How confident are you. You got an unfairly low rating

Surely this has happened to you: even if you knew what to say, you still decided to remain silent for fear of looking ridiculous. Or they turned down a position you liked just because they doubted their abilities. According to psychologists, if you often do not try to achieve what you want, just because you are afraid to try, this is the first and most important sign of self-doubt...

Before you deal with your complexes, you must face them. A test developed by psychologists will help you do this. Only by identifying what is holding you back can you take a step forward. But be honest with yourself. And remember: even the strongest and most strong-willed people sometimes feel insecure - and this is quite natural.

If you understand that indecision prevents you from even trying to do something, and overcome it, you can be proud of yourself. Remember, everyone has failed. Overly cautious people lose faith in themselves because they have nothing to congratulate themselves on.

Test questions should only be answered with "yes" or "no".

1. Do you often feel sudden, although, in essence, you are not overtired? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

2. Do you ever doubt that you have locked the door behind you? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

3. Do you often get upset for no apparent reason? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

4. Do you care when the place where you sit in the theater is in the middle of the row? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

5. Do you find it difficult to tune in to someone's unexpected visit? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

6. Do you sometimes get scared by a phone call? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

7. Do you often have dreams? ("Yes" - 0 points, "no" - 1 point)

8. Are you quick to make decisions? ("Yes" - 0 points, "no" - 1 point)

9. Is it unpleasant for you if you find a stain on your clothes and have to go somewhere in this form? ("Yes" - 0 points, "no" - 1 point)

10. Do you like making new acquaintances? ("Yes" - 0 points, "no" - 1 point)

11. Do you ever feel like giving it up before going on vacation? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

12. Do you wake up at night feeling very hungry? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

13. Do you sometimes want to be alone with yourself? ("Yes" - 0 points, "no" - 1 point)

14. If you come to a restaurant without companions, do you sit down at a table where visitors are already sitting when there is a free one? ("Yes" - 0 points, "no" - 1 point)

15. Are you guided in your actions mainly by what others expect of you? ("Yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points)

Summing up

0 points. You are so self-confident that it can be assumed that you are not completely frank in your answers.

1-4 points. You are free from the reckless actions inherent in. A certain amount of uncertainty is not a disadvantage, but proof of your flexibility.

5-8 points. You have a strong need to feel confident. Other people can almost always rely on you. True, because of this trait of yours, sometimes you cannot express your feelings directly enough.

9-12 points. Your need to be sure of yourself is so strong that you are often in danger of seeing things not as they really are, but as you imagine them to be. If you are not ready to take risks at least occasionally, then there will be very few happy moments in your life.

13-15 points. Your fear of unforeseen situations is so great that even, for example, when you win the loto, you first of all experience some doubts and fears. The need for stability and stability is quite understandable. But when it grows to such a size, the slightest change in circumstances already destroys your sense of self-confidence. If we take this idea to its logical conclusion, then we will talk about the rejection of the development of one's own personality. If you want to overcome this, you will have to force yourself to come to terms with some uncertainty.

Psychologists believe that the following techniques will help get rid of uncertainty:

Formulate your positive qualities and achievements that you are proud of;

Set your own standards instead of comparing yourself to others;

Encourage and encourage yourself often;

Always accept compliments and don't be shy about them;

Look for positive qualities in others. Try saying something nice to the people you meet. It's contagious - others will start to see the good in you too;

Surround yourself with sincere friends;

Keep your head up and walk with a calm and proud step;

Smile! If something didn’t work out for you, tell yourself: “It didn’t work out this time, but I’ll do it all!”

Are you a confident person? Or do you always try to stay in the background and not draw too much attention to yourself? How casual are you around your co-workers? Can you be called a determined person? This test will help you answer these questions.

1. There was an opportunity to promote you, but they forgot about you. Your actions?
a) breathe a sigh of relief. You don't need new duties and new responsibilities;
b) you will be silent so as not to have troubles, but hold a grudge against the authorities, the company and everyone around;
c) ask your superiors for an explanation.

2. You have the opportunity to chat with a stranger. You:
a) try to avoid communication;
b) do not miss the opportunity to make a new acquaintance;
c) try to make contact. Perhaps this person will be useful to you in the future.

