Brief summary of the formation of the Slavic states. Formation of the Slavic states

The term "Slavs" occurs from the VI century. in the writings of Byzantine historians. However, the first information about the Slavic tribes dates back to the II-I centuries. before. n. e. In the writings of Greco-Roman historians, they are mentioned simultaneously with the Germans. In the VI-VII centuries. Slavic tribes occupied a vast territory bordering the Elbe River in the west, the Vistula River in the east, the Baltic Sea in the north, and the Danube River in the south. In subsequent centuries, they were divided into three groups: Western, Southern and Eastern Slavs.

Western Slavs-Czechs, Poles and Slovaks.

Southern Slavs - Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Montenegrins and others.

Eastern Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

Occupations of the Slavs.

Since ancient times, the Slavs have been engaged in agriculture. The collected grain was stored in special barns.

According to the Byzantine historian of Mauritius, the peasants most often sowed barley and millet from grain crops. From the first centuries of the new era, livestock were bred and various types of crafts were engaged. Among the Slavs, who lived on the banks of the rivers Vistula, Dnieper, Danube, Elba, fishing occupied a large place in the economy.

Social order and religion.

The social system of the Slavs is characterized by the same features as those of the Germans. They lived in tribes and clans. The clans consisted of large patriarchal families.
In the sources there is a mention of people's meetings (Slavic "veche"), of princes who had warriors, of frequent wars.

The ancient Slavs in the descriptions of the Byzantines are portrayed as freedom-loving, brave, warlike and at the same time peaceful, always ready for friendship with their neighbors. The Slavs were distinguished by physical strength and VBSHOSLIVOSTBYU, they knew how to set up ambushes and often attacked the enemy suddenly.

The Slavs deified the forces of nature and worshiped the spirits of their ancestors. At the same time, they worshiped brownies, mermen, mermaids and other mythical powers.

Formation of the Slavic states.

The first Slavic state, the Bulgarian kingdom, was formed at the end of the 7th century. in the north of the Balkan Peninsula.
By the beginning of the IX century. Bulgaria has become a large state. During the reign of Simeon (893-927) it reached the height of its power. Then a decline began, and weakened Bulgaria at the end of the 10th century. was conquered by neighboring Byzantium.

The Kingdom of the Bolgars (Bulgaria) was founded in the Balkans by the Turkic-speaking tribes of the Proto-Bulgarians, led by Khan Asparuh (643-701).

Czech state.

After the fall of Great Moravia, the local Slavic tribes were subordinate to the Czech tribes living in the Vltava basin. At the head of the union of tribes were princes from the Přemyslid family. They often had to take up arms to defend their land.

Prince Wenceslas (920-935) was brought up in the spirit of Christian commandments, and subsequently actively spread this religion in the Czech Republic. However, his respectful attitude towards the new faith at the expense of the old beliefs was not to everyone's liking. Vaclav's brother killed him.

Very soon the image of Wenceslas was canonized, he became a national saint, the patron saint of the Czech state

* * Great Moravia - a state that arose at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th centuries. in the east of what is now the Czech Republic. It broke up and became part of the Czech Republic as a result of attacks by nomadic Hungarians at the beginning of the 10th century.

The German emperor Henry IV in 1085 proclaimed the king of the Roman prince of Bohemia Bratislav II, who supported him against the pope.
Although the kings of Bohemia recognized the power of the German emperors, they were full masters in their own country.
Polish state. The basis of the future Poland was the Slavic tribes of the Polans, who lived in the Gniezno region.
The principality that arose on behalf of these tribes, and then the territories united around it, began to be called Poland.

As it is written in the chronicles, the legendary founder of the princely Polyan dynasty was “a poor man named Piast”, but the first prince from the Piast dynasty recorded in the documents was Mieszko I.

Mieszko I in the middle of the 10th century. founded the Polish state.

Prince Mieszko I, uniting in the middle. 10th century Polovian tribes, founded in the basin of the river. Vistula state. He and his army converted to Christianity. The process of unification of the Polish tribes was continued by Boleslav I. In 1018 he conquered Kyiv.

His troops, in order to defend the independence of Polovsha, fought against the German emperors. In this war, Poland won and expanded its borders. Bolesław the Bold became king.

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1. East Slavs. Old Russian education


Norman and anti-Norman theory.

Origin of the Slavs.

The original region of the ancient ethnic Slavs, which received the name of the "ancestral home" of the Slavic tribes, is still ambiguously determined by scientists.

The chronicler Nestor in The Tale of Bygone Years pointed to the Lower Danube and Hungary as the original territory of Slavic settlement. This opinion was shared by such historians as S. M. Solovyov and V. O. Klyuchevsky.

