Abstracts about water in the middle group. Material and equipment

Expansion of ideas about water, its properties.
To give children an idea of ​​​​water, its properties (smell, taste, color).
Develop the ability to compare and analyze.
Develop logical thinking.
Activate children's vocabulary.

Develop the ability to work in a team.
Preliminary work:
Making riddles about water, looking at illustrations depicting water, talking about water.
Disposable cups (two for each child), straws, gouache, tassels, illustrations depicting rain, waterfall, sea, river, sounds of nature, cartoon "Trip of a drop". For the teacher: a spoon and jam. Water coloring by the number of children.

Children stand in a circle.

Good morning, I tell you!

Good morning! I love you all!

I wish you good practice

Listen carefully, get smart!

(Greetings in 3 languages, sit on chairs in a semicircle)

Progress of experimental activities.

Children are asked a riddle about water:

From the mountain, escaping without difficulty,

She rumbles like thunder.

On a frosty day, she is firm -

Chop with an ax!

Heat it up - and to heaven

She will fly then.

Now anyone will answer us:

Her name is - ... (water)

Where can water be found in nature?

(in a river, lake, stream...)

And now I want to show you a reduced model of our planet earth.

Does anyone know what it's called?

And what do you think is drawn in blue and blue on the globe?

(water, seas and oceans)

Look how much space water takes up on our planet, but in fact we have very little water that can be drunk. It's called fresh. Let's repeat together: - water that can be drunk is called fresh.

Why can't you drink water from the sea? (because it's salty)

What is the name of the water in the sea? (marine)

And in the lake? (lake)

In a river? (river)

In a spring? (spring)

And in the swamp? (marsh)

Guys, tell me, why do people need water? (children's answers)

Who else needs it? For what?

You know, guys, water is like a magician from fairy tales. She can do different transformations. Would you like to visit wizards together with some water? (answers)

And our laboratory will help us in this, and we, like real scientists, will do experiments. What are people who do experiments in the lab called? (lab assistants)

We need to properly prepare for work in the laboratory.

(perform gymnastics for the eyes and finger)

Even in the laboratory you need to follow the rules:

1. Listen carefully to me.

2. Do not talk loudly and do not disturb other guys.

3. Do not touch anything on the table without permission.

4. Some experiments can only be done with adults.

(children take places in the "laboratory")

1 .AT. shows the children clean water in a transparent glass.

Guys, what kind of water do we have in a glass? (children's answers)
Experience: Drop an object into a glass of water. Is he visible? Yes.

The output is clear water.
Let's take a closer look at what water? What color is she? What colors do you know? (children's answers)

Water does not look like any color, water has no color, so it is colorless. Let's repeat the word in unison colorless".

2. But we told you that water is magical, it turns out that it can change its color.
Experience: Each of you has a brush and gouache. I propose to wet the brush, dip it in gouache and stir the clear water in your cups with the brush. What happened to the water? (answers)
The water has changed its color: for some it has become yellow, for others it has become green, red, blue.
We have learned that water can change its color.
Experience: Compare the color of clear water with the color of multi-colored stripes. The result is colorless water.

(we put the picture-symbol on the board).

3. Children are given new glasses with clear clean water.
Let's smell the water. What does she smell like? (answers)
Clean water, guys, doesn't smell like anything. Odorless water. What do you think, does water have a smell? (answers)
What do you think the water will smell like if I put currant jam in it? (answers)
The teacher puts jam in his glass of water, stirs it and gives each child a sniff. What does water smell like? (answers)

(we put the picture-symbol on the board).

4. The children have glasses of clean water on the tables.
Guys, do you think water has a taste? (answers)
Let's remember what tastes we know? Candy, what does it taste like? (answers) What does lemon taste like? (answers)
Now try some water. What does she taste like? (answers)
Pure water has no taste, it is tasteless. Let's repeat the word "tasteless" in chorus

(we put the picture-symbol on the board).

Here, guys, water is really magical! Let's remember, what is clean water? (answers)
1. Odorless.
2. No color (colorless)
3. No taste (tasteless)
But we have found out that water tends to change its color, smell and taste - therefore, water can be called magical.
Did you enjoy doing magic? (answers)


Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands.

