How to start realizing your dreams. How to fulfill your desires easily and quickly? Entertaining goal setting

We will show you how to make your dream come true easily and simply! Read effective advice from a psychologist and let everything work out for you!

This magic word "dream" is probably familiar to everyone.

Well, who in childhood did not dream of a bicycle, a railroad or a puppy?!

As we age, our dreams are modernized, and we begin to dream of a motorcycle, a sports car or a house by the sea.

Thinking about it how to fulfill your dream, it seems that it is very simple - you need to go and do it.

However, in reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated.

How to realize your dream - a guide to action

When it comes to making a dream come true, there are a hundred excuses and the matter is shelved.

Many esotericists assure that thought is material and you just need to really want something and.

However, rationalists, on the contrary, say that a number of efforts must be made to realize a dream.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

And if you are passionate about something, then make an effort to achieve what you want!

According to statistics, dreams come true only 10% of people.

We all wish that one day a rich American uncle would knock on our door and leave us his house, yacht and sports car.

But judge for yourself, in order for such a rich uncle to appear, efforts are still needed.

If you are ready to make these very efforts, then the instructions below will tell you where to start. realization of your dream!

The most important step towards the fulfillment of a dream is to believe in this very dream.

And you must believe sincerely and with all your heart.

For example, you dream of a separate, spacious one, but at the same time you say to yourself: "I'm a loser, I have no money, where will I get an apartment."

With such thoughts, you will definitely never have it.

And no wonder!

After all, you yourself are programming yourself for notorious failures.

So from today on, say “Yes” to your dream!

Believe in its realization and do not share your thoughts with anyone.

Before your dream can begin to come true, you must make a choice.

Many people dream of many things at once, they want a car, a house, and millions in their pockets, and so on.

And spraying on many things, a person cannot focus on one thing.

That is why choose for yourself one, the most desirable dream and focus only on it.

Dreaming of millions - good!

After all, when you have them, both the house and the car will appear as an application.

Notice that all successful people have one quality in common - they all dreamed of one thing, but as a result they got much more than they wanted.

Beginning fulfill your dream, many people are gnawed by self-doubt and their abilities.

And sometimes someone is simply afraid to even start, thinking that the dream is too big and will require too much effort.

If you are overcome by such doubts - do not be afraid!

First, break the dream into several blocks and complete each block separately.

For example, you dream of a spacious apartment, but you do not have money for it. Think about how you could start making your dream come true and act step by step.

No money?

So you need to change and find a better paying job.

You can not?

Start looking and then you can save money for a dream.

And once you start to have some initial funds, you can invest them in stocks or start a small business that can bring you a lot of income, enough to buy an apartment.

Beyond doubt and uncertainty realization of your dream fear can slow you down.

You may initially fear failure.

In order to fail, you will need to look him in the face.

For example, you are thinking about an apartment, but you are afraid to change something.

Analyze the situation and imagine what could happen in the worst situation?

So what? Never mind!

In the worst case, you simply will not buy an apartment.

But if you change jobs, you will receive more money and be more satisfied than you are now!

So put all your fears into the furnace, start making your dream come true!

Many esotericists advise presenting your dream in all colors, as if it has already come true.

And imagine the dream in every detail.

If you dream of an apartment, imagine how you enter it, imagine the front door, windows, furniture, flowers on the windowsill, etc.

By scrolling through such a plot in your head, you help yourself and your mind to start acting faster and more productively.

In addition, the idea of ​​​​a dream strengthens your desire and opportunities on the way to achieving your cherished goal tenfold.

If the above instructions are not very convincing to you,

watch this video.

And you will run towards your dream! 😀

Finally, I would like to remind you that no matter how strong and desirable your dream is, sitting on the couch, you will never realize it!

Therefore, right now, tear off your rolls from a comfortable chair or sofa and take at least one small step towards realization of your dream.

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It doesn't matter if a person is successful or not, everyone dreams. We dream big, often and for a long time. We differ only in that someone fulfills his dreams, and someone does not.

Moreover, most people are afraid of their dreams, sometimes we run from them, frightened looking back. We simply do not believe that what we want to have can become part of our lives.

