Scenario of training for risk groups. Scenario of the training “Effective communication”

Career Guidance Work with Children at Risk in the Modern Educational Space

Bayanova N.V., social pedagogue

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1 named after A.A. Inozemtsev"

The importance of professional, and in a broad sense, social self-determination of the younger generation poses serious challenges for the organizers of career guidance at school. Vocational guidance is a system of preparing young people for a free and independent choice of profession, designed to take into account both the individual characteristics of the individual and the need for a full distribution of labor resources in the interests of society. However, career guidance in modern conditions, it does not always achieve its main goals - the formation of professional self-determination among students, corresponding to the individual characteristics of each individual and the demands of society in personnel, its requirements for modern work. A significant brake on the development of vocational guidance is that, as a rule, it is designed for some average student. There is no individual approach to the person choosing a profession. How to properly organize work to prepare for a conscious choice with children of the “risk group”, who require a special, individual approach.

Who are the children at risk? These are children who live in an asocial environment and experience a neglectful or aggressive attitude towards themselves and / or others. These are children from dysfunctional families, children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Children with antisocial behavior, bad habits and offenses, absenteeism without a good reason. Such students do not always know how to organize their activities, often these children can be aggressive, withdrawn, indifferent, insecure, have an inadequate reaction. Also, GR children most often lack cultural skills, motivation for education and development, and self-image as a member of society.

In addition to the above features of GR students, it is necessary to highlight the problem of career guidance work with such children. It consists in the fact that children of the “risk group” are mainly guided by the opinions of their own environment and therefore often neglect the interests of other people (successful classmates, teachers and parents), the opinion of adults is not authoritative for them and this position is quite difficult to reverse. Another common problem of GR children is not being interested in or being busy in any kind of extracurricular activities.

The primary task for teachers is to interest, involve the child of the GR in extracurricular activities, taking into account his interests and opportunities (you can consider the options for extracurricular employment offered in the city - creative, sports, etc.). Also, it is very important to arrange work with GR children in such a way that the child and his family can trust teachers.

In order to understand the professional disposition of the child, it is necessary to have complete information about his interests and opportunities. This can be identified through:

Conversations with the class teacher (obtaining information regarding the child's attitude to work, etc. based on the results of the diagnostics "The personality of the student as the main indicator of the effectiveness of the upbringing process");

Conversations with a teacher-psychologist (results of professional diagnostics, training sessions on career guidance for students);

Conversations with a social pedagogue (individual characteristics of the child's socialization (successes, problems and shortcomings, results of conversations about professional and life self-determination));

Conversations with parents (organization of work of a student in the family, his personal responsibility and attitude to work, interests and opportunities);

Questionnaires "Identification of the interests of the child", etc.

Career guidance work with this category of students is multilateral with the involvement of several structures of the educational institution. These are class teachers, (class hours, debates), psychologists (consultations, diagnostics, individual and group work), organizers (involvement in social activities, self-government), a social teacher (assistance in socialization, psychological and pedagogical support and support), teachers - subjects (interaction with classmates, teacher, intellectual abilities). Each structure has an important influence, because only interaction can lead to the successful realization of the child's professional interest.

Another important fact in working with GR students is the creation of a situation of success during the educational process. It is necessary to find the positive aspects in the child and interact with him, approving and supporting his interests and abilities, taking into account the individual characteristics of each, thereby improving the self-esteem and communication skills of the student.

To improve career guidance, children of the GR studying in the 9th grade may be involved in:

To scientific activity (participation in scientific and practical conferences);

Participation in school Olympiads (obzh, physical culture);

Participation in sports competitions;

Participation in extracurricular activities (organization of competitions, promotions);

Participation in social activities (for example, even the most simple, small assignments: security personnel at school events, assistance in preparing the assembly hall, meeting guests in the hall, volunteer movements, etc.), this is necessary for the best interaction between all participants in the educational space.

After involving a GR child in various activities, it is possible to determine the range of his abilities (the child has oratory, artistic abilities, design skills, skillfully handles tools, has skills in working with wood, metal, has good sports data, etc.).

Given all the results obtained, it is necessary to further work individually with the student of the GR and his family, helping to make the right choice of vocational training.

In our educational institution, individual vocational guidance is aimed at students at the “risk group” of grade 9, since these are children who cannot go to grade 10-11 due to poor academic performance. For such children, we recommend institutions of secondary special, vocational education (in the 2015-2016 academic year there were 4 such children of the GR in parallel, therefore an individual approach prevailed, which gave a positive result, all students decided on the choice of obtaining a profession according to their interests and successfully enrolled in professional lyceums and technical schools).

As part of career guidance, this academic year, together with students in grades 8-9, the Bratsk Economic Forum was visited, where the main enterprises of the city were presented; Rusal Festival, where one could see the activity of the metallurgical plant from a different, more interesting and creative side.

