A story about the sea at different times of the day. Description of the black sea

How many seas are on earth? Nobody can tell you the exact answer. For example, the International Hydrographic Bureau identifies only 54 seas, some scientists believe that there are more than 90 seas on our planet (not counting the Caspian, Dead and Galilee, which are often referred to as lakes). The most common version is that there are still 81 seas. Such a discrepancy arises due to the fact that scientists interpret the very concept of "sea" in different ways.

The most common interpretation: sea ​​- a body of water separated by parts of land or elevations of underwater relief . From a geological point of view, the seas are young formations. The deepest were formed at the break of tectonic plates, for example, the Mediterranean. Smaller ones are formed on the outskirts of the continents when the continental shoals are flooded.

Characteristics of the seas

The seas are actively involved in creating the temperature regime of the globe. Sea water is very "lazy" and heats up slowly. Therefore, for example, the water in the Mediterranean Sea becomes warmest not in July, when it is hot, but in September. As the level drops, the water cools down quickly. At the bottom of the deepest seas - about 0ºC. At the same time, salt water begins to freeze at a temperature of -1.5 ºC; - 1.9 ºC.

Warm and cold currents move huge masses of water - warm or cold. This greatly affects the formation of the climate.

An important role is also played by the ebbs and flows, the frequency of their change and height. The occurrence of ebbs and flows is associated with a change in the phases of the moon.

An interesting feature of the water in the sea is known. When immersed, the sea gradually "eats" the colors. At a depth of 6 m, scarlet colors disappear, at a depth of 45 m - orange, 90 m - yellow, at a depth of more than 100 m only purple and greenish shades remain. Therefore, the most colorful underwater world is located at shallow depths.

Sea types

There are several classifications that unite the seas according to certain criteria. Consider the most popular.

1. Over the oceans(list of seas by oceans)

2. By degree of isolation

Internal - do not have access to the ocean (isolated), or are connected with them through the straits (semi-isolated). In fact, isolated seas (Aral, Dead) are considered to be lakes. And the straits connecting the semi-isolated seas with the ocean are so narrow that they do not lead to mixing of deep waters. Example - Baltic, Mediterranean.

Marginal - located on the shelf, have an extensive network of underwater currents and free access to the ocean. They are separated from each other by islands or underwater hills.

Interisland - such seas are surrounded by a close group of islands that prevent connection with the ocean. Most of these seas among the islands of the Malay Archipelago are Javanese, Sulawesi.

Intercontinental - seas lying at the junction of continents - Mediterranean, Red.

3. According to the salinity of the waters distinguish slightly saline (Black) and highly saline (Red) seas.

4. By the degree of indentation of the coastline There are seas with a strongly indented and slightly indented coastline. But, for example, the Sargasso Sea has no coastline at all.

The coastlines are characterized by the presence of bays, estuaries, bays, spits, cliffs, peninsulas, beaches, fjords and headlands.

The difference between the sea and the lake, the bay and the ocean

Despite the great similarity of interpretations of the concepts "sea", "lake", "bay" and "ocean", these words are not synonymous.

So, the sea differs from the lake:

Size. The sea is always bigger.

The degree of salinity of the waters. In the sea, water is always mixed with salt, while in lakes it can be fresh, brackish and salty.

Geographic location. Lakes are always located within continents and are surrounded on all sides by land. The seas most often have a connection with the ocean.

It is more difficult to separate seas and oceans. It's all about size here. It is generally accepted that the sea is only a part of the ocean that has unique flora and fauna. The sea may differ from the ocean in the degree of salinity of the water and in relief.

The bay is also an integral part of the ocean, deeply incised into the land. Unlike the sea, it always has a free connection with the ocean. In some cases, the name of the bay was assigned to the water areas, which, according to their hydrological characteristics, are more likely to be seas. For example, Hudson Bay, California, Mexico.

The most salty sea

(Dead Sea)

If we consider the Dead Sea as a sea, and not a lake, then the palm in terms of the degree of salinity of the waters will belong to this area. The salt concentration here is 340 g/l. Because of the salt, the density of the water is such that it is impossible to drown in the Dead Sea. By the way, this is why there are no fish and plants in the Dead Sea, only bacteria live in such a saline solution.

