The longest war in the world. The longest wars in human history

In the history of mankind, various wars occupy a huge place.

They redrawn maps, gave birth to empires, destroyed peoples and nations. The earth remembers wars that lasted more than a century. We recall the most protracted military conflicts in the history of mankind.

1. War without shots (335 years old)

The longest and most curious of the wars is the war between the Netherlands and the Scilly archipelago, which is part of Great Britain.

Due to the lack of a peace treaty, it formally went on for 335 years without firing a shot, which makes it one of the longest and most curious wars in history, and even the war with the least losses.

Peace was officially declared in 1986.

2. Punic War (118 years)

By the middle of the III century BC. the Romans almost completely subjugated Italy, swung at the entire Mediterranean and wanted Sicily first. But the mighty Carthage also claimed this rich island.

Their claims unleashed 3 wars that stretched (intermittently) from 264 to 146. BC. and got the name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians (puns).

The first (264-241) is 23 years old (began just because of Sicily).

The second (218-201) - 17 years (after the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal).

The last (149-146) - 3 years.

It was then that the famous phrase "Carthage must be destroyed!" was born. Pure warfare took 43 years. The conflict in total - 118 years.

Results: Besieged Carthage fell. Rome won.

3. Hundred Years War (116 years)

Went in 4 stages. With pauses for truces (the longest - 10 years) and the fight against the plague (1348) from 1337 to 1453.

Opponents: England and France.

Reasons: France wanted to oust England from the southwestern lands of Aquitaine and complete the unification of the country. England - to strengthen influence in the province of Guienne and return those lost under John the Landless - Normandy, Maine, Anjou. Complication: Flanders - formally was under the auspices of the French crown, in fact it was free, but depended on English wool for cloth making.

Reason: the claims of the English king Edward III from the Plantagenet-Anjou dynasty (maternal grandson of the French king Philip IV the Handsome of the Capetian family) to the Gallic throne. Allies: England - German feudal lords and Flanders. France - Scotland and the Pope. Armies: English - mercenary. under the command of the king. The basis is infantry (archers) and knightly units. French - a knightly militia, led by royal vassals.

Turning point: after the execution of Joan of Arc in 1431 and the Battle of Normandy, the national liberation war of the French people began with the tactics of guerrilla raids.

Results: October 19, 1453 the English army capitulated in Bordeaux. Having lost everything on the continent, except for the port of Calais (it remained English for another 100 years). France switched to a regular army, abandoned knightly cavalry, gave preference to infantry, and the first firearms appeared.

4. Greco-Persian War (50 years)

All in all, war. Stretched with lulls from 499 to 449. BC. They are divided into two (the first - 492-490, the second - 480-479) or three (the first - 492, the second - 490, the third - 480-479 (449). For the Greek policies-states - the battle for independence. For the Achaeminid Empire - captivating.

Trigger: Ionian rebellion. The battle of the Spartans at Thermopylae is legendary. The battle of Salamis was a turning point. The point was put by "Kalliev Mir".

Results: Persia lost the Aegean Sea, the coasts of the Hellespont and the Bosphorus. Recognized the freedom of the cities of Asia Minor. The civilization of the ancient Greeks entered the time of the highest prosperity, laying the culture, which, even after millennia, the world was equal to.

4. Punic war. The battles lasted 43 years. They are divided into three stages of wars between Rome and Carthage. They fought for dominance in the Mediterranean. The Romans won the battle.

5. Guatemalan War (age 36)

Civil. It proceeded in outbreaks from 1960 to 1996. A provocative decision by US President Eisenhower in 1954 triggered a coup.

Reason: the fight against the "communist infection".

Opponents: Bloc "Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity" and the military junta.

Victims: almost 6 thousand murders were committed annually, only in the 80s - 669 massacres, more than 200 thousand dead (of which 83% were Maya Indians), over 150 thousand went missing. Outcomes: Signing of the "Treaty for a Lasting and Lasting Peace", which protected the rights of 23 groups of Native Americans.

Outcomes: Signing of the "Treaty for a Lasting and Lasting Peace", which protected the rights of 23 groups of Native Americans.

