Polish Ukrainian translator online. Text input and translation direction selection

To your respect, grants Russian-. Here are selected the main phrases for people who plan to raise prices in the miracle country Poland 🙂

If you settle down in Poland, you will look around at її historical monuments and beautiful nature, you will be more beautiful. All this will often help you to come to the country, get to know people, walk around the city, go to a cafe or a restaurant, and also take a good walk around the shops. Of course, you want to see museums and castles, which are rich in Poland, take a look at ancient historical monuments, and in the evening you can get up.

It is worth remembering that, following the rules of the inclusion of the animal on “vi”, it was adopted only to close friends or relatives, but to outsiders it was accepted to turn to the third person: “What is your friend? What can sir please me? ".

The main powers of vimov

  • The vowel "u" ​​may be under the letter of the image: "u" or "ó" and it looks like the Ukrainian "y".
  • The vowel "e" looks like the Ukrainian "e". "Є" is used in Polish, as if "ie" is written.
  • The vowel "y" looks like a Russian "and".
  • Voices: "ą", "ę" denote the sounds "o" and "e". At the roman mov «ę» in the kіntsі slіv vymovlyaєєєєєєєєєєє pure “е”.
  • The voice “ł” sounds like a middle middle “v” and “y” (already similar to the English vim w).
  • The voice “l” is similar to the Ukrainian “l”.
  • The diphthong "sz" looks like the Ukrainian "sh".
  • The diphthong "dz" ("dz") є zvіnkoy vіdpovіdnіstyu vіdvoіdnіstyu voskolіvі "ts" і vovlyaєєєєєє zlієєєєєєє zlієєєєєє.
  • The diphthong "cz" is more firmly and strained, lower Ukrainian "h".
  • The diphthong "dż" is a double-voiced "cz", and it looks like an angry "j".
  • The diphthong "dź" looks like "j".
  • In Polish language, “szcz” is often used, as in transcription it is transmitted as “u”. In fact, these two sounds sz/cz do not merge into one and move firmly (deszcz - deschch).
  • The sing "źdź" is the same as "szcz" and it looks like "zhdzh".
  • The “rz” sounds like “g”, after a deaf voiced voice - like “sh”.
  • The voice “ń” becomes like “n”.
  • The voice “ś” is softer, lower Ukrainian “u”.
  • The voice “ż” is a double voice of the voice “ś” and it looks like “g”.
  • The voice "ź" becomes "zh".
  • The voice “ć” turns into troshki m’yakshe, lower Ukrainian “ch”.
  • In the middle of the word "i" before the voices, they change their sound, but they themselves do not move. “Ci” is read like “h”, “dzi” - “j”, “ni” - “n”, “si” - “shch” (mayzhe “sh”), “zi” - “zh”. In kіntsi words in tsikh poєdnannyah won’t be read like “i” after a soft voice. "Ci" - "chi", "dzi" - "ji", "ni" - "ni", "si" - "schі" (mayzhe "si"), "zi" - "zhi".

In the end, the sounds of the dzvinki wimovlyayut deafly.

The Polish language has three clans of names: human, female and middle, prikmetniks are used as names for the family. Є 7 vіdminkіv.

Prikmetniki change for childbirth. At which point, the names of the human gender will end with "y" or "i", the names of the female gender will end with "a", the names of the middle gender will end with "e".

In order to change the speech to a negative one, it is necessary to simply add a piece of nie before the dialogue.

There are three hours of discourse: the present, the next, and the future. So the words change according to persons (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and numbers (one and many).

In the Polish language specialty, borrowers are often omitted, so that the end of the debate clearly shows who is doing the work.

"Greetings in Polish"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Good afternoon (morning)Dzien dobryjen kind
good evening nightDobry wieczyrgood evening
Hello (for friends)CzescCheshchch
How are you doing?Jak sie masz?How else to mash?
GoodbyeDo widzeniaUntil the Widzen
TillNa razieOn the rage
All the bestWszystkiego dobregoVshistkego good
Have a good tripSzcze, s'liwej podro'zyschchencelivey friends

"Standard phrases of my Polish language"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yes pleaseYes, proszeSo it's easier
Can't (don't do it)NiewolnoInvoluntarily
Don't knowNie wiemWe don't know
I do not understandNie rozumiemWe don't understand
Sorry I don't understand PolishPrzepraszam, nie rozumiem po polskuPsheprasham, we don't understand Polish
Please (in response to sorry)ProszeProshe
ThanksDziekuje, dziekiDzhenkue, dzhenki
Thanks a lotDziekuje bardzoJenkue barzo
Please (in response to thank you)Prosze bardzoProshe barzo
It's my pleasureNie ma za coNot ma for tso
What is it?Co to jest?Tso eats
This is…To jest…That eats
Come in, pleaseProsze wejscProshe Veyschch
What is there?Co tam jest?Tso eats there?
wine cellarWiniarniadistillery
What is the name of this street?Jak sie nazywa ta ulica?What is the name of that street?
Where is the hotel H, museum MGdzie jest hotel N, muzeum M?Gdze eats hotel N, museum M?
Where is the exchange office located?Gdzie jest kantor?Where does the cantor eat?
Where is the nearest ATM here?Gdzie jest najblizszy bankomat?Where is the nearest ATM?
Carefully!Ostroz'nie!be careful
Sorry, didn't you hear? (short colloquial form)Prosze?Proshe
You are mistakenPan/Pani sie pomylil (-la)Pan (Pani) has washed (-la)
First Name Last NameImie, nazwiskoIme, nazwisko
I came to Krakow for 4 daysPrzyjechalem(-lam) do Krakowa for 4 daysPrzyhalem(s) to Krakow for 3 days
I am Russian, from RussiaJestem Rosjaninem (Rosjanka), z RosjiYestem rosyaninem (-koi), from Rosi
I am from MoscowJestem z MoskvyEstem from Moscow
I am a student engineerJestem studentem, inzynieremYestem studenem, izhineram
My name is NikolaiMam na imie NikolajMom named Nikolay
I work as a journalistPracuje jako dziennikarzPratsuye yako dzhenikazh
I have a check for PLN 1000. Can I exchange it here at the border?Mam czek na 1000 zl. Czy moge, go zrealizowac’ tu na granicy?mum chek for a thousand zloty ch moge go zrealizovatsya that at the border?
Give me PLN 900, please. banknotes, and the rest small.Prosze, about 900 zl’ w banknotacha reszte, w bilonie
What bills do you want, large or small?Czy woli pan(i) duz'e banknoty, czy drobne?what will pan (s) duzhe banknotes chy fractional?
I want to exchange 100 rubles for Polish money.Chcial'bym wymienic' 100 rubli na polskie pienia,dzehchyalbym exchange one hundred rubles in Polish penyondze
In box number 5Przy okienku nr (numer) 5pshi okenku number pench
Where is the money exchange office located?Gdzie tu jest biuro wymiany?where does the udder bureau eat?
I have a thousand zlotys and two hundred rubles with meMam przy sobie 1000 zl’ (zl’otych) i 200 rb (rubli)mum pshi sobe thousand zlotys and two rubles
It's a big amountThat duz'a sumathat's a lot of money
I do not have enough moneyMam mal'o pienie, dzymoms little penendza
I have moneyMam pienia,dzemam penyondze
I have no moneyNie mam pienie, dzynot mom penendzy
Do you have money?Сzu ma pan(i) pienia,dze?chi ma pan(i) penyondze?
banknotesbank notebanknotes
zloty, pennieszl'oteGrosze
złoty = 100 groszyzl'oty = 100 groszomzłoty rubna shche” one hundred grosz
Polish currencyWaluta polskaPolish currency
Please present your passportProsze, okazac' paszportplease provide a passport
Sign up hereProsze, tu signedplease scribble
How old are you?lie pan(i) ma lat?ile pan(s) ma lyat?
How old are you?lie masz lat?or are they waving?
I am 18 years oldSkon'czyl'em(-am) osiemnas'cie latskonchylem (s) oschemnaschche lyat
I am 20 years oldMam dwadzies'cia latmum
Soon I will be 23 years oldWkro'tce bede mial'(a) dwadzies'cia trzy latafkrutse bande crumpled (a) dvadzheshchya chshi lata
juvenilemal'oletnl (-a)juvenile(s)
young, youthml'ody (-a), ml'odos'c'young (s) young
adultpel'noletni (s)palnoletni
Who is it?Who to jest?Who is eating?
This is…To jest…That eats
Where can I find…Gdzie moge znalezc…Gdze moge knew...
PolyclinicPrzychodnia Lekarskapshikhodnya lekarska
consumer cooperativePSS (Powszechna Spoldzielnia Spoz'ywco'w)pe-es-es
AmbulancePogotowie ratunkoweprepare ratunkove
Dry cleaningPralnia chemicznadressing room chemichna
Ice creamlodyice
Gas stationStacja benzinowastation benzynova
Do you have matches?Czy ma pan(i) zapal'ki?chshy ma pan (s) igniters?
Would you like a cigarette?Czy pozwoli pan(i) papierosa?why did you let pan(s) paper?
Thank you I don't smokeDziekuje, nie paleGenque, not pale
Where can we meet?Gdzie sie, spotkamy?where are the spotlights?
I want to go somewhere to danceChce, gdzies' po'js'c' potan'czyc'htse gdzheshch puyschch potanchich
May I invite you (to dance)?Czy pani pozwoli?what the hell are you allowed?
With pleasureZ przyjemnos'ciawith a little night
you dance beautifullyTan'czy pan(i) wspanialetanchy pan(s) in the panyale
When are you leaving?Kiedy pan(i) wyjez'dz'a?sneakers pan(s) vyezhdzha
I leave tomorrowWyjez'dz'am jutrovyezhjamy yutro
What's your address?Jaki jest pana(l) addresses?yaki eat pan(s) address
Here is my adressOto mo'j addressesoto mui address

