A very interesting modern romance novel. Jude Devereaux "Knight in Shining Armor"

Contemporary romance novel- a popular female genre that reveals the romantic relationship between a man and a woman in the modern world. These books are relevant and truthful: in them readers find themselves, their problems and possible solutions.

Features of books in the genre 2019

hallmark contemporary romance novels is that the action takes place in modern times, and the main characters are often ordinary people with their own weaknesses and desires. Characters in such novels most often have a nondescript appearance, but are distinguished by professional qualities in work, study or sports. The main emphasis is on unraveling intrigues, in which everyone can entangle the heroine, from relatives to lovers. Contemporary romance novels often deal with topical contemporary themes, such as the life of a single mother, the choice between two men, or feelings or calculation.

These books are written in simple and understandable language. The main plot is usually simple. But the details, difficult situations in which the characters found themselves, their feelings, experiences and perseverance in achieving the goal make the reader open a new novel again and again. As modern romance books read mostly by women and girls, then the story goes mainly on behalf of the girl. Sometimes they complement the main line with inserts from the man's face. The works of this genre can be recommended even to men - for a better understanding of female psychology and some, at first glance, illogical actions. It is the reading of modern romance novels that gives answers to many women's questions, shows the problems close to the readers from the other side.

Why is it convenient to read modern romance novels online on Litnet?

Read on our portal, modern romance novels are a real pleasure! Books our authors available as for online-reading from a computer or smartphone, and for downloads in a format that suits you. These stories captivate from the first pages and are worth paying attention to. After all, Litnet is full of exclusively laid out works that can no longer be found on the open spaces of the network!

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 12 minutes


Valentine's Day, of course, is still far away, but a special day is not needed for a book about love. Like a hundred years ago, works about love are read excitedly, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, with a cup of tea or coffee. One is looking for answers to his questions in them, another lacks love in life, and the third simply enjoys the quality of the text, plot and emotions. Your attention - 15 most romantic books about love!

  • Singing in the thorns. Author of the novel (1977): Colin McCullough. A saga about 3 generations of an Australian family. About people who had to go through a lot in order for life to endow them with happiness, about love for their land, about the choice that one day confronts each of us. The main characters of the book are Maggie, modest, gentle and proud, and Ralph, a priest torn between Maggie and God. A devout Catholic who carried the love of a girl through his whole life. Are they destined to be together? And what awaits the bird that sings to the blackthorn?
  • Loneliness in the network. Author of the novel (2001): Janusz Leon Wisniewski. This novel has become a real bestseller in Russia, plunging readers into a life that is understandable to many modern loners who spend their days on the Web. The main characters fall in love with each other via… ICQ. In the virtual world, they meet, experience, communicate, exchange erotic fantasies, study each other. They are alone in reality and are already practically inseparable online. One day they will meet in Paris...

  • A time to live and a time to die. The author of the novel (1954): Erich Maria Remarque. One of Remarque's most powerful books, along with the work "Three Comrades". The theme of war is closely intertwined with the theme of love. It is 1944, the German troops are retreating. Ernst, having received leave, leaves for home, but Verdun is reduced to ruins by bombardments. While searching for his parents, Ernst accidentally meets Elisabeth, whom they bond with while hiding from air raids in a bomb shelter. The war separates young people again - Ernst must return to the front. Will they be able to see each other again?

  • P.S. I love you. Author of the novel (2006): Cecilia Ahern. This is a story about love that has become stronger than death. Holly loses her beloved husband and becomes depressed. She does not have the strength to communicate with people, and even leave the house there is no desire. A package of letters from her husband unexpectedly arrived by mail completely turns her life upside down. Every month she opens one letter and clearly follows his instructions - this is the wish of her husband, who knew about his imminent death ...

  • Gone With the Wind. Author of the novel (1936): Margaret Mitchell. An intensely social, engaging book set during the American Civil War. A work about love and fidelity, about war and betrayal, ambition and military hysteria, about a strong woman that nothing can break.

