Sredneuralskaya thermal power plant (35 photos). Sredneuralsk GRES

The first mention of the Sredneuralsk State District Power Plant is contained in the "Plan for the National Economic Construction of the USSR" for the first five years. The general "Plan for the electrification of the Urals" planned the creation of a "Middle Urals main power line, based on 3 large district centrals - southern (Chelyabinsk), northern (Gubakhinsk) and Sredneuralsk.

On August 31, 1930, the Energy Center decided to build the Sredneuralskaya State District Power Plant, which was supposed to cover the energy shortage in the Urals. In October 1930, Leningrad specialists, designers, surveyors, and geologists appeared on the shores of Lake Isetskoye.

“On the territory of present-day Sredneuralsk there were dense forests and swampy swamps inhabited by various animals and game. It was dangerous to go into the forest without a weapon... At first there were no cars at the construction site. All work was done by hand or horse-drawn…”
The construction department was organized in the village of Koptyaki, largely because of this, it was the inhabitants of Koptyaki who helped in the study of the lake, cleared the tracks, uprooted the stumps.

Despite the frequent turnover of construction managers and the lack of building materials and equipment, as well as the absence of a railway, SUGRES was still being built.

To speed up the pace of construction, Sergo Orzhonikidze, People's Commissar for Heavy Industry, sent Aleksey Kotomin to the Sredneuralskaya GRES with a group of qualified Leningrad power engineers who had just launched the Dubrovskaya GRES. Aleksey Anatolyevich Kotomin was able to organize the construction so that after 2 years - on January 5, 1936, the first turbine with a capacity of 50 MW, which was manufactured at the Leningrad plant, was put into operation at the Sredneuralskaya GRES.

In 1937, the second turbine was put into operation, and in 1939, the third turbine unit was put into operation.

During the Great Patriotic War, the staff of the Sredneuralskaya GRES sent a quarter of the workers to the front. SUGRES supplied Uralvagonzavod with electricity - it produced a third of all tanks built in the USSR during the war years, as well as many other defense enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region.

April 1, 1945 Sredneuralskaya GRES was awarded the Order of Lenin. On April 17, 1945, the Red Banner of the State Defense Committee was transferred to the power plant staff for eternal storage.

In 1949, turbine unit No. 5 with a capacity of 34 MW was put into operation. It was a captured turbine from Germany, received under a reparation agreement. Previously, she warmed the Reichstag. The turbine has its own "zest" - unlike other machines, it rotates in the opposite direction. Thus, the construction of the first stage with a capacity of 234 MW was completed: 8 medium-pressure boilers 200 t/h and 5 turbine units.

In 1950-1953, SUGRES for the first time in the country carried out comprehensive automation of thermal processes. In 1954, a new type of fuel was mastered - Ekibastuz coal.

Since 1962, the supply of heat to two cities began along the SUGRES - Sverdlovsk heating main, unique at that time, 26 km long. Since the 1960s, the construction of the second phase of the SUGRES with a capacity of 238 MW has been underway. This was the second birth of the power plant. Thus, in the 1960s, a powerful heat and power complex was put into operation at SUGRES, providing the supply of up to 1150 Gcal / h of heat energy and 2000 tons of hot water per hour for heat supply and hot water supply of the cities of Sverdlovsk, Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk with a total population of more than one million people.

To improve the heat supply of Sverdlovsk, by the end of 1966, the first stage of the power plant was reconstructed: 3 turbines were transferred to heating, and 2 of 50 MW and 2 boilers of 200 t / h were dismantled.

In connection with the growing needs of the regional center in heat energy, in 1964, the expansion of SUGRES began. In 1967-70. - the third phase of the power plant with a capacity of 900 MW was commissioned - three power units of 300 MW each: K-300-240 LMZ turbines and TGMP-114 boilers with a capacity of 950 tons of steam per hour.

In 1978, the power plant was awarded the high title of "Communist Labor Enterprise".

In 1982, the first phase of the power plant was switched from coal to natural gas, with fuel oil as a reserve fuel.

In 1985, SUGRES commissioned a complex for treating water to feed the heating network with a capacity of 6,000 t/h with the supply of source water through a water conduit from the Volchikhinsky reservoir. Such filtration facilities have never been used in the power industry before.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, SUGRES was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for achieving high technical and economic performance of power equipment by Decree of April 29, 1986.

