What does the eiffel tower look like. Numbers and technical features

Engineer Gustav Eiffel, could not imagine that it would stand for more than a hundred years. Initially, this project was designed for 20 years and was built solely as an exhibit for the next World Exhibition. Eiffel Tower It was built for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889, the date of which coincided with the centenary of the French Revolution. Of the many projects submitted to the competition, the winner was the project Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, who was responsible for the construction of the Eiffel Tower.

Fact number 2.

At the time of its official opening (1889), the tower became the tallest building in the world. The height of the tower is 324 meters. Only 41 years later this title was challenged Chrysler skyscraper.

Fact number 3.

The Eiffel Tower was built from the highest quality pudding iron. During the construction of the Eiffel Tower, 9441 tons of wrought iron were used. To create the Eiffel Tower, a total of 18,038 pieces of wrought iron had to be combined.

Fact number 4.

During construction, despite the enormous height, only one worker crashed.

Fact number 5.

Buckles have been regularly made from the tower since its construction, and in 2010 a world record was set - Ty Chris made a breathtaking jump on roller skates right from the second floor of the Eiffel Tower.

Fact number 6.

In 1912, an inventor came up with the amazing invention of the parachute coat and decided to try it out. To do this, he climbed to the third observation deck of the tower, jumped down and died.

Fact number 7.

Despite the advances in technology, the Eiffel Tower is still painted with ordinary brushes. Surprisingly, it is a fact - the tower is painted in 3 shades of bronze at once (from dark from below to light - at the top), but due to the perspective, there is an illusion of its uniformity. The paint is renewed every 7 years.

Fact number 8.

The Eiffel Tower is equipped with restaurants located on the first and second platforms. The restaurant on the first platform is located at an altitude of 95 m, it overlooks the Seine River. The restaurant on the second platform is called "Jules Verne", a reservation is required to visit it.

Fact number 9.

During the war, before surrendering Paris to the German invaders, the French broke the elevator on the Eiffel Tower. This was done so that the invaders could not admire the view of the fallen city. However, this unfortunate fact did not stop the enemies, but personally considered it necessary to climb to the top of the tower on foot.

Fact number 10.

Many smaller copies of the tower have been built around the world. Their small Eiffel Towers have , Copenhagen, Guangzhou, Slobozia, Varna, Vietnam and other cities of the world.

Fact number 11.

From 1925 to 1934, all four sides of the tower were covered with company billboards. Citroën. At that time, it was the largest outdoor advertising.

Fact number 12.

The creator of the tower, Gustave Eiffel, imprinted on its body the names of seventy-two prominent compatriot scientists.

Fact number 13.

In 1920, the swindler Victor Lustig managed to sell the Eiffel Tower not to some rich man, but to a company that was engaged in buying up scrap metal. In other matters, this is not the only fraud of Viktor Lustig. By the way, his surname is translated from German as "cheerful."

Fact number 14.

The Eiffel Tower is now officially owned by the city and transferred under a renewable contract to a limited liability company called "Society for the Exploitation of the Eiffel Tower" ("Societe d "exploitation de la Tour Eiffel")., but in the first 83 years of its existence, it was sold more than twenty times, and twice for scrap.

An interesting fact in addition.

Alexander Gustav Eiffel- the same person who in 1885 created the internal structure Statues of Liberty.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Paris is one of the most romantic and elegant cities in the world. Tens of millions of tourists annually flock to this world capital to once again experience the magical flair of this unforgettable city.

Paris is a city of lights, landmarks, a symbol of France... It can be treated differently, but hardly anyone would argue that Paris is one of the most romantic and elegant cities in the world. Tens of millions of tourists annually flock to this world capital to once again experience the magical flair of this unforgettable city.

And of course, people come here to admire the sights of Paris. There are many excursions in Paris: at any time of the year, day and night - there is always something to see. Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Sacré Coeur complex, the Holy Chapel, the Louvre and, of course, the main symbol of France - the famous Eiffel Tower. Even if you yourself have climbed the fourth level of the tower more than once, you will probably be interested in reading this article.