"Near Poland at the railway station"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
At the stationOn the courtyardat the palace
Give me, please, two second-class tickets to Warsaw.Prosze, dwa bilety drugiej klasy do Warszawy.ask for two tickets, another swear to Warsaw
Please give me a ticket for a sleeping car to Warsaw on May 5th.Prosze, o bilet sypialny do Warszawy na dzien’ 5 maja.simpler” about a ticket to sypyalny to Warsaw for the day of the penta of May
In what class?who'ra klasa?kturo "klyaso"
Please give me a first-class ticket for the fast (passenger) train to …, which departs at 0:05.Prosze, o bilet pierwszej klasy na pocia,g pospieszny (osobowy) do … ktory odjezdza o godzinie 0:05.proshe o ticket perfshay oaths for the price are hasty (special) to ...
How to get to the ticket office?Gdzie tu jest kasa biletowa?where to eat kasa ticket
Ticket serviceKasa biletowacasa ticket
When does the next train leave?Kiedy jest naste, pny pocia, g?sneakers eat nastampny pochenk
The next train leaves in two hours.Naste,pny pocia,g odjezdza za dwie godziny.nastampny pochenk clothes for two gojins
ScheduleRozklad jazdylayout of the yazda
trains— pocia, gi electrycznepochengi electrychne
suburban trains— pocia, gi podmiejskiepochengi pochengi
How long does the train take to...?Jak dl'ugo jedzie sie, do ...how long even more” until ...
Arrives at … hoursPrzyjez'dz'a o godzyniepshiezhja about gojina
Can you call a taxi?Czy moze pan(i) przywolac takso'wke?chshi mozhe pan(i) pshivolach taksufke
Let's take a taxiPojedziemy takso'wkalet's go taksuvko
Warsaw CentralWarszawa CentralnaWarsaw central
Warsaw GdanskWarszawa Gdan'skawarsaw gdansk
Porter!Numberowy! Bagaz'owy!numbered luggage
Please take my things to the train to Budapest.Prosze, zanies'c' mo'j bagaz' na pocia,g do Budapesztuplease book your mui luggage on the pochenk to budapest
What wagon do you have?Jaki wagon pan(i) ma?yaki wagon pan(s) ma
Has the train arrived at the platform yet?Czy pocia, g juz wjechal' na peron?chy pochenk yush drove into a peron
Your car is at the end (beginning) of the train.Pan'ski wagon jest na kon'cu (pocza,tku) pociagu.pansky car eats at the end (pochentka) pochenga
Where is the waiting room?Gdzie jest poczekalnia?where eats pochekalny
How much time is left before the train leaves?lie czasu mamy jeszcze do odjazdu?or mother's time is still up to okyazdu
Where are the restrooms?Gdzie tu sa, toalety?gje tou so' toilets
Toilet paperpapier hygienicznypaper hygienic
Can you wash your hands here?Czy moz'na tu umyc're, ce?chshy can you scrounge that renze
Give me a towel, please.Poprosze, about re,cznik.ask for ranchnik
I have one suitcase (two suitcases) and this package.Mam jedna walizke (dwie walizki) i te, paczkemam edno valiske (two valisks) and te pache
Let's go to the storage room!Chodz'my do przechowaini bagaz'u!hojimy to pshekhovalni luggage
Give me the receipt, please.Poprosze, about kwit.ask for kfit
I want to get my luggageChcial'bym odebrac' swo'j bagaz'.hchyalbym odebrach sfuy bagash
Where do they take luggage?Gdzie nadaje sie, bagaz'?where nadae sche” bagash
I have only one piece (luggage).Mam tylko jedna, walizke, (pakunek).mum tylko edno “valizke” pakunek
We'll put this suitcase in our luggage.Those walizke, oddamy na bagaz’.te "valizke" oddams on bagash
My luggage consists of 3 pieces.Mo'j bagaz' skl'ada sie, z trzech pakunko'w.muy luggage warehouse shche" with chsheh pakunkuv
What is the payment?lie wynosi opl'ata?or take out the payment
Since you … zł.Pl'aci pan(i) ... zl'.cry sir(s) … zloty
Attention! Fast train ... (passenger) leaves from ... platformUwaga! Pocia,g pospieszny (osobowy) odjez’dz’a z toru …respect pochenk hasty (special) clothes with a toru ...
Please take your seats!Prosze wsiadac'!proshe” fschyadach
Are there any available places?Czy sa, jeszcze wolne miejsca?chshy so ”still free meiss
Everyone is busy.Wszystkie sa, zajete.fschistke co" zaente
There is one more empty seat.eats even more freely
Please take this place for me, I'll be right back.Prosze, zarezerwowac' dla mnie to miejsce. Zaraz wracam.proshe" zarezervovach for me then meistse at once vratsma
Can I put my suitcase upstairs?Czy moge, postawic’ swoja, walizke, na go’re,?chshi moge "put your" valisk on gure "
May I smoke?Pozwoli pan(i), z’e zapale,?let pan (and) zhe zapale
When will we be in...?Kiedy beziemy w … ?bungee sneakers in …
Already close.Juz' niedaleko.yush close
What station is this?So to za stacja?what a station
Where are we)?Gdzie jestes'my?where esteshmy
How long will we stand?Jak dl'ugo costy?how long are we worth
Just one minute.Tylko 1 minute.just one minute
Are you traveling far?Czy daleko pan(i) jedzie?chshi far pan(s) eje
Where do you get off?Gdzie pan(i) wysiada?gje pan(s) vyshchyada
I am traveling to…Jade, do…yade” to…
I go out to...Wysiadam w…vyshchiadam in
I get off at the next stop.Wysiadam na stepnej stacji.vyschyadam on naste "pnei station
Far from...?Czy daleko jeszcze do … ?so far away to ...
Three more stations.Jeszcze trzy stacje.more station
Where is the dining car?Gdzie znajduje sie, wagon restauracyjny?Where do you know yet” restauration wagon
I want to go to the dining car. Can you look after my clothes?Chcial'bym po'js'c' do wagonu restauracyjnego Czy moz'e pan(i) przypilnowac' moich bagaz'y?hchyalbym poyshchch to the car restaurationnego chshy mozhe pan (s) pshipilnovach my luggage
Dining car in front, behind.Wagon restauracyjny jest za (przed) nami.refurbishment wagon. eats for (pshad) us
Checking tickets.Prosze, bilety do kontroli.easier” tickets to control
I want to pay extra for a bed.Chce, zapl'acic' ro'z'nice do sypialnego.htse cry ruzhnitse to sypyalnego
Thanks for the company.Dzie,kuje, za mile towarzystwo.je”kye for mile toeazistfo
I wish you a happy journey.Z'ycze, panu(i) szcze, s'liwej drogi.zhiche panu(s) schenstlivey drogi
On the borderon the borderto the borders
At what time will we be at the Polish-Russian border?O kto'rej godzinie be,dziemy na granicy polsko-rosyjskej?about kturei gojina bungems on the Polish-Russian border
We arrived at the border station.Przyjechalis'my na stacje, graniczna,.pshiehalishmy at the boundary station "
You have to fill out a declaration.Prosze, wypel'nic' deklaracje,.easier" spit out declaration"
In half an hour we will be at the border.Za po'l' godziny be,dziemy na granicy.for the pool gojina banjams to the borders
Checking passports.Kontrola paszportowa.posport control
Customs inspection.Controla celnakontorlya tselna
I ask for your passport.Prosze, about pan'ski paszport.easier about pansky passport
I ask you to hand over your passports for registration (checks).Prosze oddac' paszporty do kontroli.easier to pass passports to control
Prepare your luggage for customs clearance.Prosze, przygotowac' bagaz'e do kontroli celnej.easier” to get your luggage ready before check-in
Whose modan is this?Do kogo nalez’y ta walizka?to whom that valizka is lying
Where is your luggage?Who'ry jest pan'ski bagaz'?who eats panski bagash
What do you have here?With pan(i) tam ma?tso pan(i) tam ma
Please open your suitcase.Prosze, otworzyc' walizke'easier to otfozhit valisk
Will you have items subject to duty?Czy ma pan(i) cos’ do zadeklarowania (oclenia)?chy ma pan(i) tsosh before declaration (assessment)
I only have items for exact use.Mam tylko rzeczy do uz'ytku osobistego.mothers tylko zhechy to the narrowing of the special
I have several gifts and souvenirs.Mam kilka prezento'w i pamia,tek.mam sprat prazantuf and pamyontak
You need a license to export it.Na wywo'z tego potrzebne jest zezwolenie.na vyvus tego potshebne eats zezvolene
Do you have cigarettes and alcohol?Czyma pan(i) papierosy i alkohol.chshy ma pan (i) cigarettes and alcohol
I have several boxes of cigarettes.Tak, mam kilka pudel'ek papieroso'w.so mum sprat pudalek perosuf
Do you have anything?Czy ma pan(i) cos’ jeszcie?chshi ma pan(i) tsosh eschche
You must pay a fee for this device.Za ten aparat musi pan(i) uis'cic' opiate, celna,.for the Ten Appliance Muschi pan(s) to pay in full"
What fee do I have to pay?lie wynosi opl'ata?or take out, payment
This we must delay. And it is forbidden to export abroad.That is musimy panu(i) zatrzymas’. Tego nie wolno wywozic' za granice,.then tormented. panu(s) zachshimach tego do not freely take out abroad
Do you have any money with you?Czy ma pan(i) jakies’ pienia,dze przy sobie?chi ma pan(i) yakesh penyondze pshi sobe
Where can you buy plane tickets?Gdzie moz’na kupic’ bilety na samolot?Where can you buy plane tickets
Where is the Leot'a bureau located?Gdzie znajduje sie, biuro “Lotu”?Where do you know” bureau fly
When does the plane leave for Warsaw?Kiedy odlatuje samolot do Warszawy?sneakers odlatue plane to warsaw
Daily. Once (twice) a week. On Mondays and Tuesdays.Codzienne. Raz (dwa razy) w tygodniu. W poniedzialki i wtorki.tsojenne once (twice)
Are there any spaces available for tomorrow, Friday?Czy sa, jeszcze wolne miejsca na jutro, na piatek?chy so "more free meisse on yutro on pyontek
There is one more free space.Jest jeszcze jedno wolne miejsce.eats one more free meal
Can I buy a ticket here or at the airport?Czy moge, kupic’ bilet tutaj, czy na lotnisku?chi moge buy a ticket tutai chi for a flight
How can you get to the airport?Czym dojez'dza sie, do lotniska?chym doezhdzha sche” to letniska
A special bus delivers passengers to the airport.Specjalny autobus odwozi pasaz'ero'w na lotniskospecial bus transport to letnisko
Where and what time does the bus to the airport leave?Ska,d i o kto'rej godzinie odjez'dz'a autobus na lotnisko?Skont and o kturei gojina odjejja bus to letnisko
What time does the plane leave for...?O kto’rej godzinie odlatuje samolot do…?kturei gojina odlyatue plane to ...
What time does it arrive?O kto’rej godzinie przylatuje samolot z …?o kturei gojina pshilyatue plane z ...
What is this plane?So to za samolot?that's for the plane
How long does it take to fly to...?Jak dlugo trwa lot do...?like a long trfa years before ...
We will fly … hours.Lecimy…godzin.treatable ... gojin
Is it possible to book a ticket before ... on ... date?Сzu moz’na zarezerwowac’ bilet do … na dzien’ …?you can reserve a ticket to ... for a day ...
Not anymore (can't).Juz' nie moz'na.yush you can't
How many days in advance can I buy a ticket?Na ile dni naprzo'd moz'na nabyc' bilet?on the silt days will write you can get a ticket
Tickets can be purchased one week (10 days) before departure.Bilet moz’na kupic’ na tydzien’ (10 days) przed terminem wyjazdu.a ticket can be bought for tyjen (jeschench days) pshet terminam out
Requesting a ticket to...Prosze, oh ticket do...easier” about the ticket to
Are there return tickets?Сzu sa, bilety powrotne?chshy so» tickets turnaround
Yes, they are valid for 30 days.Owszem - waz'ne sa 30 days.ofsham is important so "chshidzeschchi days.
Please give me a return ticket.Prosze, about ticket powrotny.easier” about the return ticket
How many kilograms of luggage can I take with me?lie kilogramo'w bagazu moz'na zabrac' ze soba,?or kilogramuf luggage you can pick up the sebo"
You can take with you … kg.Moz’e pan(i) zabrac’ … kg.maybe pick up ... kilogramuf
Please give me a ticket for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.Prosze ticket na jutro, pojutrzeAsk for a ticket to yutro, sing better
Give a ticket to Krakow on the next express trainProsze ticket do Krakowa on najblizszy ExpressRequest a ticket to Krakow on the nearest express
How much is a ticket to Krakow for Express, Intersity and fast train?Ile kosztuje bilet, do Krakowa na Express, Intercity i pospieszny?Or cost a ticket to Krakow for express, intercity and hasty?
What time does the next train leave?O ktorej godzinie odjezdza najblizszy pociag?About kturei gojin odyejja nearest pocheong
Please, two second class tickets for the 12:15 express.Prosze dwa bilety drugiej klasy na Express o dwunastej pietnascie.More two tickets of another class for the ekpres o dvuastey pentnaschche
Can I buy a ticket to Prague?Prosze tickets to PragiRequest a ticket to Prague
I want to buy a ticket to Moscow on May 5th.Chcialbym kupic bilet do Moskwy na piatego maja.Hchalbym buy a ticket to Moscow for the pentagon of May.
What trains go to Berlin from Krakow?Jakie pociagi jezdza z Krakowa do Berlina?Yake pochengi ezhdzhon from Krakow to Berlin
Baggage checkoutKasa bagaz'owabaggage claim
Ticket serviceKasa biletowacasa ticket
Luggage storage (manual)Przechowalnia bagazubaggage storage
No entryPrzejs'cie wzbronionepsheyschche vzbronene
What trains go to...?Jakie pocia, gi jada, do...?yake pochyogi yado" to
What time is the train to...?O kto'rej godzinie mam pol'a,czenie do...?about kturei gojina mam polonchen do...
At ... hours, a passenger departsO godzinie … odjezdza pocia, g osobowy.about gojin ... clothes pochenk special
You can take the express train at… hours.Ma pan(i) pos’pieszny about godzinie…ma pan(s) are hurried about gojin...
Is this a direct train?Czy to pocia,g bezpos'redni?chshy then pochink bespochradni
Where should you transplant?Gdzie trzeba sie, przesia, s'c'?where is tsheba shche” psheyschch
Are there (already) no other trains?Czy innych pociago'w juz nie ma?chshi ini pocheonguf yush ne ma
What time does the train arrive?O kto'rej godzinie przyjezdza pocia,g?oh kturei gojina pishezhja nochenk
Departs at … hoursOdjez'dz'a o godzynieclothes about gojina

