The population of Stepnogorsk. Detailed map of Stepnogorsk - streets, house numbers

The city of Sovetskaya Gavan is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe. Sovetskaya Gavan is included in the federal district: Far East.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory, consisting of several subjects of the Russian Federation.

The city of Sovetskaya Gavan is part of the Khabarovsk Krai region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that make up the region.

The Khabarovsk Krai region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

The population of Sovetskaya Gavan is 24,671 people. Year of foundation of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan: 1853. The city of Sovetskaya Gavan is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+11. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Sovetskaya Gavan, relative to the time zone in your city. The telephone code of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan: +7 42138. In order to call the city of Sovetskaya Gavan from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 42138 and then directly the subscriber's number. The site of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan, the official website of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan, or as it is also called "The official website of the administration of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan":

Municipal area Soviet Havana urban settlement City of Sovetskaya Gavan internal division absent (official);
11 housing estates (unofficial) Mayor Pavel Yurievich Borovsky History and geography Founded in 1853 First mention 1853 Former names before 1856 - Konstantinovsky post
before 1923 - Imperial Harbor
before 1930 - Znamenskoye
City with 1941 Square 69 km² Center height 20 m Climate type temperate, monsoon Timezone UTC+10 Population Population ↘ 24,249 people (2018) Density 351.43 people/km² Agglomeration 41,000 people (2016) Nationalities Russians, Ukrainians, Orochs, Chinese, Koreans, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Tatars Confessions Orthodox, Adventists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Muslims demonym sovgavanets (m. R.),
resident of Sovgavan (female),
Soviets (pl.) Official language Russian Digital IDs Telephone code +7 42138 Postcode 682800 OKATO code 08 418 OKTMO code 08 642 101 001 (Russian)

Sovetskaya Gavan- a city in, the only settlement of the Urban Settlement "City of Sovetskaya Gavan", the administrative center of the Sovetsko-Gavansky district. It is located on the shore of the bay of the same name, which in turn is part of the Tatar Strait.

Physical and geographical characteristics

Geographical position

The city is located on the shores of the Sovetskaya Gavan Bay (Tatar Strait), 581 km from, 10 km from the port - one of the largest Russian ports in the Pacific Ocean. It is located in a mountainous area, in the immediate vicinity is the Sovietsky ridge up to 560 m high (Sovetskaya town), a spur of the Sikhote-Alin.

End point of BAM. The railway is connected with Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the highway 08A-1 "Lidoga - Vanino - Sovetskaya Gavan" the city is connected with the highway "Khabarovsk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur". The May-Gatka airport operates.


Pre-revolutionary period

Imperial Harbor in 1867. Drawing by A. V. Vysheslavtsev

The date of foundation of the city is August 4, 1853, when G. I. Nevelskoy ordered the creation of a “military post of His Imperial Highness General-Admiral Grand Duke Konstantin” in Imperial Harbor Bay. N. K. Boshnyak was appointed head of the post.

In 1854, the ship "Barracut" (eng. Barracouta) entered the Imperial Harbor. Not knowing about the opening of the harbor by the Russians, the British gave her the name "Barrakuta Harbor" (eng. Barracuta Harbour).

In 1856, escaping from the Anglo-French squadron, the frigate Pallada entered the bay. In order to prevent the enemy from getting the frigate, it was flooded, after which the Konstantinovsky post was removed.

At the end of the 19th century, a lighthouse was built on the cape at the entrance to the bay, one of the oldest on the Pacific coast of Russia. This lighthouse is currently called "Red Partizan" in memory of the partisans shot here during the civil war by the punitive detachment of the White Guards. Not far from the lighthouse, over a high rock, a monument was erected in memory of these events.

In 1907, the Australian entrepreneur Slay Harold Crofton was sent by the Eastern Timber Society, where he bought a steam processing plant and harvested wood from a local entrepreneur. Soon, at his expense, administrative buildings and residential buildings were built on the banks of the Okocha Bay. By 1912, a village was formed, which received the name Znamenskoye. It consisted of three settlements located along the banks of Mayachnaya, Yaponskaya (now Kuriksha Bay) and Okocha bays.

On October 27, 1914, a post and telegraph office was opened in Znamenskoye (at that time it was part of the Khutsinskaya volost of the Olginsky district of the Primorsky region) with the reception of domestic and international telegrams. A telegraph line was extended from De-Kastri to Imperial Harbour.

In 1919, four fisheries under the control of Russian entrepreneurs operated in the Imperial Harbor area - in Lososina Bay, in Olga Bay, in Alexander Bay (now Severnaya) and near the Menshikov Peninsula, as well as the above-mentioned Australian concession in Okocha Bay. There were two lighthouses with attendants: at the entrance to the bay and on Cape St. Nicholas.

On April 5, 1919, a partisan detachment under the command of Pyotr Kuriksha entered the Imperial Harbor. The guerrillas arrested police officers, seized an Australian concession, shot several persons of the former administration and entrepreneurs who resisted them. The head of the local post office managed to request help by telegraph, and in May 1919 the steamer "Vzryvatel" arrived from there. A White Guard landing force landed from it, which, after a short battle, occupied the settlement. Thus, the first attempt to establish Soviet power in the Imperial Harbor failed, and for the next three years the harbor was under the control of the White Guard forces.

On April 6, 1920, the Far Eastern Republic was proclaimed on the territory of the Russian Far East. The Primorsky region, and with it the Imperial Harbor, de jure became part of it, de facto remaining under the control of the White Guards, who did not recognize the Far East.

