A short entry in the reader's diary little havroshechka. Tiny-Havroshechka (meaning of the fairy tale)

Russian folk tale "Tiny-Havroshechka" in the processing of A. Tolstoy.

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka" and their characteristics

  1. Tiny-Khavroshechka, a little girl, an orphan who was overwhelmed with work, and whose only friend was taken from her. But Khavroshechka remained kind and honest.
  2. The old woman, Khavroshechka's stepmother, angry and greedy, kept dreaming of killing Khavroshechka.
  3. One-eyed, Two-eyed, Three-eyed - lazy and ugly daughters of an old woman
  4. Cow - a red cow that could do miracles
  5. Barin, young and handsome.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"
  1. Khavroshechka remains an orphan
  2. red cow
  3. One-eyed
  4. two-eyed
  5. Triglazka
  6. Death of a cow
  7. beautiful apple tree
  8. Barin.
The shortest content for the reader's diary of the fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka" in 6 sentences.
  1. Khavroshechka was left an orphan and lives with evil foster parents, but a cow helps her.
  2. The old woman sent two daughters to follow, but they fell asleep and did not see anything.
  3. The old woman sent Triglazka, and Khavroshechka forgot about the third eye.
  4. Triglazka saw everything, told her mother, she ordered the cow to be slaughtered.
  5. The cow was slaughtered, and Khavroshechka planted the seeds and the apple tree grew.
  6. The master asked for an apple, Khavroshechka plucked it, and the master married Khavroshechka.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"
Be kind, hardworking and patient, and you will be happy.

What does the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka" teach
This fairy tale teaches us not to give up in the face of difficulties, to endure injustice patiently, not to betray ourselves and our friends. Learn to be kind and hardworking. Learn to believe in the best.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka"

  1. Magic helper - cow
  2. Magical creatures - One-eye, Three-eye.
Feedback on the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"
I liked the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka" very much. The main character of the tale, the orphan Khavroshechka, was so sweet and kind. Everyone unfairly offended her, but she still retained her kindness in her soul. And because it was she who was taken as a wife by a beautiful master and she was happy.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"
Patience and work will grind everything.
If you wish well, do well.
It is good to be in joy and live in sweetness.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"
An orphan named Tiny-Khavroshechka lived with unkind people. People forced her to do all the work, froze completely.
And the old woman had three daughters, but they were lazy and did nothing around the house.
And Tiny-Khavroshechka, as soon as she got a job, ran to her red cow and cried. And the cow consoled her and offered to climb into one ear, and get out of the other. And when Khavroshechka got out, all the work was done.
The old woman decided to find out who was helping Khavroshechka with her affairs. Sent to follow One-eye. She lay down on the grass and Khavroshechka lulled her only eye. One-eye didn't know anything.
The old woman sent her second daughter, Two-eyes. And the same thing happened to her.
The old woman sent Triglazka. Khavroshechka put two eyes to sleep, but forgot about the third one.
Triglazka told about the cow and the old woman told her husband to slaughter the cow.
Khavroshechka cries, and the cow gives her an order: do not eat my meat, but plant the bones and water them.
This is what Khavroshechka did, she planted seeds, she does not eat meat, she is starving, but she waters all the bones.
And an apple tree grew out of them with golden leaves and silver twigs.
Once a young gentleman saw that apple tree, he told the girls that whoever gives him an apple, he will marry that one.
The sisters wanted to pick apples, but only branches and leaves did not let them in. And Khavroshechka plucked an apple, handed it to the master and married him.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"

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There are good people in the world, there are worse, and there are those who are not ashamed of their brother.

Tiny-Khavroshechka got to such and such. She was left an orphan, these people took her in, fed her and overworked her: she weaves, she spins, she cleans, she is responsible for everything.

And her mistress had three daughters. The older one was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was called Three-eye.

The daughters only knew that they were sitting at the gate, looking out into the street, and Tiny-Khavroshechka worked for them: she sewed them, spun them, and wove for them, and never heard a kind word.

It used to happen that Tiny-Khavroshechka would come out into the field, hug her pockmarked cow, lie on her neck and tell how hard it was for her to live and live:

- Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry. By tomorrow, five pounds were ordered to be spun, weaved, whitewashed and rolled into pipes.

And the cow answered her:

- Red maiden, get into one ear of me, and get out into the other - everything will work out.

And so it happened. The red girl will come out of the ear - everything is ready: it is woven, and whitewashed, and rolled into pipes.

She will take the canvases to the hostess. She will look, grunt, hide in a chest, and she will ask even more work.

Khavroshechka will again come to the cow, fit into one ear, crawl out into the other and take the prepared one - bring it to the hostess.

