Obsessive neurosis and porridge in the head. What prevents you from getting rid of panic attacks

The cheese is frozen. Half-eaten spaghetti with cottage cheese, too. And with seafood. The last egg went for brunch. And cheese curds. There are no product combinations.

By lunchtime, the refrigerator is ready for fasting. Purchased sauerkraut and baked beans. Lent, by the way, formally begins after Vespers on Forgiveness Sunday. Due to business and complex logistics, I do not have time to attend the service at my temple near the house. I'm going to the Sretensky Monastery (having managed to eat sushi for the last time).

Lenten "Lord, have mercy." "On the Rivers of Babylon". “Open the doors of repentance to me” by Vedel is a very ornamented chant, I can’t help it, but when “the many cruel things I have done” are repeated as “many - many - many”, I start thinking about the rules for multiplying sets.

But “I Think of a Terrible Day” is sometimes also sung at Vespers - but this time it was not. On the way home, I try to portray myself. First, at the top of the first octave - not impressive, moving to the middle of a small one (this is low for a female voice) - a couple of people in the underpass recoiled. Means, it, the effect is reached, I am happy.

At home, the first thing you want to eat. But I will write about food separately. Here I confess only how I cheat. I could never drink milk and only 5 years ago I learned what cappuccino and latte are - thanks to soy. Since then, I allow myself coffee with milk in fasting (this year, my friend even gave me a cappuccinatore for her birthday! Soy milk has the best foam!). I understand that this is unfair to people who deny themselves this pleasure - by the way, I noticed that they find soybean very disgusting. But just as I ate cucumbers not in fasting, I will be fasting, just as I didn’t eat bananas, I won’t. So is soy milk. Although yes, cheater, cheater, as they say.

Honestly, again I don’t know what I expect from the post - why do I need all this at all. Yes, it may seem like a habit. How do people get used to going to the gym. But sometimes you suddenly notice something like this... some kind of dissonance with this world and harmony with another... in nonsense, in trifles... more often around, very rarely in yourself. And you understand - that's for this.

And you can sit in the services

Usually in posts I try to build my schedule in such a way and agree with colleagues in order to be in time for some important services. Here's how, for example, the canon of the first week. In one bank on Strastnaya, I had to take days off as vacations. But this is all only because, in general, no one else was going to compete with me for the right to take time off and go to the temple.

Moreover, over the years I have already found options that minimally overlap with work. For example, in the temple of Antipas near the Pushkin Museum, the canon begins to be read at 7 pm, that is, you can leave work at 18.30 - and sometimes it even happened 2-3 times a week. The most amazing thing is that for so many years it does not bother at all!

Antipas has a very good choir, which fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the temple and the acoustics - “Helper and Patron”, short refrains of the canon and kontakion “My soul, rise, that you sleep” they have, perhaps, the best in the city. The canon is read very legibly, but still I try to go with the text, preferably with comments. Especially after discovering that "celebrates the Gospel" really means - "The Gospel falls aside", because "celebrates" - from the word "idleness" in this case.

In general, this year I really hope to go at least once. And in any case, I will listen to the rest in the recording - for this, of course, a huge thank you to the Sretensky Monastery, which puts the audio almost immediately on the site, and after 9-10 pm you can listen to them.

An almost unattainable dream for me is to resemble the morning services of the first week. The longest services of the year are in the monasteries for more than five hours. And just this week, thanks to the "men's" day, I'm going to go to a service somewhere on Friday morning - where, I haven't decided yet, to some monastery.

For a couple of years, when I had a separate office at work, I again listened to recordings. Somewhere in the afternoon they were laid out, I turned it on quietly and managed to listen to the canon. Of course, this is all in the background, they mostly read there (during the first week, if I’m not mistaken, it’s supposed to read the entire Psalter 2 times) - but sometimes you still manage to catch on to some phrase, word, stop for a second. I don’t know what my colleagues thought, it definitely didn’t affect the work.

In general, I think that it is better to be inattentive in the service than not to go at all.

And the fear of going to the temple, because it’s hard to stand there, is generally nonsense. Find a seat and sit down - yes, almost any time. It is very important to stand for 15 minutes literally. But you won’t find a place - how many times I sat right on the floor near the wall, I can’t count. Once again, it is better to go and sit than not to go at all. Although girls in jeans and without a headscarf should still stock up on a stable nervous system. And do not be offended by the grandmothers-aunts - they really have a hard job.