In January 1922, the First Expeditionary Partisan Detachment under the command of V. S. Kolesnichenko arrived in the harbor from South Primorye in the amount of 45 people, which for the second time established Soviet power in this territory. In April of the same year, by order of the detachment, Imperial Harbor was renamed Soviet.

On November 15, 1922, the FER was liquidated. The territories that made up it became part of the RSFSR as the Far Eastern Region, and the Primorsky Region, which included the Imperial Harbor, was transformed into the Primorsky Governorate with the center in Vladivostok.

On February 19, 1923, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was issued, according to which the harbor was officially named Sovetskaya.

In the same 1923, the Znamensky village council was formed. By this time, Znamenskoye was a rather large village, there were about 80 houses in it.

In 1925, the Sovetsky District was formed as part of the Primorsky Governorate, with its center in Znamenskoye.

In 1926, an administrative-territorial reform was carried out in the Far East. Primorskaya Governorate, along with three other provinces, was abolished and became part of the newly formed Far Eastern Territory (FER). The region was divided into districts, one of which was the Khabarovsk district - the Soviet district was included in the latter.

In 1930, the village of Znamenskoye was transformed into the working settlement of Sovetskaya Gavan. In the same year, the Khabarovsk district was abolished, and the Soviet district, renamed Sovetsko-Gavansky, became directly subordinate to the DVK. By this time, four fish processing plants, three fishing collective farms, the Soviet timber industry enterprise, the Sovetsko-Gavansky sawmill, and the Oroch national collective farm had been created in the village. In 1932, the first issue of the city newspaper "Soviet Star" was published.

On October 20, 1932, Primorskaya Oblast was formed as part of the Far East, with its center in Vladivostok. Sovetsko-Gavansky district became part of it.

In 1934, the construction of the Northern Shipyard (SSRZ) began. In 1937, the construction was completed, at the same time the first steamship was repaired at the plant. The construction of a mill, a special-purpose Far Eastern power plant, and a seaport began.

As of 1935, under the general name Sovetskaya Gavan there were more than forty settlements on the coast, 20 schools, 7 radio stations, 5 airfields, 4 hospitals and 17 medical stations.

On October 20, 1938, the DVK was divided into and regions. Sovetskaya Gavan, as part of the Primorsky region, became part of the Primorsky Territory. Already in 1939, the Primorsky region was abolished, and the Sovetsko-Gavansky district became directly subordinate to the regional authorities.

On May 21, 1943, the State Committee of Defense of the USSR issued a decree on the construction of the railway line Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Pivan) - Sovetskaya Gavan and the seaport in Vanin Bay. Thousands of prisoners from Stalin's forced labor camps were thrown into the construction of the railway along the Khungari River in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin. In 1945, traffic was opened along the new highway.

In August 1945, during the military campaign against Japan, troops were landed from Sovetskaya Gavan in the port on South Sakhalin. In the postwar years, Japanese prisoners of war worked at many construction sites in the city.

On September 15, 1948, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "On the transfer of the city of Sovetskaya Gavany from Primorsky Krai to Khabarovsk Krai" was issued.

In the years 1950-1953, the Construction Department 508 was located in the city, and in the years 1953-1954 - Ulminlag.

On June 5, 1958, the Khabarovsk regional executive committee decided: "On the allocation of the village of Vanino from the city limits of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan and classify it as a workers' settlement." Vanino became an independent settlement.

In 1959, Maisky and Oktyabrsky villages were withdrawn from the city.

In 1960, the urban settlement Zavety Ilyich was excluded from the city.

In 1969, the village of Lososina was withdrawn from the city.

In 1973, the final administrative-territorial delimitation took place: the Sovetsko-Gavansky district was divided into two - the Vaninsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory was formed. Since that time, the city of Sovetskaya Gavan and its region have not changed territorially. To date, the city of Sovetskaya Gavan with a suburban area, the village of Vanino and nearby settlements form the only one on the coast of the Tatar Strait Sovgavan urban agglomeration.

Federal period

In the early 1990s, the first joint Russian-Japanese wood processing enterprise, Vanino-Tairiku, was established in Sovetskaya Gavan.

In 1993, the first ship under a foreign flag entered the Soviet-Havana port; before that the port had the status of closed.

In 1997, the first products that received an international quality certificate were produced by the fish processing enterprise Vostokryba LLC.

In 1999, the construction of the Lidoga - Vanino highway began, which should connect the city and other settlements of the bay area with the all-Russian transport network. In 2001, through motor traffic was opened along the highway. The construction was completed on October 30, 2017.

In 2000, the Sovetskaya Gavan port received international status. In the same year, ship repair enterprises began to fulfill orders for the modernization of equipment used in the development of the oil shelf of Sakhalin Island.

From 2003 to 2005, a branch of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur shipbuilding plant-plant "Pallada" was opened in the city, the oil drilling rig "Orlan" was repaired. Reinforced concrete products plant resumed production of building materials, production of building stone was started on the basis of the Sovietsky quarry.

Until 2004, the entire district was a single municipal formation "Sovetskaya Gavan City with Sovetsko-Gavansky District". In accordance with the Law of the Khabarovsk Territory dated July 28, 2004 No. 208 “On granting settlement, rural municipalities the status of an urban, rural settlement and on establishing their boundaries”, a separate municipality was created in each settlement of the district. The city became the administrative center and the only settlement of the City Settlement "City of Sovetskaya Gavan".

In November 2007, the city opened the first private fish breeding plant in the Khabarovsk Territory with a capacity of 15 million salmon fry per year.

On December 31, 2009, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of a port special economic zone (PSEZ) in the port of Sovetskaya Gavan was signed.


Sovetskaya Gavan is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as Vladivostok Time Zone (VLAT/VLAST). The offset from UTC is +10:00. The offset relative to Moscow time (MSK/MSD) is +7:00.


