Cattell's Questionnaire: a method of multivariate personality research in the selection of candidates. Data processing and interpretation of the Cattell test

The Cattell Questionnaire is one of the most common questionnaire methods for assessing the individual psychological characteristics of a person both abroad and in our country. It was developed under the direction of R.B. Cattell and is intended to write a wide range of individual-personal relationships. A distinctive feature of this questionnaire is its focus on identifying relatively independent 16 factors (scales, primary traits) of personality. This quality of theirs was revealed using factor analysis from the largest number of superficial personality traits, originally identified by Cattell. Each factor forms several surface features, united around one central feature.

There are 4 forms of the questionnaire: A and B (187 questions) and C and D (105 questions). In Russia, forms A and C are most often used. The questionnaire is most widely used in medical psychology in the diagnosis of professionally important qualities, in sports and scientific research.

The Cattell Questionnaire includes all types of tests - both assessment, and the solution of the test, and attitude to any phenomenon.


Before the start of the survey, the subject is given a special form on which he must make certain notes as he reads. Preliminary, an appropriate instruction is given containing information about what the subject should do. The control time of the test is 25-30 minutes. In the process of answering questions, the experimenter controls the time of the subject's work and, if the subject answers slowly, warns him about it. The test is conducted individually in a calm, business-like environment.


Here are questions that will help you find out the features of your character, your personality. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, as everyone is right in relation to their own views. Try to answer sincerely and accurately. At the beginning, you should answer the four questions that are given as a sample and see if you need any further clarification. You must cross out the box corresponding to your answer on the special answer sheet. There are three possible answers for each question.


1. I like to watch team games: a) yes b) sometimes c) no

2. I prefer people: a) reserved b) difficult to answer c) quickly establishing friendly contacts.

3. Money cannot bring happiness: a) yes c) I don’t know c) no

4. A woman is in the same relation to a child as a cat is to: a) a kitten c) a dog c) a boy.

There is a correct answer to the last question: a kitten. But there are very few such questions. If something is not clear to you, ask the experimenter for clarification. Do not start without the experimenter's signal.

When answering, remember the following four rules:

  1. You don't have time to think. Give the first, natural answer that comes to your mind. Of course, the questions are formulated too briefly and in detail for you to choose what you would like. For example, the first question in the examples asks you about "team games". You may be more into football than basketball. But you are being asked about the “average game”, about the situation that on average corresponds to this case. Give the most accurate answer you can. You must finish answering no later than half an hour.
  2. Try not to get carried away with average, vague answers, except when. You really can't pick an edge case. Perhaps it will be in one of four or five questions.
  3. Don't skip questions. Answer at least somehow to all the questions in a row. Some questions may not be very suitable for you, but still give the best that you can offer in this case. Some questions may seem too personal, but remember that the results are not made public and cannot be obtained without a special "key". Answers to each individual question are not viewed.
  4. Answer as honestly as possible what is true for you. But write what you think it would be more correct to say in order to impress the experimenter.

Results processing

The received data is processed using the key.

The coincidence of the answers of the subject with the "key" is estimated at two points for the answers "a" and "c", the coincidence of the answer "b" - one point. The sum of points for each selected group of questions results in the value of the factor. The exception is factor "B" - here any match of the answer with the "key" gives 1 point.

Key to the Cattell Method (Form A)

Key to the Cattell Method (Form C)

The resulting value of each factor is converted to walls (standard units) using the tables below.

Tables for converting raw scores into walls (form A)

Table for converting raw scores into walls (form C)

The walls are distributed on a bipolar scale with extreme values ​​of 1 and 10 points. Accordingly, the first half of the scale (from 1 to 5.5) is assigned a “-” sign, the second half (from 5.5 to 10) is assigned a “+” sign. From the available indicators for all 16 factors, the so-called "personality profile" is built.

In addition to the original 16 factors, four second-order factors can be distinguished.

Formulas for calculating four secondary factors:

Secondary factors are calculated only for walls.

1. Anxiety (F1).

2. Introversion - extraversion (F2).

3. Sensitivity (F3).

4. Conformity (F4).

An example of building a "personality profile"

Interpretation of results

Description of primary factors

Description of secondary factors

When interpreting, attention is paid primarily to the "peaks" of the profile, i.e. the lowest and highest values ​​of the factors in the profile, especially those indicators that are in the "negative" pole within the boundaries of 1 to 3 walls, and in the "positive" » - from 8 to 10 walls.

Interpretation of Combinations of Primary Factors

When interpreting the results obtained, it is advisable to use not only the severity of individual factors, but also their combinations, which form symptom complexes of communicative, intellectual, emotional and regulatory personality traits. In this case, one should take into account not only the pole values ​​of the factors, but also the average ones, which are quite often encountered in the practice of a psychologist.

The group of communicative properties is formed by the following factors:

  • A - sociability
  • N - courage
  • E - dominance
  • L - suspicion
  • N - diplomacy
  • Q2 - independence.

The group of intellectual properties includes the following factors:

  • B - intelligence
  • M - daydreaming
  • N - diplomacy
  • Q1 - susceptibility to the new.

In the group of emotional properties, the following factors are combined:

  • C - emotional stability
  • F - carelessness
  • H - courage in social contacts
  • I - emotional sensitivity
  • O - anxiety
  • Q4 - tension

The group of regulatory personality traits includes the following factors:

  • Q3 - self-discipline
  • G - moral normativity

Stimulus material


  1. Kapustina A. N. R. Cattell's multifactorial personality technique. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2001.
  2. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests. Tutorial. - Samara: Bahrakh Publishing House, 1998.
  3. Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist in education: Textbook. – M.: VLADOS, 1996.


The result of the test is a profile of your personality, built on the basis of 16 factors identified during the survey. Factors are measured in arbitrary units - "walls" - and distributed on a bipolar scale with extreme values ​​of 1 and 10 points. Accordingly, the first half of the scale (from 1 to 5.5) is assigned the “-” sign, the second half (from 5.5 to 10) is assigned the “+” sign. When interpreting, attention should be paid, first of all, to the “peaks” of the profile, that is, the lowest and highest values ​​of the factors in the profile (the corresponding parts of the text are in bold), in particular, to those indicators that in the “negative” pole are in the range from 1 to 3 walls, and in the "positive" - ​​from 8 to 10 walls.

Profile of your personality

Interpretation of Primary Factors

. Factor A ("isolation - sociability") = 1 (A−)

A low value (A−) is characterized by: secrecy, isolation, alienation, incredulity, lack of sociability, isolation, criticality, a tendency to objectivity, rigidity, to excessive severity in assessing people. Difficulties in establishing interpersonal, direct contacts

A high value (A +) is characterized by: sociability, openness, naturalness, ease, willingness to cooperate, adaptability, attention to people, willingness to work together, activity in eliminating conflicts in a group, willingness to go on about. Ease in establishing direct, interpersonal contacts

Result 1-3 Wall - Prone to rigidity, coldness, skepticism and aloofness. Things attract him more than people. Prefers to work on his own, avoiding compromise. Prone to accuracy, rigidity in activities, personal attitudes. This is desirable in many professions. Sometimes he tends to be critical, inflexible, hard, tough.

. Factor B (intelligence) = 9 (B+)

A low value (B−) is characterized by: concreteness and some rigidity of thinking, difficulties in solving abstract problems, reduced efficiency of thinking, insufficient level of general verbal culture.

A high value (B+) is characterized by: developed abstract thinking, efficiency, ingenuity, fast learning. A fairly high level of general culture, especially verbal.

The result of 8-10 walls - quickly perceives and assimilates new educational material. There is some correlation with the cultural level, as well as with reactivity. High scores indicate the absence of a decrease in the functions of the intellect in pathological conditions.

. Factor C (“emotional instability – emotional stability”) = 7 (C++)

A low value (C−) is characterized by: emotional instability, impulsiveness; a person is under the influence of feelings, changeable in moods, easily upset, unstable in interests. Low tolerance for frustration, irritability, fatigue.

A high value (C+) is characterized by: emotional stability, endurance; a person is emotionally mature, calm, stable in interests, efficient, can be rigid, oriented to reality.

The result of 7 walls is emotionally stable, soberly assessing reality, active, mature.

. Factor E ("subordination - dominance") = 9 (E+)

A low value (E−) is characterized by: softness, compliance, tact, meekness, courtesy, dependence, resignation, helpfulness, respectfulness, shyness, willingness to take the blame, modesty, expressiveness, a tendency to easily get out of balance.

A high value (E+) is characterized by: independence, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, assertiveness, willfulness, sometimes conflict, aggressiveness, refusal to recognize external power, a tendency to authoritarian behavior, a thirst for admiration, a rebel.

The result of 8-10 walls - asserting himself, his "I", self-confident, independently thinking. Inclined to asceticism, guided by his own rules of conduct, hostile and extrapunitive (authoritarian), commands others, does not recognize authorities.

. Factor F ("restraint - expressiveness") = 7 (F+)

A low value (F−) is characterized by: prudence, caution, prudence in choosing a communication partner. A tendency to concern, worry about the future, pessimism in the perception of reality, restraint in the manifestation of emotions.

A high value (F+) is characterized by: cheerfulness, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, carelessness, recklessness in choosing communication partners, emotional significance of social contacts, expressiveness, expansiveness, emotional brightness in relationships between people, communication dynamism, which involves emotional leadership in groups

The result of 7 walls is careless, impulsively lively, cheerful, full of enthusiasm.

. Factor G (“low normative behavior – high normative behavior”) = 1 (G−)

A low value (G−) is characterized by: a tendency to inconstancy, susceptibility to the influence of feelings, chance and circumstances. Indulges his desires, does not make efforts to fulfill group requirements and norms. Disorganization, irresponsibility, impulsiveness, lack of agreement with generally accepted moral rules and standards, flexibility in relation to social norms, freedom from their influence, sometimes unscrupulousness and a tendency to antisocial behavior.

