Kostroma gu. Kostroma State Technological University: address, photo, faculties, specialties

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State Diploma

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Series AAA, No. 001961, Registration No. 1875, dated September 29, 2011, indefinitely


Series 90A01, No. 0000440, Registration No. 0436, from 03/11/2013 to 03/11/2019


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general information

Kostroma State Technological University (KSTU)- University of Kostroma.

Early years

On November 1, 1931, the Gosplan of the RSFSR approved a proposal to open a textile institute in Kostroma. On July 26, 1932, the People's Commissariat of Light Industry appointed V. G. Bobrov director of the Kostroma Textile Institute. For the future institute, the building of the former diocesan school was allocated, which was then occupied by land management, forestry, reclamation and linen technical schools (Dzerzhinsky St., 15).

In the first year, about 200 students studied at the daytime and evening departments. Five years later, only 72 people received a diploma. Due to the insufficient number of students and the level of their training, in 1933 an attempt was made to close it, and in 1934 to merge it with IvTI. Each time, the first secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Ivan Petrovich Nosov, came to his defense. He managed to convince the People's Commissariat that the potential of KTI is quite high, and is limited only by the short period of existence as a technical college. History has confirmed his assessment.

In 1937, the institute conducted the first graduation of specialists, and in the prewar years the national economy received 568 engineers from the institute.

The period of the Great Patriotic War

By 1941, the institute had at that time a modern educational and production base. The construction of the first stage of hostel No. 5 (corner of Dzerzhinsky St. and Ovrazhnaya St.) was completed, where 250 students were moved in 1940 and where teachers of the institute received 9 apartments.

The outbreak of the war dramatically changed life, rebuilt the guidelines for students and teachers. Most of the physically healthy people went to the front. Their total number, including students, staff and teachers, was 364 people, including more than 30 girls. 200 students immediately left for the Leningrad region to build defensive lines, about a hundred stood behind the machines of factories, plants, replacing those who had gone to the front. Two rifle companies of the Yaroslavl communist division were completely formed from volunteer students of our university.

On the third day of the war, the main educational building had to be vacated, which later housed four military hospitals. In subsequent years, the institute changed its location three times. In connection with the war and a large margin of students, the academic year began only on January 15, 1942. Workshops of enterprises, dormitory rooms, utility rooms were used as classrooms. And in the process of studying, students and teachers were often involved in the preparation of firewood, peat, the construction of the railway to Galich, the airfield in Kostroma, the construction of defensive lines along the banks of the Volga. Students and staff of the institute participated in unloading wagons and sending military cargo, harvesting in the countryside, sewing and repairing uniforms, underwear, and many other things. They prepared parcels for the front, gave concerts in front of the wounded in hospitals, wrote them letters to their homeland, etc.

In December 1944, the institute moved to the building, which is the main building to the present. The contingent of students in 1945 was 430 people. At that time, classes were taught by 52 teachers, including 4 professors and 16 associate professors and candidates of sciences. 122 people did not return from the front. Among them, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs P.P. Sosnovkin, N.P. Chizhov, V.I. Kulikov, V.A. Neronov, I.V. Alekseev, secretary of the party organization of the university F.G. Golubev, secretary of the Komsomol organization A.P. Kasatkin, chairman of the student trade union committee I.Ya. Sonin and many others.

Postwar years

The first post-war academic year, the staff of the institute began to work in an organized manner as part of two faculties: technological and mechanical. The enrollment plan was overfulfilled due to the return of former students demobilized from the Armed Forces of the USSR to the institute. There were 40 of them, and among them V.V. Voikin, who had 9 military awards, partisan Gromova, signalman Obiedentova, D. Laptev, S. Polkovnikov, Stalin's scholarship holder M. Timonin, V. Shoshin, who graduated from high school after 11 years.

