Giving the city standing on the Neva a capital status. Antique wood processing - old wood

Option 22. Assignments for the Unified State Examination 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) Giving the capital status to the city under construction on the Neva, Peter I pursued two goals. (2) First: he sought to reduce the influence of the old Moscow boyar elite; the second is quite obvious: the renewed Russia needed a sea outpost, which would become a kind of "gateway" for trade with European countries. (3)<...>founded at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland, practically on the shores of the Baltic, the fortress city acquired special political significance in the conditions of the Northern War.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Giving the capital status to the city being built on the Neva, Peter I sought to reduce the influence of the old Moscow boyar elite.

2) In the conditions of the Northern War, Russia needed a sea outpost, which became the city on the Neva, which was being built according to European models.

3) The city being built on the banks of the Neva was endowed by Peter I with the status of the capital in order to reduce the influence of the Moscow boyar elite, and this was of great commercial and military-political importance.

4) The future capital being built on the Neva became a kind of "gateway" for trade with European countries.

5) Solving the tasks of reducing the influence of the old Moscow boyar elite, intensifying trade, as well as important military-political tasks, Peter I gave the city being built on the Neva the status of the capital.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).



To avoid this

Despite this

For example,

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word PURSUIT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CHASE, - I blow, - you blow; -any; nesov.

1) someone. Follow, follow someone. for the purpose of capture, destruction. P. enemy. P. beast.

2) trans., whom (what). Relentlessly follow someone. P. stranger.

3) transfer from whom (what). About thoughts, feelings, memories: do not leave alone, torment. Memories haunt him.

4) trans., whom (what) than. Submit to something. unpleasant, to annoy. P. someone. ridicule.

5) someone. Oppress, oppress, persecute. P. their political opponents.

6) what. Strive for something. (to what is called a noun) (book). P. noble tasks.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.



5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The specialist immediately sees the DIFFERENCE of a professionally made product from a fake.

It is necessary to perform the proposed physical exercise after a deep INHALE.

In the character of Davydov, an IRRITABILITY that was previously unusual for him appeared.

The first performance of an aspiring artist was UNSUCCESSFUL.

Commemorative coins represent a fascinating and very interesting history of numismatics.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


THEIR work

MEASURES temperature

for three hundred years


7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) violation of the aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition


1) Performing an important function of support and movement, the human skeletal system, in addition, protects the internal organs from mechanical damage.

2) While working on the essay, a remark was made to me.

3) The girl enters the hall and did not pay attention to me.

4) Those who have admired the sunset at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful sights.

5) The creation of the Slavic alphabet was carried out by Cyril and Methodius, who know the Slavic language, because they were born on the outskirts of the bordering empire with the South Slavic lands.

6) One of the most famous schismatics, whose fate interested the artist V.I. Surikov, was the noblewoman Feodosia Morozova.

7) The project of this car of the future belongs to a designer known for his development of cars for computer games.

8) Thanks to friendship with the family of S. T. Aksakov, upon arrival from St. Petersburg, N. V. Gogol settled in the writer's house.

9) Contrary to popular belief, alkali has no less strong disinfecting properties than acid, which is usually used, for example, to disinfect drains.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


dist.. lay



9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

n..visible, with..sound

pr..sea, pr..acquired

in .. trembled, not .. squeezed



10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.


peel off

persistent .. out

confused .. out


11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.



12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) LOOKING at the complexity of the topic under study, we will try to understand it as best we can.

Today, his words sounded (NOT) WARM and affectionate, as before, but cold and somehow aloof.

His eyes burned with nothing (UN)CONTAINED passion.

It was a quiet, completely (NOT) HOT June day.

Dentist visit still (NOT)WAS postponed.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1) Just as (SAME) as a person's childhood seems beautiful to him, memories of the harsh dawn of mankind are THAT (SAME) immersed in a romantic haze for us.

2) (AT) THE END I managed to catch (THAT) THE HOUR, when the oblique rays of the sun begin to penetrate the forest, like golden knitting needles.