A high value (G +) is characterized by: conscientiousness, responsibility, stability, balance, perseverance, a tendency to moralize, reasonableness, conscientiousness. Developed sense of duty and responsibility, conscious observance of generally accepted moral rules and norms, perseverance in achieving goals, business orientation.

Result 1-3 wall - a tendency to inconstancy of purpose, laid-back in behavior, does not make efforts to fulfill group tasks, fulfill social and cultural requirements. His freedom from the influence of the group may lead to antisocial acts, but at times makes his activity more effective. Refusal to obey the rules reduces somatic disorders under stress.

. Factor H ("timidity - courage") = 4 (H−)

A low value (H−) is characterized by: timidity, shyness, emotional restraint, caution, social passivity, delicacy, attentiveness to others, increased sensitivity to threat, preference for an individual style of activity and communication in a small group (2-3 people).

A high value (H+) is characterized by: courage, enterprise, activity; a person has emotional interests, a willingness to take risks and cooperate with strangers in unfamiliar circumstances, the ability to make independent, extraordinary decisions, a propensity for adventurism and the manifestation of leadership qualities.

Result 4 wall - shy, reserved, insecure, fearful, timid.

. Factor I (“rigidity - sensitivity”) = 6 (I+)

A low value (I−) is characterized by: unsentimentality, self-confidence, severity, rationality, flexibility in judgment, practicality, sometimes some rigidity and callousness in relation to others, rationality, logic.

A high value (I+) is characterized by: sensitivity, impressionability, richness of emotional experiences, a tendency to romanticism, artistic perception of the world, developed aesthetic interests, artistry, femininity, a tendency to empathy, sympathy, empathy and understanding of other people, refined emotionality.

. Factor L ("gullibility - suspicion") = 8 (L+)

A low value (L−) is characterized by: openness, accommodating, tolerance, complaisance; freedom from envy, compliance. There may be a sense of insignificance.

A high value (L+) is characterized by: caution, self-centeredness, alertness towards people; a tendency to jealousy, the desire to lay responsibility for mistakes on others, irritability. Sometimes autonomy, independence and independence in social behavior.

The result of 8-10 walls - incredulous, doubting, often immersed in his "I", stubborn, interested in the inner mental life. Cautious in actions, cares little about other people, does not work well in a group. This factor does not necessarily indicate paranoia.

. Factor M ("practicality - daydreaming") = 8 (M+)

A low value (M−) is characterized by: high speed of solving practical problems, prosaicness, orientation to external reality, developed concrete imagination, practicality, realism.

A high value (M+) is characterized by: a rich imagination, preoccupation with one’s ideas, internal illusions (“hovering in the clouds”), ease of rejection of practical judgments, the ability to operate with abstract concepts, focus on one’s inner world; daydreaming.

Result 8-10 walls - prone to unpleasant behavior for others (not everyday), unconventional, does not worry about everyday things, self-motivated, has a creative imagination. Pays attention to the "basic" and forgets about specific people and realities. Interests directed from within sometimes lead to unrealistic situations accompanied by expressive outbursts. Individuality leads to its rejection in group activity.

. Factor N ("straightforwardness - diplomacy") = 1 (N−)

A low value (N−) is characterized by: frankness, simplicity, naivety, straightforwardness, tactlessness, naturalness, spontaneity, emotionality, indiscipline, inability to analyze the motives of a partner, lack of insight, simplicity of tastes, contentment with what is available.

A high value (N+) is characterized by: sophistication, the ability to behave in society, diplomacy in communication, emotional restraint, insight, caution, cunning, aesthetic sophistication, sometimes unreliability, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, prudence.

Result 1-3 wall - tends to lack sophistication, to sentimentality and simplicity. Sometimes rude and harsh, usually natural and spontaneous.

. Factor O ("calmness - anxiety") = 9 (O+)

A low value (O−) is characterized by: carelessness, arrogance, cheerfulness, self-confidence and self-confidence, serenity, fearlessness, composure, calmness, lack of remorse and guilt.

A high value (O+) is characterized by: anxiety, preoccupation, vulnerability, hypochondria, susceptibility to mood, fear, self-doubt, a tendency to premonitions, self-flagellation, depression, sensitivity to the approval of others, guilt and dissatisfaction with oneself.

The result of 8-10 walls is depressive, bad mood prevails, gloomy forebodings and reflections, anxiety. Tendency to become anxious in difficult situations. Feeling not accepted by the group. A high score is common in clinical groups of all types.

. Factor Q1 (“conservatism – radicalism”) = 9 (Q1+)

A low value (Q1−) is characterized by: conservatism, resistance to traditions, doubt in relation to new ideas and principles, a tendency to moralize and moralize, resistance to change, narrowness of intellectual interests, orientation to specific real activity.

A high value (Q1+) is characterized by: free-thinking, experimentation, the presence of intellectual interests, developed analytical thinking, susceptibility to change, to new ideas, distrust of authorities, refusal to take anything on faith, focus on analytical, theoretical activity.

Result 8-10 walls - absorbed in intellectual issues, has doubts about various fundamental issues. He is skeptical and tries to get to the bottom of ideas old and new. He is often better informed, less inclined to moralize, more to experiment in life, tolerant of inconsistencies and changes.

. Factor Q2 (“conformism – nonconformism”) = 7 (Q2+)

A low value (Q2−) is characterized by: dependence on the opinions and requirements of the group, sociability, following public opinion, the desire to work and make decisions together with other people, low independence, orientation towards social approval.

A high value (Q2+) is characterized by: independence, orientation to one's own decisions, independence, resourcefulness, desire to have one's own opinion. With extreme high scores, the tendency to oppose oneself to the group and the desire to dominate it.

The result of 7 walls is self-satisfied, offering his own solution, enterprising.

. Factor Q3 (“low self-control – high self-control”) = 1 (Q3−)

A low value (Q3−) is characterized by: low discipline, follows one's desires, dependence on moods, inability to control one's emotions and behavior.

A high value (Q3+) is characterized by: purposefulness, strong will, ability to control one's emotions and behavior.

Result 1-3 wall - not guided by volitional control, does not pay attention to social requirements, is inattentive to others. May feel inadequate.

. Factor Q4 ("relaxation - tension") = 10 (Q4+)

A low value (Q4−) is characterized by: relaxation, lethargy, apathy, calmness, low motivation, excessive satisfaction, equanimity.

A high value (Q4+) is characterized by: composure, energy, tension, frustration, increased motivation, anxiety, agitation, irritability.

The result of 8-10 walls is prone to tension, excitability.

Interpretation of secondary factors

. Factor F1 (“low anxiety – high anxiety”) = 9.7 (F1+)

A low value (F1−) is typical: in general, this person is satisfied with what he has and can achieve what he thinks is important. However, very low scores may indicate a lack of motivation in difficult situations.

A high value (F1+) is characterized by: a high level of anxiety in its usual sense. Anxiety is not necessarily neurotic, as it can be situationally conditioned. However, in some ways it has incapacity, because a person is dissatisfied to a degree that does not allow him to fulfill the requirements and achieve what he wants. Very high anxiety usually interferes with productivity and leads to physical disorders.

. Factor F2 ("introversion - extraversion") = 5.2 (F2+)

A low value (F2−) is characterized by: a tendency to dryness, to self-satisfaction, frozen interpersonal contacts. This can be beneficial in work that requires precision.

A high value (F2 +) is characterized by: social contact, uninhibited, successfully establishes and maintains interpersonal relationships. This can be a very favorable moment in situations requiring this type of temperament. This feature should always be considered a favorable prognosis in activities, for example, in studies.

. Factor F3 ("sensitivity - balance") = 6.9 (F3+)

A low value (F3−) is characterized by: a tendency to experience difficulties due to the emotionality that manifests itself in everything. These people may be dissatisfied and frustrated. However, there is a sensitivity to the nuances of life. There are probably artistic inclinations and softness. If such a person has a problem, then it takes a lot of thought to resolve it before taking action.

A high value (F3 +) is characterized by: an enterprising, decisive and flexible personality. This person tends to ignore the nuances of life, directing his behavior to be too obvious and obvious. If difficulties arise, they cause rapid action without sufficient thought.

. Factor F4 ("conformity - independence") = 11.9 (F4+)

A low value (F4−) is characterized by: a group-dependent, passive person who needs the support of other people and orients his behavior in the direction of the people who provide such support.

A high value (F4 +) is characterized by: aggressive, independent, courageous, sharp personality. Tries to choose situations where such behavior is at least tolerated. Shows great initiative.

Validity scales

In addition to the primary personality factors of the questionnaire, two indicators are usually calculated that reflect attitudes towards testing (validity scales):
1) the desire to look in a favorable light - the MD scale,
2) the desire to look worse than it actually is - the FB scale.

MD scale was designed to identify instances where subjects attempt to create an overly favorable self-image. If the MD score is high, there are several hypotheses that need to be tested:
1. This may indicate that the subject deliberately manipulates the test results (for example, when applying for a job).
2. A high score on the MD scale can be obtained by subjects who are very worried about how they look in the eyes of others. In interviews, they usually acknowledge this fact, but at the same time claim that they answered the questions sincerely.
3. Sometimes people score high on the MD scale even though they don't skew the results. For example, this is typical for people entering religious service.

FB scale was designed to identify subjects who were excessively saddened and preoccupied with their failures, real or imagined. The two most common situations in which the FB score is high are:
1. A person seeks to emphasize his psychological maladjustment in order to receive psychological assistance.
2. Emphasizing one's failures and inadequacy can be caused by real depression or other serious disorders.

Interpretation of Pair Combinations of Primary Factors

. The combination of factors B and M characterizes the intellectual capabilities of the individual.

High values ​​of factors B and M mean high intellectual abilities, passion for abstract ideas. Easily solves abstract problems, quickly establishes cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena. Has a rich imagination, developed figurative thinking. At the same time, thinking is logical and has a high level of generalization.