Of the recognized seas, the Red Sea is considered the most salty. 1 liter of water contains 41 g of salt.

In Russia, the most salty sea is the Barents Sea (34-37g/l).

The biggest sea

(Philippine Sea)

The largest sea in the world is the Philippine (5726 thousand sq. km). It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean between the Taiwan, Japanese and Philippine islands. This sea is also the deepest in the world. The greatest depth was recorded in the Mariana Trench - 11022 m. The territory of the sea covers 4 climatic zones at once: from equatorial to subtropical.

The largest sea in Russia is Beringovo (2315 thousand sq. Km.)

Description of the Black Sea

Description: The Black Sea is connected to the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Mediterranean by the Bosphorus, to the Sea of ​​Azov by the Kerch Strait. Oceanic salinity in the Black Sea is 1.8%. (in the Mediterranean 37%). The area of ​​the Black Sea is 423 thousand sq. km, depth - 2245 m, holds 527 cubic km of water.
The peculiarity of the Black Sea is that at a depth of more than 150 meters, the habitat of anaerobic bacteria begins, the result of which is the release of hydrogen sulfide. Organisms that need oxygen cannot live there. Life develops only in the upper layer of the sea, which makes up 12 - 13% of the total volume of the sea, 80% of the entire fauna of the Black Sea are marine species that have penetrated here through the Bosphorus. The rest of the brackish water organisms, common in similar reservoirs throughout the planet. And fresh views from the rivers flowing into the Black Sea. The water in the Black Sea is moderately cold.

Marine life

The Black Sea is poorer in species than the Mediterranean, it is inhabited by species that tolerate a wide range of water salinity, which do not need great depths at any period of development. All types can be divided into two large groups: permanent and temporary.
2.5 thousand species of animals live in the Black Sea: 500 species of unicellular, 160 species of vertebrates are fish and mammals (sharks, dolphins), 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of mollusks, the rest are invertebrates of various groups.
Large mobile animals enter the Black Sea from the Mediterranean of their own accord. But a large number of species are constantly brought here, regardless of their desire, through the straits: the Black Sea - the Bosphorus - the Sea of ​​Marmara - the Dardanelles - the Mediterranean Sea.
There are always two currents in the Bosporus Strait - the upper one carries desalinated water from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​​​Marmara and further to the Mediterranean. The lower delivers saltier, warmer water to the Black Sea. With it, the thickness of the stream is 2-8 meters, planktonic organisms are brought into the sea. Live starfish, brittle stars, sea urchins have been found here.
The flora of the Black Sea includes 270 species of green, brown, red bottom algae, 350 species of microscopic planktonic, a lot of different bacteria.
Most planktonic algae use solar energy to build themselves from simple compounds. Some algae, like animals, can only feed on ready-made organic substances.
Noktilyuk algae (night light) has become a predator - noktilyuk has no chlorophyll, it looks like a miniature transparent apple with a tourniquet tail, it got its name for its ability to glow.

Water balance of the sea

The water balance is a very important characteristic of the marine ecosystem, since any changes in the natural mechanism of inflow and outflow of water affect the salinity, temperature, density and other properties of water masses and, consequently, the living conditions in them.

There is not and cannot be once and for all established components of the water balance of the sea. From year to year, they change depending on weather conditions, river runoff, air temperature and humidity, which affect the evaporation of moisture from the sea surface, on the strength, direction and duration of winds, and many other reasons. Therefore, it is more correct to speak of some average long-term indicators of the water balance calculated on the basis of observations, measurements and assessments made over a number of years.

