Applied informatics distance learning. Where did applied mathematics come from? In what areas is applied informatics applied?


Institute of Applied Informatics


230700.62 - "Applied Informatics"


Applied Informatics in Economics

Form and term of study

full-time (budget/commercial) - 4 years (bachelor)



    Computing systems, networks and telecommunications

    Discrete Math

    Computer science and programming

    Information Security

    Information systems and technologies

    Operating Systems

    Information systems design

    Systems theory and systems analysis

Core competencies

    survey, description and analysis of economic objects, architecture and IT infrastructure

    project management for the creation of information systems

    feasibility study of design solutions, preparation of technical specifications for automation of solving applied problems, design of information systems

    formulation of requirements for the created software systems

    development of software applications, their testing and documentation taking into account standards

    implementation of business applications, adaptation, customization and integration of design solutions for the creation of information systems of economic objects

    coordination of various activities for the creation, maintenance and operation of information systems

    training and consulting of users during the operation of information systems

Software Productsand languages

  • MS Visual Studio(C#)

    1C: Enterprise

    CASE tools (BPWin, ERWin)

    Rational Rose(UML), ARIS, Archi

    html, xml, etc.

Future Professions

    information systems specialist

    database administrator

    systems analyst, business analyst

    Head of automation departments for industrial enterprises, banks, insurance companies

    director of IT firms, head of IT services of enterprises

Graduating Department

Department of Economic Informatics

According to Microsoft founder Bill Gates, in the "electronic age" the most important condition for the success of any enterprise is the high potential of corporate intelligence (IQ). Corporate IQ is a measure of how freely information is disseminated in a company and the exchange of accumulated and current knowledge is carried out.

Ensuring a high level of IQ of enterprises based on the creation of information systems is the task of computer scientists.

Computer scientists should not only develop and implement information systems, but also reorganize the activities of the enterprises themselves on the basis of new, more efficient technologies. Therefore, they must have combined knowledge, both in the field of informatics and in the applied field (economics, management, jurisprudence, etc.).

Bachelor degree

This is the first level of a two-level system of higher professional education, which involves obtaining basic professional knowledge and skills for their application in practice, as well as giving the opportunity to move to the second level of higher professional education for deeper and more specialized training for a specific master's program. Our department prepares masters in the following areas 230700.68 - "Business engineering" and 230700.68 - "Applied informatics in the delivery of high-tech solutions".


The demand of employers for applied informatics is determined by the need for specialists involved in the development of applied information systems for commercial and non-profit organizations, public authorities and government.

Bachelor of Applied Informatics in Economics is an analyst, developer, economist, organizer, manager in the field of information technology.

He is able to analyze the business processes of an enterprise, build mathematical and structural models of business processes, correctly formulate and set the task of informatizing business processes, prepare a technical task for designing an information system, complete and implement its project, operate, maintain and modernize information systems on various enterprise levels.

A Bachelor of Applied Informatics in Economics is a specialist who understands economics, knows the underwater reefs of economic laws, the market, knows how to model business processes, analyze the activities of enterprises, predict the state of financial and commodity markets.

Training of specialists involves both the development of various disciplines related to the theoretical and practical foundations of computer science and information technology (about 20 disciplines), and the development of disciplines related to economics, management, jurisprudence (about 15 disciplines).

Future work

After completing a bachelor's degree in Applied Informatics, you will be able to create information systems, develop IT infrastructure, which means managing an organization using modern computer technologies.

The profession of "informatics" in the coming decades will be in demand, and you are sure to find an interesting, creative and promising job in any field of human activity.

Rest assured that you have an exciting and challenging future in information product development and implementation firms, news agencies and think tanks.

You will be able to work:

    information systems specialist, database administrator, system analyst, business analyst;

    head of the department of automation of industrial enterprises, banks, insurance companies;

    director of an IT company, head of IT services of enterprises.

student life

    Participation in sports events of various levels and scales.