. The combination of factors C and I characterizes the sensitivity of the individual to emotional influences.

The average values ​​of factors C and I are typical for a person who maintains emotional balance mainly in a familiar environment. With the unexpected appearance of additional difficulties, a short-term feeling of anxiety and helplessness arises. Strong emotional reactions are possible in those situations that deeply affect actual needs.

. The combination of factors H and F reflects the propensity for risky behavior.

The average values ​​of the factors H and F reflect the desire of a person to find the positive in life. However, it is not possible to completely disconnect from troubles, from everyday problems. He believes in luck if the situations are familiar and you can use proven behavioral strategies and problem solving. Risks wisely. Risky situations attract when the risk is justified and success is realistically achievable.

. The combination of factors O and Q4 characterizes different manifestations of anxiety as a personality trait.

High values ​​of factors O and Q4 describe a person who often worries about possible failures and unpleasant events, regrets his past actions. Dissatisfied with himself, feels guilty, which creates difficulties in relationships with others. Painfully endures criticism in his address. Praise, compliments are accepted with great distrust. He perceives obstacles on the way to achieving the goal as insurmountable, he tends to fixate on the unpleasant sides of events, which hinders the search for a way out of problem situations.

. The combination of factors Q3 and G characterizes self-regulatory abilities.

Low values ​​of factors Q3 and G are typical for those who deviate from the desired goal as soon as internal or external obstacles appear. Often acts disorganized. He does not know how to plan and rationally allocate his time. Behavior is regulated mainly by personal, momentary desires and needs, so it does not always fit into the traditional framework. Their capabilities are not always evaluated critically. Fairly free of moral norms.

In the process of creating a multifactorial personality questionnaire 16PF, R. Cattell identified 16 different personality traits. Each of them received a double name characterizing the degree of development - strong and weak (Table 1).

Table 1

The 16PF Multivariate Personality Questionnaire consists of 105 questions to which the subject answers by choosing one of three alternatives. In a special answer sheet, the subject notes the chosen alternatives for each of the 105 questions. At the end of the test, scores are calculated for each of the 16 personality factors. According to the testing data, the personality profile of the subject is drawn. Test data is analyzed and interpreted.

It should be borne in mind that R. Cattell developed various modifications of factor models with a different number of factors included in them, but the most famous modification is the 16PF personality questionnaire. An adapted version of this questionnaire in Russian translation is given below.

Testing instructions

There are 105 questions in the test-questionnaire. In order for you to be able to determine your personal qualities, try to answer them sincerely and as accurately as possible. For each question, you must answer by choosing one of three alternatives. (a, b, c), which is most consistent with your views, your idea of ​​yourself.

Choosing your answer (a,b or with) for each subsequent question, write it on the Answer Sheet, enclosing the appropriate alternative, for example, in a circle. The form is given at the end of the test-questionnaire.

The average pace of the test is 5-6 answers per minute. All questions are given 30 minutes.

Test Questionnaire 16PF

1. I think my memory is better than it used to be:

b) hard to say

2. I could well live alone, away from people:

3. If I said that the sky is below and that it is hot in winter, I would have to name the culprit:

a) a bandit

4. When I go to bed I:

a) fall asleep quickly

b) something in between

c) I have difficulty falling asleep

5. If I were driving on a road where there are many other cars, I would prefer:

a) let most cars go ahead

b) don't know

c) overtake all those in front

6. In the company, I let others joke and tell all sorts of stories:

7. It is important for me that in everything that surrounds me there is no trouble

a) true b) hard to say c) wrong

8. Most of the people with whom I go in companies are undoubtedly glad to see me:

9. I would rather do:

a) fencing and dancing

b) hard to say

c) wrestling and basketball

10. It amuses me that what people do is not at all like what they then talk about it:

11. When reading about an incident, I am interested in all the details:

a) always

12. When friends make fun of me, I usually laugh along with everyone and do not get offended:

b) don't know

c) wrong

13. If someone is rude to me, I can quickly forget about it:

a) true b)

c) wrong

14. I like to come up with new ways to do something than stick to tried and tested methods:

b) don't know

c) wrong

15. When I plan something, I prefer to do it myself, without anyone's help:

16. I think that I am less sensitive and easily aroused than most people:

b) find it difficult

c) wrong


17. I am annoyed by people who cannot quickly make decisions.

b) don't know

c) wrong

18. Sometimes, albeit briefly, I had a feeling of irritation towards my parents:

b) don't know

19. I would rather reveal my innermost thoughts:

a) my good

b) don't know

c) in your diary to friends

20. I think that the word opposite in meaning to the opposite of the word "inaccurate" is:

a) careless

b) careful

c) approximate

21. I always have enough energy when I need it:

b) hard to say

22. I am more annoyed by people who:

a) they make people blush with their rude jokes

b) find it difficult to answer

c) inconvenience me by being late for an appointment

23. I really like to invite guests and entertain them:

b) don't know

c) wrong

24. I think that:

a) not everything needs to be done equally carefully

b) hard to say

c) any work should be done carefully if you undertook it

25. I always have to overcome embarrassment:

b) maybe

26. My friends more often:

a) consult me

b) do both equally

c) give me advice

27. If a friend deceives me in small things, I rather pretend that I did not notice this than expose him:

28. I like a friend:

a) whose interests are of a business and practical nature

b) don't know

c) who has a deeply thoughtful outlook on life

29. I can't help but listen to other people express ideas that are opposite to those in which I firmly believe:

b) find it difficult to answer

c) wrong

30. I am worried about my past actions and mistakes:

31. If I were equally good at both, then I would prefer:

a) play chess

b) hard to say

c) play towns

32. I like sociable, sociable people:

b) don't know

33. I am so careful and practical that fewer unpleasant surprises happen to me than to other people:

b) hard to say

34. I can forget my worries and responsibilities when I need to:

35. It can be difficult for me to admit that I am wrong:

36. At the enterprise, it would be more interesting for me:

a) work with machines and mechanisms and participate in the main production

b) hard to say

c) talk to people while doing social work

37. Which word is not related to other words:

c) the sun

38. Something that distracts my attention to some extent:

a) annoying

b) something in between

c) doesn't bother me at all

39. If I had a lot of money, then I:

a) would take care not to arouse envy

b) don't know

c) would live without embarrassment in anything

40. Worst punishment for me:

a) hard work

b) don't know

c) to be locked up alone

41. People should, more than they do it now, demand observance of the laws of morality:

42. I was told that I was a child:

a) calm and liked to be alone

b) don't know

c) alive and moving

43. I would like practical daily work with various installations and machines:

b) don't know

44. I think that most witnesses tell the truth, even if it is not easy for them:

b) hard to say

45. Sometimes I hesitate to put my ideas into practice, because they seem impossible to me:

b) find it difficult to answer

c) wrong

46. ​​I try not to laugh at jokes as loudly as most people do:

b) don't know

c) wrong

47. I never feel so unhappy that I want to cry:

b) don't know

c) wrong

48. In music I enjoy:

a) marches performed by military bands

b) don't know

c) violin solo

49. I would rather spend two summer months:

a) in a village with one or two friends

b) hard to say

c) leading a group at a tourist camp

50. Efforts expended on drawing up plans:

a) never redundant

b) hard to say

c) not worth it

51. The rash actions and statements of my friends in my address do not offend or upset me:

b) don't know

c) wrong

52. When I succeed, I find these things easy:

a) always

53. I would rather work:

a) in an institution where I would have to lead people and be among them all the time

b) find it difficult to answer

c) an architect who develops his project in a quiet room

54. The house treats the room like a tree:

b) to the plant

c) to the sheet

55. What I do, I do not succeed:

56. In most cases, I:

a) I prefer to take risks

b) don't know

c) I prefer to be sure

57. Some people probably think that I talk too much:

a) it is rather

b) don't know

c) I don't think so

58. I like a person more:

a) a great mind, even if it is unreliable and fickle

b) hard to say

c) with average abilities, but able to resist all temptations

59. I make decisions:

a) faster than many people

b) don't know

c) slower than most people

60. I am more impressed by:

a) craftsmanship and grace

b) hard to say

c) strength and power

61. I consider myself a cooperative person:

b) something in between

62. I like to talk with refined, refined people more than with frank and straightforward people:

b) don't know

63. I prefer:

a) resolve issues relating to me personally

b) find it difficult to answer

c) consult with my friends

64. If a person does not answer immediately after I have said something to him, I feel that I must have said something stupid:

b) don't know

c) wrong

65. During my school years, I gained the most knowledge:

a) in class

b) hard to say

c) reading books

66. I avoid community service and related responsibilities:

c) wrong

67. When the issue to be solved is very difficult and requires a lot of effort from me, I try:

a) take up another matter

b) find it difficult to answer

c) try again to solve this issue

68. I have strong emotions: anxiety, anger, fits of laughter, etc. - seemingly without a specific reason:

69. Sometimes I think worse than usual:

b) don't know

c) wrong

70. I am pleased to do a person a favor by agreeing to make an appointment at a time that is convenient for him, even if it is a little inconvenient for me:

71. I think that the correct number that should continue the series - 1, 2, 3, 6, 5 - would be:

72. Sometimes I have short bouts of nausea.

and dizziness without a specific cause:

b) don't know

73. I prefer to refuse my order rather than give the waiter unnecessary anxiety:

74. I live for today more than other people:

b) hard to say

c) wrong

75. At a party I like:

a) take part in an interesting conversation

b) find it difficult to answer

c) watch people relax and just relax yourself

76. I speak my mind no matter how many people can hear it:

77. If I could travel back in time, I would most like to meet with:

a) Columbus

b) don't know

c) Pushkin

78. I have to keep myself from not settling other people's

79. If people think badly of me, then I do not try to convince them, but continue to do as I see fit:

b) hard to say

80. Working in a store, I would prefer:

a) window dressing

b) don't know

c) be a cashier

81. If I see that my old friend is cold with me and avoids me-

nah, i usually:

a) I immediately think: “He is in a bad mood”

b) don't know

c) worry about what wrong thing I did

82. All misfortunes are due to people who try to make changes in everything, although there are already satisfactory ways to solve these issues:

83. I get great pleasure from telling local news:

84. Neat, demanding people do not get along with me:

c) wrong

85. It seems to me that I am less irritable than most people:

b) don't know

c) wrong

87. It happens that all morning I don’t want to talk to anyone:

c) never

88. If the hands of the clock meet exactly every 65 minutes, measured according to the exact clock, then this watch:

a) lagging behind

b) go right

c) hurry

89. I get bored:

90. People say that I like to do things in my original way:

c) wrong

91. I believe that unnecessary worries should be avoided, because they are tiring:

b) don't know

92. At home in my spare time I:

a) chatting and relaxing

b) find it difficult to answer

c) do things that interest me

93. I am timid and cautious about establishing friendships with new people:

94. I believe that what people say in verse can also be expressed in prose:

95. I suspect that people with whom I am on friendly terms may not be friends behind my back:

a) yes, in most cases

96. I think that even the most dramatic events in a year will no longer leave any traces in my soul:

97. I think it would be interesting to be:

a) naturalist and work with plants

b) don't know

c) an insurance agent

98. I experience unreasonable fear and disgust towards certain things, certain animals, places, etc.:

99. I love to think about how the world could be better:

b) hard to say

100. I prefer games:

a) where to play in a team or have a partner

b) don't know

c) where everyone plays for themselves

101. At night I have fantastic or ridiculous dreams:

102. If I stay at home alone, then after a while I feel anxiety and fear:

103. I can mislead people with my friendly attitude, because in fact I don’t like them:

104. Which word is less related to the other two:

a) think

c) hear

105. If Mary's mother is the sister of Alexander's father, then who is Alexander in relation to Mary's father?

a) cousin

b) nephew

Processing test results

1. Calculation of the sum of "raw" scores by factors. To calculate the raw scores for each of the 16 factors of the 16PF personality questionnaire, you can use special matrices with holes that are superimposed on the Answer Sheets. Such matrices are given in some methodological manuals. If there are no such matrices, then the updated Answer Sheet presented on the next page is quite suitable for calculating the sum of the “raw” scores (hereinafter “scores”) for each of the factors of the 16PF questionnaire. In this Form, indexes 1 and 2 indicate the scores for the corresponding alternative answers (a, b, c) for each of the 105 questions of the test. The form was tested in the Tallinn branch of the School of Practical and directly in the School of Practical Psychology in St. Petersburg.

Students noted that the calculation of raw scores in such Forms does not cause difficulties, while working with matrices is not convenient enough or often these matrices simply do not exist.

In the Answer Sheet, personality factors are indicated in the column on the left. Each of the factors corresponds to a specific line.

Scores are calculated for each of the factors by summing subscripts 1 and 2 (i.e., scores) for those alternative answers (a, b, c) that were marked (circled) by the subjects.

The summation result for each of the factors is put down in the right column (each factor has its own line).

The maximum score for the MD indicator (sincerity scale) is 14. The maximum score for factor B (intelligence) is 8. For this factor, one of the alternatives (a, b, c) for each of the questions (3, 20, 37, 54, 71, 88,104, 105) only one point was assigned (index 1). For all other factors, the maximum score does not exceed 12.

2. Checking test results for sincerity. The processing of test results begins with checking the answers of the subject to sincerity(in terms of MD). If the value of the indicator MD> 9, it is considered that the subject did not answer the questions sincerely or did not want to cooperate with the experimenter and gave answers at random without thinking them over. In this case, the test results are considered unreliable and their further processing and interpretation is not performed.

With an MD value of 5–8, the reliability of the test result is questioned. The experimenter decides on the possibility of further processing of the research data, based on the goals and objectives of the psychodiagnostic examination (research). The value of the MD indicator of 1–4 points characterizes the truthfulness of the subject. Further, the transfer to the walls (conditional scores of a 10-point scale), the construction of the personal profile of the subject, the analysis and interpretation of the research data are carried out.

3. Translation of "raw" scores into walls and building a personal profile. The conditional scores in the walls (the term comes from the combination of the words "standard ten") are distributed over ten points with a sample mean value of 5.5 walls. Walls 5 and 6 make up the bulk of the sample (it is assumed that the distribution is normal). The obtained "raw" scores for each of the factors are converted into walls (conditional scores on a 10-point scale). In table. 2 shows such a translation of raw scores into walls.

The walls, in turn, are divided into levels: 1-4 wall - low level; 5-6 walls - medium level: 7-10 walls - high level. The walls are the initial data for building a personality profile. The personality profile for a hypothetical subject is shown in fig. 6.

4. Analysis and interpretation of test data. The characterological personality traits are analyzed and interpreted based on the scores obtained for the relevant factors and the personality profile of the subjects. Various literary sources describe the features of the characterological profile of a person depending on the level indicators of the walls.

In a generalized form, the interpretation of the primary factors of the 16PF test is as follows.

Factor a. For high values ​​of the factor(8-10 walls) are characterized by richness and brightness of emotional manifestations, naturalness, responsiveness, ease of behavior, readiness for cooperation, a sensitive, attentive attitude towards people, kindness and kindness. Prefers to work with people, easily joins active groups, generous in personal relationships. Not afraid of criticism, well remembers faces, events, last names, first names and patronymics.

Low factor values(less than 4) indicate the absence of lively, fluttering emotions. These people are cold, tough, formal in contacts. They are closed, they are not interested in the life of others, they are alienated from people. They try to work alone, avoid collective events, do not compromise. They prefer to deal with objects, things rather than people. In deeds, they are precise, obligatory, but not flexible enough, especially in people's assessments.

It should be borne in mind that there are no good and bad indicators, that affectothymia is good, and, say, syzothymia is bad. Each type of activity has both advantages and disadvantages. Affectotymes are preferred in administrative positions that require constant communication with people.

Syzotimy - where accuracy, accuracy, thoroughness of execution are required.

Factor B.High marks(more than 7 walls) have persons with a good level of intellectual development, abstract and logical thinking. Quickly grasp new things, have a high level of learning.

The person who has low grades according to the factor (less than 4), he is prone to slow learning, hardly learns new concepts, understands everything literally and concretely. Thinking concrete, figurative. Prone to conjecture, tends to intuitive rather than logically sound solutions. Walls 1-3 reflect a low level of intelligence or a decrease in function as a result of psychopathology.

Factor C.High marks are characteristic of persons who are emotionally mature, boldly facing facts, calm, self-confident, constant in their plans and affections. They are characterized by high emotional stability. They look at things realistically, they are well aware of the requirements of reality. They do not hide their own shortcomings from themselves, they are not upset because of trifles. Able to follow rules and regulations. A high level of the factor allows you to adapt even with mental disorders.

Low scores occur in persons unable to control emotions and impulsive drives. They have reduced emotional control, no sense of responsibility. With values ​​of 1–3, the wall is moody. Internally, a person feels tired, unable to cope with life's difficulties. They are likely to have low emotional stability, a tendency to a neurotic state (sleep disorder, psychosomatic complaints), susceptibility to feelings, emotional instability.

Factor E.High marks according to the factor, they indicate dominance, the desire for dominance, independence, independence, ignoring social conventions and authorities. Act boldly and energetically. They defend their rights to independence, demand the manifestation of independence from others. They do not recognize authority over themselves. Others are blamed for conflicts.

The person who has low score according to the factor, obedient, conforming, does not know how to defend his point of view, dutifully follows the stronger. Make way for others. He does not believe in himself and in his abilities, therefore he often turns out to be dependent, takes the blame. Learning success is high in all age groups.

F factor.High marks according to the factor, they are typical for people who are cheerful, active, careless, easily perceiving life. They believe in luck and their lucky star. Mobile, impulsive. There is little concern for the future. They tend to live in the center of big cities. They love travel and change in life. In small groups, leaders are often chosen. Talkative, prone to superficial sociability.

Low scores testify to caution and restraint, concern, a tendency to complicate everything, to approach everything too seriously and cautiously. Such people live in constant worry about their future, preoccupied with their actions, constantly expecting some kind of misfortune. Carefully plan their actions, take measures against possible failures. Reasonable and somewhat dependent. prone to pessimism.

G factor. For high values factor is characterized by such features as a sense of responsibility and duty, firmness of moral principles. People with such high factor values ​​are precise and accurate in their affairs, love order in everything, do not break the rules, follow them literally even when the rules seem like an empty formality. Good self-control, striving for the affirmation of universal human values.

The person who has low score by factor, prone to inconstancy, easily abandons the work begun. Lazy, unscrupulous, selfish, with low moral control. Contemptuous of moral values, capable of deceit and dishonesty.

Associative psychopaths, delinquents, and persons with low moral character have low scores on the factor.

factor N.High marks testify to stress resistance, immunity to threat, courage, determination, craving for risk and thrills. However, these people are inattentive to details, ignore danger signals, and spend a lot of time talking. Difficulties in communication are not experienced. They tend to actively communicate, make contact with persons of the opposite sex. Do not get lost when faced with unexpected circumstances. Failures are quickly forgotten. Individuals with high factor scores are often chosen as leaders in groups where activities are associated with rivalry and risk.

For a person with low score the factor is characterized by instability of behavior in stressful situations. It has a hypersensitive nervous system, reacts sharply to any threat. Such individuals consider themselves extremely timid, unsure of their abilities, tormented by an unreasonable feeling of their own inferiority. Slow, restrained in expressing their feelings. Large companies are avoided.

Factor IHigh mark according to the factor, it is an indicator of sensitivity, softness, dreaminess, refinement, exemplary, artistic perception of the world. These persons do not like "rude people" and "rough work". They love traveling, have a rich imagination, aesthetic taste. Artistic works influence their lives more than real events. In behavior they show traits of theatricality, sometimes anxiety. Artists, artists, musicians have high marks for this factor.