3) Ryzhiki can be collected both in autumn and (B) DURING the whole summer: it all depends (FROM) on what kind of summer it is.

4) He spoke the language AS (SAME) easily as people control their voice, (BY) BECAUSE he learned the language from ordinary people.

5) (FOR) FREQUENT people do not realize (FOR) HOW important it is to take care of their health.

14. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written HH.

We see that in the bone (1) skates, found (2) by archaeologists in northern Europe, she made (3) holes for leather (4) ribbons.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) There is a lot of fussy and funny, businesslike and cunning in the behavior of the starling.

2) In the count's living room, the mirrors and paintings and vases were real works of art.

3) For many, the books of F. M. Dostoevsky or L. N. Tolstoy are more interesting than any detective novel.

4) It’s good to get lost in the thick thickets of aspens and birches in a warm autumn and breathe in the rotten smell of grass.

5) Both theater and cinema are forms of mass art.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

Sparrow (1) unexpectedly taking off (2) disappeared into the light greenery of the garden (3) transparently through (4) against the evening sky.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

Whoever (1) you are (2) my sad (3) neighbor (4)

I love you like a friend of a young age,

You (5) friend (6) my random (7)

Although fate is an insidious game

Forever we are separated from you

A wall now - and after a mystery.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

Stone paths (1) winding lines (2) which (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) take on a special meaning in the Japanese garden.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in place of which commas should be.

The fog was melting (1) and (2) when the boat went to the shore (3) it was visible (4) how spots of water lilies and lilies swayed on the waves.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word.

The inhabitants of the village were convinced that university graduates and young specialists would not go to work in their backwater, and therefore the arrival of the young agronomist was unexpected for everyone.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) Once I was sent from Brest to Moscow for medicines. (2) Doctors, sisters and orderlies gave me many instructions and letters. (3) At that time, everyone tried to forward letters with an opportunity to avoid military censorship.

(4) Lelya gave me her gold watch and asked me to transfer it to her uncle, the professor, in Moscow. (5) These golden wristwatches embarrassed Lelya. (6) They were, of course, completely useless in the hospital train.

(7) Lelya also gave me a letter to my uncle. (8) In it, she wrote a lot of good things about me and asked the professor to give me shelter if necessary.

(9) I found the apartment of a respected professor in Moscow and called. (10) They didn’t open it for me for a long time. (11) Then, from behind the door, a disgruntled female voice asked me who I was and in what case. (12) The door was opened by an elderly maid with a cross-eyed face. (13) 3 and there stood a tall, majestic, like a monument, an old lady in a snow-white starched blouse with a black bow tie - the professor's wife. (14) Her gray hair was raised with an arrogant roller and shone just like the glasses of her pince-nez. (15) She stood blocking the door to the dining room. (16) There, the professor's family drank, clinking with spoons, morning coffee.

(17) I gave the professor a box with a watch and a letter.

- (18) Wait here, - she said and went out into the dining room, looking expressively at the maid. (19) She immediately began to wipe the dust from the polished table in the hallway, which had long since been worn and unbearably shiny.

- (20) Who called there? asked a creaky old voice from the dining room. - (21) What do you need?

- (22) Imagine, - the professor answered, rustling with paper (obviously, she opened the package), - Lelya remained the same madcap in the war as she was. (23) Sent a gold watch. (24) With some soldier. (25) What a carelessness. (26) All in the mother!

- (27) Uh-huh! murmured the professor. (28) Obviously, his mouth was full of food. - (29) Nothing worth pocketing.

- (30) In general, I don’t understand Lyolya, - the professor said again. - (31) Here he writes, asks for shelter. (32) What is it for? (ZZ) Where to shelter? (34) Pasha is sleeping in our kitchen.

- (35) Only this was not enough, - the professor mumbled. - (36) Give him a ruble and send him out. (37) It's time for Lelya to know that I can't stand strangers.