  • Diary. Author of the novel (1996): Nicholas Sparks. They are the same as us. And their love story is completely ordinary, of which thousands happen around us. But this book is impossible to put down. They say the stronger the love, the more tragic the ending will be. Can the heroes save their happiness?

  • Wuthering Heights. Author of the novel (1847): Emily Brontë. The book is a riddle about violent passion, vibrant life of the English province, about vices and prejudices, secret love and forbidden attraction, about happiness and tragedy. A novel that has been in the top ten for over 150 years.

  • English patient. Author of the novel (1992): Michael Ondaatje. Subtle psychologically verified work about 4 warped destinies at the end of the 2nd World War. And a burnt nameless man who became both a challenge and a mystery for everyone. Several destinies are closely intertwined in a villa in Florence - masks are thrown off, souls tired of losses are exposed ...

  • DDoctor Zhivago. Author of the novel (1957): Boris Pasternak. A novel about the fate of the generation that witnessed the Civil War in Russia, the revolution, the abdication of the tsar. They entered the 20th century with hopes that did not come true...

  • Mind and feelings. Author of the novel (1811): Jane Austen. For more than 200 years, this book has left readers in a state of light trance, thanks to the amazingly beautiful language, heartfelt drama and the author's inherent sense of humor. Screened multiple times.

  • The Great Gatsby. Author of the novel (1925): Francis Scott Fitzgerald. 1920s, New York. After the chaos of the 1st World War comes a period of rapid development of the American economy. Crime is also booming, and millions of bootleggers are multiplying. A book about love, unlimited materialism, lack of morality and the rich of the 20s.

  • Big hopes. Author of the novel (1860): Charles Dickens. One of the author's most read books. Almost a detective story, a bit of mysticism and humor, a thick layer of morality and a fantastically beautiful language. The little boy Pip in the course of the story turns into a man - along with his appearance, his spiritual world, his character, and outlook on life change. A book about dashed hopes, about unrequited love for the heartless Estella, about the spiritual rebirth of the hero.

  • Love story. Author of the novel (1970): Eric Segal. Screened bestseller. A chance meeting between a student and a future lawyer, love, life together, dreams of children. Simple plot, no intrigue - life as it is. And the understanding that you need to appreciate this life while heaven gives it to you ...

  • Overnight in Lisbon. The author of the novel (1962): Erich Maria Remarque. Her name is Ruth. They escape from the Nazis and, by the will of fate, end up in Lisbon, from where they try to get on a ship to the United States. The stranger is ready to give the main character 2 tickets for the same ship. The condition is to listen to his life story. The book is about sincere love, about cruelty, about the human soul, so subtly displayed by Remarque, as if the plot was written off from real events.

  • Consuelo. Author of the novel (1843): George Sand. The action begins in Italy, in the middle of the 18th century. The daughter of the gypsy Consuelo is a poor girl with a divine voice that will become her happiness and grief at the same time. Youthful love - for Andzoleto's best friend, growing up, experienced betrayal, a contract with the Berlin Theater and a fateful meeting with Count Rudolstadt. Who will the prima donna choose? And will anyone be able to wake the fire in her soul?

Love is the most mysterious and complex feeling. For some it's a chemical reaction, but for some it's more than attraction to another person. Be that as it may, the question of love has always excited mankind, and novels about relationships between a guy and a girl instantly become bestsellers. Many of them have low cultural value. Therefore, we have selected especially for you best romance novels, which are ranked below.

At first glance, an ordinary story about a man from a noble family who is engaged to a rich girl. But he loves a maid with a bad reputation.

John Fowles is not one of those writers who write novels to read on the train. There are three open endings in the finale of the work that opens the top best romance novels. The reader will have to figure out the end of this love story set in the Victorian era.

A book that has many clones. He is a wealthy and successful Harvard student. She is an ordinary, unremarkable girl. Logically, they were not destined to be together. But the couple goes against fate. They fall in love with each other. It seems like it's forever. But the girl is diagnosed with a fatal disease ...