Low scores characteristic of persons courageous, emotionally stable, severe, practical, realistic. They trust reason more than feeling. In relation to others, rigidity is possible, the desire to direct the group along the “correct” realistic path. They are skeptical about the humanities and the creation of spiritual values.

L factor. Persons with highly rated According to the factor, from the very beginning, all persons are approached with prejudice, wary. They are looking for clues everywhere. Nobody is trusted. They consider their friends capable of dishonesty, they are not frank with them. In the team they keep apart, envy the success of other people. They think they are underestimated. In relations with people, they are persistent, but irritable, do not tolerate competition. They have high self-esteem. Often show suspiciousness, suspicion, caution. Most of the time they don't care about others.

Man with low score according to the factor considers all people kind and good. He frankly talks about himself even to unfamiliar people, easily trusts them with his innermost dreams and material values. Self-esteem is realistic. The team is accommodating, cheerful, friendly. He is not envious, shows sincere concern for his comrades, does not seek to stand out, draw attention to himself. Arising negative emotions quickly fade away.

By occupation, a high level of the factor is typical for administrators, pilots, and lawyers. Low level - for athletes, clerical workers, service workers.

Factor M.High marks characteristic of persons with a rich imagination, dreamers, immersed in themselves, hovering in the clouds. They are characterized by autism, they are eccentric, peculiar, focused on their own desires. An original worldview, daydreaming, creative imagination, a unique demeanor, ignoring generally recognized norms. Because of self-directed interests, most often such people are rejected by the group. Among such persons there are many gifted people. Artists, musicians, and writers have average scores on the factor.

Low scores characteristic of persons mature, balanced, sane, soberly assessing circumstances and people. Follow the requirements of objective reality and generally accepted norms of behavior. Are conscientious. However, in unexpected non-standard situations, they often lack imagination and resourcefulness.

N factor. Persons with highly rated according to the factor, they are characterized by artificiality, refinement, prudence, adherence to principles. Do not give in to emotional impulses. They are held correctly, politely, aloof, somewhat ambitious. Everything is reasonable. Cunningly and skillfully build their behavior. They are skeptical about slogans and appeals. Prone to intrigue. In communication, they are soft, polite, follow speech and manners.

Low scores testify to rudeness, tactlessness, straightforwardness. These are usually open, naive people. Sociable, sociable. Poor understanding of the motives of the behavior of others. Everyone is taken on faith, they easily light up with common hobbies. Sentimental, sensitive, spontaneous. They do not know how to be cunning and dodgy, they behave naturally, simply and rudely.

Factor O. Persons with highly rated according to the factor, they are invariably preoccupied with something, always depressed, anxious, weighed down by bad forebodings. They are prone to self-reproach, self-accusation, underestimate their capabilities. Reduce their competence, knowledge and abilities. In society, they feel insecure and uncomfortable. They are kept unnecessarily modest, closed and apart.

Low scores are characteristic of faces cheerful, cheerful, satisfied with life, confident in their successes and their capabilities. Lively respond to all events. Find interest in everyday life. Insensitive to the disapproval of the group, and thus can arouse antipathy towards themselves.

Factor Q^. Persons with highly rated on this factor, they have a variety of intellectual interests, strive to be well informed about scientific and political problems, but they do not take any information for granted. Radical. Everything is skeptical, they do not trust the authorities. Easily change their point of view, calmly perceive new ideas and changes. They differ in critical thinking, tolerance for ambiguities.

Low scores characteristic of conservative, rigid people who do not like change. These are people with established opinions, rigidly adhering to norms and rules. Everything new they meet with hostility, because it seems to them absurd and meaningless. Prone to exaggeration, moralization and exhortation. All harm, in their opinion, comes from people who violate traditions and principles.

Q2 factor. Persons with highly rated according to this factor, they are independent, prefer to do everything themselves. They are characterized by self-sufficiency. They make their own decisions, achieve their implementation, they themselves bear responsibility. They are ready to sacrifice any comfort, just to maintain their independence. In their actions and deeds, they do not take into account public opinion. This is not to say that they do not like people, they simply do not need their approval and support.

Low scores indicate lack of independence, dependence, attachment to the group. These people are guided by group opinion, they need support, support from others, advice and approval. There is no initiative and courage in choosing one's own line of conduct.

Oz factor.High marks testify to organization, the ability to control one's emotions and behavior well. Such a person acts systematically and orderly, does not scatter. High self-control is based on clearly conscious goals and motives for behavior. He finishes what he started. He is well aware of social requirements and tries to fulfill them. Take care of your reputation. Reliable leaders score high on this factor.

Low scores the factor indicates a weak will and poor self-control (especially over desires). The activity of such persons is disordered, chaotic. They are often lost. Careless. They do not know how to organize their time and order of work. Often they leave the case unfinished, without sufficient deliberation they take on another.

Factor Q 3 is important for predicting the success of the activity. Correlates with success in technology, mathematics, organizational activities, where balance, objectivity and determination are required.

Od factor.High marks testify to tension, excitement, unsatisfied aspirations. A person with such indicators is restless, excited, restless. Feels overwhelmed, tired, but cannot remain idle, even in an environment conducive to relaxation. This condition is characterized by emotional instability, low mood, irritability and intolerance. In group activities, neglects such aspects as unity, order, leadership.

Low scores talk about weakness, lack of motives and desires. Persons with such an assessment of the factor are indifferent to their successes and failures. Unfrustrated, unperturbed, calm. They do not strive for change and achievement.

5. Secondary factors and their interpretation. In addition to the primary 16 factors, four second-order factors can be distinguished:

F 1 - anxiety - adaptability; F 2 - introversion - extraversion;

F 3 - sensitivity - reactive balance; F 4 - conformity - independence. The calculation of secondary factors is carried out according to the formulas:

F 1 \u003d [(38 + 2L + 30 + 4Q 4) - 2 (C + H + Q 3)]: 10;

F 2 \u003d [(2A + 3E + 4F + 5H) - (2Q 2 + 11)]: 10;


F 4 \u003d [(4E + 3M + 4Q 1 + 4Q 2) - (ZA + 2C)]: 10.

Factor F1:(-) anxiety - (+) adaptability

Low scores - life in general satisfies a person. However, low scores on this factor indicate a lack of motivation. A person does not strive for a big deal, does not set himself the achievement of difficult goals.

High marks by factor do not necessarily indicate a neurotic personality. Anxiety can be situational. Poor adaptability. Dissatisfaction with what has been achieved. Very high anxiety interferes with productive activity. May cause somatic disorders.

Factor F2:(-) introvert - (+) extrovert

Low scores according to the factor, they indicate either timidity and shyness, or restraint and secrecy.

High marks they say that a person is socially contact, uninhibited, successfully establishes and maintains interpersonal relationships.

Factor F3:(-) sensitivity - (+) reactive balance

Low scores testify to the fragile emotionality of a person, sensitivity, artistic softness, calmness, politeness. Sometimes difficulties arise because of too much thinking.

High marks they talk about stability, cheerfulness, determination, enterprise, a tendency not to notice the subtleties of life. Difficulties can arise from acting too hastily without sufficient thought.

Factor F4:(-) conformity - (+) independence

Low scores - submission, dependence, passivity, restraint. A person needs support and seeks it from people. Tendency to focus on group norms.

High scores - independence, aggressiveness, courage, acumen, ingenuity, speed, initiative.

In the practice of working with students of the Tallinn Department of the Practical School, correlations were revealed between various indicators of organizational and communicative qualities, determined by the method of L.P. Kalininsky, and the corresponding factors of the 16PF questionnaire test. For example, indicators such as "efficiency", "dominance" are directly dependent on high values ​​of the factor Q (control of desires) and low values ​​of the factor O (self-confidence), and the indicator "confidence" is directly dependent on high values ​​of the factor A (goodwill). ) and factor E (carelessness), low values ​​of factor I (gullibility).