One, two, three, four, five-

We can also rest

Put your hands behind your back

Let's raise our heads higher
And easy - easy to breathe!

Well it's game over

It's time for us to get to work!

(go to chairs, sit down)

Q: Guys, what else can the sorceress water turn into?

(dew, ice, fog…)

Let's play with water.

You must listen carefully to the sounds, and guess what it is, and find the answer with your eyes.

(the sound of a waterfall, stream, sea, rain sounds, children should find with their eyes

pictures hanging from the ceiling, and then answer with words)

B: Children, oh, what happened in the morning,

I forgot to tell you!

A drop came to me

I just entered the garden.

The poor woman is crying, sad,

And then he says:

Children forgot to turn off the tap

And all the droplets floated away!

And I said in response:

No, there are no such children here!

We save water.

The droplet smiled

And I left with a gift!

But first you must answer me,

What will happen without water?

(children's answers)

B: Do not wash, do not get drunk without water.

The leaf will not bloom without water.

Can't live without water

Bird, beast and man.

And so always

Everyone needs water everywhere.

There is a saying: “Where there is water, there is life!”

Let's do it all together.


Droplet gave us a cartoon called "Triplet's Journey". Let's see it.

(watch cartoon)

Q: Guys, I want to show you another gift from a droplet. She gave us two fairy tales with pictures. Look at the pictures, what are they? What's wrong with them? (they are black and white)

The droplet said that the sorceress - water will help us make them colored.

Let's try.

(children go to the tables in the "laboratory" and paint water coloring books, return to the chairs)

Q: What did we learn about water in our laboratory today?

(name properties of water)


Guys, if you were interested in the lesson, then give emoticons-droplets to the sun, and if it was difficult for you, then to the cloud.

Irina Terpilko

Program content:

1. Fix the properties of water with children in the process of research activities. Clarify its meaning for all living things.

2. To develop cognitive interest, thinking and speech of children in the process of experimenting with water; enter into children's active vocabulary the words: colorless, tasteless, transparent liquid.

3. Cultivate respect for water.

preliminary work:

Reading stories, fairy tales of a cognitive nature.

Experiences: turning snow into water; water to ice.

Conversations: "Where can you find water?", "Who lives in the water?".

vocabulary work: laboratory, laboratory assistant, colorless, liquid, tasteless, transparent.

Materials and equipment: a doll - a drop, a basin, empty cups, jars of water, plates, test tubes of various shapes, a glass of milk, teaspoons according to the number of children, salt, sugar, liquid soap, cards - symbols indicating the properties of water, gouache green, yellow, red, thermos, mirror, soap bubbles, emblem "Washed your hands - do not forget to close the tap tightly"

Course progress.

(Knock on the door). - Guys, someone came to us? I'll take a look now.

Who is it? (droplet)

droplet: You recognized me? I am a drop of water! I came to visit you. I am with mine

sisters - snowflakes traveled for a long time and I am very interested in what you did, what

learned something new while I was away.

caregiver: Droplet, we talked about you. You sit and listen, see what we're new

learned about you. Now the children will read the poem.

Have you heard of water?

They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet

Like an icicle, it freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist,

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

Ribbon silver curls

Among the high, slender firs

Collapsed by a stream of mudflows.

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses.

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice it.

We are used to that water-

Our companion always!

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

caregiver: Is it always water is it the same in nature?

(Not. Water, as enchantress able to transform and be different).

caregiver: And now I will give you riddles, and you guess them and find clues.

A white tablecloth covered the whole earth. (Snow)

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

A little sun will bake it -

She will cry and die. (Icicle)

They are waiting for me - they will not wait,

And when they see it, they run away. (Rain)

I run to my mother - the river.

And I can't be silent.

I am her own son

And I was born in the spring. (Creek)

I stayed on earth

After summer rain.

sprawled out in the middle of the road,

Whoever passes will get his feet wet. (Puddle)

White peas fall right on the head - Oh!

It knocks the color off the apple trees and harms the fields. (grad)

The star circled in the air a little.

Sat and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)

You see guys water is different.

What is needed for water and how do we use it? (Pictures)

Droplet, we invite you to our little laboratory. And you guys today

You will, like real scientists, conduct experiments with water.

