Really scary stories about abandoned places. Elling, Lake Obersee, Germany

Before you read this, I would like to ask you: do you believe in phantoms, ghosts and all such evil spirits? I believe after this story.
This happened in May 2011. My friends went for a walk that evening. We drank a lot of alcohol and already at night, at 00:00, we went home. On the way, everything was fun, they took pictures - in general, it was funny. They then passed near an abandoned bathhouse. Well, it took them on a drunken head to go inside. But they never got there... When they photographed this building, a strange white spot appeared on the film, as if the silhouette of a person. We came closer and once again took a picture of the main entrance to this bathhouse. And the face of this very phantom was clearly shown on the film. They got scared and ran away from there. The next day they tell me this and show me photos from that evening. I didn’t believe it at first, it seemed to me nonsense - I thought that they were now scamming me, and the photos were edited in Photoshop. I answered them like this:

- I do not believe.

- And you go in the evening and check, and grab a camera.
I did just that - on the same day, closer to 22:00, when it was already dark, I went there. So I decided to take the dog for a walk.
This abandoned one-story building was across the street from our school. And at school there were just rumors about this strangest bathhouse. According to my classmates, supposedly a fire broke out in this bathhouse a long time ago, it was a working day, and some kind of failure occurred - somehow this building began to burn. There were people there. And those who immediately managed to run out of there, they saved their own skin. And there was just a man in the steam room, he was there alone, and the door was closed; when he heard the screams, the door slammed shut, he simply could not get out of there - and burned alive ... After that, there are rumors that his spirit supposedly roams there.

But let's go back to the day I walked. I went to that bath; nothing hovered over me, I was not even afraid, because I thought that this was just self-hypnosis and phantoms did not exist at all.

I was just listening to music on headphones, pulled out my camera, led the dog by the leash and walked closer to this building. And when I got closer and closer, I had a strange hissing or some kind of creaking in my headphones - you know, as if the radio is being tuned; and as I got closer and closer, this vile sound grew stronger and stronger, the music was not heard at all. This sound seemed to squeeze my temples - disgusting sounds, I pulled out my phone and turned off the music. My phone began to notify me of a low battery and completely turned off. Everything would be fine, but the battery was fully charged! It seemed strange to me, but I did not pay attention to it. I went to that very exit and just stood and clicked. The dog began to behave strangely, as if she was not herself, she ran in circles after her tail, barked loudly, I calmed her down, but in the end she tore off the leash and ran away, as if the trail had caught a cold. And my camera is dead.

I did not have time to run after the dog, as if some kind of cold blew on the right side of the body, and on the left it was hot, very hot, as if the body was on fire. I stood rooted to the spot and did not twitch - in time, perhaps, I was in this state for about 5 minutes, no more. And the most interesting, these 5 minutes I did not think anything. It's like everything has stopped. I can't even describe it. It turned out that when I was standing in this state, the police drove up - that is, the police already - but I don’t remember this, I didn’t hear anything. I didn’t hear my name, didn’t hear the signal of the car ... when I came to my senses, they kicked me out of there, I didn’t leave, I ran away! I was scared. I even forgot about the dog. When I got home, the dog was standing near the door and waiting. That evening at home, I had a strange sensation, as if someone was standing behind me and looking at me. I turned around every minute. I turned on the camera and looked at the photos - and yet the same ghost appeared as the boys, exactly. I can’t describe it in detail, because it’s hard to see, there was just a silhouette of a man, he was in some kind of official suit and had a hat on his head ... hmm ... I couldn’t sleep, it was a terrible night.
Maybe someone will consider this not true, but that evening I experienced terrible sensations, who will be interested - there are photographs as evidence. Since then, I began to believe paranormal, inexplicable things.)

They say the only constant in life is change. Literature on history is one way to understand the passage of time, but there are also material monuments that can tell a lot about past times. And if some such places are looked after and taken care of, sometimes it is those that have long been in desolation that are interesting. We bring to your attention several abandoned places around the world, each of which has its own special charm.

Under all this dust, rust and cracks, there are stories of people who once lived here, prayed, and went about their daily business. And when you try to imagine these people and their lives, a special atmosphere and nostalgia is born. It seems that people have recently collected their things and left the abandoned places. On the other hand, it is interesting to see how some things that once belonged to people are now returning to nature.

This is part of the cooling tower of an abandoned power plant in Monceau, Belgium. The funnel-shaped structure of an abandoned site in the center supplied hot water, which then cooled, draining through hundreds of small concrete chutes.