3. You are required to perform a service that can bring you trouble. Your actions:
a) agree. It is not easy for you to refuse to fulfill it;
b) if you are pressured, you will respond positively;
c) refuse, despite all persuasion.

4. Your team is once again raising money for some humane purposes. What feelings do you experience:
a) it is unpleasant for you that you are asked for such things, but you still give as much as is required;
b) wait to be asked and then deposit money;
c) immediately give as much as they require.

5. You did not find the item you were looking for in the self-service store. Are you uncomfortable leaving empty-handed?
a) it is for this reason that you bypass such stores;
b) yes. Will have to buy at least something;
c) no. You see no reason to worry about this.

6. Do you get the impression that you ask for forgiveness very often. Even when it's not necessary:
a) yes, this happens quite often;
b) no, you will not ask for forgiveness if it is not necessary;
c) you never ask for forgiveness, because you think that all your decisions and actions justify themselves.

7. During a dispute, you:
a) try to stay away and do not express your opinion, because you think that you will not be able to convince anyone;
b) stand on one of the sides, noticing the details;
c) defend your own beliefs.

8. You try to get on public transport, but you are rudely pushed. You:
a) wait until everyone comes in, and only after that go in yourself;
b) silently trying to push through;
c) protest loudly.

9. You found out that your good friend is talking bad about you. Your actions?
a) you will avoid meeting with him;
b) look for an opportunity to find out the relationship;
c) vent your rage at the first meeting.

Key to the test

Calculate the results: for each answer "a" give yourself 2 points, for each answer "b" - 4 points, for the answer "c" - 6 points. Determine the total score. If you typed:
less than 13 points- your self-confidence is extremely low;

How confident are you.

1. You are a member of a committee, and suddenly the chair was vacant. What will be your reaction?

a. I would gladly take this position if offered.

b. I will do my best to be elected to the vacant position

c. I will consider the possibility of participating in the elections, but only on the condition that I am asked to do so.

2. Do you believe that compromise is the best way to solve problems?

a. Yes, but it must be a compromise that satisfies the needs of each party to some extent

b. No, if it means that I have to agree to unreasonable demands or conditions that I absolutely do not agree with.

c. Yes, because compromise is sometimes the only possible way out

3. Which of the following is most important to you?

a. The right to live in peace and harmony

b. The right to say "no"

c. The right to be treated fairly in all situations

4. Your new colleague, whom you have not yet had time to get to know well, asks you to lend him 300 rubles to pay the bill, as he / she has temporary problems with money. What will you do in this situation?

a. Tactfully explain that you do not lend money to co-workers

b. It's not a problem for me to refuse in such a situation.

c. I, perhaps, will agree once, so as not to spoil relations with a colleague

5. You are standing in line and someone is trying to get in front of you. How will you react?

a. I, for example, will cough or somehow demonstrate my displeasure to this person

b. I'll tell this man to go to the back of the line

c. It will annoy me, but I probably won't do anything.

6. Do you find yourself in situations where you are easily manipulated by other people?

a. Sometimes

b. Not

c. Yes

7. You have made purchases in the store and, upon leaving, you have realized that you were given the wrong change, but there is not enough money. How will you do it?

a. Tell the seller about it, but you won't argue

b. Tell the seller about the mistake and insist on receiving the money

c. Leave everything as it is, because going back is too tiring

8. Which of the following matters most to you in a work environment?

a. Good parking

b. Flexible schedule

c. Good dining

9. How confident will you feel in speaking your mind at a meeting if you know that the majority of those present do not share your opinion?

a. Not very confident, but I will gather my strength and in any case I will express my point of view

b. I will enjoy this situation because I am one hundred percent confident in my ability to persuade

c. Not very confident, most likely in this situation I will keep my opinion to myself

10. How do you usually react to criticism?

a. I argue with those who criticize me

b. I take criticism into consideration and respond appropriately

c. I get upset, but at the same time I understand that the person who criticizes me has the right to his opinion

11. What do you think is most important for successful communication?

a. Response speed

b. Be simple and short

c. Politeness and courtesy in all situations

12. You saw little children walking in your garden. How will you react?

a. I greet them and politely ask what they are doing in my garden.

b. Calmly but firmly tell them that they have entered private territory

c. I'll do nothing, hoping it won't happen again

13. You are in a non-smoking area of ​​a restaurant and someone at the next table lights a cigarette. Which of the following is closest to your possible reaction?

a. Tell one of the staff about this so that they themselves turn to the smoker and point out to him that this is a non-smoking area

b. Very politely remind this person that they are in the non-smoking area of ​​the restaurant.

c. Most likely you won't do anything.