Experience number 1. Water is liquid, has no shape. (Symbol)

What does this card mean?

Children: Water overflows, liquid, has no form.

caregiver Q: How can this be proven?

On the table is a basin, cups of water, vessels of various shapes. Children pour water from

cups in a basin, in other vessels.

What have you done with the water now? (poured out, poured out).

Conclusion: Water is pouring, overflows. She has no form. Takes the form in which vessel it is


Guys, what color do you think water? And what does this symbol mean? (colorless)

Now we will check it.

Experience number 2. « Colorless water» (symbol)

There is a glass of water and a glass of milk on the table.

What is it? (milk)

What color is milk? (white)

Can you say that water is white? (No)

What colour water? (transparent, colorless)

How did you know? What have you done?

Cocktail sticks were placed in both glasses. In a glass of water, the stick is visible, but in a glass of

milk is not visible.

Guys, I know that water changes color. Do you want to verify this? Now I will show the focus. (on the

table 3 jars with lids. Gouache on the lids. I close the jars and shake. Water changes

Conclusion: clear water and the milk is not clear. Water changes color if something has been added to it.

Experience number 3. « Water has no taste or smell". (symbol)

Guys, do you smell when mom bakes pies, how do flowers smell? (Yes)

What does this symbol mean? (water odorless and tasteless)

How can this be determined? (smell, taste).

And now I suggest you guys taste the water.

What is she? Salty, sweet, bitter? (she's tasteless)

Guys, I suggest you put in a glass of water the substance that is on your

table. Stir and now taste the water. What did she taste like?

Conclusion: Water has no taste and smell. But water takes on the taste of the substance that was added to it.

caregiver: - Drop, look what guys are great! How much new they are to us

told. You've worked hard, and you can rest a little. We invite you to our


Warm up: Drop - one, drop two,

Very slow at first (jumping in place on two legs)

And then faster, faster (running in circles)

And we opened our umbrellas

Sheltered from the rain (arms bent over head)

Well, here we are, rested and back to work. We still have something interesting to tell Droplet.

Experience number 4. Steam is also water» (symbol)

What does this symbol tell us?

There is a thermos with boiling water on the table. What is it? (thermos)

Take a thermos with boiling water, let's open it and see, what's happening.

What do we see from the neck of the thermos? (steam)

To make it easier to see, put a mirror to the neck of the thermos.

What do we see in the mirror? (droplets of water)

When there are a lot of them, what do they turn into? (in water)

Conclusion: Steam is also water.

Experience No. 5: « Water is a solvent» (symbol)

What does this symbol mean? (water is a solvent)

Guys, where could you observe that something can be dissolved in water? (sugar, salt, mom erases,

powder). These substances quickly dissolve in water.

On the table is a bowl of water and liquid soap. Show how liquid soap dissolves in water and what

this is obtained. Which water is obtained? (soapy).

What can be blown out of soapy water? (bubble).

Conclusion: Water is a solvent. It can dissolve quickly soluble substances.

caregiver: But here, Droplet, we showed you and told you what properties it has

water. Guys, Droplet wants to play a game with you. "Is it possible or not". What are you

attentive and obedient.

I'll lick the icicle, I'm on thin ice

And I’ll have a snack with a snowball I’ll go for a walk on the river

Give me the answer kids Give me the answer kids

Is it possible or not? Is it possible or not?

And when summer comes

I'll go swimming alone

Give me an answer kids

Is it possible or not?

Well done boys.

Guys, Droplet wants to ask you, what do you think, is it necessary to save water? After all, there are a lot of them.

What do people need water(pure)

And in order to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort to purify it. Need water

protect, tightly close the tap.

A droplet brought you such a memo - a reminder "Washed your hands - close the tap tightly".

We'll hang this memo over the washbasin.

At the end of our lessons remember the properties of water. Symbols will help you.

Water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured, poured.

Water is colorless,

The water is tasteless,

Water has no odor,

Water is steam,

Water is a solvent.

Did you like our class? What task was the most interesting? What is the hardest thing?

We will talk a lot more about water and learn even more about it.

Is our class is over. Droplet thanks you for the interesting occupation and brought you

gifts. (bubble)

Goals and objectives:

Educational area: « knowledge »

To consolidate ideas about the properties of water, its use, purpose, necessity.