Adios, avocado - hello cabbage

Every time, and this has been more than 10 years, when I start a post, I think of one thing. No, not how to grow spiritually and enlighten. Every time I dream… to lose weight. For 10+ years I have succeeded once. I lost 2 kg, which I then successfully and happily gained. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming again.

I want to eat during fasting, there are simply not enough calories for an active lifestyle, while the simplest thing you can eat lean is bread. Bread with jam, bread with tea, rolls, bagels, biscuits… Eating properly and exquisitely takes too much effort, time and money from me. And then - bagels with Coca-Cola - it's so delicious! And fast. Therefore, losing weight is really difficult and you have to accept that this is still not the main goal (although I heard that someone still manages to!).

Occasionally, McDonald's comes to the rescue. From lean there is a vegetable salad and sweet pies. But what to do with their potatoes - I can’t decide. Particularly reverent vegans found out that it is fried on a mixture with the addition of animal fats. I take comfort in the fact that it is generally very harmful. Although in recent years I have become much easier to relate to the composition of cookies and sweets, I do not look at the fine print, I am content with the fact that there are no obvious cream fillings - and it will do.

In the same way, I am calm about whether others are fasting.It is a little amusing when others begin to care about whether I would eat something forbidden - they ask me what I can do, and whether there is definitely no cream in these cookies. Once, the mother-in-law of my beloved friend cooked a very tasty pea porridge especially for me, and then asked several times if I was sure that wine was now allowed. “You can, you can,” I assured her.

People, do not worry, I am an adult, I will decide for myself what I can and what not. Because in fact, everything is possible - I just don't want to.

In recent years, due to various sanctions (some personal, some nationwide), my lenten menu has changed a little. So, I felt very sorry (and it’s also impossible because of fears of allergies) to buy cotton tomatoes in the winter, cabbage came to replace it perfectly. I miss avocado. I managed to fall in love with him when I bought a dozen for 200 rubles. Now it's 700 - the pleasure is not the same.

In fasting, unlike non-fasting, it becomes important for me to eat something hot. Most often, these are cereals, stewed cabbage with beans, less often potatoes in various forms, lean pilaf with zucchini, mushrooms, and peppers. I think I will write about food more than once.

All my sins, even my deeds all the days of my stomach ... condemnation

For some reason I remembered. I went to classes at a choir school at a monastery. Classes are absolutely free, despite the fact that the monastery pays external teachers, and simply for electricity and water in the building, which was also specially renovated. So, once mother S. came to the lesson - she had a request for us.

(Here it is desirable to imagine Mother S. – in appearance and voice, a clean teenager of about fifteen years old. In general, I often notice this in the monks – some kind of teenage, out-of-age. Mother S. is a real teenager who, as he should be, tries to behave very grown up, which touches even more.And even her voice and intonations are fifteen years old.)

Mother S.: “You know, we will soon have a patriarchal service, and so we would like to ask you, mother abbess really asked me to convey ...”

Truly, the fastest thing in the world is human thought. During these 3 seconds, I already had time to think: “If now they ask me to chip in and buy something - flowers or something else - so be it, I’ll chip in, but if they ask me to come and help with something - no, I have no time, I’ll excuse myself.”

“... We very, very much ask you - please come to our service, I know that you all go to your churches, but come to us on this day.”

That's all for this. And don't tell me they had to round up the extras. For me, it still makes sense.

Most undertakings that require mental effort are accompanied by such a phenomenon as "porridge" in the head. This phenomenon can be both temporary and chronic. It is not dangerous to health, but some people experience anxiety about its occurrence and a feeling of insecurity in their abilities.

Why does “porridge” appear in the head?

Active creative mental activity of a person requires huge energy costs. Therefore, to solve “typical” tasks, the brain forms neural connections that provide automatic reactions.

Usually, after the age of 18, the process of creating new neural connections slows down due to the accumulation of sufficient life experience and the need for intensive training. When an adult needs to learn something new, especially if this new “conflicts” with his beliefs and does not fit into the “picture of the world”, the lazy brain is indignant that he was disturbed and gives feedback in the form of the phenomenon of “porridge” - i.e. . loss of clarity, buzz, "chaos" + accompanies this with the production of a number of hormones.

The ability of the brain to create new neural connections is a trainable skill.
And just as in untrained muscles there is post-workout krepatura, in the untrained brain there is a state of "porridge".