- (38) Still, the ruble is awkward, - the professor said doubtfully. - (39) What do you think, Pyotr Petrovich?

- (40) Well, then two rubles came out to him.

(41) I opened the door to the stairs, went out and slammed the door so hard that something fell and broke in the professor's apartment with a lingering ringing. (42) I stopped at the site.

(43) Immediately the door opened slightly through the chain. (44) 3and the maid holding the door was the whole professorial family: an arrogant professor, a student with a horse face and an old professor with a crumpled napkin tucked into his shirt-front. (45) There were egg yolk stains on the napkin.

- (46) Why are you messing around? the maid shouted through the crack. - (47) And also a soldier from the front! (48) Defender of the Fatherland!

- (49) Tell your masters, - I said, - that they are cattle.

(50) Here an indistinct hustle began in the front. (51) The student jumped to the door and grabbed the chain, but the professor pulled him away.

- (52) Genya, leave it! she called. - (53) He will kill you. (54) They are used to killing everyone at the front.

(55) Then the old professor pushed forward. (56) His cleanly washed beard was shaking with indignation. (57) He shouted into the crack, putting his hands to his mouth with a tube:

Hooligan! (58) I'll send you to the police!

- (59) Oh you! - I said. - (60)Scientific Luminary!

(61) The professor dragged the respectable old man and slammed the door.

(62) Since then, for the rest of my life, I have had a distrust of the so-called "priests of science", of pseudo-scientists, of that tribe of people who immensely boast of their scholarship, but in life remain philistines and vulgarities. (63) There are many types of vulgarity that we do not notice. (64) Even such an unmistakable "catcher" of vulgarity as Chekhov could not describe all its manifestations.

(According to K. G. Paustovsky)

21. Which of the statements do not correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) At the time that the narrator describes, they tried not to send letters by mail, fearing military censorship.

2) Through the narrator, who was sent from Brest to Moscow for medicines, Lyolya gave her uncle a golden watch and a letter.

3) Since the professor's family could not accept the narrator for a long time, he decided to draw attention to himself by loudly slamming the front door.

4) Unlike his wife, the professor was not ready to shelter the narrator in the kitchen, fearing that he would pocket their property.

5) Genya was at the front and therefore could have automatically killed the offender.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentence 2 indicates the reason for what is said in sentence 3.

2) Sentences 5, 6 explain the content of sentence 4.

3) Sentences 12-14 provide a description.

4) Sentences 18-19 contain reasoning.

5) Sentences 41-42 contain a narrative.

23. From sentences 9-13 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

24. Among sentences 9-16, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a possessive pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

25. "K. G. Paustovsky so skillfully describes a generally ordinary case from the life of a professorial family that by the end of the story the reader has a clear idea of ​​​​each of its members. When describing the professor's wife, the writer uses the trope - (A) ___ ("high, majestic", in sentence 13, "arrogant" in sentence 14), as well as the technique - (B) ___ (sentences 23-24). Lexical means - (В)___ ("mumbled" in sentence 27, "pocket" in sentence 29, and also "pushed through" in sentence 55) - helps to understand the true nature of the professor. The narrator expresses his own attitude to what happened in the professor’s apartment with the help of such a syntactic means as (D) ___ (sentences 59, 60).

List of terms:

1) parceling

2) colloquial and colloquial vocabulary

3) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

4) metaphor

5) rhetorical question

7) hyperbole

8) synonyms

9) exclamatory sentences

26. Write an essay.

Option 22

Job number

Job number

often how much


123 or any combination of these numbers


2457 or any combination of these numbers

1234 or any combination of these numbers


Primorye acquired

345 or any combination of these numbers


235 or any combination of these numbers




1. The problem of attitude to the townsfolk, to vulgarity. (How to relate to the townsfolk, to vulgarity?)

2. The problem of true and false decency, the problem of rudeness. (Is rudeness acceptable when communicating?)

1. People who "boast" of their position in society, in everyday life often turn out to be ordinary people, that is, people who live by petty personal interests. The townsfolk evoke a distrustful, contemptuous attitude towards themselves in the surrounding people.