6. War of the Scarlet and White Roses (33 years old)

Confrontation of the English nobility - supporters of two tribal branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster and York. Stretched from 1455 to 1485.

Prerequisites: "bastard feudalism" - the privilege of the English nobility to pay off military service from the lord, in whose hands large funds were concentrated, with which he paid for the army of mercenaries, which became more powerful than the royal one.

The reason: the defeat of England in the Hundred Years War, the impoverishment of the feudal lords, their rejection of the political course of the wife of the feeble-minded king Henry IV, hatred of her favorites.

Opposition: Duke Richard of York - considered the right to power of the Lancasters illegitimate, became regent under an incapacitated monarch, in 1483 - king, was killed at the Battle of Bosworth.

Results: Violated the balance of political forces in Europe. Led to the collapse of the Plantagenets. She placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne, who ruled England for 117 years. Cost the lives of hundreds of English aristocrats.

7. Thirty Years War (30 years)

The first military conflict of a pan-European scale. Lasted from 1618 to 1648. Opponents: two coalitions. The first is the union of the Holy Roman Empire (in fact, Austrian) with Spain and the Catholic principalities of Germany. The second is the German states, where power was in the hands of Protestant princes. They were supported by the armies of reformist Sweden and Denmark and Catholic France.

Reason: The Catholic League was afraid of spreading the ideas of the Reformation in Europe, the Protestant Evangelical Union was striving for this.

Trigger: Revolt of Czech Protestants against Austrian domination.

Results: The population of Germany has decreased by a third. The French army lost 80 thousand. Austria and Spain - more than 120. After the Treaty of Münster in 1648, a new independent state, the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland), was finally established on the map of Europe.

8. Peloponnesian War (age 27)

There are two of them. The first is the Lesser Peloponnesian (460-445 BC). The second (431-404 BC) is the largest in the history of Ancient Hellas after the first Persian invasion of the territory of Balkan Greece. (492-490 BC).

Opponents: Peloponnesian Union led by Sparta and the First Marine (Delosian) under the auspices of Athens.

Reasons: The desire for hegemony in the Greek world of Athens and the rejection of their claims by Sparta and Corypha.

Contradictions: Athens was ruled by an oligarchy. Sparta is a military aristocracy. Ethnically, the Athenians were Ionians, the Spartans were Dorians. In the second, 2 periods are distinguished.

The first is "Archidamus War". The Spartans made land invasions into the territory of Attica. Athenians - sea raids on the coast of the Peloponnese. It ended in the 421st signing of the Peace of Nikiev. After 6 years, it was violated by the Athenian side, which was defeated in the battle of Syracuse. The final phase went down in history under the name Dekeley or Ionian. With the support of Persia, Sparta built a fleet and destroyed the Athenian at Aegospotami.

Results: After the conclusion in April 404 BC. Theramenian world of Athens lost the fleet, tore down the Long Walls, lost all the colonies and joined the Spartan alliance.

9. Great Northern War (age 21)

There was a northern war for 21 years. She was between the northern states and Sweden (1700-1721), the opposition of Peter I to Charles XII. Russia fought mostly on its own.

Reason: Possession of the Baltic lands, control over the Baltic.

Results: With the end of the war in Europe, a new empire arose - the Russian Empire, which has access to the Baltic Sea and has a powerful army and navy. The capital of the empire was St. Petersburg, located at the confluence of the Neva River into the Baltic Sea.

Sweden lost the war.

10 Vietnam War (age 18)

The Second Indochinese War between Vietnam and the United States and one of the most destructive of the second half of the 20th century. Lasted from 1957 to 1975. 3 periods: guerrilla South Vietnamese (1957-1964), from 1965 to 1973 - full-scale US military operations, 1973-1975. - after the withdrawal of American troops from the territories of the Viet Cong. Opponents: South and North Vietnam. On the side of the South - the United States and the military bloc SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization). North - China and the USSR.

The reason: when the communists came to power in China, and Ho Chi Minh became the leader of South Vietnam, the White House administration was afraid of the communist "domino effect". After Kennedy's assassination, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson carte blanche to use military force in the Tonkin Resolution. And already in March 65, two battalions of US Army Navy SEALs left for Vietnam. So the States became part of the Vietnamese Civil War. They applied the “search and destroy” strategy, burned the jungle with napalm - the Vietnamese went underground and responded with a guerrilla war.