The city of Sovetskaya Gavan is equated with the regions of the Far North.

The climate is temperate, monsoonal. Winters are cold and snowy, while summers are cool and rainy. Fogs are frequent on the coast of the Tatar Strait and Sovetskaya Gavan Bay.

Climate of Sovetskaya Gavan (norm 1981-2010)
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 2,1 6,6 18,3 24,7 29,1 34,0 33,9 33,0 29,8 26,8 14,2 3,5 34,0
Average temperature, °C −15,5 −13,5 −6,6 1,0 6,2 11,1 14,8 17,0 13,0 5,7 −4,4 −12,7 1,3
Absolute minimum, °C −33,3 −32,1 −26,2 −17,6 −5,4 −0,6 5,3 5,7 −0,5 −12,8 −22,3 −31,9 −33,3
Precipitation rate, mm 28 26 49 55 69 64 83 114 100 96 48 39 771
Water temperature, °C −1,2 −1 −0,8 0,2 5,0 10,0 13,2 15,5 13,8 8,7 2,6 −1,1 5,4
Source: FGBU "VNIIGMI-MTsD", ESIMO, Weather and climate


1926 1931 1933 1939 1959 1967 1970 1979 1989
169 ↗ 4000 ↗ 6200 ↗ 11 853 ↗ 37 414 ↘ 26 000 ↗ 28 455 ↗ 28 992 ↗ 34 915
1992 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006
↗ 35 500 ↘ 33 600 ↘ 32 200 ↘ 30 900 ↘ 30 600 ↘ 30 480 ↗ 30 500 ↘ 29 800 ↘ 29 600
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
↘ 29 400 ↘ 29 100 ↘ 28 739 ↘ 27 712 ↘ 27 671 ↘ 27 145 ↘ 26 642 ↘ 26 174 ↘ 25 763
2016 2017 2018
↘ 25 147 ↘ 24 671 ↘ 24 249

As of January 1, 2018, in terms of population, the city was in 587th place out of 1113 cities of the Russian Federation.

National composition

The vast majority of the population is Russian. Of the national minorities, the most numerous are the Chinese and Orochs, and Koreans, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, and Tatars also live.

Local government

The representative body of the population of the city is the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement "City of Sovetskaya Gavan". The Council of Deputies is elected by the people for four years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The last elections were held on September 8, 2013, 19 deputies were elected to the council, 13 of them for the first time. The current chairman of the Council of Deputies is Lyudmila Nikolaevna Nesmiyanova, the deputy chairman is Andrey Yuryevich Tereshchenko.

The head of the city according to the results of the elections held on September 14, 2014 - Borovsky, Pavel Yurievich.

Administrative division

Satellite view of the Sovetskaya Gavan bay. The built-up area at the bottom right is the city of Sovetskaya Gavan

There is no official division of the city into districts, but an unofficial division has developed. The city is most often divided into 11 housing estates:

  • Centre(colloquially also referred to as simply City, Sovgavan)
  • Morgorodok(SSRZ workshops are located in the area)
  • Okocha(named after the Bolshaya and Malaya Okocha rivers)
  • First district
  • Third district
  • Fourth microdistrict
  • Fifth quarter(less pronounced Fifth quarter)
  • Kuriksha(named after Pyotr Kuriksha - the commander of one of the two partisan detachments that established Soviet power in the region)
  • Forty second, also Aviation(named after one of the streets of the district, which, in turn, is named after the old airport located in this area, the 42nd air regiment was previously stationed at the old airport)
  • Oil depot
  • Mill(Previously, one of the large enterprises operated - Khlebokombinat)
  • Sawmill-20(also Village Lesozavod, colloquially - twenty; named after object No. 20 (industrial zone) to which in Soviet times the prisoners of the penitentiary colony No. 5 located in the city were taken out)

Previously, the Soviet Gavan also included the following settlements: (until 1958, since 1973 - the administrative center of the Vaninsky district), Oktyabrsky (until 1959), Maisky (until 1959), Zavety Ilyich (until 1960), Lososina ( until 1969), Gatka (until 1972).



Construction of Mayskaya GRES. 1930s

Electricity for the city and adjacent settlements is generated by Mayskaya GRES (until 1971 - HPP DESNA, D Alne-Eastern uh power station with special on the values), the construction of which began in 1935. There are also 27 oil-fired boiler houses in the city. The first turbine generator and two boilers of the state district power station were launched in 1938; at that time, the power of the station was 3 MW. Initially, the station provided electricity to the submarine base, later its energy began to be used for other needs. In 1983, the plant's installed capacity was 81 MW. The current capacity of the Mayskaya GRES is 90.2 MW; the plant's units have long since exhausted their resources.

In 1992, a 220 kV transmission line Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Selikhino - Vanino was put into operation, which included the Sovetsko-Gavansky and Vaninsky districts in the unified power system of the Khabarovsk Territory, which made it possible to significantly reduce the load on the Maiskaya GRES. It became possible to decommission gas turbine units and significantly reduce the load on the steam turbine part of the station, which by that time was already in need of repair and modernization.

Since 2013, the city has been building a thermal power plant with an energy capacity of 120 MW. and thermal power of 200 Gcal/h. In parallel, a second transmission line-220 will run from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and Mayskaya GRES will be stopped. The construction of the CHPP was included in the Federal Target Program "Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the period up to 2013". Commissioning of the CHP plant was originally planned for 2016, but then was postponed until 2017.

The supply of hot water is tied to the supply of heating, and therefore from May to November there is no hot water in the city.