Primary Factors
I. Factor "A"
(focused on determining the degree of sociability of a person in a group)
"-" "Schizothymia""+" "Affectothymia"
secretive, isolated, critical, adamant, uncommunicative, withdrawn, indifferent, defends his ideas, aloof, precise, objective, distrustful, skeptical, cold (hard), angry, gloomywarm-hearted, kind, sociable, open, natural, laid-back, good-natured, carefree, ready for fellowship, prefers to join, attentive to people, soft-hearted, casual, trusting, goes on about, easily adapts, cheerful
II. Factor "B"
"-" "Low intelligence""+" "High intelligence"
uncollected, dull, concreteness and rigidity of thinking, emotional disorganization of thinking, low mental abilities, cannot solve abstract problemscollected, quick-witted, abstract thinking is observed, high general mental abilities, insightful, quick to grasp, intellectually adapts, there is some connection with the level of verbal culture and erudition
III. Factor "C"
"–" "Weakness I""+" "Strength I"
weakness, emotional instability, influenced by feelings, changeable, easily upset, loses balance of mind when upset, changeable in relationships and unstable in interests, restless, avoids public, tends to concede, refuses to work, does not enter into arguments in problematic situations , neurotic symptoms, hypochondria, fatiguestrength, emotional stability, restraint, calm, phlegmatic, soberly looks at things, efficient, realistic, emotionally mature, has constant interests, calm, realistically assesses the situation, manages the situation, avoids difficulties, emotional rigidity and insensitivity may occur
IV. Factor "E"
"-" "Conformity""+" "Dominance"
mild, meek obedient, helpful, amiable, dependent, shy, compliant, takes the blame, uncomplaining, passive, submissive, submissive, tactful, diplomatic, expressive, modest, easily unbalanced by authoritative leadership and authoritiesdominance, bossiness, uncompromising, self-confident, assertive, aggressive, stubborn, conflict, wayward, unstable, independent, rude, hostile, gloomy, rebel, rebellious, adamant, demands admiration
V. Factor "F"
"-" "Restraint""+" "Expressiveness"
preoccupied, calm, silent, serious, taciturn, prudent, reasonable, introspective, caring, thoughtful, unsociable, slow, cautious, inclined to complicate, pessimistic in the perception of reality, worries about the future, expects failures, seems boring to others, lethargic, stiffcarefree, enthusiastic, inattentive, careless, careless, cheerful, cheerful, impulsive, mobile, energetic, talkative, frank, expressive, lively, agile, the importance of social contacts is noted, sincere in relationships, emotional, dynamic in communication, often becomes a leader, enthusiast believes in luck
VI. "G" factor
"–" "Low super-ego""+" "High super-ego"
susceptibility to feelings, disagreement with generally accepted moral norms and standards, fickle, flexible, changeable, distrustful, self-indulgent, careless, lazy, independent, ignoring duties, subject to chance and circumstances, unprincipled, irresponsible, disorganized, possibly antisocial behaviorhigh normativity, strong character, conscientious, persistent, moralist, sedate, balanced, responsible, stubborn, persistent, resolute, trustworthy, emotionally disciplined, collected, conscientious, has a sense of duty, observes moral standards and rules, perseverance in achieving goals, accuracy , business orientation
VII. Factor "H"
"-" "Trektia""+" "Parmia"
timidity, indecision, insecure, shy, embarrassed in the presence of others, restrained, fearful, emotional, embittered, irritable, limited, strictly adheres to rules, quickly reacts to danger, hypersensitivity to threat, delicate, attentive to others, prefers to be in the shadows, prefers one or two friends to a large societycourageous, adventurous, social courage, thick-skinned, adventurous, risk-taking, outgoing, active, obvious interest in the other sex, sensitive, sympathetic, good-natured, impulsive, disinhibited, free-moving, emotional, artistic interests, carefree, does not understand danger
VIII. Factor "I"
"-" "Harria""+" "Premium"
low sensitivity, severity, thick skin, does not believe in illusions, rationality, realistic judgments, practicality, some cruelty, unsentimental, expects little from life, courageous, self-confident, takes responsibility, harsh (to the point of cynicism), callous in relationships, insignificant artistic inclinations, without loss of sense of taste, not a dreamer, acts practical and logical, constant, does not pay attention to physical ailmentskindness, tenderness, dependence, sensitivity, overcaution, desire for patronage, restless, fussy, restless, expects attention from others, obsessive, unreliable, seeks help and sympathy, capable of empathy and understanding, kind, tolerant of himself and others, sophisticated, cutesy, pompous, feigned, romantic, artistic, windy, acts on intuition, feminine, fantasizes in conversation and alone with himself, changeable, hypochondriac, worries about his state of health, artistic perception of the world
IX. Factor "L"
"-" "Alaxia""+" "Protensia"
gullible, frank, feeling of insignificance, agrees with conditions, inner relaxation, complains about changes, unsuspicious, free from dependence, easily forgets difficulties, understands, forgives, tolerant, accommodating, sympathetic towards others, carelessly treats remarks, accommodating, easy to get along with people, works well in a teamsuspicion, jealousy, "protection" and internal tension, envious, great conceit, dogmatism, suspicion, detains his attention on failures, tyrant, requires others to bear responsibility for mistakes, irritable, his interests are turned to himself, careful in his actions, egocentric
X. Factor "M"
"-" "Praxernia""+" "autia"
practical, firm, little imagination, down-to-earth aspirations, quickly solves practical problems, preoccupied with his own interests, prosaic, avoids everything unusual, follows conventional norms, reliable in practical judgment, honest, conscientious, restless, has some narrow-mindedness, overly attentive to detail, is guided objective realitydaydreaming, idealistic, imaginative, bohemian, distracted, preoccupied with own ideas, interested in art and basic beliefs, fascinated by inner illusions, highly creative, capricious, easily deviates from common sense, unbalanced, easily enraptured
XI. N factor
"-" "Straightness""+" "Diplomacy"
naivety, simplicity, direct, frank, natural, spontaneous, tactless in handling, has a non-concrete mind, sociable, emotionally unrestrained, simple tastes, lack of insight, inexperienced in the analysis of motivations, content with what is available, blindly believes in human essenceinsight, cunning, experienced, sophisticated, prudent, reasonable, refined, knows how to behave in society, has an accurate mind, emotionally restrained, artificial, aesthetically sophisticated, insightful in relation to others, ambitious, sometimes unreliable, cautious, "cuts corners"
XII. "O" factor
"-" "Hyperthymia""+" "Hypothymia"
carelessness, self-confidence, arrogance, calmness, serenity, complacency, composure, cheerful, cheerful, unrepentant, serene, calm, insensitive to the approval or disapproval of others, careless, energetic, fearless, thoughtlessguilt, full of anxiety and foreboding, self-flagellation, self-doubt, vulnerable, anxiety, depressed, depressed, crying easily, easily hurt, lonely, moody, impressionable, strong sense of duty, sensitive to the reactions of others, scrupulous, fussy, hypochondriac, symptoms of fear, immersed in gloomy thoughts
XIII. Factor "Q1"
"-" "Conservatism""+" "Radicalism"
venerable, has established views and ideas, accepts only the tested by time, is suspicious of new people, is skeptical of new ideas, tolerant of traditional difficulties, prone to moralizing and moralizingexperimenter, analyst, liberal, freethinker, tolerance for inconvenience, critical, well-informed, does not trust authorities, takes nothing on faith, is characterized by the presence of intellectual interests
XIV. Factor "Q2"
"-" "Dependence on the group""+" "Self-sufficiency"
sociability, lack of independence, consistency, needs group support, makes decisions together with others, follows public opinion, focuses on social approval, lacks initiativeindependence from the group, autonomy, resourcefulness, makes decisions independently, can dominate, does not need the support of other people, independent
XV. Factor "Q3"
"-" "Low conceit""+" "High conceit"
poorly controlled, careless, inaccurate, follows his own impulses, does not consider social rules, inattentive and indelicate, undisciplined, internal conflict of ideas about himselfpride, self-control, precise, strong-willed, can subdue, acts according to a conscious plan, effective leader, accepts social norms, controls his emotions and behavior, brings the matter to the end, purposeful
XVI. Factor "Q4"
"–" "Low ego tension""+" "High ego-tension"
relaxed, calm, lethargic, apathetic, reserved, non-frustrating, low motivation, laziness, over-satisfaction, equanimitycollected, energetic, agitated, irritable, highly motivated, active despite fatigue, poor sense of order, irritable
Secondary factors
I. Factor "F1"
"-" "Low anxiety""+" "High anxiety"
life in general is satisfying, able to achieve what you want, low motivation and hence inability to achieve difficult goalsnot necessarily neurotic (because anxiety can be situational), poor adjustment (possibly), dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, very high anxiety usually disrupts activity
II. Factor "F2"
"-" "Introvert""+" "Extrovert"
shyness, shyness, "enough of myself", suppressed in interpersonal conflicts, shyness (not necessarily), restraint, secrecyestablishes and maintains social contacts well
III. Factor "F3"
"-" "Sensitivity""+" "Reactive balance"
fragile emotionality, sensitivity to subtleties, artistic softness, calmness, politeness, difficulty in making decisions due to an excess of thoughtstability, cheerfulness, determination, enterprise, tendency to overlook the subtleties of life, focused on the obvious and obvious, difficulties due to too hasty action without sufficient weighing
IV. Factor "F4"
"-" "Conformity""+" "Independence"
subordination, dependence, passivity, restraint, needs support and seeks it from people, a tendency to focus on group normsaggressiveness, courage, acumen, acumen, quickness

Interpretation of pair combinations of primary factors.

When interpreting the results obtained, it is advisable to use not only the severity of individual factors, but also their combinations, which form symptom complexes of communicative, intellectual, emotional and regulatory personality traits. In this case, one should take into account not only the pole values ​​of the factors, but also the average ones, which are quite often encountered in the practice of a psychologist.

The group of communicative properties is formed by the following factors:

A - sociability
N - courage
E - dominance
L - suspicion
N - diplomacy
Q 2 - independence.

The combination of factors A and H reflects the individual's need for communication, the ability to communicate.

High values ​​of factors A (8-10 walls) and H (8-10 walls) mean that a person strives for communication, easily and quickly, often on his own initiative, comes into contact with strangers and unfamiliar people. The experience of interpersonal communication is great, but often the relationship is superficial and short-lived. Does not experience stress in a large audience. Maintains self-confidence, is able to defend his position when dealing with authoritative people. Communication is the main way to solve all your problems.

The average values ​​of factors A (4-7 walls) and H (4-7 walls) characterize a person who does not avoid relationships with people, but his own activity in establishing and maintaining contacts is low. He becomes the initiator of communication if his interests are affected or the problem is solved only through communication. Selective in communication; has a small circle of friends and acquaintances who are close in interests and value orientations and with whom he feels comfortable. Communication with a large audience or people of authority requires overcoming tension.

Low values ​​of factors A (wall 1-3) and H (wall 1-3) are inherent in a person who has a weakly expressed need to communicate with people. Extremely selective in establishing and maintaining contacts. The social circle is limited to friends and relatives. Avoids communication with a large audience and authorities. Experiencing great difficulty when there are difficulties associated with requests.

The combination of factors L and N characterizes the attitude of the individual towards other people.

High values ​​of the factors L (8-10 walls) and N (8-10 walls) are characteristic of a person who is distinguished by pronounced social insight. He clearly sees the hidden meaning of everyday situations, interpersonal relationships. Understands people, the motives of their behavior and experiences. He subtly feels the attitude of other people towards himself, and this allows him to quickly change the style and distance of communication if the communicative situation changes. In conflict situations, seeks to avoid "sharp corners", looking for compromise solutions. At the same time, he is wary, internally tense and may experience anxiety in relationships with people. Often judges people with prejudice.