Who benefits: American arms corporations. US losses: 58 thousand in combat (64% under the age of 21) and about 150 thousand suicides of American veterans of the explosives.

Vietnamese victims: over 1 million who fought and more than 2 civilians, only in South Vietnam - 83 thousand amputees, 30 thousand blind, 10 thousand deaf, after the operation "Ranch Hand" (chemical destruction of the jungle) - congenital genetic mutations.

Results: The Tribunal of May 10, 1967 qualified the US actions in Vietnam as a crime against humanity (Article 6 of the Nuremberg Statute) and banned the use of CBU-type thermite bombs as weapons of mass destruction.

(C) different places on the internet

* Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham", "Jabhat al-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera”, “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” (OUN), “Azov”, “Terrorist community “Network”

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The longest war

The famous Hundred Years War is considered the longest in history. It lasted not a hundred years, but more - from 1337 to 1453, but with interruptions. To be more precise, this is a chain of several conflicts between which a lasting peace was not established, so they stretched into a long war.

The Hundred Years' War was fought between England and France: both sides were assisted by allies. The first conflict arose in 1337 and is known as the Edwardian War: King Edward III, grandson of the French ruler Philip the Handsome, decided to claim the French throne. The confrontation lasted until 1360, and nine years later a new war broke out - the Carolingian. At the beginning of the 15th century, the Hundred Years' War continued with the Lancaster conflict and the fourth, final stage, ending in 1453.

An exhausting confrontation led to the fact that by the middle of the 15th century only one third of the population of France remained. And England lost its possessions on the European continent - she had only Calais. Civil strife began in the royal court, which led to anarchy. There was almost nothing left of the treasury: all the money went to support the war.

But the war had a great influence on military affairs: in one century there were many new types of weapons, standing armies appeared, and firearms began to develop.

Even the shortest war can cause an incalculable amount of pain and suffering. What to say about longest wars in human history which lasted for decades and claimed millions of lives.

In some wars, soldiers fought all their lives and never got to see the end of a conflict that began before they were even born.

10. Great Northern War - 1700-1721 (21 years old)

The longest war in Russian history was fought between Sweden and a coalition of Nordic countries. And the “main prize” in it was the lands of the Baltic states. It is curious that the formal reason for Russia's entry into the war was "untruths and insults" that were allegedly inflicted on Peter I by the Swedes during his trip to Europe.

The war ended with the defeat of Sweden and the emergence of a new powerful player in the geopolitical arena of Europe - the Russian Empire, with a strong army and navy. It was during the Northern War that St. Petersburg was founded, located in the place where the Neva River flows into the Baltic Sea.

9. War of the Scarlet and White Roses - 1455-1487 (32 years)

One of the consequences of the Hundred Years' War (which was also included in the ranking of the longest military conflicts in history) was the War of the Roses that raged in Northern England. The throne of England was at stake, and roses were the hallmarks of the warring parties.

King Henry VI was a weak and unhealthy ruler, with various factions of courtiers vying for power. Sometimes the king fell into madness, which also did not add to his popularity and trust.

The legitimacy of Henry's reign was challenged by Richard, Duke of York. The House of Lancaster, from which Henry was born, and the House of Richard of York fought for three decades until the Lancastrians were finally victorious.

And Henry Tudor, from a side branch of the House of Lancaster, married the daughter of Edward IV of York, Elizabeth, thus uniting the two warring houses. Thus was founded the Tudor dynasty, which lasted on the throne until 1603. But that, as they say, is a completely different story.

8 Banana Wars - 1898-1934 (36 years)

A long series of conflicts in various Latin American countries, the so-called "banana wars", began in 1898 with the US intervention in Cuba as part of the Spanish-American War. And it ended only in 1934, when President Roosevelt withdrew troops from the island of Haiti.

American forces (primarily marines) defended US interests not only in Cuba, but also in Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Much of the conflict was fought to protect American commercial and economic interests, especially fruit exports.