Doc SSRZ. Photo 2010

In Soviet times, the basis of the city's economy was ship repair. Two large ship repair plants operated in the city - the Northern Ship Repair Plant (SSRZ) and the First Ship Repair Plant of the USSR Ministry of the Navy (SRZ MMF). The extraction and processing of fish was also developed, the local fish factory produced a significant share of the production of the entire region.

In the 1980s, a number of ambitious projects were launched to build new large shipbuilding enterprises, primarily for military purposes - in particular, it was planned to build the largest shipbuilding plant in the USSR, Pallada (after the name of the sailing frigate flooded in Sovetskaya Gavan Bay), focused on the construction of nuclear aircraft carriers, as well as a number of auxiliary industries (Priboy plant). In this regard, it was planned to significantly expand the city with an increase in its population to 220 thousand people, which would make Sovetskaya Gavan the third city in the region in terms of the number of inhabitants after Komsomolsk-on-Amur. To carry out these works in 1981, the construction department No. 106 was formed in the city. For 10 years, global landscape work was completed and the construction of residential and industrial premises began, however, due to the collapse of the USSR and the ensuing economic crisis, the project was curtailed.

In the 1990s, both shipyards were transformed into open joint-stock companies - OJSC Northern Shipyard and OJSC Yakor Shipyard, formed on the basis of the MMF Shipyard. However, this measure did not save enterprises from the consequences of the economic crisis - by 2001 they were suffering from low capacity utilization, high cost of work performed and a lack of qualified workers. Under these conditions, the Head of the Administration of the Khabarovsk Territory, Viktor Ishaev, issued an order to restructure both enterprises - the existence of two shipyards in one city at once was declared inappropriate, and it was assumed that their capacities would be managed by a single management company. However, the restructuring did not take place due to the fact that on July 22, 2002, OJSC Northern Ship Repair Plant was finally declared bankrupt.

At present, the only active type of production in the city is logging and export of raw wood produced by local enterprises. The timber is exported to and.

At the entrance to the city there are completely new, empty and abandoned, residential and industrial buildings. On the shores of the bay are the skeletons of ship repair enterprises.

In 2016, plans were announced for the construction of a sugar factory in Sovetskaya Gavan with the participation of a construction company and investors from and.

It is also planned to build a terminal for reloading iron ore concentrates at Cape Maria.

Sea port

The commercial sea port "Sovetskaya Gavan" is a freezing port. The boundaries of the port are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2010 No. 237-r. The port includes 7 cargo areas, as well as a point for offshore loading of timber in the village of the rural type Nelma. Commercial fishing is carried out at 7 fishing sites. For servicing ships, there are 17 berths located in the bays of Okocha, Egge, Kuriksha, Mayachnaya and Lososina, incl. one specialized berth for unloading coal. The port also has a cargo-and-passenger multilateral checkpoint across the state border. Navigation in the port, with the exception of the point in Nelma, is carried out all year round.

In 2008, Sovetskaya Gavan was declared a special economic zone (SEZ) of the port type, the status was given for 49 years. The concept of the zone involves the creation of an international diversified port and ship repair center on the territory of the seaport of Sovetskaya Gavan. This will make it possible to rationally use the unique geographical position and natural conditions of Sovetskaya Gavan Bay and give impetus to the development of the Sovetsko-Gavansko-Vaninsky transport hub. The winner of an open competition for the development of a concept for the creation and development of a port special economic zone was the Japanese research institute Nomura (Eng. Nomura Research Institute).

In 2010, the Sovgavan terminal resumed its work.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2016 No. 978, the existence of eight inefficiently functioning special economic zones, including the port SEZ on the territory of the Sovetsko-Gavansky municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory, was prematurely terminated.


Branch of Sberbank of Russia

There are three branches of Sberbank of Russia in the city, as well as one branch each of MTS Bank, Rosselkhozbank and VTB 24, HomeCredit Bank. Bank branches provide various services for deposits, lending to individuals and businesses, and credit card transactions.


International trade is developed, in particular - export of Russian wood to Japan, South Korea and China; as of 2015 Sovetskaya Gavan was among the main destinations for this type of export. Used cars are imported from Japan.


Sovetskaya Gavan is visited by tourists from China and other foreign countries, as well as residents of other regions of Russia. The hotel "Sovetskaya Gavan" operates in the city. In winter, there is a ski slope in the suburbs.



The city is the end point of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (railway line Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Pivan) - Sovetskaya Gavan). There are three freight railway stations on the territory of the city - Desna, Sovetskaya Gavan-Port and Sovetskaya Gavan-Gorod (opened in 2013). Passenger trains do not run to Sovetskaya Gavan; all passenger transportation is carried out through Sovetskaya Gavan-Sortirovochnaya and Vanino-Vokzal stations, located in the neighboring Vaninsky district.

Passenger train no. 351/352 Sovetskaya Gavan-Sorting - Vladivostok.


Airport "May-Gatka"

Air transportation is carried out through the Mai-Gatka airport (a former military airfield; earlier the passenger airport was located in the Forty-Second area). The city is connected by air with Khabarovsk: flights are operated by Khabarovsk Airlines, the frequency is approximately once every 2 days. In the past, there were also flights from Mai-Gatka to Zonalnoe.

The total area of ​​the airport is 744.6 hectares. The runway is made of reinforced concrete slabs, 3,000 m long and 48 m wide. The existing production and technical base of the airport provides a passenger capacity of 50 people per hour and handling of transit cargo.


Bus stop "House of Culture" - most of the local bus routes pass through it, as well as intercity bus service

The city is connected to the road network of the Far East by the Lidoga - Vanino road. Intercity bus service has been established. The basis of the city's car fleet is made up of Japanese-made cars, there are practically no domestic cars.