    Participation in cultural events organized by the Student Club.

    Participation in the work of the Case Club.

    Participation in student conferences, seminars, competitions.

    Participation in creative projects within the student design bureau.

    Participation in Russian and international educational programs of the university: from language internships to obtaining diplomas from foreign universities.

    Studying foreign languages ​​at the highest level, obtaining an additional specialty and a diploma "Translator in the field of professional communications".

    The study of information technology in international programs at the APTECH center.

    Participation in the All-Russian Olympiads in Applied Informatics.

    Participation in All-Russian competitions of scientific works in the field of business process reengineering.

Internship at the basic department of the university, organized at an IT enterprise. The availability of internship places is 100%.

Postgraduate education in the postgraduate specialty 05.25.05 "Information systems and processes" (technical sciences) or in postgraduate specialties in the field of economic sciences operating at our university.

Benefits of learning

    high level of training in economic disciplines;

    Teaching Staff- highly qualified specialists with experience in practical and pedagogical activities;

    availability of technical base and specialized professional software;

    basic departments for the practice of bachelors and masters;

    partnerships with MESI and UMO;

    opportunity to study in international program Arena Multimedia(program for training specialists in the field of computer graphics and multimedia technologies);

    the possibility of studying for master's programs in the field of information technology. Our department prepares masters in the following areas: 230700.68 - "Business engineering" and 230700.68 - "Applied informatics in the delivery of high-tech solutions".

Our achievements

Participation in competitions of graduation projects in the direction of "Applied Informatics":

    first place in the competition of graduation projects in the direction of HPE "Applied Informatics" in 2008 (Tsynkov D.V., gr. 3093, supervisor Pashkov P.M.);

    first place in the nomination "Informatization of the financial environment" of the competition of graduation projects in the direction of HPE "Applied Informatics" in 2009 (Ignatova A.M., group 4091, scientific adviser Bobrov L.K.).

Participation in Olympiads in the direction of "Applied Informatics":

    first command position the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Applied Informatics in 2013. (Heine I., gr. 9099, Buzulutskova Yu., 9091, Korotchenko E., 9091, supervisor Rodionova Z.V.);

    first team place at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Applied Informatics in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 (region - Ural and Western Siberia);

    the first team place at the regional stage of the International Olympiad in 1C programming in 2010;

    prizes in the International Olympiad in programming in 1C in 2010.

    second team place at the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Applied Informatics in 2007. (Shugurov P.V. gr. 3091, Bardakov V.B. gr. 2091, Minaev M.V. gr. 3091, scientific advisor Moshegova A.T.);

    second team place at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Applied Informatics in 2012 (region - Ural and Western Siberia);

    third team place at the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Applied Informatics in 2009. (Grishmanovskaya E.A., gr. 5092, Osipova E.A., gr. 5091, Slesarenko N.S., gr. 5091, supervisor Rodionova Z.V.).

Participation in competitions of research works of students:

    first place in an open competition of scientific works within the framework of the XIV scientific and practical conference "Reengineering of business processes based on modern information technologies, knowledge management systems" in 2011, MESI, Moscow;

    first place at the All-Russian Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Innovation - 2012" (Tomsk State University);

Student publications:

    publication of essays by graduates in the almanac "I am 2010", "I am a specialist 2011", "I am a correspondence student 2011", "I am a specialist 2012", "I am a specialist 2013";

    publications in the collection of proceedings of conferences "Master's Forum - 2012".

Over the years, it turns out that entering and studying at the university are not the most difficult stages. Some problems arise when trying to move to an independent financial life and start pursuing your career. But, having received the coveted diploma of graduation from the university, some of yesterday's students fall into prostration. Where to go, where will the resume be accepted at all? If your specialty Applied Informatics who you may or may not know.

Directions in the specialty - where and by whom to work?