After analyzing our work, we can conclude that the weak point in this direction is the lack of direct interaction with educational institutions (secondary vocational), it may be necessary to invite employees and consultants of these institutions to school, conduct excursions in production, create student production teams, provide assistance in organizing summer labor practice. Conduct work through the distribution of information brochures, recommend parents to attend open days, attend career guidance seminars.

Thus, we can sum up the career guidance work with students in the context of a continuous educational process:

A set of vocational guidance services in the form of vocational diagnostic activities, career planning classes and trainings (clarification of the educational request during optional classes and other elective courses; group and individual counseling in order to identify and form an adequate decision-making on the choice of a training profile; formation of an educational request corresponding to interests and abilities, value orientations);

Consultations on the choice of the profile of study (individual for students of the GR);


Organization and conduct of excursions (to educational institutions, to enterprises);

Meetings with representatives of enterprises, educational institutions.

Working with parents:

Conducting parent-teacher meetings (school-wide, classroom);

Lectures for parents;

Individual conversations between teachers and parents of schoolchildren;

Questioning parents of students;

Assistance to parents in organizing professional tests at enterprises;

Assistance of parents in organizing temporary employment of students during the holidays;

Election of the parent committee of the school from representatives of the parent committees of classes, the most active parents of students who are ready, in cooperation with teachers, to provide pedagogical support for the self-determination of students.

The individual nature of any career guidance impact (taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, the nature of family relationships, work experience, the development of professionally important qualities);

The orientation of career guidance influences, first of all, on the comprehensive development of the individual (providing freedom in choosing a profession, creating opportunities for a test of strength in various areas of professional activity, awakening activity in an independent choice of a sphere of professional activity and determining a professional plan).

Psychocorrectional technique "Colorful little men"

Target: resolving personal and emotional problems through creativity and play.

    Develop creative thinking, imagination;

    Develop game interaction skills;

    Create a situation in which it becomes possible to emphasize the importance of the personality of each participant;

    Explore the emotional-volitional and communicative spheres.

Equipment: colored paper, drawing paper, glue, scissors, paints, wax crayons, gouache, brushes, colored pencils, musical accompaniment, pens, sheets of paper.

The form: collective. Participants can be up to 20 people, divided into teams of 5 or more people.

1. Greeting. Topic message.

Exercise "Candle"(children with the leader stand in a circle and pass a burning candle with good wishes to each other).

Exercise "Who am I?". Look at the shapes and choose one that you can say "That's me" about (square, circle, triangle, rectangle, zigzag).

(children are divided into several groups according to the number of selected figures)

2. Introductory word of the psychologist: Any person dreams of having a real friend. Some of you are already lucky, and he has such a friend, and someone has many acquaintances and friends, but there is no such person who could be called a true friend. And someone, due to their shyness or isolation, feels lonely, and he also has no friends.

Today we will try to help ourselves and each other. After all, it can happen that your friend is next to you, and you do not notice it.

So, before you are multi-colored sheets of paper.

Choose the color that you like the most.

Draw a person on it.

Take your scissors and cut it out with one hand.

Write a story about this person using the questions

    What is the man's name?

    How old is he?

    Where does he live?

    Who does he live with?

    What does he do in life?

    What does he love the most?

    What is he afraid of?

    What does he live for, what is his purpose?

    What is the man's dream?

Psychologist: And now, if you wish, please tell a story about your little man. (children read invented stories, the teacher asks additional clarifying questions).

Psychologist: You have little men, there is a story about him. Let's invent and create a world of little men. Think about what they lack, where they would live, with whom. You have paints, pencils, crayons, etc. on your tables. Draw whatever you want on paper. (children draw to the music).

Psychologist: I will ask one representative from each team to come out and introduce everyone to your world, tell what you have depicted, what the little men do, where they are located, etc.

When 2 teams introduce their world, I ask the question:

“Who wants to go from one world to another? Why?"

Summary of the lesson:

The first exercise is repeated. Look at the shapes and choose one that you can say "That's me" about (square, circle, triangle, rectangle, zigzag).

Reflection. Guys, I have a tennis racket in my hands - let it be the face of the “Mood Man”, and in front of you are various parts of the head, face. Each of you can attach any part of the face to it and create a mood for the little man. (children take turns coming up and attaching eyes, mouth, nose, wig, ears, etc. to the "Face")


Color of men

Yellow - cheerfulness

Red - activity, aggression

Orange - joy

Blue - calmness, meditation

Purple - crisis

Green - I want to be seen

Gray - I want to lead, but imperceptibly

Black - energy conservation (I have a problem, but I don't want to talk about it)

Brown is the color of illness, hypochondria.

squares- hardworking, stubborn, hardy, patient, love order, emotionally restrained.

triangles - leaders, energetic, ambitious, set clear goals.

