose and existence of this image.

In a modern person, due to the simplification of the language and the lack of figurative thinking, many processes of the brain are inhibited. The brain of our ancestors worked far from the modern 3%.

In ancient times, our ancestors considered the alphabet as a cipher of the Creator's creation. The word has always been perceived as the beginning of creation, and the letter was, as it were, a unit, an atom of creation. Each letter had its own meaning, its own image, its own meaning. Among many peoples, the alphabets were deified. When interpreting words, interaction occurs on images.

But not all words need to be interpreted figuratively, because many concepts have now lost their figurative meaning. The simplification of the alphabet has led to the fact that conspiracies and slander no longer affect our body, because they are pronounced with the wrong frequency and vibration.

A group of Russian scientists G. S. Grinevich, L. I. Sotnikova, A. D. Pleshanov and others proved that our alphabet contains in encrypted form knowledge about the laws of the universe.

The very word EDUCATION - literally making images ..

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that in the process of EDUCATION, it is not development that is important, but the goal of development is the creation of a harmonious person.

It turns out that the modern education system does not provide a holistic worldview and attitude at all. Only a set of academic knowledge, and sometimes contradictory, that cannot be applied in life.

Even before 1700, each letter in the ABC had its own numerical value.

For example: A - 1, D - 4, C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter I. Before that, all numbers were denoted by letters with a special icon on top - “titlo”. Pythagoras claimed that letters and numbers have the same vibrations.

It turns out that the alphabet is a system of numerical codes. By pronouncing words, we communicate with the Cosmos. The Universe responds to our vibrations.

Language is given to man not only for communication among themselves, but also for communication with the Cosmos.

This is another facet of the ABC, which our ancestors knew.

Letters have a certain shape, graphics.

With the discovery of torsion fields, another component of the letter became known. Since each letter has its own form, and the form creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information of the field of Consciousness. It turns out that by cutting down the ABC, we disconnect from the area of ​​the general information field of the Universe.

Another interesting point is the repetition of letters in dance poses, where each position has a text reading. Why do Russians love Indian cinema?

We have just touched the great Russian language, which our ancestors professed for thousands of years. Today, its figurative meaning is revealed to everyone exactly as much as he is prepared for the perception of the recognizable. When you yourself build barriers in the knowledge of the past, then this is your problem. The main thing is that you yourself want to understand and accept this. In Russia in Vedic times, the great Old Russian language had a more developed phonetics, grammatical structure than the modern Russian language.

The Russian language is still the language of images of deep meaning, unlike European ones, which give a superficial understanding of the transmitted information.

Our language, our thoughts are material substances and have a wave nature. Russian scientist Petr Garyaev compared the mathematical models of human speech and the genetic code. It turned out that they have the same geometry, that is, DNA is built according to the laws of human speech. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Creator created DNA and all living things with the help of the Word. In addition to the fact that DNA emits a melody, it can be spelled from right to left, and from top to bottom, and in the opposite direction - just as they once read the All-Light Letter.

It is the letters of the Russian alphabet that are the symbols through which our reality is created.

Not everything is lost!

Gene memory when reading letters, even in a truncated shadow display, helps to convey to us all the "33 pleasures". And sound, and color, and volume, and smell, and the beauty of writing, and, most importantly, figurative perception of the world. The very structure of simple words of the Russian language contains fundamental knowledge about everything. Anyone who knows Russian can remember them. The study of the images of the Russian language alone can awaken the genetic memory. I repeat the call of Peter Oreshkin: “The door is open, come in!” But not many heard it.

I will finish my reflections with the words from the Gospel: "He who knows the true word of life, he must, is obliged to communicate it to his ignorant, wandering in darkness brother."

But who needed these "reforms" of the Russian language?

Not here and not for me to answer this question.

Some letters perform a specific function in the pronunciation of words: the presence or absence of a soft and hard sign can drastically change the meaning of the word itself. About all the letters that do not have sounds, find out their articles.

In Russian, there are letters that do not represent any one particular sound. In spelling, such letters are used as indicators for the correct pronunciation of words. Letters have these qualities: b (soft sign) and b (hard sign).

