Systems of lifelong learning college university. Lifelong education system

While studying at the college, our students receive several levels of education, which include: compulsory secondary (complete) general education, secondary vocational education of a basic or advanced level, have the right to continue their education without entrance examinations in specialized institutions, in an abbreviated form of education provided Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Students who successfully pass the final milestone receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education with an application in Russian. Many students graduate from our college with two documents, one of which is international. For the entire period of study, students retain a deferment from military service and are provided with travel benefits. In its education, our college is guided by the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) and uses several forms of education.

The form of daytime education involves a daily attendance of training sessions according to the schedule and the terms of study are established by the educational FSES of the specialty. With part-time education, the terms of your study will increase by one year. Students also study in an accelerated form of study - an external study, which involves attending classes on an individual schedule and applies only to some specialties.


Professional college classes Secondary vocational education (Basic level) Secondary vocational education (Advanced level) Russian and foreign universities: an abbreviated form of education
Reception at the base
8-11 grades
Admission based on 9 classes Admission based on grades 10 and 11 Based on open source software (Basic level) On the basis of SPO (Basic and advanced level)
Transfer to the 1st year of college without entrance exams and at a privileged (preferential) cost Mandatory passing the Unified State Examination and obtaining the State Certificate
for 11 classes
Obtaining a State Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education. Continuing education in partner universities on a privileged (preferential) basis, employment of graduates. Employment in Russia and abroad.

I would like to pay special attention to the system of continuing education "SCHOOL-COLLEGE-HIGH SCHOOL" and multi-profile (professional) classes of "CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE", which, for several years now, have been opened as part of the City program "Capital Education", approved by the Department of Education of Moscow , and work on the system of continuous education in the conditions of the organization, on the basis of schools, special classes / college groups, to implement a network model of profile education within the framework of the socio-economic and social-humanitarian profile at the senior level of secondary school.

This program is not just called the “Start in Life”, high school students are given a unique opportunity to get their first specialty within the walls of the school, try their hand at studying professional disciplines and make the right choice of profession. In the 9th, 10th and 11th grades, not just students study, but economists, managers, accountants - those who have already chosen their profession today and are receiving the necessary knowledge. This means that high school students have the opportunity to receive secondary specialized education without interrupting their schoolwork, followed by training at our college and institute in an abbreviated form. Our college works and fruitfully cooperates with many state and commercial higher educational institutions, both in Moscow and in the regions of our country, not only in the framework of student education, but also in the development of new scientific and methodological materials and innovative training programs. All institutions recommended by the college admission committee have a contractual basis and are direct participants in the continuing education program "SCHOOL - COLLEGE - UNIVERSITY".

The main objective of this program "Colleges at Institutes in Moscow" is the correct orientation of the student in choosing a profession. The goal, which is not only to develop interest in the specialty, but also to prepare the basis for a more in-depth study of the course at the level of secondary vocational and higher vocational education. This program of study is based on the principle of continuity of educational programs and means that general education programs at the school level smoothly transition into more complex professional programs.

To do this, we use the end-to-end standardization of educational programs, which is based on the common goals of the entire system of continuous education (the "exit" from one educational program naturally matches the "entrance" to the next one). Therefore, the program practiced by us not only professionally orients future workers, starting from school, provides in-depth training in the specialty related to continuity in teaching, but also contributes to the intensification of research activities of teachers and students, increasing the guarantees of further employment of graduates.

Today, the labor market imposes requirements not so much on the level of theoretical knowledge of an employee, but on professional and practical skills and abilities acquired during training. "CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE" cooperates with various organizations in the main areas of its activity: authorities and public administration, research organizations, large financial and trading companies, cultural institutions and state universities in Moscow and Russia. Long-term, partnership cooperation with foreign organizations and foreign (international) educational institutions has been established.

After graduating not only from secondary vocational schools, but also from universities, “newly minted” specialists face the problem of primary employment in their specialty. Basically, enterprises and organizations, under various pretexts, refuse job seekers without work experience or attract them to positions that do not correspond to the assigned qualifications.