The components of the Black Sea water balance include river runoff, atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain and snow, evaporation from the sea surface, water exchange through the Bosporus and the Kerch Straits. It should be noted that two currents of opposite directions act in the straits. In the Bosphorus Strait, the upper course is directed from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the lower one - from the Sea of ​​Marmara to the Black Sea. In the Kerch Strait, the upper course is directed from the Sea of ​​Azov to the Black Sea, and the lower one - from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov. According to averaged long-term data (Shimkus and Trimonis), the water balance of the Black Sea can be expressed by the following values:

Water inflow to the Black Sea (km per year)

  • With river flow 346
  • With precipitation - 119
  • From the lower reaches in the Bosphorus Strait - 176
  • From the upper reaches in the Kerch Strait - 32

Total - 694

Source of water from the Black Sea (km per year)

  • Through evaporation - 332
  • Through the upper course in the Bosphorus Strait - 340
  • Through the lower course in the Kerch Strait - 32

Total - 704

As you can see, the rivers bring 346 cubic meters to the Black Sea. km of fresh water and almost the same (340 km), but already salty water flows from the Black Sea through the Bosphorus. Atmospheric precipitation supplies almost three times less fresh water to the sea than it escapes into the atmosphere through evaporation. In other seas, all components of the water balance are significantly different, this is understandable. But in the Black Sea, more than in some other seas, people have been interfering in the mechanisms of regulating the water balance lately. For example, by irrevocably withdrawing fresh water for irrigation or other economic purposes. In these cases, river flow to the sea is reduced, which entails a number of changes in the functioning of the ecosystem. Here comes to mind the modern fate of the Aral Sea, reduced to a small reservoir precisely because of the excessive use of river flow in the cotton fields in the region. However, the fate of the Aral Sea does not threaten the Black Sea in any way, if only because it will not become shallow as long as there is a connection with the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosphorus. And especially water-intensive crops are not grown here. However, fresh water is also consumed here and in considerable quantities. For example, in the sixties and seventies of the last century, plans were made to use large volumes of water from rivers flowing into the Black and Azov Seas, primarily for the development of irrigated agriculture in the arid regions of the Northern Black Sea and Azov regions. From the standpoint of agriculture and animal husbandry, this was then a major project to transform nature for the better for man.
On the other hand, this promised great changes in the marine environment and the loss of biological resources both in the Black Sea and in the Sea of ​​Azov. Specialists, hydrologists and oceanologists, made forecasts of expected events in the sea and assessed the possible damage that they would cause to commercial fish and other valuable organisms. For example, Professor A.M. Bronfman and Dr. E.P. Khlebnikov wrote in 1985 that with the expected increase in irrevocable water consumption in the Azov Sea basin in 1980-2000, the average salinity of water in it will increase from 12.13% in 1981 (% means the number of grams of salt per kilogram of sea water) to 14.46% in 1995 and up to 15.58% in 2000. It was with such accuracy that the constructed mathematical models predicted the value of water salinity. With regard to the Black Sea, Professor K.A. Vinogradov and Dr. D.M. Tolmazin noted in 1971 that, subject to the withdrawal of 40% of the river flow, the salinity of the water in the Black Sea will tend to 33%, reaching this value in about 7000 years. By 2000, a number of authors predicted an increase in salinity in the Black Sea from 18% to 21-22% and a sharp deterioration by that time in living conditions for many marine organisms, primarily for Pontian relics. In connection with the reduction of river runoff, the "advance" of the sea into open estuaries, such as the Dniester and Dnieper-Bug, was predicted, and an increase in the salinity of water in them from the current level of 2-3% to 18-20%. As a precautionary measure, Professor F.S. Zambriborsch (1971) suggested building dams at the mouths of these estuaries in the Ochakov and Zatoka regions. This will create a new type of reservoirs, warned F.S. Zambriborsch, but no other effective way to save the brackish-water fauna of the estuaries and their rich fish resources is known. mathematical models. Later it became clear that mathematical "environmental models" are often based on extremely simplified conceptual models of systems. Therefore, when answering questions of practice on environmental problems, ecologists, as one of them wrote, are often more like ancient Greek oracles than scientific experts and consultants. "Of course, this applies to ecological mathematical models of the 60s and 70s of the last century. Later they became more perfect. Time has passed, and now we can draw some conclusions. As modern studies show, events in the Black Sea region developed according to a different scenario than predicted. For various reasons, including economic and political ones, a major irrevocable withdrawal of river flow has not yet occurred by the end of the century. The rivers continue to pour into the Black Sea, practically, the same volumes of fresh water. Salinity in the open waters of the Black Sea remained at the same level - about 18%. It slightly increased in the open estuaries and in the Sea of ​​Azov, but far from reaching the predicted values.
For example, the modern average salinity of the water of the Sea of ​​Azov is 13.8%, and it was predicted - 14.46% in 1995. It can be argued that the salinity of the water has remained at a level at which serious biological changes in the ecosystem cannot be expected.