  • Founded in 1932 as the Kostroma Textile Institute;
  • On September 1, 1935, the Faculty of Technology was formed;
  • in 1937, the first graduation of specialists in spinning and weaving took place;
  • in 1939, the institute received the right to postgraduate studies;
  • in 1942, the first graduation of specialists in the primary processing of bast fibers took place;
  • in 1956, the first graduation of specialists in machines and apparatuses of the textile and light industry took place;
  • in 1962 the Textile Institute was transformed into a technological one;
  • in 1964, the first graduation of specialists in woodworking technology took place;
  • in 1965, the first graduation of specialists in engineering technology, metal-cutting machine tools and tools, automation and complex mechanization of chemical and technological processes took place. Obtained the right to defend doctoral dissertations;
  • in 1969, the first graduation of specialists in forest engineering took place;
  • in 1971, the first graduation of specialists in economics and organization of consumer goods industry took place. Obtained the right to defend doctoral dissertations;
  • in 1982, the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, a museum of the history of the Institute was opened;
  • in 1987, the first graduation of specialists in accounting and business analysis took place;
  • in 1994 doctoral studies were opened;
  • in 1995 the Technological Institute was transformed into the State Technological University;
  • in 1999, the first graduation of specialists in technology and knitwear, CAD specialists, specialists in artistic processing of materials took place.

Today, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Kostroma State Technological University is a major educational, scientific and cultural center of the Kostroma region, the Upper and Middle Volga. At the moment, the university has five faculties: mechanical, technological, faculty of automated systems and technologies, humanitarian, forestry; three institutes: the Institute of Management of Economics and Finance, the Institute of Law and the Institute of Additional Professional Education, as well as the Center for Pre-University Training and the Military Department, where more than seven thousand people study; the university trains personnel for mechanical engineering, textile and light industry, timber industry, organizations and institutions of management, finance and economics, legal sphere, tourism and hotel business.

More than 400 full-time teachers, of which 8 academicians, 37 professors and doctors of sciences, 60% have academic degrees and titles, conduct student education and research. Most of the teachers have practical experience of working at enterprises and research institutes, some have been trained and trained in educational institutions in the USA, England, Germany, France, India, Bulgaria, and Slovakia.

See all photos

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Admission conditions

List of documents required to apply:
 Passport;
 Photocopy of the passport (2, 3 and 5 pages);
 Document on education (certificate, diploma) or their copy;
 USE results (certificate if available);
 Documents confirming the benefit (if there is a benefit);
 Target direction (if any).
 Photos 3x4 cm 4 pcs. (subject to passing entrance examinations at the university or upon providing the original document on education)

  • Sport
  • The medicine
  • Creation
  • Extra

sports and health

Sport sections
  • football
  • volleyball
  • basketball
  • table tennis
  • hockey
  • Athletics
  • softball

The medicine

There is a medical center.



The Center was established in October 2010 on the initiative of the Department of National History, which takes an active part in all its activities.

The goal is to effectively use the educational, scientific and educational process to meet the diverse cultural and spiritual needs of the individual student and young scientist, to form their professional and civic qualities, to prepare them for work and social activities in modern Russia. To do this, establish creative contacts with all structural divisions of the university, scientific, educational and cultural centers, administrative bodies, political parties, etc. in the Kostroma region and throughout the Russian Federation.

The main areas of the Center's work: the activities of clubs ("Discussion Club", the International Club "Unity"), circles ("Family. Pedigree", "Women in the history of the Kostroma Territory", etc.), the "Search" detachment (collection and recording of memories of veterans wars, participants in interregional conflicts, famous residents of the Kostroma land), issue of the student magazine "Father's House".

As part of the work of the Center, events of various levels are systematically held: international conferences; round tables of the regional scale, meetings and debates of students with honored figures of the Kostroma region and veterans; round tables dedicated to anniversaries; student forums, etc.

The editorial office of the newspaper "Technolog"

A public university-wide newspaper has been published at KSTU almost from the moment the university was founded. Already in 1932, the institute newspaper "For linen frames" was published twice a month. In 1934, it was renamed "Voice of Lnovtuz" (editors Sorokin, S.V. Maklakov). In the 1950s and 1960s, the all-university newspaper began to be called Kadry Motherland. Since 1986, the newspaper has been called "Tekhnolog".

The newspaper is one of the structural divisions of the university, carrying out educational activities. The university newspaper plays a cultural and educational role, solves issues of patriotic and moral education, promotes a healthy lifestyle, provides students with an opportunity for creative activity and self-realization. Therefore, one of the tasks of the newspaper is the education of young people, the creation of a positive image of the university. It is a kind of indicator of the stability of the educational institution. Its materials are a chronicle, education, science, traditions, culture, all that bright and multifaceted life of the Kostroma State Technological University.