Circles - benevolent, interested in good interpersonal relationships.

Zigzags - developed intuition, dissidents, directed to the future.

Rectangles - a symbol of uncertainty, transitional form, inconsistency, unpredictability, low self-esteem.

" All in your hands!"

Psychoprophylaxis in training with children at risk

(5-9 cells)

Alferova I.I. , teacher-psychologist,

GKS (K) OU "Special

(correctional) general education

boarding school No. 7 of the VIII type "

Let life be hard today

We have nothing to fear from adversity.

Will help you for sure

A friendly team is your wealth!

Purpose: prevention of psychoactive substances, correction of feelings of loneliness and negative emotional states


    Correction of behavior through the analysis of feelings and actions;

    Work with bodily "clamps" (sensation, tension, muscle clamp);

    Regulation of emotional states;

    Formation of social trust.

I .Group warm-up(5 minutes.)

Exercise "Snowball"

Purpose: emotional stabilization of the group, preparation for further work.

In a circle, everyone calls his name and all the names already named before him. You can add something about yourself to the name, for example: my passion, hobby, association with my mood.

Exercise "Clap in a circle"

Purpose: building relationships between the participants of the training.

Psychologist's explanation:“Now we will clap our hands once, moving clockwise. As soon as I suddenly clap my hands twice, the movement after the clap begins in the opposite direction.

As the game progresses, its participants will make mistakes, each mistake should be followed by the question: “Why did you make a mistake?”, “Why did you miss it?”, “Who prevented you?”

II . Main part(30 min.)

Foreword by psychologist

Drug addiction - what is it? This is the path to crime and prison, to death and despair. Drug addiction is creeping all over the world and getting younger every year. Often teenagers become victims because of curiosity and feelings of loneliness. Guys, answer the following questions:

    Have you or someone close to you experienced drug addiction? How dangerous is this phenomenon?

    If this problem is not solved soon, how will it affect your generation?

    Are there teenagers among your peers who feel lonely? What can be done to help them?

    What do teenagers need to reduce the number of people who want to try drugs?

Conclusion: teenagers make their own choice whether to use drugs or not; but the one who does this also chooses the consequences (short life, grief to loved ones, destruction of plans, prospects for the future, etc.)

Exercise "Nuts"

Purpose: correction of the feeling of loneliness and the value of one's own personality.

The number of nuts must match the number of participants. Everyone takes one nut . Exercise: within 1 minute, consider one nut and remember its features. Then all the nuts are mixed. After that, everyone tries to find his own.

Discussion. That helped me find my nut.

Psychologist: In a crowd, all people are the same, like nuts when they lie together. To see the features of a person, you need to spend time looking at him. The value of a nut is judged by what it has inside. It can be mature, green, empty, rotten, good. Therefore, one cannot judge a person only by his appearance. The nut has a very hard shell, it is needed to protect the delicate core. Many people also often hide in a shell to feel safe. They cannot open right away, it takes time for this to happen. Loneliness will pass if a faithful friend is nearby!

Confidence test exercise

Purpose: building trust.

Place an object, such as a vase or a book, in the middle of the circle. Explain to the group that a game is about to begin that makes the invisible visible.

Everyone must stand at a certain distance from the subject. Whoever stands close to him, thereby speaks of a high, in his opinion, degree of trust in the group. The weaker the player's sense of security and trust in the group, the greater the selected distance will be.

Ask participants to experiment with different distances until they feel they have chosen the right spot. Each explains why the choice is made that way.


No one can force himself to experience a sense of trust. No one can call another, imbued with confidence. Trust is very easy to destroy if we feel hurt. Everyone strives to avoid injury. Try to be kind to other people.

Exercise "Fire - Ice"

Purpose: relieving tension, muscle clamps.

The exercise involves alternating tension and relaxation of the whole body. Participants perform the exercise while standing in a circle. At the command of the psychologist "Fire", the participants begin intensive movements with the whole body. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements are chosen arbitrarily. At the command "Ice", they freeze in the position in which their team caught them, straining their entire body to the limit. The psychologist alternates both commands several times, arbitrarily changing the execution time of one and the other.

Exercise "Shadow"

Purpose: development of inner freedom and looseness.

Calm music sounds, the children are divided into pairs. One is a traveler, the other is his shadow. The latter tries to exactly copy the movement of a traveler who walks around the room and makes different movements: unexpected turns, bends down to pick a flower, jumps on one leg, etc.


Dear guys! I want to tell you the parable “Everything is in your hands!”

“There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the wise man does not know everything.

Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?”

And he himself thinks: “If she says she is alive, I will kill her, if she says dead, I will release her”

The sage, thinking, answered: “Everything is in your hands!”