Sea. I love the sea very much. It is never monotonous, uninteresting, because every day, even every minute it is different. Mysterious, fickle, immense - it excites the soul, does not leave the heart indifferent. One day it is quiet and calm, like a large mirror, cold and transparent. The rays of the sun, penetrating the salty water, reach the bottom, meekly touching the golden sand and bright shining shells, smooth stones and greenish algae, catching small dexterous fish, which flocks have fun near the shore. On the

The next day everything suddenly changes.

A gusty wind will come up and drive the waves to the shore. The water turns cloudy green, sometimes dark blue, and once I saw even startlingly black. No more fish, shells, or sand are visible: there are only violent waves that beat with force into the coastal sand. Then my parents and I sit on the shore and can only watch the power of the sea. Although even at such moments the sea is amazing to me. I think it is a giant that I can compete with, and I throw pebbles into the sea or shout loudly. But the victory always goes to him, the sea. It muffles my voice and throws my pebble on the shore. Sometimes it seems to me that I can look at the sea endlessly. And it always makes me happy.

(7 ratings, average: 2.43 out of 5)

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Art workshop
in the art of speech in the 5th grade

"My verse sings in the waves of his tide"
M. Voloshin

Lesson type: integrated lesson of the Russian language, literature and MHC.

Lesson form: visiting the studio of marine painters.

Cabinet interior: on the desks - photographs with images of the sea; office curtains are decorated with blue flaps in the form of waves; stand with reproductions of marine paintings; stand "Poetic dedication to the sea" and other attributes reproducing the atmosphere of the marine painter's house.

Equipment: reproductions of marine paintings by I.Aivazovsky, M.Voloshin, A.Bogolyubov, K.Bogaevsky, W.Turner, M.Ciurlionis and others; photographs and postcards with images of the sea, with views of the houses-museums of A. Grin and M. Voloshin; cassettes (= discs) by C. Debussy “Sounds of Nature”; reproduction of K.Vasiliev's painting "Sadko visiting the Sea Tsar".

Lesson Objectives: 1. Contribute to the modeling of the verbal space of the concept "sea" by immersing children in the creative world of artists, poets and musicians who dedicated their works to the sea; introduce the spelling of complex color epithets and teach how to use them in your own texts.

2. Expand and supplement children's fragmentary ideas about the sea with new metaphorical and pictorial concepts.

3. To cultivate artistic taste, the ability to understand and appreciate beauty.

The recording of the instrumental composition "Sea Mood" (album "Sounds of Nature") sounds.

Introductory speech of the teacher

Teacher. The ever-changing sea is delightful, you can admire it endlessly. People have long been striving for the sea: its moist breath calms, fills with extraordinary energy. Today I suggest you to be transported from school everyday life to the bewitching world of the sea element without leaving the classroom. To do this, we will turn on our imagination, and the almighty power of our imagination will help us find ourselves in the creative studio of marine painters. This studio consists of several amazing rooms. We will move from one room to another and complete tasks that a mysterious natural artist named More helped me come up with.


Poets of all times and peoples dedicated their poems to the sea. One of the best poetic gifts to the sea is still a poem by I.A. Bunin:

The whole sea is like a pearl mirror,
Lilac with milky gold tint.
A rainbow shone in the sunset rain.
Now thin smoke is fragrant over the sakley.

There a seagull sat down in a rocky bay, -
Like a float. Takes off sometimes
And you can see how a silvery stream
Escapes from the paws of pink water.

Rocks froze in the water along the coast,
Under them shines a liquid emerald,
And there, in the distance - and pearls and opals
They flow on golden yachts.