"Passport Control"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
maiden namenazwisko panien'skie (z domu)nazwisko panenjske (from home)
parents' namesimiona rodzico'wrojitsuf names
year and place of birthdata i miejsce urodzeniadate and meisce birth
citizenshipobywatelstwocommon folklore
profession, specialtyzawo'dname
civil statusstan cywilnycamp tsyvilny
place of permanent residencemiejsce stal'ego zamieszkaniameisce steelego delay
real addressobecny addressescommon address
relation to military servicestosunek do sl'uz'by wojskowejstosunek before military service
liable for military servicew wieku poborowymin the age of extortion
LanguageJe, zyke”language
What foreign language do you know?Jaki je,zyk obcy zna pan(i)?yaki e”language options know pan(s)
Do you know Polish?Czy zna pan (i) je, zyk polski?do you know the pan(s) e”language Polish
I understand a little Polish.Rozumiem troche, po polsku.rozumem trohe" in Polish
I speak a little German.Mowie, troche po niemiecku.Move Troche in German
I don't understand French.Nie rozumiem po francusku.we don't understand french
Who here understands Polish?Who tu rozumie po polsku?who is tu rozuma in Polish
What is your nationality?Jakiej pan(i) jest narodowos'ci?yakei pan(s) eat people's food
We are Russian students.Jestesmy studentsami rosyjskimi.esteshmy Russian students
Where are you from?Ska,d pan(i) jest?scont pan(s) eats
I came from Moscow.Przyjechal'em z Moskwy.pshikhalem z moskfy
Your profession? (What is your specialty?)Jaki pan(i) ma zawo'd?yaki pan(i) ma name
What do you do?Czym sie, pan(i) zajmuje?chim sche” pan(s) zamuye
Where do you work?Gdzie pan(i) pracuje?where is pan(s) pracue
What institution do you work for?W jakiej instytucji pan(i) pracuje?in yakei institutions of pan(i) pracue)
Who are you?Jakie pan(i) zajmuje stanowisko?yake pan(s) zamuye stanavisko
I work in a car factory.Pracuje, w fabric samochodo'w.pracue» f factory self-propelled
I am a factory manager...Jestem dyrektorem fabryki.estem direktorem factories
I am an accountant at a bank.Jestem ksie, gowym w banku.estem kshchengov in a jar
What position do you hold?Jaka, funkcje, pan(i) pel'ni?yako "function" pan(s) pelni
I have already retired.Jestem na emeryturze.estem on emerytuzhe