What to do with "porridge"?

a) The simplest option is to do nothing. If you continue to focus on studying the issue that interests you, then after 2-3 months new neural connections will be made in your head and new information will “fit” into your worldview system.

b) Make a summary / mind map / diagram / drawing on the issue under study. This speeds up the process of learning and the disappearance of "porridge" several times. By the way, remember, when you are talking on the phone, you may sometimes pick up a piece of paper and a pen and begin to involuntarily draw all sorts of nonsense. This is a subconscious reaction of your brain to the information received.

c) Take a break. When a person is engaged in intellectual work for a long time, the brain sooner or later gets tired and begins to "stupid". And then a simple change of activity helps to restore clarity of mind and find solutions that the tired brain did not see.

d) Train your brain. Feed it with new information and load it with new tasks. The more often you do this, the easier it will be for him to learn new things.

e) Take a coaching session. Perhaps this is the fastest way to remove the "porridge" and put the information in your head on the shelves. 30-40 minutes is enough to dispel the fog, bring clarity and resolve "insoluble" issues. And the more important the issue to be solved, the more effective the coaching session will bring you. The pleasure is not cheap, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Everything would be fine, only personal ambitions are not satisfied. There is a desire to give up everything and return to a comfortable living environment - where before that it was "warm, light, and the flies did not bite." There are other turns of events. In modern psychology, a scientific fact is described when a girl who received a good education, trained in the best world-famous companies, went to work as a cleaner.

Of course, this is shocking. But these cases are common. Judge for yourself, when you choose a business not one that you really like and bring pleasure, but “for the company”, “on the advice of parents”, “because of material gain, when everyone around says that they pay a lot”, the result is deplorable .

Come to work, but you do not get joy from the process. After all, the soul inwardly gravitates toward the other. Time passes, depression from a feeling of dissatisfaction firmly occupies your life, as a result, one desire arises - to run away, to hell or, like a bear in a den, hibernate. This is how the search for life continues. People change jobs after jobs, trying to find a better place, but if a person does not know what he wants, then there is no point in exchanging according to the “awl-soap” principle.

If you can't go to the gym, it's not a problem. Ride a bike, rollerblade, ice skate. In the end, on the "fifth point" from the hill! Here is the therapy for "stagnation" in the head.
I have talked about the benefits of dancing many times. Therefore, I repeat once again - dance. No matter where - at home, in the studio, at the disco. The point is that your favorite tunes cause a bunch of positive emotions.

If we talk about the problem in general, it is important to give an outlet for energy. After all, when it accumulates inside and is reflected in external life, then the cycle of thoughts occurs in the head. Hence the conclusion: let's move, ladies!

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Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "Porridge in the head" is in other dictionaries:

    mess in my head- brains on one side, confused Dictionary of Russian synonyms. porridge in the head n., number of synonyms: 3 brains on one side (24) ... Synonym dictionary

    mess in my head- Razg. Unapproved There is no clarity in anyone's understanding of anything. Who? a comrade, a schoolboy, a girl ... porridge in the head; porridge in the head from what? from excitement, from fatigue, from overwork ... “How was your first week of classes?” - "To say by ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    Mess in my head- who. Prost. Unapproved 1. About confusion, lack of clarity in thoughts. FSRYA, 196; 3S 1996, 334; BMS 1998, 255. 2. About a stupid, uneducated person. SPP 2001, 44; Glukhov 1988, 74 ...

    PORRIDGE- porridge, porridge, wives. 1. A dish of cereals boiled in water or milk. Buckwheat porridge. Milk porridge. 2. trans. About the fact that, liquefying, it becomes like this dish (preferably about dirt; colloquial). After the thaw and the first rains, the road turned into ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    porridge- n., f., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? porridge, why? porridge, (see) what? porridge, what? porridge, about what? about porridge; pl. what? porridge, (no) what? porridge, what? Kasham, (I see) what? porridge, what? porridge, about what? about cereals 1. Porridge is a dish that is cooked from ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    PORRIDGE- Woman's porridge. 1. also woman's porridge. Raven, Don. Kaluga Christmas festivities of women at the midwife. SRNG 2, 18; SDG 1, 9. 2. Prost. Obsolete Meeting, gatherings (usually with close people). BMS 1998, 255. Birch (viburnum) porridge. Prost. 1. Whipping... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    PORRIDGE- A dish of boiled cereals, a characteristic dish of Russian cuisine, one of its main dishes. Traditionally, porridge was eaten in both rich and poor houses. Porridge was and remains one of the obligatory dishes of the soldiers' cuisine in the army *. Nowadays, porridge is also eaten ... ... Linguistic Dictionary

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    PORRIDGE- Porridge, and, wives. 1. A dish of boiled or steamed cereals. Steep, thick, liquid k. Buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina k. Brew porridge with boiling water. You can’t spoil porridge with butter (last). He ate little porridge (trans.: young, inexperienced or not strong enough; ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    porridge- and; well. see also porridge, gruel, porridge 1) Cooked on water or milk food from cereals. Semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet porridge / sha. Liquid, thick, steep, crumbly porridge. * You can’t spoil porridge with oil ... Dictionary of many expressions


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Good day everyone!