What is the obstacle on the way to achieving your dreams? Why are we afraid that we will fail?

The first thing to understand is that YOU are the cause of everything in your life. It is never the government, not your superiors, not close or unfamiliar people from your environment, it all depends on you. This is a very important point.

Another thing is the following: we have EVERYTHING we want. If you think you deserve more than you have, then you don't want it enough.

On an example it can be described as follows. Imagine that you wanted to relieve your natural need, but not too much. Why not be patient, you might think. Now let's suppose that you were impatient very specifically. You will not care what is happening around, who and what thinks about you, how people look at you, are there any barriers, and if they exist, the brain immediately finds a solution to the problems that arise, you seem to break time and space, focusing on one goal.

A drug addict behaves in a similar way, who has been blocked from receiving a new dose (may readers forgive me for such comparisons). Such a person will be able to step over anything, do everything possible and impossible to get what he wants.

To fulfill a dream, you must acquire the necessary skills, as well as not shift the focus from your goal. You should be obsessed with your dream, you should just be sausage from the realization that this is your goal, and you are moving towards it like an interceptor plane that has turned on the afterburner.

How to realize a dream

  1. Decide for yourself what you really want

    What makes your body and mind tremble, no matter how big it may seem. In fact, this is the most difficult and sometimes it takes years to finally draw the right conclusions. But do not think that it is very difficult. The sooner you start searching, the sooner understanding will come.

  2. Use Reverse Visualization

    Imagine that you have achieved your dream. Take a mental look at yourself, who are you? So ask yourself the question: “Who have I become on the way to my goal?” What did you gain by fulfilling your dream? Where and who are you surrounded by? How do you feel about this?

  3. Turn your dream into a goal

    Write down your dream on a piece of paper with a specific date for achieving it. Believe me, this is very important. A dream will remain a phrase paired with the word “unrealizable” until you reflect it on a piece of paper: in a notebook, diary, notebook, it doesn’t matter, be sure to do it. The brain will not start thinking in the right direction without the first mechanical action.

  4. Make a plan to achieve your goal

    Describe ways to achieve the goal, as well as supplement and expand them over time. The more detailed all the above steps are, the closer your dream will become to your consciousness, the easier it will be for you to convince your brain that this is possible.

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All people tend to dream and it's wonderful. It is the desire to fulfill your dreams that often becomes a good incentive.

“Any dream can become a reality if you believe in it,” he said, and it’s hard to disagree with him, because this person discovered the formula for success. What needs to be done, where to start, to make your dream come true?

You should know that making a dream a reality is possible only when it has a real basis. In addition, you should not put off the implementation of what you want, coming up with various excuses and excuses.

How to make your dream a reality, what you need for this

First of all, break the whole path to your dream into steps, that is, small specific goals. After all, it is difficult to eat the whole elephant, then let's eat it piece by piece. Treat the process not as work or difficulties, but as a gambling, interesting and exciting game, where you must become a winner!

Strive for every goal you set, as it is, in fact, the same dream. To implement your plan, you can follow a certain plan:

  • Reality. Consider how real what you desire;
  • Believe in yourself;
  • The correct distribution of personal time is also an important component on the way to the realization of a dream;
  • Take action;
  • Overcome obstacles;
  • Get pleasure from the result.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the points, and find out how to make your dream a reality.

Reality or illusion

To start fulfilling your dream, compare it with reality, you should not wish for something unreal (get a rainbow or the Moon from the sky and other “magic”). This moment is very important.

Desire without reliance on reality, it is impossible to realize. You should not dream about many things, concentrate on one dream that is more important in your opinion. State what you want to achieve.

Write everything down on paper. If you indicate what you want on paper, then you can understand whether you really want it or not. It is desirable to paint everything in as much detail as possible. List all the pros and cons of getting what you want.

Try to imagine that you have achieved your dream. The more complete and clear picture you create in your imagination, the better. Try to dream every day, it is better to do it before going to bed.

You can also create a motivational poster made from pictures, drawings, and other materials at hand. Visualization is the most productive method used for .

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The power of intention. How to realize your dreams and desires


I dedicate this book to my beloved sons: Dmitry and Svetozar. I have a wonderful Intention - to see you healthy, strong and successful people in all areas of life.