Bus brand PAZ serving one of the lines of public transport

Most of the city's fleet is made up of South Korean Daewoo buses.

The bus network of Sovetskaya Gavan has been operating since 1955. Bus transportation is carried out by Sovtrans-DV LLC, owned by the administration of the Sovetsko-Gavansky district, as well as by several private entrepreneurs. Local bus routes connect the city with nearby villages - Lososina, Maisky, Zavetami Ilyich, Gatka; previously there was also a bus route to the village of Toki. The routes are served by PAZ and Daewoo buses.

Also in the city there are several private transport companies of taxis and fixed-route taxis.


On the territory of the city there are nine kindergartens, six secondary schools (MOU SOSH No. 1, MOU SOSH No. 2, MBOU SOSH No. 3, MOU SOSH No. 5, MOU SOSH No. 8, MOU SOSH No. 9), two evening schools (one of of them - at the Federal State Institution "Correctional Colony No. 5"), a correctional boarding school, an orphanage, two vocational schools (PU-13 and PU-19 (now - KGBOU SPO Sovetsko-Gavansky Industrial Technological College), a branch of the Khabarovsk Industrial and Economic College (already closed), as well as a branch of the Modern Humanitarian University.From the institutions of additional education - Children's Art School No. 1, the Utyos eco-health center, and the Pallada children's art center.



Several newspapers are published in the city. The official body of the administration of the Sovetsko-Gavansky district is the newspaper Sovetskaya Zvezda, the first issue of which was published in 1932. The advertising and informational weeklies Allo and Delovoy Gorod are also published. Most of the newspapers published in Sovetskaya Gavan are also distributed in the Vanino region.


Nine radio stations can be received in the city - Radio Mayak, Radio Russia, Vostok Rossii, Radio Shanson, Europe Plus, Retro FM, NRJ, as well as local radio stations Chocolate FM, Bulldozer.

A television

Test broadcasting of digital terrestrial television began in the city in 2012. Since January 27, 2014, the first multiplex has been broadcasting, from March 2014 until mid-summer, the second multiplex was also available. It is possible to connect cable, satellite and interactive TV.


PJSC Rostelecom provides Internet and wired telephone services - telephone numbers in the city are five-digit. On the territory of Sovetskaya Gavan and adjacent settlements, the signal of five cellular operators is received - MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Yota and Tele2. JSC "TTK" provides Internet services.


Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Adventist Christian Church

Most of the believers in the city belong to the Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of Seventh-day Adventist Christians, there are Baptists, Muslims and Pentecostals. There are two churches in the city - the Church of the Holy Apostles and the Church of Adventist Christians. The temple of the Holy Righteous Warrior Theodore of Sanaksar (Admiral of the Fleet F.F. Ushakov) is under construction.

Notable natives of the city

  • Ankudinova, Elena Andreevna (1953-2015) - art critic, director of the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve from 2001 to 2010.
  • Belova, Elena Dmitrievna (born 1947) - Soviet foil fencer, 4-time Olympic champion, multiple world and USSR champion, the only Olympic champion (among women) in an individual form in the history of Soviet and Russian fencing.
  • Gavrilyuk, Nadezhda Avksentievna (born 1951) - Ukrainian archaeologist.
  • Gorbachev, Viktor Sergeevich (born 1961) - Ukrainian politician, People's Deputy of Ukraine.
  • Gvozdev, Alexey Yurievich (born 1960) - Soviet and Russian music teacher. Creator and leader of the children's country and bluegrass group "Merry Stagecoach".
  • Zaiko, Leonid Nikolaevich - Soviet volleyball player, Soviet and Russian volleyball coach, player of the USSR national team (1970-1974).
  • Jonathan (Tsvetkov) (born 1962) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; since December 29, 1999 Bishop (since February 1, 2010 Archbishop) of Abakan and Kyzyl.
  • Karpenko, Viktor Andreevich (born 1943) - Ukrainian scientist, rector of the Sevastopol National Technical University.
  • Komaritsyn, Anatoly Alexandrovich (1946-2017) - Soviet and Russian naval and scientific figure, admiral, doctor of technical sciences.
  • Lavrin, Alexander Pavlovich (born 1958) - Soviet and Russian writer.
  • Naumov, Nikolai Yuryevich (born 1953) - Russian businessman.
  • Nosov, Vladislav Vasilyevich (born 1946) - Soviet and Ukrainian lawyer and statesman, Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
  • Melnikov, Vladimir Ilyich (1953-2013) - member of the Federation Council from the Chita region.
  • Chiglintsev, Evgeny Alexandrovich (born 1955) - Soviet historian-antique scholar, doctor of historical sciences.

Honorary citizens of the city

  • Alekseev, Alexander Ivanovich - officer of the Navy of the USSR. participant of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet and Russian scientist, doctor of historical sciences, candidate of geographical sciences. Author of more than 40 scientific monographs, including those on the history of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan. Previously served in the North Pacific Flotilla based in Sovetskaya Gavan. Inhabitant of Sovetskaya Gavan.


