New exam forms in the Russian language. Exam forms, design of forms, download exam forms

Preparation for the exam includes many areas. You can download and print the USE forms so that each graduate can practice filling them out from the official website.

You can download samples of the USE 2018 forms on the official information portal of the unified state exam. The FIPI website did not publish the USE forms 2018.

Download the USE 2018 answer forms from the official website

USE registration form blanki-ege-2018
Answer Form No. 1 blank-1-ege-2018
Answer Form No. 2 blank-2
Answer Form No. 2 reverse side blank-ege-2-obr
Rules for filling out forms unified state
exam in 2018, description of the USE forms

USE forms are machine-readable forms that are subject to automated processing by a hardware-software complex. In the process of automated processing of forms, the information entered in the fields of the forms is converted into text by means of software.

USE forms 2018 in Russian, mathematics, English, social studies, biology, physics, chemistry, history, geography, computer science, literature are common.

Registration form 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is orange (Pantone 165 CVU).

Answer Form No. 1

Answer Form No. 2 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is peach (Pantone 164 CVU).

Additional Answer Form No. 2 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is raspberry (Pantone 165 CVU).

Oral exam registration form 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is raspberry (Pantone 184 CVU).

Make in the fields of the USE forms, outside the fields of the USE forms or in the fields filled out in a typographical way, any entries and (or) notes that are not related to the content of the fields of the USE forms;

Use colored pens instead of black to fill out the USE forms, a pencil, means for correcting the information entered in the USE forms ("putty", "eraser", etc.).

Read more about filling out the answer forms.

Preparation for the exam includes many areas. You can download and print the USE forms so that each graduate can practice filling them out from the official website.

You can download samples of the USE 2018 forms on the official information portal of the unified state exam. The FIPI website did not publish the USE forms 2018.

Download the USE 2018 answer forms from the official website

USE registration form blanki-ege-2018
Answer Form No. 1 blank-1-ege-2018
Answer Form No. 2 blank-2
Answer Form No. 2 reverse side blank-ege-2-obr
Rules for filling out forms unified state
exam in 2018, description of the USE forms

USE forms are machine-readable forms that are subject to automated processing by a hardware-software complex. In the process of automated processing of forms, the information entered in the fields of the forms is converted into text by means of software.

USE forms 2018 in Russian, mathematics, English, social studies, biology, physics, chemistry, history, geography, computer science, literature are common.

Registration form 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is orange (Pantone 165 CVU).

Answer Form No. 1

Answer Form No. 2 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is peach (Pantone 164 CVU).

Additional Answer Form No. 2 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is raspberry (Pantone 165 CVU).

Oral exam registration form 210 mm × 297 mm is printed on white paper weighing ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the letterhead is raspberry (Pantone 184 CVU).

Make in the fields of the USE forms, outside the fields of the USE forms or in the fields filled out in a typographical way, any entries and (or) notes that are not related to the content of the fields of the USE forms;

Use colored pens instead of black to fill out the USE forms, a pencil, means for correcting the information entered in the USE forms ("putty", "eraser", etc.).

Read more about filling out the answer forms.

In 2018, new forms for the exam were released, which will be slightly different from the usual old ones. How do they look? What is fundamentally new in these forms? How to fill them out? We will tell you about this in our article.

USE Forms-2018- what's new

First, in the new 2018 will be used black and white version of forms, and not color, as in previous years. This is due to the fact that the forms will be printed directly in the classrooms right before the exam. The draft forms are approved by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

The set of forms includes:

  • registration form
  • answer sheet No. 1.
  • answer sheet No. 2
  • additional answer sheet No. 2
  • oral exam registration form

Let us give a detailed example of filling out the registration form for the Unified State Exam.

How to fill out the registration form

The registration form is the very first form that you fill out for the exam. It contains several fields, each of which should be discussed separately. The registration form is a machine-readable form and consists of three parts - top, middle and bottom.