Kolmanskop, Namibia

This is a small abandoned settlement in Namibia that flourished in the early 1900s. Then the German settlers started mining diamonds here. The influx of funds ended after the First World War, when the diamond field began to deplete. By the 1950s, the city was completely abandoned by people, and now only photographers and tourists come here to the abandoned place.

Floating forest in Sydney

This is the hull of the large steamship SS Ayrfield, which was decided to be dismantled in Homebush Bay, Australia, after World War II. But when the shipyard closed, this ship, like several others, remained where they had been abandoned. Now it is an abandoned place, a beautiful and mysterious floating forest, which serves as an example that nature can survive always and everywhere.

Sea forts of Munsell, England

These forts were erected near the mouths of the Thames and Mersey rivers in Great Britain to protect the country from a potential German air threat during World War II. When they were taken out of service in 1950, several people lived here, including operators of pirate radio stations, and the Principality of Sealand, a self-proclaimed independent state, was also located.

Last home on Dutch Island, USA

This abandoned place was once part of a fairly successful island colony in the Chesapeake Bay in the United States. However, due to rapid soil erosion, there was less and less space left on the island. The house pictured was the last one on the island before it collapsed in 2010.

Pripyat, Ukraine. Pripyat is an abandoned city in northern Ukraine, in the Kiev region

The city is located on the banks of the Pripyat River, 3 km from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, not far from the border with Belarus. Distance to Kyiv - 94 km. The abandoned place Pripyat was founded on February 4, 1970. The general reason for the founding of the city was the construction and subsequent operation of one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe, Chernobyl, a city-forming enterprise, which gave Pripyat the title of a city of nuclear scientists. Pripyat became the ninth nuclear city in the Soviet Union.

Many workers of the Chernobyl station lived in Pripyat, the work of which ended in a major disaster in 1986. After the evacuation, Pripyat remains a radioactive ghost town that can only be visited with specialized guides.

House of the Bulgarian Communist Party

The former building of the memorial house, built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party, today looks creepy both inside and out. This abandoned place, similar to a flying saucer, fell into disrepair after the collapse of the USSR. Now it is only a ghost of the former building, although there is talk of starting restoration work.

Nara Dreamland Amusement Park, Japan

The park opened in 1961. But by 2006 it was already closed. It is now a popular abandoned site among the city's "discoverers", although guards periodically patrol the area and impose fines on violators who enter the closed area.

Uninhabited island in southeast Florida, USA

These abandoned places are small domed structures built in 1981 at Cape Romano, off the coast of the United States. They were the summer residence of oil tycoon Bob Lee, but then fell into disrepair. It is still unclear what fate awaits them.

Abandoned mill, Italy

This building in the Valley of the Mills in Sorrento was abandoned in 1866. Once upon a time, wheat was ground here, and there was a sawmill nearby. The abandoned site was isolated from the sea after the construction of Tasso Square, which increased the humidity levels in the region and forced the mill to be abandoned.

Michigan Central Station in Detroit, USA

The station was built in 1913 to create a new transport hub. However, several construction errors led to the abandoned site having to be closed in 1988.

The fate of the station has not yet been decided, but it appeared in several films, for example, in Eminem's 8 Mile.

Sunken yacht, Antarctica

This spooky ghost ship is the Mar Sem Fim, a Brazilian yacht that sank off Ardley Cove in Antarctica. On the yacht, a Brazilian film crew decided to shoot a documentary, but due to strong winds and a storm, they had to abandon it. The water that got on the ship froze, broke through the hull and sank the yacht.

Abandoned Theater New Bedford, USA

This is an old theater in Massachusetts. It was opened in 1912 and closed in 1959. Since then, he has already managed to visit a tobacco store and a supermarket. Now the non-profit organization is trying to raise funds to renovate the building.

Abandoned railway station, Abkhazia

This station in Sukhumi was abandoned during the war in Abkhazia in 1992 and 1993. As a result of the conflict between Georgia and Russia, this region was abandoned, but the station still has traces of its former greatness, such as amazing stucco.

Abandoned wooden houses, Russia

All these exquisitely decorated buildings are located in the Russian outback. Some of them are surrounded by forests.

Due to their remoteness, they remained untouched.

Underwater city in Shichen, China

This incredible underwater city, lost in time, is 1341 years old. Shichen, or Lion City, is located in Zhejiang province in eastern China. It was flooded in 1959 during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The water protects the city from wind and rain erosion, so that it remains in relatively good condition.

Abandoned subway station in New York, USA

This beautiful subway station is right under New York City Hall. That is why much attention was paid to its design, but because of the neighboring stations, this one never received due attention from the public, and its curved route was considered not safe enough. The station closed in 1945 and remains closed to this day, apart from a few exclusive tours for tourists.