We bring to your attention a selection of ten entertaining facts about this miracle of engineering.

Fact number 1.
Creating his tower, the French engineer Gustave Eiffel could not imagine that it would stand for more than a hundred years. Initially, this project was designed for 20 years and was built exclusively as an exhibit for the next World Exhibition.

Fact number 2.
At the time of its official opening (1889), the tower became the tallest building in the world. Only 40 years later, the Chrysler skyscraper challenged this title.

Fact number 3.
During construction, despite the enormous height, only one worker crashed.

Fact number 4.
Surprisingly, it is a fact - the tower is painted in 3 shades of bronze at once (from dark from below to light - at the top), but due to the perspective, there is an illusion of its uniformity. The paint is renewed every 7 years.

Fact number 5.
In 1912, an inventor came up with the amazing invention of the parachute coat and decided to try it out. To do this, he climbed to the third observation deck of the tower, jumped down and died.

Fact number 6.
During the war, before surrendering Paris to the German invaders, the French broke the elevator on the Eiffel Tower. This was done so that the invaders could not admire the view of the fallen city. However, this unfortunate fact did not stop the enemies, and Hitler personally considered it necessary to climb to the top of the tower on foot.

Fact number 7.
Many smaller copies of the tower have been built around the world. Las Vegas, Copenhagen, Guangzhou, Slobozia, Varna, Vietnam and other cities of the world have their own small Eiffel Towers.

Fact number 8.
From 1925 until 1934, all four sides of the tower were covered with Citroën billboards. At that time, it was the largest outdoor advertising.

Fact number 9.
The creator of the tower, Gustave Eiffel, imprinted on its body the names of seventy-two prominent compatriot scientists.

Fact number 10.
Now the Eiffel Tower is officially owned by the city, but in the first 83 years of its existence, it was sold more than twenty times, and twice for scrap.

Many couples aspire to the capital of France to spend their honeymoon. But there is a special attraction in Paris - the Eiffel Tower. And this most recognizable symbol of the French capital, it turns out, has many secrets.

1. Jump into marriage

Successful landing.

History knows the case when a woman who tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Eiffel Tower fell on a car. She not only survived, but also married the owner of this car. Unfortunately, such a happy ending is rare. The Eiffel Tower has a very high suicide rate among its visitors, at 17.5 per 1,000 people.

2. Eiffel Tower in numbers...

Bottom view, center.

300 workers were employed in the construction of the Eiffel Tower. 18,038 sheets of wrought iron were used for construction, held together with 2.5 million rivets. The tower weighs 10,000 tons and is 300 meters high.

3. Temperature fluctuations

The Eiffel Tower is 15 centimeters taller in summer.

In hot weather, steel structures expand.

4. 5 billion lamps and lanterns

The Eiffel Tower has 5 billion lamps and lanterns.

In total, the tower consumes 7.8 million kWh per year.

5. Paris at your feet

This is what Paris looks like from the Eiffel Tower.

This photo offers a wonderful view of the city. It is impossible to imagine all angles, it is desirable to see the splendor of Paris for yourself. You will have to stand in line for several hours to get into the tower. And Paris at your feet...

6. Interferes with sleep

It interferes with sleep and drives you crazy.

Once a man tried to blow up the Eiffel Tower, because its lights shone right into his bedroom window, waking him up at night. Ivan Vladimirovich Shcheglov planned to use dynamite stolen from a construction site, but, fortunately, he was arrested and placed in a psychiatric clinic.

7. Light fiery

Predawn light show.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris hosts a light show for 5 minutes every night before dawn. And during the New Year, the tower flickers for ten minutes every hour.

8. Stunning view

The view from the tower has always been breathtaking.

This gorgeous photo was taken by Hungarian photographer Lucien Hervé.