Let's get into the details first. The specialty may have several directions:

  1. Informatics.
  2. Mathematics.
  3. Economy.

Graduates of the last specialty receive a specific education. It helps them find positions as financial analysts and consultants in large companies. But the work is practically not connected with computers, programming and computer networks. Don't let the modest postscript "in economics" in the title of your specialty fool you. Those who choose mathematics as their profile will be able to perform modeling tasks, creating software and mathematical software.

They are guaranteed the position of an engineer or developer at any specialized enterprise.

Who can get a job with a coveted diploma?

But precisely "Applied Informatics" in all respects a more attractive specialty. Applicants who choose it will be able to choose between a variety of specialties. Most often, graduates prefer positions:

  1. System administrator in a large company.
  2. An engineer in any enterprise.
  3. Developer in a powerful startup.
  4. Security representative. Information also needs to be protected.
  5. A specialist in the development and implementation of everything related to high technologies and information.

Along with the diploma, you get an extensive knowledge base in information technology and calculus. It is not very difficult to secure a worthy career for yourself, knowing how to work with computers and information products.

Administration of large and small networks.

In the absence of serious ambitions, yesterday's students choose the positions of system administrators. The work will force you to think regularly, look for errors and other malfunctions. But you should not expect serious career growth. Fixed income, free schedule and enough free time. Ideal for your own projects. In the process of working on your idea, working “for an uncle” will help you master your specialty and earn money for basic needs. And if you have already decided to work in this area in the next few decades, set your priorities right. If you need just peace and free time - choose a few small firms and provide services to them. We need funds - only large companies with regular allowances and bonuses.

Security representatives and engineers.

There are not so many engineers in the country. The profession is in demand, but remember that you have taken a slightly different path. The choice of this particular specialty may be due to the manifestation of interest in a particular industry. This can happen during study, but this is not yet an indicator that you need to drop everything and relearn. Try yourself as an engineer at one of the related enterprises. And if you understand that you want to protect information and systems from hackers, you can choose the system security option for yourself. Additional courses and training may be required. But even in large companies, representatives of this department cannot boast of a large store of knowledge. Self-study will give you a significant head start and increase in the eyes of management.

Earn a living in 1 year - myth or reality?

To develop some kind of program and live on dividends until old age is the blue dream of most young people. Over the years comes the realization of the unreality of such an outcome of events. On the other hand, it turns out for a few to implement one successful project and no longer worry about anything. But even without such a favorable outcome, you can significantly increase your skill in terms of development. And in your memory for many years, memories of working in a team and overcoming difficulties together will remain.

The option of introducing information technology sounds rather vague. Any specialty can fit this description. Even the sales manager. If you see an open vacancy for such a specialist, you can be sure that at best it will be about developing an update to existing software or some systems.

Seeing in your diploma in the line of specialty the phrase applied informatics, you already know who to work with. We would advise you to start your career in the 2nd or 3rd year so that by the end of the university you will already have a job. Work experience and knowledge in the practical field is your invaluable advantage over other graduates. To those who were quick to me.

Video about applied mathematics and computer science

What is Applied Informatics. Where did this specialty come from and what then will you have to do at work.




entry barrier


What does it mean to be a graduate in Applied Informatics? This means being absolutely sure that with the help of information technologies, automation of routine processes, technologies for collecting and processing information, the life of a modern person can be made easier and more convenient.

Who suits the profession

You don't have to be able to assemble a computer blindfolded and reinstall software with just a glance at the mouse. Of course, it will be much easier to learn for someone who is already interested in computers. However, something else is important: do you believe with all your heart that the development of technology is right, that it is necessary to look for moments that require improvement and automate various processes so that they can be carried out without human intervention by a multimillion-dollar number of operations. (For example, in the field of exchange trading in securities, even about 1.3 billion transactions are carried out daily on accounts for an average day: 99.9% - automatically, and only 0.1% of the remaining ones require human participation.)

Those who want to master a highly regulated specialty will be mistaken if they choose applied computer science. This is an innovative specialty, here you are always pioneers. Even if there is someone who does the same thing, your job is to figure out how to do it differently.