At the top The registration form contains special fields that indicate the form and year of the exam (the words "Unified State Exam - 2018"), as well as the name of the registration form. The specified fields are filled in in a typographical way. Also at the top of the registration form are located:

  • vertical barcode;
  • horizontal barcode and its digital value;
  • QR code;
  • examples of writing letters, numbers and symbols when filling out the form.
  • Fields for specifying the following information:
  • region code (filled in automatically, with the exception of cases when the exam is conducted in the PES using EM on paper);
  • the code of the educational organization in which the USE participant is studying - a graduate of the current year (the code of the educational organization in which the USE participants - other categories of persons defined by the Procedure, received a notification of registration for the USE);
  • the number and letter of the class (by the USE participant - a graduate of previous years / studying in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SVE) is not filled in);
  • code of the point of the exam (filled in automatically, with the exception of cases where the exam is conducted in PES using EM on paper);
  • audience number;
  • subject code (filled in automatically);
  • the name of the subject (filled in automatically);
  • date of the exam (filled in automatically);
  • field for official use "Reserve-1" (not filled).

In the middle part The registration form indicates the following information about the USE participant:

  • surname, name, patronymic (if any);
  • series and number of the identity document.
  • In the middle of the registration form are located:
  • a brief memo on the procedure for conducting the exam;
  • brief instructions for determining the integrity and correctness of printing an individual set of a USE participant;
  • a field for the signature of the USE participant on familiarization with the procedure for conducting the USE.

In the lower part registration form contains fields for official use ("Service mark", "Reserve-2",
"Reserve-3"), fields filled in by the responsible organizer in the PES classroom in cases where the USE participant is removed from the exam due to a violation of the USE procedure or did not complete the exam for a good reason, as well as a field for the signature of the responsible organizer. The fields "Service mark", "Reserve-2", "Reserve-3" are not filled.

You can see how to fill out the rest of the USE-2018 forms. These forms are provided as samples for reference only. You can download these forms and practice filling them out in advance.

USE forms are machine-readable forms that are subject to automated processing by a hardware-software complex. In the process of automated processing of forms, the information entered in the fields of the forms is converted into text by means of software.

Be careful when filling out the USE-218 forms.

This year, the forms of the USE 2018 were changed, with which graduates in this examination company, as well as the organizers of the USE themselves, the verification experts, will work. By the way, you can download them from the link at the end of the article.


First of all, it is worth saying that the forms of the Unified State Examination 2018, in biology, in chemistry, in the Russian language, in general, in all subjects, have become black and white. I say this so that during the exam hysteria you do not succumb to rumors. For example, they may start a rumor that the forms are different for each discipline, and then it will begin. So, they are the same - black and white!

This innovation is due to the fact that now they will be printed directly at the points for passing the unified state exam - directly at schools, as well as other exam materials. This excludes the delivery of them in packages, and as a result, limits the leakage of real CIMs.

In addition, all forms have a QR code in the upper left corner. On any form of a new sample, this code is. Be sure to pass the rehearsal exam, which should be held in all schools. On it you can see the forms with your own eyes, as well as practice filling them out correctly. But we still dwell on some of these rules.

Nuances of filling

  • The USE forms must be a black pen: gel or capillary. Colored pens, pencils and other "evil spirits" are prohibited! To correct the answers, if you make a mistake, you can use a corrector (a special liquid, it is better to have your own with you too)
  • The USE participant must depict each number and letter in all fields of the registration form and answer form No. 1, carefully copy a sample of its spelling from the line with character writing samples located at the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1.
  • All fields of the forms are filled from the beginning from the very first cell, remember this! Otherwise, the computer will not be able to check the first part, or it will make mistakes.
  • If you do not know which answer is correct, do not draw dashes. Just leave the field blank.
  • Forms No. 1 and No. 2 (including additional form No. 2) should not contain personal information about the student taking the exam.
  • No extra notes that are not related to the performance of the exam tasks can not be made. You should have a draft where you can take notes for yourself. The draft is not taken into account when checking the exam forms!

Separately about the registration form

The top fields of this form contain information about you personally and about the exam you are taking.

Here are his rules for filling

1. The USE participant must independently enter the code of the educational organization, the class number and letter, and the audience number.

2. The fields "Region code", "Code of the USE location", "Subject code", "Subject name", "Date of the USE" are filled in automatically. The field for official use ("Reserve-1") is not filled.

3. Information about the participant of the unified state exam is filled in by the participant of the USE independently. The surname, name and patronymic are entered from the identity document of the USE participant. The line "Document" is filled with Arabic numerals without spaces, starting from the first cell. Here, too, it is necessary to check the document so as not to be mistaken.