"Orientation near the city"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Orientation in the cityOrientacja w mies'cieorientation in the bag
Sorry!Przepraszam bardzo!psheprasham bardzo
Where is the street...Gdzie jest ulica …?where eats street
In this direction.W tym kierunku.f tym kerunku
In the opposite direction.W przeciwnym kierunku.f pshechivnym kerunku
On the right (left) side.Po prawej (lewej) stronie.on the right (left) side
First street on the right.Pierwsza ulica na prawo.perfsha street on the right
Second street on the left.Druga ulica on the left.other street on the left
In which direction do you need to go to get to the Bristol Hotel?Who're,dy mam is'c'do hotelu "Bristol"?kturendy moms search for hotellu bristol
It is far?Czy to daleko?you are far away
Quite far, about half a kilometer.Dos'c' daleko' be,dzie z po'l' kilometraplank far benje with pool kilometra
Very close, 200 meters.Jest cal'kiem blisko, moz'e 200 metro'weats tsalkem blisko mozhe dveshche matruf
Where is the restaurant here?Gdzie tu jest restauracja?where to eat restauration
On this side (that side) of the street.Po tej (tamtej) stronie ulisu.along the tei (tamtei) side of the street
Immediately opposite.Zaraz naprzeciwko.at once napshechifko
Around the corner (street) to the left.Za rogiem (ulicy) na lefto.behind the horn (streets) to the left
behind this building.W tyie za tym budynkiem.f rear behind ty budynke
Where is tram number 6 stop here?Gdzie jest przystanek linii tramwajowej nr 6?gje eats przystanek linyi tramway numer shashchch
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you.Niestety, nie moge, pana(-i) poinformowac'.non-states, not moge pan (s) inform
Please ask the policeman.Prosze, spytac' polijanta.easier" try the policeman
close, closerbllsko, bllzejclose, closer
up, abovew go're, na go'rzein goure, on gouge
to the leftna lefto (w lefto)to the left (to the left)
forward, aheadnaprzo'd (do przodu); na przodzie (z przodu)napshut (to pshodu) on pshodzhe (spshodu)
rightna prawo (w prawo)to the right (to the right)
high, higherwysoko, wyz'ejhigh, stay up
far, furtherdaleko, dalejfar away
deep, deepergl'e, boko, gl'e, biejglamboco, glambey
heretu, tutajthat, tutai
heretu, tutajthat, tutai
there. theretamthere
back, behindw tyl', z tyl'uphthyl, stylu
Help desk (complaints)Informacje i reklamacje.information and advertising
Right hand trafficJechac'prawa, stronago right "strano"
One wayJeden kierunek ruchueden kerunek ruhu
Where is the help desk?Gdzie tu jest informacja?where to eat information