And for the attention of too creative people: in this area, especially when it comes to a complex area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication, it is easier not to automate work from scratch, but to improve something. There is something to build on, there is already a general vision of the system by the customer. In a project from scratch, it can take up to six months before the client begins to understand what he needs.

The heart of the matter and opportunities

It is difficult to evaluate the work of an innovative specialist correctly. Often there is no right or wrong in it, because after a while it turns out that another way of solving the problem is optimal in relation to the once universally recognized one. And this is the time to wait.

Applied computer science is the study of information technology applied anywhere. A specialist employed in , combines the skills and abilities to build an information environment that is convenient and easy to use, as well as optimally appropriate for the task, and knowledge in any subject area he has chosen.

Let's take a look at a professional ... a library, for example. What processes require innovation here? Perhaps this is the accumulation of information about various authors and topics, the construction of a library catalog according to a selected attribute ... Or the process of receiving and lending books - by the way, why not speed it up thanks to the use of a barcode scanner? So the reader's debt will be determined more precisely, and librarians will become happier!

Now imagine that this is not a library, but a bank. The scope has changed - but nothing has changed globally. There is a need for cataloging, accumulation of information and, possibly, the use of a barcode scanner (for a faster and more convenient way to deposit money into a customer account or move this money from a customer account).

So any area requires professional attention of the applier. There is a certain logic of processes that needs to be studied before proceeding with improvements. And the goal of a specialist is to understand how technical knowledge can be adapted to solve problems in the subject area.

Automation is needed everywhere. Cashiers at a store scan checks using a barcode scanner tuned to the store's inventory and accounting records. At the factory, information about each part is also fed into the accounting program directly from the machine. In the dental clinic, your card is kept electronically; in many Western and some of our medical laboratories, analysis is processed automatically, without human intervention. Accountants work with R-keeper, 1C, SAP-R3 systems that automate their work.

At the same time, automation tools are still far from perfect - and are constantly evolving. Let's say, if you are interested in foreign languages ​​and want to study applied computer science - please, there are systems like Lingvo or Promt and electronic dictionaries, and you, as a specialist interested in languages, will understand the requirements for such systems better than others and will be able to improve existing programs with pleasure or develop a new one that will successfully compete with them.

A wide choice of areas of application of knowledge is, of course, an advantage for a graduate. Knowledge about how to look for information process improvement problems and how to solve them is completely unified. After graduation, one can equally well go to work both in a laboratory and in a trading company; both in schools and in public institutions. The choice is determined by what the soul lies to.

Job Responsibilities

The analyst mainly communicates with the development team and with the customer (the project can be both external and internal). He collects information from both customers and intended users of the product and describes it to the development team in terms that they understand. Answers the question: what should be done? It is the analyst who is engaged in the most relevant specialty activities.

The programmer is a member of the development team. Answers the question: how to do it? It receives information either directly from the customer and users (if the project is very small and does not involve analysts), or from the analyst and from the documents that he prepared. After that, he creates a program.

Tester is a test engineer. Alas, the role of this specialist in the project is underestimated. However, it is the tester, or tester, who is responsible for the quality of the product: he writes test scripts for the program in order to cover the maximum possible use cases and identify the maximum possible number of failures in its operation, as well as the maximum possible number of programmer errors.

The project manager often combines the role of project analyst and project management responsibilities.- distribution of tasks, control over their implementation, helping the team in difficult situations and providing a friendly infrastructure (comfortable conditions and the availability of all necessary programs).

Additional requirements

  1. From the very beginning, a specialist will have to get used to evaluating his work in terms of labor costs. It will be necessary to predict how much time this or that task will take, so that the project manager or client can then evaluate these labor costs at the rates established for them.
  2. This job also requires well-developed communication skills. One of the main skills is the ability to prove and show that everything is well thought out. It is very difficult to prove to the client that he is wrong. And it’s even harder to admit later that it was the client who was right, because the “ideal” scenario does not work.

