Useful skill. Rare Divine Skills Blood and Soul

Rare Skills

Rare skills are passive abilities that can be obtained by killing bosses in the level 85 dungeon "Heledor".

If you get a rare skill, you must activate it within 30 minutes, otherwise the scroll with the skill will disappear. After studying, you will receive a skill to use, for a period of seven days.

The number of rare skills that can be activated at a time can be viewed in the corresponding tab, in the divinity window. You can open it by pressing the H key, or the corresponding button in the panel on the right.

After that, go to the "Abilities" tab and click on the "Rare Skills" button. At the top you will see the inscription "Active", opposite which there will be numbers showing how many rare skills are activated, and what is their maximum number. It depends on your divine rank.

Hover your mouse over a skill and you'll see what bonuses it gives, as well as the remaining duration.

Externally, an activated rare skill looks like wings, the size of which depends on the number of skills. Do not forget that they can drop out after death if you have low karma. Therefore, when they see the wings, they may try to kill you for the sake of the skill.

Every man learns in life what he believes will be useful to him personally. Something important and irreplaceable. But at the same time, there are useful skills that could also be mastered, because these skills usually remain on the sidelines, but can be in demand at any time by the people around him. So that if suddenly there is some local apocalypse, an emergency or just a difficult situation, they would say about such a man: “There is a real man among us, he will do everything!” And this “do” can be anything from the very basics of survival, finding water and providing first aid, to cooking, buying clothes and fixing a car.

Therefore, here are 50 skills that are extremely useful and necessary for every man to learn ...

1. Carpentry

Carpentry is one of the oldest and most useful human skills. We can say that this is one of the reasons for the existence of our civilization. Carpentry has been around for thousands of years, and is more than relevant today. You don't have to be able to build a house from scratch, but some common things like sawing, planing and drilling, using power tools, hammering nails, driving screws, assembling and disassembling furniture, building something as simple as a shelf, or even a birdhouse - it is simply necessary to know and be able to.

2. First aid

After obtaining water, first aid is the most important survival skill. Fortunately, in our time, the ability to provide first aid is not something that will be required of you every day, but if you know how to treat a wound and stop the bleeding, sooner or later it will save your life or someone else. Simply that knowing the basics of first aid means knowing your limits. If you're not a doctor, you don't need to try to put a broken bone back in place, because in the end, this attempt will lead to more damage or even rupture of large blood vessels, and, ultimately, death ...

3. Building a fire

The skill of building a fire is suitable for survival situations, as well as for hiking and camping. It is important to remember that the guarantee of a good flame and a “tenacious” fire is its breathing, that is, the flow of oxygen. You also need to know the advantages and disadvantages of different types of wood during burning, and options for "lighting" for a fire (for example, freshly cut branches will be too wet to start a fire). Creating fire is a very slow process if done right. This is not a bunch of dry branches at the bottom of the barbecue, which you need to douse with lighter fluid and throw a burning match there. Here you have to actually coax the fire into life, slowly feed it and grow it in order to get the maximum benefit later.

4. Construction of a hut or any other shelter

We hope that you will never have to spend the night in the wild in a situation where you have never planned and never wanted to. But, if this happens, you will have to build a shelter from the weather and wild animals. Any design will do - from a simple hut to a more advanced shelter. However, remember that it is not enough to simply build a pile of branches and spruce branches, it is more important to think about bedding that insulates you from the cold ground when you sleep, and how such a design can protect you from rain, wind and predators. And one more thing - choose wisely and the area itself. A survival shelter set up in a riverbed or on a wildlife trail can do more harm than good.

5. Buying a suit

You might think that an event like buying a suit is something simple and not very necessary. But here you are mistaken, this is a very complex and useful skill. Buying a good suit is more like buying a car. To make a successful purchase, you will not only have to learn to distinguish between style, cut and cut, but also be well versed in pricing, distinguish good offers from divorce. The best option here is to go to a professional tailor or tailor to ultimately get a suit that fits your figure perfectly. This is not a shame to go to an interview, to the wedding of a best friend or any other formal event that requires respectability in appearance.

6. Fishing

There is a saying: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish - he will be fed all his life! A hackneyed phrase, but that's the way it is. Fishing is a useful skill and a great way to get the essential protein, whether you're on a river, stranded on a desert island, or just love sushi and rolls. Fishing is also a great opportunity to relax in nature, relaxing and enjoying the great weather. There are several ways to fish, look, study, maybe something specific will suit your taste.