(Children expressively read prepared verses.)


Teacher. The sea not only surprises and delights us, it evokes a slight sadness that always appears after parting with the sea.

(Exchange of summer impressions on marine pages.)

When I remember the sea...

... I feel the sea air - clean, invigorating, calling me on a fabulous journey.

… I dream of seeing its waves again soon, the sun reflected in the water, jumping dolphins, warm sand and gulls circling in the sky.

... I rush into mysterious distances, from which the melody of happiness and peace seems to be calling.


Teacher. There are people who could not part with the sea. They decided to dedicate their work to the alluring depth of the sea. They are called mariners. These include the writer A.S. Green (it is no coincidence that his house-museum in Feodosia is designed in the form of a ship); artist I.K. Aivazovsky, who wrote more than 6,000 paintings in his life, two thirds of which are devoted to the sea. The sea, mountains and clouds are the favorite themes of the poet and artist M. Voloshin, the brightest representative of the Silver Age. Let's take a look at the marine painter's house, because the owner himself invites us:

The door is open. Cross the threshold
My house is open to all roads.
In transparent cells, bleached with lime,
The wind sighs, a deaf roar lives
Waves, soaring up on a flat shore,
Wormwood spirit and hard crackle of cicadas.

And outside the window the molten sea
It burns with brocade in the azure expanse ...
Full breast to the sea, straight to the east
Converted like a church, workshop.
And again the human flow
It flows through the door without drying up.

Come in, my guest, shake off the ashes of life
And the mold of thoughts at my doorstep...
From the bottom of centuries will greet you strictly
The huge face of Queen Taiah.
My blood is poor. And times are tough.
But the shelves of books are rising like a wall.
Here at night they talk to me
Historians, poets, theologians.

(M. Voloshin. Poet's house

The teacher shows images of the houses-museums of A. Green and M. Voloshin.

Teacher. The workshops of famous writers and artists, as you can see, always contain bookcases, paintings, portraits, bizarre marine souvenirs ... But today we have to look into the most unusual workshop of the most unusual seascape painter, which, of course, is the Sea King. His workshop is a mysterious seabed. The Romans call the ruler of the sea element Neptune, the Greeks - Poseidon. Our ancestors, the Slavs, also had the Sea Tsar, it was not for nothing that the epics about the visit of the famous Novgorod merchant Sadko to the Sea Tsar were preserved. See how famously the lord of the sea dances to the amazing harp of Sadko in the painting by K. Vasiliev. (Children look at a reproduction of the picture.) And how do you imagine the Sea Slavic Tsar? Describe it.

Mythological dictionary entry

sea ​​king- This is an elderly man who is dressed in a Russian folk costume. On his head is a crown of shells. On his feet are bast shoes woven not from straw, but from the most beautiful algae. It has a fish tail and claws like a cancer. In one claw he holds a staff of the seas and oceans, in the other - a model of a pirate ship, one of those that he likes to sink. (Katya Shilo)

The sea king is a huge octopus that sits on a coral throne. Sometimes he harnesses magical whales to huge sledges adorned with the finest pearls. Then the sea rages, closing the king from prying eyes. When his dolphin daughters dance for him, he rejoices. The sea begins to smile and dance along with them. (Sonya Kuzmenko)


Teacher. Everyone can admire the sea, but not everyone can express their admiration in words. I propose to learn from the masters of the artistic word. Please note that no one in their description was limited to one color shade. All authors resorted to the help of complex adjectives, i.e. adjectives with two roots. Such adjectives denoting color shades are written with a hyphen.

Selective dictation

Exercise. From these sentences, write out phrases consisting of nouns and complex adjectives dependent on them.