9. Eiffel Tower - red

The Eiffel Tower was originally painted red.

In 1889, a red building rose in the center of Paris.

10. The tower is "not free"... or "not free"...

Erika Labri.

Erica LaBrie married the Eiffel Tower in 2007. She changed her last name to Eiffel.

11. Nothing is more permanent than temporary.

The Eiffel Tower was not meant to be a permanent structure.

The tower was planned to be dismantled in 1909 and moved to another location. In the end, this idea was abandoned and they began to use the tower as a giant radio antenna.

12. 7 million people per year

The Eiffel Tower is the most visited tower in the world.

In 2011 alone, 7 million people climbed the Eiffel Tower.

13. On foot, Fuhrer, on foot!

The French cut the cables of the lifts on the Eiffel Tower.

During World War II, when Hitler arrived in Paris, the French cut the cables of the Eiffel Tower lifts so that Hitler had to climb the stairs. The elevators were repaired only in 1946. During the Nazi occupation, the tower was closed to the public.

14. The tower was sold for scrap... twice!

Artist Victor Lustig "sold" the Eiffel Tower for scrap.

Victor is a notorious con man who "sold" the tower twice.

15. Short-sighted Spaniards

The Eiffel Tower could have been built in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

16. Base jumping

Flying tailor.

Inventor Franz Reichelt died after jumping off the Eiffel Tower while testing a parachute of his own design. Franz is also called the "Flying Tailor". He prepared for the experiment by dropping mannequins from the window of his apartment.

17. 1665 steps

To reach the top of the Eiffel Tower, you need to climb 1665 steps.

There is even a race called "Vertical", during which people compete to see who can climb the Eiffel Tower the fastest.

18. More than thirty exact copies

There are over thirty replicas of the Eiffel Tower around the world.

Replicas of the Eiffel Tower can be seen in America, Japan, Russia, Mexico, Germany, Pakistan, China, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Romania, Great Britain, etc.

19. Apartment on the top of the Eiffel Tower

Visiting Gustave Eiffel.

Gustave Eiffel has set up an apartment for himself on the top of the Eiffel Tower. He often invited the elite of the scientific world to visit him.

20. An unsuccessful attempt by the British

As a result, the structure was demolished in 1907.

In 1891, London began to build a tower that was supposed to be taller than the Eiffel. Since the structure was unstable, the construction site was frozen and eventually demolished in 1907. The ambitious structure was built on the site of Watkin's Tower.

The Eiffel Tower is without exaggeration the main symbol of Paris. There are so many interesting facts and events connected with the Eiffel Tower that it is time to create a separate article. Which is what we did.

In 1889, France celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Revolution. On this occasion, they decided to organize a World Exhibition in Paris. A few years before the significant event, the city placed an application for the creation and improvement of the entrance to the exhibition. The competition was attended by many designers and architects, but it was Gustave Eiffel who won, whose work, according to the jury, personified the technical achievements of the whole country.

By the time the construction of the tower began, Gustave Eiffel was already a famous architect, having managed to take part in the creation of such masterpieces as the Garabi Viaduct - which for a long time was considered the highest railway bridge in the world and the Statue of Liberty.

Gustave Eiffel's company receives final approval and a patent for the design and construction of the building on September 18, 1884, and the construction of the tower begins on May 1, 1886 - two years before the exhibition.

Timeline of construction of the Eiffel Tower

Within 2 years, 2 months and 5 days, 300 workers built the tower. In all the time they used about 18,000 individual metal parts, 2.5 million cages and 40 tons of paint.

The parameters of the tower itself are interesting. When measuring the height of the tower in March 1889, its height was 300 meters. But when such measurements were taken in winter, the height of the tower was 15 cm less. It turned out that the metal structures of the tower are compressed under the influence of cold. And Gustave Eiffel designed the tower in such a way that even with the strongest gusts of wind, it deviates by no more than 15 cm.