More than once Sredneuralskaya GRES became the winner of social competitions. In total, SUGRES stores 10 banners-relics, presented to the team for valiant work.

In 1993, for the first time in the country, a 300 MW power unit was reconstructed with its transfer to the heating mode.

In 2002, a gas turbine expansion station (GTES) with a capacity of 11.5 thousand MW was launched - a new process unit designed to use excess pressure energy.

Today Sredneuralskaya GRES is part of Enel Russia. Enel Russia also includes Reftinskaya GRES (Sverdlovsk Region), Konakovskaya GRES (Tver Region) and Nevinnomysskaya GRES (Stavropol Territory).

On July 25, 2011, Enel OGK-5 (now Enel Russia) launched a new 410 MW combined-cycle plant (CCGT-410) at Sredneuralskaya GRES.

In 2013, a new water disinfection unit was put into commercial operation at SUGRES, which made it possible to replace and remove dangerous liquid chlorine from the technological cycle.

The liquidation of the equipment will make it possible to exclude the SUGRES chlorination station from the register of hazardous production facilities. In addition, a long-term (calculated until 2017) program for stocking the Iset reservoir with fish has been developed and accepted for implementation. According to it, the Reftinskiy fish farm will raise one hundred thousand underyearlings of white carp and about two hundred and sixty thousand underyearlings of silver carp for power engineers. Of these, twenty thousand and 51,806 fry have already been released into the reservoir, respectively.

Today I will tell you about Sredneuralskaya, the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, State District Power Plant, which is located in the city of Sredneuralsk on the shores of Lake Isetskoye in the Sverdlovsk Region. This is one of the most experienced power plants in our country. Its first turbogenerator, with a capacity of 50 MW, was put into operation on January 6, 1936. Therefore, now, using the set of equipment installed at the station, it is possible to study the history of the development of not only the energy sector of the Urals, but also the country as a whole: from the turbines of the 30s, 300 MW power units, to the modern combined cycle power unit (CCGT-419 MW), which was introduced into operation in 2011. By the way, it was the Sredneuralskaya power plant that was the first in the country to be designed and built without the participation of foreign specialists. At the moment, Sredneuralskaya GRES is also one of the largest heat sources in the Sverdlovsk Region: it accounts for about 30% of the heat and hot water supply consumed by Yekaterinburg, and about 100% of the needs of nearby cities: Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk. The share of electricity generation by SUGRES in the energy system of the Sverdlovsk region is about 10%. During its operation, it has already generated over 400 billion kWh of electricity and over 200 million Gcal of heat.

The first mention of the Sredneuralsk State District Power Plant is contained in the "Plan for the National Economic Construction of the USSR" for the first five years. The general “Plan for the electrification of the Urals” planned the creation of a “Middle Urals main power line based on 3 large district centrals - southern (Chelyabinsk), northern (Gubakhinsk) and Sredneuralsk. The first specialists (designers, geodesists, geologists, etc.) appeared in these parts already in October 1930. The construction department was organized in the village of Koptyaki, largely because of this, it was the inhabitants of Koptyakov who helped in the study of the lake The construction of the power plant began in 1931, and enthusiasts from all over our country came here almost immediately. a new city appeared on our map - Sredneuralsk. did you decide to build the station in this place? Firstly, water is needed for the construction of thermal power plants, Isetskoye Lake is an excellent place, because it is one of the most abundant in the Middle Urals. Secondly, as it turned out, the Iset-Ayat peatlands were located not far from the future station, so to speak, the future fuel base of the state district power station. Thirdly, the demand was not long in coming. Just about 20 km away is Sverdlovsk, where not far from the construction sites of Uralmash, the country's largest "train factory" - the Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochny station - was being completed nearby.


As elsewhere at that time, construction was carried out by hand. Everything was learned on the spot, of course, not everything worked out right away. For example, the foundation of the first generator was poured with concrete a third of a meter above the norm, it was necessary to manually beat off everything superfluous with jackhammers. Or here. Since the railway station where the goods arrived was located on the other side of the lake, the goods had to be reloaded onto barges and pontoons, and in winter they had to travel 6 km on ice. And once a 26-ton low-pressure turbine rotor was accidentally dropped, and it again had to be sent for repair to Leningrad. Despite the frequent turnover of construction managers and the lack of building materials and equipment, as well as the absence of a railway, SUGRES was gradually built. To speed up the pace of construction, Sergo Orzhonikidze, People's Commissar for Heavy Industry, sent Aleksey Kotomin to the Sredneuralskaya GRES with a group of qualified Leningrad power engineers who had just launched the Dubrovskaya GRES. As a result, on January 6, 1936, at 16:30, the first turbine with a capacity of 50 MW was launched, which was manufactured at the Leningrad plant. This date is considered the official birthday of the station. March 29, 1937 earned and the second turbine. The act of acceptance of SUGRES into operation was signed only in 1938. And on July 6, 1939, the third turbine unit was put into operation.