7. Changing a wheel on a car

According to statistics, every man at least once in his life punctures a tire on a wheel, even if he does not drive a car =)

The vast majority of cars have a spare tire in the trunk, on the roof or on the tailgate. In an emergency, when your car has a flat tire, you should be able to replace it with a spare. At the very least, this will save time, because instead of waiting for someone to come to the rescue - and will they? - you will change the wheel and return to the intended route.

8. Engine oil change

Changing the oil in your car's engine is undoubtedly more important and responsible than changing a wheel. If you "kill a tire" - buying a new one is not difficult, and it's not that expensive. But an irregular oil change or no oil change at all will lead to engine breakdown - its repair will be much more expensive, by an order of magnitude. Hint: knowing how to change your oil saves you time and money - you will pay much more in a car service than just buying oil and a filter. Of course, you don't always have to change the oil yourself, but you can save money and learn something new if you decide to do it yourself.

9. Photographing

Aimed the lens and pressed the shutter button, what could be easier? But seriously, it's much more complicated. It takes a lot more time and attention to take a good photo than just pressing a button. It is necessary to take into account the location of both the subject and secondary objects, find a good background, catch the necessary focus, lighting. Ideally, get confused with depth of field and shutter speed. This is a useful skill, because even if you are just photographing relatives for a family album, you will have great photos as a keepsake.

10 CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be seen as a necessary addition to basic first aid skills. We have taken this useful skill separately, since it involves saving the life of another person, and not your own. CPR techniques are constantly evolving, and the 20-year-old theses are very different from today's methods, mainly due to research and practice. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a skill that needs to be practiced regularly - if you ever learned how to do CPR, this does not mean that you will do everything right today. And you probably won't even. Remember, this knowledge has saved as many lives as ignorance has ruined.

11. Making cocktails

Whiskey and cola is not a real cocktail. Sorry, but it's true =)

Real alcoholic cocktails require a little more knowledge and the ability to select ingredients and their quantities. And especially if you have your own home bar and want to really enjoy your drinks, you'd do well to learn at least a few really good cocktail recipes. You can start with simple and time-tested flavors, and then, when you feel confident, move on to more modern alcoholic cocktails.

12. Critical thinking and situational awareness

Noticing everything around you and responding correctly is one of those things that is much easier said than done. This is difficult to learn, and it is easy to “jump off” from such a behavior. Nevertheless, if you can devote at least a little time to development every day, you will see that at any moment you can easily look from the outside both your own life and your environment and everything that concerns you. It's called critical thinking, and it's one of those qualities that will help you excel at practicing all the other skills on this list.

13. Dancing

Perhaps you don't always have rock and roll in your head and you're not ready to start dancing at the first notes of tango. However, there is much more dancing in our society than we would like to think. This happens especially often at weddings, for example - there dancing is generally a mandatory phenomenon. Therefore, learn at least one popular dance - you will at least not lose face, and under the circumstances - you will win the heart of the best girl at the party, just by dancing with her.

14. Playing cards

Have you been to Las Vegas? This city is unforgettable, and one of the reasons is that playing cards is elevated to an absolute art there. And even if you never intend to visit Sin City, you can always have a good time playing cards with friends. There are many card games that you can and should learn. From the American classics, of course, this is Texas Poker, Blackjack and Rummy. We are closer to such old men as Preference, Brizhd, Goat and of course the Fool.

15. Ability to dress "for the occasion"

Do not wear jeans to a formal meeting. Don't wear a tuxedo to a pool party. Don't wear your favorite band's T-shirt to an interview. These cases are greatly exaggerated, but nevertheless they give a good idea of ​​what clothes, where and how to wear. Whoever thinks, but the ability to dress properly for the occasion is akin to an art, often in addition to experience, it requires highly developed intuition, and sometimes even luck.

16. Driving in bad weather

Wherever there are roads, there are difficult driving conditions dictated by bad weather - heavy rain, snowstorm or even a storm. Driving safely in bad weather is not just about keeping on the road, it's also about keeping other road users safe. Some of our advice is simple - for example, don't brake hard on wet roads, avoid hydroplaning, don't steer in strong crosswinds. Be careful, and you will save yourself and your car from trouble.