    Monument to Nikolai Boshnyak

    Monument to Vitaly Banevur

    City administration

    Lenina Street

  • Imperial Harbor// Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. , 1907-1909.
  • Imperial Harbor // Military Encyclopedia: [in 18 volumes] / ed. V. F. Novitsky [i dr.]. - St. Petersburg. ; [ M. ] : Type. t-va I. D. Sytin, 1911-1915.
  • About the "troubled" time. Sakhalin residents - participants in the Civil War in the Far East" - Municipal Budgetary Institution "Alexandrovsk-Sakhalin Central Library System"
  • "Soviet Star", January 18-24, 2011, p.6
  • Bulletin of the Far Eastern Revolutionary Committee, March 16, 1923. Section 156
  • District history. Official website of the Administration of the Sovetsko-Gavansky municipal district
  • Letters of N. A. Zabolotsky 1938-1944 - M .: "Znamya", 1989, No. 1, ss. 96-127
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of September 115, 1948 "On the transfer of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan from Primorsky Territory to Khabarovsk Territory"
  • The last section of the Khabarovsk-Vanino highway, which has been under construction since 1997, has been commissioned (Russian), TASS. Retrieved November 2, 2017.
  • Decision of the Council of Deputies of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan with the Sovetsko-Gavansky District dated October 1, 2004 N 62 “On setting the date for the election of the head of the municipality of the Sovetsko-Gavansky Municipal District”
  • Law of the Khabarovsk Territory dated July 28, 2004 No. 208 “On granting settlement, rural municipalities the status of an urban, rural settlement and on establishing their boundaries”
  • List of populated areas of the Far Eastern Territory according to the census 02/17/1926
  • People's encyclopedia "My city". Sovetskaya Gavan
  • Administrative division of the USSR on 01/01/1933
  • All-Union census of the population of 1939. The number of the urban population of the USSR by urban settlements and intracity districts. Retrieved November 30, 2013. Archived from the original on November 30, 2013.
  • All-Union population census of 1959. The number of urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived from the original on April 28, 2013.
  • All-Union population census of 1970 Number of urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by sex. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived from the original on April 28, 2013.
  • All-Union population census of 1979 Number of urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by sex. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. Archived from the original on April 28, 2013.
  • All-Union population census of 1989. Urban population. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. The population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more. Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  • Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009. Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived from the original on January 2, 2014.
  • All-Russian population census 2010. 13. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements of the Khabarovsk Territory. Retrieved April 5, 2016. Archived from the original on April 5, 2016.
  • Estimation of the permanent population of the Khabarovsk Territory at the beginning of 2011 by municipalities. Retrieved March 26, 2014. Archived from the original on March 26, 2014.
  • Population estimates by municipalities at the beginning of 2012. Retrieved April 3, 2015. Archived from the original on April 3, 2015.
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived from the original on November 16, 2013.
  • Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014. Retrieved August 2, 2014. Archived from the original on August 2, 2014.
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015. Retrieved August 6, 2015. Archived from the original on August 6, 2015.
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017 (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2017. Archived from the original on July 31, 2017.
  • taking into account the cities of Crimea
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Table “21. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2018” (RAR-archive (1.0 Mb)). Federal State Statistics Service.
  • Most of the Chinese living in Sovetskaya Gavan are Chinese citizens who came to work in Russia
  • Site of the Administration of the City of Sovetskaya Gavan - About the City Council
  • Website of the City Administration Sovetskaya Gavan - About the Head of the City
  • History of the district - Official website of the Vaninsky municipal district
  • Decision of the Khabarovsk regional executive committee of March 23, 1972, No. 201
  • Mayskaya GRES on
  • A new thermal power plant will be built in Sovgavan - Far Eastern Capital No. 7, 2011
  • Holding RAO "Energy Systems of the East"
  • CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan
  • Development of the Vanino-Sovgavan junction
  • CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan is ready to start construction - Viktor Ishaev - Economic News - [email protected]
  • Official site for the construction of a thermal power plant in Sovetskaya Gavan.
  • Order of the Head of the Administration of the Khabarovsk Territory dated May 14, 2001 No. 369-r “On the restructuring of ship repair enterprises in the city of Sovetskaya Gavan”
  • Decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Far Eastern District dated July 22, 2002 N F03-A73 / 02-1 / 1345 in case N A73-9004 / 2001-23B
  • Foreign investors found for the construction of a sugar plant in Sovetskaya Gavan
  • In 2016, work will begin on the creation of the SEPZ in Sovetskaya Gavan -
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated August 12, 2014 N 224 "On approval of the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Sovetskaya Gavan"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2010 N 237-r<Об установлении границ морского порта Советская Гавань (Хабаровский край)>
  • "Priamurskiye Vedomosti", No. 128 (7180), August 31, 2010,
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2016 N 978 "On the early termination of the existence of special economic zones"
  • Timber transportation by rail increased by 8% in the Far East -
  • Roszheldor Order No. 366 dated 04.10.2013 "On the opening of the Sovetskaya Gavan-Gorod railway station of the Far Eastern Railway - a branch of JSC Russian Railways"
  • Flight NI 468. Sovetskaya Gavan-Khabarovsk - Yandex.Schedules
  • Amur Airlines official website
  • GND: 4220579-7 VIAF: 238432631
Kazakhstan Region City Administration Akim Yerkebulan Bayakhmetov History and geography Founded 1959 City with 1964 Timezone UTC+6 Population Population 46,274 people (2018) Nationalities Russians (45.56%)
Kazakhs (42.97%)
Ukrainians (3.37%)
Germans (2.82%)
Tatars (1.88%) demonym steppe mountaineers Digital IDs Telephone code +7 71645 Postcode Stepnogorsk: microdistrict 5, microdistrict 6, microdistrict 7, microdistrict 9, Prigorodny - 021500; Stepnogorsk: 1 microdistrict, 2 microdistrict, 3 microdistrict, 4 microdistrict, st. Park - 021501; Aksu village - 021502; settlement Bestobe - 021503; settlement Zavodskoy - 021504 car code 03 (formerly C, O, W) Code KATO 111810000


Stepnogorsk is located 199 km northeast of. Until the mid-eighties of the 20th century, the city was not depicted on maps, the fact of its existence in the open press was indicated by the presence of the Khimik (Stepnogorsk) football team, which played for the Kazakh SSR.