"At the Polish transport"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Show me the location, please.Prosze mi wskazac’ moje miejsce.easier" mi fsay my meisce
How are you feeling?Jak sie, pan(i) czuje?yak shche” pan(s) chue
I don't feel well.Nie czuje, sie, zbyt dobrze.do not feel "se" zbyt dobzhe
I feel bad.Jest mi niedobrze.eats me bad
Would you like a glass of cognac?Czy z'yczy pan(i) sobie kieliszek koniaku?chshy zhichy pan(s) sobe kelishek konyaku
Plane: going to the start.Samolot: startuje.plane start
What time does the bus to Krakow leave?O kto'rej godzinie odchodzi autobus do Krakowa?about kturey gojine departure bus to krakow
What is the communication with Zakopane?Jakie jest pol'a, czenie do Zakopanego?yake eats polonchene to zakopanego
The bus in Zakopane leaves at 11 o'clock.Pol'a,czenie do Zakopanego ma pan(i) about godzinie 11.polonchene do zakopanego ma pan(i) o gojina edenastay
Are there any other places before Zakopane at 11 o'clock?Czy sa jeszcze miejsca do Zakopanego na godzine 11?meisa do zakopanego na gojine edenasto"
Please give me a ticket (two tickets) to ... for ... hours.Prosze, oh bilet (dwa bilety) do… na godzine …easier” o ticket (two tickets to ... for gojine ...
Do you want a seat in the front or in the back?Czy woli pan(i) miejsce z przodu czy z tyl'u?chshy will pan(s) meistse spshodu chy stylu
Please, in front, if possible.Raczej z przodu, jesli mozna.rachay can you please
What time does the bus leave for...?O kto’rej godzinie przyjezdza autobus do …?about kturei gojina pshiezhja bus to ...
For motoristsDla automobilisto'wfor automobilistuf
Where is the gas station here?Gdzie tu jest stacja benzynowa?where to eat statsya benzynova
Where can you fill up with petrol?Gdzie moz'na zatankowac' benzyne,.where you can zatankovach gasoline”
Give me, please, five liters of ordinary (expensive) gasoline.Prosze mi dac' 5 litro'w benzyny zwyklej (wysokooktanowej).it’s easier to give pench litruf gasoline zvykley (high octane)
Give me a jar of oil, please.Prosze, o ban'ke oliwy.easier about the jar of olives
Which road leads to...?Kto’ra droga prowadzi do…ktura droga prowaji do…
How to get to...?Kto're,dy sie, jedzie do...kturendy sche” ride to ...
You must drive straight.Prosze jechac’ simply.easier” just go
Can you continue down this road?Czy ta, droga, mozna dalej jechac'?chshi then “drogo” you can go further
My car is damagedMo'j samocho'd zostal uszkodzony.muy samohud got ushkozones
Call a mechanic, fitter.Prosze, wezwac mechanika.easier” vozvach mechanic
I'm injured, call a doctor.Jestem ranny. Prosze, wezwac lekarza.Estem wounds are easier”
I ask for your documents.Prosze, about pan'skie documentation.easier” about pansk documents
Here is my passport and driver's license.Oto mo'j paszport i prawo jazdy.oto muy passport and the right to yazdy
Please come with me to the (police) department.Prosze, ze mnq do komisariatuproshe ze me” to the commissariat
Is there a garage near here?Gdzie tu jest garaz' w pobliz'u?gje tu eats garash f take a closer look
May I leave my car with you?Chcial'bym pozostawic' samocho'd u pana.htschyalbym pozostavich samohut at pan
You are welcome. For how long?Prosze, barzo. Na jak dl'igo?easier” borazo na yak dlugo
Until tomorrow morning.Do jutra wound.up to yutra wound
How much does it cost per day?lie kosztuje garaz'owanie na dobe,?ile coshtuye garages on doba
For two days.Na dwa dni.for two days
Please wash the car.Prosze, umyc' samocho'd.it’s easier” to samohut
Check motor.Prosze, sprawdzic' motor.easier" to spravdzhit the engine
Please change oilProsze, zmienic' oliwe,.easier” change olive
Where is the Maritime Bureau located?Gdzie znajduja, sie, biura linii z'eglugi morskiej?where do you know more” Bureau of the Zheglyugi Marine Line
When does the ship leave for...?Kiedy odjez’dz’a statek do …?sneakers odejja statek to …
When are we leaving?Na kiedy wyznaczony jest odjazd?on sneakers vyznachy eats
Will I be able to get a stateroom on deck?Czy moge, otrzymac’ kajute, na pokl’adzie?chi moge ochshimach kayute ma pkladzhe
Please give me a place in a first (second) class cabin.Prosze, o miejsce w kajucie pierwszej (drugiej) klasy.easier” about meistse fkayutse perfshay (other) swear
Does the ticket price include meals?Czy cena biletu obejmuje ro'wniez' wyz'ywienie?chy tsen ticket obeymuye ruvnesh surviving
Can I get a double cabin?Czy moge dostac' kajute na dwie osoby?you can get a cabin for two persons
How long will the trip take?Jak dl'ugo trwa podro'z'?yak long trfa podrush
The ship is weighing anchor.Statek podnosi kotwice,.statek bring kotfitse
In the open sea.Na pel'nym ​​morzu.on the pale can
Calm (restless) sea.Morze jest spokojne (wzburzone).can eat calmly (agitated)
A storm is coming.Bedzie burza.benje bouzha
What huge waves!Jakie pote, z'ne fail!yaké notanjne fale
How do you handle sea travel?Jak pan(i) znosi podro'z' morska,?yak pan (and) nights under the sea "
Very good (bad)Bardzo dobrze (z'le).barzo dobge (zhle)
I never get seasick.Nigdy nie cierpie, na chorobe, morska.don’t scoop anywhere” on horobe sea”
I always get seasick.Zawsze cierpie, na chorobe, morska,.zafshe cherpe on khorobe morsko
Please call a doctorProsze, wezwac'lekarza.easier”
Bring me, please, a blanket, a deck chair.Prosze mi przynies'c'pled, lez'ak.easier” mi pshineschch weave sunbed
We are entering the port.Wpl'ywamy do portu.floats to port
The ship is approaching (departing).Statek przycumowuje (odpl'ywa).statek
What street am I on?Na jakiej ulicy jestem?on yakey street estem
What street is this?Jaka to street?Yaka is the street
What's your address?Jaki jest pana(-i) addresses?yaki eat pana(s) address
I live at the Bristol Hotel.Mieszkam w hotelu "Bristol".bags at the hotel bristol
I live in a private apartment.Mieszkam w mieszkaniu prywatnym.bags in bags
Where is the City Council located?Gdzie jest siedziba Miejskiej Rady Narodowej?gje eats schedzhiba meiskey glad narodovey
Where should I come (go)?Gdzie mam przyjs'c' (po'js'c')?gje mam pshiyschch (puyschch)
Where can we meet?Gdzie sie, spotkamy?where else "spotkamy
I have (you) at home.U mnie (ciebie) w domu.in my (chebe) house
I have in my room.U mnie w hotelu.in my hotel
In which place?W kto'rym miejscu?f kturim meissu
Where to wait for you?Gdzie mam na ciebie czekac'?where mam on cheb chekach
I'll be waiting (wait for me):Be, de, czekac' (czekaj na mnie):be "de" chekach (chekay on me)
The best way is to take the 102 bus.Najlepiej dojedzie pan(i) autobusem numer 102.nailepey doeje pan(i) aytobusem numer one hundred and two
Take tram number 3.Prosze, wsia, s'c' do tramwaju nr 3.ask everything "shchch to the tram numer chshi
Where is the tram stop?Gdzie jest przystanek tramwajowy?where eats pzystanek trams
Give a regular, bus, tram ticket (with a discount).Prosze, about bilet normalny (ulgowy), autobusowy, tramwajowy.proshe» about the ticket normal (ulgovy) bus trams
Does this tram (bus, trolleybus) go to...?Czy ten tramwaj (autobus, trolejbus) jedzie do …?chi ten tram (bus trolley bus) eje do
This tram (bus, trolleybus) goes in the opposite direction.Ten tramwaj (autobus, trolejbus) jedzie w przeciwnym kierunku.ten tram (bus trolleybus)
Where should I transfer?Gdzie sie, mam przesia, s'c'?where sche "mom psheshche" schch
You must get off at ... and take the third tram.Musi pan(i) wysia,s’c’przy … i wsia,s’c’do tro’jki.musi pan (s) vysche "shchch pshi and vshchencyts to the trickle
How many stops is it to…?Ile przystanko’w do …?ile pshistankuf do
You must get off at this stop.Pan(i) wysiada tutaj.pan(s) vyschyada tutai
You must go to the end.Jedzie pan(i) do kon'ca.eje pan(s) to the end
Tickets are sold at Rukh (newspaper) kiosks.Bilety do nabycia w kioskach ,Ruchu".tickets, up to nabychya at kiosks ruhu
Are you getting off at the next stop?Сzu wysiada pan(i) na naste,pnym przystanku?chshi vyschyada pan (s) on a custom pshistanka
Where is the nearest taxi stand here?Gdzie tu jest w pobliz'u posto'j takso'wek?where to eat
Can I call a taxi by phone?Czy moz’na zamo’wic’ takso’wke, telefonicznie?chshy can zamuvich taksufke telefonichne
Where can you find a taxi?Ska,d moge, wzia,c' takso'wke,?skont moge vzhenshch taksufke
You are free?Czy wolny?you are free
To the Bristol Hotel.Do hotelu "Bristol"Do hotelu "Bristol"
Please stop.Prosze, sie, tu zatrzymac'.proshe "shche" that zachshimach
Wait please.Prosze, na mnie zaczekac'.proshe" on me zachekach
How much from me (should)?lie pl'ace,?ile place
Where is the stop for tram number 8, bus number 124?Gdzie jest przystanek tramwaju numer 8, autobusu numer 124?Gdze eats pshistanek tram number oschem, bus number one hundred and two deshchcha chtery?
Where can I buy a ticket?Gdzie moge kupic ticket?Where can I buy a ticket?
How can I get/get to U street, P square, train station?Jak dojsc/dojechac, do ulicy U, placu P, na dworzec?Yak doishchch / drive to U street, parade ground P, to dvozhets?
Place for the disabledMiejsce dla invalidymeistse for the disabled
Place for mother and childMiejsce dia matki z dzieckiemmeisce for the uterus with a jetck
Click!Nacisna, c'!right now
Don't touch!Nie dotykac'!don't poke
Don't lean out!Nie wychylac' sie!not vyhylyach she”
Request stopPrzystanek na z'a, daniepshistanek on jondane
The address. Locationaddress. Miejsce zamleszkaniameisce address delay
Where do you live?Gdzie pan(i) mieszka?gje pan(s) bag
What street do you live on?Przy jakiej ulicy pan(i) mie szka?pshi yakei street pan(s) bag
I live on Pulavskaya street, 17, 2nd entrance, apt. 3, III floor.Mieszkam przy ulicy Puiawskiej 17, II klatka, m 3, II pietro.sacks pshi ulitsa puławska shchedemnaschche druga klyatka meskanja chshi druge pentro