17. Driving a car with a manual transmission

At first glance, it may seem that the era of manual transmission cars is coming to an end. And here is nothing like that, partly thanks to lovers of extreme driving. Believe me - far from always you will be able to travel by car with a gun. Therefore, the ability to control a mechanical gear lever is in demand and necessary - master this useful skill if you have not already done so! Moreover, with a manual “box”, the car is much better controlled and felt on the road or track. Well, and another - an important plus - you simply will not have free hands to be distracted by a smartphone while driving.

18. Driving with a trailer

Imagine that you decide to move, or you just need to transport a few things from your house to the country. Maybe you want to go on a cross-country trip with a motorhome attached to your pickup truck. In any case, you should know that driving with a trailer is fundamentally different from driving a car or even a truck. Driving with a trailer is much more difficult - this applies to accelerating, braking, turning and turning, and especially reversing and maintaining stability on the road at speed. And it takes practice and more practice.

19. Felling trees

To fell a tree, you will simply chop and chop the wood with an ax until a crack is heard, after which you will yell “Be afraid! Wood!"? Not really an option. Chopping and felling trees requires a lot more knowledge than "picking up an ax and felling a fucking tree." With the right felling technique, you will save the lion's share of your strength, and set the direction in which the tree will fall. And this will ensure the safety of you and the people around you, as well as convenience in subsequent processing.

20. Search and purification of water

As we said, getting water is the most important and useful survival skill. Lost in the wilderness, in the steppe or in the desert, you can live for weeks without food, but die in a matter of days without water. At a minimum, learn how to find and extract water - and this will save your life. Developing a skill involves studying options when water cannot be consumed, or you can - but after careful disinfection and filtration. For example, stagnant water is almost guaranteed to cause acute poisoning, and then dehydration will come much earlier.

21. Elimination of leaks

A leaking pipe, faucet, or hose is a fairly common occurrence within city limits. In addition to the fact that this is a waste and can generally damage the floor, walls and ceilings, constantly dripping water causes irritation. And calling a plumber can be expensive. Therefore, be patient and try to fix everything yourself, you will save time and money. And, yes, buy the appropriate set of tools to get started.

22. Gardening

Historically, gardening has been a purely male occupation, no matter how strange it may sound. According to sources, it was men who were more inclined towards agriculture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that initially fruits and vegetables were grown in gardens for survival and, in general, autonomous existence. So gardening does not mean growing flowers, but cultivating food.

23. Cooking and frying meat

Barbecue or barbecue in the backyard, on the beach and in the park is one of our favorite activities, because it combines two beautiful things: food and nature. However, you need to understand and comprehend the basics of frying meat - marinating barbecue, cooking methods, what kind of firewood, coal, how to grill meat on a barbecue (by the way, a whole layer of science, including the safety of handling propane). As a result, thanks to this useful skill, you can cook delicious kebabs, fry killer steaks and juicy burgers whenever your heart desires.

24. Ability to write by hand

We live in a digital world - and this is kind of a sad fact, because in this way we will soon completely forget how to write by hand. So don't let that happen and practice whenever you can. Believe it or not, but if you write something down on paper, and not drive it into a tablet or smartphone, then it will take root in our memory much more reliably. Sometimes writing something by hand in a notebook will turn out even faster than typing in a laptop. In any case, you will be happy that you can write beautifully and quickly, if suddenly digital technology fails ...

25. Ability to hang something anywhere

Why is this simple case given a place in our article? Imagine, here, too, not everything is simple. Hanging a picture on a nail hammered into a wooden wall does not require any special skill. And if the wall is brick, concrete? And then how to check if the picture hangs exactly? Here you need, for example, a level ... Excuse me, what?

But, let's say, you have to hang something heavy on a plaster wall - here you will need a completely different level of this kind of simple skill. Rest assured, you will soon find out what are anchor fasteners, stainless steel profiles, drywall dowels, and so on and so forth. Therefore - at least buy a drill, dowels and a few anchors. And the level.

Rare Divine Skills

There are a number of passive skills in the game, which are rare divine skills that temporarily increase the character's parameters.