So the hostess called her daughter One-eye and said to her:

- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome! Go and see who helps the orphan: and weaves, and spins, and rolls into pipes?

One-eye went with Khavroshka into the forest, went with her into the field, forgot her mother's order, baked herself in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka says:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, peephole!

Peephole fell asleep. While One-Eye was sleeping, the cow wove everything and whitened it.

The hostess did not find out anything, she sent her second daughter, Two-Eyes.

- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome! Go and see who helps the orphan? The two-eyed girl also got hot in the sun and lay down on the grass, she forgot her mother's order and closed her eyes. And Khavroshechka cradles:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, other!

Cow wove, whitened, rolled into the pipes, but Two-Eyes was still sleeping.

The old woman got angry, on the third day she sent Triglazka, and gave the orphan even more work. And Triglazka, like her older sisters, jumped and jumped, got tired in the sun and fell on the grass. Khavroshechka sings:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, other! - and forgot about the third eye.

Two eyes of Triglazka fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything: how the red maiden got into one ear, got out into the other and picked up the finished canvases.

Tri-eye returned home and told her mother everything; The old woman was delighted, the next day she came to her husband:

- Cut the pockmarked cow!

Old man like this:

“What are you, old woman, in your mind?” The cow is young, good!

- Cut, and only!

Sharpened the old man's knife...

Khavroshechka ran to the cow:

- Mother cow! They want to cut you.

“But you, red maiden, don’t eat my meat, collect my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, bury them in the garden and never forget me, water the bones with water every morning.

The old man killed the cow. Khavroshechka did everything that the cow bequeathed: she was starving, she didn’t take her meat in her mouth, she buried her bones and watered them every day in the garden, and an apple tree grew out of them, but what a! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in.

How much time has passed, you never know ... One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye once walked in the garden. At that time, a strong man rode past - rich, curly-haired, young. I saw apples, began to touch the girls:

- Beautiful girls! he says. Which one of you brings me an apple, that one will marry me.

And the three sisters rushed one in front of the other to the apple tree. And the apples hung low, under the arms, but here they rose high, far above their heads.

The sisters wanted to knock them down - the leaves of the eyes fall asleep, they wanted to pick them off - the knots of the braids unravel. No matter how they fought, or rushed about, they tore their hands, but they could not get it.

Khavroshechka came up, the twigs bowed to her, and the apples fell to her. She treated that strong man and he married her, and she began to live in goodness, dashing not to know.

"Tiny-Havroshechka": a summary of the tale The Russian people are the keeper of the most amazing treasure, which is called folklore. It includes riddles, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings and, most importantly, fairy tales. Russian folk tales - "Tiny-Havroshechka", "Geese-swans", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" (this is not the whole list) are known to every child and adult. They are built according to the main scheme: first the hero gets into a difficult situation, then a magic item helps him, after that he struggles with obstacles, and everything ends well. Some Russian fairy tales have analogues in other countries, but nevertheless they are unique and interesting in their own way. One of the most interesting fairy tales is “Tiny-Havroshechka”, a summary of which we will now consider. The fate of an orphan The fate of a girl abandoned by everyone is described more than once in Russian fairy tales. So Tiny-Khavroshechka gets to the evil mistress. She has no parents at all, she grows up in a family that waters and feeds her. The hostess has three daughters - One-eye, Two-eye, Three-eye. Tiny-Khavroshechka has to work for them.

So the patient and resigned Tiny-Khavroshechka lives. The summary will not do without the second main character - the cow Pestruha. Further events From morning till night Tiny-Khavroshechka has to work: revenge, clean up, wash the mistress and her daughters. The hostess gives the girl an unbearable, impossible load. Tiny Khavroshechka always comes with a lot of assignments in the field, hugs the cow Pestuha and complains to her about her fate. The pest is the only character in the tale who truly sympathizes with the poor girl. The cow comforts Tiny-Khavroshechka: “Get in,” she says, “into my right ear and get out into the left.” So the girl did, and a miracle happened! The canvases themselves were woven and bleached. Then the hostess decided that this was no accident. She sent first the eldest daughter, then the middle one, and then the youngest to follow Tiny-Khavroshka. The three-eyed girl saw with her third eye what the girl was doing. Then the hostess ordered Pestrukha to be slaughtered immediately. Pestrukha's last order She learned about the order of Tiny-Khavroshechka, ran to her beloved cow and began to cry. The motley reassured her and told her not to eat her meat, but to collect the bones and bury them in the garden. The girl did just that. In addition to the meat of the cow, the hostess did not give her anything to eat, but Tiny-Khavroshechka endured. She collected all the bones of her pet in a handkerchief and carefully planted in the garden.