To consolidate ideas about the sources of water pollution, its consequences.

Develop the ability to think, analyze, draw conclusions.

Teach children to find positive and negative in one concept.

Mastering experimentation: develop cognitive activity.

To educate children in the desire to preserve and protect the world around them, to see its beauty.

Educational area: « communication »

Continue to develop speech, activate words: transparent, tasteless, colorless, hard, slippery like glass, volatile, gaseous.

Promote the development of thinking, curiosity

Material: pieces of ice according to the number of children, small plates, spirit lamp, matches.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the meaning and properties of water, looking at illustrations, observing on walks, reading and memorizing poems, riddles, conducting individual experiments with water.

The lesson used - game, experimental types of children's activities.

Course progress.

1 part. Music sounds (the sound of waves, the murmur of a stream).

Educator: Today I want to give you a riddle, listen carefully.

I am cloud and fog

And the stream and the ocean

And I fly and I run

And I can be glass.

Children's answers: it's a riddle about water.

Educator: Where do we meet water?

Children's answers: There is water in the river, water flows from the grana, rain, snowflakes, sea, icicle, dew, cloud, fog, ice, etc.

Educator: What is water for?

Children's answers: Wash, wash, cook, water plants, swim in the river, wash floors, drink, etc.

Educator: Well done, you are all correct. And who knows poems about water?

Children read poetry


Squish-squish hands,

The basin was full of soap.

Don't touch Masha

Soapy eye pen.

And the water gurgles

And the water is foaming.

Masha will wash herself

Get dressed, get dressed.

S. Kaputikyan.

I washed my hands under the tap

And I forgot to wash my face.

Trezor saw me

He growled, "What a shame!"

G. Ladonshchikov.

"Don't interfere with my work."

Don't stop me from working!

I'll bring water.

And well water

I will feed everyone, of course.

Drink, drink

Don't be sorry!

Do you want

Pour into the watering can -

Water the garden

He drinks water too!

E. Blaginina.

Educator: Guys, what do you think will happen without water?

Children's answers: Everything around will be dirty, we will not be able to drink, plants, fish, animals will die, people will not be able to live, etc.

Educator: You say that without water it is very bad. It is right. Is water always healthy?

Children's answers: Heavy rain is bad. It is inconvenient to walk through puddles, your feet get wet, cars can splash.

Storm is bad. Ships can sink, people can die.

Drink plenty of water - the stomach can get sick.

Watering plants heavily is also bad, they will die.

Educator: That's right guys. You have said a lot about water. Water is necessary for everyone on earth: both humans, animals, plants, and even a bug. Let's show what the bug needs water for.

Physical education: Under the leaf, the beetle woke up,

Stretched, twitched.

Abdomen, nose, eyes, mustache

Washed with a drop of dew.

2 part. Educator: Now, guys, tell me what it is, water?

Children's answers: Liquid, wet, tasteless, odorless, transparent.

Educator: Correctly. And I want to tell you that water turns out to be a magician. Water, in addition to being liquid, can also be solid - it's ice and volatile, gaseous - it's steam.

Water, when it freezes, turns into ice. (The teacher distributes pieces of ice to the children). You touch the ice and tell us what it is?

Children's answers: Cold, hard, smooth, slippery, like glass.

Educator: And if the ice is heated, then it will turn into water again, when the water boils, it will turn into steam.

Experience: heating a piece of ice to water and steam.

Conclusion: So, when water is very hot, it turns into steam.

Educator: It seems to me, guys, that extraordinary people live in water, steam and a piece of ice.

In the water - little men stand next to each other.

In a piece of ice - hold hands tightly.

As a couple, they are constantly moving.

Let's play these guys.

Warm-up game (with musical accompaniment - the sound of water). Children, at the signal of the teacher, depict little men of water, ice, steam.

3 part. Educator: You have now talked a lot about water, its properties and condition. Let's now make riddles about it!

Children make riddles

Very good-natured

I am soft, obedient.

But when I want

I will even wear out a stone. (Water).

I run like a ladder

Ringing on the stones.

From afar by the song

Recognize me. (River).

White as chalk

Came from the sky.

The winter lay

Fled to the ground. (Snow).