During the World Exhibition of 1889, about 2 million people visited the Eiffel Tower, spending an impressive amount on tour tickets for the tower. This is what allowed the exhibition of 1889 to become one of the few that made a profit.

The Eiffel Tower was originally scheduled to be dismantled in 1909, but the engineers found that it was an excellent site for a telegraph antenna, which was successfully used during the First World War.

For 41 years, the Eiffel Tower has held the title of the tallest man-made structure in the world.

In the 1930s, the Eiffel Tower was used as an advertising platform for the French automobile company Citroën.

Every seven years, the Eiffel Tower is "updated" by painting its structures.

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Ask any person what is the first thing that comes to their mind when they think of Paris. Of course, everyone will answer that the Eiffel Tower. This is one of the most famous architectural structures in the world, which has already become a trend today. This is a constant symbol of fashionable France.

Here you will learn interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower, all the most unusual and memorable, associated with this famous landmark.

  • Let's start with the banal - with numbers. Today, the height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters. However, initially it was 300.65 meters. An additional almost 24 meters appeared due to the installation of a modern antenna at the peak.
  • The tower broadcasts 4 radio channels and 6 television channels.
  • In 1889, the tower was completed and opened in honor of the centenary of the French Revolution. In the same year, it became the arch that was used as the entrance to the World's Fair. It was planned that in 20 years the building would be dismantled. However, at that time the tower was the tallest building in the world and attracted much outside attention. They decided not to demolish it.
  • It took more than two years to build the tower.

  • Every year this attraction is visited by 7 million people. It takes more than 2 tons of paper to publish tickets for so many tourists. A ticket to the very top costs 17 euros, to the second tier - 11 euros.
  • The structure is the most popular paid attraction in the world, as well as the most photographed around the world.
  • Once every seven years, the paint on the tower is refreshed - the old one is removed, covered with an anti-corrosion layer, and a new one is painted. The color is darker at the bottom, and lighter towards the peak. There are three shades in total. The color is called eiffel brown.

  • The Eiffel Tower took first place in the list of attractions that disappoint tourists. The main complaint is too many visitors.
  • The cost of the tower is estimated at more than 400 million euros. The location of the structure, profitability and other indicators are taken into account.
  • Interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower are also present around its name. So, this building could have been called the Bönickhausen Tower, since that was the name of the ancestors of one of its creators, Gustave Eiffel. However, it was rightly decided that the German Bönickhausen sounds bad for tender France, so it was decided to take the name by the name of Eiffel. Gustave himself called it a trite three hundred meter tower.
  • Gustave Eiffel's ancestors were immigrants from a German village near the Eifel mountains.

  • The tower is wind resistant due to its unique recognizable shape. Its top deviated by 12 cm during a strong hurricane of 180 km/h. But it is easily prone to overheating - when exposed to sunlight, the metal heats up, expands and the peak deviates by 18 cm.
  • There are also spicy interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower. Sylvain Yetman-Eiffel, who is one of the descendants of Gustave Eiffel, claims to have been conceived in the tower as his parents spent their wedding night there. However, this is not reliable, perhaps the great-great-grandson of the architect was conceived on the other night, and in another place.
  • The writer Guy de Maupasan considered the Eiffel Tower a Parisian ugliness and dined in a restaurant right in it, because this is the only place in the city from where the tower itself is not visible.
  • In 1940, Paris was taken by the Nazis. The French broke the elevator in the tower, and the invaders were unable to restore it and go upstairs to erect their flag there. Hitler even ordered the tower to be destroyed because of this, but the order was not executed. Until the end of the war, the building remained uncaptured.
  • A fatal jump from a French 300-meter steel mademoiselle ranks third in the world in terms of suicide. That's over 17 cases per 1,000 people. Despite various restrictions and protective structures, there are cases of suicide, and the last one was in 2012. And there was even one happy occasion when a woman who decided to take her own life jumped from a tower and fell right on the roof of a car, survived, and later got married to the owner of the damaged car.