An adventurous novel, which is one of the favorites for screenwriters and directors. Based on the plot of the book, seven films were shot! "Dangerous Liaisons" is a novel in letters exchanged between the beautiful Cecile and the Vicomte de Valmont. According to the writer, all letters are real, he only made the necessary corrections to the text.

The book, which is one of the best romance novels, has many explicit and vicious scenes. But, despite this, she still has great popularity among fans of the genre.

Charlotte Brontë wrote a novel for all time. It is read with rapture by both boys and girls, as well as people of a more mature age. Some find themselves in the main character, admire her prudence, others want to learn to forgive as easily as Jane Eyre. The cult novel does not last long on store shelves. Stably, once a year, they release a new edition of Jane Eyre, a book considered one of the best romance novels.

The most controversial work of the great writer of the Jazz Age. The novel, ranked sixth in the top best love stories, is based on the tragic story of Francis's wife. In the mid-30s, she had a clouding of her mind, as a result of which the woman developed schizophrenia. Fitzgerald showed readers the other side of his life: bleak and hard. Fans of Francis, accustomed to reading about heroes living beautiful lives, did not like the novel. The writer himself called the work “Tender is the Night” his semi-biography.

Fannie Flag's work is an example of classic American literature. It has everything you need for a perfect romance: love, friendship, family problems, racial animosity. The book is set in a small American town.
There are novels in the world that are read when depression, a bad mood, or a black streak in life sets in. With the work of Fanny Flagg, everything is exactly the opposite: it is recommended to read it when everything is fine and life brings happiness. And even if this is not the case, then after reading the novel, which occupies the middle of the top of the best love books, everything will certainly be fine!

The writer was only 19 years old when she wrote this novel. The work caused a wide resonance in society. Many were indignant, and someone was delighted. There were no indifferent people.

How could such a young person write a novel whose content had nothing to do with her life experience? The book, considered one of the best romance novels of our time, tells about a young girl Cecile, who has a hysterical psychotype, and therefore strives to always be in the spotlight. Her selfishness, callousness and immoral behavior eventually causes the death of her father's beloved woman.

When life doesn't bring joy and it seems like it couldn't get any worse, check out the debut novel by Irish writer Cecilia Ahern. It tells about a young couple in love - Jerry and Holly. They often quarrel, but always make up. And after a while, Jerry dies of a brain tumor. Holly becomes depressed until she finds many suicide letters from her lover...
Even the most unemotional and callous person will shed a tear while reading this novel, which took bronze in our ranking of the best love stories. And for those who want to get a double dose of emotions, they shot the film of the same name with Gerald Butler in the lead roles.

The novel by the Australian writer touched upon the theme of love and religion. The book tells about the relationship between the girl Maggie and the holy father Ralph. Their story is so interesting that it does not let go of itself for 700 pages of the novel, which took 2nd place in the list of the best love stories. And only at the very end the reader will know whether this story has a happy ending or not.

The cult novel by Margaret Mitchell naturally becomes the best romance novel. Its popularity is amazing: the Pulitzer Prize, translations into several dozen languages, the film adaptation of the same name, which received 8 Oscars, and much more. The names of the main characters of the book have become common nouns, and some phrases of the heroine of the novel have become the life credo of many girls. Scarlett O'Hara gets into many different life situations throughout the story, but in each of them she behaves like a lady!
"Gone with the Wind" will be a great reference book for all girls. After all, it tells about how to seduce any man, take away her girlfriend's husband, and sew a dress from ordinary curtains.

Ah, those love stories! They are read by millions of women around the world :) Books about love, and love epics include many directions. Women have learned to read romance novels and other works in transport, on the way to work, at work and instead of service ... No wonder, because every reader wants to feel like the heroine of a passionate romance. Historical romance novels, short love books... eh novels about millionaires? This is a whole direction of love prose! Our e-book library includes women's fiction and contemporary romance, fantasy romance and fantasy romance. On samizdat Litnet romance novels you can read without registration, and you can buy e-books. And what is left to do in our boring routine? Read romance novels online or download love books!

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Why are romance novels better read on Litnet?