Among the players, these skills are referred to as "wings". This is due to the fact that they are displayed as wings on the character:

According to the method of production, wings are divided into four types:

1. Dungeon . Can be obtained in dungeons:

When you open the “Friend's Treasure” chest, with a certain chance, you will get a scroll with a rare skill. Need it be sure to activate within 30 minutes otherwise it will disappear. After activation, the skill will be valid for 7 days.

2. Event . There are a number of events by participating in which you can get rare divine skills. For example, the "Chests" event. Skills obtained in this way are also stored in the inventory 30 minutes and are valid for 7 days after activation. You can find out the date and time of such events in the news feed on the GameNet website.

3. Shop . Some skills can be purchased in the Premium Shop (V button, PVP section, Skills tab). Once purchased, they can be stored in inventory for 12 months. The validity period after activation is 7 days.

4. Knocked out in PvP. There is a chance to get a rare divine skill after killing another player in a normal location. In this case, the skill will have the same validity period that the previous owner had.

Important to remember:

  1. It is necessary to activate skills not only in the inventory, but also in the menu “ Gods” (H), in the section “ Rare Skills". Only after activation in the menu of the gods, the skill will give an increase to the parameters.
  2. Shop skills look exactly the same on the character as dungeon skills, but they cannot be knocked out.
  3. Remember the unspoken rule: put on wings - always be ready for an attack from the side " wing hunters". In this situation, no one will look at what you are doing and what level you are, only your wings are needed.
  4. Each server has a limit on the number of owners of rare skills of each type. If in the dungeon you cannot pick up a scroll with a skill, then the limit has already been exhausted. It can only be picked up after the corresponding skill expires on one of its owners. This rule does not apply to skills acquired in events and purchased in the store.
  5. You can activate any acquired rare skill, regardless of class and profession, however, in some cases it may not be practical, due to the uselessness of the bonuses provided by the skill for your class or profession.

After the purchase, the skill will be in your inventory. Open the inventory window (button "B") and right-click on the image of the acquired skill to study it. Each of the learned skills becomes " rare skill”, which must be activated in order to get the effect of it.

To activate a rare skill, open the " God Skills» ("H" button) and go to the appropriate section, where all the rare skills learned by your character are presented.

Activation of the skill is carried out by pressing the button next to the image of a rare skill.

Note: the number of divine skills that can be activated at the same time depends on the level of "holiness" of your character. You can see the number of available activations at the current holiness level at the bottom of the window " God Skills».

Dungeon/Event Skills:

W charm- increases magic. protection for 3,000

Shield- increases physical protection for 3,000

Void Enchantment- increases magic. protection for 6,000

steel barrier- increases physical protection for 6,000

Intelligence- increases magic. attack for 3,000

Force- increases physical attack for 3,000

Infinite Intelligence- increases magic. attack for 6,000

Brute force- increases physical attack for 6,000

Enchantment- Increases artifact damage by 100

Weapon proficiency- increases min. and max. weapon damage per 100

Master of Magic- Increases artifact damage by 200

Weapon master- increases min. and max. weapon damage by 200

Spirit attraction- increases spirituality by 900

Lightning strike- increases crit. damage by 15%

spirit jet- increases spirituality by 1500

Eruption- increases crit. damage by 30%

Mana Source- Increases MP by 5,000

A life- Increases HP by 25,000

Infinite Mana- Increases MP by 10,000

Giver of life- Increases HP by 50,000

Shadow- Increases Agility by 1,000

hawk gaze- increases accuracy by 1000

Shadow Cloak- Increases Agility by 1500

eagle eye- increases accuracy by 1500

Rock- Increases crit resistance. hit on 2000

Wearing armor- Increases armor by 500

impregnable rock- Increases crit resistance. hit on 4000

Armor Master- Increases armor by 500

Strength of will- increases tenacity by 200

Rage- Adds an additional rage point when attacking, stacks with the Rage of the Leader skill

invincibility- Increases tenacity by 300

god coming- Increases Avatar Mode cast time by 30 seconds.