I run to my mother - the river,

And I can't be silent.

I am her own son

And was born in the spring. (Creek).

I always fall in the morning

Not rain, not a star.

And I sparkle in burdocks

On the edges and meadows. (Dew).

Lives in seas and rivers

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (Water).

Doesn't burn in fire

And it doesn't sink in water. (Ice).

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her

She will cry and run away. (Icicle).

An asterisk circled

A little in the air

Sat and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake).

Educator: Great! How do you know a lot of mysteries about water. Well, since all living things on earth need it so much, water is simply necessary. Yes, not just water, but pure, transparent. What do you think should be done to conserve water?

Children's answers: Turn off the tap in time, do not spend too much, do not throw garbage into the river yourself, prohibit others.

Educator: Everything is correct! Here's what a children's writer said about water

Korney Chukovsky:

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble.

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bath,

Anytime and anywhere -

Eternal glory to water!


Synopsis of an open lesson in the middle group "Sorceress - Water"

1. To help children understand the importance of water in the life of wildlife. 2. To consolidate children's knowledge about water and how people use it.
 to acquaint children with the properties of water: the absence of its own form; transparency; water is a liquid, tasteless, odorless;  clarify children's knowledge about the purpose of water in our lives;  to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation;  to consolidate the ability to work with transparent dishes;  consolidate the ability to work with solutions;  develop mental operations: comparison, generalization, ability to analyze;  develop coherent speech, the ability to reason, draw conclusions;  encourage independent formulation of conclusions;  foster respect for water;
transparent plastic glasses, spoons, water containers, a glass of milk, sugar, salt, paints, brushes; teddy bear, ice cubes, picture Asterisks.
Lesson progress

Sit comfortably, don't twist, don't twist. Children, oh, what happened in the morning, I forgot to tell you - I just went into the kindergarten, Asterisk came to me (shows a picture of Asterisks), She says, I have a miracle guest, Here I admire from above, I like your Earth, blue and big, Paints always plays, Tell me why, because I myself do not understand!
Let's tell Zvezdochka why our planet Earth is so beautiful?

Children, our planet earth is so beautiful because most of its surface is covered with water. That's why she's so blue. (Show the children a globe and explain that the blue color on it is water. Pay attention to the fact that there is more blue water on it than land. Pay attention to the fact that there is also a white color on the globe - find them together Explain that water is also indicated in white, but only special - these are ice and snow that never melt). Knock on the door. The stranger appears.
Hello guys. (Children greet.) I am very sad. Today I found out that it turns out I know nothing about water. May I stay with you and learn something about water.
Well, guys, let's help Dunno? (Children answer.) Sit down.
Guys, let's tell Dunno what water is for?
(To drink, wash hands, bathe, cook, wash. Children one by one talk about what is known. The teacher briefly summarizes what has been said. (Water is the main source of life on Earth: without it there would be no plants - flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, no animals, no birds, no fish, no people.People need water, plants, animals, insects, fish, birds, life is not possible without water.People drink it, cook food, wash it, wash it, water it, etc. .d.)
Bear, water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet. The guys already know a little about water, and today we will do some experiments. To do this, I propose to you and me
become laboratory assistants. Now let's go to our laboratory.
Experience number 1 "Water is a liquid"

Let's try, guys, to pour water from one glass to another. (Children pour water from one glass to another). Is water pouring? Why?

water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured. If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, would not flow from a tap.
Experience number 2: "The water is clear, colorless"

On the table you have two glasses, one with water, the other with milk. I suggest putting the spoon into a glass of water. What did you notice? And now - in a glass of milk. – What did you notice? Children express their opinion: in a glass of milk, a spoon is not visible, but in a glass of water, it shines through. Together with the teacher, they formulate one more of the properties of water: pure water is transparent.
water has no color, it is colorless (a symbol of this property is posted).
Did you know that water can be colored in different colors. Do you want to know how? Then I'll show you the trick now! I have prepared magic jars for you, and if you say magic words, the water in the jars will turn color. Shall we try?
Repeat after me: You are water-water, You are my cold friend. Become water-voditsa, Not bright, but multi-colored!
Blow on the jars now. (Children say words, blow.)
And now we will shake the jar well. What do we see?