Initially, it was a “secret” settlement (ZATO), which at various times had “numbered” names: Tselinograd-25, Makinsk-2. The reason for the closeness of the city was the "Tselinny Mining and Chemical Combine" (its main specialization is the processing of uranium ore), as well as the "Stepnogorsk Scientific Pilot Base" (it developed and produced bacteriological weapons). In particular, in 1983-1987. K. B. Alibekov worked here, under whose leadership the mass production of a combat strain of anthrax was established, and other samples were also tested, in particular, the weapon “variant U” of the Marburg virus.

On May 4, 1955, by a decree of the Government of the USSR, the construction of Combine No. 4 (North-Kazakhstan Combine, since 1964 - Tselinny Mining and Chemical Combine), focused on the extraction of uranium and other chemical elements for the nuclear industry, began.

City status received in 1964. The first akim of Stepnogorsk, in independent Kazakhstan, was Koishibaev Marat Sovetovich. .

Administrative division

The area of ​​the territory, which is subordinate to the city akimat, is 152,233 ha (agricultural land - 129,238 ha, of which: arable land - 2,786 ha; perennial plantations - 333 ha; fallow land - 13,899 ha; hayfields - 234 ha; pastures - 111,086 ha; gardens - 900 ha; under buildings - 3,684 ha; other land - 6,510 ha). The area of ​​the city of Stepnogorsk itself is 15,836 hectares, including the area of ​​the industrial zone - 8,690 hectares.

The population in the territory, which is subordinate to the city akimat, is 68,052 people, including:

  • the city of Stepnogorsk - 46 253,
  • Aksu settlement - 3 986,
  • settlement Bestobe - 6 754,
  • the village of Zavodskoy - 3 916,
  • the village of Shantobe - 3,609 (the village of Shantobe is located on the lands of the Sandyktau district of the Akmola region),
  • Karabulak rural district - 3 534, includes 6 villages:
    • Karabulak,
    • Novokronstadka, Bogenbay,
    • Izobilnoe (administratively subordinated to the akimat of the city of Stepnogorsk since 2013, before that it was part of the Yereymentau district of the Akmola region),
  • Kyrykkudyk (under the administrative subordination of the Akimat of the city of Stepnogorsk since 2013, before that it was part of the Akkol district of the Akmola region).


1970 1979 1989 1999 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
25 956 ↗ 45 794 ↗ 58 200 ↘ 47 372 ↘ 41 573 ↗ 42 678 ↗ 43 440 ↗ 44 578 ↗ 45 211
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018
↗ 46 712 ↘ 46 422 ↗ 46 496 ↘ 46 401 ↗ 46 638 ↗ 46 947 ↗ 47 289 ↗ 47 591 ↘ 46 274

The population (2016), including settlements that are part of the city administration (city akimat), is 69,093 people, including the city itself - 47,591 people.

More than 70 nationalities live in the city and subordinate settlements, the proportion of Kazakhs permanently residing in the city and settlements was 24.5% of the total number of the city in 1999 and 34.5% in 2009.

  • Russians - 31,008 people (45.56%)
  • Kazakhs - 29,239 people (42.97%)
  • Ukrainians - 2,295 people. (3.37%)
  • Germans - 1,918 people. (2.82%)
  • Tatars - 1,277 people (1.88%)
  • Belarusians - 451 people. (0.66%)
  • Poles - 214 people. (0.31%)
  • Azerbaijanis - 166 people. (0.24%)
  • Chechens - 137 people. (0.20%)
  • Bashkirs - 121 people. (0.18%)
  • Armenians - 97 people. (0.14%)
  • Moldovans - 83 people. (0.12%)
  • Koreans - 77 people. (0.11%)
  • Mari - 78 people. (0.11%)
  • Ingush - 74 people. (0.11%)
  • Udmurts - 49 people. (0.07%)
  • Mordva - 13 people (0.02%)
  • others - 756 people. (1.11%)
  • Total - 68 053 ​​people. (100.00%)


The enterprises of the city produce gold, polymetal (uranium), molybdenum, railway bearings, etc. 11 thousand people work at industrial enterprises.

  • metallurgical
  • Stepnogorsk Mining and Chemical Combine (LLP "SGCC") - city ​​forming enterprise. The hydrometallurgical plant (HMP) of the plant processes natural uranium concentrates of enterprises that are part of the National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC. Since 2014, the Shantobe mine has been mothballed, 300 km west of the city of Stepnogorsk.
  • mining
  • Mining and Metallurgical Concern "Kazakhaltyn" (JSC "MMC Kazakhaltyn"). Produces gold. He owns three of the richest Kazakh mines Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet. The Aksu mine has 2 mines and a processing plant. The Bestobe mine, which is located 80 km northeast of Stepnogorsk, has 4 mines and a processing plant. In 2017-2018, a subsidiary of Kazakhaltyn Technology LLP at the mines of Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet put into operation factories for the processing of technogenic mineral formations.
  • engineering
  • JSC EPK Stepnogorsk (Stepnogorsk Bearing Plant)
  • Tselingormash LLP
  • ZGO LLP (Mining Equipment Plant)
  • chemical
  • Stepnogorsk branch of Astana-Nan Chemicals LLP
  • LLP "SP SKZ "Kazatomprom"
  • Oil House Astana-Oil LLP
  • LLP "Sareco"
  • AlfaOrganik Malt Distillery LLP (Biokorm LLP)
  • LLP "Agrovit"
  • Progress-Agro LLP
  • LLP "ProgressSelkhozkhim"
  • Biotron Group LLP


There are greenhouse complexes in the city:

  • Greenhouse Technologies of Kazakhstan LLP (vegetables, green crops, strawberries, raspberries)
  • Kunarly LLP (roses, tulips)
  • IP "Ovchinnikov" (mushrooms - champignons, oyster mushrooms, canned mushrooms)

Transport and communications

ER22 electric trains at Stepnogorsk station

Urban public transport in Stepnogorsk is represented by the city electric train, as well as by the motor transport company Stepnogorskavtotrans LLP, by bus and fixed-route taxi.