Letters without sounds: the letter "b"

  • How exactly the meaning of words changes when writing these alphabetic characters can be seen in the following example: without a hard sign in the word “sat down” and with a hard sign “ate”, the missing soft sign in the word “seed” or its presence in the word “family”. Having no sound of my own- these alphabetic characters are able to influence the pronunciation of neighboring letters.
  • A letter without a sound is a soft sign - in Russian speech used to soften the previous consonant: horse, feathers, lie, play, console, boat.
  • In spelling, the soft sign performs not only a softening function, but also a separating, grammatical one and acts as a designation of independent softening for paired consonants.
  • Sometimes a letter b renders assistance in the formation of different configurations of the verb from a single primary source, for example: in the words “spinning” and “spinning” - a soft sign changes the form of the same verb.
  • Also soft sign is used to determine the masculine or feminine gender in noun words. For example: “blizzard” is a feminine word, and “spit” is a masculine noun.
  • Used this letter without sounds most often in the middle of a word: root or suffix. And also at the end of the word - to soften the pronunciation of the previous hard sound. In cases where the letter b used as a separator - it is written after a consonant letter, inside a word and before vowels: Yu, I, Yo, I, E. As in the words: drinks, necklace, doubts, sparrows, loach.

  • soft sign- changes the pronunciation of these letters: each of these letters acquires an additional sound "Y". Thus, their sound will look like this: I - "YI", E - "YE", Yu - "YU", YO - "YO", I - "YA".

  • Letter b - performs separating function when writing some words of foreign origin: it does not allow the vowel "O" and the previous consonant to merge when pronouncing: battalion, pavilion, champignon, septillon. It is important to remember that after prefixes - a dividing soft sign is not used in spelling.

Letters without sounds: "Ъ" and its pronunciation in Russian

  • The hard sign is also letter without sound in the pronunciation of words performs exclusively separating function. Its spelling can change the meaning of the word: “ate”, “sat down” - the difference in meaning is made by the presence of a solid sign. But unlike the soft sign, the letter symbol Kommersant- it is written after prefixes: between consonants and vowels I, Yo, Yu, E. For example, in the words: conjunctivitis, announcement, fluster, splitter.

  • When writing disconnecting solid sign, in sound, after a consonant - iotation of the subsequent vowel appears. There is no softening in the pronunciation of vowels, and two components of the sound are clearly distinguished: the vowel and the sound "Y". For each letter, these sounds are combined into a composition: Yu - "YU", I - "YA", Yo - "YO", E - "YE". However, there is a sound reading when the vowel in the word is read without the use of an additional sound "Y".
  • In this version, her reading sounds without softness. There are compound words in which a solid sign is written: if the written word is composed of two parts, where the first part is occupied by a word formed from a numeral, and the second part begins with a vowel: three-tier, four-tier, two-core.
  • Dividing solid mark is written if the words have a prefix borrowed from foreign words. This also applies to those cases when the prefix, during the transformation of the word, connected with the root, forming a consonant letter at the end: adjutant, opportunistic, subjective, trans-European, pre-anniversary, object. In the sound of these words, vowel iotation prevails to a greater extent.

Features of the sound of letters without the sounds "b and b"

  • Soft and hard sign not new letters and their existence originates from the Old Russian language. However, in those days, their sound was different: the letter b- read like the sound "And", called "er", and the letter Kommersant- fit the title "er" and sound "O".
  • The pronunciation of the last letter character, in the ancient sound was brief, without softness. In the Old Russian language, there were three types of vowels: nasal, short and full letters. Each group of letters performed its own function, to convey certain sounds.
  • Over time, the language has changed and nasal vowels- lost their significance in pronunciation. However, their spelling in the text is partially preserved and displayed in conventional alphabetic characters.
  • Letters without sounds which, when written, were at the end of a word or next to stressed vowels, ceased to exist altogether. Only those remained that were displayed in the stressed syllable, next to other vowels and before a group of consonant letters, as well as those that, when written, retained their proximity to strong-sounding vowels and acquired pronunciation in the form of an independent sound "E" or " O".
  • Modification of sound values, can be seen in a comparative example of modern words. So in the spelling of the word “laughter”, the letter E was denoted by a soft sign, and in the word “scroll”, the letter O was replaced by the Old Russian scripture with a hard sign. Pronunciation of letters without sounds b and b- had a direct meaning from their location relative to the stressed syllable: the sound changed, based on how strong the position of the letter sign was.

  • Therefore, in modern Russian, many of the old types of pronunciation have acquired a different form of spelling and sound, referred to as - "runaway vowels". In addition, many ancient writers stopped using the spelling of a solid sign at the end of a word, considering it useless in terms of pronunciation of sounds.
  • His main task was to indicate the hardness of the forthcoming consonant: the old Russian “ves” is read as “weight”. It was already clear that the absence of a softening sign at the end of a word denotes a hard sound. The need to write the letter Ъ at the end of the word has disappeared.

  • And here soft sign- retained its position to our times. It is possible that over time, both signs will lose their relevance and will be replaced when writing - diacritics. Some Slavic peoples already have similar symbols in their language literacy.

Video: What do we hear and how do we read letters without sounds?