Guardian Mirror- increases reflection magic. damage by 30%

Shield of the Guardian- increases the reflection of physical. damage by 30%

Dragon of Retribution- if the character dies while the Divine Transformation skill is active, he will be instantly resurrected for 5 seconds, the damage of the spirit will be increased by 5000;

Kamikaze- If the character dies while the Divine Transformation skill is active, he will be instantly resurrected invulnerable for 10 seconds without the ability to use skills, and his movement speed will be increased by 30%. After 10 seconds, the character will die in a powerful explosion that will take away 10% of HP from enemies within a radius of 15 meters

Epidemic- If the character dies while the Divine Transformation skill is active, he will be instantly resurrected for 6 seconds without the ability to use skills, and his movement speed will be increased by 50%. During this time, each character that comes within 15 meters of the zombie will turn into the same zombie for 6 seconds.

Aura of purity- When using the Divine Transformation skill, within a radius of 15 meters, removes 1 negative effect from allies every 3 seconds. Consumes 5 Rage every 3 seconds, regardless of whether there are nearby allies.

We know that human possibilities are not unlimited, and in general this is so. But some people are born with abilities that go far beyond the ordinary: as if the human body decides to break down the barriers set by nature. The existence of people with superpowers is direct evidence that the human body has much more capabilities than we can imagine. Who are they - the result of evolution or isolated cases of natural anomalies?

15. Magnet Man - Liu Tou Lin

I try my best not to call him Magneto, after all, that movie villain, and Lew Tou Lin is a real person. But with an unrealistic ability to attract metal (and not only metal) objects to your body. As if some kind of force is holding them from the inside - despite the fact that each object can weigh up to 2 kg, and in total a magnet man is able to hold 36 kg. Scientists from the Malaysian University of Technology have come to the conclusion that Tou Ling's skin has some kind of unique "grip" property, which helps objects "stick" to the body - as if under the influence of a magnetic field. What is most strange is that this ability is inherited in the Tou Ling family, and his three grandchildren can boast of the same ability.

14 Supernatural Memory - Daniel Tammet

People with phenomenal mathematical abilities and powerful memory are not uncommon. They can solve complex mathematical equations faster than a computer or reproduce in memory some event of a decade ago with an accuracy of a second. However, Daniel Tammet is the first to describe how his brain works while doing this.

For Daniel, each number from 0 to 10,000 has its own image and distinct characteristics, such as texture, shape, color, and feel. For example, the number 289 looks very ugly, the number 333 is much more attractive, and the number Pi is almost perfect. Daniel has Asperger's Syndrome and his method allows him to memorize numbers and events with incredible accuracy. For example, he can reproduce pi up to 22514 decimal places, which he did as a demonstration in 2004. It took 5 hours and 9 minutes.

13. Eagle vigilance - Veronica Seider

In the cinema, we have repeatedly seen heroes that have “super vision” and are able to see even a fly that is a kilometer away from them. Famous shooters Eagle Eye and Legolas are just one of them. But in the real world, such a person exists, and this is Veronica Seider - the world champion in looking at the smallest objects at long distances without the use of binoculars or any other optics. It has been proven that it is able to distinguish people located at a distance of 1.6 km from it. Her vision is 20 times sharper than that of an ordinary person.

12 Sonar Vision - Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood

Do you know how bats "see"? With the help of echolocation: they make special sounds, and then their auditory system picks up reflections of sounds from obstacles. Ben Underwood had the same ability: he used sounds to "see" despite losing his sight to retinoblastoma, an eye cancer. It is not clear how, but he managed to develop an extraordinary ability to echolocation. By making sharp clicks of his tongue, he "saw" objects so well that it greatly improved his quality of life. Sadly, Ben Underwood died in 2009 due to a recurrence of cancer. Ben was the brightest of Daniel Kish's students. Daniel is blind and also navigates the world using echolocation (called "sonar vision"). He is so good at it that he helps other blind people by teaching them to "see" the world around him the way he does.

11. The Beast Charmer - Kevin Richardson

Kevin is a South African behavioral zoologist who studies animal behavior. He understands them so well that several lion prides and some packs of hyenas literally accepted him into their membership. He eats, sleeps and plays with these animals like they are his family. When dealing with wild animals, Kevin trusts intuition more than book rules. He is known for treating lions as highly evolved creatures, showing them his respect and emphasizing a sense of community and family rather than harshly repressing and training them.

But Kevin warns that his work is dangerous and advises no one to follow in his footsteps without proper training. He communicates and makes friends only with animals that have grown before his eyes. Still, the beasts had scratched and bitten and wounded him many times... although they had never done it on purpose.