"Polish Phrases in Public Places"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
To whom is this monument erected?Czyj to pomnik?what a memory
Who is in this picture?Kogo przedstawia ten obraz?whom pshetavya ten obras
NN was a famous writer.NN byl' sl'awnym pisarzem.NN was a glorious pissage
In what century was this palace built?W kto'rym wieku zbudowano ten pal'ac?f kturym century zbudovano ten palace
This castle was built in the 16th century.Ten zamek zbudowano w XVI wieku.ten zamek
There was a big strike of workers.Tutaj odbyl' sie, wielki strajk robotniko'w.tutai odbyl sche "welki strike robotnikuf
Buried here...Tutaj lez'y (jest pochowany)…tutai lying (eats pohovany)
the parkparkthe park
Postal officeurza,d pocztowypostal service
street cornerro'g ulicystreet corner
flower shopkwiaciarniakfyachernya
city ​​centercentrum miastacentral area
power stationelectricityelectricity
floorpie, tropentro
Can I get medicine with this prescription?Czy moge, otrzymac’ lekarstwo wedl’ug tej recepty?chi moge otshimach lekarstfo vadlook tei recepty
When will it be ready?Kiedy be,dzie gotowe?sneakers benje ready
Come for medicinePo lekarstwo prosze, przyjs'c':according to the drug proshe pshiyschch
— at 7 pm.— about sio'dmej wieczo'r.Oh good night
works only on weekdaysOtwarte tylko w dni powszednieotfarte tylko in the days of poofshedne
Smoking is (strictly) prohibited!Palenie (surowo) wzbronioneburning (severely) armored
Pull!Pocia, gna, c'!pocheongnonch
Please close the door!Prosze, zarnykac' drzwi!proshe" close jwi
Entrance deniedWejs'cie wzbronionemore vzbronene
Water for drinkingWoda do piciawater to pichya
Free admissionWste, p wolnyfstamp are free
Exit to the cityWyjs'cie do miastavyschche to the meat
Issuance of money by postal money orderWypl'aty przekazo'w pienie, z'nychpshekazuf payments
BusyZaje, tezae "te
Flower shopKwiaciarniakfiatsyarnya

"Supra-primary situations"