Hotel Salto, Colombia

The hotel opened in 1928 next to the Tequendama Falls in Colombia to serve tourists who came to view the 157-meter waterfall. The hotel was closed in the early 90s, after interest in the waterfall faded. But in 2012 this place was turned into a museum.

Abandoned subway tunnel in Kyiv, Ukraine

This photo was taken in the subway near Kiev. Many of the tunnels are partially flooded, and stalactites hang from the ceilings.

Abandoned submarine base in Balaklava, Ukraine

Although this base is not completely abandoned, it is still impressive. Until its closure in 1993, it was one of the most secret bases in the USSR. Today it is the State Maritime Museum.

Abandoned military hospital in Belitz, Germany

This massive hospital complex would have been built in the late 1800s. In it, Adolf Hitler was recovering from a leg injury sustained during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Some parts of the complex are still in operation, but most were abandoned after the Russian authorities left the hospital in 1995.

Hashima Island, Japan

This island has many names including Warship (due to its shape) and Ghost Island. From the late 1800s to the late 1900s, the island was inhabited because it gave access to underwater coal mines.

However, as Japan gradually switched from coal to gasoline, the mines (and the buildings that sprang up around them) closed down, leaving behind a ghost island that resembled part of a ghostly warship.

UFO houses in San Zhi, Taiwan

These alien houses in Sanzhi were originally intended to be resort houses, in particular, for US military officers serving in Asia. However, due to low investment and accidents with cars, the site had to close in 1980, shortly after it was built. Unfortunately, these amazing buildings were demolished in 2010.

Abandoned church in the snow.

According to rumors, there is one village in one area of ​​the far north. It is abandoned and long abandoned. But, as the old-timers say, no one left there at all, and all the residents disappeared without a trace. And it is not known what caused this - whether the disease decimated everyone or what unknown forces took them away. To this day, only one road passes through this village, leading to more lively places. And one day, when you are in these places, remember one rule - no one should drive through this village at night.

This story happened at the turn of the sixties - seventies of the last century. One night two travelers on horseback were heading down this road. Of course, they had never heard of the local rule. One of them was young, daring, and his horse was a match for him: strong, fast and skittish. He galloped ahead, humming a song merrily. An old man followed him at a leisurely pace. His faithful horse, with whom he lived almost all his life, wearily stepped with his hooves on the road mud. There was nothing left for them to go through. It was evening, and they were going to reach their destination in the morning. Soon the young man turned to his companion.

Hey grandfather! I'll run ahead and make my way. If so, we'll meet on the spot.

Well, go. On my own I'll get there somehow, otherwise my back hurts to keep up with you.

The young man nodded eagerly and immediately galloped forward. The old man walked for some time, until he rushed back. His appearance was contented and delighted. Looks like he brought good news.

There is a village ahead. A kind woman lives there. She said she would give us shelter for the night and treat us to dinner.

Well, how! - the old one was also delighted. - Finally, in a human way, we will spend the night: under the roof and in the warmth.

Well, I jumped. - The young man explained to him where to find that house and drove the horse, hurrying to find himself at the warm hearth.

The night was in full swing when the old man entered the village. She was bad. Houses squinted, empty windows looked unkindly. In the distance, in the midst of this devastation, a light burned and smoke rose. “What did that woman lose here?” The old man doubted himself. He drove into the courtyard, dismounted. He took the horse by the bridle and began to tie it to the serge (the Yakut pole to which horses were tied. Also, in addition to its practical meaning, it has a sacred meaning about the connection with the three worlds: upper, middle and lower). Then the horse bucked, looked at the owner with a human look and said to him: “You have come to a bad place, old man, but what can you do. Do not say anything. Pretend you don't hear. I feel that a bad force lurks in this house. The owner of the house is not a person, but an embittered spirit. Do as I command if you want to live. Don't bind me. And untie that young one too. As soon as you enter the house, the hostess will treat you with various dishes. Refuse politely and eat what you have with you. And then, when she settles you for the night, you don't listen to her. Lie down in front of the door. Do not fall asleep, do not close your eyes and listen. Maybe you'll live until the morning. And if something goes wrong, immediately run and saddle a young horse. He is faster and stronger than me. And I'll follow. Don't say my words to your friend. He will make you laugh, and he is already doomed.