3. Lifting a locomobile at the construction site of the Sredneuralskaya State District Power Plant, 1931.

During the war, SUGRES supplied electricity to Uralvagonzavod, which manufactured a third of all tanks built in the Soviet Union during the war years, and many other defense enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region. It is important to note that all state production plans were not only fulfilled, but also exceeded. And this despite the fact that several hundred power engineers from the station went to the front, and they were replaced by wives and children who learned the basics right in practice. And in August 1943, the 6th boiler, evacuated from the Stalinogorsk State District Power Plant, came into operation. The power plant has become one of the most reliable in the region and has become one of the leading power plants in the Urals. And you know, the award has found its hero. On April 1, 1945, the Sredneuralskaya GRES was awarded the Order of Lenin, and in May 1945 it was awarded the Red Banner of the State Defense Committee for eternal storage. In total, SUGRES now stores 10 banners-relics, presented to the team for valiant work. And by a decree of April 29, 1986 of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, SUGRES was also awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for achieving high technical and economic performance of power equipment.


5. No, it’s not like that, let journalists and important delegations walk along a safe route, for bloggers everything is only the most delicious. And they met me halfway ... of course, in compliance with all safety requirements.

After the war, Sredneuralskaya GRES was actively modernized and increased its capacity. So by 1949, the construction of the first stage of the state district power plant with a capacity of 234 MW was completed: 8 boilers and 5 turbine units. In 1950-1953, SUGRES for the first time in the country carried out comprehensive automation of thermal processes. And in 1954, the Sredneuralsk power engineers were the first in our country to start developing coal from the Ekibastuz deposit. Its cheapness and large reserves brought the station to new heights. True, we had to work hard to switch to a new type of fuel, for this we had to almost completely reconstruct the equipment. Another interesting fact. In the mid-60s, a unique heating main SUGRES-Sverdlovsk was built, 26 kilometers long. This one was even noted in the Guinness Book of Records. This heating main significantly increased the reliability of heat supply to the residents of Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sverdlovsk, and due to the elimination of several hundred small solid fuel boiler houses, it greatly improved the environmental situation in Sverdlovsk itself.


Since the 1960s, the construction of the second phase of SUGRES with a capacity of 238 MW began, which was completed on December 26, 1966 with the commissioning of turbine unit No. 8 with a capacity of 38 thousand kilowatts - this was the second birth of the enterprise. Since 1969, a new stage in the development of SUGRES began - the installation of the most powerful and most modern for those times three power units (K-300-240 LMZ turbines and TGMP-114 boilers with a capacity of 950 tons of steam per hour), with a capacity of 300 MW each. This made the station one of the largest and at the same time economical in the Urals energy system. Subsequently, two of the three commissioned power units were converted into heating units to supply heat to consumers. By the way, in the early 1970s, 8 chimneys of KTC-1 were dismantled at SUGRES. Their functions were taken over by one new chimney. Life has become better, life has become happier. Today the Sredneuralsk power plant has 4 pipes. In 2011, the waste heat boiler of the new CCGT unit was also connected to chimney No. 4, 100 meters high.


In 1982, the first stage of the power plant was switched from coal to natural gas, fuel oil became a reserve fuel. In 1993, for the first time in the country, a 300 MW power unit was reconstructed with its transfer to the heating mode. In 1985, SUGRES commissioned a complex for treating water to feed the heating network with a capacity of 6,000 t/h with the supply of source water through a water conduit from the Volchikhinsky reservoir. Previously, such filtering facilities were not used in the energy sector.

8. These fuel supply racks are already history, because since 1982 the Sredneuralskaya GRES switched from coal to natural gas.