What color did it turn into? Children name colors (red, green, yellow).
Correctly. This means that water can also be painted in different colors. This is the magic water! Who wants to try this trick? Children perform the trick at will.
Guys, what do you think, will water change its color if jam is added to it? Try it at home, and then tell us.
Experience #3: “Water has no taste”

And now, guys, I suggest you taste the water. (Children are offered boiled water). What is she? Sweet? Salty? bitter? (Answers of children).
: water has no taste, it is tasteless (a symbol of this property of water is posted).
let's do the following experiment with you. Pour the substance that is on your table into a glass of water (the teacher demonstrates - salt, sugar). Stir and now taste the water. What did she taste like? What do you think you added to the water? (Answers of children).
It turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was added to it.
Experience number 4: "Water has no smell"

We have learned, children, that water can change color, taste. Can she change her scent? What do you think? (Answers). Guys, I suggest you smell the water. Does the water smell of anything?
water does not smell, it has no smell.
Well done guys, we did a good job with you, and now I invite you to Zvezdochka, Mishka to rest a bit. Children perform physical education: The first drop fell - drip! And the second ran - cap! We looked at the sky - Droplets - drip-drop sang,
Wet our faces, We wiped them. Well, look at the shoes - Everyone became wet. Let's move our shoulders together, And shake off all the droplets, Run away from the rain, sit under a bush.
Experience number 5:

Well done boys! And now let's show Zvezdochka where some water can hide. The teacher shows the children pieces of ice, invites those who wish to take them in their hands.
What happens to ice? Why is he melting? (Children's answers.) That's right, our hands are warm, and therefore the ice melted and turned into water. So what is ice? (Children's answers.) That's right, ice is also water, only hard and cold. We conclude: water can be liquid, solid and in the form of steam.
We told Zvezdochka and Mishka a lot about water. Guys, Zvezdochka, Mishka, do you know that you need to save water, and when you wash your hands, you need to immediately turn off the tap?
Why save water, how much is there?!
There is a lot of water, but for washing, cooking, only purified water is needed, and in order to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort, we will talk about this next time. And so that we don’t forget to turn off the tap, I prepared a reminder reminder “Save water!” Guys, let's hang this memo in our washroom. And we will give Mishka so that he also does not forget to save water. Do you agree? (Answers).
Today I learned a lot of interesting things about the sorceress water. Water is a liquid, tasteless, odorless. The water is transparent. But the time has come for me to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys.
Before we say goodbye to Zvezdochka and Mishka, let's remember everything we told her about, shall we? View presentation: "What is water for!"
Well, the guys Zvezdochka and Dunno now know what water is, thanks to you and say a big thank you! Let's say goodbye to them and say - See you again! RESULT: So what did we talk about? What did Mishka and Zvezdochka learn? What did (child's name) like? What is ice? What color was the water dyed?

Summary of the lesson in the middle group "B"

Topic: "Water and its properties"

Educator: Shkidra O.V.

Summary of the lesson in the middle group "B"

Educator: Shkidra O.V.

Topic: "Water and its properties"

Educational area: "Cognition"

Section: Formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Acquaintance with nature.

Purpose: To develop cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the environment.

Tasks: "Educational"

To acquaint with the methods of elementary experimentation, introduce some properties of water. To pay attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water is fraught with many unknowns, to clarify children's ideas about the use of water, to form the ability to rationally use water resources, to clarify the knowledge of water for all living things.

"Developers". To develop research abilities in pupils, to develop ideas about water and its properties, to develop curiosity, thinking, speech of children, to introduce words into the active dictionary: liquid, colorless, to develop a taste analyzer.

"Educational". To cultivate curiosity, the desire to participate in experiments, to learn to cooperate with each other when performing joint actions. Cultivate respect for water.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive and speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and personal development", "Physical development".

Material: a bowl of water, cups of water, cups, gouache, paints, salt, sugar, citric acid, coffee, tea, jam, audio recording "Bubbling brook".

Guys today, on the way to kindergarten, I met Cheburashka, he was very upset.

I asked why and he told me that he and Gena K played school. Gena was a teacher and asked Cheburashka to talk about water and its properties.

And Cheburashka knows nothing about it. I invited him to our kindergarten and promised that we would help him.