The most important task of the newspaper is to inform readers about the events taking place in society, within the university, reflecting various aspects of the life of the university.

First of all, the newspaper has an information and journalistic orientation. She reports on past events in the form of information, reports, articles, sketches. Faculty events, scientific conferences, creative festivals, round tables, youth forums and sports achievements are in the field of view. Interviews with teachers, heads of departments, students who have proven themselves in science, creativity, sports are always present on the pages of the newspaper. One of the headings of the newspaper is devoted to the history of the university. Thematic issues of the newspaper are dedicated to anniversaries, the day of student science, and are also published on the day of open doors, to the parents' meeting of applicants, which contributes to the expansion of the readership. The authors of the newspaper are both university professors and students. Therefore, the publication covers a wide range of interests and readers.


The university museum was opened in December 1982 for the 50th anniversary of the university. The initiator of the creation of the museum at the institute was Godunov Boris Nikolaevich. One of the most experienced museum workers in the region, Starogradskaya Ariadna Borisovna, was invited to work at the institute. Through her efforts, documents and exhibits were collected, which later formed the basis of the exposition. She also became the first director and worked with him until 2006. With her active participation, changing exhibitions were created dedicated to significant dates, the content of permanent exhibitions was adjusted, correspondence was maintained with war and labor veterans, meetings were organized in the museum with students and teachers. In the same period, with the active participation of the museum, the Center for Labor and Patriotic Education of Youth was organized at the Department of Political History.

Since 2006, the museum has been headed by Aleksandr Ivanovich Davydov, a man with extensive experience in the university and excellent knowledge of its history. On his initiative, for the 60th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, an exposition of 20 stands and stained-glass windows was prepared, reflecting the contribution of the university to the victory over the enemy, a gallery of portraits of university scientists was placed in the meeting room of the Academic Council. At the same time, the repair of the museum and the preparation of new expositions began. The initiative group included Davydov A.I., Professor Volkova E.Yu., Associate Professor Gusev B.N. and photographer Syromyatnikov A.N. city.

The main building of the university is one of the historical buildings of the city and requires careful attitude and propaganda of its history. Within its walls there was a classical gymnasium, among the graduates of which were famous scientists, writers, philosophers, economists. Expositions dedicated to the gymnasium, as well as the history of the university in the buildings are located in the museum complex.

For a more complete coverage of other areas of the university's activities, the Museum of Sports was included in the museum complex, the initiator of which was the rector Krotov V.N. The purpose of creating this museum is to reflect the importance of sports in the life of the university and pay tribute to the athletes who created glory for our university.

Over the 80 years of the existence of our university, we have received a significant number of gifts from related universities, enterprises, and graduates. Many exhibits, samples of fabrics, linen products have accumulated. All of them are unique, and they had to be preserved and used in the educational process. Therefore, another section of the museum was created: the Museum of Gifts.

Since April 2013, the museum complex has been headed by L. M. Petrovskaya, Ph.D., associate professor, who has worked at the university for more than 40 years. Currently, the museum carries out the following activities: conducting excursions with students and classes on introduction to the specialty, conversations with schoolchildren about the history of KSTU, participation in meetings with veterans and graduates of KSTU, etc.

About the university

Among Russian universities, Kostroma State Technological University occupies a worthy place. Established in 1932 as a linen technical college, it went through a lot together with the country, withstood the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, and the 90s. rose to a new level - became a university.

Today Kostroma State Technological University is a powerful scientific, educational, cultural and educational center of the Kostroma region. The university is successfully developing and solving important tasks that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sets for higher education.

KSTU is a multidisciplinary educational organization. Along with the engineering areas of training, the university successfully implements training programs in economic, legal and humanitarian areas. In recent years, new areas of training for bachelors and masters have been opened at the university, training is underway for vocational programs. In close cooperation with employers, basic departments have been created to provide practical training for students and conduct scientific research. In addition, the university provides students with the opportunity to receive additional professional education.

The Technological University is a multinational university. Along with Russian students, citizens of Belarus, China, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Estonia and other countries study here.

Much attention in the university is paid to the formation of not only the professional qualities of graduates, but also cultural, moral and patriotic education.