The average values ​​of the factors L (4-7 walls) and N (4-7 walls) reflect the ability of a person to understand people quite subtly, to think about the motives of their behavior. However, such a person rarely focuses on his assessments and characteristics. He treats people kindly, but without much confidence. Establishes trusting relationships with those who are close in interests, with whom they maintain long-term relationships. He understands other people's problems, but prefers to keep his own problems a secret and solve them on his own. Conflicts and disagreements with others are possible, but they are not long-lasting.

Low values ​​of the factors L (1-3 wall) and N (1-3 wall) belong to a person who is natural in behavior. Benevolently, without prejudice, treats other people, condescendingly evaluates their actions. However, it can offend due to an inaccurate understanding of the state of the interlocutor, the motives of his behavior, or due to insufficient insight into the essence of the situation. Rarely feels the nuances of communication, maintains the style and distance of communication, regardless of changes in the communicative situation.

The combination of factors E and Q 2 reflects some aspects of the leadership potential of the individual.

High values ​​of factors E (8-10 walls) and Q 2 (8-10 walls) are characteristic of a person who actively seeks to take a leadership position in a group. He has his own point of view on many issues. Seeks to approve it among others and change their behavior in accordance with their own vision and understanding of the situation. The opinion of others is critical, resorting to it rarely. Prefers independent decisions that do not change even under pressure from the group.

The average values ​​of the factors E (4-7 walls) and Q 2 (4-7 walls) indicate a moderately pronounced leadership potential of the individual. Existing own point of view on many issues is not imposed on the group. Leadership functions are manifested mainly in familiar situations, the development of which can be foreseen, and the appearance of difficulties can be prevented. Leadership activity is also possible when the situation deeply affects personal interests. He respects the opinion of the group as well as his own. He takes it into account, can change his own under the pressure of the group. However, he prefers to make responsible decisions on his own.

Low values ​​of factors E (1-3 wall) and Q 2 (1-3 wall) indicate low leadership potential. A person does not seek to take a leading position among the surrounding people or in a group. Prefers to obey. Easily agrees with the opinions of others, quickly changes his own point of view. Tends to avoid situations requiring own responsibility for decision making. Experiences tension when it is necessary to independently overcome obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

The group of intellectual properties includes the following factors:

B - intelligence
M - daydreaming
N - diplomacy
Q 1 - susceptibility to the new.

The combination of factors B and M characterizes the intellectual capabilities of the individual.

High values ​​of factors B (8-10 walls) and M (8-10 walls) mean high intellectual abilities, passion for abstract ideas. Easily solves abstract problems, quickly establishes cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena. Has a rich imagination, developed figurative thinking. At the same time, thinking is logical and has a high level of generalization.

The average values ​​of factors B (4-7 walls) and M (4-7 walls) reflect the possibility of achieving success in solving simple abstract problems. The greatest success is achieved in solving practical problems. A person is capable of creativity, detailed development of ideas put forward by others.

Low values ​​of factors B (wall 1-3) and M (wall 1-3) characterize the predominance of specific, practically oriented thinking in the structure of the intellect. When making decisions, he focuses mainly on common sense and facts. Solving abstract problems requires additional effort and time.

The combination of factors N and Q 1 reflect the flexibility and efficiency of thinking of the individual.

High values ​​of the factors N (8-10 walls) and Q 1 (8-10 walls) indicate the flexibility of thinking and the speed of decision-making. A person easily penetrates the meaning of a problem situation, quickly calculates possible solutions and finds the optimal one. Inclined to experiment with objects, ideas. In decisions, he focuses on new approaches, is not afraid of mistakes and miscalculations.

The average values ​​of the factors N (4-7 walls) and Q 1 (4-7 walls) are found in people who tend to quickly navigate in problem situations, but who are not always able to calculate solutions. In this regard, the chosen solution is not always optimal. New ideas and solutions are used in a balanced way, only after a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the consequences.

Low values ​​of the factors N (1-3 wall) and Q 1 (1-3 wall) are recorded in those who have difficulty orienting themselves in problem situations. Understanding the meaning of the problem situation, the choice of solutions require additional intellectual effort and time. Attitude towards new ideas is wary. When solving life problems, methods and techniques proven by experience are used.

In the group of emotional properties, the following factors are combined:

C - emotional stability
F - carelessness
H - courage in social contacts
I - emotional sensitivity
O - anxiety
Q 4 - tension

The combination of factors C and I characterizes the sensitivity of the individual to emotional influences.

High values ​​of factors C (8-10 walls) and low values ​​of factor I (1-3 walls) are characteristic of a person who has a realistic perception of the environment, ongoing events. Feels protected, able to cope with various difficulties. The range of situations that evoke strong emotional reactions is limited. He tends to rationalize his own emotional experiences, impressions. In communication with other people, he focuses mainly on the reasonable. He rarely focuses on his own feelings.

The average values ​​of factors C (4-7 walls) and I (4-7 walls) are typical for a person who maintains emotional balance mainly in a familiar environment. With the unexpected appearance of additional difficulties, a short-term feeling of anxiety and helplessness arises. Strong emotional reactions are possible in those situations that deeply affect actual needs.

Low values ​​of factors C (1-3 walls) and high values ​​of factor I (8-10 walls) mean that a person perceives what is happening around him primarily emotionally. Emotional sensitivity is high. Emotions arise quickly, for any, even insignificant, reason. The range of emotional experiences is diverse: from enthusiasm, satisfaction to fear, anxiety and depression. Emotions become the main regulator of behavior and relationships with people.

The combination of factors H and F reflects the propensity for risky behavior.

High values ​​of factors H (8-10 walls) and F (8-10 walls) allow us to talk about optimism. Difficulties, failures of existing situations are not noticed or forced out. Belief in luck, in a favorable outcome of undertakings prevails. Life prospect is perceived positively. Attract risky situations. May risk both health and material well-being. Taking risks regardless of the consequences. Unjustified risk is possible, risk for the sake of risk.

The average values ​​of the factors H (4-7 walls) and F (4-7 walls) reflect a person's desire to find the positive in life. However, it is not possible to completely disconnect from troubles, from everyday problems. He believes in luck if the situations are familiar and you can use proven behavioral strategies and problem solving. Risks wisely. Risky situations attract when the risk is justified and success is realistically achievable.

Low values ​​of the factors H (1-3 wall) and F (1-3 wall) are found in those who tend to dramatize events, complicate what is happening. Mood is often depressed. Life perspective is perceived mostly negatively. Self-confidence is weak. The focus is on avoiding failure. The risk is scary. Risk situations are avoided.

The combination of factors O and Q 4 characterizes different manifestations of anxiety as a personality trait.

High values ​​of factors O (8-10 walls) and Q 4 (8-10 walls) describe a person who often worries about possible failures and unpleasant events, regrets his past actions. Dissatisfied with himself, feels guilty, which creates difficulties in relationships with others. Painfully endures criticism in his address. Praise, compliments are accepted with great distrust. He perceives obstacles on the way to achieving the goal as insurmountable, he tends to fixate on the unpleasant sides of events, which hinders the search for a way out of problem situations.

The average values ​​of the factors O (4-7 walls) and Q 4 (4-7 walls) refer to a person who experiences anxiety, anxiety in unusual situations. When the environment is familiar and predictable, the feeling of anxiety weakens or does not arise at all. He tries to objectively perceive what is happening and the people around him. Obstacles on the way to achieving the goal seem insurmountable, but for quite a long time he is looking for optimal ways out of the current problem situation. At first he perceives critical remarks addressed to him with irritation, then he finds a rational grain in them, and the irritation is removed. In conflict situations, he tends to blame not only others, but also himself.

Low values ​​of factors O (1-3 wall) and Q 4 (1-3 wall) are typical for a person who critically perceives the surrounding reality. He rarely worries about the future, and does not care about past actions either. High self-esteem, self-confidence, satisfaction with one's achievements help to overcome real obstacles. Tolerant of critical remarks addressed to him. In conflict situations, he tends to blame others.

The group of regulatory personality traits includes the following factors:

Q 3 - self-discipline
G - moral normativity

High values ​​of factors Q 3 (8-10 walls) and G (8-10 walls) are found in those who are able to mobilize themselves to achieve the goal in spite of internal resistance and external obstacles. Acts thoughtfully and persistently. Organized: finishes the work started, clearly represents the order of the work performed, plans the time. Maintains self-control in critical situations, is able to regulate external manifestations of emotions. Critical of himself. Behavior is often governed by the demands of the group, the demands of the people around them. Responsible, with a strong sense of duty.

The average values ​​of factors Q 3 (4-7 walls) and G (4-7 walls) indicate a person's ability to be organized and persistent, especially in situations in which he has adapted. In the event of an unexpected appearance of an additional load, it can act chaotically, disorganized. Selectively applies to general group norms and requirements. Conscientiousness, responsibility in personally significant situations can be combined with the formal performance of duties when the situation does not affect personal interests.

Low values ​​of factors Q 3 (1-3 wall) and G (1-3 wall) are typical for those who retreat from the desired goal as soon as internal or external obstacles appear. Often acts disorganized. He does not know how to plan and rationally allocate his time. Behavior is regulated mainly by personal, momentary desires and needs, so it does not always fit into the traditional framework. Their capabilities are not always evaluated critically. Fairly free of moral norms.

Secondary factors of R. Cattell's questionnaire.

Secondary factors are calculated only for walls.

1. Anxiety
F1 = : 10,
Where "38" is a normalizing constant,
L, O, Q 4 , C, H, Q 3 - the values ​​of the corresponding factors in the walls.

2. Extraversion
F2 = : 10,
Where "10" is a normalizing constant,
A, E, F, H, Q 2 - the values ​​of the corresponding factors in the walls.

3. Emotional lability
F3 = : 10,
Where "77" is a normalizing constant,
C, E, F, N, A, I, M - values ​​of the corresponding factors in the walls.