2. People who are respected in society and consider themselves educated and intelligent do not always behave in everyday life nobly and decently. People should not behave boorishly towards others, they should not look down on everyone.

The Turkish fortress, built 565 years ago, has survived to this day so well that it gives a complete picture of the fortification art of the Ottoman Turks in the 15th century. Having become a foothold on the European coast of the Bosphorus, Rumeli-hisar formed with the opposite fortress of Anadolu-hisar (“Fortress on the Anatolian coast”, built in 1394) a system of fortifications that controlled navigation along the Bosphorus.

Rumeli-hisar was built by order of Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror less than a year before the capture of Constantinople by the Turks: in April - August 1452. Some Muslihuddin-aga is considered to be its architect, although there is no reliable information about this. The general supervision of the construction was entrusted to the grand vizier Chandarly Khalil Pasha, and the viziers Saruja Pasha and Zaganos Mehmed Pasha were entrusted with the main towers. It is noteworthy that on May 30, 1453, that is, after the capture of Constantinople, the latter himself became the Grand Vizier. All this speaks of the importance that the Sultan attached to the fortress under construction. Yes, and the Sultan himself was keenly interested in this object, because he understood that the success of the assault on the capital of the Byzantine Empire planned for the next year could depend on it.

The fortress includes walls 5–15 m high and 5 passing towers reaching a height of 33 m, as well as 15 small towers that strengthened the walls. The thickness of the walls reaches 9 m. The area of ​​​​the fortress is three hectares, which made it possible to concentrate in it the forces necessary for the operational transfer to cover or reinforce assault detachments from land.

At first, the fortress was called “Boğazkesen”, which can be translated both as “Cutting the Strait” and “Cutting the Throat”.

Today, Rumeli Hisar is a wonderful open-air museum with an observation deck that offers a magnificent view of the Bosphorus and its opposite (Asian) coast. On the territory of the fortress, you can also get acquainted with samples of Turkish artillery pieces of the 17th-19th centuries, which undoubtedly have historical and artistic value.

There are many interesting phenomena in Russian linguistics that baffle schoolchildren and students. Homophones are rightfully considered one of those. Let's figure out what it is, consider specific examples and learn how to use this linguistic phenomenon to our advantage. After all, the richer and more diverse the speech of a person, the more chances he has to graduate with honors from school, enter the desired university, find a decent job and ensure his well-being.

In contact with

Homophones - Definition

Homophones are phonetic homonyms, a special case of homonymy, which has the following features:

  • Words must be in the same part of speech.
  • Have an absolute match in spelling and sound.
  • But at the same time have a completely different interpretation.

Let's give an example of homonyms.

  • A sheet in a notebook and a maple leaf. In this example, the homonyms are the words "leaf" and "leaf". They are identical in spelling and sound, both are nouns but have different meanings.
  • Birds are sitting in a cage - the body of an amoeba consists of one cell. Homonymous "cell" and "cell".
  • The cubs were sitting in a mink - a mink molts in winter. In the first case, the mink means the dwelling of animals, in the second - a small animal with valuable fur.

Homophones are words, which are pronounced the same but are spelled differently, you can check the spelling of difficult words with a dictionary. Their meaning also differs.

As can be seen from the examples, the meaning of a homonym can be understood either in context or by spelling. It is impossible to recognize words by sound, since they have the same set of sounds. Due to the prevalence of the phenomenon, there are special dictionaries. Homophones are present not only in Russian, but also in English, French. The reason for their origin is that many consonants are not readable.

Origins of homophones

There are several sources of homophones:

In the dictionary of homonyms, you can get acquainted with all the pairs, there are now more than 10 thousand of them!