But there is an even more important skill - the ability to recognize the client as the main carrier of knowledge in his subject area. Alas, very often a specialist thinks out for the client what he supposedly needs, and then the client is surprised: even what was not asked was done. However, it happens that the client himself does not know what he wants. Or he formulates his wishes inaccurately and inattentively, because he simply does not understand what else needs to be explained: everything is obvious to him.

Working at the intersection of knowledge areas, you will often be an intermediary between narrow specialists in the chosen subject area and technical specialists. And it depends on you whether they will find a common language, whether they will gain a common vision of the situation and a single point of view on the problem being solved. If you are creating a system for a commercial company, then for more than six months you will be explaining to other applications, “what are debit and credit”, “how can I calculate this coefficient, which is indicated in the document”. And explain as simply as possible. And then you will repeatedly explain to users, “and when to click on this button”, and object to attacks like “is it difficult to add a new report? It's almost the same as the other report."

Your social circle will expand. You will be able to navigate the realities of subject areas. However, conflicts are also possible - so your choice depends on how comfortable you feel in conflict situations and with an abundance of communication.

Basic knowledge

It is necessary to be well versed in algebra and the school course of computer science - this is not discussed. But what about physics and geometry? They are also needed to develop abstract thinking.

It is very important to know English! It is English: otherwise it will be difficult to work even with Russian-speaking clients. The specialty is full of anglicisms and untranslatable terms, new technologies are accompanied by documentation only in English. If the main foreign language is not English, then you need to think carefully before choosing applied computer science.

And it would be nice to be able to play chess - this will develop logical thinking.

Choosing a university and studying

A very good selection criterion - teachers-practitioners! If teaching is the main and only occupation of university teachers, then this is bad: there is a risk that very soon they will teach outdated information.

Look for a university that gives a lot of tasks, where you need to think a lot in the abstract, learn to think in an unusual way for yourself, and also constantly look for analogies: after all, the more complex the subject area and the further it is from what the programmer is already familiar with, the more difficult and interesting it will be work.

And how to become a sought-after expert if you are more interested in the applied aspect, and not in the technical details? Pay attention to universities specializing in the subject area you want to choose. One person will be more interested in applied informatics in economics, another in medicine or tourism. And look for training in the specialty "Applied Informatics" in the relevant higher educational institutions.

Need to constantly learn new things

The apprentice is always learning. And you need to learn the processes of production of programs and technologies, study the new technologies themselves, used in a particular project, master new areas of application of knowledge, comprehend differently set business processes. The result in training must be achieved very quickly - and just as quickly switch between different knowledge that is already there. During the time that you are students, new process design algorithms will be invented, new ways of automation, new programs for documenting - everything will become new.

In the field of information technology, changes are unregulated and often undocumented.

There are so many different technologies today that a specialist will most likely have to work in a project where some of the technologies used will be practically unfamiliar to him. Getting into the project, you may encounter such a situation that not only do you not have the slightest idea how to work with new technology, but seasoned specialists are also not up to date. And that's okay. However, will you have time to finish your studies? Will the new knowledge be too complicated? However, just after graduating, you will already be on the same level with many colleagues in your industry. Would you like to learn a new profession?

Applied mathematics and computer science are quite complex, but quite promising areas of study and activity. After all, they affect the issue of conducting various innovative developments in everyday life. But each direction has its own tasks and methods. Few people know what applied computer science is. What is it, just science or a field of practical knowledge? In fact, this teaching has penetrated into all spheres of our modern life.


Applied informatics as a science arose not so long ago. The basis for its creation and development, of course, was mathematics. It was she who served as a solid foundation for a breakthrough in computer science in the very near 20th century.

Mathematics has been the basis for almost everyone since time immemorial. Without it, there would be no physics, astrology, computer science, geography, probability theory and number theory. Such sciences as biology, chemistry, anthropology and others could not arise and develop without precise mathematical calculations.