According to another medieval theory, the ancestors of the Slavs came from Western Asia and settled along the Black Sea coast under the names "Scythians", "Sarmatians", "Roksolans". From here they gradually settled to the west and southwest.

Among other theories, Asian, Baltic, and others are known.

Modern domestic historical science believes that the ancestors of the Slavs emerged from the ancient Indo-European unity that inhabited most of Eurasia, no earlier than the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. They were originally settled from the Baltic to the Carpathians.

In the history of the Slavs, as well as other peoples of Europe, an important role was played by the invasion of the Huns, which caused mass migration.

Neighbors of the Eastern Slavs.

The neighbors of the Eastern Slavs were Iranians, Finnish, Baltic tribes.

Way of life and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs.

The basis of the economy of the Eastern Slavs was agriculture in combination with cattle breeding and various crafts. Iron tools were actively used. In trade with the developed countries of the East and Byzantium, the export of furs played a special role.

They lived sedentary, choosing hard-to-reach places for settlements or erecting defensive structures around them. The main type of dwelling is a semi-dugout with a two- or three-pitched roof.

The sky god Svarog was considered the progenitor of the gods. They also worshiped such Gods as Mokosh, Khors, Dazhd.

The cults of mermaids, watermen were developed, the Slavs considered water to be the element from which the world was formed. Tree spirits were also worshiped. To free the soul from the body, cremation was performed. They worshiped idols, wore amulets.

Prerequisites for the formation of the state.

At the beginning of the 1st millennium, the Slavs lived in tribal communities. Each community represented several families connected by consanguinity. The economy in it was carried out collectively: products and tools were in common ownership. However, already at that time the tribal system began to outlive itself. The Slavs distinguished leaders with hereditary power.

By the 9th century, tribal relations among the Slavs were in the process of decomposition. The neighboring /territorial/ community comes to the place of the tribal community. The ties between the community members were not blood, but economic.

The emergence of property inequality, the concentration of power in the hands of tribal and tribal leaders,

the emergence of property inequality, the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of tribal and tribal leaders,

The emergence of property inequality, the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of tribal and tribal leaders - all this created the prerequisites for the emergence of state power.

The first steps towards the development of the beginnings of statehood belong to the Slavs to the 6th century.

Kyiv and Novgorod became the centers of formation of the Old Russian state.

In 882 Rurik's successor Oleg makes a campaign against Kyiv and captures it. There was a union of Kyiv and Novgorod lands into one state with the capital in Kyiv.


For the first time, the "Norman theory" was expressed by German scientists, Ser. 18th century Miller, Schlozer and Bayer.

The essence of their theory: the chronicle legend about the calling of the Varangians testifies that before the arrival of the Varangians, the Eastern Slavs were in an absolutely barbaric state, statehood and culture were brought to them by the Scandinavian Varangians.

Although M.V. Lomonosov convincingly demonstrated the scientific inconsistency of the Norman theory, it was repeatedly reanimated by the opponents of Russia to substantiate the assertion that the Slavs were allegedly incapable of independent historical development - they needed foreign leadership. In particular, this theory was actively promoted in Nazi Germany.

The Varangians played an episodic role, although, as history decreed, and important in the creation of a UNIFIED Old Russian state, but they did not bring statehood to the Slavs.

There is also a second version:
Rurik was not a Norman, he was a relative of one of the Jewish boyars, who invited him to reign.

862 - the beginning of the reign of Rurik in Novgorod
882 - the unification of Russia under the rule of Prince Oleg

2. The Golden Horde and Russia: features of the relationship. Consequences for historical development.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the Mongol tribes, united by the power of Genghis Khan, began campaigns of conquest, the purpose of which was to create a huge superpower.

The Golden Horde was one of the largest states of the Middle Ages. Its military power for a long time had no equal.

The beginning of the political history of the Golden Horde dates back to 1243, when Batu returned from a campaign in Europe. In the same year, Grand Duke Yaroslav was the first of the Russian rulers to arrive at the headquarters of the Mongol Khan for a label to reign.

The ethnonym "Mongols" is the self-name of the tribes united by Genghis Khan, however, wherever the Mongol troops appeared, they were called Tatars. This was due exclusively to the Chinese chronicle tradition, which from the 12th century stubbornly called all the Mongols "Tatars", which corresponded to the European concept of "barbarians".

One of the stereotypical ideas about the Golden Horde is that this state was purely nomadic and had almost no cities. Already the successors of Genghis Khan clearly understood that "it is impossible to rule the Celestial Empire while sitting on a horse." More than a hundred cities were created in the Golden Horde, which served as administrative-tax and trade and craft centers. The capital of the state - the city of Sarai - numbered 75 thousand inhabitants.