10. A person who sees music - Arthur Lintgen

Some people are not able to learn a second language, but the American doctor Arthur Lintgen can read the language of records: by the pattern of the grooves and their color, he determines which piece of music is recorded there. But Arthur does not claim to be a superhero. He attributes his skill to musical erudition and says that it extends only to classical music from Beethoven onward. The earlier works, he says, are too similar in structure and difficult to recognize. And when they gave him a record that contained an Alice Cooper album, Lintgen said that it looked like a jumble of sounds and sounded like gibberish. However, Arthur Lintgen's ability is unique in its own way.

9. Human Computer - Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013) is a clear proof that the human brain is capable of extraordinary things like incredibly complex and fast arithmetic calculations. Once, a Berkeley professor asked Shakuntala to calculate the cube root of 61,629,875 and the seventh root of 170,859,375. To the professor's surprise, Shakuntala gave the answers (395 and 15, respectively) in just a few seconds. In 1977, at the University of Dallas, she managed to extract the 23rd root of a number of 201 characters in 50 seconds! The university computer confirmed the correctness of the results shown, but it took more than a minute to work.

8. Photographic memory - Stephen Wiltshire

If you have not seen the work of this artist, then you should definitely do it. Steven is an autistic artist who can reproduce from memory the most detailed landscape of any city that he happens to see from a height. All it takes is a brief helicopter flight over the city and Stephen will use his photographic memory to create a panoramic image of it with amazing accuracy.

7. Iceman - Wim Hof

While ordinary people trying to climb Mount Everest or Kilimanjaro are properly insulated, Dutch daredevil Wim Hof ​​performs such tricks in nothing but shorts. Extremely cold-hardy, Hof says he uses the tantric tummo meditation technique, a method of developing inner warmth used by Tibetan yogis, to help regulate body temperature. Wim Hof ​​is the absolute world champion in bathing in a bath filled with pieces of ice. An ordinary person cannot stay in such a bath for more than 15-20 minutes. Hof's record is almost two hours.

6 Super Samurai - Isao Machii

The Japanese master of martial art Iaido owns the techniques of real samurai. He can predict the trajectory of an object with such frightening accuracy that he calmly cuts the object in half with his sword - and can do this at least every second. He is the fastest man with a sword not only in Japan, but in the whole world. Machii can cut through plastic bullets flying at a speed of 300 km/h. Looks like he really is a superhero.

5. Jaws of Steel - Radhakrishnan Velu

It is impossible to imagine what strength a person must have who is able to drag a train of several cars with his own teeth, as Radhakrishnan Velu, a native of Malaysia, does. For such strong teeth, he is called the "Tooth King". And it's still not clear - how can you drag a train weighing 260.8 tons over a distance of 4.2 meters, excuse me, with your teeth? The Tooth King claims that when he was 14, an Indian guru taught him to use his teeth to control all parts of the body.

4. The Man Who Never Sleeps - Thai Ngoc

Have you ever tried not sleeping for more than 48 hours? Bad experience. Even one sleepless night has a very bad effect on the well-being of an ordinary person, but with the Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngok, everything is different. He hasn't slept since 1973. He himself believes that the fever he suffered then became the cause of insomnia. All these years, this man has been trying to sleep - with the help of drugs and even alcohol, but to no avail. Surprisingly, doctors do not find any abnormalities and serious diseases in him and say that everything is in order with his health.

3 Super Endurance - Dean Karnazes

There is the endurance of an ordinary person and there is the endurance of the American Dean Karnazes. Dean is a long-distance runner and super marathon runner. And if he is fed and watered in a timely manner, he can run endlessly, literally until retirement. In other words, his stamina level is so high and his energy regenerates so fast that he can run without stopping. Among his achievements are, for example, the following: running on a treadmill for 80 hours (560 km) and 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

2. Stomach of Steel - Michel Lotito

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950 - 2007) had an insatiable appetite for completely inedible objects. It is clear that with such abilities a direct road to pop artists. At his performances, "Monsieur Eat Everything" absorbed objects made of metal, glass, rubber and plastic, and even indigestion did not torment him later. And he is also known for dismantling and gradually eating (over two years) an entire plane. The walls of Lotito's stomach were twice as thick as they should be, and his stomach juices were also working unusually hard and allowed him to digest everything.