7. Cold War - 1946-1990 (44 years old)

This confrontation between the USSR and the USA was not a military conflict in the international legal sense of the word. It was a confrontation between two ideologies - socialist and capitalist. And although the two countries were not at war with each other on the battlefield, they actively intervened in conflicts around the world in order to create and maintain spheres of influence.

Both sides fought indirect wars with each other in Korea, Vietnam and a number of other countries, financed riots and revolutions, created ever more powerful weapons, and in 1962 the world was on the verge of nuclear war. The Cold War ended a little before the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

6. Greco-Persian Wars 499-449 BC e (50 years)

Scientists draw all the information about the Greco-Persian wars from Greek sources, there are simply no others. It is known that military conflicts took place between the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids and the Greek city-states, which defended their independence.

As a result of one of the longest wars in history, Athens defeated Persia, captured most of its territory, and the war ended with the Treaty of Kallia. The Achaemenid Empire lost its possessions in the Aegean Sea, on the coast of the Hellespont and the Bosphorus, and was also forced to recognize the political independence of policies in Asia Minor.

5. Civil war in Burma - 1948-2012 (64 years old)

This is the longest civil war in modern history fought between the Burmese government and communist forces, which included several ethnic minorities. By the name of one of them (the Karen), this war is also called the Karen conflict.

Over the decades of fighting, numerous war crimes by the Burmese army have been widely documented, including the killing of civilians and the sexual abuse of women and girls.

As a result of systematic attacks on ethnic minority civilians, about three million people have fled Burma. Most of them fled to neighboring Thailand.

4. Dutch War of Independence - 1568-1648 (80 years old)

When the Dutch Revolution began, Spain was one of the world's great superpowers. By the time it ended, the "Spanish Age" had also ended.

Seventeen provinces fought for independence from Spanish rule, and their first leader was William of Orange. After William's death, Moritz of Orange replaced him as commander of the Dutch army.

The Dutch War of Independence (aka the Eighty Years' War) was the defining conflict of its era. It ensured the triumph of the Reformation in northwestern Europe and along the way reshaped the geopolitics of the continent, giving rise to the first modern republics of Europe.

3. Hundred Years War - 1337-1453 (116 years old)

One of the longest wars in world history was fought between England and France. And although it is called "Centenary", it went on with four breaks for 116 years. Strictly speaking, it was a series of military Anglo-French conflicts.

The struggle was for British-controlled French territory and control of the French throne. The rulers of England and France have been related by kinship for centuries, so the British claim to the French throne did have some basis.

The war ended with the surrender of the British in 1453, after more than a century of bloodshed. The victorious French took almost all of the English possessions in France, thus beginning a long era during which England remained largely isolated from European affairs.

Up to 3.5 million people are believed to have died during the Hundred Years' War.

2. Punic Wars - 264-146 BC. (118 years old)

You may have heard the expression "Carthage must be destroyed" in school history lessons. Do you remember why Carthage had to be destroyed? So that his main enemy - Rome - could strengthen his position in the Western Mediterranean. This was precisely the goal of the three Punic Wars.

During the second Punic War, one of them managed to inflict a crushing defeat on Rome. Unfortunately for the Carthaginians, this victory did not mark the end of the war. After the Third Punic War, the Carthaginian region became part of the Roman Empire, and the city itself was burned to the ground.

1. Araucanian War - 1536-1825 (289 years old)

A series of irregular conflicts known as the Araucanian War began in 1536 when the Creole population of the Spanish Empire attempted to colonize the Mapuche people living in Chile. Spain encountered a strong army during the exploration of the Strait of Magellan and, although outnumbered, was able to kill thousands of Mapuche warriors due to superior firepower.

Despite numerous attempts by the Spaniards to subdue the Mapuche, this people remained independent of Spanish rule. Battles between him and the Spanish were common for almost 300 years, until the independence of Chile.

Peace was established on January 7, 1825 - but even then the Mapuche were not integrated into Chilean society until their land was conquered in 1883. And some still protest against Chilean rule.