In your hands is the opportunity to become a REAL PERSON, create a family, plant a tree, raise children and live to a ripe old age. Keep drugs out of your life and you will be HAPPY!!!

III . Reflection(5 minutes.)

    What did you like?

    What were the feelings?

    What were the difficulties?

Through the analysis of your feelings, actions, you will be able to recognize the truth and lies in everyday life, get rid of the feeling of loneliness, your experience will keep you from life's mistakes.

IV . Outcome.(5 minutes.)

Our psychotraining has come to an end. I propose to write a wish to each participant of the training on the poster and draw a general positive picture.

Wish health and long life to all!


1. Zaripova Julia Believe in yourself. Psychological assistance program for adolescents. Series "School psychologist", Moscow 2007

2.Exakusto T.V. Workshop on group psycho-correction: Trainings, exercises, role-playing games. Ed.2. , Rostov-on-Don Phoenix 2008

Target: the formation of the ability to find positive in oneself and in others, the ability to talk about one's positive attitude towards oneself.


Build skills of mutual respect;

To form a teenager's idea of ​​a positive image of "I";

Contribute to the development of adequate self-esteem;

Build communication skills without judgment.

Exercise "Waiting"

Purpose: to update the attention of the participants, to get information about what they expect from the lesson. The psychologist distributes stickers in the form of leaflets to teenagers, on which the students write their expectations, voice them and attach them to a tree.

Warm-up game "Emotions and situations"

Goal: Activating participants to work in a group, training emotion control skills.

Material: ball.

Participants become in a circle. Leading. Now each participant will name one emotion or feeling and remember what he called. I start: "Joy." When everyone named one emotion each and remembered it, the facilitator continues the exercise.

Leading. And now everyone names some situation and throws the ball to another participant, offering to continue the sentence and name their emotion or feeling. For example: “When I work at work, I feel joy.”

The game ends when each player has the ball.

Exercise "Reporter"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to evaluate their positive qualities. One of the members of the group interviews the other members of the group, inviting each to say a few words about themselves for a celebratory TV show in honor of the successful completion of some important cause in which the teenagers took part.


Was it difficult to talk about yourself?

Perhaps you would like to do a good deed? Why?

Positive Qualities Bombing Exercise

Purpose: to develop the ability to find the positive in oneself and others.

The teenager sits on a chair in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Each member of the group in turn approaches him and whispers a few words about his positive features, for which he appreciates and loves him. Each member of the group receives such a “bombardment” of positive emotions.

Exercise "You will be me, and I will be you"

Purpose: development of the ability to form non-judgmental communication skills.

Two participants "exchange personalities": each imagines that he is the other: for this, he copies his language, gestures, behavior, statements. After they communicate for some time (15 minutes) in this way, each of the two tells how he felt when he saw his image to the other. Did he think it was similar or funny? What did he learn new when he saw how he looks from the outside, etc.? Then the whole group discusses what they saw. Adolescents conclude that the ability to put oneself in the place of another is a very important element of communication skill. In this exercise, it is imperative to adhere to the rules: “Do not do anything on purpose that could unpleasantly hurt the feelings of the one whose role you are playing.”

Exercise "I am a confident person"

Purpose: to promote the ability to form the desired character traits, support the desire for self-improvement. Participants take turns calling the time of the year and, accordingly, are grouped into four groups. Each subgroup receives a rule (and must depict it) personality formation on an A4 sheet in free form.

Rule 1

In the morning, make every effort to leave the house in the best possible way. During the day, try to look in the mirror to make sure you look attractive. Praise yourself before bed. You are the best.

Rule 2

Don't focus on your shortcomings. Everyone has them. After all, most people either do not notice or do not know that you have them. The less you think about them, the better you feel.

Rule 3

Don't be too critical of others. If you often emphasize the vices of other people, and such criticism has become a habit for you, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will think that your clothes and appearance are the best basis for criticism. It doesn't add confidence.

Rule 4

Remember that people like listeners the most. You don't have to say a lot of witty lines to get attention and affection. Listen carefully to others and they will respect you. Talk mainly on a topic that is pleasant for your interlocutor, take an interest in his affairs and show a sincere interest in his hobbies. After completing the preparation, each subgroup presents its own rule. Participants exchange views on how these rules are typical for them.

Exercise "Finish the phrase"

Purpose: to increase the self-esteem of the participants. Participants take turns saying the following:

Today I found out that I...

I was pleased when...

Exercise "Wish Flower"

Purpose: relaxation.

For this exercise, a flowering flowerpot, a violet bush are used, which are passed to each participant in turn in the training. Having passed the flower, they say wishes: "I wish you ...". The psychologist thanks the participants for their sincerity and cooperation.