A common problem and the reason that life is somehow not like that, unsettled, goals are not achieved is a mess in the head.

What it is? This is the state of thinking, if it is correct to say so, when a person does not clearly understand who he is, why he is here, what he wants, what is important for him and what is not very important. And when you ask him direct questions, you get indistinct streamlined answers, which immediately speaks in favor of the fact that there is no specifics and no awareness of what is happening. Everything in life is very simple, but we ourselves are used to complicating things, we don’t want to face the truth, we have our weaknesses, pain points, so the best thing we find for ourselves is to live according to other people’s schemes, not to go into details, not ask yourself important questions and not get answers to them.

Suppose a person says that he wants a lot of money. You ask him "Why?". Then something very indistinct follows, like: "Well ... well, I can buy something." You answered him: "What?" Further, they may not even answer you, the person will be confused. That is, with such simple clarifying questions, you can immediately understand how thoughtfully a person lives, how far he looks, not only far, but how deep.

There are a lot of such people, while they can talk a lot, throw in meaningless phrases, usually collecting everything by the top. For example, a person says that he would like to work abroad. It is logical to ask him: by whom? in which country? what have you done for this? what's your plan? what is the next step? After these questions, a person with porridge in his head will simply float away. Yes, he did not think about it, did not decide, did not plan, did not look closely. He just wants, without being tied to reality, without any soil and reason, to want it.

Why is such a mess in the head dangerous? The fact that instead of filling life with meaning, people fill it with nothing meaningful, not applicable in practice. The same example with work abroad. It is absolutely real, but for this person it is just noise, a phrase that in his life with a probability of 99% is not realized, because he does nothing to realize it. He spends all his time blurring boundaries, talking about everything in a very streamlined way, building castles in the air, constantly going to the side if you are trying to get him back on track. He cannot answer any specific questions specifically, even, most likely, he will play around in every possible way, confuse you, throw on something that makes no sense and has nothing to do with the question.

What is the risk of all this? By the fact that no goals will ever be achieved, a person will go with the flow, boil in his swamp and not even understand what his problem is, since he did everything to cloud the eyes of not only everyone around, but also his own. Which he did great.

What can I advise you if you have found such moods in yourself, if you understand that you are always floating away somewhere? Always strive for specifics, ask yourself direct questions, write them down on paper, write an action plan, think over steps. If you understand that your desire is just a wishlist, that is, you are not going to realize it, then leave it in the column of pipe dreams that you, for some reason, are not going to achieve. For example, since childhood, I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, but I never intended to become one, because there are many things that I don’t like about this job, they don’t fit with my personality, with my features. Yes, I think that this is an incredibly interesting work, but for my purposes it did not stand, does not stand and will not stand. I will never tell anyone that I can or want to be an archaeologist. But it will be in the Wish List. You should consider your desires in the same way. Let me give you one more example. Since the age of 22-23, I want to write a book, I even started writing, I had different ideas that have changed many times over the years. At the moment, I am aware that I will not write a book in the foreseeable future, this is a titanic work, the muse has not arrived, but anyhow writing is not in my style. In the distant future, most likely, yes. But for now, if we talk about plans and goals, I won't even mention what I want to write. Now it is irrelevant. A person with porridge in his head will drag in books, and archeology, and creativity, in general, everything, everything that he once did and touched. This is porridge, because he does not separate one from the other, he does not isolate the main thing for himself, does not remove the excess, but brings everything into one heap. It devours energy, it is very easy to get lost in it, not to understand what to do next, where to look. And any person can be conscious, aware of himself and his life, you need to strive for this so that there is not porridge in your head, but order, so that you can easily navigate your thoughts, desires, so that you understand what is significant for you, what you want it's you.

I wish everyone to clean up their attics, put things in order there, so that there is no mess there, so that life has its own structure, its own boundaries. It makes life easier, simpler and more fun. Do not run from yourself and do not be afraid of the truth.

Remember, whoever you are, be the best!

Your personal astropsychologist and tarologist Anna Merzlyakova