1. Ahead, sharply separating from the yellow water of the estuary, lay a black and blue strip of shaggy sea. (V. Kataev)

2. Thousands of highlights were crushed and rippled on the gray-golden sea. (D. Bykov)

3. The sea lay right under your feet, calm, like a tightly stretched grayish-blue satin, and only slightly wrinkled here and there. (Z. Voskresenskaya)

4. The sea in the harbor was a dirty green color, and the distant sandbar, which crashed into it on the horizon, seemed to be a soft purple. (A.I. Kuprin)

5. Here is a bench, and a straw umbrella,
Further cliff - and foggy,
hazy crimson sea ​​Horizon,
The West is sinister and strange. (I.A. Bunin)


Teacher. In our art gallery you can see the paintings of those artists who could depict their reverently enthusiastic attitude towards the sea in paints. The sea element in their paintings can raise giant waves, break into myriads of rainbow splashes, seethe and rage, destroy ships... At the same time, they could depict the sea as quiet and gentle, calm and thoughtful, playful and playful, or anxiously hiding before a thunderstorm... To choose the right paint, the artist mixes and tries several times hundreds of different shades on his palette. We will also try now to mix verbal colors and describe a calm and raging sea. Of course, reproductions of paintings by famous painters will help you find the most successful color. Don't forget: if you're trying to draw the scale of the sea with two color shades, you'll need a hyphen.

The colors of the sea

Calm sea portrait

Turquoise, blue, blue, violet, sky pink, silvery azure, emerald azure, ...

Raging sea portrait

lead, gray, steel, black, blue-black, ash brown, dirty purple, jet purple, ...

Teacher. Well, I think the sea will be grateful to us for the outfits that we gave him. After all, it dresses up to bring joy to people.

Any night, any day
The sea is busy with itself:
In the morning it is dressed
In a pink dress.
During the day, dressed in blue
With a white surf ribbon.
At night on the black surface -
Soft velvet dress
And on a velvet dress
The jewels are on fire.
The sea, if not a secret.
Please give me an answer:
What are your outfits for?
To make people happy!



Listening to the instrumental composition by C. Debussy "The Sea".


Teacher. Artists and poets have always perceived the sea as a living organism. They understood that the sea, like a person, has its own character, its own hobbies, its own sorrows and joys. The sea is offended when some students consider it a feminine noun and attribute the ending to it -a. Let's not offend the sea and prove that we can correctly enter verb endings, in accordance with the nouns being defined.

Complicated copying with grammatical justification

1. The sea breathed_ calmly and easily.

2. And the sea swayed, boiled_ and collapsed in a blue wave.

3. The turquoise sea basked in the rays of the sun, the water surface breathed calmly and deeply.


Teacher. I propose to return to the writers' room to once again enjoy the verbal marine palette of outstanding masters.


Against the background of an instrumental composition, in which one can hear the splashing of sea waves, the cries of seagulls, the teacher (or a trained student) expressively reads an excerpt from V. Kataev's story "The lonely sail turns white."

No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different, new, unseen.

It changes before our eyes every hour.

Then it is quiet, light blue, in several places covered with almost white paths of calm. It is bright blue, fiery, sparkling. That it plays with lambs. Then, under a fresh breeze, it suddenly becomes indigo-colored, woolen, as if it were being stroked against the nap. Then a storm comes up, and it changes menacingly. A storm wind drives a large swell. Seagulls fly across the slate sky with cries. Agitated waves drag and throw along the shore the glossy body of a dead dolphin. The sharp green of the horizon stands like a jagged wall above the brown clouds of the storm. Malachite boards of the surf, sweepingly covered with runaway zigzags of foam, break on the shore with cannon thunder. The echo rings like bronze in the deafened air. A thin mist of spray hangs like muslin to the entire enormous height of the shocked cliffs.

But the main charm of the sea was in some kind of secret that it always kept in its spaces.

Was it not a secret of its phosphorescent glow, when, on a moonless July night, a hand dipped into warm black water suddenly lit up, all showered with blue sparks? Or the moving lights of invisible ships and the pale slow flashes of an unknown beacon? Or the number of grains of sand, inaccessible to the human mind?

Eurythmic warm-up "Cranky waves"

Children stand between the rows and hold hands. Depending on the number of children in the class, organize two or three groups of "waves". Each group must first turn into a raging wave, and then into a calm one. Give the opportunity to first discuss the nature of the movements. Choose the appropriate music.