In the initial period of the Golden Horde, culture developed largely due to the consumption of the achievements of the conquered peoples.

The construction of cities was accompanied by the development of architecture and house-building technology.

Relations between Russia and the Horde

In 1237-1240, the Russian lands, divided in military and political terms, were defeated and devastated by the troops of Batu. The attacks of the Mongols on Ryazan, Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal, Galich, Tver, Kyiv left an impression of shock in the minds of the Russian people.

More than two-thirds of all settlements were destroyed.

During the first ten years after the invasion, the conquerors did not take tribute, being engaged only in robbery and destruction. When the collection of systematic tribute began, relations between Russia and the Horde took predictable and stable forms - a phenomenon was born that was called the "Mongol yoke". At the same time, however, the practice of periodic punitive campaigns did not stop until the XIV century.

Many Russian princes were subjected to terror and intimidation in order to prevent anti-Horde actions on their part.

Russian-Horde relations were not easy, but it would be a mistake to reduce them only to total pressure on Russia.

We owe the emergence of the term "yoke" to N.M. Karamzin.

In the middle of the XIV century, there were 110 cities in the Golden Horde, and 50 cities in northeastern Russia. Without a doubt, a significant part of the cities of the Golden Horde was built on Russian silver and by the hands of captured masters.

The fact that the oppression was not direct was also specific: the oppressor lived far away, and not among the conquered people. As the Horde weakened, oppression lost its edge.

In the middle of the XIII century, Russia was subjected to double aggression - from the East and the West. The goal of the crusaders - the defeat of Orthodoxy - affected the vital interests of the Slavs, while the Mongols were religiously tolerant, they could not seriously threaten the spiritual culture of the Russians.

Alexander Nevsky, enlisting the diplomatic support of the Mongols and insuring his rear, suppressed all attempts by the Germans and Swedes to penetrate the lands of Russia.

Dependence on the Horde was combined with the ambiguous development of political and diplomatic relations. The Russian Orthodox Church played a special role. Already at the first tax census conducted by the Mongols in Russia in 1246, the church and the clergy were excluded from it and left alone.

The turning point occurred in 1380, when the Moscow army marched against the Horde temnik Mamai on the Kulikovo field. Russia got stronger, the Horde began to lose its former power. The policy of Alexander Nevsky naturally turned into the policy of Dmitry Donskoy.

The Horde yoke had a powerful impact on the course of Russian history. The loss of state independence and the payment of tribute were not easy moral labor for the Russian people. But the struggle against these phenomena accelerated the process of centralization of the Russian state, laid the foundation for the creation of Russian statehood.

Formation of the Slavic states Resettlement of the Slavs

  • In the VI century, the Slavs occupied vast areas from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Danube and the Black Sea in the south.

3 branches of the Slavs

From ancient times in the Baltic States, in Central and Eastern Europe, to the east of the Germans, lived Slavs.

Activities and lifestyle of the Slavs

The main occupations of the Slavs were:

  • agriculture (wheat, rye),
  • animal husbandry (pig breeding),
  • crafts
  • beekeeping (gathering honey from wild bees and wax)
  • The Slavs settled along the banks of the rivers, which were the best "roads", and traded.

Activities and lifestyle of the Slavs

The Slavs were divided into many tribes. All important issues in the tribe were decided by the people's assembly - veche(from the word "broadcast" - to speak with knowledge of the matter).

At the head of the tribes were military leaders - princes. They had cavalry squads under their command. Making raids and attacks on neighbors, the princes and their warriors captured slaves, captives, cattle, and various valuables.

Bulgarian state

In the second half of the 7th century, the Slavs, who settled on the lands along the lower reaches of the Danube, north of the Balkan Range, were conquered by nomads. - Bulgarians, Turks by origin.

An outstanding ruler of Bulgaria was Prince Simeon. He was educated, energetic, ambitious dreamed of subjugating the entire Balkan Peninsula, of seizing the imperial throne of Byzantium.

Capture of the Bulgarian state

From the north, the Hungarian cavalry raided Bulgaria and Byzantium, and then for a century and a half - Pecheneg nomads, pushed back to the Northern Black Sea region from the depths of Asia.

At the beginning of the 11th century, the Byzantine emperor Basil II, nicknamed the Bulgar Slayer, almost every year made trips to Bulgaria.

Vasily killed about 100 thousand Bulgarians, 14 thousand were blinded and sent home as a deterrent.

When the Bulgarian king saw the blind, he died of a broken heart.

In 1018, Byzantium completely subjugated Bulgaria.