Today, Sredneuralskaya GRES is part of PJSC Enel Russia (which also includes Reftinskaya GRES (Sverdlovsk Region), Konakovskaya GRES (Tver Region) and Nevinnomysskaya GRES (Stavropol Territory)), established in 2004 as a result of the reform of RAO UES of Russia . In turn, Enel Russia is part of the large international energy group Enel (headquartered in Rome), which is represented in 34 countries on 5 continents. The company owns and manages assets in the field of traditional and renewable energy, with a total installed electric capacity of about 88 GW. Enel Group provides electricity to about 72 million consumers worldwide, owns and maintains transmission lines with a length of more than 2.2 million kilometers. The Group employs approximately 63,000 people worldwide.


Today Sredneuralskaya GRES consists of several parts: 1st stage - three medium pressure boilers; 2nd stage - three high-pressure boilers and three turbine units with a capacity of 100, 100 and 38 MW; 3rd stage - three blocks of supercritical parameters with a capacity of 310 MW, 300 MW and 300 MW; 4th stage - CCGT unit, with a capacity of 419 MW. The station also has a gas turbine expansion station with a capacity of 11.5 MW. In the meantime, we are already in the turbine hall.


So, in Soviet times, five turbines worked at the station. Turbines No. 1, 2, 4 were produced at the Leningrad Metal Plant. Stalin, No. 3 - from the Swedish company Brown Boveri and No. 5 manufactured by Siemens-Schuckertwerke. So, we'll start with number 1. Look, what a beauty born in 1931, energy connoisseurs will definitely understand. True, turbines No. 3 and No. 4 were dismantled in the late 60s.


It is considered one of the first three turbines that were produced by the Leningrad Metal Plant. Stalin (by the way, in the 70s, due to the debunking of the cult of Stalin, the name of the plant was boarded up, most importantly, well done for keeping it). So it was launched on January 6, 1936.


And here is another interesting car. This turbine, number 5, was delivered to SUGRES from defeated Germany under a reparation agreement. Incidentally, she supplied electricity and heated the Reichstag. It was dismantled from the Reichstag in 1947 (according to the generator that comes with it, there is evidence that it was launched in 1930. Most likely, the turbine itself has been operating since then), and in 1949 it was already in service. By the way, unlike other turbines, it rotates in the opposite direction. On this occasion, they say, they used to joke that “she is working against the Soviet regime” :).

13. Now there is a dismantling of historical equipment.

An interesting fact from the series:

At the end of 2017, SUGRES set a record for heat output - 210 million Gcal. To present this value, it is enough to say that 62,000 schools can be heated with this amount of heat during the year.

On May 4, 2018, the historical value of generation was recorded at Sredneuralskaya GRES. Let me remind you that since the launch of the first turbine unit (January 6, 1936), the power plant has generated 400 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. In other words, this amount of electricity would be enough to provide Yekaterinburg for 26 years or Moscow and the Moscow region for 3 years.




17. Another self, this time with Dmitry Geld, the director of the station, he showed it to me in all its glory.

18. Block control panel.

19. Boiler room.

In 2013, a new water disinfection unit was put into operation at Sredneuralskaya GRES, which makes it possible to replace and withdraw from the technological cycle dangerous liquid chlorine. The dose of the water disinfecting agent used in the new equipment is much lower than traditional chlorination, while it is more effective in combating harmful microorganisms. This helps to reduce toxic chloroform in treated drinking water by more than 10 times, which significantly improves the consumer quality of water and makes it safer for the population.

20. Chemical water treatment shop.

21. And so, with regard to ecology, these guys are simply crazy on this topic. Greenery is everywhere! Whatever the transition, the botanical garden.

22. Look, even your pineapples are already in Sredneuralsk for the norm.

Another environmental project recently implemented at the station is the installation of noise-absorbing equipment. Thus, at the end of 2017, 10 noise suppressors were installed at power unit No. 10, and in 2018, another 12 noise suppressors were installed at power units No. 9 and No. 11. They make it possible to minimize the noise impact from the outflowing high-pressure steam during start-up operations or equipment shutdowns, which is very important for Sredneuralsk, since many houses are very close to the power plant.


In September 2008, SUGRES began construction of a new combined cycle plant (CCGT-410) with a capacity of 410 MW. On July 25, 2011, its official launch took place. True, on January 1, 2017, Sredneuralskaya GRES decommissions time-tested turbogenerators No. 1, 2, 5 (with a total capacity of 78 MW), as well as boiler units No. 2, 6. Yes, the station is losing power, but it is growing in efficiency. Thus, at present, the installed electric capacity of SUGRES is 1578.5 MW, and in terms of heat - 1327 Gcal.