Teacher. Before you try your hand at creating a verbal image of the sea, let's choose an epigraph for the essay "The Secret of the Seabed".

BUT. Good between underwater stems.
.... Pale light. Silence. Depth.
.... We will only notice the shadow of the ships,
.... And the wave does not reach us. K. Balmont

B. Silent sea, azure sea,
.... Reveal to me your deep secret:
.... What drives your immense bosom?
.... How does your tense chest breathe? V. Zhukovsky

AT. But suddenly the forest will breathe reality,
.... When through the blue seas,
.... Through the moon-star radiance
.... You will see a fairy tale in reality. L. Vyunnik

G. Farewell, free element!
.... for the last time in front of me
.... You roll blue waves
.... And you shine with proud beauty. A.S. Pushkin

Justification of the selected epigraphs.

Optional essay writing:

fantasy essay “The Secret of the Seabed!”;

essay-description “When the sea frolics (worries, gets angry ...”);

essay-tale "Visiting the Sea King."

The best student work


When the sea frolics, the white lambs of its waves roll and run away, dragging them along. The sea seems to be alive: it is trying to catch up with me, knock me down. When the lambs beat against the stones, it seems that the stones are the shepherds of the sea coast. They don't let the waves hit the shore.

The sea shines and shimmers. Different colors play in it: green, blue, pearl, emerald-violet. These colors escaped from an artist who came to the sea every day to paint a picture. But the picture did not work out for him, and then the offended colors ran away from the loser.

When a wave rises, it seems that Neptune himself is about to come out of it to inspect his possessions. Usually he watches how people behave, whether they litter. And if he sees that they are still littering, he douses them with a big wave. White lambs always accompany Neptune during such control examinations.

In the evening the sea calms down. Neptune sails away to solve very important issues deep, deep in the sea. And people go home.

Alena Makarenko


I go down to the very bottom and slowly, slowly go (or am I still swimming?). Ouch! Here a dolphin flashed by, on the right the fish are working on pearls: they are preparing jewelry for the wedding dress of Neptune's daughter. He himself sits on a throne in the distance, watching his subjects through special binoculars.

- What are we going to order, dear?

I was surprised by her good manners and answer:

- I really want to try water with algae.

The shrimp looked at me and suddenly backed away. I was surprised by her strange movements, but then I remembered that shrimp swim backwards. I look, and she is already standing in front of me and holding a tray with a glass twice as large as herself!

- Thanks! I thanked the strange waitress.

- You can keep the glass! she replied and backed off again.

I am walking (or swimming?) along the streets of the sea, drinking water, sea life is boiling under my feet: stingrays-buses are swimming, crustaceans-geologists are digging the earth... It's good here! But, unfortunately, it's time to go home! To the surface! I ascend slowly to enjoy the sea views once more.

In a few moments I find myself at home, in a warm bed, and a cat purrs peacefully at my feet. Tomorrow I will definitely tell her about the amazing marine life.

Sonya Kuzmenko


Once I was sailing on the sea on a yacht with white sails. Mountains could be seen sleeping in the mist; the bright sun reflected in the clear water.

Suddenly I saw jumping dolphins. Imagine my surprise when they jumped on board and spoke in a human voice.

– Would you like to visit the fabulous underwater kingdom? they asked me.

It was my old dream, and I, without a moment's hesitation, agreed. I just wanted to put on a mask, but the dolphins stopped me.

“But how will I breathe underwater?” I asked.

The dolphins did not answer and dived. Soon they returned with seaweed, which they offered me to eat. I ate them and found myself ... in a fairy tale. I found that I could breathe, swim, and even talk underwater.

Accompanied by dolphins, I went to the Sea King. When I found myself in his palace, he turned me into a mermaid so that it would be easier for me to swim. I sailed past a reef, fire-breathing volcanoes, a garden of wonderful berries. I met amazing creatures. But suddenly I wanted to go home. And then I realized that I could not return to the yacht, because I had a shiny mermaid tail instead of legs.