Great Moravian State

In the first half of the 9th century, the state of the Western Slavs arose in the valley of the Morava River - Great Moravian State.

At first it was subject to the Franks, and after the collapse of the empire of Charlemagne - to Germany. The princes paid tribute to her and accepted Christianity from the German bishops.

But then the Great Moravian State achieved independence and entered in the fight against Germany. To fight Germany, one of the Moravian princes concluded an alliance with Byzantium against her.

Great Moravian State

The first Slavic enlighteners were learned monks - Bulgarians from Byzantium, brothers Cyril and Methodius.

In 863, the brothers were sent to the Great Moravian state. Before leaving Cyril based on the Greek alphabet created the Slavic alphabet.

In Moravia, the brothers built churches, opened a school for the training of priests from local residents.

The collapse of the Great Moravian Empire

The only surviving monument of the Great Moravian Empire

A long struggle with the kings of Germany weakened the Great Moravian state. Taking advantage of this, the Hungarians in 906 defeated her and seized part of her lands. The Great Moravian Empire collapsed.

Education of the Czech Republic and Poland

From the disintegrated Great Moravian State stood out Czech state. In the first half of the 10th century, with the support of the nobility, the princes of the Czech tribe, who lived near the city Prague, united other tribes under their rule.

In the second half of the 10th century, the Polish prince Mieszko I(960-992) subjugated the tribes that settled along the river Vistula. He started Polish state.

Education of the Czech Republic and Poland

The unification of Poland was completed during the reign of Boleslav I the Brave(992-1025). He managed to annex the southern Polish lands. In town Krakow the capital of Poland was moved. Boleslav I managed to capture the Czech Republic with Prague for a while, but soon the Czech Republic was freed from his power.


Boleslav I the Brave


Chapter 11 Test Preparation

(§ 6-8, pp. 47-66)

Origin of the Eastern Slavs

The ancestors of the Slavs - the Proto-Slavs - belonged to the Indo-European family of peoples who inhabited the vast territories of the European continent, stretching from Europe to India, in the 4th-3rd millennia BC.
In the second half of the 1st millennium BC, the ancient Slavs settled the lands from the Elbe and Oder in the West to the Upper Dnieper and Middle Dnieper in the East. During the period of cohabitation, the Slavic tribes spoke the same Proto-Slavic language. However, as they settled, they began to move further and further away from each other, which was especially evident in language and culture.
Somewhat later, the Slavic family was divided into three branches, which served as the basis for three modern nations - Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks), Southern Slavs (Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians, Bosnians, Montenegrins), Eastern Slavs (Russians, Belarusians , Ukrainians).

The resettlement of the Eastern Slavs in antiquity

In the VI-IX centuries, the Eastern Slavs settled in the territory stretching from east to west from the upper reaches of the Don and the Middle Oka to the Carpathians and from south to north from the Middle Dnieper to the Neva and Lake Ladoga. The main occupation of the East Slavic tribes was agriculture.
In the process of the settlement of the Slavic tribes along the East European Plain, they undergo a gradual decomposition of the primitive communal system. As the Tale of Bygone Years says, individual tribes united around one of the most powerful tribes in tribal unions or reigns. The annals mention more than a dozen such associations and places of their settlement. Eastern tribal unions were headed by princes from the tribal nobility. Particularly important decisions for the tribe were made at general meetings - veche gatherings.
The most influential, according to historians, was the union of the meadows that inhabited the territory of the middle reaches of the Dnieper. The land of glades, according to ancient chronicles, was called "Rus". It is considered to be the core of the ancient Russian state.
The process of gathering the Slavic lands into a single whole took place from north to south around two centers: in the northwest - Novgorod, in the south - Kyiv. As a result, Novgorod-Kievan Rus was formed. Conventionally, the date of this unification is considered to be the reign of Oleg - 882. The two-center system was actually preserved in the future, despite the fact that Kyiv was named the capital.

Formation of the Slavic state

The formation of the Old Russian state (Kievan Rus) was a logical completion of the process of decomposition of the primitive communal system among a dozen Slavic tribal unions. However, primitive communal traditions persisted for a long time in almost all spheres of life of the Eastern Slavs.
To date, there are several theories. According to one of the most famous - Norman - the first state of the Eastern Slavs was created under the influence of the Scandinavian ethnic group. This theory, which has been widely popular for a long time, is based on the presence of Varangian warriors in Russia in the 9th-10th centuries and the Varangian origin of the Rurik dynasty. However, at present, most historians agree that the Norman theory was the result of an incorrect interpretation of the ancient chronicles, and the Old Russian statehood still has Slavic roots. At the same time, it is recognized that the Scandinavian Vikings took an active part in its formation.