"Date and hour in Polish"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
At what time?O who'rej godzinie?about kturei gojina
What time is it nowKtora godzinaKtura gojina
5 hours 10 minutesDziesiec (10) po piatej (5)Deschench by pentei
Quarter to sixZa pietnascie szostaFor a penny shusta
Exactly threePunkt trzeciaitem tshecha
twelve hours forty minutesDwunasta czterdziesciDvunasta cherdeshchi
I'll be back in five minutesWracam za piec minutVratsam for pench minutes
A weekTydzienTydzhen
MonthMiesiacpetty bourgeois
LastUbieglyHave a fugitive
two and a half yearsdwa i po'l' rokutwo and pool roku
hour and fifteen minutesgodzina i kwadransgojina and quadrance
units of timejednostki czasutshasu
a few seconds, minutes, hourskilka sekund, minut, godzmsprat second, minutes, gojin
3 quarterstrzy kwadransechshi kfadranse
half an hourpo'l'godzilnygojina pool
an hour and a halfpo'l'torej godzilnypultoray gojina
hour and quartergodzina i kwadransgojina and qfadrance
2 hours and 7 minutes2 godzilny i 7 minutestwo gojins and shedam minutes
What time is it?ile czasu?ile tshasu
This goes on for two hours.That is trwa dwie godziny.then trfa two gojins
What time is it now?Who'ra godzina?ktura gojina
8 minutes to 3 (hours).Za 8 minutes 3.for more minutes chshecha
Exactly 5 hours.Jest dokl'adnie pia, ta.eats reportne penta
What time is yours?Who'ra godzina u pana(i)?ktura gojina u pan(s)
Come to six.Prosze, przyjs'c' na szo'sta,.proshe”
Do you have the correct time?Czy ma pan(i) dokl'adny czas?chi ma pan(s) report hour
My watchMo'j zegarekmuy zagarek
At what time?O who'rej godzinie?about kturei gojina
At seven fifteen.O sio'dmej pietnas'cie.oh sudmey petnashche
When should I come?Kiedy mam przyjs'c'?sneakers mom pshiyschch
Come, please, around six o'clock.Prosze, przyjs'c'przed szosta,.proshe pshishchch pshet shusto”
Please come back in two hours.Proeze, przyjs'c'za dwie godziny.proshe pshiyschch for two gojins
I'll be back in 10 minutes.Wracam for 10 minutes.doctors for a couple of minutes
- 5 minutes before the start of the session.- 5 minutes przed rozpocze, ciem seansu.pench minutes pshed rozpoche than a session
- 10 minutes after the opening of the store.— 10 minutes po otwarciu sklepudzheshchench minutes for brothel crypt
From what time?Od who'rej godziny?from kturei gojina
Till what time?Do who'rej godziny?do kturei gojina
From 4:30Od godziny 430.od gojiny chfartey chshijeschchi
Up to 7 hours.Do godziny 7do gojina schudmei
Times of DayHorn dniapores of the day
day (afternoon)(w) dzien'(c) jen
morning, in the morningranekearly
before lunchprzed pol'udniempshet noon
(at noonw po'ludnie(f) noon
after lunchpo pol'udnlunoon
evening (evening)wieczo'r (wieczorem)evening (evening)
night (at night)noc (w nocy)nots (in toes)
midnight (at midnight)po'l'noc (o po'l'nocy)pulnots (oh pulnots)
at dawnabout s'wecieabout shveche
at duskabout zmierzchuoh shit
day, daysdzien'doba
1 dayjeden dzien'eden jen
a weektydzien'tydzhen
1 WeekJeden tydzien'eden tyzhen
several, 5 weekskilka, 5 tygodnisprat, stump
several, 5 monthskilka, 5 mieslecysprat, hemp philistines
decadedziesie, cioleclejeshchentsoleche
several, 5 yearskilka, 5 latsprat stump lyat
century, centurywiekstoolcle
Days of the weekDays of tygodniadays youtoday
tuesday, tuesdaywtorek, we wtorekfluorek, ve fluorek
wednesday, wednesdays'roda, w s'rode'schroda, f schrode’
thursday, thursdayczwartek, w czwartekchfartek, ffartek
friday, fridaypia, tek, w pia, tekpyontek, f pyontek
What day is today?So za dzien' mamy dzisiaj?tso for jen mama jishchai
Today is Wednesday.Dzis' jest s'roda.jish eats schroda
Yesterday was Friday.Wczoraj byl'pia,tek.fchoray was pentaek
Tomorrow will be Thursday.Jutro mamy czwartek.yutro moms chfartek
For when?Na kiedy?on sneakers
On Monday.Na poniedzia'lekon ponedzhalek
Since what time?Od kiedy?from sneakers
At what time?Do kiedy?to sneakers
From Tuesday to Friday.Od wtorku do pia,tku.from fluorine to foam
This Monday.W ten poniedzial'ek.f ten ponedzyalek
Last tuesday.W ubiegl'y wtorek.in runaway fluorek
Next Wednesday.W przyszl'a, s'rode,.f pshishlo” shchrode
This week.W tym tygodniu.f tym tygodny
Last weekW ubiegl'ym tygodniu.in runaway tygodnia
Next week.W przyszl'ym tygodniu.f pshishlym tygodnyu
For the whole week.Na cal'y tydzien.na tsaly tydzhen
For a few weeks.Na kilka tygodni.on a sprat of tygodni
A week later.Za tydzien'.for tydzhen
Months and seasonsMiesia,ce i pory rokumesshntse and pores of rock
Several months.Kilka miesie,c.ysprat philistines
This month.W tym miesia, cu.fth month
Last month.W ubiegl'ym miesia, cu.in a runaway bourgeois
Next month.W przyszl'ym miesia, cu.f pshishly petty bourgeois
After 2, 3 monthsZa 2, 3 miesia, ce.for two, chshi philistine
January, February.W styczniu, w lutym.f shy in fierce
In a year or twoZa rok, dwafor rock two
For January, February.Za styczen', luty.for embarrassment, fierce
For January, February, etc.Na styczen', luty itd.for shame, fierce, etc.
Since April.Od kwietnia.from kfetnya
March to May.Od marca do maja.March to May
summer, summerlato, w lecilelato, in treatment
spring, springwiosna, on wiosnespring, spring"
winter, winterzima, w zimiepress, in press
autumn, autumnjesien', jesieniamore, more”
What is today's date?Who'rego dzis' mamy?kturego jisch moms
NumberDatathe date
Today is April 3rd.Dzis’ jest 3 kwietnia.jish eats chshechego kfetnya
5th of March.5 marka.pentego marz
April seventh.Sio'dmego kwietnia.schudmego kfetnya
Day: arrivalData: przyjazdu.date: pshiyazdu
Year of birth.Rok urodzenia.freak rock
This year, this year.w tym rokuw roku biez'a, cym.
Last year.W ubiegl'ym roku.in runaway rock
Next year.W roku przyszl'ym.in the rock posh

"Shopping from Poland"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
How much is it?Ile to kosztuje?Ile then Koshtuye
Reception of goodsPrzyjecie goodswheaten goods
payment, accountPlacenielicense
It costs PLN 50.That kosztuje 50 zl’.then koshtuye penchjeshchent zloty
How much is it?Ile to kosztuje?or something else
How much did you pay for it?lle pan(i) zapl'acil'(a) za to?ile pan(s) paid for
I paid PLN 300.Zapl'acil'em (-am) 300 zl'.paid 100 PLN
Please count the money.Prosze, policyc' pienia, dze.proshe polichych penyondze
Did you count well?Czy policzyl'(a) pan(i) dobrze?chi polychyl (a) pan (s) dobzhe
Count again.Prosze policyc' jeszcze raz.proshe polichych esche races
You are mistaken.Pan(i) sie, pomylil'(a).sir (and yet” washed (a)
Yes, I was wrong.Pomylil'em(-am) sie,.pomylilem(s) sche”
Correctly.Zgadza sie.zgaza yet”
Change, please, 20 zlotys.Prosze mi rozmienic' dwadzies'cia zl'otych.please change two zlotys
Can you exchange PLN 100 for me?Czy moz’e mi pan(i) rozmienic’ 100 zl’otych?chi mozhe mi pan (i) change one hundred zlotys

"At the Polish restaurant"

"Numbers and Digits"