Thanks to the joint work of a team of teachers, staff and students, the prestige of the university has evolved over many decades. Graduates of KSTU are in demand in the labor market. Many third and fourth year students successfully combine studies and work in their specialty. This is the key to their employment and career growth.

The university looks to the future with confidence

The only university in the country that has been training specialists for the linen industry, mechanical engineering, light and textile industries, for the forest complex for more than eighty years, is the University of Technology. In addition, highly qualified personnel for labor protection and protection in emergency situations, for the tourism and jewelry industries are graduating from there, there are also areas for training lawyers and economists. Kostroma State Technological University did not immediately receive its modern name and various training programs.


In November 1931, the People's Commissar of Light Industry and the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR opened a textile institute in Kostroma. In the building on Dzerzhinsky Street, where it is located, there used to be a diocesan school, then technical schools: forestry, land management, linen and reclamation.

They became the basis for the functioning of the new educational institution. Years later, having gone through many renamings, the institute received its current name - Kostroma State Technological University. This happened in 1995.


The history of this university is very interesting: in 1962, a technological institute grew from the Kostroma Textile Institute, and in 1982 it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the good training of specialists, and by 1995 it became the Kostroma State Technological University. Now it is the leading university in the region, with a focus on the latest technologies, with great scientific potential, an excellent material base and an incredible demand for graduates in Russia.

The whole history is a dynamic and continuous development - from the "flax" college to the technological university through all sorts of significant events that are associated with its wonderful graduates. These people to this day, with all their creativity, confirm the high place in the rankings that Kostroma State Technological University occupies.

KSTU - early years

In the first years, only 200 people studied both in the daytime and in the evening departments, and after a natural five-year dropout, only 72 graduates received diplomas. The level of training was weak, applicants bypassed the institute. The question of closing this educational institution was raised several times, but each time it was possible to defend it. Before the war, the number of graduates reached 570. Then there was a war that dramatically changed all the plans of both students and teachers. A huge part of them went to fight, the rest stood behind the machines. Two rifle companies were formed entirely from the volunteers of the Kostroma Institute and went to beat the enemy.

And the building housed military hospitals. Classes were nevertheless conducted - in the workshops of enterprises, in utility rooms, when it was not necessary to harvest firewood and peat, build railway lines to Galich, an airfield in Kostroma and defensive lines on the Volga. In addition, almost constantly it was necessary to unload the wagons and, conversely, send all kinds of cargo, harvest crops in the nearest villages, sew uniforms and solve many other urgent tasks: collect parcels for the front, give concerts in front of the wounded, take care of them, help them write letters. Before studying?

KSTU today

The high authority of KSTU grew gradually, as a result of the work of the entire team of employees, teachers, students, over many decades. A special advantage of the university is its graduates, who occupy leading positions in institutions, in production, in banks, and, of course, in science. university
today it is a major center of educational, scientific, sports, cultural, and educational work in the Kostroma region.

7,000 students and graduate students study here at the same time, more than a thousand employees and teachers bring their knowledge and skills to them. Eight academic buildings, equipped with the latest science and technology, accept students, five dormitories provide them with decent comfort and all kinds of amenities for preparing for classes, a dispensary was created to improve the health of students and staff, there is a kindergarten, as well as a sports camp. All these conditions are created for the university to flourish, for a healthy, strong, creative team to continue to live under the sign of a reliable present and a confident future, since this is what Kostroma State Technological University is fighting for.

Military department

Nevertheless, in 1944 the institute moved to the building where the Kostroma State Technological University is now located. The photo shows us this building in its modern form. 430 students entered the institute in 1945 and began their studies. Four professors and 16 associate professors have started their work, and in total there are 52 teachers. The rest did not return from the war ... 122 people from the teaching staff died heroically, defending the country's right to live.

Then, in 1945, a military department was opened at the institute. It still carries out training and education of reserve officers - first commanders of combined arms platoons, then reserve officers of the clothing service of the rear of the Armed Forces. More than seven thousand people, thus, prepared the Kostroma State Technological University.