Literary site and library of e-books Litnet provides an opportunity to get acquainted with a wide variety of books about love. Short and long, historical and here you can read online for free, and you can also buy the latest novelties of love stories. Choose and immerse yourself in reading. In a passionate and fatal whirlpool of intoxicating love, barriers and everything else that must certainly be present in a love story!

A revival in Las Vegas was never planned like this. Evelyn Thomas had big plans for celebrating her 21st birthday in Las Vegas. Grandiose. But she sure as hell didn't plan on waking up on the bathroom floor with a hangover rivaling memory lapses, a very attractive half-naked, tattooed man, and a diamond on her finger that could scare King Kong. If only she could remember now how it happened. One thing is for sure, being married to one of the sexiest rock stars on the planet is a crazy adventure.

A calm, sometimes stern man and a fragile girl with an open heart. They met. And they went their separate ways. Different, but attracting each other. Identical, but there is a gap between them. Will they be able to be together, overcome adversity and the abyss of misunderstanding. What if, having found love, it is impossible to be with her so as not to upset relatives? What to choose? Peace of mind in the family or personal happiness with your soul mate? Two couples, two lives, two destinies. DRAFT.

When Stacy Hayes, a young art student, has a single chance to spend the night in the hot embrace of a dangerous and handsome stranger, everything goes awry. What should have been a fleeting passionate flash turns into a real pain in the ass, named Mark Taylor, who literally in a matter of minutes destroys the already fragile world of the girl.

Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is slowly ruining my life. He became famous for his shirtless exercises, having sex in his office during lunch, he even yawns sexually.If I didn't need this job so much, I would have taken his black American Express Card and told him that I had stolen it for good. He doesn't even know I exist, why would he? Friday night he flies to Paris with the supermodels, while I spend the evening with Netflix watching TV and a slice of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake waiting for his call. Because every time he wrecks his yacht, or alone squanders $500,000 on roulette in Monte Carlo, I volunteer, the PR girl to clean up this whole mess.

But this time around, he's going to do much more than just make generous charitable donations. This time, the whole company should be present and participate in full, because he wants to show investors that he has calmed down, and Step # 1 in this direction is naturally dating a good, permanent girl until people forget what happened to Playboy pussies for backstage at the Oscars.

My plan is perfect except for one thing: he takes me with him.

The book contains real sex scenes, intended for 18+

Caitlin Varker has no problem being the Invisible Girl, so she hides in offices and rooms all over the college campus. Despite her best efforts, she can't escape the attention of Martin Sandecki, a bad boy, bully, the hottest, richest, and most unapproachable student in the universe, who also happens to be Caitlin's chemistry lab partner.

Caitlin is probably the only girl who isn't interested in winning over the rower's gorgeous body, chiseled features, and his family's billion-dollar fortune. Caitlin wants Martin for his intelligence, especially for tabulating micronutrient data in surface water.

When Caitlin saves Martin from a nefarious plot, Martin uses the opportunity to push Caitlin out of her comfort zone: spring break, one week, house parties, bathing suits and suntan lotion. Will she be able to overcome her aversion to being noticed? Will he be able to get over his self-centered nature? Or, despite the obvious chemistry between the two, will Martin be the one to lead Caitlin into the science room of darkness with the best of intentions?

Katya Lyutova - this is not khukhr-mukhr for you! She is a modern girl and does not believe in love with other crap ... Farhad Yangibaev is a guy who lives happily, not really worrying about his "tomorrow" ... If they meet and ask each other for a favor, what will it result in? (Dedicated to my friend, with the royal name Ekaterina ... You, the most important reader for me, girlfriend!)
The book - CRNOVIK!!!
Author's page on SI http://samlib.ru/c/chujkowa_i_n/

When Hunter Zaccarelli shows up at her door, declaring that he is their new roommate and that she will have to live with him because the other bedroom is already occupied by her friends, Taylor Caldwell is not overjoyed about this. They made a bet. Hate him, fall in love with him, or have sex with him. If she does or proves any of the above, he will immediately leave for good.