1. Electric Man - Raj Mohan Nair

Electricity is dangerous, everyone knows that. An electric shock of even one tenth of an amp can be fatal... but not for Raj Mohan Nair. A current of up to 10 amperes can be passed through his body and this will not cause him any harm. The only side effect is a momentary blindness. The story of how Raj Mohan discovered his superpower is tragic. When he was 7 years old, his mother died. Unable to cope with grief, the boy tried to commit suicide by climbing a power line pole and grabbing an exposed wire. To his surprise, he survived and realized that he had an extraordinary ability. The resistance of his body to electric current is 10 times higher than that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he can take bare wires in his hands and pretend to be an electrical circuit.

It is generally accepted that it takes a long time to master a new skill. However, this can be achieved in about 20 hours by devoting several hours a day to mastering it for a week. What can be learned during this time?

1. Play a song on a musical instrument.

Reaching professional heights or mastering musical theory in a week, of course, will not work. However, this period is enough to master one song on the harmonica or ukulele. In addition, these instruments are unusual enough to make an unforgettable impression on the listeners.

Renowned writer and business expert Josh Kaufman played a medley of several popular songs on his ukulele at the end of one of his performances. To learn this, according to him, it took no more than 20 hours of training.

2. Drive a machine with a manual transmission.

Those who are accustomed to driving a car with an automatic can learn to drive a mechanic in just twenty hours. Perhaps one day there will be a need to drive just such a vehicle, and then this skill will come in handy.

3. Collect the Rubik's Cube.

Those who can solve a Rubik's Cube in a matter of minutes unanimously say that there is nothing difficult about it. All that is needed for this is to learn the assembly algorithm, which even a child can remember.

Therefore, if you look at the Rubik's Cube as a monster, then by taking up its study, in just a week you will be able to solve it in a few minutes.

4. Become a great storyteller.

The gift of storytelling can also be mastered by everyone, including even those. who consider themselves tongue-tied. To do this, you need to learn how to captivate the listener with an inspired story, how to keep the attention of the audience, and when to stop.

5. Master parallel parking.

This skill should be mastered by anyone who expects to get a driver's license. But some people find it too complicated.

One week is enough to master this maneuver. If you manage to make it with one movement of your hand, then there will be no limit to the surprise of the people nearby.

6. Improve your culinary skills.

In just a week, you can master the preparation of a dish that over time can become your calling card.

It can be a great steak or pasta with a fragrant sauce. If you serve them good wine, having previously worked out the cooking, an unforgettable dinner is guaranteed.

7. Master the basics of martial arts.

Self-defense is a skill that may never come in handy, but if the need arises, it can be the most important thing you learn. In just a week, you can master the basic techniques of self-defense, sufficient to fight back.

8. Remember the number Pi.

It is unlikely that this skill will be useful for anything more than impressing other people. Although sometimes it is also useful. All that is required for this is to memorize 6-7 numbers daily and repeat every day what has already been learned.

9. Get basic knowledge of a foreign language.

People who have mastered many foreign languages ​​are called polyglots. Michael Youlden and his brother Matthew Youlden have mastered over 12 languages, thus becoming hyperpolyglots. For example, they were able to learn spoken Turkish in just a week.

According to the hyperpolyglot brothers themselves, music, movies, news, flash cards, the Babbel app and other elements of popular culture provide them with help in learning the language.

10. Break an apple with bare hands.

Despite the fact that this fruit is quite dense, with the help of a simple trick it can be broken without using any tools.

First you need to remove the tail of the apple. After that, you need to take it so that the thumbs are on top of the fruit, the palms are completely clasped around it, and the tips of the other fingers are at the bottom. After that, it will be enough to press hard on the apple, while scrolling it in your hands.

After watching this video, you can visually familiarize yourself with the technique of this action:

11. Learn to juggle.

Even if you consider yourself a clumsy bear, in just twenty hours you can master this circus trick. First you need to learn how to juggle with just two balls, shifting them from one hand to the other.

Juggling three balls is also not too difficult, since only one ball is in the air, and the other two are in the hands.

12. Master the basics of cutting and sewing.

In 20 hours, you can learn how to take measurements, use a sewing machine, select the right fabric and master basic stitches. Over time, this skill can be improved, and then it will be possible to become your own fashion designer, sewing exclusive clothes.