14. Which of the following do you think is the most important?

a. Be tough on the people you do business with and deal with problems tough

b. Be kind to people, but tough to solve problems

c. Respect other people's opinions

15. The handyman who has done a certain job in your house asks for a considerable amount of money, and this, in your opinion, is too expensive, considering that he worked for only 15 minutes. What will be your reaction? Choose the most suitable option.

a. You ask the master if he is sure that it really costs so much. But if he insists on his own, reluctantly pay and forget about this episode.

b. Tell the master that you are not going to pay that much, and name the amount that you are willing to pay for the work done

c. Say nothing, but decide never to use this master again.

16. Your boss asks you to complete the work by a certain time, but the deadlines seem unreasonable and impossible to you. How will you act in such a situation?

a. Reluctantly, but still, accept the proposed conditions, while realizing that you may not meet the deadline

b. Try to convince the boss that you need more time in order to complete the task as efficiently as possible

c. Gather your strength and work late to get the job done and impress your boss

17. Which of the statements seems to you the most correct?

a. One head it's good, but two better

b. Everyone has to solve their own problems

c. Most problems resolve themselves over time.

18. What do you think is most important for winning an argument?

a. Be ready for mutual concessions

b. Good self control

c. Be sure you are right

19. Which of the following suits you best?

a. I don't keep my opinion to myself

b. I ask for what I need

c. I consider the needs of others

20. What do you think is the best way to start a sentence?

a. It seems to me

b. I suggest

c. I understand

21. Which of the following words best describes you?

a. Patient

b. Persistent

c. Reliable

22. You were asked to plan a social event, but then someone else starts interfering, which undoes all the work you have already done. How will you behave in this situation?

a. You will do nothing, you will prefer to accept the situation

b. Politely make it clear that you have been asked to organize this event

c. Invite this person to take over the organization of the entire event, if he so desires.

23. Which of the following words best describes you?

a. Emotional

b. Positive

c. Impulsive

24. Do you accept yourself the way you are?

a. Yes, if others accept me that way

b. Yes, with all my flaws

c. Not always

25. What do you think is most important for winning an argument?

a. Do not constantly interrupt your opponent

b. Hold fast to your position

c. Be willing to compromise


One of the definitions of assertiveness (this term roughly corresponds to self-confidence) is the ability to defend one's rights and interests in the modern world, which is sometimes cruel. It is now important for any person to have basic assertive skills in order to be able to assert themselves in life, as well as to protect themselves when necessary. If we learn to use these skills, we will feel better, be able to clearly understand what we want, be open to people about our desires, get used to being assertive to the right degree, not allow others to manipulate us, and acquire the ability to adequately respond to any criticism. Using these skills, a person will be able to take responsibility for everything that happens in his life and to a greater extent control it, making his own decisions about what he needs and focusing on his goals. At the same time, a person will be able to fully enjoy what he has already managed to achieve in life.

Assertiveness also implies respect for human rights. This refers to the right to ask for what he needs, the right to choose and the right to say “no” to others. In addition, we must also mention the right to be ourselves and accept ourselves as we are, with all our shortcomings.

In order to apply all the assertive skills in life, you need to hone your communication skills. One of the most important points in this is that a person must clearly understand what he is asking for. People around us usually behave towards us the way we ourselves ask them to behave. Thus, effective communication is always based on self-respect and respect for others.

Self-esteem is very important, it influences how we act in certain situations, increases our chances of success and determines how we will behave after. It also allows us to control ourselves. It's not about coming out the winner in every argument. But if we lose control, then we can almost certainly assume that the argument will be lost.


Give yourself 2 points for each “b” answer, 1 point for each “a” answer, and 0 points for each “c” answer.

40-50 points

You are a very confident person who knows his rights and is never afraid to say what he wants to say. You have not the slightest doubt that the only one who can judge your actions is yourself. You are sure: everyone should learn everything “on their own skin”. This is all very well, but only if you do not turn into an overly demanding person and manage to retain the ability to sympathize with other people's problems. You also need to make sure that your reaction to criticism from others is not too violent. If you vehemently go on the attack in response to criticism, instead of calmly responding, then you will definitely lose.