The old man was old and superstitious, and therefore was not surprised. He did not tie his horses, and with a heavy heart he went along the overgrown path to the house. From fear of the unknown, a spasm ran down their backs, a cold sweat broke out. After all, he did! A woman cannot live alone in an abandoned village! And so, with trembling knees, the old man stepped into the house. Despite everything in the house, the stove crackled hospitably, there was a delicious smell of boiled meat. The young man sat at the table and ate on both cheeks. The hostess bustled around him. Not young, but not old either, plump, economic. Inspires confidence. The old man greeted the mistress of the house and sat down at the table next to the young one. Arranging dinner in front of the old man, she kept asking what was going on in the world, what news they had. Like the most ordinary woman in the wilderness. Yes, the old horse would not deceive the old man, and therefore he was on his guard, but at the same time he tried not to betray himself. Large, juicy and fatty pieces of boiled meat, sour cream, cottage cheese, jam - all this was at the table. How did she manage to keep the household in such an abandoned place? The old man was finally convinced of the words of his old friend. The old man did not touch the bewitched food, he took out his oats, cooked a little earlier, and sat quietly in a corner. The young man looked at the old man in bewilderment and reproached him for not showing respect for the hostess, refusing to eat.

Why did you get your oats? Show respect to the good hostess, taste something.

I would be glad, but my stomach is no longer the same as in my youth. He answered with all courtesy. - I won't be able to taste this meat. Tomorrow you have to get up early and go for a long time. Don't misunderstand, good mistress.

You seem to be completely out of your mind, since you reject such mercy! Well, okay, I'll get more.

The table was soon empty, the conversations died down. The woman invited everyone to sit closer to the fire. They lay down to sleep. The young man lay down in the warmth by the fire, and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. The old man lay down at the door. He lay there, listening and trembling. The fire in the stove went out surprisingly quickly. Cold rose from the floor and gradually reached the bones, but the old man remained where he was. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a shadow running quickly along the wall. The old man was terribly scared. Then he heard quiet sounds as if someone were drinking and champing. The sounds came from a far dark corner. The old man quietly got up, took his knapsack and looked around.

And it immediately became clear that he should not have done this.

In the darkness, the silhouette of the hostess was distinguished. She huddled in the dark on all fours. Horror gripped him as the moon illuminated that corner a little. She dragged the young one there and devoured him with a frenzy. All shaking, the old man cautiously opened the door, trying to leave without being noticed. On leaving, he touched a stick at the threshold on the edge of his clothes, which fell to the floor with a wild crack. The hostess threw her inhuman, hungry look. The old man screamed in panic and rushed outside. The old man fled from the accursed house as if the years he had lived had retreated from him. Behind him, the cries of the hostess were heard, filled with anger and resentment. When he ran, the old man nearly jumped on his horse out of habit, but he remembered what he had said to him, and in a second he was already galloping at full speed on the young one. Behind him is the old one. The young horse sensed the old man's fear and rushed at full speed.

"I'll catch up with you! You won't get away from me!" yelled the hostess from behind.

The horse told the old man not to look back. But he couldn't help himself. Grandfather looked around, and fear settled forever in his heart. This woman ran like a dog at the speed of a bear. Her eyes burned with red fire in the night, her mouth was huge, with sharp protruding fangs. A long tongue dangled behind. All her face and hands were covered in blood. She made nasty coughing noises as she ran. The distance between them was rapidly shrinking.

"Run, master! I already have a little left” - only the loyalty of the old horse was stronger than fear. The old one abruptly stopped, rearing up and turned to the accursed mistress. The old man never saw his old faithful horse again, but he did not forget to remember him with a kind word.

"I will find you! I'll get it out of the ground! You can't run from me! I ate your friend, I will eat your horse and soon I will come to you! - the woman, distraught with impotent rage, shouted after the old man. He seemed to have heard these words more than once at night somewhere in the distance.

The old man did not dare to go down this road even in daylight, and therefore returned home. Then he learned that this woman appears at night, lures and kidnaps travelers. Maybe it was she who devoured all the inhabitants of that village, or maybe she appeared after. However, this village stands to this day, and no one dares to walk on it when the sun goes down.

P.S. This village, as I was told, can be seen from images from orbit, but the author does not remember its name: this story has been told for a long time. By the way, but the car is not a horse, it will not warn you if something happens.

Surely somewhere near your place of residence there is at least one empty or dilapidated building, surrounded by either legends or scary stories. Although in most cases the reasons for the abandonment of old buildings are very banal, nevertheless, the stories about them sometimes sound very entertaining.

1. San Zhi Houses (Taiwan)

The San Ji resort began to be built in the 70s, and its buildings looked like multi-colored round structures that looked like UFOs. However, a series of tragic events, combined with financial difficulties and local superstitions, eventually led to the cancellation of the project in 1980. There were intense rumors about the curse of the old Dutch cemetery, and during the construction process, there were allegedly even several suicides and accidents at the construction site. The site was abandoned for three decades, and by 2014 had been demolished and cleared.