25. Well done Italians, do not hesitate to invest their money in our energy.


As for the main equipment of the CCGT, there is a 140 MW heating steam turbine (manufactured by SKODA Power, Czech Republic) and a fourth-generation gas turbine manufactured by General Electric with a capacity of 280 MW, as well as a waste heat boiler: vertical type. The turbine is designed for a temperature of 1300 °C. Thanks to this equipment, the efficiency of the CCGT power unit reaches 57%.

26. Steam turbine


34. Power transformer



Continuing the topic of ecology, I would also like to note that since 2013, power engineers in the Middle Urals have released about 300,000 fish of valuable species into the Iset reservoir, mainly grass carp and silver carp. The Iset reservoir, according to experts, is just the perfect habitat for such herbivorous fish. They, feeding on phytoplankton, cleanse the reservoir of excess vegetation, thereby improving water quality. Also, fish protection devices were installed to reduce the impact of the power plant's production cycle on the ichthyofauna of the Isetskoye reservoir by preventing aquatic biological resources from entering the SUGRES water intake.


38. Many thanks to the entire press service of PJSC Enel Russia for such an exciting and informative tour of the power plant!

Р. S. Dear owners and shareholders, representatives of the press services of companies, marketing departments and other interested parties, if your company has something to show - "How it's done and why it's so!", we are always happy to take part. Feel free to write to us yourself[email protected] and tell us about yourself by inviting us to visit YOU. Take a cue from the leaders!

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Sredneuralskaya GRES is a thermal gas power plant with a total installed electric capacity of 1578.5 MW. The installed heat capacity of the station is 1327 Gcal/h. Natural gas is used as the main fuel at Sredneuralskaya GRES.

Sredneuralskaya GRES is a thermal gas power plant with a total installed electric capacity of 1578.5 MW. The installed heat capacity of the station is 1327 Gcal/h. Natural gas is used as the main fuel at Sredneuralskaya GRES. The power plant is located 16 km from Yekaterinburg.

Sredneuralskaya GRES consists of several parts: 1st stage - five medium pressure boilers and three turbine units with a capacity of 16, 46 and 16 MW; 2nd stage - three high-pressure boilers and three turbine units with a capacity of 100, 100 and 38 MW; 3rd stage - two duplicate blocks of supercritical parameters with a capacity of 310 and 300 MW; 4th stage - one double block of supercritical parameters with a capacity of 300 MW; CCGT unit with a capacity of 419 MW. The station also has a gas turbine expansion station with a capacity of 11.5 MW. Sredneuralskaya GRES is one of the largest heat sources in the energy system of the Sverdlovsk region, it accounts for about 30% of the heat and hot water consumed by Yekaterinburg, and about 100% of the needs of the nearby cities of Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk. The share of electricity generation by SUGRES in the energy system of the Sverdlovsk region is about 10%.

Construction history

On January 6, 1936, the first turbine generator was put into operation, in 1937 the second turbine, and in 1939 the third turbine unit was put into operation. April 1, 1945 Sredneuralskaya GRES was awarded the Order of Lenin. On April 17, 1945, the Red Banner of the State Defense Committee was transferred to the power plant staff for eternal storage. By 1949, the construction of the first stage of the state district power station with a capacity of 234 MW was completed: 8 boilers and 5 turbine units. In 1950-1953, SUGRES for the first time in the country carried out comprehensive automation of thermal processes. In 1954, a new type of fuel was mastered - Ekibastuz coal. In the 1960s, a powerful heat and power complex was put into operation at SUGRES, providing the supply of up to 1150 Gcal / hour of heat energy and 2000 tons of hot water per hour, and a unique heating main Sredneuralsk-Sverdlovsk with a length of 26 kilometers was built. The heating main significantly increased the reliability of supplying the residents of Sverdlovsk and Verkhnyaya Pyshma with hot water, improved the environmental situation in Sverdlovsk by eliminating several hundred small solid fuel boiler houses. In 1982, the first phase of the power plant was switched from coal to natural gas, with fuel oil as a reserve fuel.