In turn, the College concluded agreements on the passage of industrial, pre-diploma practice by the students of the College. The heads of partner enterprises are included in the State Attestation Commission (SAC) and upon graduation, the best students work in profiling positions in places of internship. This allows our graduates to get specialized work experience, which is the first step in professional career growth.

Thus, the education continuity program we use is an organization of a system of interaction between a general education school, our College, a university and a partner enterprise, which allows not only to get a decent education, reduce costs and terms of training, but also to get a job in the acquired specialty.

The Academy of MNEPU offers a new program of continuous education: "school - college - university".

Profile parallel training "school-college" at the MNEPU Academy is an integral part of the educational program of continuing professional education "school-college-university".

The system of continuous education is a response to the demands of modern society to maximize individual abilities, to take into account the interests and inclinations of students more fully. Students in grades 10-11 have a unique opportunity to receive a diploma of secondary specialized education in parallel with their studies at school.


  • Rational use of environmental complexes
  • Law and organization of social security
  • Economics and accounting (by industry)
  • Applied Informatics (by industry)
  • Operational activities in logistics

I step:
Parallel education at school and college on the basis of 9 classes:
(regardless of the forms of education (full-time, part-time, (on Saturday) part-time (classical form), part-time (distance technologies).
Term 2 years.

II step:
After completing grade 11, continue your education in college:
Full-time education. Term - 1 year
Part-time (on Saturdays). Term - 1.5 years
Correspondence (classic form). Term - 1.5 years
Correspondence (remote technologies). Term - 1 year 10 months.

III step:
College graduates are enrolled in undergraduate programs according to an individual study plan. Term - 3 years at the university (full-time education).
Part-time (on Saturdays)
Correspondence (classic form)
Correspondence (remote technologies)

At the end of the "school - college - university" program, the graduate receives the following state documents:

    diploma of secondary vocational education

    Diploma of Higher Education


  • openness

Secondary vocational education, and subsequently higher vocational education at the MNEPU Academy, is available to every student who wishes to receive it.

  • Subsequence

The sequence of studying disciplines is determined by the state standards of secondary vocational education. The principle of interdependent disciplines is obligatory.

  • Continuity

Simultaneous receipt of secondary and secondary vocational education, with subsequent education at the university.

  • Practicality

Reducing the terms of training in obtaining secondary vocational and higher education, deferment from the army. There is no need to take the third subject in the exam.

The MNEPU Academy College has been operating since 2000, has a license and state accreditation. Graduates receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education, and if they continue their studies at our university (after the MNEPU college) - a 10% discount on the first semester of study.

Educational project of the college of the Academy of Sciences of VET “MANO”
Parallel education "School - College - University"

invites students 10 - 11 grades
in parallel with studying at school, to receive secondary vocational education under the training programs for mid-level specialists:

Name of specialties Qualification

Terms of study

based on 9 classes

1. Organization and technology of information security Information Security Technician 3 years 11 months
2. Analytical quality control of chemical compounds Technician 3 years 11 months
3. Oil and gas processing Technologist 3 years 11 months
4. Insurance business (by industry) Insurance business specialist 2 years 11 months
5. Commerce (by industry) Sales Manager 2 years 11 months
6. Finance Financier 2 years 11 months


Banking Specialist 2 years 11 months
8. Law and judicial administration

Judicial Administration Specialist

2 years 11 months
9. Tourism Tourism Specialist 2 years 11 months

Preschool education

Educator of preschool children 3 years 11 months

Teaching in elementary grades

Primary school teacher 3 years 11 months

Special preschool education

Educator of preschool children with developmental disabilities and with safe development 3 years 11 months

Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education

Teacher of primary classes and primary classes of compensatory and correctional-developing education 3 years 11 months

Benefits of the "School + College + University" program for educational organizations:

  • improving the performance indicators of educational organizations;
  • increasing the employment rates of graduates;
  • preservation of the contingent in 10, 11 classes;
  • improving the performance and quality of career guidance work.

Features of the educational process

1. After graduating from grade 9, you go to college, get a student ID and a grade book.

2. The first two years you master the school curriculum of grades 10, 11 (directly at school) and in parallel - college disciplines in the chosen specialty.