The line of the urban electric train Stepnogorsk-Zavodskaya has a length of 24 kilometers, 7 intermediate stations, 4 regular trains in circulation; travel time - about 35 minutes, belongs to "Stepnogorsk Temir Zholy" ( Stepnogorsk railway).

There is a city airport with a dirt runway. 4-5 flights were received daily from Tselinograd (now Astana). The flights were carried out by AN-24 aircraft. A flight from Omsk was also arranged, which operated twice a week. The airport is currently closed.

Communication services to the population and industrial enterprises of the city are provided by the city telecommunications hub, which is a structural subdivision of the Akmola Regional Directorate of Telecommunications of the Joint-Stock Company Kazakhtelecom. Since July 2011, the network's subscribers have been provided with digital television services under the iD TV brand. The level of digitalization of the urban and rural telecommunications network of the Stepnogorsk GPUT is 100%, there are 14 multi-service subscriber accesses, 7 urban and 4 rural digital exchanges in the city. 100% digitalization of the network is a high reliability of communication, which allows residents of the city and villages to use a wide range of modern infocommunication services.


The construction industry of the city is represented by the following enterprises: StroyInvestStepnogorsk LLP, AvangardStroyService LLP, Eltex LLP, PromstroyStepnogorsk LLP, MSU-104.

The housing stock of the city of Stepnogorsk is 127.01 thousand m². There are 281 residential buildings in Stepnogorsk, 20470 apartments. 5 abandoned houses, 3 of which are 9-storey buildings. Currently, an active restoration of abandoned houses is underway under the state program “Development of Regions 2020”.


The only source of heat supply is the Stepnogorsk thermal power plant, which provides the population of the city and its production and industrial complex with energy resources. The maximum thermal power is 1002 Gcal/hour.


The network of cultural institutions of the city and settlements includes 4 club state-owned enterprises: Central House of Culture "Gornyak", House of Culture "Miras". 2 state institutions: the city local history museum and the centralized library system, which includes 2 city and 5 village libraries.

Mass media

The newspapers “Novaya”, “Prestizh”, “Vecherniy Stepnogorsk”, “Stepnogorsk akshamy” function in Stepnogorsk; "EPK Time" is the corporate publication of JSC "EPK Stepnogorsk".


Name Frequency, MHz Broadcast language The language of music
104,8 RU, KZ RU, KZ, EN


In the city, medical care is provided by: the Stepnogorsk central city hospital with a capacity of 307 beds, the Stepnogorsk city polyclinic with a capacity of 1136 visits per shift, the Stepnogorsk regional psychiatric hospital with a capacity of 175 beds.


The city has 17 pre-school institutions covering 2824 children. Kindergartens - 9, including private - 3. There are 22 general education schools in the city and settlements (19 - secondary, 2 - basic, 1 - primary schools).

The network of additional education is represented by the Children's Music School, the Children's Art School, the Batyr Children's Youth Club, and the Training and Production Complex.


On the territory of the city: 1 stadium, 1 Palace of Sports, 3 swimming pools, 2 sports complexes, 32 sports halls, 6 built-in sports halls, 2 ski bases, 4 hockey courts, 2 shooting ranges, 53 flat sports facilities (30 playgrounds and 23 fields), in the forest park zone of the city, a multifunctional all-season sports ground for various categories of the population.

On the territory of the city there are two sports schools, a football school, a youth club and four sports clubs.

There are sections on 47 sports in the city.

Private sports clubs "Arnold", "Monolit", IP "Litvinov", "Argo" provide sports and health services.


There are 11 registered religious associations on the territory of Stepnogorsk. Islamic religion - 4, Orthodox - 2, Catholic - 1, Protestant - 4.


  1. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by sex in the context of regions, cities, districts, district centers and settlements as of January 1, 2018. Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved May 22, 2018.
  2. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2018. Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved 10 January 2018.
  3. Postal code search | Kazpost
  4. "Carefully! Biological weapons!". Kanatzhan Alibekov in collaboration with Stephen Hendelman
  5. Ken Alibek: "I did everything so that people know the truth about biological weapons"
  6. 1964. Stepnogorsk, information portal. Retrieved 9 July 2016.
  7. Headed the city administration for 7 years
  8. History reference
  9. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by sex in the context of regions, cities, districts and district centers and settlements as of April 1, 2018
  10. Decree of the Akimat of the Akmola region dated April 11, 2013 No. A-3 / 149 and the decision of the Akmola regional maslikhat dated April 11, 2013 No. 5C-12-3 "On changing the administrative-territorial structure of the city of Stepnogorsk, Akkolsky, Ereymentausky and Shortandinsky districts of Akmola region" . Registered by the Department of Justice of the Akmola region on April 24, 2013 No. 3708. "Adilet" - information and legal system of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  11. Cities & towns of Kazakhstan
  12. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2016. Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  13. Railway line UZhDT Stepnogorsk mining and chemical plant


  • Official site of the akim of the city of Stepnogorsk
  • Map, photos and panoramas of Stepnogorsk