The middle field is a detailed instruction for the USE participant.

Don't waste time reading this field! It is important not only to carefully and thoughtfully read these points, but also to check the availability of all the forms in the kit, which are mentioned in the instructions!

Only after you check whether you filled out the top field correctly, as well as after making sure that your IC (individual set) contains all the forms without exception (and there is nothing superfluous), you proceed to fill out the third part of the registration form and put your signature in the special field.

Remember, even before starting work with the answer forms, the USE participant puts his signature in the field specially designated for this. This must be done without going beyond the rectangle (that is, strictly in the window). If you have big handwriting, practice a few times before the exam.

Registration Form for Oral Exams

The registration form is provided for all the exams, for oral exams there is a separate registration form. The difference is only in the title and some paragraphs of the instruction for the USE participant.

Answer Form No. 1 is required in order to enter answers to the test part of the exam. It looks like this.

Rules for filling out the Answer Form No. 1

1. The upper part is filled in similarly to the registration form.

2. A short answer is written to the right of the task number in the answer area. The answer to the task with a short answer must be written in the form required in the instructions for this task.

3. Sequences of numbers or words (if it is a phrase) are written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

4. Each number, letter, comma or minus sign is written in a separate box.

5. If the short answer should be a word missing in the text of the task, then this word must be written in the grammatical form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should be in the task.

6. If a numerical answer is obtained in the form of a fraction, then it should be rounded to an integer according to the rounding rules, unless the instructions for completing the task require the answer to be written in the form of a decimal fraction. For example, 2.3 rounds up to 2; 2.5 - up to 3; 2.7 - up to 3. This rule should be followed for those tasks for which the instructions for performing the work do not indicate that the answer must be given in the form of a decimal fraction.

7. In the answer, written in the form of a decimal fraction, a comma should be used as a separator.

8. The characters in the answer must not touch each other. The term must be written in full. Any abbreviations are prohibited. The answer does not include the names of the units of measure (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, and so on), because they will not be taken into account in the assessment.

Particularly noteworthy is the lower part of the answer sheet No. 1, which is called "Replacing erroneous answers with tasks with a short answer." It is in this field that you can write down the corrected answer if you find that you have written down the wrong answer in form No. 1. Under no circumstances should you cross out anything. You can only carefully make another entry in a special field for corrections.

Rules for filling in the field "Replacing erroneous answers with tasks with a short answer"

1. To replace the answer entered in the answer form No. 1, you need to put in the corresponding replacement fields the number of the task, the answer to which should be corrected, and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

2. If the field for the task number is filled in the field for replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a short answer, and a new answer is not entered, then an empty answer will be used for grading (that is, the task will be counted as not completed). Therefore, if the task number is incorrectly indicated in the area for replacing erroneous answers, the incorrect task number should be crossed out.

Answer Form No. 2 is intended for detailed answers, therefore it is a field lined in a box, as in a school notebook we are used to.

The answer form has 2 sheets, they are called so: answer form No. 2 sheet 1 and answer form No. 2 sheet 2.

When filling out, it is important not to confuse the numbering of the Answer Form No. 2 sheet 1 and the Answer Form No. 2 sheet 2. They are absolutely identical, so it is easy to get confused. The practice of conducting trial exams this year has shown that it is in this matter that the most mistakes are made in filling out the updated exam forms!

If two sheets of Form No. 2 were still not enough for you to rewrite the entire answers to the examination questions and tasks, then Additional Answer Form No. 2 is also provided.

Rules for filling out Answer Forms No. 2

1. Entries in sheet 1 and sheet 2 of the Answer Form No. 2 are made only on the front side, the reverse side of the sheets of the Answer Form No. 2 is not filled out.

2. The answers entered in each subsequent additional Answer Form No. 2 are evaluated only if the previous additional Answer Form No. 2, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 of Answer Form No. 2 are completely filled out.

3. If the answer area of ​​the answer form No. 2 (sheet 1 and sheet 2) and additional answer forms No. 2 contains blank areas, then the organizers cancel them with the sign “Z”.

For the organizers of the exam, Rosobrnadzor has prepared detailed instructions on how to print examination materials directly in the PES (the first 23 minutes of the video).