The longest bloodless war in history - 1651-1986. (335 years old)

The longest 335-year war was a bloodless conflict between the Netherlands and the tiny archipelago of Scilly. It all started back in 1651 during the English Civil War. The Dutch, seeing an opportunity to recoup some of their losses from royalist raids, immediately sent a fleet of twelve warships to the royalist base of Scilly to demand reparations. Having received no satisfactory response from the royalists, the Dutch admiral Maarten Tromp declared war on them on March 30, 1651.

And already in June of the same year, the Dutch forced the royalist fleet to surrender. The Dutch fleet did not fire a single shot. Due to the ambiguity of declaring war on one nation against a small part of another, the Netherlands did not officially announce a peace treaty.

The Dutch ambassador only visited Scilly in 1986 to proclaim the end of 335 years of conflict. At the same time, the Dutch ambassador joked that it was terrible for the inhabitants of Scilly "to know that we could attack at any moment."

A series of the longest wars in history - 452-1485. (1033 years)

The Anglo-Welsh Wars, which were fought between the Anglo-Saxons and the Welsh from the 5th to the 15th centuries, became the longest wars known to mankind.

They began with attacks by pagan Germanic tribes colonizing parts of Britain's east and south coasts against the British (called "Wealsc" by the Anglo-Saxons). And continued until the late Middle Ages, when Wales was eventually subjugated and annexed by England.

The final of the Anglo-Welsh wars was the Battle of Bosworth, during which the troops of the English king Richard III (the last of the York family) were defeated by the troops of Henry Tudor from the House of Lancaster.

The sad first place in the list of the bloodiest conflicts in Russia is firmly occupied by the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945. True, at that time Russia was not a sovereign state, but was part of the USSR as the largest republic in terms of area. The victory over the Hitlerite coalition led by Nazi Germany came at the cost of colossal exertion of all forces, mass heroism and self-sacrifice.

The allies (USA, Great Britain, and to a much lesser extent France) also contributed to the overall victory, but the main burden of the war fell on the USSR.

The exact number of victims, including the dead military personnel and civilians, has not yet been determined. According to the latest data, it is about 27 million people - this is the population of a large European state. In the entire Soviet Union, there were almost no families left where there was not or was not a loved one. During this war, the winters were incredible, it was this fact that played into the hands of our country.

Memorable bloody wars of Russia

A very difficult test was also the Civil War, which took place in most of Russia from March 1918 to November 1920 (and in the Far East it lasted until the autumn of 1922). The war was characterized by extreme bitterness, intransigence of the parties. However, this is a characteristic feature of all civil wars, when the son goes against the father, and the brother against the brother. According to historians, the approximate number of victims of the Civil War (including those who died from starvation and epidemics) is from 8 to 13 million people.

Such a large difference in the estimates is due to the unsatisfactory accounting for losses in the armies of both sides, as well as the loss of many archival documents in subsequent years.

The First World War, in which our country participated from August 1914 to March 1918, also brought enormous damage to Russia. The losses of one army amounted to about 2.5 million people. And according to some historians - about 3.2 million. The exact number of civilian casualties in the combat zone is still unknown.

Also very bloody was the Patriotic War of 1812, when the losses of the Russian army killed and died from wounds and diseases amounted to about 210 thousand people.

And in the Russo-Japanese War, which took place from 1904 to 1905, our losses, according to various estimates, ranged from 47,000 to 70,000 people.

In the history of mankind, various wars occupy a huge place.
They redrawn maps, gave birth to empires, destroyed peoples and nations. The earth remembers wars that lasted more than a century. We recall the most protracted military conflicts in the history of mankind.

1. War without shots (335 years old)

The longest and most curious of the wars is the war between the Netherlands and the Scilly archipelago, which is part of Great Britain.

Due to the lack of a peace treaty, it formally went on for 335 years without firing a shot, which makes it one of the longest and most curious wars in history, and even the war with the least losses.

Peace was officially declared in 1986.

2. Punic War (118 years)

By the middle of the III century BC. the Romans almost completely subjugated Italy, swung at the entire Mediterranean and wanted Sicily first. But the mighty Carthage also claimed this rich island.

Their claims unleashed 3 wars that stretched (intermittently) from 264 to 146. BC. and got the name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians (puns).