Initially, computer science was engaged in the collection, analysis, generalization and dissemination of various information obtained during the operation of a computer. Further, these data were applied in various areas of public life and innovation.

Over time, related specialties and sciences began to appear. For example, it is applied computer science. What it is, the average person knows only approximately. But today, specialists in this field are in demand everywhere.

Where did applied mathematics come from?

Probably, everyone at least once heard that everything in our modern world is numbers and calculations. They surround us everywhere. With their help we work, study and live. Even the date of birth and the sex of the unborn child can be quite successfully calculated. That is precisely why mathematics is called the queen of all existing sciences.

In ancient times, it served to record various values ​​​​and crops. However, with the development of civilization, mathematics also developed. New related sciences appeared, which also used the generalization of information. Each of them was responsible and is responsible for a clearly defined sector. But all of them seem to be "applied" to mathematics. Hence the name.

Applied mathematics as a science arose on the basis of computational mathematics several centuries ago. She was engaged in solving various extremal problems, differential, transcendental and other, more complex equations, etc. The main goal of applied mathematics was to evaluate all errors and develop action algorithms. But it was able to fully take shape as a science only with the advent of computers.

Thanks to this, applied mathematics and computer science became one of the most sought-after and popular specialties of the 20th century. Thanks to them, the IT industry is developing today. After all, it was these sciences that stood at the origins of modern computer systems.

Applied Informatics - what is it?

We all studied the operation of computer systems in school. But the concept of "applied informatics" is only based on the general principles of modern informatics. This is a frontier science that combines several sectors and areas of human activity and knowledge. Applied informatics is the engine without which it is almost impossible to solve the whole range of emerging problems.

For example, economics has long been formed into a separate and independent science. But today it is simply impossible to imagine the work of a specialist in this field without a computer. Indeed, almost every task is performed using certain computing programs: 1C, Audit Expert, Risky Project, Master MRP, etc.

But an economist is simply not enough to develop such knowledge support. So it turns out that you need a computer specialist who knows all the nuances of this profession.

Based on this, one can answer the question: "Applied Informatics - what is it?" This is the direction of science, which gives us universal IT-specialists of a wide profile.

What are the fields of applied informatics?

This direction prepares the best specialists for servicing computer systems and networks of various levels. Students in the learning process receive fundamental knowledge in the field of analytics, development and implementation of various business applications, economics and finance, as well as in the science of resource management.

  • Economy. The specialty "applied informatics" is in demand here for data analysis and their further systematization.
  • Jurisprudence. Professionals in this field are engaged in the development and maintenance of special programs for organizing high-quality and fast work.
  • Management. With the help of applied informatics, data is collected and organized here for subsequent control.
  • Sociology. In this science, there is a lot of data and figures that require in-depth analysis and construction of illustrative examples.
  • Chemistry. The development and maintenance of specialized programs that simulate the behavior of a substance greatly helps to develop the industry.
  • Design. Almost everything in this industry is built on various graphics programs and editors.
  • Psychology. Modeling of mental and behavioral processes helps in identifying and describing many phenomena in the industry.
  • Education. The learning process now absolutely cannot do without information and software.

In addition to these industries, the specialty of applied informatics is in demand in many sectors of the social and economic life of a person. A specialist in this field has a significant advantage in the labor market over other applicants.

Where can I get an education in the direction of "applied computer science"?

Before entering, each graduate puzzles over where to go to study. This is especially true for applied informatics. It is quite difficult to choose a good educational institution, because. this science belongs more to the technical than to the humanitarian field. And there are many such universities.

As a rule, these are specialized institutes or universities of a technical orientation. However, the direction of "applied informatics" is found in many modern humanitarian educational institutions of a wide profile. In this case, the student receives a bachelor's, master's or specialist's level. Also, this rather popular profession is obtained in colleges or technical schools.