3. After graduating from the 11th grade of the school, you get a certificate and go to the 3rd year of study at the college, where you study for 11 months (1 year and 11 months) depending on the chosen specialty.
Based on the results of the training, a state-recognized diploma of secondary vocational education is issued.

4. After graduating from college, you can continue your studies at universities.

Final certification of students - defense of the final qualification work.
After graduating from the program of secondary vocational education and defending the final qualifying work, graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education state sample of the Russian Federation .

Cost of education: 12 000 rubles per year .

Entrance tests:

  • NO/ USE results are not required

Benefits of studying at the College of AS VET "MANO"

1. College graduates have the opportunity to enter the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (Financial University) in the following areas:

  • Finance and credit;
  • Accounting, analysis and audit;
  • Management;
  • State and municipal administration;

2. Training without separation from the place of residence and from the work process;

3. Saving time and money for training;

4. Individual schedule of the educational process;

5. Distance learning using a personal account;

6. Opportunity to study simultaneously in two or more specialties;

7. Document on education: state diploma of secondary vocational education with qualification.

The list of required documents for admission to the College:

  • Agreement (2 copies)
  • Document on education and (or) qualifications (certificate, diploma)
  • Identification document (passport), copy
  • Copy of TIN, SNILS
  • 4 photos (3x4 format)

Applications are accepted EVERY month!

The system of specialized parallel education "school-college-university"

Program for those who want by combining studies at our school to get a secondary vocational education, and then higher under a reduced program. You continue to study at school, and at the same time become a college student. After graduation, you continue your education in college and receive a diploma of secondary vocational education. This will allow you to both work in your specialty and enter a university without an exam.

Since 2017, the program of specialized parallel education "school-college-university" has been implemented in the PI secondary school "Stolichny-KIT".

The system of parallel education is designed for graduates of grades 9-11, who study at the college, in the specialties of secondary vocational education and simultaneously wish to continue their studies at school.

You do not need to choose: school, technical school or institute. To date, the system of parallel professional education has fully proved its advantage in the professional growth of the individual and the demand for specialists in the labor market.

After graduating from our school, you continue your education in college, and after graduation you become a certified specialist with a secondary vocational education. This will allow two years earlier than their peers to start officially working in their specialty.

Thus, you will receive an additional degree of freedom in determining your future.

A student of grades 9-10 becomes both a college student (full-time education) and a student of the Stolichny-KIT secondary school (family education).

Education in college and school is structured in such a way that in two years a student-student receives a certificate of secondary (complete) general education at school and masters a two-year program of the chosen specialty of secondary vocational education in college.

School graduates who have not passed the Unified State Examination and have not received a certificate of secondary (complete) general education will still be able to continue their studies at the college and after graduating from the college, they study at the college's partner institutes under an abbreviated program.

The use of associated programs with the Institute in the educational process of the college allows college graduates to enter the Institute for the 3rd year under accelerated reduced programs.

Here's what it looks like in practice:

  1. Students in grades 9-11 study at the college in parallel with the school.
  2. Upon graduation, they receive a certificate of basic general education. They have the opportunity to try their hand at entering a university or continue their education in a college.
  3. Upon graduation from the college receive a diploma of secondary vocational education in the chosen profession.
  4. They are employed in companies that cooperate with the college, according to their profession.
  5. They continue to improve their professional level at the university according to an abbreviated educational program, i.e. enter the university (partner of the College) after graduating from college for the 2nd year.

Thus, the time saved for becoming a professional with higher education and practical work experience is 2-3 years, depending on the chosen profession.

This program is a complex of levels of education in educational institutions that ensure the continuity and interconnection of all levels of secondary general, secondary vocational and higher professional education, taking into account social and economic needs, personal educational aspirations and opportunities. One of the promising means in achieving the goal and career growth. It is parallel training that opens the way for a young specialist and makes it possible to bypass the difficulties of constantly changing and improving legislation in the field of education.

Simultaneous study program at the CHU secondary school "Stolichny-KIT" and the college is the way to independence and self-development!