Easiest recognize homophones in sentences. Examples:

  • In our village there was a beautiful meadow, where my grandmother drove cows to graze. And onions grew in the garden.
  • A worker climbed out of a manhole on the road. Well, he's a slut, his face is terribly dissatisfied.
  • This fruit was juicy and fragrant. We sat on the raft and enjoyed the silence and fresh air.

From the context, the meaning and meaning of each word becomes clear. In difficult cases, the spelling of a word can be checked in a dictionary. Often this grammatical phenomenon is used by writers to create a funny pun. Example:

Punished him for the cause

But it hurt him!

Typology of homophones

Depending on the part of speech Homophones of the Russian language can be subdivided:

  • On nouns: carcasses and ink, meadow and onions, mushrooms and sadness.
  • Verbs: get through - get through, betray - give, build - build, decide - decide.
  • Verb and noun: marvel and maiden.

In general, the study of homophones for schoolchildren is quite successful and does not cause any particular difficulties, since the meaning of the word and the peculiarities of its spelling become clear to the native speaker from the context. But in difficult cases, you should look into the dictionary.

Common household items made from aged wood have a special charm that makes them a popular part of home decor. However, finding an old tree in an antique shop, or picking one up on trips to the villages, can be difficult and expensive. Wooden furniture, photo frames, bookcase paneling and more can be purchased new and artificially aged using special technologies and materials to make them look like antiques. The antique woodworking process takes time and talented hands, but the results provide a good alternative to buying old stuff.

To give a wooden house under construction the look of a hundred-year-old rarity, and not “freshly from the store”, you can use several aging methods. For example, adding rustic wood beams to your kitchen ceiling, installing primitive garden benches that should look old. The suggested tree aging methods can be used for almost any project involving a new tree.

mechanical way

Gently make indentations in the surface of the wood using the flat end and edges of the hammer head. According to an old expert, this will create a worn look without compromising the strength of the wood.

Use a piece of sandpaper, or even better a hard metal brush (brushing technique) to create a worn and “natural” wear effect on the entire object or a few specific areas, depending on your preference and the effect you want to create. Try this antique wood treatment for areas that are likely to be worn away by natural aging, such as the center of the stairs, the arms of the chair, parts of the clapboard at the entrance.

As a difference in finished shades, you can use the "folk" technology:

Soak a steel wool in vinegar overnight. Then brew a strong (for dark brown) or moderate (for a lighter finish) tea. When the tea is ready, use the brush to apply a layer of tea onto the wooden surface. After the wood dries, use a washcloth to apply a layer of the vinegar solution. This will give the "old wood" a stubborn yellow-silver or brownish abrasion.

Determine where natural wear and tear would exist in your home if it really was old (old experts say it's usually wear on entryway floorboards, chair seats, corners, and doors). For semi-antique wood processing, clean with coarse sandpaper. Then use a paper towel or soft brush to rub the area with wax paste or petroleum jelly. Paint over the entire surface of the wood (including the areas you have waxed) preferably with latex paint - it doesn't absorb well on waxed surfaces.

After the paint has dried, use a soft cloth to wipe down the areas you waxed. You will start to see the texture of the wood underneath the paint, giving your piece of wood an aged look. Once you're happy with the look of the object, brush off excess wax with mineral spirits, a natural degreaser.

Another unusual technology for aging wood is the careful processing of certain areas of the surface with a blowtorch. This will give your wood that darkened look of popular primitive rustic interiors, cabinets and shelves.

In order to get the “gray” effect of old wood from weathering on the wood, apply an alkali-based oven cleaner to the wood surfaces. After achieving the desired tone, wipe the coating with white vinegar using a brush. It neutralizes alkali.

When reproducing antiques, you can create an artificial patina using a 10% nitric acid solution (available at most hardware stores). Let the acid soak into the surface of the new wood for a few minutes, then heat it up with a hair dryer. As the surface temperature rises, the wood becomes darker. Keep heating, do not dry the surface.

When treating with alkali or acid (as in the last two methods), wear a protective mask and rubber gloves. Work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.