Never forget that some ways of expressing demands are much more effective than others and that it is impossible to win every argument. If you feel that in a certain situation you must insist on your own, still try to remain calm. It really doesn't matter how many times you hear "no" from your opponent during an argument, you only need one "yes" from them to be successful. It often turns out that “no” is just one step away from the long-awaited “yes”. Remember that your self-confidence is not a 100% guarantee of winning in any business. But nevertheless, assertive behavior expresses your self-respect and allows you to stay on top in any case, even in a loss.

25-39 points

Your result indicates that your self-confidence is at the proper level: you have everything in order with self-esteem, you know your rights, you are able to confidently recall these rights in the right situation, and accordingly you feel great in this world . You can quite develop a positive attitude in yourself, if necessary, show your assertive abilities and are usually in harmony with yourself. In addition, you are able to highlight the main thing and leave aside irrelevant details when the situation requires it, and you can find an effective compromise that will be convenient not only for you, but also for others.

Less than 25 points

While you may know your rights, it seems that you lack the self-confidence to exercise them, and you don't know how to do it most effectively. Saying “no, even when it is necessary, is difficult for you. Probably, in order to figure out exactly in which situations your assertive abilities let you down, you should analyze your answers in more detail in this test. Always remember that you should never be afraid to ask - there is nothing wrong with that. Of course, you will not hear “yes” every time, but if you fail to ask, then you have no chance at all of a positive result.

To be self-confident means to control yourself when communicating with people, you can achieve success in this only if you follow certain rules: express yourself clearly and clearly, formulate briefly and easily, stick to the topic, do not forget about a competent introduction and know how to shut up at the right time. In addition, you need to work on the ability to listen - because there is nothing worse than when you are interrupted at the very moment when you have reached the very essence. When listening, you should understand what the person is talking about, even if it means asking additional questions. Always try to reach an understanding with the other side, and in any situation, behave kindly towards other people, even if you have to firmly insist on your position.

Test for teenagers "How confident are you?"

1. You found out that your friend is talking bad about you. You:

A. You will look for a convenient opportunity to sort things out with him;

B. You will stop communicating with him and will avoid meetings.

2. When you enter a bus or tram, you are roughly pushed. You:

A. You protest loudly;

B. Silently trying to get forward;

E. You wait for everyone to enter, and then, if possible, you enter yourself.

3. Your classmate defends the opposite of your point of view.

B. You do not express your point of view, since you still cannot convince him;

e. You defend your point of view, trying to prove your case.

4. You were late for the school evening. All seats are already filled, except for one in

first row. You:

B. You stand at the door and scold yourself for being late;

e. Without hesitation, you head to the first row;

E. It takes a long time to decide whether or not to go to the front row, but then you still go to an empty seat.

5. Do you agree that your classmates often take advantage of you?

6. Do you find it difficult to start a conversation with strangers?

7. You bought a thing, a defective thing. Is it easy for you to return a purchase?

8. Can you say that your classmates are more confident than you?

e. No; Food.

9. Your friends demand a service from you that is fraught with trouble.

Is it easy for you to refuse to fulfill it?

10. you have the opportunity to talk to a famous person. You:

e. Use this Opportunity; E. Do not use.

11. The teacher instructs you to call the institution and arrange for

class about the meeting. You:

B. Under any pretext you refuse;

B. You call without hesitation;

E. Gather your courage and call.

12. You were given an unfairly low grade. You:

B. Silently worry;

D. Arguing with the teacher about this grade.

13. You don't understand the teacher's explanations. You:

B. You will not ask questions to the teacher;

B. Calmly ask to explain again:

D. Seize the opportunity to ask a question after class.

14. You came to the cinema. The people sitting next to you are talking loudly.

B. You endure the noise, and then you swear with them;

B. Asking them to stop talking

E. You endure in silence.

15. You stand in line. Someone is trying to get in front of you. You:

B. You swallow resentment and are silent; e. fight back.

16. Is it easy for you to enter into a conversation with a representative of the opposite.

sex that you really like?