As always, I am deeply grateful to my many patients. It was they who provided me with extensive material for the book. Thanks to them and with them, I changed myself.

I would like to express special gratitude to Anatoly Oleinikov for the technical support and preparation of the book for publication.

What is Intention? How to formulate it correctly and use it effectively in everyday life? How to accumulate personal power? The book will help you answer these and many other questions, change your attitude to your life aspirations, make your will strong, and life bright and happy. A new model of consciousness developed by a doctor, effective author's methods and strategies will help you not only achieve a real realization of your cherished dream, but also prevent trouble. You will learn the flexibility of thinking and behavior of sublimity and purity of thoughts, say goodbye to negative emotions and superstitions, reveal and realize your personal creative potential and fulfill your cherished dream.


Dear reader! A few years ago, having embarked on the path of healing, I began an exciting journey through the endless expanses of the human psyche, the conscious and unconscious mind. I repeatedly asked myself questions: "How and why do people create illnesses and problems for themselves? How to help people change their lives? And how to make a person's life healthy, strong and happy?" With each step along this path, various obstacles arose in front of me and countless treasures were opened. Gradually, I comprehended the laws by which this world develops. I realized that people are not even aware of the colossal power and energy they possess. And for the most part, they spend that energy creating pain and suffering in their lives.

For many years I studied health and disease. And in the process of working with people, he created a new model of medicine that combines all existing methods of treatment.

I wrote about this in my first book, Love Your Sickness. Then I realized that this model can be used not only to improve your health, but also to harmonize such areas of life as relationships, work, money.

My statements are not unfounded. The effectiveness of this model has been tested by time. Each of you will be able to master it and solve many problems in your personal life. The only thing that is required of you is to be ready for change. And if you want to change something in your life, then after reading this book, changes will begin to occur.

In this book, I reveal the structure of the magic of Intention. But don't let that word scare you. I'm not going to make magicians and wizards out of you, because you already are, you just don't suspect it. And you are not holding in your hands a manual of black or white magic. This book is about the laws on which all magic is based. This book is about the power of thought and intention. Having mastered this once secret knowledge, you can make your model of the world really interesting and begin to act very effectively in life.

How to work with a book

Each chapter of this book has been designed and written to reach deeper, healthier, more harmonious levels of consciousness and spur a person to action. The help from reading this book is undeniable. You can see and feel it. This statement of mine may seem immodest to you, but so say the readers of my books. After reading many of them, physical and mental well-being improved, long-standing pains disappeared, and favorable changes occurred in their personal lives.

Use my book as an instruction for creating and realizing your cherished dream, your life intentions. Arm yourself with a pen, a piece of paper and, of course, endurance. And, like any instruction, read the book and reread it as many times as necessary to fully assimilate the information. Simultaneously try and check everything in practice.

The book contains many practical exercises. My advice: before moving on to the next chapter, do these exercises. Do not hurry! Everything you need, you will definitely get.

It's like driving a car. First you learn the rules, signs, device. That is a theory. Then get behind the wheel of a car and consolidate new knowledge in practice. It's good if there is an experienced instructor nearby - this way you will make fewer mistakes. Obviously, the more you practice, the better and faster you will master driving. You can even become a professional after a while and train other people. And you will have your own style.

I want my book to become for some time a kind of instruction for you on your path of life or, if you like, a guide to the vast expanses of the Universe. Maybe my book will help you find that unique life path that will bring you joy. God bless!

I can assure you that if you put everything that is described here into practice, then your life will change for the better.

I wish you success!


Christian walked along the long, damp and gloomy corridors of the dungeon. He was accompanied in front and behind by two men in monastic robes. The flickering light of the torches cast bizarre shadows on the walls. The sound of footsteps echoed in my ears. It seemed that the quieter he tried to step on the stone slabs, the louder his steps were heard.

Strangely, Christian was not afraid. Curiosity was his main emotion now. Where is he? Where are these people taking him? This morning they approached him in the marketplace and said:

The Grand Master is waiting for you!

Christian was about to ask a question, but one monk, who looked older, gestured that it was better to remain silent.