The post-war years were also marked by all sorts of interesting events. Teachers and students demobilized from the USSR Armed Forces began to return to the institute from the war. The set was completed and over-fulfilled. They returned covered with military glory, decorated with orders, among them were even Stalinist scholarship holders, former partisans, signalmen, artillerymen ... Forty people returned. The rest died. They were remembered by name of all those who managed to continue their studies. And studies began this year only at two faculties - mechanical and technological. Here they studied and improved apparatus and machines for the light and textile industries.

Then the faculties were added, and in 1962 the institute could rightfully be called technological - for the first time graduates received diplomas of specialists in woodworking technologies, and in 1965 - machine builders, specialists in metal-cutting tools and machine tools, in complex mechanization and automation of chemical and technological processes. The Institute receives the right to an academic council for the defense of dissertations. In 1969, the first specialists of the forest engineering faculty graduated, and in 1971, the faculties of economics and consumer goods industry gave a start to life to their pupils.

Time to win

The Order of the Labor Institute was awarded in 1982, at the same time a museum was opened, where the history of the institute was presented consistently and in all its manifestations. In 1987, new faculties graduated specialists in business analysis and accounting, and in 1994 a doctoral program was opened. In 1999, the university, already the Kostroma State Technological University, significantly increased its specialties: it trained specialists in knitwear technology, CAD, and artistic processing of materials.

Now there are five faculties: technological, mechanical, humanitarian, forestry, faculty of automated systems and technologies. In addition, three institutes work in the structure of the university: legal, economics and finance departments, additional vocational education, and there is also a military department and a pre-university training center. Specialists are trained for the light and textile industry, mechanical engineering, timber industry, institutions and organizations of management, economics and finance, for the legal sphere, for the hotel and tourism business.


More than 400 teachers work on the staff of the university, and the education of students is carried out at the highest level, since 8 academicians, 37 professors work with them, and more than 60% of the total number of teachers have academic titles and degrees.

Almost everyone who teaches students has a wealth of practical experience both in production and in research institutes. Many studied and trained in various educational institutions abroad of our country: in the USA, Germany, England, India. France, Slovakia, Bulgaria.


All the specialties in which the university trains are in demand, and there are never problems with employment. It is also easy for graduates to make a career with a diploma from this university, they are known everywhere and are expected at all enterprises. There are many famous and wonderful people among them. For example, since 2010, he has been the mayor of Moscow, a graduate of the university, which now bears the name Kostroma State Technological University. He probably remembers the address of his wonderful institute, but for applicants it is as follows: Kostroma, Dzerzhinsky street, house 17. The selection committee is in room number 108. They are held several times a year.

FSBEI HE "Kostroma State Technological University"
Year of foundation
Year of reorganization 2016
acting rector Naumov Alexander Rudolfovich
students 6973 (2010)
Location Russia Russia, Kostroma
Legal address 156005, Kostroma region, Kostroma, Dzerzhinsky d. 17
Website kstu.edu.ru

Kostroma State Technological University (KSTU)- University of Kostroma.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 10, 2016 No. 196, it is currently being reorganized by joining the Kostroma State University named after N.A.Nekrasov. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 05, 2016 No. 815, the university was renamed Kostroma State University.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Thesis defense, KSTU, IT, 06/24/2014

    Kostroma QA KSTU Lecture 2: Quality Assurance



On November 1, 1931, the Gosplan of the RSFSR approved a proposal to open a textile institute in Kostroma. On July 26, 1932, the People's Commissariat of Light Industry appointed V. G. Bobrov director of the Kostroma Textile Institute. For the future institute, the building of the former diocesan school was allocated, which was then occupied by land management, forestry, reclamation and linen technical schools (Dzerzhinsky St., 15).

In the first year, about 200 students studied at the daytime and evening departments. Five years later, only 72 people received a diploma. Due to the insufficient number of students and the level of their training, in 1933 an attempt was made to close it, and in 1934 to merge it with IvTI. Each time, the first secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Ivan Petrovich Nosov, came to his defense. He managed to convince the People's Commissariat that the potential of KTI is quite high, and is limited only by the short period of existence as a technical college. History has confirmed his assessment.

In 1937, the institute conducted the first graduation of specialists, and in the prewar years the national economy received 568 engineers from the institute.