The first (264-241) - 23 years old (started just because of Sicily).
The second (218-201) - 17 years (after the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal).
The last (149-146) - 3 years.
It was then that the famous phrase "Carthage must be destroyed!" was born. Pure warfare took 43 years. The conflict in total - 118 years.

Results: Besieged Carthage fell. Rome won.

3. Hundred Years War (116 years)

Went in 4 stages. With pauses for truces (the longest - 10 years) and the fight against the plague (1348) from 1337 to 1453.

Opponents: England and France.

Reasons: France wanted to oust England from the southwestern lands of Aquitaine and complete the unification of the country. England - to strengthen influence in the province of Guienne and return those lost under John the Landless - Normandy, Maine, Anjou. Complication: Flanders - formally was under the auspices of the French crown, in fact it was free, but depended on English wool in cloth making.

Reason: the claims of the English king Edward III from the Plantagenet-Anjou dynasty (maternal grandson of the French king Philip IV the Handsome of the Capetian family) to the Gallic throne. Allies: England - German feudal lords and Flanders. France - Scotland and the Pope. Army: English - mercenary. under the command of the king. The basis is infantry (archers) and knightly units. French - a knightly militia, led by royal vassals.

Turning point: after the execution of Joan of Arc in 1431 and the Battle of Normandy, the national liberation war of the French people began with the tactics of guerrilla raids.

Results: October 19, 1453 the English army capitulated in Bordeaux. Having lost everything on the continent, except for the port of Calais (it remained English for another 100 years). France switched to a regular army, abandoned knightly cavalry, gave preference to infantry, and the first firearms appeared.

4. Greco-Persian War (50 years)

Altogether, war. Stretched with lulls from 499 to 449. BC. They are divided into two (the first - 492-490, the second - 480-479) or three (the first - 492, the second - 490, the third - 480-479 (449). For the Greek policies-states - the battle for independence. For the Achaeminid Empire - captivating.

Trigger: Ionian rebellion. The battle of the Spartans at Thermopylae is legendary. The battle of Salamis was a turning point. The point was put by "Kalliev Mir".

Results: Persia lost the Aegean Sea, the coasts of the Hellespont and the Bosphorus. Recognized the freedom of the cities of Asia Minor. The civilization of the ancient Greeks entered the time of the highest prosperity, laying the culture, which, even after millennia, the world was equal to.

4. Punic war. The battles lasted 43 years. They are divided into three stages of wars between Rome and Carthage. They fought for dominance in the Mediterranean. The Romans won the battle.

5. Guatemalan War (age 36)

Civil. It proceeded in outbreaks from 1960 to 1996. A provocative decision by US President Eisenhower in 1954 triggered a coup.

Reason: the fight against the "communist infection".

Opponents: Bloc "Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity" and the military junta.

Victims: almost 6 thousand murders were committed annually, only in the 80s - 669 massacres, more than 200 thousand dead (of which 83% were Maya Indians), over 150 thousand went missing. Outcomes: Signing of the "Treaty for a Lasting and Lasting Peace", which protected the rights of 23 groups of Native Americans.

Outcomes: Signing of the "Treaty for a Lasting and Lasting Peace", which protected the rights of 23 groups of Native Americans.

6. War of the Scarlet and White Roses (33 years old)

Confrontation of the English nobility - supporters of two tribal branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster and York. Stretched from 1455 to 1485.
Prerequisites: "bastard feudalism" - the privilege of the English nobility to pay off military service from the lord, in whose hands large funds were concentrated, with which he paid for the army of mercenaries, which became more powerful than the royal one.

The reason: the defeat of England in the Hundred Years War, the impoverishment of the feudal lords, their rejection of the political course of the wife of the feeble-minded king Henry IV, hatred of her favorites.

Opposition: Duke Richard of York - considered the right to power of the Lancasters illegitimate, became regent under an incapacitated monarch, in 1483 - king, was killed at the Battle of Bosworth.

Results: Violated the balance of political forces in Europe. Led to the collapse of the Plantagenets. She placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne, who ruled England for 117 years. Cost the lives of hundreds of English aristocrats.