4. Dominance
F4 = : 10
Where E, M, Q 1 , Q 2 , A, G are the values ​​of the corresponding factors in the walls.

The walls are distributed on a bipolar scale with extreme values ​​of 1 and 10 points. Accordingly, the first half of the scale (from 1 to 5.5) is assigned a "-" sign, the second half (from 5.5 to 10) is assigned a "+" sign. From the available indicators for all 16 factors, the so-called "personality profile" is built. When interpreting, attention is paid, first of all, to the "peaks" of the profile, that is, the lowest and highest values ​​​​of factors in the profile, especially those indicators that are in the "negative" pole within the boundaries of 1 to 3 walls, and in the "positive" » - from 8 to 10 walls.

R. Cattell's method of multifactorial personality research (No. 187). Interpretation.

stimulus material. R. Cattell's method of multifactorial personality research (No. 187)


The processing of the received data is carried out using the "key". The coincidence of the answers of the subject with the "key" is estimated at two points for the answers "a" and "c", the coincidence of the answer "c" - one point. The sum of points for each selected group of questions results in the value of the factor. The exception is factor "B" - here any match of the answer with the "key" gives 1 point.

The resulting value of each factor is translated into walls using the tables below.

The walls are distributed on a bipolar scale with extreme values ​​of 1 and 10 points. Accordingly, the first half of the scale (from 1 to 5.5) is assigned the sign "-", the second half (from 5.5 to 10) the sign "+". From the available indicators for all 16 factors, the so-called "personality profile" is built. When interpreting, attention is paid, first of all, to the "peaks" of the profile, that is, the lowest and highest values ​​​​of factors in the profile, especially those indicators that are in the "negative" pole within the boundaries of 1 to 3 walls, and in the "positive" » - from 8 to 10 walls.

An example of building a "PERSONALITY PROFILE"

The set of factors is also analyzed in their interrelations in such blocks, for example:

Intellectual features: factors B, M, Q 1 ;

Emotional-volitional features: factors C, G, I, O, Q 3 , Q 4 ;

Communicative properties and features of interpersonal interaction: factors A, H, F, E, Q 2 , N, L.

In addition to the original 16 factors, it is possible to single out the "c-gear factor of the second order.

Formulas for calculating four secondary factors:

1. Anxiety. (F1).

F 1 \u003d [(38 + 2 "L" + 30 + 4 "Q 4") - 2 ("C" + "H" + "Q 3")]: 10

2. Introversion - extraversion. (F2).

F 2 \u003d [ (2 "A" + 3 "E" + 4 "F" + 5 "H" - (2 "Q 2" + 11)]: 10

3. Sensitivity. (F3).

F 3 \u003d [(77 + 2"C" + 2"E" + 2"F" + 2"N") - (4"A" + 6"I" + 2"M")]: 10

4. Conformity. (F4).

F 4 = [(4"E" + 3"M" + 4"Q 1 "+ 4"Q 2") - (3"A" + 2"C")]: 10

Interpretation of factors

Primary factors:


"-" "Schizothymia"

Hidden; detached; critical; inflexible; aloof; uncommunicative; closed; indifferent.

Critical; defends his ideas; cold; aloof; accurate; objective; incredulous; skeptical; inflexible; cold (hard); angry; gloomy.

"+" "Affectothymia"

Warm-hearted, kind, carefree, sociable, open, natural, laid-back.

Good-natured, careless; ready for the community, prefers to join; attentive to people; soft-hearted, careless; confiding; easily adapts, goes on about; cordial, cheerful.

In general, the factor is focused on determining the degree of sociability of a person in a group.



"-" "Weakness I"

Weakness, emotional instability; is: under the influence of feelings; easily upset, changeable.

With disorders, he loses the balance of the spirit; changeable in relationships and unstable in interests; easily upset, restless; evades responsibility, tends to yield, refuses to work; does not enter into disputes in problematic situations; neurotic symptoms; hypochondria, fatigue.

"+" "Strength I"

Strength, emotional stability; consistency; calm, phlegmatic, soberly looks at things, hard-working, realistically tuned.

Emotionally mature; has permanent interests; calm; realistically assesses the situation, manages the situation, avoids difficulties. There may be emotional rigidity, insensitivity.


"-" "Conformity"

Gentle, meek, obedient, helpful, amiable; shy, compliant, dependent; takes the blame, resigned, passive.

Submissive, submissive, tactful, diplomatic; expressive, easily unbalanced by authoritative leadership, authorities; humble.

"+" "Dominance"

Dominance, power; uncompromising, self-confident, assertive, aggressive; stubborn, possibly to the point of aggressiveness; conflict, arrogant.

Unstable; independent; rude, hostile; gloomy; naughty, rebel; inflexible; demands admiration.


"-" "Desurgence, restraint"

Concerned, calm, silent, serious, taciturn, prudent, reasonable.

Silent, with introspection; caring, thoughtful; uncommunicative; slow, cautious; inclined to complicate, pessimistic in the perception of reality. Worries about the future, expects failures, others seem boring, lethargic, stiff.

"+" "Surgence, expressiveness"

Carefree, enthusiastic, inattentive, careless, careless.

Cheerful, cheerful, impulsive, agile, energetic; talkative, frank, expressive, lively, agile. The importance of social contacts is noted. Sincere in relationships; emotional. Dynamic in communication. Often becomes a leader, an enthusiast; believes in luck.


"-" "Low super-ego"

Exposure to feelings, disagreement with generally accepted moral norms, standards.

Fickle, changeable, flexible, distrustful; indulges his desires; careless, lazy; independent, ignoring duties. Subject to the influence of chance and circumstances. Unscrupulousness, disorganization, irresponsibility. Possibly antisocial behavior.

"+" "High super-ego"

High normativity, strong character; conscientious, persistent, moralist, sedate, balanced, responsible.

Persistent, persistent, resolute; worthy of trust; emotionally disciplined, collected; conscientious, has a sense of duty; adheres to moral standards and rules. Perseverance in achieving the goal; accuracy, business orientation.


"-" "Trektia"

Timidity, indecision, shyness, restraint, timidity.

Embarrassed in the presence of others; emotional; restrained; embittered, irritated; limited, strictly adheres to the rules, quickly reacts to danger, is characterized by increased sensitivity to the threat; delicate, attentive to others. Not confident in your abilities; prefers to be in the shade; prefers one or two friends to a large society.

"+" "Parmia"

Courage, enterprise, social courage, thick skin.

Adventurous, risk-averse, sociable; active, obvious interest in the other sex; sensitive, responsive; good-natured; impulsive; disinhibited, held freely; emotional, artistic interests; carefree, does not understand the danger.


"-" "Harria"

Low sensitivity, thick skin, severity, does not believe in illusions, rationality, realistic judgments, practicality,<некоторая жестокость.

Unsentimental, expects from life; courageous, self-confident, takes responsibility; harsh (to the point of cynicism), callous in relationships; slight artistic inclinations, without loss of sense of taste; not a dreamer; acts in a practical and logical manner; permanent; does not pay attention to physical ailments.

"+" "Premium"

Kindness, tenderness, sensitivity; dependence, overcaution, the desire for patronage.

Restless, fussy, restless, expects attention from others; intrusive, unreliable; looking for help and sympathy; capable of empathy, sympathy, empathy, understanding; kind, gentle, tolerant of himself and others; sophisticated, cutesy, pompous, feigned, artistic, feminine; fantasizes in conversation and alone with himself, prone to romanticism, artistic perception of the world; acts on intuition; changeable, windy; hypochondriac, worries about his health.


"-" "Alaxia"

Credulity, inner relaxation; agrees to the terms, frank.

Feeling of own insignificance; complains about change unsuspicious, free from dependence; easily forgets difficulties; understands, forgives; tolerant, benevolent towards others, accommodating; carelessly treats comments; flexible, easy to get along with people, works well in a team.

"+" "Protensia"

Suspicion, jealousy, "protection" and inner tension.

Jealous, envious; great conceit; dogmatism, suspicion; detains its attention on failures; tyrant. Requires others to take responsibility for mistakes; irritable. His interests are directed at himself, he is cautious in his actions, self-centered.


"-" "Praxernia"

Practicality, earthly principles, earthiness of aspirations, little imagination.

Quickly resolves practical issues; busy with his own interests; prosaic, avoids everything unusual; follows generally accepted standards; guided by objective reality, reliable in practical judgment; honest, conscientious, restless but firm. He is characterized by some limitation, excessive attention to detail.

"+" "autia"

Dreaminess, idealism, rich imagination, bohemianism, absent-mindedness.

Absorbed by his ideas; interested in art, theory, basic beliefs; fascinated by inner illusions; high creative potential. Capricious, easily deviates from common sense. Easily enthralled, unbalanced.


"-" "Straightness"

Naivete, simplicity. Direct, frank, natural, spontaneous.

Direct, but tactless in handling. Has a non-concrete mind. Sociable, emotionally unrestrained.

Simple tastes. Lack of discernment. Inexperienced in the analysis of motivations. Satisfied with what is available. Blindly believes in human nature.

"+" "Diplomacy"

Insight, cunning. Experienced, sophisticated, prudent, reasonable.

Refined, knows how to behave in society. Has a precise mind. Emotionally restrained. Artificial.

Aesthetically sophisticated. Perceptive towards others. Ambitious, possibly unreliable. Cautious, cuts corners.


"-" "Hyperthymia"

Carelessness, self-confidence, arrogance, calmness, serenity, complacency, composure.

Cheerful, cheerful. Unrepentant, Serene, calm. Insensitive to the approval or disapproval of others. Careless. Energetic. Fearless. Thoughtless.

"+" "Hypothymia"

Guilt; full of fear, anxiety, premonitions; self-flagellation, self-doubt, anxiety.

Depressed, depressed, crying easily. Easily vulnerable, dominated by moods, impressionable. Strong sense of duty, sensitive to the reactions of others. Scrupulous, fussy. Hypochondriac. Symptoms of fear. Lonely, immersed in gloomy thoughts, vulnerable.





Secondary factors:





stimulus material. R. Cattell's method of multifactorial personality research (No. 187)