The period of the Great Patriotic War

By 1941, the institute had at that time a modern educational and production base. The construction of the first stage of hostel No. 5 (corner of Dzerzhinsky St. and Ovrazhnaya St.) was completed, where 250 students were moved in 1940 and where teachers of the institute received 9 apartments.

The outbreak of the war dramatically changed life, rebuilt the guidelines for students and teachers. Most of the physically healthy people went to the front. Their total number, including students, staff and teachers, was 364 people, including more than 30 girls. 200 students immediately left for the Leningrad region to build defensive lines, about a hundred stood behind the machines of factories, plants, replacing those who had gone to the front. Two rifle companies of the Yaroslavl communist division were completely formed from volunteer students of our university.

On the third day of the war, the main educational building had to be vacated, which later housed four military hospitals. In subsequent years, the institute changed its location three times. In connection with the war and a large margin of students, the academic year began only on January 15, 1942. Workshops of enterprises, dormitory rooms, utility rooms were used as classrooms. And in the process of studying, students and teachers were often involved in the preparation of firewood, peat, the construction of the railway to Galich, the airfield in Kostroma, the construction of defensive lines along the banks of the Volga. Students and staff of the institute participated in unloading wagons and sending military cargo, harvesting in the countryside, sewing and repairing uniforms, underwear, and many other things. They prepared parcels for the front, gave concerts in front of the wounded in hospitals, wrote them letters to their homeland, etc.

In December 1944, the institute moved to the building, which is the main building to the present. The contingent of students in 1945 was 430 people. At that time, classes were taught by 52 teachers, including 4 professors and 16 associate professors and candidates of sciences. 122 people did not return from the front. Among them, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs P.P. Sosnovkin, N.P. Chizhov, V.I. Kulikov, V.A. Neronov, I.V. Alekseev, secretary of the party organization of the university F.G. Golubev, secretary of the Komsomol organization A.P. Kasatkin, chairman of the student trade union committee I.Ya. Sonin and many others.

Postwar years

The first post-war academic year, the staff of the institute began to work in an organized manner as part of two faculties: technological and mechanical. The enrollment plan was overfulfilled due to the return of former students demobilized from the Armed Forces of the USSR to the institute. There were 40 of them, and among them V.V. Voikin, who had 9 military awards, partisan Gromova, signalman Obiedentova, D. Laptev, S. Polkovnikov, Stalin's scholarship holder M. Timonin, V. Shoshin, who graduated from high school after 11 years.

  • Founded in 1932 as the Kostroma Textile Institute;
  • On September 1, 1935, the Faculty of Technology was formed;
  • in 1937, the first graduation of specialists in spinning and weaving took place;
  • in 1939, the institute received the right to postgraduate studies;
  • in 1942, the first graduation of specialists in the primary processing of bast fibers took place;
  • in 1956, the first graduation of specialists in machines and apparatuses of the textile and light industry took place;
  • in 1962 the Textile Institute was transformed into a technological one;
  • in 1964, the first graduation of specialists in woodworking technology took place;
  • in 1965, the first graduation of specialists in engineering technology, metal-cutting machine tools and tools, automation and complex mechanization of chemical and technological processes took place. Obtained the right to defend doctoral dissertations;
  • in 1969, the first graduation of specialists in forest engineering took place;
  • in 1971, the first graduation of specialists in economics and organization of consumer goods industry took place. Obtained the right to defend doctoral dissertations;
  • in 1982, the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, a museum of the history of the Institute was opened;
  • in 1987, the first graduation of specialists in accounting and business analysis took place;
  • in 1994 doctoral studies were opened;
  • in 1995 the Technological Institute was transformed into the State Technological University;
  • in 1999, the first graduation of specialists in technology and knitwear, CAD specialists, specialists in artistic processing of materials took place.

Today, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Kostroma State Technological University is a major educational, scientific and cultural center of the Kostroma region, the Upper and Middle Volga. At the moment, the university has five faculties: mechanical, technological, faculty of automated systems and technologies, humanitarian, forestry; three institutes: the Institute of Management of Economics and Finance, the Institute of Law and the Institute of Additional Professional Education, as well as the Center for Pre-University Training and the Military Department, where more than seven thousand people study; the university trains personnel for mechanical engineering, textile and light industry, timber industry, organizations and institutions of management, finance and economics, legal sphere, tourism and hotel business.