The main emphasis in teaching is on fundamental mathematics and computational sciences. They can take up more than half of the educational process. The rest of the time is devoted to general and

What skills and knowledge does the graduate acquire?

The ultimate goal of any educational process is to obtain a certain qualification and experience. Also in the direction of "applied mathematics and computer science". The specialty provides certain knowledge in areas such as:

  • Productive use of modern and systems in operational, design and technological, analytical, organizational and managerial and many other areas of human activity.
  • Carrying out research work for the improvement and development of information technology.
  • Modeling of various objects and processes for solving specific problems.
  • Creation and implementation of innovative technologies for the development of special services and systems.

For any employer, a specialist in applied informatics is a rather valuable staff. Even if he has no specific work experience. After all, applied informatics - what is it, what does it give to a potential boss? First of all - a graduate generalist with knowledge of computer systems and the basics of cybernetics. Secondly, such a personnel has another, related, specialized education in the field of economics, management, law, etc. And also such an employee is able not only to collect, analyze and systematize the data received, but also to create certain complexes and programs to solve the tasks .

"Applied Informatics in Economics" - what kind of specialty?

It is no secret that professions related to finance and management are now the most in demand. Moreover, "applied informatics in economics" is a broad specialty, covering not only knowledge in economic theory, but also the ability to model various processes.

More specifically, the main objects of activity of a graduate in this area are:

  • Special professionally oriented information systems. This can be both the banking, customs or insurance sector, as well as administrative management.
  • Information processes in the economy.
  • Development of computer support for the latest trends in the economy, preparation of a complex of specialized programs.
  • A detailed analysis of the incoming information, on the basis of which an expert opinion is made. Based on the presented results, a specific management decision is developed.

After completing the training, each graduate receives the qualification of "informatics-economist". He has fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the following areas:

  • Database;
  • business fundamentals;
  • high-level methods of programming and informatics, etc.;
  • computer systems, telecommunications and networks;
  • designing common and intelligent information systems;
  • analysis, accounting and audit.

Where can you work with a diploma that says "applied computer science"?

This is the most important question that every applicant should ask himself before applying to the chosen university. After all, today a huge number of people do not work in their specialty, because. took the wrong step. Therefore, here you need to choose an option in which there are several directions for future activities. And applied informatics - what is it? This is a combination of the two most sought-after professions today. Therefore, the chances of successful employment are doubled.

So what position can a graduate of the Faculty of Applied Informatics work in? There are several options here:

  • 1C programmer;
  • specialist in the field of economic security;
  • System Administrator;
  • computer scientist-economist;
  • IT manager;
  • entrepreneur;
  • employee of various private and public structures and enterprises;
  • information technology specialist;
  • manager of governing bodies, etc.

In addition, a specialist in the field of "applied informatics in economics" has the opportunity to develop his abilities in the field of science, and doctoral studies.

What does it take to get in?

If you have firmly decided to enter the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, then you need to take a number of specific steps:

  1. Collect absolutely all the necessary documents. These are a national passport, a document confirming citizenship, educational documents and medical certificates.
  2. Pass USE tests in three subjects. This is the Russian language, physics and mathematics. At the same time, a good result is needed for each of them, and not in general.
  3. Submit all of the listed documents to the admissions office of the university or college at the agreed time.

"Applied Informatics in Economics" is a specialty that requires perseverance, determination, excellent abilities in physics and mathematics, as well as knowledge of programming.

Rating of the best universities in Russia

Sometimes when looking for a job, especially for a young specialist, there are a lot of nuances. One of them is the prestige of the university and the quality of education. It happens that, just after hearing the name of the university, the employer hires without question or refuses without further explanation.

This is mainly due to the prestige of the university and rumors about the quality of the training program. So which institutions are most valued by employers? "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" is a specialty that is best obtained in such educational institutions:

  • Russian Economic Institute. G.V. Plekhanov.
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • MEPhI. National Research Nuclear University.
  • Institute of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow Technical University of Communications.