Educator: "Help guys?"

Children: "Yes"

Educator: -Cheburashka, now the children will begin an interesting entertaining activity of knowledge, where we will talk about water and determine its properties, and you listen carefully and remember.

The music of the babbling stream sounds.

Educator: - Guys, listen and determine what these sounds are?

Children: - These are the sounds of water.

Educator: - Right. It's a babbling stream.

Knock on the door. Droplet arrives.

Educator: - Look guys Droplet came to visit us.

Drop: Hello guys.

Children: Hello Droplet.

Educator: - A droplet traveled all over the world, saw a lot, learned a lot of interesting things. Let's hear what she tells us.

Droplet reads a poem:

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

How an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist.

It's called a glacier in the mountains

Ribbon silver curls.

We are used to the fact that water is always our companion.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink.

I dare to report to you

We cannot live without her.

Educator: Is that so? Do you think we can live without water?

Children: We can't live without water.

Teacher: Why do we need water?

Children: - Drink, wash, bathe, wash dishes, cook, wash clothes, water plants.

Educator: - And where did the droplet come from? Where can she be? Let's look at the pictures. Name them.

Children: -Puddle, stream, swamp, lake, sea.

Educator: -So the droplet is a particle of what?

Children: - Water.

Educator:-Correct Droplet?

Droplet: Yes.

Educator: - And where do the droplets come from?

Children: - From the clouds.

Droplet claps his hands: -That's right, well done!

Educator: - Guys, is it possible to drink water from rivers, reservoirs or cook food from it?

Children: No.

Educator: - Why?

Children: -It is not purified, it contains many different harmful microbes.

Educator: - The water that we use in everyday life goes a long way before becoming clean. First she was in the river, then the man sent her into the water pipes. In order for the water to be clean and safe for us, it is specially purified. Only then does she hit the faucet.

Educator: - What can happen on earth if people stop taking care of water?

Children: - All plants, all animals, all people and in general all living things will die.

Educator: - So let's not waste water in vain and save it every drop.

Physical minute game: "Water is not water."

The teacher calls the words, if they have water, then the children clap, if not, then stomp their feet. (Glass, tea, plate, salt, rain, stream, fountain, ball, sea, sugar, ocean).

Educator: - Water is a liquid substance, it pours, flows, the water is colorless, odorless, tasteless, now we will make sure of this with you. Let's go to our laboratory together with Kapelka and Cheburashka.

Educator: - Droplet, Cheburashka, do you know what a laboratory is? - No.

Educator: - And our guys know and now they will tell you.

Children: - A laboratory is a place where experiments are carried out, discoveries are made.

Educator: What rules should be observed in the laboratory?

Children: - Be careful, do not push, do not interfere with each other.

Experience #1

Take cups of water and drip on the board. What happens to water?

Children: - It spreads.

Take empty cups and scoop water from the bowl, and now pour it out.

Did the water spill out of the glass?

So what does water do?

Children: - It's pouring.

Water is pouring, flowing, so what is it like?

Children: - Liquid.

Experience #2

Take cups of water, look and tell me if the water has a color?

Children: - No. She is colorless.

Can water be colored?

Children: -Yes, it can be of different colors, for this you need to add paint or gouache.

Children add.

What color is the water in your cups?

Children's answers.

Experience #3

Take cups of water and smell the water. Does the water smell?

Children: - No. Water has no smell.

What can be done to get the smell?

Children: -Add tea, coffee, jam.

What does the water smell like now?

Children's answers.

Experience No. 4

Grab a glass of water and taste it? What kind of water do you like?

Children: Tasteless.

Add salt, sugar, citric acid to the water. What did the water taste like?

Children's answers.

Sketching experiences.

1. Water is a liquid that pours, flows.

2. Water has no color.

3. Water has no smell.

4. It is colorless.

5. It can dissolve salt, sugar.

Cheburashka, did the guys help you learn about water and its properties.

Cheburashka: Yes guys, thank you. Now I will tell Gene everything and get a good mark.

Droplet, did you like how our guys worked?

Droplet: Well done guys! Well answered! But it's time for me to travel. Goodbye!

Guys, we worked hard, helped Cheburashka, and now it's time to play.