In 1985, SUGRES commissioned a complex for treating water to feed the heating network with a capacity of 6,000 t/h with the supply of source water through a water conduit from the Volchikhinsky reservoir. Such filtration facilities have never been used in the power industry before. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, SUGRES was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for achieving high technical and economic performance of power equipment by Decree of April 29, 1986. More than once Sredneuralskaya GRES became the winner of social competitions. In total, SUGRES stores 10 relic banners, which were awarded to the team for valiant work. In 2008, construction of a combined cycle plant began at SUGRES. Today, the installed capacity of the CCGT of Sredneuralskaya GRES is 419 MW.

Sredneuralskaya GRES today

Today, using the set of equipment presented at Sredneuralskaya GRES, one can study the history of the development of the energy sector in the Urals and the country: from turbines of the 30s, 300 MW power units, to a modern combined cycle power unit (CCGT-410 MW), which was commissioned by Enel in 2011 year.

Since the commissioning of the CCGT in 2011, the power plant specialists have been able to improve its efficiency. Thus, compared to 2011, the specific fuel consumption decreased by 10%, and the useful supply of electricity increased by 4%. According to the results of certification tests, the installed electric capacity of the CCGT has increased by 2% and amounts to 419 MW. Compared to 2012, heat supply increased by 80%.

Since 2011, the Sredneuralskaya GRES branch of Enel Russia has been certified in the field of labor protection and ecology for compliance with the international standards OHSAS 18001:2007 "Occupational health and safety management systems" and ISO 14001:2004 "Environmental management systems".

The effect of the certificate of the integrated management system (IMS) in the field of labor protection and ecology for compliance with international standards is annually confirmed during recertification and certification audits.

In 2013, a new water disinfection unit was put into operation at the state district power station, which makes it possible to replace and withdraw from the technological cycle dangerous liquid chlorine. The dose of the water disinfecting agent used in the new equipment is much lower than traditional chlorination, while it is more effective in combating harmful microorganisms. This helps to reduce toxic chloroform in treated drinking water by more than 10 times, which significantly improves the consumer quality of water and makes it safer for the population.

Since 2013, at the initiative of the power plant, over 114.5 thousand fish of valuable species have been released into the Iset reservoir. During the construction of the CCGT onshore pumping station, Sredneuralskaya GRES installed a fish protection device designed to reduce the impact of the power plant's production cycle on the ichthyofauna of the Isetskoye reservoir by preventing aquatic biological resources from entering the SUGRES water intake.

Over 80 years of operation, Sredneuralskaya GRES has generated over 380 billion kWh of electricity and over 200 million Gcal of heat.

In 2015, the company announced the completion of a large-scale project for the technical re-equipment and modernization of the heating complex of Sredneuralskaya GRES. The company allocated about 1.7 billion rubles for the implementation of the project, which created an additional opportunity to use more reliable equipment to provide consumers with thermal energy. The measures taken made it possible to increase the reliability and efficiency of the GRES equipment during the autumn-winter period, ensuring a stable heat supply to consumers, as well as improve the working conditions of the power plant personnel.

Sredneuralskaya GRES is a power plant of federal significance, SUGRES is located in the city of Sredneuralsk region. It is a branch of Wholesale Generating Company No. 5 ().

Description of SUGRES

Sredneuralskaya, the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, State District Power Plant - is located on the shores of Lake Isetskoye. The construction of SUGRES began in 1931, by 1949 the construction of the first stage of SUGRES with a capacity of 234 MW was completed: 8 boilers and 5 turbine units. The installed electric capacity of SUGRES is 1182 MW, the installed thermal capacity is 1327 Gcal/h. SUGRES supplies thermal energy to Yekaterinburg and its satellite towns. The main fuel is natural gas, the reserve fuel is fuel oil.

History of SUGRES

The history of Sredneuralskaya GRES is rich in significant events, behind which are wonderful people, enthusiasts and their work. Over the entire 70-year history of SUGRES, 366 of its workers have received state awards for their work. The fate of Sredneuralskaya GRES is connected with continuous development. Many advanced technologies in the energy sector of the Urals and Russia have received a start in life at SUGRES.