I returned to the king, but he refused to help. Then I thought about the berries that I saw in an unusual garden. I am back in the garden. There I began to remember what exactly the dolphins told me about these berries. A magical transforming berry grew in the garden. I tore it off and returned to the palace. The sea king was incredibly surprised when he heard my story about this berry. He decided to plant it in his palace, so he took the berry from me.

I had to seek help from the fairy Mermedia, the great sea sorceress. She gave me a pendant of glory. With his help, I had to get my legs back. Thanking the fairy, I swam. Of course, the mermaid tail helped me move faster. I swam ashore, and then a miracle happened: the magic tail turned into ordinary human legs. As a memento of this unusual dive, I have a Mermedia pendant.

Tanya Tsurupa


1. Vachyants A. The project "Sea World" at the lessons of fine arts in elementary school. M.: Art, No. 3, 2007. S. 4–5.

2. Voloshin M. House of the poet: Poems. Chapters from the book "Surikov". L.: Det. lit., 1991, pp. 173–178.

3. Kataev V. A lone sail turns white: A Tale. For senior school age. Vilnius: Vituris, 1987, p. 10.

gymnasium No. 3,

The sea is one of the most amazing wonders of nature. It can be calm, affectionate, even sedate, but it can be formidable, dangerous. Many unexplored mysteries keep the expanses of the sea.

The great poets of the 19th century, Pushkin and Lermontov, often turn to the image of the sea in their work. Let us turn to the poem by A. S. Pushkin "To the Sea". Before us is a poem - an appeal to the sea element, close to the genre of a message to a friend. What qualities attract the poet to the sea?

"Farewell, free element ..." - Pushkin says in the first line of his poem. So, first of all, the poet is attracted by freedom. The sea for him is the personification of freedom. The sea is beautiful at all times: the poet loves both his "silence in the evening hour, and wayward impulses." Pushkin endows the sea with the features of a living being and shares with him, as with a friend, his thoughts, desires, finds a response in him:

How I loved my reviews

Deaf sounds, abyss of voice

And silence in the evening.

The description of the sea is made by the poet in upbeat, solemn terms. Pushkin selects the appropriate vocabulary - the words of a high poetic series, archaisms: "the abyss of voice"; "humble sail of fishermen"; "fixed shore"; "In vain"; "rested"; "mighty".

Lermontov's poem "Two Giants" reproduces the battle of two giants - foreign and Russian. The Russian giant in a fair fight proved to the self-confident overseas hero, whose fame thundered “beyond the valleys, beyond the mountains”, that Russian heroes have remarkable physical strength and, if the need arises, will protect Russia from enemies:

But with a fatal smile

The Russian knight replied:

He looked - shook his head - ...

Gasped impudent - and fell!

But he fell into the distant sea

On unknown granite

Where there is a storm in the open

Noises above the abyss.

The sea, into which the foreign hero, slain by the hand of a Russian knight, fell, personifies the power, the heroic strength of the giant. The sea, huge, fraught with formidable power, is somewhat akin to a Russian hero.

In the poem "Desire", the lyrical hero, languishing in captivity, yearns for freedom, dreams of breaking out of his dungeon. Freedom for the lyrical hero is personified by the "blue field", along which you can "jump" on a frisky horse; "black-eyed" beauty and the sea:

Then I'll go to sea

Carefree and alone

I roam in the open

And I'll have fun in a violent dispute

With the wild whim of the deeps.

The lyrical hero is not afraid, not afraid of the "wild whim" of the deep sea. The sea, restless, huge, is a worthy refuge for the restless soul of a lyrical hero, longing for a full life, action.

The sea is also the personification of will, freedom, dynamics in another poem by M. Yu. Lermontov - “Why I wasn’t born ...”. The lyrical hero of this poem, as if yearning for the conventions of the world, is sad about his lack of freedom; regrets that he was not born a blue wave. The hero dreams of “rolling noisily Under the silver moon”, “passionately kissing” the “golden sand” and “despising” all the dangers lurking in the depths of the sea.

Traditionally, the image of the sea was assessed by Russian classics in a positive light. Often, following the romantic tradition, this element became the personification of freedom as an unattainable ideal of the hero.