7. Thirty Years War (30 years)

The first military conflict of a pan-European scale. Lasted from 1618 to 1648. Opponents: two coalitions. The first is the union of the Holy Roman Empire (in fact, Austrian) with Spain and the Catholic principalities of Germany. The second - the German states, where power was in the hands of Protestant princes. They were supported by the armies of reformist Sweden and Denmark and Catholic France.

Reason: The Catholic League was afraid of the spread of the ideas of the Reformation in Europe, the Protestant Evangelical Union was striving for this.

Trigger: Revolt of Czech Protestants against Austrian domination.

Results: The population of Germany has decreased by a third. The French army lost 80 thousand. Austria and Spain - more than 120. After the Treaty of Münster in 1648, a new independent state, the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland), was finally fixed on the map of Europe.

8. Peloponnesian War (age 27)

There are two of them. The first is the Lesser Peloponnesian (460-445 BC). The second (431-404 BC) is the largest in the history of Ancient Hellas after the first Persian invasion of the territory of Balkan Greece. (492-490 BC).

Opponents: Peloponnesian Union led by Sparta and the First Marine (Delosian) under the auspices of Athens.

Reasons: The desire for hegemony in the Greek world of Athens and the rejection of their claims by Sparta and Corypha.

Contradictions: Athens was ruled by an oligarchy. Sparta is a military aristocracy. Ethnically, the Athenians were Ionians, the Spartans were Dorians. In the second, 2 periods are distinguished.

The first is "Arkhidamov's War". The Spartans made land invasions into the territory of Attica. Athenians - sea raids on the coast of the Peloponnese. It ended in the 421st signing of the Peace of Nikiev. After 6 years, it was violated by the Athenian side, which was defeated in the battle of Syracuse. The final phase went down in history under the name Dekeley or Ionian. With the support of Persia, Sparta built a fleet and destroyed the Athenian at Aegospotami.

Results: After the conclusion in April 404 BC. Theramenian world of Athens lost the fleet, tore down the Long Walls, lost all the colonies and joined the Spartan alliance.

9. Great Northern War (age 21)

There was a northern war for 21 years. She was between the northern states and Sweden (1700-1721), the opposition of Peter I to Charles XII. Russia fought mostly on its own.

Reason: Possession of the Baltic lands, control over the Baltic.

Results: With the end of the war in Europe, a new empire arose - the Russian Empire, which has access to the Baltic Sea and has a powerful army and navy. The capital of the empire was St. Petersburg, located at the confluence of the Neva River into the Baltic Sea.

Sweden lost the war.

10 Vietnam War (age 18)

The Second Indochinese War between Vietnam and the United States and one of the most destructive of the second half of the 20th century. Lasted from 1957 to 1975. 3 periods: guerrilla South Vietnamese (1957-1964), from 1965 to 1973 - full-scale US military operations, 1973-1975. - after the withdrawal of American troops from the territories of the Viet Cong. Opponents: South and North Vietnam. On the side of the South - the United States and the military bloc SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization). North - China and the USSR.

The reason: when the communists came to power in China, and Ho Chi Minh became the leader of South Vietnam, the White House administration was afraid of the communist "domino effect". After Kennedy's assassination, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson carte blanche to use military force in the Tonkin Resolution. And already in March 65, two battalions of US Army Navy SEALs left for Vietnam. So the States became part of the Vietnamese Civil War. They applied the “search and destroy” strategy, burned the jungle with napalm - the Vietnamese went underground and responded with a guerrilla war.

Who benefits: American arms corporations. US losses: 58 thousand in combat (64% under the age of 21) and about 150 thousand suicides of American veterans of the explosives.

Vietnamese victims: over 1 million who fought and more than 2 civilians, only in South Vietnam - 83 thousand amputees, 30 thousand blind, 10 thousand deaf, after the operation "Ranch Hand" (chemical destruction of the jungle) - congenital genetic mutations.

Results: The Tribunal of May 10, 1967 qualified the US actions in Vietnam as a crime against humanity (Article 6 of the Nuremberg Statute) and banned the use of CBU-type thermite bombs as weapons of mass destruction.

(C) different places on the internet