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
one, one, oneJeden; -na; -noeden, -na, -but
two, twodwa; dwietwo, two
twelvedwanascietwo times
fifteenpie tnasciene”tnashche
eighteenosiemnasciemuch more
nineteendziewie tnasciedzheve”tnaschche
twentydwadziesciatwo things
twenty onedwadzies cia jedendvajeshchya eden
twenty twodwadzies cia dwatwo
thirtytrzydzies cichshijeschchi
fourtyCzterdzies cichterjeschchi
fiftypiec dzi esia tpenchjesent
sixtyszesc dziesis tschschchjesent
seventysiedemdziesia tshedemgecent
eightyosiemdziesia tochemjent
ninetydziewiec dziesis tjevenchjegent
one hundred and onesto jedenone hundred eden
one hundred and tensto dziesiecone hundred jeschench
two hundreddwies ciedvuschche
three hundredtrzystatshista
four hundredczterystathree hundred
five hundredpiec'setpenchset
six hundredszesc setcheckset
seven hundredsiedemsetshedamset
eight hundredosiemsetoschemset
nine hundredsdziewiec setjevenchset
one thousandtysia cthousand
One thousand and onetysia c jedentyschents eden
two, three, four thousanddwa; trzy; cztery tysia cetwo, tshi, chtery tyshchentse
two, three, four milliondwa; trzy; cztery mlli onytwo, tshi, chter millions
OrdinalsLiczebniki porza dkowepozhontkove lichebniks
first, -th, -thpierwszy; pierwsza; pierwszeperfsh, perfsh, perfsh
second, -th, -thdrugi; -a; -eothers, -a, -e
third, third, -thtrzeci; -a; -etshechi, chshecha, -e
fourth, -th, -thczwarty; -a; -echfarty, -a, -e
fifth, -th, -thpiaty; -a; -epenta, -a, -e
sixth, -th, -thszo sty; -a; -enimble, -a, -e
seventh, -th, -thsió dmy; -a; -eshudmy, -a, -e
eighth, -th, -tho smy; -a; -eusma, -a, -e
ninth, -th, -thdziewia ty; -a; -ejeventy, -a, -e
tenth, -th, -thdziesia ty; -a; -ejeschents, -a, -e
eleventh, -th, -thjedenasty; -a; -eedenasty, -a, -e
twentieth, -th, -thdwudziesty; -a; -edouble-gestures, -a, -e
twenty firstdwudziesty pierwszyperfshit double-jests
twenty seconddwudztesty drugidouble-gestures others
thousandthtysie cznythousand
Collective numeralsLiczebniki zbiorowezberove lichebniks
both, bothobaj; obydwaj; obieboth
two, fourtwoje; czworodouble, chforo
thirtytrzydzies ciorochshijeschchoro


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Excursion around the cityZwiedzanie miastathe star of the city
Today I want to see the city.Chcial'bym dzis' zwiedzic' miasto.hchyalbym jish zvedzhich mesto
What do you want to see?With chcial"(a)by pan(i) zobaczyc'?tso htsyal (a) would pan (s) zobachshich
I want to go on an excursion to the mountains (to the sea).Chcial'bym pojechac' na wycieczke, w go'ry (nad morze)hchyalbym go on the checkout to goury (over the can)
Do you want to go on a tour with us?Czy chcesz jechac' z nami na wycieczke,?chshy htsesh ride with us on the checkout
Where will you go?Doka,d jedziecie?dokont ejeche
Tomorrow to Lake Sniardwy.Jutro pojedziemy nad jezioro S'niardwy.yutro let's go over the lake schniardvy
What will you ride?Czym pojedziecie?chym poedzheche
We'll go on foot.Po'jdzienny pieszo.puijems pesho
I want to visit Zhelyazova Wola.Chce, zwiedzic' Z'elazowa, Wole,.khtse "zvedzhich zhelyazovo" will
It is far?Czy to daleko?that's far away
Very close.That bardzo blisko.then the barzo is close
We can walk.Moz'emy przejs'c'piezo.maybe
Do you have the necessary equipment?Czy ma pan(i) odpowiedni ekwipunek?chi ma pani rebuke ekfipunek
I don't have the necessary equipment.Nie mam niezbe,dnego ekwipunku.no mom nezbandnego ekfipunku
When are we leaving?Kiedy wychodzimy?sneakers
We leave on Friday at 6 o'clock in the morning.Wyruszamy w pia,tek o (godzinie) 6 early.vyrushamy f pyeongtaek oh (gojin) shustay early
Collection point at the station at 6 o'clock.Zbio'rka na dworcu about godzinie 6.zbyurka at the palace o gojine shustei
On the excursionNa wycieczeon the check
Has everyone come?Czy wszyscy przyszli?chshy fshists pshishli
Did you take everything with you?Czy wszystko zabralis'cie ze soba,?chshy fshistko zabralischche ze sobo "
Yes. All.So. Wszyscy.so fshists
Can you please tell me how to get to...Prosze, nam powiedziec'jak moz’emy przejs’c’ do …
Is it far from the village?Jak daleko do wsi?yak far to fsi
Where is the village located?Gdzie znajduje sie, wies’?Where do you know?
Turn right (left).
Where is the village located?Gdzie znajduje sie, wies’?Where do you know?
Turn right (left).Prosze, skre, cic' w prawo (w lefto).please scroll f right (to the left)
Go straight!Prosze, is'c'prosto.please just search
Is it far to the camp site?Czy daleko do schroniska?chsh far from the chronicle
Where can you stay overnight?Gdzie sie, be,dzie moz’na zatrzymac’ na noc?where sche "bendzhe you can zachshimach on noc
Can you sell us some milk (cheese, sour cream)?Czy moz'ecie nam sprzedac' troche, mieka (sera, s'mietany)?chsh mozheche us spshedach trohe milk (sir schmeta.)
We are hungry, can you sell us something to eat?Jestes'my gl'odni, czy moz'ecie nam sprzedac' cos' do jedzenia?esteschy glodni chy can we spshedach tsosch before the day
Is there a hut along the way?Czy jest jakis' szal'as po drodze?chshy eats yakish shalas by drodze
I'm tired. Let's get some rest.Zme,czyl'em sie'. Odpocznijmy troche.zmenchilem sche "otpochniymy trohe
Let me introduce myself, I...<называя статус, должность> Pozwoli pan(i) z’e sie, przedstawie, jestem …let sir (and) sche "pshetstava" estem
…my name is……nazymam sie…call it "
May I meet you today at… o'clock (tomorrow evening)?Czy moz’emy sie, spotkac’ dzis’ o godzinie… (jutro wieczorem)?chee mozhemy shche" trip jish about gojin (yutro evening)
When else can we meet?Kiedy jeszcze moz'emy sie, spotkac'?sneakers
countries of the worldstrony s'wiatasides of the shield
How can I get to the tour bus stop?Jak trafic pa przystanek autokarow wycieczkowych?Yaktrafic for pshistanek autocars for checkout?
Travel agency. Inquiry OfficeBiuro podro'zy. informacja.bureau of friendship information

BUT nettle in Polish Pokrzywa.

Let's try to develop this side of our site, so that everyone will be able to communicate with the Poles 🙂

Text input and translation direction selection

Source text on Polish you need to print or copy to the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Polish-Ukrainian translation, you need to enter the text in Polish in the upper window and select the item from the drop-down menu with Polish, on the Ukrainian.
Next, press the key Translate, and you will receive the result of the translation under the form - Ukrainian text.

Specialized Polish dictionaries

If the source text to be translated belongs to a specific industry, select the subject of a specialized Polish dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. By default, a dictionary of general Polish vocabulary is used.

Translation from Polish.

Due to the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the Poles, there may be serious problems with the Polish translation into Ukrainian. In Polish, the stress is always on the penultimate syllable. A qualified translation from Polish is practically impossible without the translator's knowledge of English. This specificity largely determines the complexity of working with the Polish language.
Among the things you need to pay special attention to when choosing a translation from Polish into Ukrainian words are Polish geographical names and their case forms, many of which sound unusual in Polish.
As with any other language, when translating Polish text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text verbatim. It is important to find in the target language - Ukrainian- semantic equivalents, and not pick up words from the dictionary.