To improve the heat supply to the city of Sverdlovsk, by the end of 1966, the first stage of SUGRES was reconstructed: three turbines were transferred to heat supply, and two of 50 MW and a boiler bottom of 200 tons per hour were dismantled. In 1965-69, due to the growing needs of the regional center for heat, the second stage of SUGRES with a capacity of 238 MW was built - two T-100-130 and one R-38 turbines, three TGM-96 boilers with a capacity of 480 tons of steam per hour. In 1967-70, the third stage of SUGRES with a capacity of 900 MW was commissioned - three power units of 300 MW each: K-300-240LMZ turbines and TGMP 114 boilers with a capacity of 950 tons of steam per hour.

Heat supply to Yekaterinburg and Verkhnyaya Pyshma began to be carried out through a unique heating main of distant heat supply. Thus, in the 60s a powerful heating complex was put into operation, providing the supply of up to 1150 Gcal/hour of heat energy and 4000 tons of hot water per hour for heat supply and hot water supply of the cities of Yekaterinburg, Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk with a total population of more than one million Human. As a result of increasing the efficiency of operating equipment at the plant and introducing new technology, the specific consumption of standard fuel is 307 g / kWh, which indicates a relatively low cost of SUGRES products. Scheme of technical water supply of SUGRES - reverse, with a cooling lake with an area of ​​25 sq. km and a volume of 50 million cubic meters. Electric power of SUGRES is provided through outdoor switchgear 35,110,220 kV via 22 transmission lines.

And today SUGRES, as a city-forming enterprise, does a lot for the city, helping it solve social problems. Therefore, Sredneuralsk is also called the city of power engineers. SUGRES is located in the center of the energy loads of the Urals and makes a full contribution to meeting its energy needs. The capacity of SUGRES today

Sredneuralskaya GRES is a power plant of federal significance, which is located on the shores of Lake Isetskoye, 25 km from Yekaterinburg. The station is part of PJSC Enel Russia.

The main task of the station is to supply thermal energy to the city of Yekaterinburg and its satellites.

At present, the installed electric capacity of the GRES, which includes 9 power units, is 1578.5 MW (including the GTRS, whose capacity is 11.5 MW), and the installed thermal capacity is 1327 Gcal/h.

The main fuel of the station is natural gas, and fuel oil is used as a reserve fuel.

The decision to build the Sredneuralskaya GRES was made on August 31, 1930, while work on the construction of the first GRES in the USSR, which was designed without the involvement of foreign specialists, started in 1931. In addition, Sredneuralskaya GRES was the first power plant in the country to be fully equipped with domestically produced equipment.

Despite the fact that the launch of the first power unit of the GRES took place on January 6, 1936, its first stage with equipment designed for medium steam pressure (5 turbine units and 8 boilers) and a total capacity of 234 MW was put into operation in 1949- ohm.

From 1963 to 1966, equipment of the second stage (3 turbines and 3 boiler units) was put into operation, the total capacity of which was 238 MW. This line was necessary to provide thermal energy to Sverdlovsk (since 1991 Yekaterinburg). From 1967 to 1970, the third stage was put into operation with equipment designed for ultra-high steam pressure (3 double blocks of 300 MW each).

In 2008, the station began construction of a combined cycle plant (CCGT-410) with a capacity of 410 MW. Its launch took place on July 25, 2011. The efficiency of the new CCGT is about 58%.

On November 12, 2013, a new water disinfection unit was put into commercial operation at Sredneuralskaya GRES, which made it possible to replace and withdraw hazardous liquid chlorine from the enterprise's technological cycle.

Since 2013, Sredneuralskaya GRES has been implementing a five-year plan for stocking the Isetskoye reservoir with fish.

In 2016, SUGRES announced the completion of large-scale work on the technical re-equipment of the heat and power complex of the power plant. During the modernization, which began in 2014, an additional opportunity was created to use more reliable equipment to provide consumers with thermal energy. In particular, heat generation was redistributed to it at the expense of the previously unclaimed reserve of thermal power.

In 2017, the installed capacity of Sredneuralskaya GRES decreased by 78 MW due to the decommissioning of turbine generators No. 1, 2, 5. The decommissioning of this equipment was carried out as part of the modernization project of the heating complex, which was completed in 2016, which involved the exclusion of obsolete units from the heat production process for Yekaterinburg, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sredneuralsk. Thus, at present, the installed electric capacity of SUGRES is 1578.5 MW, the thermal capacity has remained the same - 1327 Gcal. Over the past 20 years, turbine generators No. 1, 2, 5 have generated over 4 billion kWh of electricity.