The wonderful ending of the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka" The summary of the tale comes to an amazing denouement. In place of the buried bones of the cow, a wonderful apple tree appeared. The sweetest and most delicious apples grew on it, and the whole village was surprised and praised. It so happened that on one of the fine days a prince rode past an apple tree. He really wanted to taste the apple, and he told the mistress's daughters that he would marry the one who would bring him the desired fruit the fastest. One-eye ran - the apple tree pierced her face with branches. Two-Eyes ran - the apple tree ruffled her braids, Three-Eyes ran - she could not reach the fruit. As soon as Tiny-Khavroshechka appeared, the apple tree itself bowed its branches to her, and the girl gave the prince an apple. He married her. This is the summary of the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka". Fans of Russian folklore notice that all folk tales have a happy ending. This happened in the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka". A summary of this is confirmation: the prince takes the girl to his palace, and they live happily ever after.

The little girl Tiny-Khavroshechka was left an orphan and ended up in a family of evil people. She worked very hard, but the cow helped the good girl. The hostess found out about this and decided to ruin the poor animal ... Find out in a fairy tale how the kindness and patience of Khavroshechka was rewarded.

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There are good people in the world, there are worse, and there are those who are not ashamed of their brother.

Tiny-Khavroshechka got to such and such. She was left an orphan, these people took her in, fed her and overworked her: she weaves, she spins, she cleans, she is responsible for everything.

And her mistress had three daughters. The older one was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was called Three-eye.

The daughters only knew that they were sitting at the gate, looking out into the street, and Tiny-Khavroshechka worked for them: she sewed them, spun them, and wove for them, and never heard a kind word.

It used to happen that Tiny-Khavroshechka would come out into the field, hug her pockmarked cow, lie on her neck and tell how hard it was for her to live and live:

Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry. By tomorrow, five pounds were ordered to be spun, weaved, whitewashed and rolled into pipes.

And the cow answered her:

Little red maiden, fit into one of my ears and out into the other - everything will work out.

And so it happened. The red girl will come out of the ear - everything is ready: it is woven, and whitewashed, and rolled into pipes.

She will take the canvases to the hostess. She will look, grunt, hide in a chest, and she will ask even more work.

Khavroshechka will again come to the cow, fit into one ear, crawl out into the other and take the prepared one - bring it to the hostess.

So the hostess called her daughter One-eye and said to her:

My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome! Go and see who helps the orphan: and weaves, and spins, and rolls into pipes?

One-eye went with Khavroshka into the forest, went with her into the field, forgot her mother's order, baked herself in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka says:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, peephole!

Peephole fell asleep. While One-Eye was sleeping, the cow wove everything and whitened it.

The hostess did not find out anything, she sent her second daughter, Two-Eyes.

My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome! Go and see who helps the orphan? The two-eyed girl also got hot in the sun and lay down on the grass, she forgot her mother's order and closed her eyes. And Khavroshechka cradles:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!

Cow wove, whitened, rolled into the pipes, but Two-Eyes was still sleeping.

The old woman got angry, on the third day she sent Triglazka, and gave the orphan even more work. And Triglazka, like her older sisters, jumped and jumped, got tired in the sun and fell on the grass. Khavroshechka sings:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, another! - and forgot about the third eye.

Two eyes of Triglazka fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything: how the red maiden got into one ear, got out into the other and picked up the finished canvases.

Tri-eye returned home and told her mother everything; The old woman was delighted, the next day she came to her husband:

Cut the pockmarked cow!

Old man like this:

What are you, old woman, in your mind? The cow is young, good!

Cut, and only!

Sharpened the old man's knife...

Khavroshechka ran to the cow:

Mother cow! They want to cut you.

And you, red maiden, do not eat my meat, collect my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, bury them in the garden and never forget me, water the bones every morning with water.

The old man killed the cow. Khavroshechka did everything that the cow bequeathed: she was starving, she didn’t take her meat in her mouth, she buried her bones and watered them every day in the garden, and an apple tree grew out of them, but what a! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in.

How much time has passed, you never know ... One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye once walked in the garden. At that time, a strong man was driving past - rich, curly-haired, young. I saw apples, began to touch the girls:

Beautiful girls! he says. Which one of you brings me an apple, that one will marry me.

And the three sisters rushed one in front of the other to the apple tree. And the apples hung low, under the arms, but here they rose high, far above their heads.

The sisters wanted to knock them down - the leaves of the eye fall asleep, they wanted to rip them off - the knots of the braids are untwisted. No matter how they fought, or rushed about, they tore their hands, but they could not get it.

Khavroshechka came up, the twigs bowed to her, and the apples fell to her. She treated that strong man and he married her, and she began to live in goodness, dashing not to know.