2. Willard Psychiatric Clinic (New York, USA)

The clinic was built in the late 19th century on the shores of Seneca Lake in the state of New York, and was generally considered not the worst place for treatment. When the clinic was finally closed in the 1990s, 400 marked suitcases belonging to deceased patients were found in its attic. Since the average length of stay at Willard was about 30 years, many patients did not have family to collect their belongings. These suitcases with all the old content have become a kind of time capsules for hundreds of forgotten lives.

3. Hotel del Salto (Colombia)

It sits on high cliffs overlooking the Bogotá River in Colombia and was built in 1923. Once a popular destination for wealthy tourists, Colombian tourism then declined and the hotel has been abandoned since the 1990s. Tequendama Falls has always been a landmark of this place - according to legend, it was here that the local Indians, fleeing from the Spanish conquerors, rushed into its waters, and their souls turned into eagles.

4. St. Georgen an der Gusen (Austria)

In the first half of the 1940s, Nazi Germany built its military installations throughout almost all of Western Europe, with an emphasis on the development of new types of weapons. Most often, such objects were located underground, and in 2014 another one was discovered - in the Austrian commune of St. Georgen an der Gusen. It is possible that tests were carried out in this place when trying to create a nuclear bomb, and the object itself was built by prisoners of a nearby concentration camp.

5. Fort Douaumont (Verdun, France)

Fort Douaumont was one of several forts built around Verdun. To repel heavy artillery strikes, the fort was built mostly underground, with a 6-meter-thick concrete roof. During the battles of 1916, many soldiers died here, and many remained buried alive under the rubble of the fort. The area is still considered dangerous because of the mass of ammunition left there, and the dilapidated, damp and cold Douaumont itself stands gloomily to this day, guarding the remains of the soldiers resting in it.

6. Texas Tower 4 (USA)

In the 1950s, at the start of the Cold War, the US military created a number of radar designs for deployment at sea. Due to their resemblance to oil drilling platforms, these structures became known as "Texas Towers". Only three facilities were built: two of which were located near Nantucket and Boston, and the third (actually called Texas Tower 4 because they are military men, not mathematicians) was located southeast of New York City. In 1961, Texas Tower 4 disintegrated under the influence of the wind and sank along with the people on it.

7. Marlborough Psychiatric Hospital (New Jersey, USA)

In 1998, the Marlborough Psychiatric Hospital was closed and abandoned after 60 years of operation. From the very beginning of its existence, everything in it has gone from bad to worse, from scandals of fraud and bribery to environmental problems and suspicious deaths. By 1985, the hospital had 150 escapes. Corruption, the flight of patients, the inhabitants of the city armed for defense and environmental pollution - it sounds like a plot from the real thriller, if it were not an absolute reality.

8. Listening station Teufelsberg (Berlin, Germany)

After the end of World War II, the Americans built a radio espionage station in West Berlin on the Teufelsberg (Devil's Mountain) hill, and it worked until the fall of the Berlin Wall. However, what makes this hill creepy is not only the abandoned remains of the station, but also the fact that the station itself was built from the remains of old buildings from pre-war Berlin right on the site of a bombed-out Nazi military school.

Mystery of the ghost ship

A yacht called "Circle Line V", designed to patrol the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean, was built in 1902 in Wilmington (Delaware). In the same year, she was launched and changed owners several times over the next 80 years. And in 1984, this ship was found ownerless here, in the Ohio River, near the city of Lawrenceburg (Indiana). No one understands how it could be here.

Abandoned ships in the desert

The very fact of finding ships in the middle of the desert is easily explained - once in this place they sailed along the Aral Sea. Another thing is strange - did the sea dry up and turn into a desert so quickly that the ships were taken by surprise? The fall in the water level in the Aral Sea is called "one of the worst environmental disasters on the planet", it led to significant changes in the local climate.

Yonaguni Monument, Japan

The so-called "Yonaguni Monument" was discovered in 1997 and has been the subject of heated debate ever since. No one can say with certainty WHAT it is - whether this phenomenon is a natural formation, or is it a creation of human hands. Could ocean currents hew a solid block of rock so that it looks like a man-made monument?

San Zhi city with UFO houses, Taiwan

The town of San Zhi was built in 1978 and was supposed to be a luxury resort. But no one had time to relax here - in 1980 the city was completely abandoned. There are several theories why this happened. Some cite economic reasons, others are sure that this place has become the abode of the souls of the dead.

Shack in Berchtesgaden National Park

This lonely building is located in the middle of a mountain lake. It is explained by its purpose - it is a hangar for storing boats. Once a path led to it, the disappearance of which remained without explanation.