B. Very difficult;

D. It is very difficult to start, then it is easier.

17. You are going to the market. Is it easy for you to bargain?

18. Do you get nervous when you have to speak in front of a class?
B. yes; e. No.

19. You are praised in front of the class. You:

B. Don't know what to say in response;

e. Thank you for the praise;

E. You calmly perceive gratitude.

20. With a good knowledge of the subject, would you like to take a written or

oral exam?

A. Oral;

B. Written;

Q. I don't care which exam I take.

Test results

A - Z points, B - 0 points, C - 5 points, D - 2 points, e - 4 points. E - 1 point.

Calculate the total.

12 points - strong self-doubt.

12 - 32 points low self-confidence.

33 - 60 points - the average level of self-confidence.

61 - 72 points - high self-confidence.

More than 72 points - a very high level of self-confidence.

Page 1

Other related work.


    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But in fact, this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desire of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself. Great!
    absolute truth.3+
    my girlfriend has an inflated self-esteem, she does not accept criticism, in general, the result is where 120%
    but I try to change her, not for her sake, but so that my head does not hurt: D
    but she really thinks admitting her mistakes is a shame -_-
    so I want to punch her in the face then)))
    but when I tell her all this to her face, she cries and then apologizes. In general, she is not normal. Can you give advice on how to be friends with such people? (I’m constantly on edge next to her, she really annoys me!)
    I don't want to offend her, and I don't talk about it. Can you give me some advice? She's my best friend.

    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But on
    this is actually a great result. People
    100% confident, look
    arrogant and presumptuous. They
    hard to admit their mistakes and
    are reluctant to accept criticism. You
    you know very well that you are not
    ideal. But we will be with you
    honest: Nobody is perfect! You often do
    what you want, but also take into
    attention and desire of other people.
    no one gets the feeling that
    you only think about yourself. Great!

    I don't put anything!!! I don't like masks, cosmetics, etc.!!! Because it's just chemistry!!! A girl can look beautiful even without these chemicals... so +0

    I have 120%

    You are cool! You look great! You have a zest! And you know it. But since you, like everyone else, do not have your weaknesses and quirks? Probably, you still have. But you do not allow yourself to admit it and reject any criticism .Do not forget: It is important for each person not to calm down and work on themselves. Remember that falling short of the ideal is by no means a shame. This is the norm. +3

    I thought it would be less ... o_o +3

    +3, thanks, I'm very confident

    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But in fact, this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desire of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself. Great

    Oh no! Just 70%! ”- you think. But in fact this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desires of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself .Great!

    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But in fact, this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desire of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself. Great!

    You are cool! You look great! You have a zest! And you know it. But since you, like everyone else, do not have your weaknesses and quirks? Probably, you still have. But you do not allow yourself to admit it and reject any criticism .Do not forget: It is important for each person not to calm down and work on themselves. Remember that falling short of the ideal is by no means a shame. This is the norm.
    Everything about me))) +3

    Test results:
    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But in fact, this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desire of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself. Great!

    it's about me! +3

    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But in fact, this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desire of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself. Great!


    +3))) Cool test!)))

    You are cool! You look great! You have a zest! And you know it. But since you, like everyone else, do not have your weaknesses and quirks? Probably, you still have. But you do not allow yourself to admit it and reject any criticism .Do not forget: It is important for each person not to calm down and work on themselves. Remember that falling short of the ideal is by no means a shame. This is the norm.
    Oh doo) +3

    Although I saw this test somewhere ... Wash it in Bravo Girl magazine

    “Oh no! Only 70%!” You think. But in fact, this is an excellent result. People are one hundred percent confident in themselves, look arrogant and arrogant. They admit their mistakes with great difficulty and are reluctant to accept criticism. You know very well that you are not an ideal. But we will be honest with you: Nobody is perfect! You often do what you want, but you also take into account the desire of other people. At the same time, no one gets the feeling that you think only about yourself. Great
    Super test! +3

    What? Just 40%?!” But I love myself,” you might think. And now let’s be honest: remember how often you spend time on yourself. Do you often have a hot bath, face masks ...? Almost never? Do you know why? You just consider it all a waste of time. But in vain: After all, how can other people love you if you don’t love and spoil yourself? It’s not too late to change your attitude towards yourself. Right from today, stop comparing yourself with other girls. At least 20 minutes, give yourself a favorite. Soon you will notice that you have become happier!
    I didn't understand o.O +2